The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 23, 1901, Image 7

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    Stops Tickling
All serious lung troubles be
gin with a tickling in the
throat. You can stop this at
first in a single night; a dose
at bedtime puts the throat at
complete rest. '
The cure is so easy now, it's
astonishing any one should run
the risk ot pneumonia and con
sumption, isn't it? For asthma,
croup, whooping-cough, bron
chitis, consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has
been the one great family medi
cine for sixty years,
i Three sliest 25c, 50c, Si. 00.
If nr drugget cannot lupply yon. I'mt m one
dollar and we will oxpresa a Inrgo bottle to you,
ell chirget prerKld. lie tore you give m your
lionrmt rxnrene ofnee. AWri, J. C. ATEIt to.,
Lowell, Mass.
Recently an institution was opened in
Belgium for the alleged cure of tuber
culosis by the exclusive raw meat diet.
After a trial of a few months the ex-
eriment was abandoned, as it was
ound that there was no efficacy in the
Richet cure.
There fa at Clam of People
Who are fnjnred by the see of coffee. Recently
there has 'boon placed in all the grocery stores
a new preparation called G-mmn-O, mado of
pnre graina, that takes the place of 'coffee.
The most dclionte stomach reeoives it without
distress, and bnt fow can tell it from eoffoe. It
doos not coat over 3i as much. Children may
drink it with great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts.
per package. Try It. Auk ror UaaiN-U.
Iowa almost from the date of its ad
mission has been called the "Hawkeyc
State." Hawkcye was the name of a
noted Indian chief, who, in the early
days, caused no little trouble along the
western border of American civiliza
tion. Lane's Family medicine
Moves the bowols each day. In order to
be healthy this la necessary. Acta gently on
the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache.
Price 26 and 50 cents.
The rural death rate in Great Britain
is 16 per The urban death rate
is 18.3 per 1,000.
To Core a Cold In One Day.
Take T.iiATivs IIromo tjnmNi Tam.its. All
drugglpta refund the money If it fulls to enra,
B. W. tiaovs's slguature is on each box. too.
Belgium has no navy except a train
ing ship for the merchant marine.
I'TlflHiii amiaimVWI ViltliVliimllllll
Dr. Greene's
nervous, and debilitated, tortured with female complaints, or racked
by headache, neuralgia, backache, and kidney trouble.
Here lies the great strain upon the nervous systems of women.
They have little or no rest ; their life is one continual round of work
duties here, duties there, duties without number. What wonder that
such women go to bed at night fatigued, and wake tired and un-
refreshed in the morning I
What women need is that
great strengthener an. invigor
ator of womankind. Dr. Greene's
Kervura blood and nerve remedy
that remedy which rebuilds
health and strength, purifies and
enriches the blood, givesstrength
and vigor to the nerves, and the
strong vitality and energy to the
system whioh will enable women
to do their work and yet keep strong and well, It is this great medi
cine they need. Nothing else In the world can do its work.
MRS. M. D. PERKINS, of 100 Q St., So. Boston, Ass., saysr
" I was completely run down and could not eat, for the sight of food made
me slek. I did not sleep at night and was as tired in the morning as when I
retired at night. My head and back ached all the time. I was completely or-
hnuatod if I tried to do my housework,
I was excessively nervous anil vorv weak.
" Than I began to tuke Dr. Greene's
cannot say anouL'h in its praise. I hsve
present tune, tiiiinus to this splendid
"l ean now eat and aleoo soundiv.
I do my housework, wuiuh Is now a
My woiclit has in
creased aliout twelve I'-U'-MJSVBSeaspsjPX
pounds in the Inst two
Mouths. I would re
commend any 0110 af
flicted as I have been
to use this wondurf ul
Dr. Greena
Wlli Atlvisa
You Without
The benefit of
advice is at the dis
posal of every siolt
ly woman, and it is
rail to write lor it
LOu.ll and see Dr.
seue at his ofiloe,
. 14th St., New
City. Do
's may shorten
ne required
Sveryof full
V, and give
(ioa whioh
le aright in
re. Abio
.tidonoo is
s made.
The population ol the whole "world
about 1.500.000,000. Of this Great
Hritnin aiul tier colonics lias 25.9 per
cent.; Kusii.i, 800 per cent.; France,
6.3 per cent.; United Slates, J. 7 per
cent.; Germany, 4.6 per cent.; Attstro
Hungary, 3.1 per cent.; Italy, 2.2 per
cent. . ,
Try flrnln-Ot Trr rcrnlrfOt
Auk yonr grocer o-rlay to dhow yon per,
age of Qnais-O, the new food drink that take
the place of coffee. The children mar drink it
withnnt injury h well m tkeadnlt. All who try
It. like It, Oaats-0 ban that rich sen! brown
of Mocha or Java, bnt it in made from pnre
irraina, and the moat delicate stomach receives
it withnnt distress. V the price of coffee.
IS and 860. per package. Hold by all grocers.
Trairie wolves in great numbers are
infestitiK the vicinity of Minneapolis
and farmers in nearby counties are in a
panic, ns their live stock is being at
tacked constantly. Sheep folds and hen
roosts in Anoka county are suffering
particularly. Farmers are planning a
l)ig hunt for the near future.
Con git In a- Lead to rensnaaptlen.
Kemp's Hainan! will (top the cough at once.
Go to yonr dragsint to-day and got a temple
hottln free. Hold in US and BO cent bottles.
Uo at once, delays are dangerous.
The L'uiled Kingdom of Great Rrit
ain and Ireland started into existence
on January 1, 1801, with a population of
15.700,000. Its population in igoo in
round numbers is 4i.ocx,ooo.
1 am sure Tiso's Cure fur Consumption saved
my llffl throe yearn ngo, Mmh. I'iios. Hob
iss, Muple Bt., Norwich, N. V., Feb. 17, 1W0.
Great Britain's percentage of the
world is 40.0. The United States' share
is 9.3 per cent.
Each package of Potmam Faprlrss Iy
oolors either Hllk, Wool or Cotton perfectly
at one boiling. Hold by ull druggists.
Sand Grass Its Use.
For many years the government at
Washington has, through the bureau -f
agriculture, been investigating the na
ture of sand grasses. It has learned
what other countries have accomplish
ed with them. It has brought speci
mens from all lands and gathered them
by the hundreds, representing every
known variety growing wild in this
country. It has studied their nature
and habits, experimented with them un
der all possible conditions, and finally
it has made a number of trial plantings
in the sandy regions along the shores
of Massachusetts, California and Flor
ida. Other nations with greater deserts
of sand in their territory than those of
this country are watching the progress
of these experiments. If they prove
successful we may expect to see a grad
ual disappearance of such places in Eu
rope which have for centuries stood m
almost insurmountai. barriers fo the
progress of civilization. Pc. son's
A Care far Headaches and ratlfne.
reople who suffer pain and fatigue while
travelling should take Garfield Headache Pow
ders ; thoy are made from Herbs.
The sum of 150 marks, heretofore an
nually voted in Germany for the support
of German schools abroad, has been
doubled this year.
HE ceaseless
drudgery of
carta is more
than the strongest man
could endure, and it la
no wonder that women
show the effects of work
and worry.
Thousands of women
In offices, shops, and fac
tories break down In
health under the strain
and become weak, tired.
Dr. Greene's
and could not walk without being diary.,
Ii'errura blood and nerve remedy, and I
not felt so well tor years as 1 do 1
wakintr iiiornlnea strong and refreshed.
pleasure instead ot a burden as formerly.
ttthe n
ftaln, t'lnnr and Peed.
Wi'fciT No. i red ft
live-No, a .
CoH! No. 2 yellow, enr
No. 2 yellow, shollpd
Mlxpd enr
Oats No. 1 white
No. S white
Fui'-Wlnt-r patent. 8
Fanny Htralght Winters 8
Hat No. 1 timothy 1 18
Clover No. 1 IS
Fran No. I whito mid. ton.... 1H
Drown middlings 18
limn, hulk 18
Btbaw Wheat.... 10
Ont 10
42' i
80 SO"1
8 m
8 80
15 75
14 25
19 00
1A 00
18 50
11 00
11 00
Datrr Trodaets.
Itcrrr.B Elgin erenmery. $ 24
Ohio erenmery 21
Fnnoy eonntry roll 14
Cnrrer Ohio, new ll.V
New York, new Wi
I'onltrjr, etc.
HBSSpot Hi 0(8)
CnieRKus liresHoit IS
Kuan- l'a. and Ohio, flush 2'i
t'rnlls and Vegetable.
T!kans- Navy, per lnnliel 2 10(S)
1'nTATor.H Fnney white, V bu.. 6'i
('AnnAOE per barrel 1 25
Oxiokb per bu.hel IK)
2 15
1 50
1 00
Fi.otm-Winter Futent f 3 flfl5 4 10
Wiikat No. 2 red 7.1 7H'i
Conx mixed 4S 411
Oats 81 81,'i
F.oos 2J 24
lll'TTEB Ohio creamery. 25 20
Fi.orn Winter patent
Wiikat- No. 2 red
Cons No. 2 mixed
Oath -No. 2 white
III'tter !r'iimery, extnt.,
Eons Pennsylvania Hints. ,
. 8 80'f
. 74
,. 48
,. M'i
.. 25
3 40
Fi.ot:n Pati-nts
Wheat No. 2 rod
Cobs No. 2
. 3 TOiS)
8 05
Oats White Wistern
Hctter- Creamery
tioos State, and l'euna
Central Htoek Yanla, Ksat l.l'lsrty, P a.
rime heavy, lSOO to 1000 llm. . 8 5(S
5 70
8 80
rime. 1300 to HIM) llw 9 15
Medium. 1000 to 1200 8 00
3 75
4 25
4 25
3 85
4 50
4 25
80 00
50 09
at heifers 00
luteher, ilOO to 1000 His. 8 HS
'ommon to fair 8 28
Oxen, common to fat 2 50
lminon to irood fat bulls A cows i v a
Mileh eows, en-h 20 00
Kxtra mileh eows, enIh 45 00
It (KM.
Prime medium weights 8 25( 8 30
ltest heavv vorkers and mediuin 8 40 S 45
(lood to ehoiee iiaekers. 5 85
6 40
4 25
8 25
8 15
4 00
8 00
Oood pigs and light vorkers.... 8 40
Hklpplgs. 8B0
mme neavv nogs o xu
Common to fair 4 50
Hough 8 50
Mags 8 00
Extra, mmllmn weight wethers.. 4 50q) 4 05
Oood to eholeo 4 20 4 40
Meilium 8 60 4 00
Common to fair 1 50 2 00
I.nnilis. extra spring t 8 70 5 85
I.umlw, good to choice, spring... 4 00 8 05
Lambs, common to fair, sprlug.. 4 60 8 00
Veal, extra 7 BOffl) 8 00
Veal, good to ehoiee. 6 60 7 00
Veal, common to fair 4 00 6 00
Veal, common heuvy 8 00 4 00
Good Reports on Builnetl ars Now Coming
In Bradstretts and Dunn Consider Ins
Outiotk Most Satisfactory.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly Review
of Trade" says: In most directions the
condition of general business has im
proved slightly this week. Prices M
staple commodities arc steady, as arc
most manufactured goods. Orders to
manufacturers are sustained in volume,
and that pronounced easy money in '.he
interior is stil stimulating business
shown by bank exchanges at ead.i
cities nutsule Ai-w v nrk. Retail trade
!... ....i:.i 1. .... ....1 '
una ii, n uiriiiiiiii iiiiiii as ..-.!, ""'
the holidays. Steadiness is the chief
characteristic of the iron and steel in
dustry. There is a notable lack of new
contracts covering large operations, but
many small orders arc placed, and mills
are well occupied on old business that in
most cases will take months to complete.
even if nothing further otters. Un tins
account there is no urgency about se
curing orders and no concessions are
made by leading concerns. Export in-
puirics are fewer, but manufacturers ex-
hibit no concern on this point. Work
is so vigorously prosecuted at the fur
naces that demand for fuel increases
and coke production in the Conncllsville
region expands. There is still some un
certainty regarding the proposed tube
and sheet plants, and action by the Car
negie Company is awaited with interest.
Failures for the week were 3J5 in the
United States, against 242 last year, and
43 in Canada, against 40 last year.
Bradstreets says: Southern trade con
tinues as a whole fair to good, and the
outlook is regarded as a cheerful one.
Another "readjustment" of refined su
gar rates has occurred, with the result
of a decrease of 10 cents per hundred
pounds in the price of granulated.
It has been a week of ebbing strcngih
in the cereals. Argentine reports dis
play an india rubber consistency, and
this week has been devoted to stretch
ing estimates of the export surplus from
that country. Northwest wheat receipts
have also been heavy, and the so-called
Wall street interest has been reported
to have been liquidating. Corn receipts
are also heavier and prices are lower,
partly also in sympathy with the decline
in wheat, which is now 4 cents off from
the- top of the January rise. Flour is
dull, but the decline of 10 to 30 cents per
barrel has tended to help export busi
ness. Rebellion Fading Out.
Gen. MacArthur Monday cabled from
Manila as follows: "Dclgado, com
mander in chief Iloilo, Panay province,
surrendered to Brig. Gen. Robert P.
Hughes with four officers, 31 men, 14
rifle. His command much scattered.
Other surrenders expected during next
few days; important; signifies end or
ganized armed resistance in Iloilo prov
ince." Military officials at Manila are becom
ing confident that the end of the insur
rection is approaching.
Wllut suffering frequently result
from a mother's ignorance or more
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly Instruct her daupihter I
Tradition says "womii must suf
fer," and young women are so taught.
There Is a little truth and a great deal
of exaggeration in this. If a young
woman suffers severely she needs
treatment, and her mother should see
that she gets it.
Many mothers hesitate to take their
daughters to a physician for exad .a
tion but no mother need hesitat. to
write freely about her daughter or
herself to Mrs. FlnVhara and secure
the most efficient advice without
charge. Mrs. Pinkham's address is
Lynn, Mass.
Mrs. August Pfalrgraf, of South
Byron, Wis., mother of the young lady
whose portrait we here publish, wrote
Mrs. Plnkham in January, 1809, saying
her daughter had suffered for two
years with irregular menstruation
had headache all the time, and pain in
her side, feet swell, and was generally
miserable. Mrs. Plnkham promptly
replied with advlee, and under date of
Mureh, lW), the motner writes again
i that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound cured her daughter of all
pntns and Irregularity.
Nothing In the world equals Mrs,
Pinkham's great medicine for regu
lating woman's peculiar monthly
In June, tooo, the largest number of
marriages licenses on record for any
month in Chicago were issued 2,150.
I slew's This 1
I We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for
I any ea-e of Catarrh that cannot be cured br
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
1 F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
I We. the undersigned, have known F.J. Che
ney lor the la-t 16 years, and believe him per
fectly honornhle In all Ininlnesa trnn-aetfona
and nnaneially able to carry out any obliga
tion in ne ny tneir nrm.
oil o.
WAt.nmn, Rinnan AV Marvin, Wholesale
Ilrnggleta, Toledo, Ohio.
HaU eCntarrh Cure lalnken Infernally, set-lngdlr-i'tly
upon the blood and mucous aur-
IMcea or til.' ayatem. rrloe, lOe.por huttlu. BOIU
by all lli-ugglHts. Testtinonlnla free.
Hall's Family Pllla are the best.
The national debt of the United
States is only about $6 to every $500 of
its wealth.
Best Vor the Dowels,
No matter what alls you, beadaohe te a
eauesr, you will never get well until your
bowels are put right. Casoabsts help
nature, cure you without a grip or pain,
Sirodiics easy natural movements, cost you
ust 10 cents to start getting your health
lack. Oascasits Candy Cathartic, the
f:enulns, put up In metal boiss, every tab
et has 0.0,0. stamped ou It. Beware of
In 1800 only 4 per cent. 01 the people
of the United States lived in cities. To
day ,10 per cent live in cities.
A CarsThst la Safe ana Sure
Hie fterneld Headache Towdera are made
from Herbs. As a cure for headaches and
relief for tired nerves they are unequalled.
The estimated cost of the war in
South Africa is more than 69,33.000
rrey'e Vermlfnge Carre.
Children relieved and absolute)? enred,
lteuulatlou of 80 yrs. Mo. At Druggists.
T, rt Q, c
jra, 1 , stam,still
1 '
Britain arc
The Best Prescription for Chills
and Fever Is a bottle of Ohovi's TASTStcsS
Chii.lTonio. It is simply iron and quinine In
a tasteless form. Ne cure so pay. i'rlce too.
! Great Britain still has
loading nans in her army.
340 muzzle-
lloxale's Croup Cnre,
Thn life saver of children. Cures tMid pre
vents Membraneous Croup, I'ueumonia and
Diphtheria. 60 ots. A. I. Huxsle, UulTulo, N. V.
The River Jordan has its' origin in
onc f tne largest springs in the world,
A dyspentlo Is never on good terms with
himself. Something is always wrong. Out
It right by chewing Luemun's Pepsin, Gum.
Rubber, spun glass', steel and
arc '.he most elastic substances.
The best is the ehespeat. Carter's Ink Is ths
best, yet it costs ho mure tuau lbs uoursat.
Tram Prolitl He p Tax Kale.
The first year's working of Bolton's
municipal electric trams has resulted
in a "profit of several thousands of
pounds, says a London newspaper. As
a result it has been decided to lengthen
the stages nnd adopt halfpenny fare.
The local rates will receives a large
share of the profits. The corporation
is seeking parliamentary powers to bor
row 650.000 for tramways extensions
doubling of the tracks and necessary
tlr-et widenings. The new municipal
ckctric lighting works at Stockton-on-Tees,
erected at a cost of 30,000, was
recently inaugurated.
I s. Acts quicker, never gripes and obtains better results
0 than auy laxative known.
V97) Us action Is marvelous, Its effect Immediate,
it No remedy will cure constipation ana biliousness so
I sr aulcklr aud with absolutely do discomfort as
Avtragt Doit; On.. halt slaMful on arlilnff In the morning,
livery druggist and gaueral wholeaale grocer In tna world sells It,
I C If 'or til 'u" "ame,
xiuujaai uauuaw
Cole laaportarl Plrss ef ANDREAS JAXLEHNER, 130 Piiltoa St., N. V.
Save Your Hair with
Shampoos of
And light dressings of CUTICURA, purest of
emollient skin cures. This treatment at once
stops falling hair, removes crusts,, scales, and
dandruff, soothes Irritated, Itching surfaces,
stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots
with energy and nourishment, and makes the
hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy
scalp when all else falls.
I Assisted by OnccnA Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautify
log the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the
topping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and healing red, rough,
and sore hands, for baby rashes, Itohlngs, and chaflags, and for all the pur
poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Womon nsa Cuticuka
' Soap In the form of baths for annoying Irritations, Inflammations, and
excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, In the form of washes for
ulcerative weaknesses, and for many antlseptlo purposes which readily sug
gest themselves to women and mothers. No amount of persnaslon can
Induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beauttflert,
to use any others, Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties
derived from Cuticdra, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing
ingredients, and the moat refreshing of flower odors. No other medicates
soap Is to be compared with It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying
the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap,
however expensive, Is to be compared with It for all the purposes of the
toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus It combines, In One Soap at One Peicr,
Vis. t TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the best skin and complexion soap, the
BEST toilet, best baby soap in the world.
Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor.
THE SET, $1.25
The bread-caters of the w
more than 2.300.000,000 bushels
every twelve, months.
Dr. Bull's Cough
Cures s rough or cold st one,. . M
Conquers croup, bronchitis J VslJ 13
SrippsandcoBkumpiiou. ajc J r
ai 1 1.11 n. wtkiknn tV i'o.. imj.
1IV. fl, K17 14111 Bller, V ArMllISIaTOe l.
IffssUt'D GDCll UtlKkWOa UlwVtlilUa eVDU UU01ts
twkst nuuai in IsMtimoni
amok rnlia aniirmnta
free. .Dr.
H. U. HkLlM I (tun. Bus H. AlUi, flft
Prompt and Sure.
Label with
lied Centre Panel.
uonsiiuns or uuTICUKa puaf lioc.r, wt ai.nnae in. lam or eruvi. sua
scale, asd anftea th. thlek.n.d .utlitl.j C'UTiciiRi Oimtmsst (Ma.),
to Instantly allay Itching, Inflammation, and Irritation, and soothe and
bral: and Ctmcuna Kcaoi.vssr (AOa.), 10 eool and eleana. the blood.
A Pinols ST Is ofUD aufTlctant to cure th. moat torturing, dlarlgnrlng.
Itching, burning, snd aealy akin, a ealn, and blood humors, wlUi loss of
hair, wheo all els, falls. Bold throughout the world.
; Vr?. IAr L per TON f!fl
1 if. Qnatnt. CatssMt Peas as Carts H
Mranccp, MfiMsbuuti n
Poitl.rr.eic. H
Will tat wertl. 1100 U yaei to nasi U
fcUMr'aoMif Buya bUmmiI r),
Dillion Dollar Graaa
will poakUrety aaaka yo rteh U tooa
vi stay aeHi iota ot pa iur per aagw,ag susv
Hp.isa,rajDaU,hU 140 btk mb.IM
bu. u a,,) ate. , at
Forlhla Notice nnd 19a.
w man u caia'usi svr'i tv rarsn ntais j
HotslUm, hlly wwrtb llOte) ga imm H
Vor 1 4. f ailatdli vtttj M t If
WUlLkUi skvarsv asaU Liea kaja uiA calavteaj. U
IaukI 1C a i irr Crrn sPa unAMrH
Mm A. jALtLK OLLU LU. wirnj
1 nvl.v ' -flU iftturi.i.u tiie araule. aud
r. ii-i 5' 4vA rss1"H !"'. " iui5 tttSHMT.
astiiuislilteiTaaraMl. (I3SIt
AtMrtST U(rillriO otmiiail
frith mosl all OtbPtrMfcmc it iuraa !ir all tiih-r !
l btU, appl'avtcM art inm1i fail. CtilCX Cifttl '
ni.Tfittmtt50Aiitut.-iiU. UM.t til UKtxni t.r till in . toub
liiftf.iaeia, srsknitMi urni dje nifra. Fur fuirtpit'lo
at-nloj f nQtlfiil la I t'itteUtru, Militia idaul atnlatali itw
ssWSktifiXl Uaahliittt !.?
Kucooesfully Prosecutes Claims.
LattiHrlTtuluitl EaSintnor U B. I'tfit.luu tturasu.
J l ift Hi rivil umi'. l&sUJuuii-uliui:i'luliii.all.v itia
r. n. u, , i'joi.
ri r.... QAta WHtril alI urn Uns. nr
I I Best Coutih byrup. Tuples Oood. Vt I 1
r. I 10 lluio. hild hr ilniKlata, l