The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 17, 1901, Image 5

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iuhncrijitinn $1.60 per year, or $1.00 if
paid Klrictli in advance.
i. A. NTKI'IIICNMIIV, Kdllor nnu Pull.
RY'RePAIRlNG Is one of our specialties.
. Wo do the work tn suit our
customers and do It prompt.
If you uro not mm of our
repair oustotnors gi v., us a
call and wo will convinco
you that wo do as we ad
vertise. Everything guar
anteed. C. F. HOFFMAN,
Separate BlKE
Kkpair Department.
The Jeweler.
No Antiquated
are employed In the manufacture
erf Pittsburg Wall Paper. The
brightest artists in the world ex
ecute tho designs.
The boat workmen and the
most modern machinery produce
the Pittsburg papers.
Every Ww and valuable decora
tive idea is incorporated in this
superior line.
We are glad to say we sell it.
If you would sue tho richest and
most artistic patterns at the most
reusonuble prices, como to our
(fl Little ot Everything.
Sheriff Chesnutt took three prisoners
to the penitentiary yesterday.
The publlo schools of this borough
close three weeks from to-day.
Supt. O. B. Price was over the Low
, Grade Division Friday in a private oar.
' ( We reoolved A letter from our Para
dise correspondent last evening, too
late for publication.
William Dailey, of Rockdale Mills,
was in town Thursday anfl renewed his
subscription to The Star. Mr. Dailey
is a prompt payor.
Benjamin Haugh, a Winslow township
school director who has been very ill
soveral weoks, was able to call at THE
Star office yesterday.
Miss Nellie Sutter, who is a clerk in
bor father's dry goods store, has been
' unable to be at the store since Friday on
account of having quinsy.
Norvin A. Corbctt, of Now Bethle
horn, is filling prescriptions In tho Rey
nolds drug store 'this week while Dr. S.
Reynolds is in Philadelphia.
J. B. Nichols, of Eleanors, has charge
of tho Jefferson Supply Co. store at this
plaoa during the Illness of F. L. Hill,
who is confined to his home.
F. A. McConnell, proprietor of Frank's
Tavern, has opened a stock register at
bis hotel where people cun advertise
free any stook thoy hu'e for sale.
R. W. Kucz, bookkeeper for the Star
Glass Co., Is in Pittsburg this week.
Mr. Kurii! has tendered his resignation
as bookkeeper for the Star Gloss Co.
Tho ladles of Punxsutawney huve re
cently organized a Village Improve
ment Society. Our ladies organized
such a society two years ago and are
through with it now.
. J, J. Sutter has rooted his dry goods
store from tho Cunteunlal building to
v Hie Nolan blook, Into room formerly 00'
x oupiea ny mag a uo. tihb room was
papered and repainted and is now as
itt as a new pin.
riia West Reynoldsville town council
instructed, the flnunoe committee of
t borough to purchase a luise cart
1 400 feet of hose for fire protection.
w lo order now to orgaulxe a
i company In West Reynoldsville.
Miss Georgia Corbett served refresh
ments to tho mombors of the Tngelow
Club Tuesday evening of Inst week.
Missus Kdith Higgiinbothom, of Chi
cago, Kleanore Arnold, of Clarion, Hel
en Wood, Nora Wilson and Mrs. James.
Hohewrm, of DuBols, were guests of
Mrs. Frank P. Alexander a day last
Jumos Shaffer, who returned from tho
Philippine Islands about the first of this
month, where ho had been twenty
months as a soldier boy, visited his un
cle, Benjamin Haugh, near this place
the latter part of last week.
County Superintendent R. B. Tell-
rlek examined a class of sixteen In tho
M. E. church at this place Saturday
for common school diplomas. It wus u
bright class and thero Is little doubt
but that all will get diplomas.
Tho Junior Union of tho Baptist
church will servo Ico cream, cako and
coffee In the vacant store room In opera
houso blook next Saturday evening,
April 20th. I. X. L. ice cream will he
served. Proceeds to go to tho church
repair fund.
The Keystono Hardware Co. having
placed an experienced man in charge of
tholr plumbing department, are now
prepared to do all kinds of plumbing
water, gas and steam at reasonable
prices. All work guaranteed to bo
strictly first-class.
Dessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kennedy, died April 12th and was bur
led In tho Baptist ccmutory April 13th.
Short funeral services at the residence
of parents conducted by Dr. A. J. Meek.
pastor Baptist church. Dessie was 5
months and 2!) days old.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was played at
the Reynolds opera houso on Wednes
day and Thursday nights of last week
by homo talent. Tim attendance was
not as largo us was expected on account
of so many other attractions being
booked for lust week.
John C. Dillman has sold his largo
St. Bernard dog to Father Wlonker, of
Punxsutawney. Tho dog was taken to
Punxsutawney yesterday. Some time
ago Father Wlonker was visited one
night by two robbers and ho bought
this dog to guard his houso whilo he
Tho "conundrum tea" given in Boll's
Hall last Friday evening by the W. R.
C. afforded considerable amusement for
those who attended. Tho musical part
of the evening's program was furnished
by Wallace Mitchell, John Coleman,
Leonard Harris, Raymond Ferrin,
Frank and Craig King.
Mrs. Margaret Walsh, relict of Pat
rick Walsh who was buried tho latter
part of March, died at Rathmel early
yesterday morning. Funeral service
will be hold In tho Cuthollo church at
this place at 0:00 a. m. to-morrow. Mrs.
Walsh was born in Ireland 00 years ago.
She resided In Rathmol eleven years.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will moot at tho home of Mrs. J.
M. Hays on Friday, April Hlth, at 2:110
p.m. Mrs. A. Elmoru, editor and pub
lisher of "Tho Search Light," a prohi
bition papor, of Moadvllle, Pa., will be
present. All members and lady friends
of the cause are requested to attend this
J. Morie Dailey, who was an employe
in the Enterprise Silk Company's ofllco
at this place slnco last August, rosignod
his position last week and returned to
his home at Pcnflcld. Ho was at homo
but a few hours when he secured a po
sition with an engineer corps that Is
working noar Weedvlllo. This is the
line of work he has been anxious for
some timo to take up.
John B. Whltehlll, of Brook villa, who
was lo business hore about ten years
ago and afterwards decided to study for
the ministry, graduated from the Au
burn, N. Y., Theological Seminary last
week, also passod the examination be
fore the Auburn Presbytery and has ac
cepted a call to become pastor of a Pres
byterian church near Auburn.
Dr. S. Reynolds and wife and Mrs. C.
A. Stephenson are In Philadelphia this
week attending the commencement ex
ercises of the Philadelphia College of
Pharmacy, from which institution
Clarence H. Reynolds, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Reynolds, will graduate to-day.
Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Stephenson
will visit in Harrlsburg and Lock Hav
en before returning home.
Elmer Woodward, who has been an
assistant tn the Reynoldsville postofflce
for two years, has reslgnod that posi
tion and will go to DuBols this week to
accept a position In the new railroad
shops at that place. The close confine
ment in the oflloe does not agree with
Elmer's health and that Is tjls reason
for quitting the oflloe.. Elmer Is a good
assistant and is a pleasant young man.
HIb many friends here will be sorry to
see mm leave.
District Deputy Grand Master D. A.
Piatt, of Brockwayvtllo, installed the
following oftioors in tbe I. O, O. F. lodge
at this place Saturday evening : Noble
Grand. John Cottle; Vioe-Grand, L. J.
McEntit'e! Secretary, M. E. Weed:
Warden. Robert Mason; Conductor, J,
N. Small; Inside Guardian, W. A. Gray;
Outside Guardian. Richard Miller;
Right Supporter N. G., James Orr;
Loft Supporter N. G.. L. G. Lldle;
Right Supporter V. G., David Heffner;
Lrt supporter v. U., Richard Jen
nlogs; Right Scene Supporter, Frank
Smith; Left Scene Supporter, C. A
Tennis Club Re-Organized.
Tl.., 1?,m,il,ltai'llln Tunntn fMi,b Vtna
Ktrtn ,i,.nirrnnWfA U'tt.h A memherqhln
of '28, six moro than was In the club last
year. Dr. L. L. Means was elected
president and F. H. Heck secretary and
I i.ttiiuii,.,.,' Tin, frriMimla. nn f!tnnt.
street, wjll bo put in condition at oneo
for summer playing. A high wire fence
will bo put around tho grounds.
Brookvillo Has a Boom.
A "hoom" has struck Brookvillo sure
enough and henceforth peoplo cannot
call tho county seat a "dead" town. A
large glass plant, a turniture
factory and 200 dwelling houses aro al
ready booked for that town this sum
mor. Thero Is enough capital in Brook
villo to mako it tho best town in this
section excepting Reynoldsville, of
New Heating System.
Tho school board of this borough has
decided on tho Well's Warming, Venti
lating and Heating Mechanical System
for tho public school building. It Is
claimed that this is the best system In
usa to-day. It has a battery of seven
furnace s, and has two funs, one for put
ting In hot air and tho other to take
out tho cold air. The system Is work
ed by a gas engine.
Will be Married To-Doy.
Isaac Swartx and Miss Nettle Rodgers
went to Pittsburg this morning, where
they will bo married this afternoon.
They will return to Koynoldsville the
utter part of this week. Uotn young
people aro well known In town. Mr.
Swart, is a grocery man and Miss Rodg
ers has been u clerk for a number of
years. Their many friends will wish
them Happiness una prosperity in tlieir
married life.
Farewell Sermon Sunday.
Rev. (1. Johannes, who hns been pas
tor of the Rey noldsvillu Lilt heran charge
for a year, preached his farewell ser
mon last Sunday and left hero Monday
morning for .Martins Ferry, Ohio, where
ho has accepted a call. Key. Johannes
will not move his family away from
here at present. Rev. C A. Crleken
bergcr, of DuHols, will preach in tho
Lutheran church at this place at i :.1U p.
m. next Sunday.
Stroke of Paralysis.
Robert Bone, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Bono, had a stroke of paralysis
some timo Monday night. Tho doctors
pronounced It complete paralysis. Ho
wus unable to move or speak until about
four o'clock this morning when ho mov
ed one hand a little. Tho doctors have
small hopes for his recovery. Tho
young man, who was 10 years old last
October, retired Monday night In ap
parently good health. He did not an
swer when called Tuesday morning and
his mother went to his room and found
him in tho paralyzed condition.
Transferred to Oil City Parish.
Father Edward M. Driscoll, who has
been- assisting Father Brady in the
Catholic parish at this place almost
two years, has been transferred to the
Oil City parish, where ho will assist
rather hlierldan. rather Driscoll,
whom wo have known since his boy
hood days, Is a lino young man. Ho
has succeeded In gotting an excellent
education and is well prepared to per
form the work ho has chosen. Me macio
many warm friends during his work in
tho parish at this placo and his old and
new friends are sorry to have him re
moved. Ho will go to Oil City this
week. It is not known yet who will bo
appointed to assist Father Brady, but
some one will likely bo appointed this
Another Precinct Wanted. '
There are now three voting precincts
in Winslow township, but the voters in
tho neighborhood of Sykesvillo, who
have to come to Reynoldsvillo or go to
Rathmel to vote, think they aro enti
tled to a precinct nearer homo and a peti
tion was presented to the county court
last wook asking for a voting place at
Sykesvillo. This would mako four pre
cincts in the township. Instead of
granting tho additional precinct, Judgo
Roed appointed County Surveyor James
B. Caldwell, of Brookvillo, Ex-Sheriff
Edward C. Burns and Dr. J. W. Foust,
of Reynoldsville, as vlowors to mako a
new and complete division of tho entire
township, so as to make tho polling
places as convenient as posslblo for all
the voters of tho township.
House Entered But Not Robbed.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Meek, who
spent last Friday afternoon and evening
at the homuof Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wil
liams in West Reynoldsville, wore com
pletely surprised upon their return
home at 10:00 p. m. to find that the
parsonuge had been entered, but not
robbed. Sentinels had boon stationed
to keep a lookout for tho Ruv, and his
wifo and when they approached tho
house all was quiet, but when the door
was opened tho pastor and his wifo wore
greeted by tho smiling faocs of nearly
ono hundred of their mombors and
friends. The evening had been passod
pleasantly in conversation and music.
At 10:!10 refreshments wore served, af
ter which all went to their homes, but
not without leaving many expressions
of kind regards, The pastor's larder
was well filled with the substantial of
life, and also a neat sum of money was
Committed Suicide.
Emery Spare, of Heath vllle, commit
ted suicide near New LSethlebein Mon
day morning by shooting himself. Snare
was .4 years old and was not married
Cause for taking his own life is not
known. He and another young man
got on the early train at Heath vlllo
Monday morning and went to New Beth
lehem where they got off and started to
walk out Into the country. About a
mile out from New Bethlehem Spare's
companion, who was walking, ahead,
heard the crack of a revolver arid before
be could look around there was another
bang and Spare fell to the ground dead
Spare worked at tho West Reynoldsville
tannery several months ago and while
here he Joined the f . u. b. oi a. Lamp
at this place. A special meeting of the
Camp was held last evening and the
following members were appointed to
attend the funeral at ueatnvllle to-day
J. H. Hughes, Charles Deter, Frank
StautTer, Ralph Carr, Clarence Schug-
ari, Jos. L. Cable Frank H. J Jest,
Forty-fiye Pastors and Delegates Present
-Rev. J. L. Proudflt Elected Moderator.
Tho soml-annuttl meeting of tho Clar
ion Presbytery Is being held In tho
Presbyterian church nt. this place this
week. Tho first session was held yes
terday afternoon. There wus a largo
attendance nt tho evening session.
There are forty-five pastors and dele
gates present. Rev. J. L. Proudflt, of
New Bethlehem, was elected moderator.
Thero will bo three sessions today.
Morning session will begin at 0:00 a. tn.
Tho first hnlf hour will bo spent in a de
votional service led by Rev. 11. T.
Tho afternoon session will open
at 2:00 and close at 5:00.
The evening service will begin at i.30
and bo of a popular character. Rev.
lames Conway, I). 1)., will preside. Ad
dresses will bo made on the following
topics: Rev. D. E. Craighead will
speak nn "Tho Mid-Week Meeting,"
and Rev. S. A. Cornelius on "The Land
f the Bible."
A full report of this meeting of Pres
bytery will be published In THE STAR
next week.
Keep Your Hands Off.
Wo have been requested by tho per
sons who have charge of the public
fountain to warn people not to meddle
with tho gns lights on top of fountain
neither to put on tho lights nor shut
them off. The lights are so arranged
that tho chain must be pulled carefully
or tho mantles will break. Some per
son jerked the chain ono evening last
week and broke oil tho mantles four of
them. This is not the first timo this
has been done and it Is expensive to buy
new mantles. Home person will get In
to trouble If tho lights are meddled with
any moro.
"Joshua Simpkins."
"Joshua Simpkins," a sensational rur
al comedy drama, was played at tho
Reynolds opera house Inst Friday even
ing to a full house. Tho play contains
an Interesting and Intelligible plot, but
it was not allowed to Interfere with the
fun, which was In abundance. During
the run of the play some startling scenes
and situations were seen, principal of
which was the country saw-tnlll In the
third act, shown in complete operation,
cutting real timber. The saw used was
a genulno article. An excellent band
and fine orchestra accompalned this at
traction. Tho company Is sure or a
crowded houso If It comes this way
Temperance Organization.
At a meeting held In Centennial hall
tho first of last week a permanent tem
perance organization was formed and
tho following officers were elected ;
President, Rov. A. J. Moek; Vice-Presidents,
W. B. StnnffcrandO. W. Palen;
Secretaries, Mrs. J. M. HavsandGeorgo
White: Treasurer. R. L. Miles. Rules
and by-laws for tho regulation of this
organization will bo submitted by tho
officers for adoption at tho next regular
meeting. Friday evening, April jyth,
In tho Centennial hall. Evorybody Is
invited to attend this mooting. Good
music will bo provided.
Mrs. E. A. Elmore, of Moadvllle, Pa.,
will bo present and will make the prin
cipal address.
Curtain Poles
Yon hovo been paying 15 and 2.")C for,
wo will soli you this week at 0c and 15c.
Bing-Stoko Co.
Many good horses and cows aro lost
every spring for want of a little care
and attention. A few cents spent for a
good condition powder given in timo
would save many dollars. Don t wait
until your animal Is almost dead. Get
a package of Keystono Condition Pow
der and give two or threo doses every
day for several woeks. You will be sur
prised with tho results. For sale at tho
Roynolds drug store.
Mrs. E. A. Elmore, of Moadvllle, Pa.,
In Salvation Army hall April 18, 10,
20 and 21. She will also conduct re
ligious meetings Sunday afternoon and
oyenlng. All wolcorao.
CAPT. Herman, In Charge.
When cleaning houso Bond your laco
curtains and counterpanes to tho iteyn
oldsvillo Steam Laundry.
All sorts of wall papor hanging, plain
or fanov. done on short notice. Book
your order now with II. E. Phillips,
painter and decorator, Roynoldsvljlo, Pa.
ror portieres, moo curtains, curium
Doles and window shades go to Shick
& Wagner's.
CI.. f 1H n..U ,., Ml unll nn
M k.niO i'l. I'll J'M.IO "in biii '.i
reasonable terms throe doslrablo dwell
ings, west end.
We can fit von. lust give us a trlul at
lvouinson s.
Sue the threo-tlcs-ln-ono at Mllllrens.
Summer dress goods at any prico ut
Sutter s.
Williams' shoes.
Knox hats at MUlirens.
New spring shirts at Millirens.
Tablet with every pair of shool shoos
at Williams.'
See the Milllron Special for your
spring derby.
Tablets given away with school shoes
at Johnston & Nolan's.
Rodgers knives and forks at a special
price at C, F. Hoffman's.
We make It worth yourhile to buy
shoes from us. Robinson's.
A large assortment of tho celebrated
Knox bats at Millirens.
A nice stock of window shades, lino
leums, oil cloths, etc., just received at
the Keystone Hardware Co.'s.
Tho Walk-Over shoes aro winners,
price $3.00 and $4.00 at Robinson's.
Bicycle riding will soon be here. Take
your bike to Hoffman's repair shop and
have it put in shape.
If you want a perfect fit, ordor suit
from John Flynn, tho tailor,
yCurtaln polo spoolul ash, oak and
nbaruolod 0 and 15u the pair this week.
Blng-Stoke Co.
We want your shoe trade, Robinson's.
Sixty pairs of misses' shoes that were
formerly $1.50, now 76o., sizes 11 to 2 at
Ram's Horn Man Has Small-pox
Eliinh P. Brown, editor of tho Ham's
Horn, was to have lectured In the M. K.
church at this place last Thursday even
ing and a audience nssomnicu
at the church tohearhlm.butMr. Brown
failed to appear. Rev. Perry A. Reno,
who was managing the engagement at
this pluee, received no notice from
Mrown that, no wotiui not no nern anu
thero was no explanation to glvo to tho
disappointed audience. The admission
fee was refunded to tho peoplo at tho
door. Rev. Reno wrote to Mr. Brown
Friday asking for an explanation of tho
disappointment und on Monday Rev.
lteno received tho following ;
Indianapolis, Ind., April 13, 1001.
Rf.v. I'. A. Reno,
Dear Buo.: Yours of yesterday just
received. I am very sorry to hear of
your disappointment. I wrote you ten
days ago dictating ov telephone mat
I was down with smail-pox and under
qnnrintino. I hope to bo able to ar
range a new date with you as soon ns it
can bo done. Yours Sincerely,
Elijah P. Brown.
Dictated through tho telephone, Dc-
Geo. W. Wornick Appointed.
We stated last woek that Frank P.
Adelsperger, constable In this borough,
hud tendered his resignation to the
court. Judge Reed accepted tho resig
nation and appointed George W. War
nick to servo as constable of Reynolds
ville borough until next February elec
tion, when a constable will bo elected.
Mi'. Warnick went to Brookvillo Satur
day and took tho oath of ofllco.
Frank P. Adelsperger, who served as
constable In this borough sixteen years,
was a good official. Ho is not a large
man hut ho has "grit" cnougji for a
man twice his size. When Frank had
a warrant for a nun ho never hesitated
to serve It on account of the size of tho
man or his reputation as a "tough."
Other work which is more remunerative
than tho olllco of constable, and which
requires all Mr. Adelsperger's time, is
what caused him to resign us constable.
Commencement Program.
Following is tho program of exercises
for the high school commencement to
bo held In this place next month :
Sunday. May . in M. is. church,
graduating sermon, J. D. Moffat, D. D.,
LL. D., president of tho Washington
and Jefferson College.
Tuesday, May i, in ill. l!.. church,
junior elocutlonnry contest.
Wednesday, May H, In M. K. church,
fifth annual graduating exercises. Grad
uating address, Dr. A. E. Turner, pres
ident Waynesburg College.
Thursday, May 11, at Hotel Imperial,
fifth annual alumni banquet.
"White Cap" Ball Team.
Tho "White Cap" foot ball team of
this place has organized a buse hall
team. Frank C. Wiley is manager and
Eugeno Jlluek captain. Following Is
list of players: Daniel Fetterhnff,
catcher; F. Lewis, pitcher; Frank Wil
ey, short stop; A. Wazella, first baso
Charles Deter, second base; Eugene
Block, third base: N. Smith, center
Held: B. Simpson, right Held, W. Ward,
loft field; John Fink, mascot.
New Books.
Sevorul now volumns havo been ro
cently udded to tho library of the free
reading room, tho last ono was donated
by Miss Carolino 1). Nichols, "All
Aboard" by Oliver Optic.
ThlB is a pleasant room In which to
spend on evening much moro profitably
than standing on tho street corner. A
cordial welcome to every young man.
Building and Loan Report.
The eloventh nnnuul report of the
Reynoldsville Building and Loan As
sociation will bo found In this Issue of
Thk Star.
Lace Curtains.
flood values that vou'll bo after earl v.
that you'll freoly select, when you see
tho goods, 12, $10, h, m, HH.MI, 9.1. i.
down 2oa the pair, at Blng-Stoke Co.
Farmers and Stock Owners,
After a long, hard winter your cattle
and horses need a good tonic medicine,
something that will keep them in good
condition until the grass grows. Key'
stone Condition Powder is just what they
need. For sulo at tho Reynolds drug
A Pound Contribution.
There will bo a pound mooting Satur
day night In tho Salvation Army hall
for benefit of the officer In churgo. Any
tiling in tho lino of provision will bo
very acceptable. UAPT. iiKKMAN,
In Charge.
Gray wolf skin robe, Btrlped lining,
lost In Reynoldsville. Finder will be
rewarded by leaving robo ut this ollloo
Cow posturo on Goodwill farm. For
terms Inquire of Wm. Gibson.
Found A check for Llzzlo Tlry. Call
at tnis onico.
Wanted at Steam Laundry, girl to do
plain ironing and hand washing. Ap
ply at office.
Paper hanging of all kinds done on
thort notice. Practical work gunrun-
Bccd. U. E. Phillips, decorator, Koyn
oldsvillo, Pa.
Keystono Condition Powders 25 cents
a pound; in bulk six pounds lor si.uu,
Cheapest and best condition powder
In the market. For sale at the Ueyn
olds drug store. ,
We sell Ultra shoes, thoswollost out,
For best values in laco curtains, por
tie res, couch covers, curtain poles and
window shades go to Shick fc Wagnor,
B'or Sulo A top buggy almost new at
C. R.
Hull, opposite posv
Cheap for Cash M. M. Davis will
sell a set of buggy hurnoss, buggy, sur
rey ana oart.
New clothing for mon and boys at
Williams' shoos oxcoll all others in
quality and price.
Full line of Reed's ladles' shoes at
Johnston & Nolan's at cost
Special ourtaln pole sale, tho kind
you have been paying 25o for, we sell
now at 15p. Bing-Stoko Co.-
List of Criminal Cases Disposed of
Three Criminals 8ent to "Pen."
Tho regular April term of criminal
court was hold In Brookvillo last week
with Hon. John W. Roed, president
udgo, on the bench. Roderick Me-
)onald, of Washington township, was
appointed foreman of the grand jury
and v . ll. vjrawtord, or wasnington
township, constable In charge of the
grand jury. Tipstaves : Irvln McGreg
or, of Young township, John II. Null, of
Winslow township, and 1. .1. ward, or
AVest Reynoldsvillo. 'Tho list of cases
on the criminal calendar was not as
largo this term as usual. Below we
mbllsh a list of all the cases except tho
and U. cases :
Com. vs. II. R. Kimble. Larceny
and receiving stolen goods. Pleads
guilty and Is sentenced to fifteen months
at hard labor In western penitentiary.
Com. vs, Perrv Adams. Assoultwltn
Intent to kill. Truo bill. Verdict
guilty on second and third counts of In
dictment. Sentenced to one year In pen
itentiary. Uom. vs. .lonn wzame. ijorceny and
receiving stolen goods. Not a true bill
and prosecutor to pay costs.
Com. vs. Martin ftlcuregor. Assault
and battery and surety of the peace.
Pleaded guilty and sentenced to pay a
fino of $25 and costs.
Com. vs. Lu Chamborlaln and Sol
Dumbroslo. Blasting In mlno without
warning. Truo bill and verdict of
guilty. Fined $2o and costs of prosecu
Com. vs. Tommy Bronccllo. Assault
and battery. Not a true bill and prose
cutor to pay costs.
(Join. vs. J. s. lionnutt. rolso pre
tense Truo bill. Recognizance for
feited. Com. vs. David Smith. Criminal li
bel. Continued.
Com. vs. Michael Murray. Desertion.
Master appointed.
Com. vs. John ftmigh. forgery.
Plended guilty. Sentenced to one year
at hard labor In western ponltentlary.
Uom. vs. I'aul wingort, John ward
and Harry Hughes. Larceny and ma
licious mischief. Not a true bill, and
county to pay the costs.
Join. vs. Uarney Meuann. Assault
and battery and surety of tho peace
Pleaded guilty. Fined $25 and costs.
Com. vs. Edith A. Miller. Incorrigi
bility. Committee In lunacy appointed
lCdlth was taken to Warren asylum Fri
Com. vs. I'etor Conloy. Keeping a
gambling house. True bill.
Com. vs. Robert Thompson. Deser
tion. Muster's report confirmed, and
defendant sentenced to pay costs, to pay
vi l a montn tor support oi ms who, to
give bond to tho commonwealth In $500
to secure such paymont, and to bo In
tho custody of the Bhoriff until sentence
is complied with.
West Reynoldsville Council Meeting.
The West Reynoldsvillo Town Coun
cil met In regular session April 9th
with A. U. Weed In chair. Othermem
bors present, John Orr, John Benson.
J. N. Small, Samuel Suttor and Richard
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and approved.
ilie street committee reported a
number of walks which noeded repairs
and a numbor of crossings to bo put In
und some needing repairs.
It wus arranged for Street Commis
sioner to give notlco to property hold
ers to make repairs at once.
The resignation of u. JS. Koehler,
Burgess, was held over.
Reports of Burgess, Tax Collector
and Treasurer wore read and accepted.
1 ho Treasurer s report showed a bal
ance on hnnd of $732.41.
Bills to the amount of $0.00 were or
dered paid.
A . J 1 . .1
jvuuiiors report, reiiu unu nccepiuu.
The Finance Committee were instruct
ed to look after and purchase 400 foot of
hoso and hoso carriago for fire proteo-
Lace Curtains.
To bo satisfactory to you must be
bought at right prices and must be tho
styles that are newest and the qualities
that are loading. We re in readiness,
and offering special values this week,
from vi , down to o a pair. Xilng
Stoke Co.
A Card of Thanks.
We wish hereby to express our heart
felt and sincere thanks to the members
and friends of the Reynoldsvillo Bap
tist church for tholr very kind and gen
erous donation last Friday evening.
Pastor and Mrs. A. J. Meek,
Special Curtain Sale.
Its the time of year you want lace
curtains. Just a hint of the kind of
values that are posslblo In your April
buying of luce curtains. $12 down to
25c a pair at Blng-Stoke Co.
Bottor equipped than evor to do blov
clo repairing and a full line of sundries
in stock. Hoffman s bike repair shop.
Johnston & Nolan have a fine line of
Emerson's shoes for gontlomon. Soe
Nurrow reversible 4-in-hands at Mil
John Flynn, merchant tailor, makes
up-to-date suits. Try him.
Keystone mixed paints are guaran
teed and none hotter are made. Can be
had at Keystono Hardware Co.'s.
Call at Sutter's and soe the finest Hue
of dress goods ever shown in our city.
Grand Duo Dorbles at Millirens.
I have some exceptionally good values
in silver spoons, knives and forks. Come
and see. C. F. HOFFMAN.
The greatest selection of fancy half
hose at Millirens.
When cleaning house send the furni
ture you wish done over to Northamer
& Kollock, Woodward bldg., Main st.
Soe our fine line of notions Sutter's,
the new store.
W. E. Lucas, the plumber, Is ready to
do all kinds of work in his line. Shop
on Fifth streot, near gas office.
Latest stylos In shoot at Johnston &
Nolan's shoe parlors. Call and see
shoes and got their low prloes.
Something novel In bats at Millirens.
A lot of new shoes, latest stylos, price
$1.50 and $1.75 at Robinson's.
Gllrrtpaes of the People who are
'. To and Fro.
O. A. Gray was In ClcarHek
week. ' ,
Miss Biulio Kline, of Kane, is vis
In townA
Amos Roitz, of Brookvillo, Vlslt"l
this place last wook. )
Goororo Melllnger wag In Punxsuu.
hev a day last week.
Andv Whoolor and wifo wore In Ph
adolnhla last week.
Mrs. C. N. Lewis Is visiting no
mother at Emcrlckvlllo.
.Tnaenh Morrison, of BeechtreO, visit
ed In town tho post week.
D. R. McConncll is visiting his son, J.
R. McConnell, In Brookvillo.
Levi Schuckers and Jamas Degnan
were in Philadelphia last week.
Samuel Whltmore went to Pittsburg
yesterday to remain several days. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ccorgo W. JJoropscy
Bpcut Sunday ai new ucmiuncm.
Misses Martha Grlcks and Irene
Cochran spent Sunday In DuBoli.
Mr, Ttenliimln HauL'h Is visiting at
Falls Creek and DuBois this week. I
Frank C. Wiley visited his brother,
Fred Wiley, in St. Marys this wi'wk. I
McConnell, was In Pittsburg thik week.
Dr. W. B. Alexander and wllb were
In Pittsburg several days tho paaft week.
Mrs. T. J. Davis and daughter. Miss
Anna, visited in Falls Creek lasi week.
Mrs. Dr. Hurry W. Truitt, of Cantonr
Pa., Is visiting her homo In this place.
Miss Jennie Lewis, of Frostblirg. . is
visiting her futher, 0. N. Lewis, in this
Mrs. V. V. Smith and son, David, of
Penfield, visited at E. D. Radebach's
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stone visited at
Turtle Creek, Pittsburg' and Oakmont
last week.
Mrs. George k. Smith, of Driftwood,
Is the guest of Mrs. D. M. Dunsraore
this week, ' ,
John U5a')oT Co"('de, Pa., Is vis
iting blr' om'gntor, Mr8. j
in this f""oe.
Fran? Roller, who bus been
an unc'o at l'unxmiiu.-,
home MlHWiiy. .j ' ( '
Mrs. Charles S..Kirschartz spent sev-
eral days of pasf Wecit with her parents
at JJrookvilloy! V
Miss Maudl Shlngledockew;. fttM?
vlllo, bus belin the guest of Mrs. I. J
Uoch severAl weeks. I
Allan Kng wont to Llgonler, P f
yesterday, where he has been protnitJCd 1
a position as enginoor. J
M. Fox, of Bellvlllo, Mifflin county
Pa., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Margate
Cartin, on Jackson street.
A. H. Fasonmyor, clork In MIUlroi
clothing store, visited his parents a.
New Bethlehem last Friday --' V
D. A. Driscoll, of Bradford, brotber
of Father Edward Driscoll, of this place,
visited In town the past week.
C. F. Hoffman, the jeweler, was at
Brookvllle over Sunday at the bedside
of hist mother, who is seriously ill.
Mrs! J. B. Nichols, of Eleanora, has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B,
4'eulo, In this plaoe the past week.
Mrs. Honry Horpol was In Klttan
ning lust Friday, called there by death
of herLrother-in-law, John Fortune
Mrs. 1AC. McGaw" Vtsutawne
visited hervmJ-' ).
Rlston, on.
Albert Stutter, a machiij
been working I nCloarflold j
Is vlhitif.Jliis parents in this pit,
Hon. W.
O. Smith, editor of Pu
tawnoy tS)
and Mrs. J
n'f, visited his parents,
hn S. Smith. jt-ou
lat. Thnriliiv. M
Prof. G. W. Lonkon
borough, schools, was
s at Penh
day night attending the
alumni banquet.
Mrs. Buck and daughter.
phia Buck, of Driftwood, vlsiti
former's son, Frank Buck, in We.
noldsvillo last week. .
Conrad Mendel was called to K
nlng last Friday by the death of hii
in-law, John Fortuno, who was f
at Pittsburg Sunday. I
L. M. Snyder and wife Wore ca
Summervilie last Thursday by tb
lous illness of Mrs. Snyder's fatheil
Sheriff 8. P. Anderson. i
S. K. Furman, of Harrlsburg, J
tal clerk on P. & E. R. R. vhtltoc
mother-in-law, Mrs. Kate H. -'
Prescottvlllo last week.
Mrs. G. M. McDonajd at' "
Penfield high school '1
i- uuny uigui, anu femainr
over Sunday with hen Dai-.
P. II. Smith, formerly i
tho BoaXon bakery in tlf
is aow working in CurwJ
Sunday with his wife in ll
Mrs. A. P. Utter, who
lng her parents, Mr. ail
Ross, in this plaee-is'iW
started for her homo at Mul
yesterday. I
Martin Phalen and T.
were at St. Marys Sunda
Institution of Knights of j
der at that plae. . Tho'
ouu visitors prt'sonr. ;
George W, Robly
Miss Arietta, of Tlq
lng the former's
o. o. xwoiuson aii
Lib Robinson, in It
Jamos H. Clover). .
of the Bclnap Hour
years ago, recent!--hotel
at Lewlsbw
this week. At j!
not in business.
Miss Winnie F
the Summervlll,
central office in
last Thursday ,
weeks' V"4
hanoy v
terost ot i,.
to his horn
the serloo
loo, who
Reynolds cl
the PhllMl
I eo p. -