The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 24, 1901, Image 4

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xfflc & Star.
Snhfcriiftwn er 1rir, or fl.00 f
f oi(( Mnrlly in mlranvr.
, A. 1
TKPtlKNftO. liilltnr mid I'nb.
An Independent Wnlpu per. rmlillHliecIt) very
WUii'KilBy nt UeynoWitvUle, JeH'erxnn 'i.
P., devoted to the lntereln of KeynolclNvUle
nu JiffiKonount. Nnnpnlltli-nl, will treat
kll with fnlrness, mm wlllheenpeuliitly friend
ly toward the lalMrlnji. oIiirh.
Oofnmitnlciitloii Intended for pnnlleutlim
must, be mvompanled 1y the wrlier'n nnmi1,
not for pnbll'-utlon, liut no n mmrnnie or
good f4ih. Interesting new Item" nolli'lted.
Adverllln rates mmln known on nppllen
tlmi nt. tlm tHti' In Kmehlleh-llenrv liliM'k.
Ienirlity cummnnlrattnn ami cliiitnce of
advertisement, should rcnh (.his umre ny
Mntiflny noon.
Nulwrlnthm nrlcnKl.nOnni' vrur.ln ndvnnre.
Address nil rnmmnnteiulohs t0. A. Hloph
eii4on, Kevnoldsvllle. I'n.
K.ntiered nt the piMtntllee nt Heynoldsvllle,
p Muti-ono i-insa mnll matter.
Not Fisherman.
Hon. Geo. A. Jenks, wlillo ono of the
lending DomocraU of the lam, U not a
flxhermnn. Whon it la considered that
C'levolrtnd and Quay and many otlior
groat statesmen and politicians Hre o'.bo
givat fishermen and that .lenks" has a
horror for even (lie sight of a Hah,
Indeed remarkahle. Mr. Junks
f...t a . i. . j . i...r.1Hn.
li'blUUU Ull LI1U IH'H1V imini ill irnc
jist week and hen tha llrrnld
o?tfed his mind fO that he would
rget that tho fl-hinjr season had
d he threw up both hands and
"I have never been flshlti) but
n my life and that time I only
it one little fleh and It was purely
Cltiuut i assure you. 11 mere is
ting In the world that I do not do
tn fl li i 1 Ijj ui nnv norson ean
catch them and
e than I ean under
e very snien or i
runtlng thing In the
lis Creek ft raid.
limr, Maine, -m r 1 '"y1
, of Gard
House there
was painted with Devoe in '82, and again
In '04 twelve yeurs nnd the paint was
sound, though Of course the color had
11. W. Haines, Hotel Coburn, Skow-
hegan, Maine, uses had and oil, and
bas painted four times in eleven years.
Both hotels have been well cared for:
the costs are as Ave to one. We say gen
rally the costs are as two to one that's
"v ours truly,
F. V. Devoe & Co,
P. 8. H. Alex Stoke sells our paint
In your section.
- 1
Army leggings for men and boys at
Call at Sutter's and see tho finest line
of dress goods ever shown in our city.
John Adam, a Slav, Died Under a Trts
Friday Night.
Saturday morning word was received
In town that an unknown man was
found dead under h tree near the Pres
cottvlllo grist milt. Squire Neff went
to Prencottvlllo for the purpose of hold
ing an inquest, If the circumstances In
the case required It. There wero no
marks on tho body to indicate that the
man had been foully dealt with, but a
quart bottle near tho body with a little
alcohol In It explained tho cause of the
man's dettth. Tha body was brought to
Hughes' undertaking rooms to be pre
pared for burial. During tho forenoon
It was learned that the dead man was
John Adam, a Slav, who had been work
ing at tho Soldier coke ovens. Adam
had been on a spreo for almost two
weeks, and during that time had
been sleeping out at nights wherever
he chanced to fall In a drunken sttixr,
Thursday night he slept on Dr. A. II.
Dowser's front porch. Friday after
noon he bought a quart of alcohol and
started for Soldier, but only got ns far
as Preseottville where he laid down un
der a tree with the bottle and there he
took his last long sleep. Passersby saw
the man sleeping there Friday evening
and tho following morning lie was
found dead. Too muuh alcohol wus (he
cause of his death.
Tho man leaves a wife and family In
the old country. He has a eon in this
section somewhere, but no one knew
where to find him. He was at Kleanora
the last trace any person had of him.
The Wlnslow township poor overseers
took charge of the body and bad It
buried Sunday afternoon. Adam had
about 44.00 coming from coal company
and other sources which will be applied
on funeral expenses.
W. K. Lucas, the pluinlwr, Is ready to
do all kinds of work in his line. Shop
on ! lit n street, near gas oincc.
Latest stylos in shoes at Johnston &
Nolan s shoe parlors. Cull and see
shoes and get their low prices.
New clothing for men and boys at
Williams' shoes excell all others In
quality and price.
Full lino of Reed's ladies' shoes at
Johnston & Nolan's at cost.
For sale M. M. uavla will soli on
reasonable terms three desirable dwell
ings, west end.
See the three-ties-in-ono at Millirons.
Summer dress goods at any price at
sutter s.
Williams' shoes.
A nico stock of window shades, lino
louiiiB, oil cloths, etc., just received at
the Keystone Hardware Co.'s.
Marriage Licenses,
The following marriage licenses were
Issued the past week by John D. Evans,
Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county:
Uudolph J. Rurglri, of Corning, N,
Y., and Mary A. Heatty, of Klrkman.
Harvey H. Dickey and Nellie M. Dav
is, both of Dig Hun.
Lawrence Miller and Maggie ('. Shlll,
both of Panic.
Samuel Dlakoly and Myrtle Miller,
both of Horatio.
John Clayton Wilklns, of Gasklll
township, and S. Hollo Smith, of Dig
Mike Koblskc and F.lla Culls, both of
James M. Haugh and Mary Arnold,
both of Drookvllle.
Charles Joynor, of Marlenvlllo, and
Perllna McFail, of Kid red township.
W. C. Spare, of Heathvllle, and Flora
Alice Wolfgang, of Deaver township.
Harvey J. Ozman and Maude Fronla
Hurrah, both of Drookvllle.
Many good hortes and cows are lost
every spring for want of a llttlo care
and attention. A few cents spent for a
good condition powder given In time
would save many dollars. Don't wait
until your animal is almost di'ad. Get
a package of Keystone Condition Pow
der and give two or throe doses every
day for several weeks. You will be sur
prised with tho results. Forsule ut tho
Reynolds drug store.
Cheap for Cash M. M. Davis will
sell a set of buggy harness, buggy, sur
rey and cart,
A good physician can cure many Ills.
Why can he not Invent a preparation
that will cure a few? He can. and
muny good things are to bo found In
patent medicines. Clydesdale Oint
ment Is a great healer and a pain kill
er. Give it a trial. Druggists,
Say I
We have horses, cows, hay. feed,
drugs, dry goods, groceries, MeCorinlck
machines for sale.
J. C. Kind ft ( 'o.
Praise From a Scotchman.
"Clydesdale! ye sturdy son of nature.
Ye could not go wrong on the herbs ye
grew up with.' Clydesdale Ointment
is a great and a grand cure for lacerated
flesh or a burn. Druggists, 2To.
In tlio fourt of Common Picas of Jefferson
munly. Aiixust term, HUM. No. si.
Notice Is hereby irlven that an n mil lent Inn
will lie mailt) try the "Klena I'rlni'liiessa ill
.Mipon, pooieta minium in bum no so irso
ffti Iti.ltunl li iiu ,l-i
Princes of N miles, 'Italian His'lely of Mutual
Alii for tlie Italians of lteviiolilsvllln, !'.,)
10 tne sin (l i;ourt in iirooKViile, In Hut Court
house, on Monilay, the 2iith ilav of May, Hull.
at 1 oi'lock p. m., under the provisions of tlin
Act of the (leneral Assembly of this font nion
wenltli, entitled "An Act in provide for the
Ini'oriHiriit Ion anil revelation of ret In In cor
porations" approved April 21lli, IK74, ami the
supplements thereto for the approval mid
alliiwiiui'c of cert ill n amendment to the
charter of said corporation as set forth In
mi' pennon tor ine aitoHiiiii e or sain amend
mi'iits therefore Hied In said Conn.
M. M. Davis, Solicitor,
H Spring Stock 'will Win Your Unqualified Approval,
, Yon cannot go amiss by making this your trading point. Our Matchlepa Stook, as large as it! ,
, in, does not include one solitary article that we cannot conscientiously recommend. We could .
.not a (lord to sell nny other than first-class clothing and furnishings. Have too much at
.stake. One dissatisfied customer would do more harm than ten pleased patrons would benefit.
,us. liut though we keep only good qualities, we still (owing to our gigantic outfit, and.
.buying for two of the largest stores in Central Pennsylvania) name the lowest prices in the .
.county as the following offers will show.
And Htrletlii Itvfwndahtp. !nri)riit, tht
1'rinhivt of the lient Maker.
Business Suits nf All Wool Cheviots In
fancy weaves, stripes und cheeks, hvim'iIhI(1s
and Oxford mixtures, ').(), fit. 00, 7.DH, fH.110,
Dress Suits of nil wool fancy Worsteds.
Cheeks or Stripes. Clay Worsteds, Ditigonnls
and unllnlslu'd rich woolens of the higher
class mo. en. tu.uo. $, fu. no. fir,. no,
$lll. (HI, 417. IK).
will have exceptional price and quality ad
vantage if they visit,
our Hoys' Clothing De
partment to lit the
llttlo fellows out for
Hero there Is u wide
choice of right fabrics
and good making.
Double-breasted two
piece suits, from 8 to ill
years, ut ft. Ill), Loll. 2.011,
2.;o, .i.iio. :i.;(. 4.00, 4.50
and f.'i.OO.
Tuxedo Hulls with Vest it ml Knot! Trousers,
M.50, 4.fi0, 5.00, 11.00, 7.1X).
Vestee and niouso Waist Suits for tho smaller
boys. Sumo of these Iniro starched front; others liuvo
shield to match. Homo have fancv vests; others uro
plain. $l.f,0, 2.00. 2 fi0, .'1.00, 3.r0, 4.00, 4 no, 500.
jVA'rr Tronic
Men's Spring Derbu
Figuring from tlm usual
values l here Is a price differ
ence hero In your lavor of
from oOe. to $1.00.
' The new shapes fur spring
widest kind of choice, that
means all fashionable Rloeks.
all dimensions in Black und
Ask to see tho Grund
$1 00. 1.50, 2.00, 2.50. .1.IX).
Men's Spring Soft
Soft Hut wearers hove been
provided for hero with un exten
sive choice of lato shapes and
colors. Golf, Fedoras, Rough
riders, Crushers. Etc.
Stone. Dark Pearl, Steel and
Oxford are the prevailing new
colors, und of course the various
styles are. shown In black.
Each hat a matchless value.
50c.. $1.00, $1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and
I 3
Men's and Boys' Outing Shirts.
Extraordinary Vulues, Immense Assortment. Flrst-Cluss
Makes mill Less I'riee our inducements for yon to buy your shirts
of us. Cheviots und Corded Effects, whito neck-band otyle. some
have cuffs to match. 50c.
Madras Hnd Zephyr Cloth In white neck band style, or collar
attached. In fancy striies or jacqtiard weuvos. Some have cuffs,
others luive not. $1.00.
Finest Outing Shirts of Imported Zephyr Cloth, some have
cuffs uttached, others are made in the Ilaglan stylo, $1.50.
Boys' Outing Shirts In white neck-band stylo or collar at
tached. Silk fronts or fancy percale, 50c. '
When in need of anything up-to-date
in Clothingor Furnishings
give us a call.
The Reliable
Safety in money spending is one of the most essential features of merchandising. This store's constant &
im is to surround its patrons with a bulwark of safety. There is the safety of reliable, carefully bought goods;
le safety Of absolute price fairness: the safetv of the "goods markfid in nlain figures nnp nrirp tn all and h
that the lowest" system, which places our buying public on a level of commercial equality in their trading;'
cnen tnere is ine saiety ot money reTunueu without a murmur. W th a these safeguards to-r crht monev
spending, Satisfaction is sure to follow. These are things well worth the knowing.
O "Buys ychnnick from Men's splendid
suits that Till equal the best $10
(its shown in town.
Gives you choice of stylish, well
made suits that usually sell for $12.
The very beet men's j3uits that can be
made for the money and equal to custom
made at 18, 1(3, 14 and 12 dollars.
Boys' Clothing
have the broadest choice of right-
ide and rightly priced clothing from
and upwards to 16 years. 6.50
i to 98 cents.
Young Men's suits
'ng styles here
"rrect idea.
13.49:; '
include every new
Price range, $12
Mens' and
Boys' Hats.
' It's the attraction of that saving of
money on any hat or cap you may see
here that's increasing this department's
sales. Men's hats, $2.90 down to 49c.
Boy's Hats and Caps 98c down tc 28c.
Outing Shirts
Men's Outing shirts, neckband style
in all new designs and colors, high grade
madras, cheviot and zephyr cloths at 48
cents. We sell the "Monarch Shirts"
at our ever popular low prices.
All the favorite new colorings and pat
terns, including derbyt four-in-hand,
King Edward, Tecks, shield and band
bows, bat wings, string tieB, best values
Bhown; 48o down to 9c.
Men's Fixings
Full line Triangle Brand
We handle the celebrated Union-
Made, Keystone Brand
. All the men's fixings. '
Boys' Waists, Shirts and Shirtees.
Trunks, Telescopes,
Telescopes, Suit Cases, Grips and
Shawl Straps at unusually low prices.
Footwear for
All the Family.
And the rightly made, servicenble
kinds, those that give every possible
shoe satisfaction. It's a good stock from
which to make your spring selections.
Kulture Shoe for Women.
Patent leather, ideal kid enamel, vici
and chrome kid, designed and built to
meet the wants of best dressers, and
equal to the $4 kinds our price $3.50.
Our line'of Ladies Shoes at $2.90, 2.50,
2.00 and $1.50 down to 98c, can't be
Men's patent leather enamel, vici vel
our calf in all the new shapes and toes.
Range in price, $4.0 down to $1.19.
Misses' and children's shoes, prices
$1.90 down to 25c pair.
You will find here is where shoe econ
omy go hand in hand. '
Stylish spring Waists
Up-to-date ideas in cut and trimmings.
Sylish waists from exclusive waist-makers.
But they're passed along at prices
that interest. Lawns, dimities, India
Linens, Percales, $2.49 down to 35c.
Ladies' dresses, nicely made of lawns,
percales and dimities, $4.98 down to
$1.16. Ladies' sacques and dressing
gowns; infants' apparel, complete stock.
Dress Goods
In all the new and dainty effects in the
desirable materials, and you'll be Bur
prised at the littleness of the prices.
Ladies' man-tailored suits and jackets.
All the new ideas in Bilks, satins, wash
You make no mistake when you come to
Where there's Everything that people wear and most things that people buy.
K ,Jl
Iieynoldsville, Pal