tit & Staty riptinn tt.fO prr yrar, or $1.00 if pnitt Mncuy m nai nnre. IMTKrilKNttON. Kdllor antl IMib. IINESDAY, JANUARY 30. J1KH. rtxutrcrr. njrtarccur nxt 8 nd your toe St in causing you discomfort in If you cnn phiinly by iiiht it is n sign of defective vis ion. You should not delay, but call nnri have your eyes test ed. I use till of the best methods iffitl make n careful ex amination FREE. C. F. Hoffman, jj Jeweler and Optician. L Traveler' Guide. nssmnrer trnln nrrlva nnd tnnve Uejrn- nviuu as louowst . d E. It. U.hwOrmle IHv. Enstwnrtl. Westwnril. No. 117, 11.171. in. Nil. HW, H.XI it. ill. No. lit). I.:i p. ni. No. h i, .: p. in. V'n, m. IMi, m. No. 114, 1 1 : it. m. . KM. p. III. i). I'M. 8 IS II. III. ro. 11H, tt.W p. III. do. mi, T.ns p. in. NtlNllAV. n.N' 1.14 n. m. No. 117. (1.47 H. in. fto. 1IH, 9M p. ni. No. IMI.4 p. in. ). It. if P. Jlu, (C. it M. JHv) Arrive I IVtmrt ulnNnTa I p m I Trutn Ni .3, 2 20 11 m ft Little ot Everything. 'A Noble Outcast." Now for sleighing parties. Saturday l groundhog day. "A Noblo Outcast" Fob. th. The Wlnslow township school boa id lit at Frank's Tavern Saturday. The Indications Bra favorable UiIh ornlng for excellent sleighing. 'several new members wore Initialed the Elk lodge last Thursday evening. About fifty employes of the silk mill off duty on account of having the Hp. The Democrats ot West Rcynoldovlllo 111 hold thnlr primary olucilon thin enlng. About a dozen parents and patrons sited the Wont Rnynoldsvlllo schools st Wednesday. Howard St Curing's moving pictures 1 the Reynold" opera house to-morrow, hurray, evening. A numbor of our merchants are muk- Jig clearance sales and giving the public ktraordlnary bargains. The Prohibitionists of West Reyn Idsvllle will hold their primary elee on Thursday evening. There was good slulghlng on Main Itreet Sunday and the jingle of sleigh Veils was heard all afternoon. An I. O. O. F. lodgo was Instituted at k.ntla, this county, last week. The Judge starts with 25 uiomber. Staff Captain March, of Now York city, will lead a special mooting at Sul atlon Army hall this evening. You will be sorry if you don't hear he Temple Mulo Quartet In Assembly air oil Thursday evening, Jan. 31. The RoynoldBvlllo Milling Company's uilding Is about completed and thoy re now walling for the machinery. Sang with voices of rare swootness. hlladolphla North American. At As lembly Hall Friday evoning, Fob. 1st. The C. L. 8. C. meets this evening at .30 at thd home of tbo presidont, Rev. A.Reno. A full attendance is desired. Charles Arnold, the West Reynolds' Villa butcher, has a bone grinder that W used for grinding bones for chicken ood. Florence Green had her nose badly njured a few days ago while coasting. t was first thought ber nose was broken. William Gorman. .a vnaDDer at the S'lisa plant, bad bis left leg badlyut yesterday by a cylinder breaking and ailing on his leg. Crowded by an eager multitude. The Ynost interesting visitor Manchester has toad In a long time.- Manchester (N. H YUnion. At Assembly hall Feb. 1st. I 'Heir. A. J. Meek. Ph. D.. pastor of he Baptist churob, will administer the "'nance of Baptism in that church nlng to number of candidates. Vroule Male Quartette, which !r In Assembly ball Thursday the best male quartette In to-day. Price of admission ten and paper hangers are at Sn the Interior of Hotel McCon- vd when tbey bave finished their liptel will look as bright as a Iphla paper saya of the otr, "Never before have 'h singers In this com re delighting large audi ft nrtifii .be city. Fanners' Institute will be held at Paradise Grange on Friday and Satur day, February lfith and IHth. An excellent picture of Queen Victo ria and a skotoh of her life will be fouud on an Inside pnge of this Issuo. Hey. F. U. Williams, pastor ot the Hrookvllln Uuptlst ehureh, preached In the lluptlst church at thlsplaco Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week. Daniel Nolan, Jr., hud a small bone of his loft unkle broken Inst Friday in a little fracas that hn got tangled up In while trying to act as peuoo-mnkor. Murvnltnisly sweet voices. Astonished the large uiidloneo. Captivated the people. Boston Atlirrtisrr. At Assem- bly Hall Irlduy evening, Fubruary 1st. Wo overheard a traveling man say onn ilav Inn wi'i'K inai ino aii'icto liny Choir will Ihi the best thing that has struck the town In many days." At Assembly Hall Friday evening. The meaning of the term "Pan-Amorl- un" Is ''pertaining to or including both North ami South America." Tho Pun Aincrleiiii Imposition thorefnrn com prises all of tlin Now World or Western lfemlphcro. In giving an account last week of the accidents on Straitwell, Hibbard & Co.'s ml roiul nt Fuller's station, somo of our xclianges said tlin railroad Is II miles long. The. road Is not quite iino mile and a hulf long Special meetings urn still in pro gress in tho M. K. and lluptlst churches, but it is prolmbln the meotlngs will lose to-morrow evening, at least tho pastors have only made their announce incuts for to-morrow evoning. Tliotnas Cricks, sr., and wife wore out riding Sunday orturnmin and their horso ran away nnd they wuro thrown out of tho sleigh. Mrs. Grluks' left arm was hudly Injured. It was reported that her arm was broken, but It was not. Work has been delayed In stnrtlng tho drill In tho well on the Hehukers farm on account of having to take out tho casing. Tho casing was put In yes torday. Tho company fully oxpect to find oil or gas In paying quantity in this well. M. C. Coleman went to Summorvlllo to-dtiy to look after somo lumber Inter ests at that place. Since sufllclent snow foil to make sledlng 25,000 feet of lum ber is being hauled from tho Coleman tract to tho railroad siding at Summer- vlllo daily. The P. R. R. machine Bhops are to bo moved from Rnynoldsville to East Brady. This will take four families away from our town, W. 8. Stone, L. C. Brody, W. A. Sinlili nnd George Youngert. Throe families will move to F.ustBrudy and Mr. Brody will movo to Driftwood. Edwin Guzzard and Miss Edith Jack son, of of Allegheny City, wore married at Stoubonvlllo, Ohio, last Friday. Miss Jackson, who is a sister of Mrs. II. Alox. Stoko, of this place, was well known here and hits many friends in town who wish her happiness in the matrimonial life. James McCloskey sued this borough for $10.00 for work dono by his daughter In taking care of a woman who was on tho borough. The over seers poor refused to pay tho bill as they had nothing to do with the con trading of bill. The cose was ti led before Judge Rood yesterday. A fellow from tho rural district en tered one of our stores several days ago to pay ii bill and thero was fifty cents' difference In tho account. Ho refused to pay tho hill, persisted in bclntr Insult' Ing and would not go out of tho store until ho finally had to be handled rough' ly and wus then glad to get out. Tho teachers and pupils of Sandy Val ley school were greatly encouruged In their respective work by the largo number of visitors on Parents' aud Patrons' Duy. Thero were twonty-four visitors proBont. Spcclmensot penman ship, which bad boon written by the pupils, adorned the walls and wore greatly admired by all. Down by the Dear Old Suwanee River's Shore," Is the title of the latest composition by Arthur H. H ask Ins, ot this place. We have a copy of the new song and consider It a creditable pro duction. Mr. Hasklns, who Is youth- ful yet, bids fair to become a noted mu sician. We are proud to claim such genius as a resident of Reynoldsvllle. - On account of the bad condition of the Straitwell. Hibbard St Co.'s railroad at Fuller, which was built after the ground was frozen last fall, that company has decided not to run their fifteon ton en gine over the road until the road-bed is ballasted, after tbe frost goes out of the ground In the spring. In the mean time the cars will be dropped down to tipple without engine and will be hauled bank to tbe mine by mules. There Is a boarder at Frank's Tavern whom tbe proprietor had been trying to persuade to go to church every Sunday morning for several months, but the boarder always offered excuses. Last Sunday ' morning the fellow said he would go to church If there was not so much snow and Ice ou the sidewalks, Mr. Moconneil said he would bitch up the horse and sleigh and take him to churcb, and the follow dared McConnell to do It. At church time the horse and slulgb were, ready and as a uonsequonoe the M. E. iangregatton was lnoreased one Sunday idprnlug. finger Amputated. Mrs. John Mulligan had one of the fingers of her right hand amputated In the DuBols hospital last Friday. About four weeks ago Mrs. Mulligan was scouring forks and pricked hor fin ger. HIihhI poison set in and mo nnger hud to be amputated. Enters Oirard College To-dsy. George W. Burret t, tho lud who hns been stnylng with his gruiiilfulhor, Georgo McUrody, on Jackson street, III bo admitted to tho Glrurd College, Phlladulphlu, to-day. Mrs. Cora Bar rett, Hie Ixiy's mother, who now resides at Hldgwiiy, took Mm to Philadelphia 'sterduy. Ratlimel Coricspondent. For some reason our regular mil-res pondent at Hathmel has failed to send In any news for sometime mid wo have been getting an occasional letter from another person In that, town. Wo ex pect to nitikn arriiiig''ments tn get a orrespondetit nt Ratlimel who will fur- Ish news every week. Died Last N'ght. James Iilndsey Monro died at the homo of his son, Jnmes M. Monro, In West lleynoldsvllln last night. The ceased wus iibnut 82 years old. Ho wus n brnl her of Mrs. Frances Best nnd Mrs. Mary A. Stewart, of this place. Will bo burled In tlin BeeeliwiMids Fri day forennan. An obituary notleo will bo published next week. Sutijrct for a Reformatory. If one-half the stutemeiits uro correct that hovo been muilo to tho school di rectors of Wlnslow township, them is a lad al tend lug one of tho township schools not fur from hero that Is a very good subject for tho Huntingdon Reform school. Unless tho -parents seo thiit tho boy HCts at least hulf civilized tho case should bn intended tn Immediately. Such conduct should not bo tolerated a day longer. We understand the direc tors have taken the matter In hand. "A Nobis Outcast." The celebrated drama, "A Noblo Outcast," will bo produced in the oimra house Feb. Dili, by a strong company of homo talent for the benefit of the Cath olic church. Tho play Is ono of those renlistlc dramas devoid of blood and thunder scenes and whose popularity hits been demonstrated by the success ful runs it has enjoyed In all tho lurgo cities In our country. Those having tho management In hand nrn leaving nothing undone to miike tho play a sun less. Mullli;an-Ice. Wednesday nxirniiig, January 2,'lrd, ,lohn Mulligan, formerly of Now York City, and Mlns Mary Loo, of this place, were married ut the Catholic church by Fut hor Bi'IncoII. Miss Frances O'Cnn ners wus bridesmaid und Frank Ilunley groomsman. Mr. und Mrs. Mulligan and Mr. Ilunloy and Miss O'Connors drovo to DtiBnis und took dinner ut the Alpine House. They returned to Reyn oldsvllle in time for a wedding supper, which wus served ut the homo of tbe bride's sister. Mrs. Edward O'Rielly. Mr. Mullignn has rented a housu and they will go to housekeeping soon. Temple Male Quartette. Tbo lust number In tho Y. M. C. A. course wus given lust evening before an Hudleneci that taxed the seutlng capac ity of tho auditorium. Every entertain ment has been excellent, nnd tho concert lost evening was tho crowning number. They are all tirttsU, and tho frequent appluuso and encores denoted clourly the pleasure of the audience. A crowd ed house would bo sure to erect, the Temples should thoy aguin visit Bur lington. Burlington (Vt.) Five Pirns, At Assembly hall Thursday evoning, Jan. 31st. Tickets on sale at Stoke's drug store. Admission 2! cents. Noth ing extra for reserved seats. Bold Hobo. James Delancy and sisters live in rooms on second floor of Nolan block aud last Friday a bold hobo, who was prowling around, found his way up to Dolanoy's rooms and stolo a pair of por tion off the pole, slipped tho portlers undor his coat and skipped without be ing caught. Jlmmie McKay, nephew of Mr. Delanoy, mot tho hobo on the stairs and noticed the tassels sticking out undor the tramp's coat. Jlmmie hastened up stairs and told bis mother, but tho tramp escaped. He sold the portlers to Mr. McDonald on Pleasant avenue for a dollar and proceeded to an other town. When Mr. McDonald learned that the portlers had been stolen ho returned them to Mr. Delunoy, Another False Fuo Alarm. Tho clang! clang! ot the fire bell at 6.50 a. m. last Saturday routed a num ber of people out of bed a trifle before their regular getting up time, and number of firemen were at the hose house In a very few seconds, and when informed thut A. C, Pierce's bouso, on Jackson street, wus afire they were soon speeding up Main street with a hose oart. Tbe hose was attached to the plug at corner of Main and Fifth streets, but by that time the lire luds were in formed that it was a false alarm. Tbe soot In the Hue bad caught fire and stream of sparks was rolling out and some person jumped to the conclusion that the bouse was afire and run down town and gave the alarm. This Is the fourth or fifth time that the hose company has been eailed out recently by false alarms. DEATH Or- MRS. MYBRB. Died Suddenly From Neuralgia of Htarl Buried Monday Afternoon. Mrs. Ablgal Myers, widow of Joro ralah II. Myers, died suddenly at her homo on Main street about one o'clock Saturday morning, January 2tlth. Her death was caused by neuralgia of tho heart. About ten (lays before she died Mrs. Myora was troubled with neu ralgia In her head, ugd from her hcud It went to her stomach and finally reached her heart. While she hud not been feeling well for several days, yet Mrs. Myers was not cnnllned to bed. Sbo retired about 1 1. (HI Friday night fooling holler than she hud been fi -tiling for a couple of days, but about 1.00 u. in. Sbo called hor daughter, Mrs. Willlaril, and told her she was very sick. Mrs. Wllllurd went down stairs to turn on more lire und Mrs. Myers followed her down. Slie said she wanted to vomit nnd tlin daughter was holding a bowl in front of ber when M-s. Myers fell off the chair, and never spoko after wards. A doctor was luiHilly summoned but when bo arrived tho spirit of Mother Myers had taken its Might. Ablgal Puff was Isirn In Allegheny county Juno fi, Ih:hi, milking her In her 71st year. Juno 3rd. 1H 17, she wus married to Jeremiah H. Myers, who tiled Juno 2nd, 1IHII) Slut was the mother of ulgbtchildi'en, three of whom survive hor, Mrs. G. VV. Campbell, of New Custlo, Mrs. Kll.uhoth Will lard and Mrs. Thomas K. Kvuns, of this pluco. Tho deceased Is also survived by one brother, Frunklln Puff, of Bn knrstown, Pa., who Is now dangerously III. Mrs. Myors joined tbo Baptist church n Piinxsutawney a hulf century ago, and some years ago transferred her membership to the Reynoldsvllle Bap tist church. Mrs. Myers wus a consist ent christian, devoted wife, loving mother and kind nelghlsir. Funeral services were hold ut the residence at 2.00 p. in. Monday, con ducted by Rev. A. J. Moek. Ph. D., pastor of tho Buptist church, und inter ment wus made In the Reynolds vlllo Cemetery beside tbo husband. Mr. Myers died on Saturday morning, Juno 2nd, 1000, nnd wus burled tho fol lowing Monday afternoon. Mrs. Myers died lust Saturday morning and was buried Monday uftnrnnon. Editorial Association Meeting. The annual business meeting of the Pennsylvania Slate Editorial Associa tion was held in Harrisbiirg lust Wed nesday, at which time the following of ficer were elected for 1IMI1: President. A. B. Burk, Luhjir, Philadelphia; 1st vice-president, C. T. Fox, AY mm, Reuil Ing; 2nd vice-president, Frank Vogle, lhmucrul, Gruunsburg; 3rd vleu-prtHl- dotit, 1). Lumudo, (Iril, Wllliuiusport; secretary und treasurer, Col. R. J. Tlioinus, i'Vimiri's' 'rtt'iitf, Mechanics- burg; assilunt sec. und treus., R. J. Thomas, jr., Jimnnil, Mecbunlcsbiirg; cor. sec, Mrs. J. w. motor, Ultromrli; Kllzubclhtnivii; executive committee, Hurry A. Thompson, Tirnin, Tyrone, E. B. McKon, Itreirw, Towonilu. C. A. Stephenson, TlIK STAH. Reynoldsvllle. R. T. Wiley. Jh rol.l, Elizabeth. Senator Al, Li. McUuown. Journal, Ulnarlioltl. Every editor in tho stuto should at tend the annual business meeting as matters of Importance to ull editors uro discussed. It was decided to hold the summer outing at Buffulo, N. Y., this year some time in June, tho time to be decided by the executive committee. It Is likely It will no hold tlie lirst week In June. Rare Musical Treat. The Temple Mulo buurtot of Boston has been engaged to sing in Assembly hull on a spoolul ungugument on Thursduy night of this week. This quartet now holds first pluco among all quartets. This Is saying a great deal, but the work of the company fully bears out tho statement. Tbo peoplo ot lteynolusvllle uro especially favored hy this rare opportunity to heur them. The management hus confidence in the poople of this pluco to apprecluto great musical company like this and it is only fop tho purpose of giving the town a rare musical treat that the com pany has been engaged Ht all. The admission has been made very low In order that there may be a full house. It will doubtless bo a long time before such talent as this will again be hoard in Itevnoldsville at such a low prioe. seats are now on sale at Stoke s drug store. A LltUe "Bummy." "The Fat Men's Club" that was played at tbe Reynolds opera house Friday and Saturday evenings of lust week was not first-class. The company claimed that they remained here the seoond night by special request, but even tbe manager of the opera house has not learned yet who requested the second nigni s periorniunce. Free Lecture. Father Doyle, a noted temperance lecturer of Now York City, will deliver a free lecture In the Catholic church at eight o'clock next Friday evening, Feb ruary 1st. Fatbor Doylo is sent out by the Catholic temperance society. He is highly spoken of as a lecturer. New styles In Walk-Over. Ask to see the Bluchers, (3.50 at Robinson's, Williams' shoes excoll all others In quality and prioe. Coats It Sutter's at one-half their actual cost. , - It pays to buy Robinson's shoes. Special prloes In gloves at Sutter's. W. E. Luoas, the plumber, Is ready to do all kinds of work in his line. Shop on Fifth street, near gas omoe, The Ultra shoes for women, price KJ.oU at Robinson's. PRIMARY ELECTIONS. Political Parties of Boroughs and Town ship Nominate Tickets For Peb. Election. Following are tickets nominated by some of the political parties In Iteyn oldsvlllo, West Reynnldsvllle and Wins- low township: DKMOt'ltAT TK.'KfcT. The DemiKirals of this borough noml- a ted the following ticket lust Thurs ay evening for the February election: .lusiieu oi inn p.'Mee i;. r . 1 lorman. Town council Henry Deiblo. Dr. Harry H. King. School directors w. J. Weaver. Peter Iluikliarl. Assessor Nlnliin Cooper. Overseer poor Frank Miilhollnn. Auditor .1. (!. Swart.. Judge, of eh ullon 1st. precinct, M, C. 'olciiian, 2nd precinct, I. J. Swart. Inspeclor 1st precinct, (;. J. Kerr, 2nd precinct, K. '1. Met law. Hcgist.fi 1st, precinct. J. N. Rech. 2nd precinct, M. Mobney. l'llllllllimoN Ttl'KKT. The Prohibitionists of this borough eld a caucus lust Wednesday evening nil noiiilnuteil the following ticket for 'hriiary election: Justice of tlin peace Jeremiah C. MeKee. Cntinelliiien Roliort I,. Miles, S. Shaffer. School d live tors Milton S. Sterley, ufus Kirk. Assessor Vlnn H. Pratt.. Overseer pisir Caleb Tiley. Auditor E. L. Evans. Judge of election 1st precinct, Jerry Heckmun, 2nd precinct, Ernest C. Davis. Insiieelor 1st precinct, Tliotnas Gul- II ford, 2nd, Martin Plvcr. Register 1st precinct, Frunk I). lovor, 2nd precinct, Joseph ShulTcr. KKI'iniMUAN TI!MKT WKHT ItKVN. Tlio Republicans of West Reynolds- vlllo nominated the following ticket last, evening: Town Council A. B. Wood, J. N. Small. School Directors D. M. Dunsitinre. John Klchiirtls. Overseer of tbo Poor J. W. Demp- sey. Assessor Hold, w 1 1 Mums. Auditor O. H. Johnston. Judge of Election William Shobnrt. Inspector K. L, Johnston. DIOMIX'UAT TIlIKKT TOWN8IIH'. The Deomcrats of Wlnslow township held a primary election Saturday and nominated the following ticket: Suitcrvisors A. C. Murray, William Shcusloy. School directors .lames VV. llioinp- son. Isaac IVIansllelil. Assessor J. M. Norrls. Overseer HMir Daniel B. Smith. Auditor Itivl Schuckers. Judge of election West precinct. J. M. Deemcr, East precinct. G. L. Henry, Northwest precinct, Thomas Williams, Inspocloi west lire., A. M. iMorrls, East pre.. John L. Marshall, Northwest, ire., II. A. Sherwood. Register West pro., Isuuo Holleli- bitugh. Mast pre., Solomon Philllppl, Northwest pre,, James Henderson. UlCI'UHl.lfJAN TIt:KKT TOWNHIIIP. The Republicans of Wlnslow township held their primary election Saturday and nominated thu following ticket: Supervisors Li. I'. .MeCloery and V, It. Ilolman. School directors John Watson and Georgo Roberts. Assessor William l 'at hers. Poor oversner Abruhain Fyo. Auditor J. B. Sykes. Judgo of election West pre., J. R. Illllis, oast pre., Jacob Shaffer, north west pro., J. M. Hutchison. Inspector West, .1. M. Shoosley.easl. Madison McCrolgbt. northwest, W. S. Bracken. Register West, Lea Sheesley, oast, D.J. Thomas, northwest, A. A. Stewart. Don't Agree With Editor Smith. Rockdale Mii.lh, Jan. 25, 1001 Euitoii Tub Stak: I seo by Thk St AH that the Punxsutawnoy SjrirU thinks that, Alelln ought to be pardon ed. Tim Spirit misrepresented the case ull the wuy through. Ixhiis bcu.lould not go Into Joseph Alullos house, but Joseph Altillo went Into Iouls seal 10 s house und stubbed bim throo times in his own house. There was no evidence in court to show that Scalio went into Aiello's house and brandished a knife about, tho heads of his wifo and children. I don't think that Editor Smith could have been in court and heard the evl dnnce or hn would not have published thut urtlclo. Yours Truly, One That Heard the Evidence. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining In tho postofllce at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., week ending Jan. zn. llMil: Mrs. Frank Dix. Mrs. Olive Reed. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. A. M. Woodward, P. M. The Tomple Male Quartette is the best musical organization that will ap pear in Reynoldsvllle for many a day, Be sure to hoar them In Assembly hall Thursday night. Tickets now on sale at Stoke's, 2oc. Sixty acres fine farming land, having thereon a good six room house on stone wall; number one cellar; also large bank barn and small barn; good or chard; never falling supply of spleudid well water; good market near farm Will sell at low price or exchange for town property. M. w. usher, Cor. 7th and Hill streets. Gibson, whose optical ad. appears in another column, has been very success ful, boo his dates. Sixty pairs of misses' shoes that wore formerly 1.50, now 75o., sizes 11 to 2 at Williams.' Tablets given away with school shoes at Johnston Si Nolan s. Ladies' uudersklrts at Sutter's at re- duoed prices. John Flvnn, merchant tailor, makes up-to-date suits. Try him. Williams' shoes. Latest stylos In shoes at Johnston & Nolan'a shoe parlors. Call and see shoes and get their low prloes. Sutter's tor ooaU. PERSONAL PARAORAPHS. Qllmpses of the People who are Pssslns; To and Fro. A. F. Ytist sMnt Sunday at Putney llle. J. M. Dunn Is In Clarion county this week. W. S. Sumo whs in Pittsburg last eek. M. M. Fisher Is In Pittsburg this eek. John Atirimd bus moved to Indiana Stain. J. II. Hughes Is In Now Beth libii in tn-day. Miss Sidney Wilson spent Sunday In Brook vlllo. Miss Maud Bloom, nf DuHols, spent Sunday In town. Roy Wlnslow, of Straights, spent Sunday In town. John C. Hirst, of Cowunsvlllo, was In town over Sunday. Hon. W. C. Arnold, of DuHols, was in town Wednesday. Hev. W. Frank I teller wbs at Turtle ;rc'k over Sunday. lames A. McCrelght visited In ludl- unn county tho past week. Joshua Harris and wife, of Helvetia, ere visitors in town Friday. M. E. Jones, of Helvetia, visited his parents In this place lust Friday, Miss Frances Freeman, of Grampian, Is visiting at the home of A. B. Weed. G.'orgn Evans nnd wife are visiting the bitter's parents at North Lawrence, Ohio. Miss Clara lli-own. of Ilrookvlllo, was the guest of M Iss Sophia Heckmun lust Week. Ell Buyer, who recently moved from this pluco to DuBols, wus in town over Sunday. John O'Hiirn went to Pittsburg yes terday to buy furniture for his nrw hotel, the National. - Mrs. Annie Winslow was ut 1 1 rook - vlllo Thursday unending a party given by Mrs. James Cunning. John T. Sliver, of Duqucsne, Pa., for merly a citizen of West Reynnldsvlllt), visited In town lust week. Mrs. E. W. Haines, of Stratton vlllo, is visiting bur daughter, Mrs. H. F. rccnttwult, In this place. Miss Marie Hepburn, who has been visiting ut Grampian for several wevks, bus returned to this pluco. Mrs. William Collins, of New Bethle hem, wus tho guest tif Mrs. Daniel Nolan several days lust week. Scott McClellantl. of Brook vlllo, who is proprietor ft a Inigu clothing store nt this place, wus in town Saturday. Mrs. P. J. Shittory. who bus boon the guest of Mrs. Solomon Shaffer several weeks, returned to Clarion county f-laiV- urdiiy. Jacob F. Siple and wife, ftvmoi-ly cit izens of tills section, now of North Dakota, are visiting a daughter at Riithmel. JohnGoodwill and wifo have gone to Shnmokln, Pa., to reside. Mr. Good- ill's genial countenance will bo missed on our streets. Mrs. Ed. W Indie. John Crawley and wifo and Clement Flynn were at Falls Creek Monday attending tho funeral of James Sullivan. William Dellart whs called to Pitts burg the latter part of lust week by the sorbins Illness of his wife, who was vis iting their daughter, Mrs. Rlggs. Frank A. McConnell, Ira Smith and A. P. Wetzel are at Wllliumsport this week taking the 32nd degree, or An cient Accepted Scottish Rites of Free masonry. Cupt. T. C. Reynolds, who is an em ploye at the State Cupitol, is ill. Dr. A. H. Bowsor, of this pluco, was called to Harrisburg lust evening to prescribe for Captuln. James A. Cuthers, formerly of Para dise, now in Pittsburg, who was working on tho B. St O. R. R., quit that road and Is now firing a passenger engine on tho Pennsylvania railroad. K. G. Bottorf, who has been foreman of the VoliiHtetr two years, will go to Rldgway to-day to work In tbe Ridgway Adiociitt office. L. L. Gourley will be foreman of the Volunteer. William T. Cox, of this place, has been appointed to take charge of the cloak department in the House of Rep resentatives at Harrisburg. William was sworn In last Wednesday evening. The following persons were here Mon day attending tbe funeral of Mrs. J. H. Myers: Mrs. G. W. Campbell and son and daughtor, Jerry and Olive, of New Castle, Mrs. John Cricks, of Punxsu tawney, James Schwem and wife, of DuBois. Mr. and Mrs. John Reddecllff went to Billiards, Butler Co., yesterday to re main permanently. Their numerous friends here are sorry to have them move away. Mr. Reddecllff, who has been a member of the M. E. choir for several years, will be missed from Ihe choir. He is an excellent tenor singer. The Ronyoldsville Steam Laundry's price for plain and open front shirts is 10 cents. Patronize borne industry. For real bargains In shoes go to Rob inson's. If you want a perfect fit, order suit from John Flynn, tbo tailor. Ladles' shoes that were 42.50, cut to 75o. a pair, sizes 3 and 4. Robinson's. Blankets at cost at Sutter's. Tc'olet wlvb t7ery pair of shool shoes at Williams ' Full line of Reed's ladies' shoe at Johnston & NoUn's at cost. Robinson's ca,n supply your shoe wan U. r