The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 06, 1901, Image 7

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" I 1o not ftf Tery tvcII, t in n
tlrrJ all the time. 1 do not know what
la the mutter with me."
You het.r theno words ptott dny) s
often as you mret four frirnds juft no
o'tPO are thcao worda repeated. More
than Hlceljr yon apeak the aarac algnlft
cant worda vouravlf . and no doubt you
do ferl far from well mora of the time.
Mra. Klla Klce, of Chelsea, Win.,
whose portrait we publUli, writes that
the aiiffereil for two ycara with bear-ln(f-lown
patna, headnche, baoknche,
and Imd allklndaof nilwrablo feelincra,
all of which woa caused by fulling mid
Inflammation of the womb, and after
doctoring with phyalclnna and nunier
ua niedlcluca she waa entirely cured by
Mat. ti.Lk Rtca
Lydla E. rinUhnm'a Vefjetablo Com
pound. If you are troubled with palnn,
filiating spells, depression of apiritn,
reluctiineo to go anywhere, haadacho,
baekachc, and always tired, please re
memlwr that there la an absolute
remedy which will relieve you of your
aulVcrfncr ns it did Mrs. fcloa. I'roof
la tmmiummUt that Lyiia K. risk
ham's Vegetable Compound la tlia
ffrenteit medieine for Ruffurlcr women.
Ko other medicine hm nuula the earea
that it has, and no other woman baa
helped so many women by dn-Mt advice
aa has Mrs. l'inkhain i her .atwrianea
la ifi-eatcr than that of any living per
aon. If you are alck, writ and get
tier advice ; lior address la Lynn, ala.ia
Microbes in School Poncils.
Infection in school pencils is a sub
ject that has been receiving considerable
ntlention in Knt;land. The medical in
spectors of the board of schools have i'
fued a protest auainst the custom of the
indiscriminate use of pencils by chil
dren. Nearly every one is apt to put a
I'cncil in the mouth before nsiiiR it,
n ml numerous rases of kin and moirli
diseases have led to the conclusion that
this habit is nt the root of the trouble,
the child often petting a pencil that has
been in some other child's mouth. In
fection of nil kinds can be carried in this
manner, and each child should have a
pencil of its own, if it has to be tie J
about the child's neck with n string
before it leaves for school.
Thre t n data of People
Who nre injured hy thn nneof eoflVe. Rcrentlj
thnru hnm linen plneeil In all the grocery irtnret
a new preparation eslled Omir-O, rnsiln at
pure kTsitm. that nkM the plnra of coffer
Two mcit delicate nttmuich riv-oiTet it withonl
ilislrms, nml but few enn tell it frnni coffon. II
I lines not coil orer '4 us mtieh. Children m.jr
uiiiik wim ijrfmi iH-nrni. j cm. ana da cm
per psukiig.. Try it. Ask for OnilK-U.
In coiise(iiencc of the imreasitiK num
ber of cases of chronic malaria in the
neighborhood of Moscow, Professor
.onraf made investigations of a most
searching character, and he conlirms the
opinion of the I '.Mulish scientists that
the c'isease is communicated by a cer
tain kind of niosiiiito.
Try Ciraln-O I Try (iraln-ni
Aak yonf crneer Ih-iUt to li.w von a naek.
I mjo of UkAia-O. II new fond ilriak Mini Mint
j tlio phum at eoffoe. TlirliiMra nor drink ft
without iafnrr an well m th adult. All wkntrt
It tiLm 14 ' 1 1 11 V. I 1
... uw .'n-v ui-. iimi tw o -J iiruwir
of llacka or Juts, but it la mad frnni pur
erswM, and Ike aioH iktlioHtn trnnKk reeeivM
It without diotrnm. ( tho nriea of coffee,
IS and tc. per package. Hold by mil grocers,
Electrocution has been violently at
tacked by the Klectric Kevicw on the
ground of cruelty. The Heview holds
that shooting, garroting, hanging, the
guillotine, liuriknri and beheading by
the sword are all humane compared with
the mutilations ami sickening prepara
tions for an electrical execution.
A m tfulk M
'.UUU. M
CkMntri tout
9K ..
f will tt etc.
Will to wmlk (lot la rm It nti k
Jf,, D.lilion Dollar Grass
1 I' ii's Hhrnai,jii,ii,n,ia U
vV" VT-V i-oriMi notice ona 7aa
.jiart--iJw Vmm A rJ .W ld.L mA I
f l-W " WUtiMl sWrrsl aJ(SM fctoi cAUlof.
Cl Intfki A C ft i rn C r-r-n a i at cnnicr
Nntiirr'a npHirinri
Nature la thtbnt pbyslclnn : Tska the itrent,
herb cure for headaches and norvousnesS' -(iurflcld
lieadsche l'owdi rn.
With rig to ell our Pmiltrj Mliture: straleh.
mlRi y JI6.00 per week ami pxiiim,h; rer'
contract: weekly ay. Aililn-xa witli slsnip
tuHiKA Mio. Co.. 1jpL 0. tuBt 8t. LouU 111
: A Lake Worth Owning.
i The lake of aphatl in Venezuela over
which two American syndicates are
s.iiahli'ing i a possession worth fight
ing for. The si'pply is inc.hauslille.
and the lake, ns described by one w ho
has seen it. is a huge, black sea of
wealth, stretching out as far as the eye.
can reach. The excavations fill up 'is
tapiiily as the workmen leave them, am!
' no amount of reasonable work in ta'.-
:ng out asphalt can produce a visible
liniinution of the supply. It is a well
: oi wealth that never overllows and is
i;l ways filled to the brim. Its upcoming
is wrapped in mystery, its birth time is
'Unknown. It is impossible to estimate
its valt'C as a merchantable com
modity, and to sav nt hazard that it Is
; worth hundreds oj billions of dollars is
i not putting the figure too high. llal
timoic is-.m.
Waflle is from wafel, a word of Teu
tonic origin, meaning honeycomb.
Endorsed and used by the most prominent physicians
lu the world aa the bast and safest remedy for dis
ordered stomach, biliousness, liver troubles, gout and
It Cures Constipation!
Take one-half glassful on arising In tho morning and
you will feel the remarkableeffecta In hr.lf anbour.
ASIC 5"" " I I 00 K B'aawUMtrw
Sole Exporter, Firm of Andreas Saslchncr, IJ0Fulton5t.,N.V.
Knew Hli Butlnois.
"Little boy,"- exclaimed the portly
lady, "you ought to be at school instead
of trying to work lift."
"I'm not trying to work it," was the
answer; "I'm working it, and if you wish
to ride I shall be hnppy to acconunodal'
you. So far as any obligation to be nt
school Is concerned, allow me to remind
you that this is a legal holiday, hud 1
am exempt from attendance at an insti
tution where. 1 nm pleased to say, 1 am
at the bead of my class."
"You have no business trying to work
that lift, anyhow."
'Tor what reason?"
"Ilecause you arc too young to know
anything nbotit it."
"Madam, nllow me to reassure yon.
This lift is worked by the hydraulic
pressure, the principle relied on bring
that water exerts pressure in proportion
to the height ol a column rather than in
proportion to the diameter. In making
use of this characteristic water is admit
ted into a cylinder, the pressure brim;
regulated by the use of valves and a sta
ble equilibrium bting made possible !y
an ingenious system of counterpoises. I
could go further into the minutiae of
this particular machine, which, ol
course, has its variations from other
models," he added as she gasped in as
tonishment, "hut I doubt if you couM
follow the technical terms whose use nn
accurate description would necessitate,
but I wish to assure you that if, after
what I have said, you think you know
more about this lift than I do, you nre nt
prrfect liberty to step in and take its
management out of my hands. I'rom
On the canal between llriisscls and
Chatleroi small electric road carriages
have taken the places of horses in tow
ing barges, and the speed has been in
creased from one and one-fourth miles
an hour to seven miles. An overhead
wire is used, nml it furnishes light and
power to villages along the route.
The religious census of HufTalo shows
that there are 14.1,516 Protestants and
lo.?.(X)2 Roman Catholics. This is oil
the basis of four to the family. In the
Cana! street district there were K. o;it
of I.0O2 who professed no preference
for any church, while in a Delaware
avenue district there were 49 out of l,-lio.
F.iigland has captured the major part
ol the- trade of heuador.
I.snr'l Family Medicine
Moves the bowels eaeh dsy. In order to
be healthy this is neoesfmry. Acts (Tently on
the lirer and kidneys. Cures vick ueadneuo.
l'rice U5 and CO cenia.
We have in America two great States.
the areas of which have probably ncvet
been traversed. These are Maine in the
North and Texas in the South, where
immense treasures in woods, minerals.
game and other articles of substantial
profit are worth all the sentiment in
spired by practically valueless expedi
tions to Irigid zones.
(roughing Lead to rouiinipiln
Kemn's Bslsnm will stop the eourh at onee,
fin to your druggist lu-dsy and Ret a lamplc
bottle ireo, Horn in in and ou com Domes,
do at once, delnyo are dnngtrous.
The schools of Vienna arc to have
medical attention. There the board "f
education is considering the nppoint
inent of a staff of medical school inspec
tors. It is proposed that the duties of
these officials shall include periodic:.!
inspection of the schools, which shall
he more freitient during contagious epi
Dyeing Is as simple ns washing when you
use PurNAM Fadklkhs II van. Hold by all
Cultivating ordinary honey bees in a
modern apartment house has been ac
complished in Chicago. One enterpris
ing individual has found that the bees
keep just as busy storing away nectar
m a house on the third floor as in a hoi
low tree in the woods.
Drugs hnve Uielr use, but don't store them
In your stomach, llenmnn's rpsln Gum
uius nature to pcriorm Its nincuons.
The greatest waterfall is Niagara
which sends over 32,000,000 tons of
water an liour.
Noticeable Among: the
Weak aud Ailing:.
Spiil the Time M Reaps Its
Lancst Harvest.
Thin It Way ol Eluding lha
Grim Daitroyir.
I ' ' MBmmi II I II ! I! . .
WiM boii Coffee.
iiS ffiM ' Mnke ure that thcro Is Hon head D
gSwM. t f on every package beforo purchasing. B
"NT V'vfX B,ls yQU thal 11 ,s 8nuInB aad nt a 8'ed coffeo. I
mi ' (f IvV " ou 5ont soe mv lea'' on tn package, don't buy It J
t . If not at your grocer's try another store.
J-frJ J leading stores keep It I
is now the leader of them all,
, and is used in millions of homes.
vi will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list No housekeeper, to
to una in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness.
iay nave ty simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from
ges (which is the only form in which this excellent coffoe is sold).
Kvory Spring It la noticeable how
many people are taken away that we
have been arcustomed to see In our
dally life.
HtatlstlcB ahow that at no other sea
son of the year does so many deaths
Kfipeclally large la the mortality
among weak and sickly people.
Tho reason for this Is apparent. The
body that Is weakened by age or dis
ease haa much to contend with during
the Winter months. Insufficient exor
cise frequently haa been taken. Too
much starchy and fatty foodaharsbeen
patnn. The syetnm has been allowed
to become run down, and when Spring
cornea with its bright, sunshiny days,
older people will begin to realize that
their vitality haa become very low.
Tho earns thing Is true of people who
are naturally sickly and weak.
This Is the season of the year when
even a ntroog person feels at his
worst. That tired, reatlees feeling Is
experienced by too many.
Tuore need net he as many deaths
this year aa usually take place). A lit
tle care will ward off re amy Spring fu
norais. If one is weak er ailtng they
should take time by the forelock and
tako Dr. OrcMie's Nervitra blood and
nerve remedy. This great medicine
hns boon In many caaes, and will con
tinue to be. the means by which the
black angel of Death haa been driven
from the threshold. It dtapols the
grim deatroyor In a aclentlflc way, for
It purifies the blood and gives
strength and vitality to tho nerves. It
tones up and restores to a healthy con
dition all of the great llfc-glving or
gans of the body.
Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and
nerve remedy will ennblo those who
tuko It te throw off little Ills thnt
prove dangorous only when they at
tack a system already wasted and
From ninny people, who hnve ex
perienced benefit from this greatest
of all llfe-lengtheners comes tho fol
lowing from the famous Oenernl Long-
stroot of 1217 Now Hampshire avenue,
Washington, D. C. He says:
"It gives me great plenaure to add
my testimony with many others for Dr.
Oreene's Remedy, which I have used
with, highly beneficial results and I am
ahlo to recommend Its virtues from
experience. I have used It for catarrh
and hove derived help."
Mr. Wellington Hyncs. Elizabeth
town. N. Y.. writes:
"I feol It my duty to tell how much
good Dr. Oreene's Nervura has done
mo. I was so run down that I could
not sleep at night and everything wor
ried me. I bad no appetite and could
not work, my head ached all the time
and there was an all-gone fooling in
my stomach and I was always looking
on tho dark side of everything. I be
gnn to take Dr. Greene's Nervura
blond and nerve remedy and In less
than three weeks I felt like a new
man. I ran now do as much work as
Is expected of a man my age. I advise
any one who Is troubled to take Dr.
Greene s Nervura. Do not go to a doc
tor, but get a bottle of Dr. Oreene's
Nervura. It Is cheaper than a doctor's
The latter part of Mr. Ilynes's ad
vice might bo profitably disregarded.
however. If you should feel you would
like the advice of a physician. You
can have such advice and hnve It free
If you will write or call on the great
est known blood and nerve specialist,
Dr. Greene, 3S W. 14th St.. New
Yorlt City.
The art of manicure had its origin in
llie convents of France many centuries
Thers Is more Catarrh In this snntlon of the
country thsn fill other (Itnttuw put tofrothar,
ami until tbelsHt fuw tari-h wa simooncd tohit
ineuruiue. ror a Kress msny rears doctors
fironoiiitueo: italocu! dtflesse and preHcrthed
ocul remodle. suit br oonstantlr fslllna to
uure with local treatment, pronounced It In
curable. Hclenee has Droven estarrh to hs
eonHtitiittonal fltnesHe and therefore requires
iioiinbikuuouHi irttsuneni.. iihu s i;aiarrn cure,
mauufacturud bv F. J. CIihiiht A do.. ToImIo.
Ohio, is the onlr conHtltutloual cure oa the
marked It Is taken Internally Indosen from
lUitroim toa teanpoonful. Hants directly on
tue bhod and mucous surfuoes of the system,
'i'liey otter one hundred dollars for any oam
it failh tooui-e. Kend for elreulars and tentl-
uioniais. Aiiuress r .tiCHSNKYtfc Ca.luloUo, O.
Hall's Family Pills r tho best
There are nearly 200 Hishops of the
Catholic Lhurch within the British bin
Best For the Bowel.
Kn mattar what alls yon, head sens to
cancer, you will never gat wall until your
Dowels are put rigai. uasoaubts oeip
nature, ears you without a gnpa or pain
Iiroduee easy natural movamaota, cost you
ust 10 oents to stare gattlus your health
Lack. Ciscissts Candy Cuthartla, ttia
sauuine, pat up la metal boxes, eTery tab
)t bus 0.0.0. stamped oa it. Beware cf
111 the year ending March, iqoo. the
number 01 boys and girls educated frc
in Berlin was 407,510.
People who are not really lit Just lamrnld
and Indisposed will derive great benefit from
taking Garfield Headache Powders, which ara
made front Iloulth Giving Herbs.
Charleston, S. C, now sits up as the
metropolis of the Southeast and ciaim
to be enjoying a boom.
The great public schools of tbs larjja cities
se tartar s iua sxmusiveiy. Jt la lbs inut
aiui cwta to mure tho yuuiiui. out it.
Several unique bills were introduced
in the Wisconsin Assembly recently.
The queerest was that by Mr. Yohiik,
of Eau Claire, which provides that after
January I, 1 004, railway companies shall
equip their trains with devices that will
keep them on the track after derailment.
Mrs.Wlnslow's Poolhlna- yrap for children
teVtalnif, soflsn s thegumf. ifduess intlnnn
'Uuo. allays I'aie. cures wind colle.Aje a Lollte.
Mulligalawney is i;.... an fcast India
word meaning pepper water.
U I lyUiyUVJlliJ ' :
Complete External and
Internal Treatment
II .l! ?I .SI a iff 111
Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the
skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thick
ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly
allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and
soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT
to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humor
germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure
the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and
blood humors, rashes, itchings, and irritations,
with loss of hair, when the best physicians,
and all other remedies fail.
AS sufferer for thirty years from the worst form of Psori
asis, finally cured by Cuticura Soap and Cuticur
Ointment, I wish to tell you my experience, that others
may benefit by it. I was so grievously aiflicted that the
' matter that exuded from my pores after the scales had peeled
off, would cause my underclothing to actually ?um to my -body.
After remaining in one position, sitting; or lying:
down, for an hour or two, the flesh on my elbows and knees
would split, so thick and hard would the crusty scales become
The humiliation I experienced, to say nothing; of physical
Vgony, was something: frightful. - The detached scales would
fairly rain from my coat sleeves. ' I have read none of your
'testimonials that appear to represent a case so bad as mine
But as to the cure. I commenced bathing: in hot Cuti
cura Soap suds night and morning, applied the Cuticura
Ointment, and then wrapped myself In a sheet. In two
weeks my skin was almdkt blood red in color, but smooth
and without Kales. Patches of natural colorea skin began
to appear, and in less than a month I was cured. I am now
passed forty years of age and have skin as soft and smooth
as a baby's. Hoping that others may benefit by my experi
ence, and regretting that sensitiveness forbids me from dis
closing my name, I am yours gratefully,
J. H. RL, Boston, Mass., Sept. 30, 1900.
Millions of People Use Cuticura Soap
Aihlffte-I by mtlcnrft ointment, tn gnnt Ik In cure, for prserTiiir, rnrirylnir, ana
bflfiutltv.nir tl.0 kin. for vleantlntr the tcnlD of c rtisu. ecu leu. ami clanaruif. and the ton
ping 0 fAlItug hair, for soften. njr;, whttentn-f, and heulin-r red. rough, and aore hand a, for
rnrlfvlnjr, and
if, and the atop
aore hand a. for
baby raahee. Itching, and chafluga, and for all the purpoee of tho toilet, bath, and
nuriery. allMtoniof Women tueCtmcuKA hoap tn the form of bathe for annoying lrrUa
tlontt iDftanimatlona, and excoriation, or too free or oifennlve pemptratton, tn the Form of
waahei for nice rati to weaknesses, and for many sanative antUeptte put-pones which readily
ansfsYeit themselves to women, and eauerlallv mothers. Clticuka Hoap combine Jail.
cate emollient properties derived from Cuticuka, the (Treat skin cure, with the purest of
cleansing Inrreutenta, and the moat refreshing of flower odors. No amount of persnaslon
can Induce those who have once used these great skin puriflera and beautlflera to ne any
others, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of Infanta and
Children, ho other mudicttttd soap la to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and
beautifying the akin, scalp, hair, and ban 4m. No other foreign or domentte ioilet soap,
however expensive, la to be compared with It for all the ptirposea of the toilet, bath, and
Bnreery. Thus II combined tn Ona Soar at Omb Puck, the mr.t akin and cooiylcxl
aoap, and the saa r iullct and baby soap la ta world, flold by ail druggists.
$3 ft $3.50 SHOES UZ1
The real worth of W. T DonU ft.l.OO and w:.nO
lioea compared with other iu takes la V4.00 to 9a.00.
Oar f4.00lllt Kdco Una rannot ! qnnlled at any j
price. We make and ee(l mora S.1.00 ami :i.AO HhtMta
than any other two luanuf acturors In the t nlted btutea.
XII IS HKAHO.X mora W. T. Dou:u at atrl S.I..V) iha tir sold
thanftnyolhurinakiibei.i.M'riSKY AUKTtU: Ill-J I'. Your
dun tar ahoutd kt-p Uimii wisin ona dealer c1nslv aala in eavK town.
'I'uk nu itbatMiiKef I"trt mi haiiry W. U Ihiiisliit ilion wit ft
Bam anil priit stain nml nn bottom. If ymir dwilr will nol t lh-m for
Tim, irnti Uirwl to Inctory, f nclimntf prlra and extr lr fwrr1ttrti
Biaia imq or irnr, tf
and width, nlain iP fmn lnt.
yeiia m u ur anoea. airovnuja,
tra lur iwrrittr. jfTtkV
A writer on modern waterways sayn
that in the near future electric traction
will be universally employed on canals.
rr Aft Vrnr. rrr' Vcrmlfiire
I'hx lxen I'urln : IMrrno wnniix. It I. ti ro.
Novor uIIh Jlk: UninnNUmiil l uuutry murvik
An intcrniitionai airlu competition
is being oruani;cd by the Aero Ciuh i'l
PIbo'b Cur. It the l't moillclne w evor nwd
tor nil atTiMitlou. uf thruitt uiitl limp. Wx,
U. E.NUU.KI, Vuuljurea, lud., IV'b. 10, 110U.
The sandwich h called for the Earl of
Ih tho new science of drt acting and
curing diwaHTH (rm aCHUMiCAL
r .d MICkU5COPICALanalyHiHi.
the urine. Stnd 4 cents tor mailing
caw a ml bottle (or urine. Book tree.
CiHiKiiltanon frn. rivsreawmahia.
Mtniiclma fuinitthrd. A ddreaa
J. F. SHAFER, M. D.,
42 Pcnn Ave,, Plttiburg. Pa.
GWnC Korty ),.
M.w caimUjini. irmm,
W Mi'Vsr
Dr. Bull's Cough
iik r'l and oiirwa wonl
uu iu unra tnuiUBant
kL M. ttaia isuaa. aa a. aumu, a.
Cures a coush or cold at once.
Conquers croup, oroucaitia
grippe and couauaptioa. ajc.
tnluli. IMA
r. X ml- IUh lt.t. II jtIII.M;TI.. I. L'.
Hrwvlk oftluMi CUlt:MQ t'Uvituil D.UuiU
P. S. 0. II.', 1W.
Jllot Cinmh byrnp. li t Ess I