The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 27, 1901, Image 7

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Th9 Palm GIvan to Dr. Greene's
That Grand Jury, the People, Havo So
Used by Hundred! of Thousands In
Bpi-ing a a Blood Mediclno.
Dr. Ureonc's Nnrvnra blood mid nerve
remodjr la inilord "Tho ..mld's Clrcat
Spring Mediclno. it lms como to lie
recognized by almost rveryoody ns the
beHt possible sprtnK mediclno to tiikp,
nnd huudruds of thousands ct our
people una It during the tiyinn spring
months, to tone up anew tho relaxed
nerves and re-lnvlgunite aud enrich
the blood.
A spring medlilno is a necemdty If
one wIhIiks to keep In perfect health
and vigor durlug the chnnKi's from
winter to summer. This Rrniiil spring
tonic, this perfect spring medicine, Ur.
Greene's Nervura blood and nervo
remedy. Is exactly what tho system
needs at this season. It not only
purifies, but makes rich, red blood; It
not only strengthen: and Invigorates
the nervous system, but re-cnerglzes
and revitalizes the nerves by feeding
thorn with renewed nerve force and
power. It Is not only nn aid to diges
tion, but It creates a regular, nutiirnl
and healthy uctlcn of the bowels, liver,
kldncyB, which In tin spring are al
ways sluggiHli and Inactive.
In fact, it is Jimt whnt people need
to make them well and keep them well
during these months, so threatening
to tho health of all, and It Is con
sidered that Dr. Greene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy is made en
tirely from pure, health-giving; vege
table remedies, mid that people, give
It more tcstlmonia. . of euro than any
other remedy on earth, no one can
doubt that It Is the very best wring
remedy for everybody to uo.
Mr. GiutaiC, of First
street, Jersey City, N. J., suyii:
"I was troubled with sic:.- l.cadaches,
and could not ulcep on account of the
pains In my toad. I was Mirroring
night and day with dyspcpuln, could
not eat anything, my stomach would
scur so. I bud to starve myself to hnvo
any ease. I had to give up work ut
lost, I was so nervous and mhcrnble,
and I was falling away In flesh so that
my frlendB hardly knew mo. I tried
several remedies, but without avail.
At last someone recommended Dr.
Greene's Norvura Mood aim n.:vo rem
edy. I tried one bottle d begun to
Improve. I started :n to eat all right;
then I picked up my health; my head
aches disappeared, and my weakness
and sour Btoumch went away. I used
three bottles, and could sleep all night
with ease; I used six rottles, and felt
like a new man. I can now do a hard
day's work without any trouble, aud I
am as happy . - a bird In spring. I wu.i
eo miserable, always evifcring, nlv.nys
la pain, but now am like a new man."
Use Dr. Gre -no's Norvma blocd and
nerve remedy this rprlr.3, fcr It Is the
discovery and prescription of a well
knowu phjrsicmn, Dr. Greeno, of 35
W. 14th St., New ;orlt City, who Id
responsible for Us beneficial action,
and who can be co:u:ultod trco ol
charge, per n j t by letter.
Fresh Embroyo Nlakoi Old Wheat Grow.
The statement lias frequently been
made that it is possible to cause grains
"""yd wheat found in ancient Egyptian
scpulcher to germinate and grow. This
statement has been disputed, and the
question was discescd at a recent imv;
ing of the French Academy of Sciences.
It Was shown that while the allumii-n of
wheat found m a tomb 6.000 yean old
had undergone uo alteration, the em
bryo was changed and could not be
caused to germinate. But a fresh tin
bryo placed in the ancient albumen
-would grow, and this fact, it was said
probably accounted for the statement
thai the old Egyptian wheat rescued
from its long entombment would sprout
and grow. oi'th s Companion.
There are only four statues in the
United Kingdom erected b the memory
of women other than royalties. The
first sta'.tie of a women erected in Eng'
land was that of Sifter Dora, the V:d
sail nurse; the second was that of Mrs.
Siddons. the third Flora Macdonald.
and the fourth that unveiled at Dunron
a year or two ago in memory of Burns'
riigh'anc! Jlary.
There la a flan of People
Who are injured by tho use of coffee. Recently
there baa been placed in all the grocery atnret
new preparation enl'l GmiN-O, maile ol
?iire gruina, that taku. tlto plaoe of coffee
he moit delicate tomoch receiren It without
dutreu, and but few enn tell it from eoftuo. It
doea not cotit orer ,f n much. Children mu)
drink it with great henellt. 15 cte. and 25 cU
per packuge. Try it. Aak for Ouns-0.
3iMcr;vMic, v. v a., which is in a ricti
oil and gas country, got its name from
the tact that an apparently valueless
tract ol 1.500 acres was given to seven
sisters, and consequently called "si.-tcrs
farm." A little prospecting showed thi
land to be immensely valuable, and i
growing town of some thousands of in
habitants now occupies the farm.
KemD's Balaam will stop the conch at once.
Ao to yoar drugcint to-iUty and got a eampU
bottle free. Sold in 2.1 and 60 coat bottles.
Oo at one, delays are dungorous.
Cattlemen in South Dukotu are ecu
crally agreed that it is time to abandon
the present method of branding cattle
as cruel. In New Zealand they have a
composition which is used to make un
sily distinguishable mark. It is ao
d with a cold iron, destroying tiie
' or nice, but not causing pain to
total yield of the catch of fish in
a last year was (11,891,706, being
-ease -of about $.1,300,000 over 'be
1 the preceding year.
000000000000 oaoooocoooooofl
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo of Milk.
TIip rlnrlfintlon of milk la the re
movol of Impurities from milk by the
mho of the centrifugal separator. Tho
acpnrntor Is so adjusted that the spouts
finpty Into one vat, where the rrenm
mid sklmmllk nre mixed before bot
tling. flrlnillne; Peril For llnan.
Tt mny lint pay to grind very coarse
Rrnlus, but If wheat, rye, barley, buck
wheat and oats nre used, they enn lie
run through n feed mill with profit.
If Ibis Is not done, the digestion Is In
complete and n ronnldernblo percent
age of the feeding vnlue lost.
f-lfTiM't nf ritlcitrlxlng rrenm.
After rrenm lms been I'listeitrlr.rd
we must remember thai nil ferments,
(lie desirable ns well as tho undesira
ble, have been destroyed. 1'iiIosb. pure
cultures of tho desired bnelerln are
then Introduced, the resulting butter
Will be lint. Insipid mid worthless.
C't'enm a llntter Fund Tlmn lliitler.
Crenm Is better food than butter, ns
It contains from twenty-two to twenty
live per rent, of butter fat with the
addition of that lost in buttermilk In
churning. It Is n more complete fond
than butter and Is always palatable.
Mutter Is carbonaceous, nnd the real
nutrition, tbat which renews Hie bones,
nerves, tissues, etc., Is left In the milk.
rnnaea nf minted Milk.
Pome of the enuses of tainted mills
nre poor, decayed fodder, dirty water,
whether used for drinking or the wash
ing of utensils, foul nlr lit I he row sta
ble or rows lying In their manure, lack
of cleanliness in milking, neglecting to
nlr the milk rapidly directly after
milking, lack of cleunl'ness in earn of
the milk, from which rmiso the grent-
er number of milk tnlnts arise, mixing
fresh nnd old milk In the same cans
and rusty tin pulls and cans.
Making n Farm 1sy.
When n farmer can Invest S2000 In
n farm and make a living he will Imve
done well If bp 1ms S1!0(I nt the end of
the .vein- in rush, or In the form of In
crease of stork, ns the 5:200 represents
ten per cent, dividend or Interest nn
Ids Investment. In unpportlug bis
family and paying all expenses he re
imburses himself for his labor. There
arc many iiirinevs who claim that
Inrnilng does not pay. but who. If they
will consider the Investment and keep
account with the farm, will find that
they derive more, In proportion, to capi
tal and labor Invested, thnn do many
who nre engaged In other occupations.
Mnnnveuinnt nf Hie llenf florae
Many old horses nre slow to obey
when spoken to, and sometimes net
exactly contrary to orders. Their driv
ers generally attribute It to IiiisIui'hh or
a mulish disposition. Nine times out
of ten the notions nro caused by deaf
ness. It will cause u horse that Is
naturally well disposed to act like a
stubborn beast. Moreover, unless the
driver knows of the nllment and uses
good judgment, the horse is liable to
become vicious In some way through
Inability to understand orders. Such
animals should bo governed nlmost en
tirely by the reins. They soon learn
to stop at a steady pull of the reins or
stint at a succession of jerks.
Care nf Itroodera.
When through using the brooder for
the season, scrapo It out thoroughly
nnd wash It Inside nnd out with good
hot soapsuds, to which udd a little
kerosene. Use. n scrubbing brush nnd
make It clean. Then go over It again
with clean, hot, soapy water, and fin
ish off with a cloth, wiping the hoards
dry. Wash the hover felts and make
the whole clean. If a hot nlr brooder,
remove the heater nnd clean out the
hot air chamber. Turn it upside down
nnd brush the sheet Iron free of soot.
To keep the Iron from rusting apply a
thin eont of Unseed oil. Leave It open
In the sun nnd let it dry thoroughly
before you put It away. Tut nil the
parts In place. Clean the lamp nnd do
not leave oil In It, but wrap it up In
newspapers to keep it free from dust.
If It Is a tin lamp, scrape the blistered
paint out of the wnter pan, make It
clean and dry. nnd then give the pan
R fresh coot of good waterproof paint.
In a week give It another coat. If these
little things are attended to you will
have a good clean brooder to use when
needed, and you will also save money.
Otto Irwin, in Tho Epltomlst.
A Useful Grader.
The one-horse semper Illustrated Is
easily made, at little cost. Take an
old Iron frame, double-shovel plow
to the blacksmith and have him cut
and beud the side piece of the frame
which held the rear ehovel, so as to
bring both shanks even. On the shanks
bolt a pleco of one-quarter or three
eighth Inch sheet Iron about eighteen
Inches wide aud three feet long, bend
ing the Iron to fit the shank. If given
the same pitch the shovels bad. It
makes an excellent grader for finishing
up roads, opening and filling ditches,
etc. If the iron la not procurable, use
a hardwood board of iultiibles;ie.
beveled at the bottom edge and bolt
on a steel plate, made from the blade
of an old crosscut saw. J. a. Alls
aoue, la American Agriculturist.
m ' -T". 7
mln. Flour and FaeJ.
WntaT -No. 9 red "N M
llyaNn. a Ml 0
Cosh No. SI vll"W, enr , 4
No. 1 yellow, shelled
Mixed mir ''
Oats No. white HI !U'
No. 8 white :', l
Knit's- Winter patent M HIM
Fuller Htrnlglii Winter TO R0
IUi-I4d. 1 tlinolliy ID 1I 'M
l lovrNo. I i:l I"
Vi t.n No. t white mid. ton. . . . 1H till in Ml
ilniwn middlings I 7A II 00
llrnn, bulk 1 M 17
Btiiaw-Wheat M W
Oat 9 iM 9 50
lialrr I'rndimta,
Hi ttkb- Klirln rrenmery 23 (S
llldit crenrn ry 23
rniiey country roll ir
Ciikhi' Ohio, 'now
New York, new I''a
I'miltry, etn.
Upas- per II I";
t 'iiiokI'nh dnwed M
:ioh I'll, mid Ohio, Irenh IH
10' i
Fritlla nnd Vanuilln,
ItKANB-Kiivy, pcrliieOicl 2 nnw 2 m
I'OTATOK.S-- Kllliey wlilto, 1)11. . Ml RS
( AiniAor. - per Imrrel 1 2i 1 IW
Omioms-jmt bushel 1 UU 110
rn-t n-Winter Patent
Wiikat- No. 2 red
I'oiim mixed
DiiTTr.a Ohio creamery
1'i.orn Winter patent t no
n 4n
Vt llf.AT- N. 2 r-MI
Colts- No. 2 ndxi'il
Oath - No. 2 white
lliiTTK.u- Creamery, extra. .
Loos - l'eiiiiHylviililn llrsts. .
-ratents t 3 ""? 4 (K)
War at No. 2 red. .
Crux No. 2
Oats - White Western
IIiitkii Creamery
Koov Htnte mid l'eniui Vi'.i
Crntrnl NliH'k Vnnla, i:st M'xtrty, Pi.
Prime lienvv, lMKIto llllll) His... B 31 li 00
Prime, 1:iiki to l-KMl lln 5 HO n 2o
Meilllllll. IIHIO to 12U0 ll 4 40 4 .r
l'llt Ill-Hem "0
4 HO
4 20
4 01
4 00
8 60
85 00
OS 00
Jliitcher, I'OOto KHK) llw 8 70
Common to fair 8 40
Oxen, common to fid II 00
('ommontog I fiat bulls A euws 2 Ml
Mlleh eoVM, ea.-h W 00
txtra uill'-h cows, ta-h 117 51
Prime medium weight. 5 r,5 6 70
Jlext heavy ynrki-rs and medium ft M 5 70
(lood to choice pie-kern 0 -0 0 l!2
Oooil pigs mid light yorkein.. .. ft Bl) S ('
Hklp plus 8 Ml 4 2ft
l'rlmo lii-nvy hogs 6 110 ft Oi
Common to fnir ft 00 fi 60
IIoiikIih 8 7. ft in
Hlugs 8 00 4 20
Extra, medium weight wethers. 4 filq) 4 73
Oood to ehoieii. 4 2." 4 60
Midlum 8 115 4 10
Common to fair 10-1 8( 0
i. Asms.
I.nsil-s, extra spring B 83 B f)0
I.amlis, good to clioti-o, spring... 4 00 B 20
Liui.lm, commoti to (air, spring.. 4 23 6 00
Veal, extra 7 00'a) 7 50
Yeill, good to eliolet. 6 23 8 75
Veal, common to fair 4 23 ft 23
Veal, common heavy 2 73 8 73
Trade at a Whole Showed Expansion During
Last Week Wool Much Mors Active.
Iron and Steol In Demand.
R. G. Dun Kt Co.'s Weekly Review
of Trade says: llusincss in the east,
end particularly along the North At
lantic coast, has been catching up witli
the rest of the country a little during
the week, so that in the few lines where
complaint has been beard locally of late
the tmc is better. This comes from the
working off of retail stocks, which own
ers feared would have to be carried ov
er until next season.
Activity grows more pronounced in
wool, sales at the three chief eastern
markets aggregating 8,258.500 pounds
lor the last week, against b.()72,(ao in
the previous week, and 2.80.1,400 a
month ago. Although transactions are
heavier than at any time in over a year
the situation is lar from satisfactoiy,
as each week brings a lower level of
No diminution appears in the move
ment or iron and steel products, Mills
arc rushed with orders and new con
tracts arc taken at full prices, l'ig iron
h freely bought and prices tend up
ward. Billets and other partially manu
factured forms arc firmer, and finished
goods would command high prices if
immediate delivery could be secured.
Structural shapes arc- still a feature,
with large operation pending in bridges
and track elevation. Mre coke ovens
are added to the active list, making the
output much heavier than ut any recent
tlate.'er and materials arc in good
demand, owing to extensive preparation
for spring building, and at Buffalo
there is special activity on account ol
hotels and other work in connection
with the exposition.
uram markets are devoid ol wuic
fluctuations, although many reports arc
circulated regarding the condition of
winter wheat. It is too early to secure
definite information, and traders are not
influenced by rumors. News from In
dia and Australia indicates a larger
crop than last year's.
1-ailures for the week were 253 in the
United States, against 201 last year,
and 30 in Canada, against 33 last year.
Murder by Six- Year-Old.
During the absence of her mother the
6-year-old daughter of John Myers, of
Stephenson, Mich., for the fourth time
attempted to take the life of one of her
two smaller sisters and succeeded. She
took a stick of burning stove wood and
holding her a-year-old sister to the
floor pressed the brand against her
The victim managed to get out of
doors and lie down in a snowdrift,
which barely extinguished the,
but she was so terribly burned about
the legs and body that she died a few
hours afterward. The girl does not
seem to realize the significance of her
nenfneee tassel Mr Unreel
ti local applications, as titer cannot reach the
illseaned portion of the ear. There Is only oo
ivny to euro deafnns, and that Is by cnnstltn.
tlonal remedies. Deafness t caused ttjr an in.
ttnined nondltlon of the miicoin lluliiKof Hie
Knst.nchtan Tiihe, W'lien this tube in la
ft -med ron have a rnmhllmi nottnd or Imper.
ect he-irtnu. and wlipn It la entirely closed
lenfness Ih the result, and unless the inflam
mation can lie taken not anil this tube re-
itored to Its normal condition, hanrlnir will be
d rorver. Islne eases out of ten am
calieo hy cutarrn, wlilrli Isnnllilnff nalau III.
llatned rontlltlon of the milcotls surfaces.
We will vlve One Hundred Hollars ror anr
ease ol lieafnes- tcaii'ed lycatarrlil that can.
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hend
lor circulars, free.
K. .1. Ciibskt A Co., Toledo, O.
Sob! by lirtntutlit., ifMi.
Hall's Vsnilly Tills are the best.
I'.gypt exported Inst year tons
if sugar, JJ.oo tons td which came to
Mrs.Wlnow'a Pnolhlns S'ynip for children
teething, soften a Ibeiitime. tertnees Inllalnlna.
Ins. sol
pain, i nree wind cfillc.
Sfaia buttle,
I'.vcrv iiiinrral ami lueial ol
value in
the arts niul industries is found within
the limits ol the United Stales.
I urn sure I'lso's Curo for Consumption saved
niy life thren yearn ago. Mas. I Hoe. lloa
tiKH, Maple Ht., Norwich, N. V.,Fi)b. 17,1000.
West Virginia, in allusion to its inou'i
l.iiiiiiiis territory, has been doinitiat.-il
The Switzerland ol America.
A dvsnentln la never on irood torma with
himself, Homelhlng is always wrong. (Jot
It right by chewing Dvemun s l'cpln Uum.
I'he I -land of l-'onuosa has only one
railway line.
cular walls of the bowels and gives them new life; then they act regularly and natural
ly; that is what you want it is guaranteed to be found in
25c 50c.
I I i ii mm 1 1 M n in
nil bow! trenblt ppenf1lrttli tll
luuufiMt bad breath, bad blood wind
on tho Mornarha blotted bow) foal
liioulh. Ikflndaeho Indignation plmilf)
pHlnal'tr fluting liver trouble, awl low complexion
and dlzclncaa. when your bowda don'l move rKU
larljr yuu are getting Kick. Conatlpatlon kllla mora
people than all other dlaauaca together It fa a
atnrter for Ilia rhronlo alHnoitla and lontv 7ar of
aulltorlng that voma afterwnrda. No matter what
Mile you, atari taking )AftCAItHTft to-day, for yon
will never get well and be well all the time until
you put your bowel rl vht Take our ad vice; a tart
with rAM AHKTK to-day, under aa abaolute guar
autea to curt or money refunded
Watch our
You want LION COFFEE because It Is LION COFFEE.
If, on the other hand, you want a coffee which, in order to hide imperfections, is "highly
polished'.' with eggs and other preparations, then do not buy
'If LION COFFEE were common, ordinary stuff, coffee drinkers would'nt insist onhavT
ing it. It is used in millions of homes becauso it is the best coffee In the world for the
price. If you doubt this, take a' single package home and try it.
.. fe'T"7 Jjacfcage of LION COFFEE you will find a folly Illustrate ani descriptive
t tV housekeePer 10 ct, no woman, man, toy or girl will fail to find in the list some article
which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may by
.simply cutting ottf certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed
packages. (which is the only. form in which this excellent coffee is sold).
Tfiff I ft nnd f1ch fetl Ilk
tb fit of a new tuft glove h
bat driven out I
from cold.
P. N. U. , 1901.
(mm. bouk of iMtiuaonia.!
quiet rf'le' unit onfs wnn
and 10 date
a. a. aajuui tsoss. iu a. aiuat. a.
J St
next advrtltmcnt.
For 1 6 Cents
nt ror y
ilTOrl 97(1,
nMlTff1 97
now nr nn onr o
Wt wlili mJt m
ii w hatr nn onr book l.lltLftAnamM.
l.WfiifKr fiil).bmR thin iinpPMtdviil
or la iwi, ntftklrif'
1 tnl nnpPMtdviiTM
furor ror in otntTt potnpaiia or
kinA r rwMt UioltNt rudtiksM,
let MtrttlJt (tll4j M )
14 mrim 1ir1an tnml4.
ft pltm ! varfotfoa..
I ail IfM ktne), turn to Allfht fi t1-ttan4
-fllvata rnur hoanrtt, txfMher wlihattr f
M1Jtlrot4 Plant n ft) CaWhtf 1llfi all
NI Hllllfin llnaut llrM, Pnt, TntlaM
rif. FrayMf . (Itilwn Ual at M- , ai , all
tmr 1 v fni4i aitnaa mmm mi aof !,
peiPlTiTpis; WOT IU V,iaj W BIB
kiartta f t4n frj aMela.
a. Lm Cronpw, Wlw.
Inn lirltm Hp lnlltTwatet
Tociri can fleiect nnrl eiplalo
the most eniniillcnle'l ehronle
iillsi-nnc hjr 1 lie iirlim ; If euralile,
irein it aticcessriillT lir mall.
Hcnfl 4cenlR fur fiielllii0eaa
foe nrlnn I ...,, It , i
ysls of urine 1 n-imrt and book
on this new aclenee, free,
;. r. crum, u t.,a i-enn Av,
First Hour, l'lltiuurtf, l a.
f FiFd jti thn ii.r
nut. ;totia) fr.
I.I. . rrsvr . .
nirttUrV.8 WrlifU ALLlLStjAtLSt 1
fcd Bort ( itiYh Bjrup. TivbMi CIimkI. Utw 1 I
J In ntm. hj 1rnB(rtt. rM
Fight on for wealth, old "Money Bags."
your liver is drying up and bowels wear
ing out, some day you will cry aloud for
health, offering all your wealth, but you
will not get it because you neglected Nature
in your mad rush to get gold. No matter
what you do, or what ails you, to-day is
the day every day is the day to keep
watch of Nature's wants and help your
bowels act regularly CASCARETS will
help Nature help you. Neglect means bile
in the blood, foul breath, and awful pains
in the back of the head with a loathing
and bad feeling for all that is good in life.
Don't care how rich or poor you are, you
can't be well if you have bowel trouble,
you will be regular if you take CASCA'
RETS get them to-day CASCARETS
in metal box; small box 10c, whole month's
treatment 50c; take one, eat it like candy and
it will work gently while you sleep. It
cures; that means it strengthens the mus
liallar Birdlrln In tka worM. Thla t nh.nlnt praof of
rout tierll, and our tio.t i.t.lmall. We have faith and
will anil Hill Alim abaolntalr (aaraataail to inn or
money rnrnudnd. UntarMsr. tlf.ebi.., ln Ih.aa
fulr, trial. ralaij.l dlraetlnna, and irjren jr i
not aatl.ned, artiraln noa sue box, rntara the unu.alM . -;
boa and the rmptir boa to u. by aaall, or the drnnlxt from '
whM rnn porohHad It, and roar anoncr bark for tola
bosaa. Toba our adl no matter what all. Toa-.tnrt to- y
tlnf. noalth will nalrklT follow Bad you I will laa tha day
Ion aretatarted the n.a ofCAmC AB-'J . Book free bjrmali.
dOewi altlUJ.NU Bi.lli.UK CO., hYI IOEK of CUlUbO.
If you went to buy a lion
whelp you would'nt ccept a
kitten as a substitute even if
the dealer urges you.
Now, don't accept a substi
tute for
It is bound to turn out a com
mon yellow cat, with none of
the strength of the lion.