The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 09, 1901, Image 1

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NlfiMHKK 34.
Snudy Volley.
Miss I!. M. Kotniln, of PliHols. In vIk
ltlnu lii'i' sister, Mm. L. l.yle, nl pivs. nl.
Mis Mirto ('ul)U', (if thin pliu-o, npi iit
Chi-lntnins at New Hntlilclii'iii.
Another nnniiiinoonit'iit will Ini given
In next week's paper fur nn eiiterinln
tiH'iiti nt the Simily Valley church.
ignite n niitiilxT of relatives nnl
friends from Kill Is I 'reek nml Reynolds
vtll spent ClirUtmim at tint home of
Mr. nml Mm. I.. M. Hivln
Mi'H, A. T. Reek spoilt New Year's
with her parents, Mr. nml Mrs. L. M.
It. 8. Mt'Kuililun, wliu has been visit
ing Ills sisters, Mrs. J. S. ltnrtln, of
West Reynoldsvlllo, nml Mis. T.. M.
Beetle, of Im piano, has returned to hi
lionui In West Virginia.
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering from it wild settled
on thn breast, lironoliltlH, throat or lung
troubled of any nature, who will rail at
II. Ali'X Htoko's will lie presented with
a sninplo bottle of Rusehee's Gerinnn
Syrii), free of eharge. Only "no ImiIIIo
given to one person, nml nonu to child
ren without orih'i' from parents.
No tli rout or limn remedy ever had
sueh a sale ns Hosrhoo's (!.rnian Hyrup
In ull purtsof the elvlll.i'd world. Twen
ty year nun millions of bottle wero
driven aw , nnd your drutrKlst will tell
you It success was marveloim. It In
really the only Throat and Lung Rem
edy generally endorsed by physlemns.
One"") cent bottle will cure or prove
Its value Sold by dealers In all civil
ized countries.
Ciut Green's Prize. Almanac
What Is Celery King?
It U a solenUno oomblnaUoa of ran roots,
herbs, barks and seeds from Nature's labora
tory. It eurea oonatlpatlon, nervous dis
orders, headaeba, ludlg esUoa and liver and
kidney diseases. It Is a most wonderf vl medl
ttma, and Is reoommended by physicians
teaeralljr. Remember It euro oonatlpatlon.
Celery King Is sold la Ko. and We. paakares
bydrutaiata, I
Begins Monday, Jan. 14, and Closes Thursday, Jan. 31.
To make the latter part of January a great bargain month we arc giving ijraitcr bargains than wc were ever able to give before. We have cut prices to the lowest possible notch antl herewith
announce values that can't be beaten. We work continually to sell goods at the lowest possible prices consistent with good merchandise. We endeavor at all times to avoid misrepresentation of any
kind and positively will not handle anything that is not reliable if we know it. You who have watched our advertisements will know that they are always truthful and reliable
Dress Goods.
We offer our entire stock of Dress goods and Linings at a big
Black Cashmere that sells for 25c at 19c a yard.
50c Black Crepons at 39c. Finer ones that were 1.50 and $1.75
will go in this sale at $1.25 a yard.
54 inch Broadcloth, $1.25 grade, in black, tan, brown, gray,
green, blue and red will be sold at $1.00 a yard.
All 25c Dress Goods, both novelty and plain at 19c.
All 50c dress goods, 39c a yd.
" 75c " " 65c a yd.
" $1.00 dress goods, 79c a yd.
We have full lines of colors of silks and velvets for waists at all
prices that will be sold at a big reduction.
All Linings andTrlmmlngs Reduced. '
About 150 pair of Ladies' shoes
sold at 1.25.
bout 100 pair of Children's shoes that werel.00, 1.25 and 1.50
go in this sale at 7oc.
ember we have a full and up
tions and the best 3.00 6hoe for ladies made.
for Men, Women and
Because we buy from
nanufactories and you,-
sk whatever to run, 'as
See every garme:
-t these prices
uc we
rfe will
'1 4o
Mr. Allen Cathers vlslled her sister,
Mrs. l-'llcklnger, In Roynohlsvllln tho
past Week.
I .1. M. NhooHtey attended Literary Ho-
I..I..I.. ... .1... '..full ol.i ml nUH lllir
Itiiu. on Friday evening.
County (JimimlHrtloiier W. C. Murray,
of llrookvllle, was transacting business
In this plaen a couplo of days the past
Ten ii HI rouse, who had been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Adam Norrls, of near
Panic, the past week, returned 'homo
on Sunday.
Philip Plfer, of near Rig Hun, was a
caller at t!. K. Keller's on Sunday.
Wo iinilei'Hlitnd that Hoy McDonald,
teacher of tho .looks school, has re
signed bis school. lie oxpecta to go
Into other business. Miss Tilllln
Shields will finish the remaining two
months of school.
A number of tho young people of this
uoiiimiiiilty at tended a spelling at the
Plfer school on Wednesday.
While a sknting party was going on
nt I.udwlck's dam one evening last
week a young couplo were skating along
and looking nt tho stars. They saw a
million or moro and, In less time than It
takes to tell It, they ran Into a stump.
Then they saw n few morn stars they
had not observed Is-foro.
Albert Stronse, who was employed In
thn holler liouso nt Rig Koldior, had a
very narrow cseaio from death last
Saturday. An Blr plm burstcd, killing
one mnii Instantly and wounding several
others. Albert was struck en tho head
and knocked down, and was unconscious
for a fow hours. Ho was brought to his
homo in this plaen nnd a doctor sum
moned to dress his wounds. At present
he is getting along as well aa could be
ex pouted.
Thousands Sent Into Exile,
Every ycBr a largo numbor of poor
sulTorors whoso lung aro soro and
racked with coughs aro urged to go to
anothur climate. Dut this Is eostly and
not always sure. Don't bo an exile when
Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump
tion will cure you at home, It's the
most Infallible medicine for coughs,
colds and all throat and lung diseases on
earth. The first doso brings relief.
Astounding cures result from persistant
use. Trial bottles free at II. Alex.
Btoko's. Trice 60o and (1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
A large assortment of fine dress
patterns that were 1.25, 1.50
and 1.75 at 98c a yard.
that sold at 2.00 to 3.00 will be
- to - date line of shoes shoes ol all
Children arc reduced for this .ale.
Better CLOTHING Can be Found
; A fine Beaver Ovordoat In blue or gray
sold at 95.00, at 1X75.
A fine Overcoat, made of Kersey or
Melton In gray, sold at $7.00, at B5.00.
All 10, 12.50 and 115.00 Overcoats at
7.50, 0.00 and 111.00,
AU Men' and Boy's Ctothltty at
u Silr JUductlotu i .
Hluli Scliool Bulletin. '
editorial mrr.
Edltsr la Ohlaf Clintat Flyno '01.
anlittat E4lttr - Ohtlitlat Drtwa 'OS.
Ileal Kdltiir Itf Hefta '01.
One of tho principal joys of my child
hood was playing In the snow. Ahovo
nil, t enjoyed building snow men.
I remember once and some of my
playmates worked bard and long nt this
amusing pleeo of work. We rolled tho
snow In it large ball; thin wan (bo body.
A smaller ball served for the head. Thn
eyes worn made of lumps of coal and
sticks served for a nose and mouth.
Wo were greatly pleased with our
man when ho was flnhdied. lie stood
this way for several days, until one day
the sun enmo out and smiled warmly
upon blm and much lo our surprlHo and
sorrow, he liegnn to grow smaller until
at last ho ran away.
Mahuahkt H'i'i k k, '(12.
After having enjoyed our mid-winter
vacation, we have now entered iiHin
the work of the new year fully prepared
to meet thn trials nnd enjoy the pleas
ures of the next four months. And as
tills Is the first Imhiio of the Hl'I.UTIV
In the 20th century It, perhaps, would
not bo iiiiiIhs to dwell upon the changes
that have been wrought during the
closing century. As wo stnnd on tho
threshold of the new year, part the cur
tain that separate tho frail present
from tho enshrouded past, and gaze In
rotroHHct, wo llnd ourselves astounded
at tho wonderful changes that have
taken place. At thn beginning of the
llllh century our country, which had
just passed through the ravages of a
cruel war, was In Its Infancy and tho
whole energy of tho people wasongnged
In a struggle for existence. Up to this
time their main occupation bad been
war, and as a consequence of this wo
And that tho flno art which aro now
cultivated had not reached any degree
of advancement. Tho tog school house
served as a placo In which to train the
youth, and owing to the means of trav
el, tho knowledge of tho peoplo In re
gard to tholr country was confined to
that area upon which tho eyo could
dwell. Locomotives or steamboats wore
unhoard of and It was not until about
1850 that telegraph wires were strung.
Hut during the last half of the past
century the seeds of a ripening civilisa
tion have been sown and havo borne
fruit In almost every phase of life. The
Regardless of cost, such as Vases, Jardiniers, Fancy Dishes,
Fancy Baskets, Toilet Sets, Rings, Brooches, Silver Trinkets,
Cushion Tops, Doileys, Fancy Stand Covers, Etc.
Clark's Thread,
Silk Thread
Tidy Cotton
BUklteen -Papor
Paper Best Pins
Glntrham, 41o a yd.
Aunt Nancy's unbleached Muslin, 4c a yd
Paclflo " ' 6o "
Lock wood , " 6o "
Fine bleached Muslin 6o "
O 41 Qq
" Hill Muslin 71o "
Calicos - 4o "
" Best 5o "
Percales 6, 8 and lOo "
BUklltne 10c "
Toweling, from 4 to lOo "
Shirting prints . 40"
Cheviot Shirting 4 to 8o "
Outing Flannel -4 and Bo 11
Bo Outing 6o "
lOo Outing - 8o "
121o Outing lOo "
25o Table Linen,
30o " "
35o " "
60o " .
80o " "
1.00 Table Linen, 79o
1.25 " 1.00
1.00 Napkins, 80o a doz.
1,25 1.00adoz.
1.75 " 1.45 a doz.
Men's 50o Overalls
" 50c Jackets
" 50o Jean Pants
" 85o "
" tl.00 "
" 15o Wool Socks
1 3i)o
25o "
50o " .
evidences of a wonderful progress are to
bo seen everywhere. The log scliool
house Inn boon replaced by modern
structures of stone or brick. Thn stage
coach has given way lo the loenmotlvo
and trolley; the darkness and gloom of
night Is repelled by the rays cast fort h
from the arch light, and the govern
ment that was then almost unknown has
grown stronger year by year until the
present time when It Is recognled ns n
mighty nnd potent factor In the settling
of tho world's disputes, nnd as n beacon
light to tho oppressed of tho whole
At thn next meeting of tho Shake
spearean Literary Society tho following
program will Imi rendered: Address,
('lenient Klyuii; recitation, Christine
llrown; essay, Ira llowser; guitar solo,
Nulii Neale; recitation, Prof. leaven
worth; recitation .fay Met law; essay,
Iiona lllnck; prophesy, F.iliel Wlimlow;
recitation, Dllla Alley; vocal solo, Ver
di Dougherty.
The attendance at school on New
Year's was very small. Thorn wero on
ly ton pupils In tlio high scliool In tho
Miss firnco Meek, who has been III for
several weeks, has returned to school
Clement Klynn returned last week
from a visit with his brother, Frank M.
Klynn, In Phlladelphls.
Prof. licavnnworth spent his vacation
at bis homo In Wellsvllle, Ohio.
Haipli Kirk spent bin vacation In
Tho members of thn senior class wero
thn guests of Prof. I.enkerd ut Hotel
ImMirlal Christmas.
Mis Viola McClaw Is on thn sick list.
Tho juniors havo completed tho be
ginners latin and havo been Initiated
Into Ciesar.
Tho study schedule of tho high school
will chango this week.
Some of tho members wore at DuBols
for a slclghridn and when they drew up
In front of tho Commercial Hotel they
wero so quiet (?) that some who were
standing by turned away saying, "Come
on, thoy are all married."
Girdles' the (llobe.
The fame of Hucklon' Arnica Salvo,
as tbe best in thn world, extend round
tho earth. It's tho one ierfoot healer
ol cut, corns, burns, bruise, sores,
scalds, boils, ulcer, felons, aches, pains
and all skin eruptions. Only Infallible
pllo cure. 2.rc a box at H. Alex. Stoke'.
1 yd. Hat Cord
4 to Ko
1 yd. Garter Web
Shoo Laces, 2 pair
Iicst Shoe Laces, 1 pair
1 Doz. Best Pearl Button
Gold-plated Collar Buttons
Gold-filled Cuff Buttons
60o Cotton Blankets
44o pair.
flOo " "
8.rKJ " "
1.15 '
1.25 "
3.00 All-wool Blanket
3.60 " "
1.25 Comforts
3.50 "
42 In. Pillow Case
45 In. " ."
lOo a pair
21o '
81x00 Hemmed Sheets unbleached
81x90 "
81x90 "
81x90 Hemstitched
2.00 Napkins, 11.00 a doz.
2.25 " 1.85 a doz.
3.00 " 2.40 a doz.
4.00 3.25 a doz.
Than You Find
Mod's $1 fleece-lined underwear, 78c a s't.
" $2 all-wool underwear, 1.65 "
Boy's heavy fleeced underwear, 45o "
A beautiful line of Men's Dress Pants
at a big reduction. - ,
Ail 3.50,aarl C4.00 pants at 13.00.
Uncle Joshua Looks Moth Ways nnd then
Mnki-s Sume Interesting Predictions,
t'nele .loshoit, ooo of those halo,
hearty and jolly goiid-natured old farm
ers whose smiling face has grown round
and rod uihIhc the liiliucnco of many a
hearty laugh In his mlrth-provoklng
career, Is a man who reads a great deal
nnd gives more or less attention to the
various topics of the day, according to
the degree of Importation thoy reach In
the public mind. Although he Is a
resident of one of tho remote rural dis
tricts, he appeitrs to havo kept bis store
of knowledge up-to-dato; and In a gen
eral way by close observation, and such
a selection of literature as Is calculated
to broaden one's Intellect and culti
vate good judgment, he has "kept
nbrenst of tho times" as thn saying
goes. 1 1 is therefore only natural that
his opinion should In sought on matters
of such Importance ns the prospective
progress of the new century upon which
wo have just entered and from which
so much Is expected. Hence wo find
him In the midst of a circle of surprised,
mystified and wondering "wiseacres" in
a corner grocery drawing a most charm
ing picture of the near future for bis
audience, as described In tho following
"Tiii'Ic .Ii.mIi' khIiI it friendly iirfiuutiiliirieo
ii' lils,
At they Islkoil ' the -ont urv lust pnmi'il.
"llnyeii llitnk that Inventions II firoKroHsss
In l he next liunilrod yours ns the last?"
"Well I'll loll ye," siilil r in-In Josh 'It ti a
Kriirii what I kin ronri an' liirn,
I,liiilil air 'n 'loeirli'lty 'n Hytrin niscliliies
Aro lain ul. to lie xlvon a turn.
"My iirniihery nisv seem a Hills far-fnlclisd,
I'hloss yo I'fiiiNliler the sHoil
We're ninUIn' to-day as roinpnrrrl Mth the
YfeHn'l toll whore Inventors 'II lead.
Wo may visit our riutHirs In flyln' mHehlrirs
'N so triivoltlii' tn "iiowmiillek" liilios,
Wo kin tnlnslo so much 'llh city folks then
Thst mi lonioir they'll count us ns Unties.
"We'll luivii "iHitrllled" ronda like the city
Al wireless tolctfrnphy, 4mi,
'N kin filU to I lileiiX" or snywliore else
'N the 'phono rout 'It never come duo.
We kin hoar (treat miistelaiis'riatriKora 'n sleh
In all pans o' the world tiy machine,
'N the olNiienl sermons from proaehom of
KepriMlured by Hie fnticKrnf aolinme.
"An'sa tlnrknesa comes on at the close of
enoh (lay,
The luminous pnlnt on our walls
Will slow with n lirllllnriry, scientists any,
Ksr srsiKler than fairyland lis I la.
In our parlors we'll willed iriovln' pictures o'
are nea
From those lands 'round our southern aeas,
'N tho aroma of fruit In the orunKe Knives
'lil Ileal In on a anuthern lireeie.
"Even rain 'II lie furnished, 'n sunshine 'n
Ity men o' vast knowledge 'n inoansi
Hy electrical nxturoa the oowa 'II lie mtl'xed,
N our cKKa laid ty racklln' machines.
LafliBS ii Coilfa's Fflrtslis
Such hs Coats, Capes, Furs, Underwear, Coat Suits, Top
Skirts, Underskirts, Neckwear, Waists. Etc., will all be sold re
gardless of cost.
Ladies fine jackets made of Kersey, Cheviot or Boncle Cloths in
black or colors that sold for 5, 6 and $7.00 will go at $3.75 and
$4.00. The best 10 and $12.00 jackets made for 7 and $8.00.
A good assortment of Ladies' Capes made of Golf, Flush and
Kersey cloths at great reductions.
Children's Jackets that were from 1.75 to $0.50, now from 1.00
to 4.50.
Girls and Misses rpOCCDC reuce frm 65ci 125
2.00 and $3.00, to L UyuUw 45c 75c- 1M) 2 25- These
are all nicely made, trimmed with ribbons, etc., lined throughout
all sizes.
LADIES' SUITS. A lot of Ladles' Tailor Made Suits in finest Broadcloth
Cheviot, or Covert Cloth. Swellest Tailor-made effects, sold at 7.50, 10, 12,50
and 116.00, will go at tS.OO, 7.50, 9.50 and tl2.50.
Ladles 25c flannelette skirt patterns, 19c
" 60c all-wool skirt patterns, 40o
A fine line of Ladles' Mercerized Sateen and Corset Jean Underskirts, that sold
for 11.00, 1.25, 2.00, 3.00 and 4.00 are reduced to 75c, 11.00, 1.60, 2.50 and 3.25.
All Ladles and Children's Underwear at a likewise reduction. '
A large assortment of Ladles Rainy Day Skirts at a bl sacrifice; will go at
from 12.75 to S.OO.
at Shick & Wagner's.
All 25o Neckwear,
All 50o "
All 50o Hats
All 11.00 Hats
All 1.25 "
All 1.50 "
All l!75 and 2.00 HaU
All 25o Caps
All m
I'll loll ye n farm 'It tie s rlrh claim.
Now Inventions 'II so Incrottic ornpsi
Wo rim even yet rich en the lew swampy
r'er we'll plant It In flogs nnd sell "hops."
"Horseless cnrrlnKes, plows, 'n mnwln' ms-
chlm n
'1,1 to common thliiirs then on n fiinni
tin a sltiu;lc rail truck all the Irnlns 'II tie run,
I, Ike a lilki. wliliitut oiiiiHlutr iihiim.
A tilcyclo rnlfi'Mol from lict-c In Inpitn,
':nts.n tirldifo from Alte-ka, liorhtqis,
'f.l onalilo our wluimln folk IIh-ii to hoy silks
'N iHireelaln ware from Ihojiipa,
"We tony start from Now Vork after break
fiol at riltio,
An' cull on the President noon.
Then tie In I 'ItlctiKo an hour after Hint
'N reach ''.'risen Unit diiy nlsiut ntsm.
Tlien Id fit in Hawaii hy fly In' machine
Whore I'd dine at tho tlov'nor's rlnlif,
'Tend n rlance In Manila that eventii' an' then
(lo to hod In .lapaii for the uliiht.
"1,1 llunii CliaiiK I would xrcot the next morn,
An' pertiaps I would etui on the 0,tir,
As I went sctsiiln' acroMs tho continent.
In a vesttliuled hlcyele ear,
I would tiaitie In tho'Klvor o' .lordan,
VImII. Ilarnascu n' the llciol Hon,
An' Itoihany an' olo .lorusalem,
'N slch places of Interest lr me.
"I'd S)ike s stroll In the streets o' t'nlro,
tie liy trolly l.iseo old "'hco-oM,'(
N afti'r sccirV ihc ruins o Tlii-lios,
Hot out for Hie Kioncli f:iMinn shoim,
tlri my way I would so thrniiifli old Alliens,
Tlis'l clly of cullioo an' fume.
An' I hen on tlirousli the laud o Klirllc,
Where Vesuvius lielchos Hume.
"And midst the rutnsof Ihe old rollseittn,
'rto u lory of foroior days,
I woulil Ihllik of tlitil slfi'iy of Neni
Art' Itioeltyof Knmo aliiao.
Then after sceln' a nil o' iniy Purls,
I'll call on ('noon Vic as I'll pans,
'N take a Hying mnclilno fmm old fitidou
'N sot hoino erlsiut live or half-tiast."
.1. .1. IIIIHK.
Snndy Valley, I'a., .Ian. , lloi.
Marriage License.
Tho following marriage license were
Issued the past, week by .fohn D. Evans,
Clerk of Court of Jefferson county:
.lames ,1. Contcy and Sarah . M.
Walker, both of Llndsey.
Htovo Tacncs nnd Julia Dudas, both
of Elennora.
Lulgl Sanco and Antonla Slrlannl,
Ixith of Anita.
Evan J. Thomas, of Anita, nnd Carrie
Emorlek, of Curwonsvlllo.
John Stnhnikl, of DoLancy. and
Mary Zajan, of I'unxsiitawney.
A Deep Mystery.
It I a mystery why wornon ttndiiro
backache, headache, nervousness, sleep
lessness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy
spells when thousands tiavo proved that
Eloctrlo Hitter will quickly euro such
trouble. "I suffered for' year with
kidney troublo," writes Mrs. I'hoebo
Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lamo
back pained mn so I could not dross my
self, but Electric Bitter wholly cured
ma, and, although 73 year old, I now
am able to do all my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, Improves appe
tite, gives perfect health. Only flOc at
U. Alex. Stoko's drug store.
Ladies' fine Kersey Jackets in fashionable 26 in.
box style in black, gray and tan for $2.75.
Ladles' 11.00 all-wool skirt patterns, 75o
" 11.00 knit skirts, 75o
Boy's Top Coats made of chinch 1111
cloth, sixes from 3 to 8, sold for 1.50
to 11.75, at 1.15 and 11.25
Boy's Reefers, made of extra heavy
cloth, lined throughout, sizes, 9 to 16,
sold for 2.50, at 1.75.. ,
Every thip'vin the