The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 30, 1901, Image 1

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Death of David Fickling.
Many times during the pust ftw
months hn death appeared In llutehin
on In unexprctod plnci-a.
Few there were coming and tfolntf
about Hutchinson who could claim
more cordial welcome from a larger
numborof friends than David Fleklinir,
Kind, (fcnemim to a fault-, cheery in
mintihtne and atorm, a friend to the un
fortunate, a man among men, the world
was surely hvttor for his living.
On one of his almost dnlly trips to
town about two weeks ago, as he was
feeling poorly from the effects of la
grlppo, ho remained over night Bt the
homo of his mother. Ho was worse the
next morning and unablo to return to
tho farm. Pneumonia soon doveloped
and ho became the subject of tho anx
ious solicitude of hit) relatives and
friends. Tho dleease made rapid pro
gress and last Friday night he breathed
his last.
He was horn in NorfolkBhlio, Eng'
land, In lffiO and came with his mother
and brothers to America In 1872, settling
In McLeod county. Ho was married In
18S6 to Miss Jennie Rice, and the union
was a most happy one. nor death,
April 21, MX), cant a cloud over his life
and he mourned in silence, but none the
less deeply.
His noar relatives In this country are
Samuel Flekllng, the well known mer
chant, Mrs. G. W. Sykes, of Roynolds
vlllo, Fa., and his aged mother, resid
ing in Hutchinson. A brother, John R.
Fickling, has for several years been a
resident of Japan.
Mr. Fickling was a member of the
Masonlo, Workmen and Eastern Sthr
ordors and .members of these societies
and scores of old friends and neighbors
attested by their presence their sorrow
at the departure from earthly scenes of
their friend and brother, David Fickling.
Hutchison (Minn.) Independent.
George W. Sykes, of this place, at
tended tho funeral.
A Great Nerve Medicine.
Celery King cleanses the system and bnllds
Jt makes the blood pare.
It beautifies the complexion.
It cores constipation and liver disorders.
It cures headache and most other aches.
Celery King cures Nerve, Stomach, Live
and Kidney diseases. I
Good Eye work.
1 will be at the
Will, use only the best
r--Crystalline or Pebble'
Glass N
and guarantee all work equal
to the test.
G. G. Gibson,
Jtefractlng Optician.
U Fire insurance
S. SINCE 1878. y
'RWOOE G. PlNNEY, Ag't.,
v Brookvllle, r&.
Trudgen, Solicitor,
Teynoldsville, Pa.
Ltd indemnity.
le first-class compan-
icB represented.
(oldest established Fire
urance Agent in Jef
v 'rson county.
siness will receive
'ompt attention.
rtsse m Ki I y 1 1 n
Personally-Conducted Tour to Florida.
The first Jacksonville tour of the sea
son via the Pennsylvania Kailroad, al
lowing two weeks in Florida, leaves
Now York, Philadelphia and Washing
ton by Bpcciul train February 5. Ex
cursion tickots, Including railway trans
portation, Pullman accommodations
(one berth), and meals en route In both
directions while traveling on the spe
cial train, will be sold at the following
rates: New York, $.0.00; Buffalo,
Rochester, ."4.00; F.lmlra, $.11. 45; Erie,
$.j4.8T; WillluiDBport, r.0.00; Wilkes
Barro, $."0.3o: and at proportionate rates
from other points.
For tickets, Itineraries, and full In
formation apply to ticket agents; B. P.
Frascr, Passenger Agent Buffalo Dis
trict, 307 Main street, Elllcott Square,
Buffalo, X. Y.; F. Palmatoer, City
Ticket Agent, 20 State street, corner
Corinthian, Rochester, N. Y.; E. S.
Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Wil
llamsport, Pa.; or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel
phia. Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a largo number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and
racked with coughs are urged to go to
another climate. But this is costly and
not always sure. Don't be an exile when
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump
tion will cure you at home. It's the
must Infallible medicine for coughs,
oolds and all throat and lung dlseasos on
earth. The first dose brings relief.
Astounding cures result from persistent
use. Trial bottles free at H. Alex.
Stoke's. Price 50c and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
California Tour Via Pennsylvania R. R.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
bas arranged for a special pnrsonally
oonduoted tour through California, to
leave New York and Philadelphia on
Fobruary 14, by the "Golden Gate Bpe
olal," composed exclusively of Pullman
parlor-smoking, dining, drawing-room.
sioeplng, oompartment, and observation
cars, returning by March 20. This
special train will bo run ovor the entire
routo. The best hotels will be used
where extended stops are made, but the
train will be at the constant command
of the party.
Round-trip tickets, covering all neoes-
sary expenses, 1450 from all points on
Pennsylvania Railroad except Pitts
burg, from whloh point the rate will
be 1445.
For further information anolv to tick
et agents; Tourist Agent, 1190 Broad
way, New York; 4 Court street, Brook
lyn; 789 Broad street, Newark, N. J.;
B. Courlaonder, Jr., Passenger Agent
Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md.;
Colin Studds, Passenger Agent South
eastern District, Washington, D. C;
Thomas E. Watt. Passenger Aerent
Western Distrlot, Pittsburg, Pa.; or
address Geo. W. Bovd. Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
Doe It Pay to Buy Cheap t
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the most se
vere and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles. What shall you do r
Go to a warmer and more regular , cli
mate r Yes, if possible; if not possible
for you, then in either case take the
only remedy that has been introduced
in all civilized countries with success in
severe throat and lung troublos.
"Boscbeo'a Gormen Syrup." It not
only heals and stimulates the tissues to
destroy the germ disease, but allays
inflammation, causes easy expectora
tion, gives a good night's rest, and
cures the patient. Try ONE bottle.
Reooiuniejided many years by
gists, in the world. For sale
strike's drug store. Get Gi
1 1 , February 1st.
Florida and metropolitan Limited'
by the
"Florida and West India Short Line"
to the
The Only Line Operating Dally Train to
Effective January 14th, the Seaboard
Air Line Railway, the only lino operat
ing daily limited trains to Florida, will
put on Its magnificent new train, "Flor
ida and Metropolitan Limited," solid
from New York via Philadelphia, Bal
timore. Washington to Richmond,
Raleigh, Columbia, Savannah, Jackson
ville and St. Augustine. Connections
at Jacksonville for Tampa and all Flor
ida points, and at St. Augustine for tho
East Coast. This train also carries Draw
ing Room Sleeping car from Now York
to Atlanta. Leaves Boston 12.03 a. m.,
Now York 12.55 p. m. (from 2.1rd Street
Station Pennsylvania Railroad), Phila
delphia 2.29 p. m., Baltimore 5.45 p. m.
Washington 0.55 p. m., arriving at
Southern Pines, N. C, 5.56 a. ra., Col
umbia, S. C, 10.00 a. m., Savannah, Ga.
12.25 p. m., Jacksonville 3.50 p. ra., St.
Augustine 5.00 p. m., Tampa fi.30 a. m.
Charlotte 9.51 a. ra., Atlanta 4.35 p. m.
Connections are made both at Miami on
the East Coast and Port Tampa on the
West Coast for Key West and Havana.
Tho "Florida and Metropolitan Lim
ited" is luxuriously equipped in every
respect, with Pullman Drawing Room
Car, Compartment Car with Drawing
Rooms and State Rooms, Observation
Car, through Day Coaches and unox
cellod Pullman Dining Car service.
For further Information, call on or
write to all Pennsylvania Railroad
offices, or representatives of tho Soa
board Air Lino Railway at 300 Wash
ington Street, Boston, Mass.; 1206 and
371 Broadway, New York; 30 South
Third Street, Philadelphia; 207 East
German Street, Baltimore; 1434 New
York Ave., Washington, or to R. E. L.
Bunch, General Passongor Agent,
Portsmouth, Va.
Girdles the Globe.
The famo of Bucklun's Arnica Salve,
as tho bust in tho world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer
ot cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sores,
scalds, boils, ulcers, felons, aches, pains
and all skin eruptions. Only infallible
pile cure. 25c a box at H. Alex. Stoke's.
Notice to Stockholders.
Tho annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Rcynoldsvllle Building
and Loan Association will be held Feb.
18th, 1901, at 7.30 p. m., for the purpose
of electing four directors and two aud
itors. At the regular moeting held Jan. 21st,
1901, the following nominations were
made: For directors, R. H. Wilson, C.
J. Kerr, V. R. Pratt, L. J. McEntlre
and F. S. Hoffman. For auditors, C. C.
Gibson, P. A. Hardman and A. J. Pos
tlethwaite. John M. Hays,
Attest: President.
L. J. McENTIRE, Secretary.
Mary Hayes, an employe at the
Brookvllle Woolen Mills, met with a
frightful accident Thursday evening.
Work at the mill was about to be
closed down for the evening, and as
Miss Hayes stooped to pick some article
from the floor her hair caught in the
machinery, and had tho mill been run
ning at full foroe' there In scarcely a
doubt but that she would have met with
an instant and horrible death. As It
was a portion of the skin aud hair was
torn irora ber head, and she is in a
nervous condition as a
shock. Brookvllle !(
a doir "st
Soft Coal Market.
Conl Trade .Tnurnnl.1
Bituminous branch of coal trade is
inclined to dullness, for thero Is a full
supply biting mined at all points, new
mines being opened and tho older ones
developed to a degree which promises
for tho future an ample quantity, r.c
matter how rapidly the industrials may
improve and take on tonnage; in the
west the quietness is particularly no
ticeable and it is said that a large con
sumer can now buy coal cheaper than
the price he pays on the contracts en
tered into last summer, a quite different
stato of affairs from thatexlsting a year
ago, when contracts were a nightmare
to the operators.
At the tidewater ports there is now
no delay in loading, and the consumer
finds no difficulty In getting forward all
that he may require; stocking for the
future is golnr on at many places. Even
the Pittsburg report shows that things
are not quite on the boom as they were
this time a year ago; the demand for
coal is only fair. The tonnngo output is
considerably below what It was during
September and October, when the lake
shipments were at tho maximum, and
the output during these months Is usual
ly tho measuring stick of producers.
The fact that output for ready consump
tion Is ahead of the normal of any pre
vious year, but unless tho maximum
tonnage Is coming out a wave of pessi
mism sweeps around among operators.
There Is every reason to believe that
soft coal people will do well to hold
prices as they are at the presont time;
wo doubt very much if the average for
thlByear will equnl that of last year
unless something comes to help to fur
thor demand say from abroad.
At Buffalo, in bituminous, the supply
is fully equal to demand, orders having
fallen off somowhat during the past
week. Still there is no denrth of bus
iness and no cause for uncaslnoss. The
demand Is good, mora available cars
have strengthened tho mine shipments
and the soft coal men are in a measure
relieved of an anxiety resulting from a
too eager market, which with all their
available resources could not be satis
fied. There have been no changes in
Emerlckvllle. -
Those who wished for more snow may
get their wish.
Daniel Dinger has purchased part of
Peter Baum's farm.
S. T. Stormer, real estate agent, has
a fine farm for sale.
He who can't take a joke is not
worthy of giving one.
It appears queer to hear the merry
sleigh bells on our streets.
O. F. Haines, our lumber morchant,
was in Brookvllle on business Saturday.
Frank Martz is visiting friends in
North Freedom, Salem and Oak Ridge
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith have
been spending the last throe weeks in
New Castle.
W. W. Fales has left his law course
for the presont. Ho is in raoro import
ant business.
Lonnio Haines spent Sunday with his
parents. His father, Eli, has cancer of
the stomach.
M. M. Smith, principal of the Baum
school, spent Sunday with his parents
at Summervllle!
T. C. Swarts wag at Slgel on Saturday
attending a local institute at that place,
in whloh bo took part.
The protracted meeting in the M. E.
church is a sucoess. Thorn are from 10
to 15 every night at the mercy seat.
There were ten visitors at the Mo-
Anlnch school on Patrons' Day, seven
teen at the Baum school and nine at
Washington Camp No. 410. P. O. S.
of A. of this place, will hold their 12th
anniversary on Feb. 22, 1901. Everybody
Is Invited to come.
Mrs. Frank Moore is on the sick list.
Daniel Wels is putting ud ouite a nice
house to rent.
Isaao Mansfield Is getting some bettor
at this writing. Grip.
W. W. Klllor, the Phllllppl Co. clerk,
was home to tee his mother.
Dan Wiser' new house is nearly com
pleted. A. J. Deemer, foreman.
Elmer Anthony, lately from Washing
ton state, is laid up with lagrlppe.
started for Phlladol-
f to have hi eye
. j Uulrna
of the
A Great Cloak
Overcoat Offer
We.are going to make what
will be the best Women's
Suit, Skirt, Jacket and
Waist Offer in the
town for FRIDAY
Feb, 1 and 2
Too Many Goods. Seasonable
" things in the "Women's De
partment that must go before
stock-taking, if price cuts
will have anything to do with
it, This is YOUR Chance to
Make Money.
Here is what
All $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Jackets at $3.00
All $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00 Jackets at $5.00
All $11.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Jackets at $7.50
Here is our offer
All Ladies' Golf, Plush and Cloth Capes at i off
regular price
All Rainy-day and Dress Skirts less J regular price
And here is our offer
All $7.50 Ladies' Tailor-made Suit's $4.75
All $10.00, $11.00 and $12.50 Suits $7.50
All $18.50, $15.00 and $16.00 Suits at $9.50
We will also
The men a great bargain for these two days. We
will offer
All $5. 00 and $6. 00 Overcoats at $3. 50
All $7.50, $8.00 and $8.50 Overcoats at $5.00
All $10, $11 and $12 Overcoats at $7.50
All 12.50, $14, $15 and $16 Overcoats at 9.50
Now is your chance to get a bargain. Remember
the date of this sale as thif offer is only good for Friday
and Saturday of this eok. t ... !Wh "
Shick & Wagner
we offer