Sip VOLUME y. KEYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, AVlih2lf 1U01, NUJIBER M I Shick & Wasner 1 -THK BIG STORK.- House cleaning time In hern 3 and of course that nieann mnv 5 - -m Lace Curtains, i Portieres, - 1 Couch Covers, i . Curtain Poles, H Window Shades, Etc. i We wish to call your attention to the fact that we are now able to show you the bent value and the bent assortments of the above articles. Nottingham Lace Curtains, 32 in. wide by 24 yards long in white at 30c a pair. Nottingham Lace Curtains, size 3(5 inches wide by 2 J yards long at fiOc. Nottingham Lace Curtains, size ISO inches wide by 3 yards long, good patterns at 1.00. Nottingham Lace Curtains, 0 inches wide by 3J yards long, a beauty at 1.25. Many other specially good values at 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, U)0 and up. A better assortment or better values were never offered in our town -or in any of the sur rounding towns than we are able to show you in Portieres and Couch Covers. Ask to see them. The best Window Shades here at 10c, 15c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c and (?0c. iiniiuiunmuUiauau LOST: -fl Lot oi customers Who left other stores and went to J. J. SUTTER'S NEW STORE for one of those $n Jacket Suits at $9. Fall in line they cannot last long at these prices. Any color; all made up in the latest styles. Etons with blouse effects and Bishop sleeves. C C 1! II . DOD UUt 11HC llllO Ul h Summer Dress Goods Organdies, Silks, Silk Mulls and Grenadiers at ex tremely low prices. Shirt waists and shirt waist gingham any prices. . We are leaders in Dress Pleating, both in mat ter of progress and quality of work. Material for accordson plaiting should be carefully seamed, . hemmed and pressed before sending us. Give us a call in our new room, next door to Nolan I I fiit nn sssa."0 tM ,o J- J. cutter. Carpets In Stock. . 2500 yards Ingrains, . , 15 to 65c. per yard. 1500 yards Tapestry Brussels,' 50 to 80c. per yard. 1500 yards Wilton Velvets, 75 to 1.00 per yd. Also Body Brussels and Axminster to suit. ART SQUARES, LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERES. Linoleum 2 yards wide, Table Oil Cloth, only 37 J cents per sq. yard. 1.55 per bolt. Handsome China and Porcelain Dinner sets, Beautiful Reclining Go-Carts for baby, Coal and Gas Ranges, Hot Plates and Ovens, Bed Room and Parlor SuitB. tZT ANYTHING NEEDED IN YOUR HOUSE. ' ,Ml t 2 o. 8 8 g n . 8 o 8 s 8 8 o o 9 o 8 'J 8 ttsccecccecceocccccccecccccccccc)occcoccc " v V Mi Mliliki in n hi mi nil Uev. J. I I'rouilfll. nf Nrw llrthlrllrm, Moderator of Cluiion I'resbytery. 8 8 8 $ 8 I 8 8 w 8 8 w 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I? Wlnliaw. Jiiino Kwlni;, who Iiiih Itnim on tlio ii;k lint for hoiiio Minn, e Blowing Im proving. Hoy LlngtnfuKnr lias hln picture gul lury iiltnot ooinplcti'd. Tlinmnx licttttio U mirin a bud cold at pri'Hcnt. Mint in Foltz hud thn Index finynr of hiit Htrht liiind biidly Inoorulod Wcdw.-R-day owning. A homo kli'kcd It i tit. Win. Wit will rood have hid now dwelling Iiouho ii-mly for occupancy. It. M. Koltz, wlillo cutting posts In tlio woods iH'iir this plum lust Thursday morning, hud this iiilHfnrtiiiio of bolng struck on thn right Hldo of his biviist by u hooch limb uboul six foot long und threo Inches In dlumotur, which foil nlHuit thirty foot, It knocked him down and bruised his breast consider ably. II. M. ftuys that ha In very thank ful to huvn not off 80 luckily. John I)aue;lierty has biminoss In our town quite often at prcsont he Is In terested In the now store building that 1h being erected hero. Jefferson Dickey is again at the. car penter trado at this piano. A couple of young folks of our town not long ago hud almost decided that separation would bo suicide. The situ ation, however, assumed a different as pect ono evening when the father of tlio girl told tho warm-haired youth that If ho did not leave he would oavo him the trouble of committing suicide. He left. Our postmistress Is nursing a sore foot at presout. R athmel. David Sneddon had business In Du Hols last woek. James Hughes and L. L. Honry spent last week fishing In Elk county. Edward Hughes accompanied his son, George, to Corsica, whero George will attend school. We wish Goorge suo coss in his studios. Miss Alice Sarah returned Monday from a visit at Westvillo. H. II. Hurrls, of Hoynoldnvlllo, culled on friends hereon Sunday ufturnoon. Miss Fannie Finoll, who is staying in Reynoldsvllle visited her parents here Sunday. The Senior Christian Endoavor Tem perance Committee have sot Monday evening, April 29th, to hold their regu lar monthly meeting. Boslo, the two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowser, died Saturday afternoon of scarlet fever. Was buried Sunday afternoon. Short services at the house, conducted by Roy. Mont gomery. Interment in tho Prospect cemetery. Mrs. J. A. Yount, of West Reynolds vllle, visited her sister, Mrs. G. M. Mowery, here last week. Mrs. Divens, of New Bethlehem, visi ted her son and family hero last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. Pomroy visited friends at Sol dier lust Saturday. Frank Butler and family spent Sun day with friends here on their way from ruuupsQurg to uorsica. Miss Rosa Smith, who has boon stav ing with her grandmother in DuBols for the last eight months, returned home Monday of this week. Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had Itching piles. Thevr'o terribly annoying; but Hueklon's Arnica Salve will cure the worst ease of piles on euVth. It has cured thousand. For injuries, pains and bodily eruptions it U -the best salvo in the world. Price 25o . Cure guaranteed. Sold by H. Alox Stoke. Hmerlckvltle. Thoro has boon a now foncn law pass ed In Kmet'lek villi.'. Wo nro proud that wo have a now boot bluek in town. John I tattoo purchased tho pine tim ber on tho C. F. Haines lot last woek. Miss Gertrude Haines, of Heynolds vlllo, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. S. F. Ktormer. David Cabin has his now mansion fin ished and will move into It In afow days. Our sick are Improving. Two of our young men wero taking a drove of cuttlu to Huthmel and on tho road thoy hud a quurrel ubout tholr dogs and tho one returned homo leaving tho other party to tuko euro of tho fe rocious herd himself. Emory Keys mid wife, from Connolls vlllo, spent Sunday with his puronts, J. U. Keys und wife, of this pluco. 'Squire Storiner Is painting his dwell ing house to u llnlsh. Thomas Mottern is very 111 with ln Mummntory rheutnutlHtn. Our farmers are very busy In their ef forts to got tholr spring crops plunted. Sykesvllle. Monday, 15th Inst., being tho twonty flrst anniversary of tho advent of Mr. Aden Null on this terrestrial ball, bin friends, to tho number of forty, gather ed at his homo while ho was calling on a neighbor, and when he returned homo he was agreeably surprised to find them there. Tho evening was spent in play ing games and listening to tho sweet strains of music produced by tho Sykcs villo string bund, of which those woll known muslcul mon, Mossrs. Kellar, Decker und Fyo are members. Re freshments were served during the ev ening, and then as the wee small houn drew on npnoo, and after wishing Aden, many happy returns of tho day, . thoy. wended their ways to tboir respective plnces of ubodo some to the ubode of tholr neighbors who have pretty daugh ters. Miss OUvo Duff, of Luthcrsburg, was a visitor in town lust week. Mrs. Labourd, nee Kness, wife of Jof ferson Lubourd, died at hor home in. this place lust Friday und was buried at West Liberty Sunday morning. She bad been in poor health for some time. Sho 1s survived by her husband and sov on children. Mrs. Palmer, wife of Rev. J. H. Pal mer, is lying very ill at her home hero with cancer of the stomach. J. L. Long is very ill with laftrlppe. Tho Ladles' Aid Society of the Bap tist church will bold a pie social in tho locture room of their church on next Thursday evening. Everybody Invited. Sykesvllle is having a building boom this . summer. Three new dwellings have been completed already, and the ground has been broken for several more, while Dame Rumor says that tho Coal Co. will put up twenty blocks this summer. The rains of Friday and Saturday have made a river out of Stump creek, causing it to overflow its banks, but so far no ularmlng causuullties have taken place. ' 'Tia Essy to Feel Good. Countless thousands have found a. blessing to tho body in Dr. King's, New Life Pills, which positively cure consti pation, sick headache, dUzlness, jaun dice, malaria, fever and ague 'and all liver and stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; never gripe or weaken. Only 25c at II. Alex Stoko's drugstore. Resolutions of Respect. , WliKRRAH, Tho Grout Supremo Rul er, In His Infinite wisdom, has soon (It to remove from among us our beloved brother, Ru1nrt A. Hone, of True Hluo Tempernnco Union, thnreforo bo it, llrmtrt'd, That In tho taking away of our brother wo sincerely mourn our loss, not only as a brother who ,was frank and courageous In all his con vict Ions, but as a member who was also netlvo in tho welfnro and proHierity of thn order in general. Hmolml, That wo reeognl,n In tho taking awny of our brother thn warning, ' He yo also ready. " Kimih-ril, That til thn relatives and friends ol our deceased brother wn ten der our lieurt-felt sympathy, fully re alizing their distress In this their hour of bereavement. Hisnhnl, As a token of respect that a memorial piign tie set apart In our Journal and a copy of these resolutions be entered thereon, also that they bo published In TllK ST A ll and a copy lw sent to thn family of Hindi-ceased. If. II. HAItKlH, Wm. TumxiKN, Com, Hauvky Dktkk. Excursion Rates to Buffalo. Tho HufTulo, Rochester A Pittsburg Hal I road Co. announce tho following special reduced rates to HulTulo from He.yniildsville on account of the Pan American Exposition which opens on May 1st. Summer oxeurslon tlckots, on sulo ev ery day from April .')0lh to September .'Kith, Inclusive, and good returning un til October Hist at 7.H(). Fifteen day oxeurslon tickets, to be sold beginning April IlOth and good re turning within fifteen duys, including date of sale, at ti'i.M. Five day oxeurslon tickets, to bo sold only on Tunsdayi, May 8, 14, 21 and 28, good returning within 5 days, including date of sale, ut $(.85. Speclul excursion tickets to bis sold for and good going only on specified trains on Wednesdays, May 12 and 2!) and returning within three days includ ing date of sale, ut f. '1.5(1. The Htiflalo, Rochester Ac Pittsburg Hallway Co., oporato two Solid Vesti bulro trains In each direction dully be tween Pittsburg and HufTulo. Cafo and Reclining Chair Cars on day trains and Pullman Puluce Sleeping Curs on night trains. For time table and complete informa tion consult tho nearest agent of tho company. A Raging, Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph lino which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. "Stalding wulst doep in icy wa ter," ho writes, "gave mo a terrlblo cold and cough. It grew worse dully. Finally tho best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by using six bot tles." Positively guaranteed forcoughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles by II. Alex Stoke. Price 50o. Rates to Pan-American Exposition. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad announces the following special reduced rates to Buffalo on account of the Pan-American Exposition, which opons on May ij Summer excursion tlckots to be sold from April 30 to Soptember .'JO, Inclus ive, good to return until Octobor 31, lnclusivo, at rate of $11.05 from Pitts burg and proportionate rates from other points. Flfteon-duy excursion tickets, to be sold beginning April 30, and good re turning within fifteen days, including date of sulo,, ,t rate of V.I. '2.0 from Pitts burg and iroportionate rates from other points. Five-day excursion tickets, to be sold only on Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21 and 28, and good returning within five days, Including date of sale, at rate of (8.00 from Pittsburg and proportionate rates from other ooints. Special excursion tickets, good going only on specified trains, on Wednesdays, May 15 and 2!), and returning within three days Including date of sale, at rate of S5.25 from Pittsburg, and pro portionate rates from other points. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company operates two through trains daily be tween Pittsburg und Buffalo. - Notice. To whom it may concern: All persons aro hereby notified and requested Hot to place or pile mine props and other materials the pub lic road near the West WnsU. r election house and elsewhere on the publio roads, to the danger of the travelling publio. Those persons having plaoed those or other obstructions on the roads are re quested to remove the same without delay. V. R. nor.MAN, Supervisors L. 1'. McClkeky, ( Wiiislow Twp. "New Process" Gas Ranae TUB "NI5W I'KOCIiSS" Is the leader of 11 Ons Kaiiics in nimplicity, lii'i grade of materials and workmanship and hand some appointments, as well as in Convenience, Economy ol Operation, and .1 General titlclcncy. f Designed on improved $ lines throughout, itcontnins many valuable sneeial fea- tires iotind in no stoves. If you wish the other t Our line of Gas Ranges, J Heat rintes, Portable Ovens, etc. T T i r" naruware 2 Latest and Best Gas Range and one that will give complete satisfac tion, buy the "XIJW PRO CESS." Gall and See Keystone school Children. ATTENTION!. m.rir tat ppahti T,HICn0R1f:Kf0HD HOSIERY COMPANY KSNOKIM, WlH. We will jmy $1 .00 for the drawing of the above BLACK CAT by a boy or girl attending pti school. Must lie on a cfird 8'jxl0 inches and your name and address'on the buck. Com petition closes April 30th. All the drawings submitted will lie displayed at our hosiery counter me nrst wee I est lic Say, Mr. Boy, and Miss Girl 1 ninrk Cat Rrond Chicago-Rodderd Hosiery Company Kenoiha, Wis. Draw a picture of Black Cat, write xoi and address on the b leave it at our store to pay a dollar one. competition April 30tfi. BING-ST0K& going best i v I ShaIaii im t Mmiii Ti Liiiuitiums, mi iruriba Carpets! Carpeti We have a line of carpets that are goxl sellers, aric meet competition on carpets. We Sell a Good Cook Stove for 812 06, THIS RANGE FOR SI6.OO. IT'S A BEAUTY FOR THAT PRICE. The MONARCH OVEN ia sold at our flace right' CALL AND SEE OUR STOVES, iC. Keunoiasviiie Hardware- Go) Keep on Coming to ' Pnrn 1 U- 111 ... ilium CIp' It is the wav to save monev anfi hH nrJ satisfaction. Our stock demon straten that keep ahead of the times. We show the 1 est selection of stock and give you treatm1 which cannot help making you feel tAat V would like to trade here always. We ext a special invitation to newly-married ft' i We know you will be interested in l our ' plete outfit for housekeeping. Do not f that this is the store that will take care c' should any misfortune occur. , j OUR CARPET S Is the finest you will see. Investig4 make this fact clear to you. We i tings, Rugs, 90' patterns of Brus.t Inlaid Linoleums, Oilcloths, etc assortment of Iron Beds. , .) Yours Truly, J.R.I ) r r i) I r A