The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 13, 1901, Image 8

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Pup Perkins. I'nalinnalFr, Tells How
the Contribution far the Needy
W IiIoit XK mm Xlnrtril nnl Haw It
Was Ahrnnfly Closed lir Itepnrt
From 1,1 h IIIIIIum.
trc..vrls!il. l: n. by C. B. I.ewli.J
The WUlilor JnckRoii, relict of Tom
JnrkRon, IiikI Ih'imi title of im In Jericho
for 1.1 yours. Hlio iniinitfod minit'liotv
to Uke rnro of hcrwlf until n long, lln.
Rorln olckiii'sn c;iiiu, nnil won then
he ButTi-rod for euro rntlicr tlinn let
nnyhody know of her Rltniitlon. It
lenked out, however, nml ,1nlc;t Tlipm
a wit one of 1 lit- Hint to henr of It.
lie dropped Into the ioNtolllee one
cveiiln nml tolil nliont It nml then said
to the rrowil:
"Keller ('Itlxeim If Jericho linn a per
tlckler KtroiiK p'lnt. It l chnrlty. No
mnn, tvoninii or chllil ever ylt cnlleil
upon her In vnln. It lins liln our prlile
anil our lionst tlint we una a cotmmitil
ty with a henrt to feel for the mirrors
of others. I'p there on the bill, as I
hev bin told within the hint two hours,
lie a poor old nuft'erln woman, the
Wldder of Tom Jackson. She needs
food, fuel and medicine and has need
ed 'em for days, but now that we ln-v
come to know It the henrt of Joilcho
will Rive a mighty responsive throb
and hasten to relieve her case."
There was a Kood deal of surprise
over the statement, and everybody had
aid how sorry he was when Deacon
Spooner rapped for order and snld:
"Jcrlcholnns, when Jnlici Thomas
talks about the charity of this commu
nity be makes a strong p'lnt a mighty
strong p'lnt We all knew Tom Jack
son for an honest, himlworkln man,
and his wldder shall not appeal to us
in vain. 1 for one shall esteem It n
privilege to contribute to her benefit.
Let us henr from Ktios Wllllnnis."
Enos rose up and said that bo used
to go fisliln with Tom Jackson and
that had he known of his wldder beln
hard up he would hcv divided bis last
turnip with her. She was a good wom
an and a woman respected by all, and
too much could not be done for her.
As soon as renchln home be would send
his wife over to see what could be
done, and of course his wallet was
wide open for contributions. Heseklah
Davison wanted to say a few words
also. lie begun to talk about the dis
covery of America and the pilgrim fa
thers, but Deacon Spooner choked him
off and got him down to the outbreak
of the civil war. He'd her hung on
there If he hadn't bin Jogged ag'ln, and
It was a quarter of an hour before he
got around to say that be was awful
sorry for the Wldder Jackson and want
ed to be one of tho first to prove his
big heartedness. Four or five others
had their say, and then Henry Bchera
, crborn held up a paper and said:
"As I take It we are all of us ready
and willln to make up a little purse for
the suffer in wldder?"
"We are!" called everybody at once.
"Then there's nuthln to prevent. Be
ln as Jebez Thomas was first to make
known the case, he should bev the
honor of beln the first to put his name
down on this paper."
Jabes hung back. He snld bo was
only a humble citizen and didn't want
to put himself forward over others.
While bis beart throbbed and bled and
bobbed around, he'd give way to Dea
con Spooner and come In second.
"Gentlemen." snld the deacon as he
looked around In a lonesome way, "I
hev bin a resident of Jericho less than
20 years, and 1 don't want to assume
' the privilege of an old pioneer. It's an
honor to bead that paper, but I dnsn't
claim It when so many better and old
er citizens are before me. 1 don't want
to hurt nobody's feelin's by boostln one
man over another, but It do seem to
me, under all the circumstances, that
Squar Joslyn Is the man to write bis
name first of anybody In Jericho."
The squar was red In the face as he
rose up, and he didn't look a bit pleas
ed as be said:
"While I may be the oldest resident
of Jericho, nobody has ever heard me
brag of It or thrust myself forward on
that account In slgnln papers of this
ort I bev alius bin satisfied to come In
sixth or seventh, and It shall be so In
this case. My heart Is open, and my
wallet is open, but I'd suggest that
Moses Perkins bead the list. I under
stand that be and tbe lamented Thom
as Jackson used to ship butter and
eggs on shares, and It seems appropri
ate that he should bev tbls great hon
or." Moses- got up and began to talk of
George Washington and Hunker Hill,
but Dencon Spooner rapped blni down
and beld til in to tho enne in bnnd. Then
be tried to say somethln about the
ffVrtoua Fourth; but. Iielo choked off
ag'ln, lie took the puper and put hi
name down fur 13 rents. He expluiu
d, however, tlml tlint was only a si a it
er aud that tils sympathetic heart could
be depended upon to do as much as
any other henrt In Jericho. Tho pnpet
went round, nnd men put down thelt
names from 15 to 50 cents. Unci) one
hnd nn explanation to make. He was
only throwin out a feeler, but could be
depended upon for f UK) If there was
need of It. The sum of $1.80 hnd bin
raised and there wns a general feel In
all through the crowd that Jericho was
iloln herself proud when I-IkIi Hillings
came sn'tuterln In. Immicoii Spooner at
once explained the ense to hliu and
"I, lull, you are known to be a big
hearted man, anil we all know you will
be glnd to contribute to sleh a worthy
ennse. tllve us your nnme."
"I see," snld l.lsli as he took the pa
per, "tlint you hev raised $1.80 for a
siek nml distressed wldder who h.ts
lived among us fur 13 years."
"We hev."
"And it's nil goln to be hers?"
"Kvery cent of It."
"And you wnnt me to mnke It up to
$2 nud do old Jericho proud?"
"That's It. I.lsh."
"Wnnl. you'll her to excuse me. The
wldder don't happen to need the con
tributions of our throbbln nnd sympa
thetic hearts. She died about an hour
ago. and her sister Is coin I n down from
Albnuy to bury her!" M. Quad.
Where the Money Came From Thai
Settled the mil.
"For diplomatic kindness I will never
forget one mnn," remarked 'n well
known sportsmnn of Pittsburg, "lie
certainly knew how to do the right
thing, nml although It didn't cost him
anything It helped n crowd of us out
of nn emhiirrnsslng predicament for
the time. A party of young fellows,
myself In the number, were camping
years ngo on the Heaver river, not far
from Hock point. None of us hnd much
money after getting our outfit and tho
farmers got about all that was left
In exchange for milk nnd butter. One
day three of us decided to go up to the
picnic grounds, and, Just as luck would
have It, we met a crowd of girls from
our own town. It was a hnppy meet
ing all around until some fool girl
suggested that we all get our pictures
taken. To save our lives, tbe three of
us boys couldn't have raised total of
10 cents, but like true soldiers of for
tune we decided to go ahead and trust
to luck to meet tho obligation.
"The artist eyed us rather queerly
and our hearts began to fall. After a
whispered consultation I was delegated
to take bltn aside nnd negotiate with
him. I was authorised to stake every
thing we bad. even down to our good
names. 1 stated the case briefly but
eloquently, aud 1 must have made a
good Impression, for, when I bad fin
ished, be said It would be all right
The strangest part of It nil to me was
when he handed me a dollar bill.
'I know how It Is myself.' he said.
'You waut to put up a bluff before
these girls. Just hand me the dollar
for the pictures when I'm through.'
"That was what pleased me, and 1
flashed that bill before the girls wltn
the air of a magnate. It was Just a
month later that I learned from a
brother of one of the girls tlint they
had noticed our worried looks and bad
forestalled us by paying the pho
tographer the dollar I flourished sc
proudly," Pittsburg News.
Too Hurried.
A "tenderfoot" who was trying his
luck on a western ranch was at first
horrified by the table etiquette whlcb
prevailed among bis associates.
One day bis feelings evidently came
so near the surface that a cowboy
whose performances wltb a table knife
of unusual size bad aroused the ten
derfoot's amazement, paused with an
other knlfeful of food half way to his
"What's tbe matter?" Inquired the
cowboy with disconcerting promptness,
p the tone of one wbo means to be
"Ah er nothing," hastily responded
tbe tenderfoot
"Look here." cried the cowboy, with
nn accompanying thump of his un
occupied hand on the table. "I want
you to understand that I've got man
ners, but 1 haven't time to uso 'cm
that's all!" Youth's Co in pa u Ion.
Something? For Nothing-
Some time ugo there appeared In sev
eral Paris papers an advertisement of
an obscure fruit dealer. In whlcb he of
fered to give a prize of 0 francs for the
largest apple sent to him. Then fish
caught at the bait with marvelous ra
pidity, and In less than a fortnight tbe
advertiser bad received enough fruit to
stock his store for tbe season. Natu
rally be was glad to pay 5 francs for
the largest of the lot and Just as natu
rally be kept all the unsuccessful speci
mens for sale from his shop. Besides,
tbe advertising resulted In a large In
crease In bis business.
A Harah Fata.
"Yls, poor chap." said Michael "be
bad a bard tolme ar It He ought to
be glad he's dead. He nlrer bad none
ar tbe blessings ar the rich. Tbe only
tolme be Irer rode In a carriage In bis
iolfe was pbwin be wlnt to his funer
al." Chicago Times-Herald.
$S00 Reward for sny Injo
nam substancs found la
these Cspiules.
Will Cur any
Kind of
Money refunded If not
we say, belli postpaid on
receipt 01 price,
.w.,.nn,i Ml W I I I ITU VI V W .
Ota eioiuei, lews.
For stile by II. Alex. Blokn.
Enacted by Town Council of the Bor
ough of Reynoldsvllle.
Ordlniinoe No. 71.
AN ORDINANCE relntlng to Hawking mid
Heel Ion I. He It. ordained liy the Iluiuoss
nml t'nmii'll of the hormigli of Reyn
oldsvllle, ii ml It Im liereliy ordained hy iho
mil Inn It y of Hie sumo. That It shall nut tin
lawful for any perwn or tiersons to mmenr
within Hie limits of the licmiiittli of
llcynoldsvllle its n peddler or ll hunker
fur I lie purpose of eellltiit, vending, ped-
illliiK, linn king in- i'MiiwIiiu for mile anything
Tvliiitsiictor, ll limit fli-st having procured n
Irenie from the Chief Burgess nml pnyhig
tlteii'forp it sum not lens than one nor mora
limn tlfiy dollars per liny fur sin-It lleenw1.
Si-filiiu 2. Any person or persons nerlert-
tiiit to procure sml pity fur milil llcetiM. km
provided In Hei'lluii 1 of this oi'illunni'e, hIiiiII
mlliilile to n tine of nut lens limn Hie nor
mure tlmn fifty dollars, fur tlte tme of the
iHiruittrlt, tu Is recovered liy tine pruees of
I ii w n lt pruvliteil In surli ciicm.
Swlluna. Tlint nil orilltmnt'e or piirtrf of
urttttiiinrc Incomilitciit herewith lie, nml the
snme nre hereby repenleil.
Orthilnt'il nml emu-leil Into n liiw In emtuell
Hi l-i 4lli ilny uf Mnreh, A. I). IIMI.
II. t'. Until. k,
Attest: President of t'otinrll.
I,. J. McEntihk, Clerk of Council.
Approved till Nth ilny uf M'irvli, A. 11. IIHJI.
C. Mitch km.. Chief lliiiKes.
No. 72.
AN OKI'INANCE ntilliorlzlnti the opcnluK'
of the extenlun of Willow nlley frum the
enntern line of Rltihllt Htreet, through Innil uf
Mrs. (ten. Hhoden nnd A. M. Appleimte, to the
western line of Ninth street, and the nse-
nienl uf ilnmiilies eniiHi'd tltereliy mid liy the
prude tliereuf, nei'indlnir to the nccompiiny
Inif plan.
Wiikiikas, The Town Council of the t'or-
oiikIi of Heytiolilvllle deem It necesiuy to
open the extension uf Willow alley, frum the
enstern line of Kltfhth street tu the wi'tern
line uf Ninth street, nil lines with snld nlley
n iiuw upened: thi'i-efure,
Si i l Inn I. lie It nrilulneil hy the Hiiikcsh
nml Town Cuonell uf the hurnuiih of Heyn
uldsvllle mid It I liereliy uiduliied hy
Hiitliotlty uf the same: That I he Htreet
cununlttee ho and Is hereby aiithurlKcd
mid directed to cause to Im surveyed
end upened fur public use and tienollt,
the extension of Willow alley from the east
ern line of rlishth street to the western line
of Ninth street, on lines with snld alley as
alrenily oHneil ip nnil laid out, across the
land of Mrs. tliH). HIiikIi-s mttl A. M. Apple-
gato, nnd others If need be, at a width of
fourteen feet, In accordance with the accom
panying plan.
Section S. The damages caused thereby
and the grade thereof and the benefits to pay
the same to be assesed and collected In ac
cordance with the Acts of Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating
thereto and n'guhitlng the same.
Section 3. All nrdlnnneesor pnrts of ordi
nances Inconsistent herewith he and the
same are hereby repealed.
Ordained aud enacted Into a law In council
this 4th ilny of March, A. I). 1MH.
II. O. Hsihi.k,
Attest: President of Council.
h. J. MvEntiiir, Clerk.
Approved this 8th day of March, A. I). 1IKII.
C. MlTl'llKI.I, Chief IlurgOHs.
No. 711.
AN ORDINANCE nutliorlrlng the opening
of hat shall he known as London alley from
Main street to Jackson street. In the borough
of lteynoldsvllln, over the hinds of Thomas
Keynolds and Margaret Oorsllno, and Isaac
Wiikiikas, The Town Council of the bor
ough of Keynuldsvlllu deem it necessary to
open and lay out for public use an alley from
a point on Main street beginning at or near
tho eastern line of hinds of Isaac London,
thence In a southerly direction over the lands
of Isaac London and Thomas Keynolds and
Margaret (Jorsllne to the northern line of
Jackson street. Said alley to tie opened six
teen foot In width; therefore,
Section I. He It ordained by the Burgess
and Town Council of the borough of Iteyn-
oldsvllle, and It Is liereliy ordained by au
thority of the same: That the street commit-1
tee be and Is hereby authorised and directed
to cause to be surveyed and opened for public
use and benefit, an alley from a point on
Mnln street ator near tho eastern line of lauds
owned by Isaac London, on the south side of
said Main street, thence running In a south
erly direction along the line and over lands
of Isaac London and Thomas Keynolds and
Margaret Onrsllne to Jackson street, at a
width of sixteen feet according to the accom
panying plan.
Section 2. Tho damages caused thereby
and the grnde thereof and the benefit to pay
tho same to lie assessed nnd collected in ac
cordance with the Acts of Assembly of tho
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating
thereto and regulating tho same.
Hectlon 8. All ordinances or parts of ordi
nances InconHlstout herewith be and tliesume
are horoby repealed.
Ordained and enacted Into a law In council
till 4th day of March, A. D. mil.
11. V. IIKIIH.E,
Attest: 'resident of Council,
L. J. McEktirb, Clerk.
' Approved this sth day of March, A. D. 11MI1.
O. Mitciikll, Chief Burgess.
No. 74.
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the opeuln
Ing of the extension of Gordon alley from the
eastern line of Eleventh (formerly Taylor)
street, over and through lands of I. H. Lon
don, Wm. Bolt, John Pomroy. John Trudgen,
William Wiley, William Northy and Davis
McCrucken, to the western line of London
alley, and the assessment of damages caused
thereby and by the grade tliereuf, according
to the accompanying plan.
Whbrbas, The town council of tbe bor
ough of Reynoldsvllle deem it neces
sary to open the extension of Gordon
alley, from the eastern line of Elev
enth (formerly Taylor) street, over and
through the hinds of I. II. London, Wm. Bolt,
John Pomroy, John Trudgeou, Wllllum Wiley,
William Northy and Davis McOracken, to the
western line of London alley, to the same
width Gordon alley Is opened to the western
line of said Eleventh (formerly Taylor) Btreot
nnd on parullol lines with said Main and
Jackson streets as now opened', therefore.
Section t. Ho It ordained hy the Burgoss
and Town Council of the borough of Keyn
uldsvlllu and It Is liereliy ordained by author'
It y of tho same I That the street commit too
be and Is hereby authorized and directed to
cause to bo opened and surveyed for public
use and benollt, the extension of Gordon alley
from tho eastern line of Eleventh (formerly
Taylor) as now opened, thence to tho
WeHtern line of Loudon alley, over
and across lands" ;of I. A. Loudon, Wm.
Holt, John Pomroy, John Trudgen, William
Wiley, Wllllum Noli liy and Davis McOracken,
and others If need lie, at the same width suld
alley is now oiienvd, in accordance with uc
compitnylng plan.
Suction 1 Tho dumuges caused thereby
and the grade thereof, and tho beuonts to pay
the snme to he aced snd collected In ac
cordance with the Acts of Asnemhly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating
thereto nnd regulating lite snme.
Heetlun S. All nidltinncesor parts of ordi
nances Inconsistent herewith bo nnd the
snme are hereby reis-nled.
Ordained and enncted Into a law In council
thl 4th day of March, A. II. mil.
II. C. Drihi.r,
Attel t President of Council,
L. 3. McEsTinr, Clerk.
Approved this Ml Ii ilny of Mnreh, A. D. KKII.
O. MiTi-liKM., Chief Hinge.
Farm for Sale.
R7 acres. Very deslriiblo location. One
mllo from Key noldsvillc. Twoorchards
and Kiotl witter. Ktiquire of
MH8. J. T. Coax.
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still has tho lar
gest sulo uf any medicine in tho civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmoth
ers never thought of using anything
else for Indigestion or biliousness. I)ik
tors wore scui cc, and they seldom heard
of Appendicitis, Nervous I'rostratlon,
or Heart Failure, etc. They used Au
gust Flower to clean out the system and
stop fermentation of undigested fowl,
regulato the action of the liver, stimu
late tho nervous and organic action of
tho system, and that Is all they took
when fooling dull nnd bad with hend
ni'hcs and other aches. You only need
a few does of Green's August Flower, in
liquid form, to innke you satisfied thore
Is nothing serious the mutter with you.
For sulo at II. Alex Stoko's drug storo.
Clot (Sreon's Prlzo Almntinc.
Notli'i1 If htn1)V nl veil tlitit, thn tmrtiiPt-Hiiln
.H'H'tMfnri' cxWllntf liMwrrii llniiii'i- llmni
liuuuh nml .1. It. IIIIIIh iiiiitcr lim Mini Hume
of Iti-timlmiwli Ac tlllliB, f iirnlt lire tiVrtlrt.
hit bi'i'ii dlsHtilvrd hy tniituitl rmmpnt. All
tlchlH ow liitf to kiiUI It I'm tire terHviibln by J.
Jl. II1IUM, lO WIM Mil HIHO mi rillTlllH UNO (H1-
nmticl mi hhWI firm nn to he ir".wipt fur
payment. Homkii ItnrMiiAi iiM,
j. it. ii ii, i, it.
KeynolilHvlUe, March 1, 110)1.
t'tter of nilmlnlslriillnn on tbe etntn nf
.lame Patrick, Into of Hiithnicl, Wlimlow
township. JefTerHuu county. Pa., deceased,
having been grunted to John Smith, whose
iMMtiilltce nddres 1 Kulbmi-I, Jefferun coun
ty, Pn., notice I hereby given to all persons
Indebted tu said estate to make Immediate
layment to the nilmlnltra1or. and those
living clnlms sgnlnHt Ihe estnte will present
them to the administrator, properly authen
tlruled, for sell lenient. John Smith,
February 20, IMil. Administrator.
Office on West Mnln street, nunoalta the
Commercial Hotel, Hoynoldsvlllo.Pa.
q m. Mcdonald,
Notary Public, real estate agent. Patents
secured, collection made promptly. Olllce
in noinu uiocs, iieynoiusvuie, ra.
Notary Public and Itenl Estate Agent. Col
lections will receive prompt, attention. Office
In KriM'lillrh A Henry bluck, near postofttue,
neynoiuBviuo ra.
R. 11. E. HOOVER,
Resident dentist. In tho Kroehlleb A. Hen
ry block, near tho posiofflce, Main street.
Gentleness In operating.
Office on second floor of First National bank
building, Main street.
R. U. DkVERE kino.
Office on second floor Reynoldsvllle Real
bstate mug., main streot, ueyuoiusvuie, 1'a.
And Real Est a to Agent, Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
A full line of supplies constantly on hand.
Picture framing a specially. Otttceand ware
room in the Moore building on Main street.
FliANK METZ, Proprietor.
First class in every particular. Located In
the very centre of tliu business part of town.
Free 'bus to and from trains and commodious
nmple rooms for commercial travelers.
FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor.
The leading hotel of the town. Headquar
ters for commercial men. Hteam heat, fre
bus, batb rooms and closets on every floor,
sample rooms, uiuiaru room, teiopnoue con.
nectlona Ac.
Fire insurance
SINCE 1878. .
Norwood G. Pinney, Ag't.,
Brookville, Pa.
John Trudgen, Solicitor,
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Twelve first-class compan
ies represented.
The oldest established Fire
Insurance Agent in Jef
ferson county.
All business will receive
prompt attention.
fUnetitutitf nmii a rc(i.ill
nn m lily rogulatintf i!kv' c.
Are prompt, rnf 6 ami certain In result. The genii
lnu(l)r, ivtori) liuvetdisuppoiut. el-OO per tox.
For sale hy II. Alox. Btoke.
A Great Nerve Medicine.
Crlcry King cleanses the system aud builds
It up.
It makes the Mood pure.
It hcntillues tbe complexion,
lldiri'S constipation nnd liver disorders.
It cures headache and most other aches.
Celery King cures Nerve, Rtotnacb, 1-lrel
nnil Kidney diseases, I
For salo by II. Alox Stoke.
Practical llorne-Shoer
and General Mackemith.
Horso-shoclng done in Ihe neatest mnnner
and by tbe latest Improved methods. Im
pairing of nil kinds ent-erullv nnd promptly
dime. Satisfaction Oiiaha.vtrko.
Have Just received n complete set of ma
chine horse clippers of Inirst style MIH pattern
and am prepared to do clliiiiliig in the best
possible manlier at r'Misontiofp t-nles.
Jackson HI. near r'lflh, IteynolUsvllle, 'a.
Patronize the llrnt mitt Vhenpet.
Kbtahlihhkd I8:i:t.
Rev. C. W. Smith, D.D., Editor.
Organ of the Methodist Episcopal
church In Western Pennsylvania, East
ern Ohio and West Virginia.
Able articles on ail tho live questions
of the day. The contributors Include
some ot the most eminent writers of tbe
The weekly exposition of the Sunday
School Lesson Is unexcelled. Interest
ing news from all the churches.
Special attention given to the Kp
worth League and Young Folk's De
partments. Terms only $1.00 per year In advance.
75 cents from April 1st to Dec. Hist. All
Itinerant Ministers of thoM. E. Church
are agents, to whom subscriptions may
bo paid. Sont throe months on trial
for 25 cents. Sample copies sent free.
Montlon this pupor. Address,
Christian Advocate,
Pittsburg, Fei.
Want Your
Clothing to Fit ?
Then you ought to go to
J". O. Froehlich,
My line of samples are well
worth anyone's time to call and
inspect. Remember
All Work is Guaranteed.
Cleaning, Repairing and Alter
ing a Specialty.
Near Centennial hall.
Capital, ' 50,000.
Surplus, - - 15,000.
O. Mitchell, President;
Scott .Tie lelUnd, Vice Pres.l
John H. Kanrher. Cashier.
0. Mltrhell, Prott McClelland. J. O. King,
John 11. Cortmt, O. E. Brown,
O. W. fuller, J. II. Kaucher.
Does s general banking business and solicits
the accounts of merchants, professional men.
farmers, mechanics, miners, lumbermen and
others, promising the most careful attention
to the business of all persons.
Bate Deposit Boxes for rent.
First National Bank building, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
'1 hev
stood the tctftol vain.
tnd havt cured thousands o
catetof Kervoul Diieasoi, tuch
Debility, Diulnesn, bleeplesn
tioti and Varicocele, Atrophy, &a
They dearth brain.itrentheu
tho circulation, mak dtReitiou
perfect, and impart a healthy
vigor to tho wholo being. All
drains and loiies ara checked
Irnnff Ao-olfl frtmantMttyt Unlets patients
wUUM&HgtUil ar4 properly cured, their condi
tion often worrlrt them into Insanity, Couiump
ttor? or Death. Mailed sealed. Price per boxi
6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or
refund the money, 5.00. Send for free book.
For ule by II. Alix8toke.
Subscribe for
The -X- Star
If you want the
First National Bank
You will find
In all ahades),
And nlso an over-stock of Nnils
which I will sell cm rap.
J. V. YOUNG, Prop.
Low Grade Division.
In E(Tt Nov. Z, 1900. lEtitern Stanford Tlm.l
No.lt2 No.ll4,ho 106 No loTNoJtg
A. M. A. M.U. M.lf. M P. H.
.... 1 C 1.1 1 9 m 1 1 4ii t m
.... 9 2h 11 111 4 ir, 7 no
i it 22 4 in no
.... 10 1,1 11 47 4 mi d 11
.... m V 4 (w tu 81
.... in 2li 5 ot 18 117
.... 10 44 t H m
M 20 II (HI U 24 1 au R 07
! ! 11 II iS M i 17
t HM lt 111 5 Ml ...
8 M 11 B 12 ta 12 30
t7 IB ll 41 46 IK ....
7 ok 11 4 1 ir ;m wj
? i' mi k 1 w 4i n er,
7 27 1 if? 8 62
7 in 1 40 7 04
7 ti 1 m 7 1(1
IM 2 IM 7 IH Note
0 I" 2 i'.i 7 44
H 2N t2 HH 7 M
M V .... I H m i g 211
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M P. tt.
Hod lliiiik
Now Hiiihlehnm
Biiriimervtlle ...
Kill I t:rnok
Wlntirliiirn ....
Trill 11 112 fNiinrliivt Imii vn IMitwhuruU iriu
lti'd hunk II. in HrookvlliP 12.41, ItttyiioldxvlUe
1.14. I'iiIIh CriTk 1. 211. IMiIIiiIh I.M p. ni.
Notk Triiln IIHiim Kuiidiivn will nmko nil
wtow liptwppii lti'd Hun kji nil HiiUnls,
No. H7No l09,Na 103, No.113; No.lGI
Driftwood ....
Wlnterliurn ..
I Ml llolft
Fulls Orpek...
M. A.
8 2.1,ll &
I S Mi
tt) 17
8 28
8 M
7 (
7 OH
7 IK
7 38
7 42
47 47
7 IB
48 12
48 17
8 a
tfl 82
til H2
7 01
12 mil
7 27
7 41
7 M
8 20
48 4A
12 21;
12 M
12 40
12 Al
8 25
8 K
t8 H7
8 47
1 in
1 20
n 17
6 21
5 80
47 02
48 44
47 07
7 IH
a 11
48 Ml
8 14
8 8H
7 XI
4 12
7 Ml
7 M
8 4T
4 2H
19 82
a 2.1
ta oh
New Hpthlehem
8 4.1
1 14
7 2.1
Red Hunk....
1'lttBburg. ...
10 OS,
10 w
f 12
8 20
11 15
I 8 80
no 18
p. m
Trnln 942 (Sunday) leaven Diillotn 4.10 p.m.
Falln ( rfek 4.17, Keynoldnrllle4 82, Hrookville
S.0r, lied Bank 8.80, VittlurR 9.80 p. m.
Trnlnn marked run dully; ilally, except
Sundiiy; t flax nation, where signal mutt be
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Division.
In effect Nov. 25, 1000. Train leave
Driftwood as follows:
9:00 a m Train 12. weekday!, for Pnnbury,
Wllkentiarre, Ilanleton, HottHvllle.Sr.ranton,
Harrlnburff and the Intermediate ta
tloiis, arrlvliiK at Ptilliidtdphla 6:28 p.m.,
New York, 9:80 p. m. Baltimore, 8:00 p.m.)
WaahiiiKNin, 7:15 p. ni l'ullman Farlor car
from Willlamnport to Philadelphia and pan
aenKercoiichen from Kline to Philadelphia
and WUIlaninport to Baltimore and Wattli
IriKton. 4:00 p. m. Train 0, dally, for liar
rlnhurff and Intermediate atutlonn, ar
rlvlim at Philadelphia 4:26 A. .: Now York,
7.18 a. m.l Baltimore, 2.80 a. m. WanhlnKton
4.08 A. M. Pullman Sleeping cam from
HiirrlHtiurK to Philadelphia and New York,
Philadelphia panneiiKern ran remain In
nleeper undlnturbed until 7:80 a. h.
10:22 p.m. Train 4,daily for Bonhury, Harrla
t)iirg and Intermediate ntatlona, arrlvlns at
Philadelphia, 8:82 A. M.l New York, 9:83
A. M. on week dityn and 10. it) a m. on Sun
day) Baltimore, 6:8.1 a. M.l WanhlnKton, 7.4S
A.M. Pullman nleeprm from Krle, Buffalo
and Wtlllamnpnrt to Philadelphia, and Buf
falo and Wllllamnport to WaMhlnicton. Paa
neniter roachen from Erie to Philadelphia,
and Buffalo to WaHhlnKton.
4:88 a. m. Train 9, dally for Buffalo, via
Kinuorlum, and weekdays, for Erie, Rldg
way, lluHoln. Clermont and principal Inter
mediate stations.
9:44 a. m. Train 8, dally for Erie and Inter
mediate points.
S:4n p. m. --Train 18, weekdays for Kane and
intermediate stations.
a. m. weekdays, p. m.
10 4.1 arClermnntlv ... 10 M
10 88 Woodvale ....1102 ....
loan Oulnwnod .... 11 OA ....
10 81 Smith's Bun ... 1108 ....
10 2ft Inntanter ... 1114 ...
10 20 Htralvht ....1119 ....
10 .. Olen Hasel ... 11 27 ...
9 M Johnnonburg .... 11 48 ....
9 40 lvltldKwayar .... 11 M) ....
p in, p.m,
a.m p.m.
4 15
4 22
4 27
4 35
4 39
4 42
4 4
4 M
4 59
7 80
7 U
7 08
7 01
8 87
8 47
8 48
2 1.1
2 ON
9 85
9 28
9 28
9 18
9 11
9 07
9 02
8 58
8 47
8 48
8 Ml
8 85
ar RldRwaylv
7 00
i 12 10
iniano nun
Shorts Mills
Blue Rock
Lanes Mills
MrMInn Hint
llarveys Run
lv Falls C'kur
Iv DuHols ar
7 07 12 17
2 (CI
1 84
1 81
1 47
1 48
1 88
1 2tt
1 M
7 12
7 21 12 80
7 25 12 88
7 2M 12 an
7 88 12 40
7 48 12 50
7 47 12 64
7 51
7 54 1 08
8 00 1 111
8 07
6 Iff
8 80
8 10
1 05
8 10 1 25
8 :
8 80 1 15 7 OH arFallHC'k lv 8 20 1 20 8 17
6 12 12 52 8 54 Reynoldsvllle 8 88 1 82 8 80
8 SO 12 24 20 Hrookville 9 00 1 50 8 09
4 50 11 47 New lletill'm 9 40 2 8H 8 45
4 08 II 10 Red Bank 10 15 a 20 7 25
1 40 9 00 iv PilUburgar 12 aft S 80 10 15
p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
For time tables and additional information
consult tlrket atrents.
Gen Munaiier Oen. Pass. A n't,
On and after February 1, 1001, passen
ger trains will arrive and depart from Reyn
oldsvllle station, dally, except fiunday, as
2.20 p.m. Week days only. For Falls Creek,
DuHols, I'urwensvtlle, Clearfield, Punxsu
tawney, Butler, Pittsburg, Brot'kwayvllla,
Ridxway, Johnsonburg, Mb Jewett and
1.25 p.m. Week days only. From Clearfield,
Curwensvllle, Falls Creek, DuBols, Pitts
burg', Butler and Punxsutawney.
2.87 a.m. Dally. Night Express for Punxsu
tawney, Dayton, Butter and Pittsburg.
Pullman sleepers. CTj
10.54 a. in. and 8.20 p. m. Week days only. For
DuBols, Stanley, Sykes, Big Kuu and Punx
sutawney. 2.44 p. ni. Dally. Vextlbuled limited. Re
I'llnInK chair uud cafe cars. For Puuxsu
tuwuuy, Dayton, Butler and Pittsburg.
2.24 a.m. Dully. Niitht Exiiress for Rldgway,
JnlinsoiiliurK, ItuifaUi aim Rot'heHler.
3.80 p. m. Week daysonly. PulLiuuu sleeper.
Fur lliiM'kwayvllle, Klili;way, Joluisouburg,
Mt. Juwett and Bradford.
12.57 p.m. Dully. Yostlbulsd limited. Re
cllulim chair and oafe ears. For UUIicwuy,
JohiiMinbuig, Bradford, Buffalo, and UocU
enlur. 1.05 p. ni. Week days only. Accommodation
ftH- Reynoldsvllle.
Tritlns for I'urweiiHVlllo, C'learfleld and Inter-
niedlatu siutlons leave Fulls Creek at 7.28 a.
in., and 2.40 p. in.
Tlioiihund inilu th'kets i?om1 for piissaire
over liny inirtlou of the 11., R. 4c P. and Ueot h
Creek rullrouUs are ou sule at two (2 cents
per mile.
For llekets, time tables and full
lion npoiy it,
K. U. Davis. Affenfc. ItevttoldMvtir
E. U. Lapkv, (Jen. Pa