The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 24, 1901, Image 6

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SHORT $81,000.
kldtnt and Cashier el Vancouver, Wash.,
Ini'.ltution Culd net Stand tht DIs-
tract and Kitted Themselves.
Charles Brown and E. L. Cnnhy,
resident and enshler, respectively, of
b First National bank of Vancouver,
Wash., which has been closed by the
controller of the ciirrrcnoy, committed
aulelde by shooting themselves with
revolvers. Their bodies were fouud
lying together In a snmll clump of
bushes near the town. Both used the
same weapon, and Canity evldenty
died first, na the revolver was found
lu Brown's hands. Each put the
murr.le of the revolver In his mouth
and blew the top of his beau o.ff
Brown, who was 54 years of ago,
baa lived In Vancouver since 1802.
Canby was 52 yenrs-of ngc and was
well connected. A brother Is a pay
master In the United States nrmy.
Another brother committed suicide by
Jumping off the wharf at Vancouver
several years ago.
v line Bank Examiner Maxwell,
ho Is now In charge as receiver, has
lade no official statement. It is kuown
'at the bank has loaned n large sum
money on Insufficient security,
coordlng to his report to the con
oiler of the .currency there Is a short-
we of $S1,000 In the bunk's ncconnts,
'id It Is nndemtooil that a consldor-
ole portion of this amount wns
aned to Brown and ('nilby on their
rsoual notes.
and Prayer tha Mormon Proph
et la Rewarded.
'lation of President Joseph
people hns been read to
' the reorganized
Pay Saints at In-
titTnttn came
had In-
and pray-
I'en in the
i irums since
y them.
i conference
without a protest and thus becnine a
part of tne religion of 45.000 people,
by nil of whom It Is believed of di
vine origin. The revelation directs
that President Anderson be chosen to
till the vacancy In the quorum of 12;
that the rules of representation remain
. as they are till the growth of the
church renders a change necessary;
that two new stakes be established,
., one at Independence, Mo., and one at
i.iu:imin in.; tiiiii i ni cnnrcu proviue
i Vacts In Scandinavian, lerninn. .Tan.
'nfctoe. oitncuese and other languag
es ito the missions require: and that
UonuVyT. firllliths be sent to l'.nglnnd
In the TffffJyst of foreign missionary
work. Also Tiatjlte missionary work
of the church be -piOMKjited In Aus
tralia and tne Islands of luKtt'a.
ludga Allowsd Thet $12 for Hauling tolen
Hoga to Market, f
.vVemnrknble lustnncetho ndmln-
JsJjV n of justice In li K. Vie, Okln.,
Is reported, from Wmn county.
Ad Edward Dustlnyas. on trial
ore the probate JudXrou (l charge
ixnUijakiaaV''l'liat he took
2s V ila shown from the start, but
Ml question at' Issue wns their
Vf20 or over making ho theft a
Gillian- flense
olwirly proven thnt ttustln re-
u i'..i ror tne llogs from a deal
A vv
;omls, but Wntikomia wns n
.l from the nnlnt wliere the
a)uh -
,nirs we.
re taken, and the tint fimiiiv
(that .ustin wns entitled to ni
for trmsnm'tlmr tl,a l,r.-.
he mn'fkef. lie therefore allowed the
Iilel mi J ior naming tlie stolen hogs,
rhlcb reduced the crime to a misde
..niion and let him off u.itl, fin A. i
7 :
Flguraa of German Trade.
Jie values of Germany's foreign
ue. Including gold and silver, are:
nports. 6,042,000.000 marks, an In
case of 25!,out,OO0 marks; exports,
ril8,non,000 marks, an increase of
!4,0OO,0o0 murks; Imports from the
nlted States, 4.1!l,0oo,000 marks, oil
ase of 02,000,000 uinrks. A mark
! cental
I Mine take Ordered.
((Mil miners nftnllllnnt ITnn.1.
Jefferson couutts, Ohio, and
Isball. Ohio, Broollo and Ilan
Auntlcs. West. Vlrclrtln. f
firth Ohio mih-dlnfrU t hiiva Kit jii
A'd to strike, owing to tbe failure
lie committees of th mlnm-u' ...!
frutors' committees to reach a
i lenient at theli-
hist 'Port. Which flrtlmimnrl K,ilr1.,.,
midnight. Prohahlv ft (km nmn
nuocent white men were shot,
nps fatally, a negro was shot
Vr4iadly cut as the result of
rlch wfted by a crowd tf
I Kosedale. Kan., a suburb
I City. William Blanchnrd
V contents of a shotgun In
VI breast and wns taken to
. -where his wounds ore
iittal. One of Blanchard's
lown out bis face badly
id a big hole was torn in
oallng Station.
1 government has decld
a unfavorable reply to
t for a coaling station
t Indies. , . ,
v . .
od in Kentucky.
aged through-
l lday and fcnt
iivy ralu pre
d brought on
y, which run
's lu that sec
.liater recede
yetuin to their
of snow In Yel
't 1 a half foot
a. The peach
' f qd tbs fruit
The Helns smelter at Butte, Mont.,
wjis dnumged to the extent of $75,000
by fire.
A St. I.ouls, Mo., surgeon success
fully sewed three stitches In a living
man's heart.
The New York Central railroad car
shops at Hochester, N. Y., were burned;
loss, $iro,ooo.
An atttempt Is being made to break
up trat'llc lu Chinese female slaves at
Pan Francisco.
Mrs. II. B. Tnnnre shot and killed
her bushand and committed suicide, at
Mason City, in.
A new manganese Iron ore Held has
been discovered 12 miles soutn of Lit
tle (irnuue, lah,
The commissary scandal Is to be
thoroughly Investigated In both Manila
and Washington.
While playing In a sand bank, at Du
rant, I. T., four boys were crushed to
death In a cave-In.
Ilev. James Chalmers and Rev. Oil
ver Tompkins were murdered by na
tives In New tlulnea.
The president has appointed Samuel
T. Stapletnn, of West Virginia, consul
to New Laredo, Mexico.
Mllllam II. Pope, of Santa I'e, X.
M., has been iiHilnted special attorney
for the Pueblo Indians.
J. P. Morgan Is said to be contem
plating a priiiti-sliarlng or pension sys
tem for the steel combination.
Chni'h-s II. Sweeney, a wealthy cot
ton planter of tireenevllle, Ky., killed
bis wire and then committed suicide.
The transport Itosecrans hns arriv
ed at San 1'iiiucUco from Manila with
a portion of the Thirty. tlfth regiment.
tlnrrett 1. Ulpley was acquitted at
Frankfort. Ky., on the charge of com
plicity lu the killing of William tioc
bel. The National Association of Clothiers
has received an assurance that the
Chicago market will Join the organisa
tion. The Twenty-ninth and Thirty-second
regiment. I'nlted tSates volun
teers, arrived at San Francisco, Cnl.,
Fire at Birmingham, Aln.. destroyed
the street railway barn, :i." cars and
the Third Presbyterian church; loss,
At Milton. Cnl., John II. Oorhnm
shot and killed Oeorge B. McCarthy
and blew himself to pieces with giant
Four seniors of I'nlon seminary.
New York, have been declared unor
thodox by examiners nud refused or
dination. Two persons were fatally Injured nt
a lire In tln North AmerUnn Iron
works, Brooklyn, which caused n loss
of $47,001).
The Fulton Mills of the American
Woolen Company, nt Oswego, X. Y.,
closed, and l,.'oo men nud women lose
The section around Nlles. Mich.. Is
being so Hooded with bogus $" Rohl
pieces that business men are refusing
to accept gold.
Japan will aid reform movement In
China In order to overthrow the Man
elm dynasty which is under the dom
ination of Kussla,
The Chinese minister at Washington
will forward a memorial to his govern
ment suggesting certain reforms la
government policies.
The transport (inronne arrived at
San Francisco from Manila with the
Tnenty-Klxth regiment after a Ions
and stormy voyage.
Vice President and Manager Thom
as F. Ward, of the Lemurs National
Bank, nt Leniars, la., absconded with
$30,000 of the banks' funds.
At Memphis, Teiin., two men with
drnwn revolvers robbed Ben Marsh's
gambling house. They spent three
minutes lu the place and secured
(!en. MacArthur cables from Manila
that three otltcers, many enlisted men
and n number of civilians are on trial
there for connection with commissary
By the explosion of the boiler of the
head engine of a double header freight
on the Lake Erie & Western nt Cass
vllle, I ml., six trainmen were seriously
The I'nlvorsal Wireless Telegraph
Company wns Incorporated at Pierre,
S. 1).. by .1. N. Huston, Thomas B.
Bishop and L. C. Smith, with a capital
of $20,000,000.
A traveling doctor, named Taylor,
who was accused of trying to entice
a farmers' daughter from her home,
near Laporte, lml., was tarred and
feathered by a mob.
At Earllngton, Ky preparations
nre being made nt Sebree and other
points to handle the 000 Invading min
ers from Imllnnn, and a sheriff 'a posse
is held lu readiness.
At Syracuse, X. Y., nearly 500 em
ployes of the Onoudngn pottery aro
out ou strike In sympathy with the
girls who went out recently.
The differences between the miners
nnd operators of the Hocking Valley,
Ohio, growing out of the docking sys
tem, have been amicably adjusted.
Gen. Pchwnrtzkopf, the German
chief of staff who lost his life In the
I'ekiu tire, went back Into the burn-'
Ing palace to save a pet dog and was
caught by the flames.
Officials at the war department now
admit that the discovery of the frauds
lu the commissary department of the
army lu the Philippines may lead to
startling disclosures.
Notices bnv been posted on tho
doors of the factory of the Wudsworth
Watch Case Company In Newport, Ky.,
where a strike hns neen In progress,
thnt hereafter uo union labor would be
Both houses of the New York legis
lature havs passed an ant:-sca!pers'
bill, forbidding dealing In railway or
steamboat tickets except by the com
panies or their agents.
Consul Watts, at Kingston, Jamaica,
reports the tippeurauce of several
cases of yellow fever at Port Royal.
The white troops stationed there hare
been ordered to the bills.
Continuous ruin of four days brings
the rivet up to 28 feet, floods Pitts
burg, Allegheny and suburbs, throws
thousuuds out of work for several
days, but pauses no fatalities.
ufninwim if.
Three Matked Burglar In Indiana Steal
$6,000 and Eacap After Commit
ting Terrible Crueltle lo Farmer
A special despatch from Kendal
vllle, Ind., reports the brutal robbery
by three masked men of John Andlgo,
a farmer, who lived with his wife and
daughter about lit miles northeast of
that city.
The men tied Andlg? and the two
women, nnd upon his refusnl to reveal
the hiding place of his money, they
lighted matches nnd applied them to
his finger ends, ears and nose until
he screamed with agony.
One of them cut the cords binding
the daughter nnd dragged her by the
hair and threatened other Indignities
until the mother promised to show
them when- their savings were hidden.
The womnn wns released nnd con
ducted one of the men to the cellar,
where In an old cupboard, the family
had a little over $!,oo, the hoardings
of yenrs. This the men took anil with
many threats of what they would do f
any of the family ventured out of the
house before morning, tney nu'de
Owing to a New Ruling Few Divorce Granted
In North Dakota Mill Hold.
As a result of the I'nlted States Su
preme Court decision declaring Invalid
divorces granted In North Dakota In
which residence was not bona tide,
lawyers of the state are recipients of
n Mood nf telegrams irom those likely
to be affected. It Is believed that ow
ing to the practice of rushing home
Immediately after decrees were grant
ed less than 10 per cent, of the di
vorces allowed (luring the recent di
vorce period would be founu valid If
contest oil.
Applicants for divorces have always
been warned against abandoning their
residences so hurriedly, but much of
the troiiole has been caused by divorce
bureaus, operated by unscrupulous
local attorneys with branch otliees In
the east. A majority of the victims
have been from New York, all hough
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the
New England states are well repre
King Edward Making Preparation! For a
Home in Ihe Emerald Isle.
King Edwnrd has a new plan for
conciliating the Irish, He proposes,
it Is said, to have a palace lu Ireland,
and to live there part of the time.
This would be 11 new departure for
nn English king. Even James the
Second lived in Ireland only when be
had been driven out of England.
Leading Irishmen, however, nre not
1 ') iigiilne as to any good coining from
King Edward's presence. They re
gard him as a good fellow, well moan
ing, and not narrow-minded, like his
mother, and as an English king he is
a foreigner to Ireland, nnd they have
no use for him.
Ireland, they say. wants autonomy,
not royalty, and ir King Edward were
to spend the whole year In Erin It
would make no dirt'orcncc. The agita
tion tor home rule will go on until It Is
Crashed Through Six Floor and Injures Five
A high wind which reached Chica
go Sunday loosened a hiigh Iron water
tank from Its fastening on the roof of
the Gnlhrnith building, Madison and
Franklin streets, causing it to crash
through the six floors to the ground.
Injuring live persons, one of whom
may die, and resulting In damage to
tlie building estimated at $,"111,111111.
With two exceptions the Injured
were pedestrians on tlie street who
had not time to make their escape.
Had the accident happened on any
other day but Sunday many lives
would undoubtedly have been lost, ns
the building was occupied by several
firms employing a large number of
The tank was 2.1 foot long, l feet In
diameter and contained 40,000 gallons
of wnter. In falling It made 11 hole
about 40 feet sqiiaro through the
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Against Fraudulent
Insurance Companies.
Ohio, Indiana nud Illinois, through
their attorney generals, have formed a
friendly alliance to eradicate fraudu
lent iusiiriinco companies. Attorney
General Sheets of Ohio anil Attorney
General Taylor of Indiana talked over
plans to rid tho states In question of
such companies.
The co-operation of the three states.
It Is believed, will more effectually
quash the evil, ns under ths lack of
combined supervision companies driv
en out of .one state Immediately took
root lu an adjoining state nud kept lu
business with comparatively little
trouble. The three state officials will
keep each other posted as to the details
of all discoveries In their respective
Rainy River District Opened.
Cousul Graham at Winnipeg has ad
vised tho state department thnt tlie
Itomlnlon government has officially
nnouueed that a block of 00,000 acres
of tree grant lands in the Itainy River
district of Ontario has beeu surveyed
and open to settlement under the
homestead taws of Canada,
May Make Shortage Good,
Mrs, 1 ranees Pearson Hullot, a
wealthy widow of 50 years, may make
good the shortage of Cashier Lewis at
the Farmers National bank, of Vor
geunes, Vt, Her engagement to Mr.
Lewis was announced three weeks ago.
The Grip in Guam..
Advlcea from Agnun, Island of
Guam, say that the, grip Is prevalent
there and that many native children
and adults are dying from Its effects.
Enormeu Cotl of Boer War Brought Horn
lo Ihe Engllih People by ihe New
A deficit of 53,207.000 pounds In the
British government's Income for the
current tlscnl year as compared with
the expenditure nnd the necessity nf
raising ,'I2.IMI,000 by additional taxa
tion during the year or 11)01-11)02 were
the Tacts which staggered the House
of Commons when Sir Michael Hicks
Beach, cham-cllor of the exchequer, an
nounced the budget In the House. The
revenue for IIMXMIIOI Is placed at 130.
3So,lNH) pounds and the expenditures
at 1N3,."l2,o00. The expenditures for
1IK)1-1!H)2 are estimated at 187.tKtt.00H.
Inclusive of the cost of the wnr In
Soutn Africa. To meet the Increased
deficit the governments' proposed ex
tension of taxation will provide only
11.000,000 pounds, of which 2.100.000
pounds will come from the export duly
on conl, leaving a deep hole to be tilled
by n new loan of 00,000,01)0 pounds, and
the suspension of the sinking fund for
the redemption of outstanding securi
ties. The deficit to be met In 1001
ltNtt will be alxiiit 0.',ihhi pounds.
The chancellor proposed an Import
tax on sugar, nn export duty on conl,
and an Increase to the Income tax.
Sir William Vernon Hnrcotirt. Lib
eral, says this Is the most disastrous
statement the exchequer has ever
made. It has been proposed to Isirrow
altogether I27,ooo,0io pounds, nud If
this sort of thing was to go on the
country would be Involved lu financial
The coal duty has created consterna
tion In Wales and the north of Eng
land, because It will Injure the miners
and materially nsslst Ihe I'nlted States
nnd Germany. William Abraham,
president of the Welsh Miners' Federa
tion, says It will cause the overthrow
of tho government.
The chancellor's speech brought con
viction to the nation of tho Immense
sacrltlces entailed by the Boer war.
"You have had your feast." said Sir
Michael. "You have nil. Liberals nnd
Tories, been mad for rioting and ex
penditure. Now comes the reckoning,
and you may laugh or not ns you
please. If you defeat our budget, you
will relieve us of nn almost Insupport
able burden."
Frightful Disaster on the Frater River Near
Vancouver. B. C.
Four people nre dead, and seven
probably fatally Injured, ns . o result
of nn explosion 011 the steamer Ita
motta, which plies ou the Eraser river,
In British Columbia. One 01 the plates
In the rear of the boiler blew out, tear
ing out the wnole front of the vessel
nud knocking Into the water all Un
people In that part of tlie steamer. The
accident happened when the boat was
lu midstream oppotilte Fort Langley,
30 miles from Vancouver.
Four Indians were dreadfully scald
ed and only one of these Is expected to
recover. One Indian baby Is at the
point nf death. Captain Seymour and
John Oliver, the engineer, who owned
the larger Interest In the vessel, were
unhurt. Power, the purser lias gone
Insane, and the others are in such n
condition that no hope Is held out for
their recovery.
The Itamoua Is a stern-wheel river
steamer of about 3oo tons. She is ten
years old. but her boiler was compara
tively new, having been put In last
summer. On her fatal trip she had only
six passengers, the two women who
were drowned, nud the Indians, who
were burned.
Dlsoass Ascrlbtd lo Rats, and Sewers Are
News hns been received of fresh out
breaks of the plague nt Brisbane and
Perth. Australia. The serious phase
Is tlie appearance of the plague lu Dun
wieli Insane asylum, where there are
l.lioo Inmates.
Nearly all the Inmates are said to be
aged or Incurable, lnitiwlch is sit
uated on Strand Brook Island and Is
the nsyluui for the entire state. The
nlMlotcd patients have been isolated on
the sisylinu farm. Tlie carrying of
the plague to the asylum is nscrlbed
to rats, and till ewors In the Austral
Ian cities are being fumigated in order
to destroy infected visiiilu, with the
result thnt thousands of dead rats
have beeu washed out.
To Fight Tammany.
At a mnss meeting held In Carnegie
Hall, Xow lork, 11 new political party
to bo called "The Greater New York
I )eniorracy," was rormcd to tight
Tammany hall. About 2.000 persons
were present.
An address was Issued by tlie meet
Ing which scores 111 present city gov
eminent nnd declnres thnt Tammany
had run up the annual expenditures
from $70,000,000 to $!ltt,00o,ooo. nnd has
given the city a tax rnte three times
as largo as that of Chicago.
The address declnres that It Is the
Intention to "elect a clilef magistrate
endowed with public spirit, courage
and cnpaclty; who will lalior to admin
ister his othce In the Interest of the
general welfare."
English Miner Protest.
The conl miners of Cardiff are
about to hold a meeting to protest
against the export duty of one shill
ing a ton on coal, which Is considered
ns highly Injurious to tho Interests of
South Wales. (
It Is asserted thnt further troubles
have occurred In Itusslu nnd that
wholesale arrests have been made in
Odessa nud other cities.
A IiOiidon newspaper says a site of
145 acres bus been uequired lu Iro
bind for a royal residence nud the
building will soon be begun.
Major General Horace Lick wood
Smith Dorrleu, now In South Africa,
is to be promoted to the rank of Ad
Jutuut General to tho forces lu India.
A cage Oiled with natives fell down
a deep shaft of the Ulendenhuls mine,
near Johannesburg, South AfrloV.
Twenty-six of the natives were klllud,
The coronation of Klug Edward wUll
take piace at uie eua or June, 1U02,
nn uwim.
Advise HI Countrymen lo Makt Psice Wild
Ihe United Slate a Sufficient Blood
and Tear Have Been Shed,
The following Is Agtilnnhln's address
to the Filipino people; "I believe 1 am
not lu error In presuming thnt tho un
happy fate to which liiy adverse for
tune has led me Is not n surprise to
those who have bean familiar with tho
progress of tlie war. The lessons
taught with n full meaning, nnd widen
have recently come to my knowledge,
suggest with Irresistible force that n
complete termination of hostilities nnd
lasting peace are not only desirable,
but absolutely essential to the welfare
of the Philippine Islands.
"The Filipino have never been dls
ntnyed at their weakness, nor hnve
they faltered lu following the pnth
pointed ont by their fortitude nnd cour
age. The time has come, however. In
which they tlnd their advance nlong
this path' to be Impeded by an Irreslst
able force which, while It restrains
them, yet enlightens their minds and
opens to them another course, present
ing to them the cnuse of peace. Tit's
cnuso has been Joyfully embraced by
the majority of my fellow countrymen,
who have already united nroimd the
glorious sovereign banner of tlie I lil
ted States. In this banner they repose
their trust nnd belief that under Its
protection the Filipino people will at
tain nil those promised liberties which
they nre iieglnnlng to enjoy. The
country has declared unmlslaknhly In
favor of peace. So be it. There hns
been euotich blood, enough tears nnd
enough desolation. This wish can
not be Ignored by the men still In nnns
If they are animated by n desire to
serve our noble people, which has thus
clearly manifested its will. So do
respect this will, now that It Is known
to me.
"After mature deliberation I reso
Intel- proclaim to the world thnt I can
not refuse to liied the voice of a peo
ple longing for peace, nor the Inmeiita
Hons of tliousnnds of families yearn
lug to see their dear ones enjoying the
liberty and Ihe promised generosity of
the great American nation.
"By acknowledging and accenting
the severelgnty of the I'nlted States
throughout the Philippine archipelago,
as I now do, and without nny reserva
tion whatsoever, I believe thnt I am
serving thee, my beloved country. May
happiness be thine."
To signalize this Important step In
the piicltlcntlon of the country. Gen.
MacArthur orders the release, on
swearing nlleglanee to the I'nlted
States, of Loot 1 Insurgent prisoners.
United Slates Treasury's Holding! Exceed
Thoee of Any Othor Nation.
The I'nlted Stales treasury now
bolus ?r.oo,:!7.s,."ots in pod. the first
time Its holdings have passed tlie $."iOo..
ooo.noo mark. This is the largest
amount of gold held by any single
linancial Institution in the world, ami
It Is the largest ever held by any In
stitution Willi one exception, the Im
perial bank of ltussia. which In Feb
ruary. 1s: Ml. raised Its total holdings
to $.7.NI,.'loo.0Oii. At present the Kus
slan bank holds only ,v,':Ti..ho.oiio. The
Hank of France holds JMTJ.'JTl.oiiO, Its
high record being ?17!.'.U4.imm on April
4. Most of this gold Is lit-lil against
outstanding notes. The P.auk of Eng
land holds iilillUiin.iitHi gold, ami the
high record of Its history was S'.'I.'i.riOi)..
(MMl In February. IS! Ml! Present sold
holdings, of the Imperial bank of tier
many - are $l.'ii),oiiii.oHi ami its total
of gidd ami silver combined never ran
nbove S'.'l' The I n'ted States
treasury gross gold holding" have In
creased ?7ii.4:i!i,iMM wlthlu the past 12
months. In April, lfiy.i. they barely
exceeded $27Xotnuoo. On February
10, l.N'.lii. they reached the lo-.' level of
Kilclmer Will Soon Send 250.000 Men to
the Front Capture Reported.
Pretoria advices say: "The next six
weeks will see a resumption of active
campaigning. Lord Kitchener will re
new his sweeping movements. He has
tin army of 'JoO.oiin clllcleut troops, in
cluding 00,000 mounted men with a
good supply of horses, -10,001) having
been seemed ill Capo Colony alone.
The army Is in good spirits, and Lord
Kitchener Is satlslled with the prog
ress of events, slow though It seems."
The war office has received the fol
lowing illspiitch from Lord Kitchener,
dated Pretoria: "Colonel Sir Henry
Itawllnson's column ruslte.. the south
laager, northwest of Klerksdorp. Six
Boors were killed, 10 wounded nnd 2.'1
taken prisoners. He captured a 12
pounder, one pompom co:..plete, and
two ammunition wagons with ammuni
tion. Our casulutles were three
wounded." '
A Belated Blizzard.
It la reported that mo Swan Land
As Cnttle Coiupnny. which ranges large
herds of cattle in Western Wisconsin
nnd Eastern Nebraska, haa lost moro
than 2,.r00 head of cattle during the
storm of the Inst ten days. John Kd
wards lost 7,ooo head of sheep near
Kimball, Neb., out of a bniui of 14,000.
Olner losses nro reHrted from West
ern Nebraska. South Dakota and East
ern Wyoming.
Tuesday's reports from Northern
Colorado aro to the effect that another
storm has prevailed on the prairies for
the past 24 hours, and stlli continues.
It began with a misty rain and devel
oped Into a blizzard. The loss of stock
will bo great, as they have become
greatly weakened by exposure to tho
Killed by an Avalanche
Two engines attached to a passeu
ger train on the Colorado & Northwest
ern railroad were struck by snowslldo
near Koulder, Col., nud hurled into a
chasm. Engineers Hnnnou and Fitz
gerald, Fireman Miller and Conductor
Hulr were killed 11 ml their bodies aro
burled under the hiiow. The avalanche
did not touch the train.
To Recruit Artillery.
, The Boeretiiry of wnr'a orders di
recting that artillery corps be reciiut
ell to lta tulj atrenifth of 18,000 men
German and French Soldier Organlie M
Expedition Against Boxer Rebels Em
peror Refuse lo Return lo Pekln.
Telegrnma from Pekln dated Tne
day, say: "At the meeting of the mln.
Isters of the powers It was decided, to
adopt the recommendation of Mr.
Itockhlll. giving effect to nrtlcle XII.
of the Joint note concerning tho reform
of the tsiing-ll-yamcn nud the modifi
cation of the court ceremonial. It was
agreed thnt In place of the tsung-ll-ya-men,
there shall be a wnl-wii-pu, ot
board of foreign affairs, having pre
cedence over other boards. It Is to
consist of a president, who shnll be
nn Imperial prince, nud of two minis
ters, one being president of a board
nnd the other n member of the grand
council, with direct access to the ejn
peror. There will also be two vice
ministers having knowledge of foreign
affairs, one of them speaking a foreign
"With regard to court ceremonial,
the ministers of the powers when about
to be received In nudlenee, will be con
voyed In imperial chairs to the palace
through the central gateways and be
received In the halls where the emper
or Is accustomed to entertain the Im
perial princes: and they will be shown
honor eqttnl to that shown by Euro
penn sovereigns to foreign ambassa
dors." A force nf 2.100 German and French
froops hns left here to Join the expe
dition against Lin Kuan Ting. Liu
hns 10.01)0 men ami has dolled the nl
lies to drive blin from uls position.
Tlie Chinese court has replied to Ja
pan by saying that It Is Impossible for
Emperor Kwnna Hsu to return to To
kin until the coumrys' guests, mean
ing tlu foreign troops, retire.
Loft Wile and Children In Want and Then At
tempted lo Poison Tlietn Roturned
Home to Wreak Vongsnnce.
Mrs. Imnlel Smith Is held a prisoner
In the Cadiz. Ohio. Jail, having shot
and killed her husband witli a rltle, as
he broke down the door of the bouse.
Smith, It Is alleged, bad previously
tried to poison ids family by buying
them candy ami mixing It with arsenic
ami was hold In his threats to blow up
the house with dynamite. His wife
and children lived In great fear of him.
Tuesday night he returned home, nnd
tlmling the house locked, hroke. win
dows nnd doors In his effort to get In,
calling out In ihe meantime, It Is said,
that there was going to be a killing
when be got Into the house.
ills wife warned hlin away, and
threatened to shoot him unless he loft
As he brok" In the door she tired, the
bullet passing through his bend. Al
though he had lost a half pint of briflns
from the wound, ho lived until noon
next day, and doctors pronounce It
ns unprecedented that a man could
live for five minutes with such an In
jury. Mrs. Smith wns formerly n school
teacher, and had never tired n weapon
before. She claims that she fired to
frighten li 1 in away. The scene of the
tragedy was about four miles from
i. mil..
It Will be Locatod In Wyoming With Col.
Cody at President,
It Is announced that the "National
Hough Killers' Military Encampment,"
which was originally projected for Col
orado, has now been transferred to
Wyoming after having been incorporat
ed miller the laws of the state of New
Jersey with amide capital and with
Col. W. F. Cody as Its president.
It Is also announced that the school
will hereafter be known ns the Cody
Military College and Industrial Acad-.
cmy of Hough ltldcrs. 1'rlg. (leu. K.
V. Sumner, I'nlted States army (re
tlrcili. Is i. ne of tlie Incorporators and
commanding general and treasurer of
the college. Col. Schuyler Crosby, of
,,cv York, a former governor of Mon
tn tin. and member of lieu. Sheridan'a
staff. Is llrst vice president and C. I).
'tirley, second vice president.
One of the objects sought to lie ob
tained Is to tit the Ktudelils nf this col
lege for practical camp life and to com
mand a company of soldiers In time
of peace or wnr.
Pekin Heme ol the Empress a Complete Ruin.
Gorman Officer Missing.
Telegrams from l'eklii, dated Wed
nesday, say: The palace of the Em
press, occupied by Field Marshal von
Wahlorsoe and his staff, was burned to
tho ground. Maj. tien. Sehwartzkopf,
von Wnldcrace'a chief of staff, has dis
appeared. With the exceptions of the
limitary papers everything wna de
stroyed. Trustworthy Chinese report that
troops lu large numbers nre massing in
the province of Shan Si, uear the fron
tier or Chi I.I. It is Impossible to as
certain whether tlie court Is playing a
double game or its authority is insuf
ficient to preveut the Chinese generals
from provoking hostilities.
The foreign ministers view with
alarm the expedition against tien. Liu
Kuan Ting, ns they think he will re
treat, probably laying waste tho vil
lages he traverses ami killing native
Ohrlstlans. and that such actions will
be used ns on excuse by the military
for further uggresslou, which would
probably be the taking of Tal Yuan
Fu. capital of Shan SI province.
The ministers discussed the Indem
nity, and estimated that lUoO.OOO.OOO
will cover all claims.
Russia Plans Tariff War.
The decision upholding the action of
the American government In discrim
inating against Kusslau sugar was the
subject to-duy of a ministers' uieetlug,
at which an Increase of the tariff ou
all American products was considered.
American steel ami Iron manufac
turers will be uiade more severe and
other American goods will probably be
put In tho same category.
George Lawrence aud Frederick
Hock were burned to death In a lira
thnt destroyed Louis Miller's aaloou at
Hatavla, N. Y.
' t .
Grain, Plato? and tmA.
WsrT No. I red $
Itys No. 3
Cons No. t yellow, enr
No. H yellow, shelled
Mixed enr
Oats No. 3 trhlto i
No. 8 mnlto
31V i
Flocs Winter rs'1"'!'-
ill 8 M
Fancy Blriilglil Winters.. 8 70 8 SO
Hat No. 1 timothy.
19 70 10 w
18 iS 11 75
ton.... IS) 0 ) 20 00
17 00 17 80
18 00 18 M
8 'Ji M
8 X) W
'lover No. 1
Frso No. 1 white ml J.
llrowo middlings... ,
Jtrnn, bulk
Straw Wheat . . .......
Dolrr Prndaote,
Dm-rna Elgin creamery. i5
Ohio ereamery SlJ-f
Fancy country roll 18 Ohio, new 1 IJ-tf
New York, now 12
Poultry, ate.
ITiss per lb $ 11
Chickens dressed 14
Eoos Fa. nnd Ohio, fresh. 13
13 i
fruits nt Vegetable.
Pkass Navy, perbmhol ii 80-? 1 SJ
Fotatoks Fnney white, V bu.. 3 88
Cabsaok per barrel 1 75 9 00
Ohioks per tnuhel 1 10 1 28
Fi.otj Winter Futcnt $ 8 S0$ 4 00
WnKAT No, 8 red
Cons mbted 4.'
Eoos. U!i
liirrrxa Obto creamery.
Fi.oon Winter pntent
Whiat No. 3 red
Cons No. 8 mixed
Oats No. 8 white
IIctteb Creamery, extra..
Euue l'euneylvania Ural..
. 8 2S9
3 40
83 '2
Flock Patents.
Wukat No. 8 rod ,.
Conx No. a
Oats No. a White
bi n En Creamery
Euos Btnte and 1'eona
6 3 63 4 09
Central Stock Yaidi. Ext Uksrty, Pi.
Frlme lienvv, UOO to KiOO lhs...9 5 51? 5 (!3
I'nine, lSOO to UOO lbs 6 85
5 00
Medium, 1000 to lzOO Ins 4 N)
Fut liolfurs 4 00
Hatcher, l)0 to 1000 lbs. 4 50
t'ommou to fair 3 75
Oxen, common to fnt 8 O'J
Common to good fut bulls & euw U 50
Jlllch cows, each 1!0 01
Extra niiicli cows, each. 87 50
5 0.1
4 50
4 75
4 25
4 on
4 00
85 0 0
60 00
I'rlme medium weights.
6 35
0 85
6 85
6 1)0
6 00
6 20
0 75
4 75
l'est heavy vorkers and medium
0 80
C.'jod to choice rni-'.i-'rs.
GnoU p'.g ami light yorken...
Pigs, common to good
Prune heavy hogs
Common to fair,
6 8J
tt 20
6 80
0 II)
4 00
li Ol)
Extra, medium weight wethers. 5 0Dg 5 S5
(iooil to choice. 4 40 4 CO
Jloilhim 4 01) 4 2i
Common to fair t 00 4 00
Lnmbs, extra spring $ 5 258 5 85
Lambs, good to choice, spring... 5 00 5 25
Lnmbn, common to fuir.spriug.. 4 Oi ft 00
Kpruig Lambs 7 00 1100
Veal, extra f 6 00 ip 5 21
Veal, good to choice. (10 ft OJ
Veal, common to fulr 8 60 4 00
Veal, common heavy 2 75 8 00
Favorable Crop Reports and Big Railway
Earnings Mako Businei) Generally
Look Very Bright.
II. O. Pun & Co.'s weekly review of
trade says: "Favorable crop reports
heavy bank Clearings, record-breaking
railroad earnings, n large diatrlbutlou
of spring and summer goods, and easy
collections give the business situation
nn encouraging aspect. ' Wall street
speculation does not ye discount any
approaching reaction In commercial
lines, nud the money market
seems to have turned the cor
ner nt least for the present.
Cotton and woolen goods retain their
gain of last week, though partly on ac- .
count of tho Idleness of many mills. ''
The wool market is steady notwith-'
standing tho absence of demand frorj
large producers of goods. Aside from
the uneasiness caused by labor contro
versies no setback has appeared in the
leading Industry Anolhcr feature was
the greater activity lu structural ma
terial for brjdgcs nud buildings, while
the large tonnage of steel rails already
placed did not prevent further orders.
The recent advance In plates failed to
diminish business. Faith In the fu
ture is evidenced by more plans for
the erection of new mills with enor
mous capacity. Shipments of boots
and shoes from the East declined to
80.547 eases, against !M,ir3 two weeks
ago, but there still appears n good mar
gin above tlie movement a year ago.
Failures for tho week numbered 200 In
the I'nlted Etntes, atiglnst 184 -last
year, and '11 In Canada, against 17
last year.
Bradstreet'a says: Cold, rainy
weather, with the roncomltaut of bad
roads, has been unfavorable to distrib
utive trade this week, special com
plaint coming from the Central West
aud parts of the Northwest.
In the Iron trade finished products
rather than the cruder forms have fig
ured prominently this week, but pig
Iron, though quieter at most markets,
has uot beeu neglected, and there Is
uo loss of strength noted.
Unsatisfactory weather reports,
heavy rains, high winds nnd cold re- !
tarding the growth of vegetation, coup
led with talk of and some actual cur
tailment In New Vmglnnd nnd at tho
South, have advanced cotton, but the
gain has been small, large receipts act
Jug as a drag ou the market.
Wheat, Including Hour, shipments for
the week aggregate 5,300,'JIT bushels,
against tMOo.UOl lust week, and 3,808.
451 bushels lu tho corresponding week
of 1000.
Tragedy at a Wedding.
While Miss Lizzie Mitchell, of Pitts
burg, Pa., was being united In mar
riage at St. James' Church, her Bister,
Hosio, who was hurrying to the wed
ding, fell aud brok her neck. Tho ac
cident occurred Just outside tuo
W aerator aiitrerea tt so treat and
bitter passions? Did He It not to take
away oar lu? Gamaliel Bradford.