The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 24, 1900, Image 5

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SnliMli)l!nn fl.fin per 'inir. fir ft I. on ij
1 pm Dlni'liii in unrnvrt,
(' A. WTKI'lli;!SON. l;lllor mm t'nl..
MONDAY, DKCKM BKR 24, 11)00.
ra r nit a it rttis xxn . :.r r i ; ' ;
a M-
Holiday. Goods t
are in.
Come and see
C. F. Hoffman.
Clr? mint r.n m rrt-t n t i
Traveler' Guide.
PnsHctiaor trains arrivo mid lonvo Uuyn-
nldsvlllo as follows:
P. ct- . f. Jt.lAcOrmh JVn:
KiiHlwnril. Westward.
No. Il'j, H.iVI it. m. No. 117, il.i; 11. m.
Ni. 114, ll. r.'n. mi. Nil s.: n. in.
Nn. lot. 12 iW p. m. No. In I. Uf! p. in.
No. int. H i J p. m. No. II I. ".; p. in.
No. 1IH, 9M p. in. An. Iill, 7.IW p. ni.
HI! Mia V.
Xo.t'K.1.14 p.m. No. 117.11.47 u. m.
No. 1IH, (Mil p. ni. No. IHI.4.:u p.m.
n. n. t- r. nn, (G. m. jmv)
Arrives I Departs
rrrnlnNoTH 1 11 p in I Triiln No ii, 2 M p m
fl Little ol Everything.
Williams' shoes.
A Merry Christmas.
No )or next week.
Cut glass at Goodor's.
Buy RoblnBon's shoes.
Mitchell, the ladies tailor.
See Milllrens advertisement.
Suitor's for Christmas goods.
Female Minstrels Christinas night.
Go to Robinson's for holiday slippers.
Seo Shlck & Wagner's new line of furs.
Great bargains in underwear at B. T.
Will huns' Bhoes excoll all others In
iquality and price.
Dinner sets, Imported china, at C. F.
Hoffman's, thu jeweler.
John Flynn. morohant tailor, makes
up-lo-duto suits. Try him.
A fine large bookcase has been put in
the Public Reading room.
New styles In Walk-Over shoes, rondo
of black Russia. Robinson's.
Clocks, watches, rings and watch
chains at Goodor's jewelry store.
Christmas treats will be given to the
scholars of the Sunday schools th is o ven
lag. Sixty pairs of misses' shoes that were
formerly $1.50, now 75c., sizes 11 to 2 at
Go to Shlck & Wagnor'a for your fall
goods. You will And a complete line of
- Lud leg, you will find the best selec
tion of lornette chains at C. F. Hoff
man, the jeweler. ,
Come in and make your selection
arly. MHUrens will lay it away for
you until Christmas.
Latest styles In shoos at Johnston &
Nolan's shoo parlors. Cull and see
shoes and get their low prices.
For Sale Now buggies, wheels, tops,
cushions, dashes, &c, also second-hand
buggies and hacks, by L. M. Snydor.
A new shoo for women. Patent colt
skin; does not orack. We have thorn
from A to E. Price $4.00. Robinson's.
The most elaborate calendar for 1001
that has reached our oOloe from town
firms la one put out by Brumbaugh and
Watch meoting service will be held
In the M. E. ohurob New . Year's Eve.
Arrangements are being mado for a good
Tbo Puoxsutawuey binru issued a
sixteen-page holiday number last week
with almost sixty columns of advertis
ing in it
This la the last week of vacation for
the schools of this borough, West Reyn
oldsville and Winslow township. School
will begin Monday.
Xou Will find dolls in almost every
s. bit you will not find the kind we
nVhy? Ours are better looking
k Drug Store.
A pair of gold eye glusses last
Vetween First National bank
Si mill. Finder will please
V at The Star offloe.
Tatthews, who was Injured
V mine last Tuesday and
10 the Adrian Hospital
v getting along nicely
Vrd's friends gave him a
ay surprise party lust
as presented with
oh by bis parents and
A Christmas story and other Clirist
nnis mutter will be found on un Insldo
page of this issue.
"The Young Mini Four Square" will
be lite subject for the evening sermon
ht the Presbyteriuiiohuroli on Deo. 30th.
Tito largest lino of watches, clocks
and Jewelry of nil kinds ever brought to
Reynoldsi'lllc can be seen at Guilder'
the jeweler.
The Female Minstrels In the opera
house Is thoChrlstmHsattraction. Don't
miss It. Reserved seuls on side Ht
Sioke's drug store. Tickets 15. 25 and
Hi cents.
Our now bus engine, is In working or
der n nd wo are now in better shae to do
job work, and we would not lament
If our subscription list whs doubled
during 1001.
There will be a policeman at the
opera house Christmu night to keep
order. Those who are Inclined to be
boisterous in the opera house ItHd bet
ter remember this notion.
"Rev, Dr. Waters' lecture drew ninny
people. This brilliant young Chios
goiin is bright, witty, crisp, and right
to the point.'" Rockford Mnnihiy Star.
At Assembly Hull Tuesday, Jan. l."ith.
Over one hundred shares of capital
stock of the Summcrville Telephone
Company will be sold ut public auction
ill the general office of the eorioration
lii Sumrm rville on Wednesday, January
llth. 1001.
Joseph Henry Snyder, seven-weeks-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder,
died Friday of pneumoniii. and was
hurled In Prospect cemetery Sunday
afternoon. Rev. J. C. McEntire con
ducted tho funeral service.
Don't for got that the Altar Society of
tho Catholic church will serve supper
in the Star building two nights, New
Year's live' und Now Years evening,
and ulso dinner on New Year's day.
Ice cream and cuke will be served dur
ing tho evening.
Pansy Foust is now a full-llodged
school girl. Twenty-one llttlo friends
helped her celebrate her sixth birthday
last Tuesday. They had a pleasant
time eating of the good things prepared
by Pansy's mother and romping and
playing as happy children can.
Richard Murray, who reached his
majority December 17th, was given a
birthday Bu-priso party on tho evening
of thu day when ho became his own
boss. There were about forty friends
present. Richard was given a rocking
chair as a birthday present. Ice cream
and cake wore served.
"No ensior or moro gruceful speaker
ever stood on a platform than Rev. Dr
Waters. His words" flow and their
rhyth is musical. He seems to bo abso
lutely ex frntpfiir, and yet as finished as
an essayist. "Ho speaks right on,' and
from first to last you are under his
power." Chicago Trihunf. At Assem
bly Hall Tuesday, Jan. loth.
Of all self-acknowledged puppies, the
young mun who speaks lightly of female
character and female virtue deserves
tho highest place in the congregation of
moral lepers. There 1b no moro certain
indication of a weak brain thun the
tongue whleh would disparage female
virtue which would forget Its mother
or Its sister, In casting Its foul venom
on a purity which It can never hope to
attain. Ex,
The county commissioners' triennial
statement shows the amount of real
and porsonal property Ilk Jefferson
county to be as follows: No. of tuxa-
bios, 18,041; No. of lores, 442,002; value
of real estato, (11,704,845; No. horses,
,448; value of horses, $223,201); No. of
cows, 6,3811; value of cows, $78,704; value
of cows, $78,794; value of occupation,
$778,340; total value, $12,785,188; money
at interest, $823,044.
A delicious morsel In the musical
farce, "A Wise Woman," Is the intro
duction of a quaintly melodious sou thorn
"crooning" song and lullaby, done by
Miss Mario Lamour. The music of this
number is said to be extremely catchy
and easy to remember, and so popular
does it immediately become that It Is
whistled and hummed by all the small
boys and by many of the big ones wher
ever the play is produced.
All the churches wore well attended
Sunday and appropriate sorvloes were
held in each one of them. "Prince of
Peaoe" was Dr. A. J. Meuk's subject
Sunday evening. The Sunday school
rendered un excellent program in the
Presbyterian church Suuday evening.
At the M. E. church Sunday even
ing the beautiful oratorla-cantuta,
"Shlloh," was rendered by the oholr,
assisted by others. It was certainly
well rendered.
The Low Grade passenger orews on
the through runs have boon. changed to
make a double run from Driftwood to
Red Bunk and return in one day and
then have two days lay off each week
This was tholr run for several years
but within the lust year it was changed
so that ono crow would lay over at Red
Bunk and in ouse a west bound train
was late there would be a crew at Red
Bank to start out on time on eastbound
train, but the way the orews are run
Ding now if a westbound through train
is over a half hour lato tho east bound
through train will be lato leaving Red
Bank as the orow on westbound returns
on the eustbound.
No Paper Next Week.
We will not Issue a paper next week.
The officii will he open to do Job work
nd receive money on subscriptions.
Call and see us.
Lost Finger.
Gonrgii Smith, an employe on . Mc
Donald's log train, had the forefinger
t his right hunt! bo bniliy injured wuue
making coupling Thursday that the
tiger nail to lm amputated.
S. of V. Officers.
At tlio lust regulur meeting of Phil.
Kearney Camp, No. 311, Sons of Veter
ans, the Following Mincer were eteoieo:
Captain, C. .1. MoPherson: lit Lleuton-
ni, wood Mharpc; zna uuuiunanr. .i.
Kirkwood; Camp Council, l.eorge
W. Stoke, jr., A.
M. Woodward and
W. II. Ford
Unanimous Verdtct.
From our ninny arlieles tho past few
weeks received from various sources It
will be seen that, tho comedy farce.
A Wise Woman," is a strictly first-
lass attraction with more originality
nd novel features than any company
hat lias yet visited us. It remains to
bo seen how they will ! appreciated.
" Scrap" Saturday Evening.
Fire water" and an old grudgd
among some of the glass worx-
rs wns tho cause of a lively "scrap
Saturday evening. One fellow pulled
a revolver out of his pocket and threw
t on the floor and the weapon went off.
the hall striking a slioe of one of the
mrttcipanls in tho row. It. whs more by
good luck than anything else that some
person was not shot, hntirely too many
people carry revolvers.
Wedding This Afternoon.
At 4.00 ii. m. to-day, December 24th,
a pretty home wedding will take place
at the residence of James Pommy,
Worth street, when their daughter.
Miss Bessie, will he married to Thomas
Davidson. Rev. Perry A. Reno, pastor
of tho M. E. church, will be the offlciat-
ng minister. Miss Minnie Pommy,
sister of tho bride, and .lames Davidson,
brother of tho groom, will act as brides
maid and groomsman. A large number
of guests have been invited. After the
twain have been pronouneed man and
wife a wedding supper will be served.
This young couple have a host of friends
In town who will wish them joy and
prosierity as they travel life's pathway
Home for Vacation.
Tho following students, whom we did
not mention last week, are homo for the
holiday vacation; James O. Pentz, Al
legheny College. Meadvillo, Walter B.
Revnolt's, Washington and Jefferson
C.illego, Washington. Pa., Louis O.
Mollinger, Princeton University. Prince
ton. N. J., Raymond Klliott Brown and
Will C. Smith. Cornell University, 1th
nca, N. Y., Harry C. Herpel. High
School, Ithaca. N. Y., C. L. Kattcher
anil loseph B. Mitchell. Medico-Ch I ru lo
gical College. Philadelphia, Clarence
H. Reynolds, Philadelphia College of
Pharmacy. Philadelphia. M. Fred Reed,
Syraouso (N. Y) University, Arthur W.
McUluro, ntato Uollege, .loseph Macro,
Rucktioll University, Lewlsbtirg. Misses
Amv Reno and Edith Beck, Woman s
College. Baltimore, Miss Elva Coleman,
Hucknell University, Lewisbtirg; Miss
lusio Ross, Clarion State Normal.
The Teachers' Institute.
The forty-fifth annual session of the
touchers' institute was held in Brook
villo last week and out of the 320 teach
ers employed in the county, 323 attend
ed the institute. The teachers of the
county, or any person Interested in
school work, could not ask for a better
institute than the one held in our county
last week, for which credit is due our
worthy and wide-awake county superin
tendent, Prof. R. B. Tellrick, who does
not try to see how cheap he can get an
institute through for, but who expends
money tor the best talent that can be
ii tho teachers or our county win at
tend such institutes as the one last
week und are not bolter prepared after
ward to tuko up school work, they had
better quit teaching.
Addison J. Wells and Miss Ella S.
Phillips, two young people well known
In town, will be married at 7.0U p. m.
Wednesday evening, December 2(lth,
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew Phillips, on Jackson street, in
the presence of the immediate relatives
ot both parties and a tew friends. Uev,
Perry A. Keno, pastor of the M. is,
church, will perform the wedding cere'
mony. Miss Carrie Carrier will act at
bridesmaid and Chester ii. Clover as
groomsman. After the nuptial knot Is
tied a wedding supper will be served.
Mr. Wells is getting a bouse ready in
West Koynoldsvllle and the young
couple expect to go to housekeeping
not later than the tlrst Of the INew
Year. Their many friends will wish
Addison and Ella much happiness and a
good snare ol prosperity.
Rally and Watch Meeting.
Tho Baptist Young People's Union
will hold a rally and watch meeting in
the Baptist ohurob New Years Eve,
from 8.00 to 12.00. The program Vlll
be as follows: Devotional services; ad
dress, president; selection, octet; "Our
Outlook for the 20th Century," Lucile
Mitchell; solo, Florence Ferrin; "The
B. Y. P. U. as a Factor In the Develop
ment or Christian Character," Maud
Rea; duet, Florence and Marlon Harris
recitation, Anna Davis; solo, Mrs. II
Eugene Phillips; letters from absent
members; recitation, Minnie B. W bit
more; selection, trio; intermission and
lunch; prayer and consecration meeting
led by Thomas tiulliford. Subject,
"Suffering for Christ's Suke." The
watch meeting will close promptly a
midnight, when tho church bell will
ring out the 10th and ring In the 20tb
The largest and most complete line of
slippers in town. Kobluaou s.
Mufflers of all kind at Mllllrens.
Genuine leather pocket books ut
Goodor's, the jeweler.
Monarch shirts r. Mllllrens.
A water sot, one large pitcher and six
glasses lor 27 cents at is. T. Cox s.
Dr. Wright's medloated fleece-lined
underwear at Mllllrens.
Elti.ha B. McClelland Expired December
l8th Buried Thursday Forenoon.
Ellsha Borland McClelland died at
Is home In West. Uevnoldsvlllo Tues
day, December 18th, at 3 30 p. m. Fie
oral services were held In the M. K.
hurch at 10.00 a. ni., Thursday, con
noted by the pastor. Rev. Perry A.
Reno, Hnd Interment was made in tho
Reynoldsvillu Cemetery. The deceased
hs born at fine (.rove. Centre countv.
Pa.. D.ember lllth. 1823. and had he
lived ono day longer would hnve been
7 years old. He wus married to Susan-
null Powell February 22. 1N48. Unto
them eleven children were born, Ave of
whom preceded the father across the
River of Death. Mr. McClelland re-
ided In Clarion county many years and
s consiiihte in I'ortor township, Clar
ion county, two terms. He find been a
faithful and earnest member of the
Methodist Rpiscopnl church over 42
years. He died peacefully trusting the
treat King.
The wife. Ave daughters and one son
survive the deceased, 'aa follows:
Mrs. M. Mohnev, Mrs. Ed. Swenson.
Mrs. Ed. Sehultze, Mrn. Thomas Tap
per, Mrs. J. W. Folk, of this place, and
John McClelland.
Clarion Railroad Company.
It was stated in Thk STAR last week
that a standard gauge railroad would be
built from Clarion to Sutnmervlllo. At
meeting held in Clarion lust Wed ties-
ay evening the Clarion Railroad Com
pany was organized. The officers of
he new road are as follows: President,
ohn C. Whllla, of Plttbtirg; directors.
Mr. Estep, oi Pittsburg. Mr. R'-eves. of
Beaver rails. Dr. Haven, of Summer-
illo, I. M. Shannon. A. G. Corbett and
I. G. Yingling, of Clarion.
The Clarion 7frjiiiWirnn says: "A
wo understand the matter, surveys and
Ights-of-way will be finished this win-
tor, and work on the road will be com
menced in tho spring and finished at
the earliest posslblo time. The mad
will be completed and In operation by
tine mm. ItMrj. at t he vorv latest."
It is expected that $200,000 will build-
the road. The citizens of Clarion sub
scribed $."0.000 and outside capitalists
$150,000. There will be a shaking
among tho dry bones when Clarion gets
n touch with the outside world. This
will be the best $50,000 Investment that
town evor made.
Falls Creek In July.
There was a good attendance at the
JetTei-son county school- directors' con
vention held in Brookville last Thurs
day, and the convention was Interesting.
There were several warm discussions.
A high school in every township was
discussed. The townshis where high
schools have been established are well
pleased with the results. There was
also some talk of establishing Central
schools in townships and doing away
with so many schools. This scheme Is
young yet and was not received with
open arms.
Jacob c. smith, or young township,
was elected president of the directors'
association for 1001, and John Dougher
ty, of Winslow township, was elected
as one of tho vleo-presldents. Will H.
Tyson, of Big Run. wus elected secre
tury. Dr. J. B. Neale. of this place,
was elected as one of the delegates to
State convention.
Tho countv convention will bo held In
Fulls Creek next July.
New Year New Century.
We will soon entor a new year and
begin a new century. Some of our
readers will, undoubtedly, live to seo
1001 ticked off and 1002 ushered in, but
few, if any, will live to see the 20th
century give pluou to tho 21st cen
tury. We do not expect to be ed
iting THE bTAR when the 21st century
dawns. We mention this to warn any
of our subscribers who arc thinking of
paying their subscription one century
ahead that we will not bo responsible
for at loast tho last two years of the
20th century, for if we have not been
called hence by that time wo think we
win nave made enough money In the
newspaper business to retire and live
the remaining years in this life without
working, therefore, to save trouble don't
pay your subscription farther ahead
than 101)8.
We wish all our subscribers and read
ers a very merry Christmas and a hap
py and prosperous New Year.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in the postoflice at Reynoldsvillo, Pa.,
week ending Dec. , 10(H):
Aaron Cohen, Miss Maggie Hutman,
Ernest Hagstraln. Floid Hice. E. S.
Lambert. J. F. McEntire, Mrs. Kate A.
McCoy, S. G. Miller, Mr. Stone, Char
ley Stale, Miss Whittakor.
buy advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
See the line of sweaters for Christ
mas at Milllrens.
Rings at Goodor's from $1.00 up to
nuu and over uuu to select irom.
Tablets given away with school shoes
at Johnston & Nolan s.
Silk kerchiefs
rens for Xmas.
with Initial at Mil
Bust assortment of holiday goods, all
bargains, at B. T. Cox s.
Sweet-Orr's union-made clothing at
Watches for everybody at all prices.
Call and see. We give the best value
for the money and the best selection,
Mitchell, the tailor, produces a good
fit at a low price.
The finest assortment of clocks at
Goodor's the jeweler.
Arrow-brand collars 2 for 25c. at Mil
Bracelets In gold and silver; over 100
to select from at uoodor s the Jeweler,
Buy your friend something useful for
a Christmas gut at Mllllrens.
, Men's slippers from 50c. to $1.50. See
them before buying, Robinson's.
A graud display of winter caps at
Silverware and silver novelties, an
endless variety at Goodor's. Come and
see the many pretty things.
A serviceable holiday gift ono of
MUUren's neckties, boxed for a gift.
George B. Bowser and Mias Jennie Mc
intosh Joined the Matrimonial Ranks.
Geo. B. Bowser, Ralhmel's accommo
dating postmaster and prominent gro
cerymnn. and Miss Jennie Mcintosh,
one of Itathmel's charming and highly
esteemed young ladles, were united In
the holy bonds of matrimony at 8 p. m.,
Dee -mber lllth, ut the residence of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Meliitot.h. by H-v. Chlnliolm. Presby
terian pastor of FullsCreek. MUs Mar
garet Mcintosh. sNterof the bride, wns
bridesmaid, and H. S. Wyanl was
gi-onnisinnn It whs the greateat social
event, In Rathmel this season. Ono
hundred and seventy-live guests were
present. An excellent wedding supper
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bowser re
ceived a large number of im-ful and
Vxl'iahle presents. The band serenaded
them. The H-nedict and bride have
gone to housekeeping. Thk STAR Joins
with their many friends In extending
congratulations and wishing them joy
and happlnesB
When Appeals Will be Held.
Appeals from the triennial assess
ment for the yours 1001. 1002 and 1003,
will be held by the county commission
ers in the following boroughs and town
ships of Jefferson county at tho times
and plHees stated below:
Big Run, Wednesday, January 30, at
McClure Hotel.
Henderson township, Thursday, Jan
uary 31, at the house of Andrew Plfer.
MeCalinont township. Friday, Febru
ary, February 1. at store at Panic.
Knox township, Monday, February 4.
at H. E. MeCraeken's store.
Pin'-creek township, Tuesday, Fcb
5, at Wiser's store.
Reynoldsville, Wednesday, February
0, at Hotel McConnnell in forenoon.
West. Reynoldsville. Wednesday. Feb
ruary 8, In afternoon at Moore House.
Winslow township. ThursdHV. Febru
ary 7. In forenoon at Burns House, In
afternoon at Ross House.
Falls Creek, Friday, February 8, at
Hotel Lnmontague.
Washington township, Saturdny, Feb
ruary 0, at Evans' store, Rockdale. In
forenoon, and at Craven's store, West
villo, In the afternoon.
Warsaw, Wednesday, February 12, at
house of John Fox, in the forenoon, and
James Williams in the afternoon.
A general appeHl will be hold In the
commissioners' office Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday, February 2tl, 27
and 28.
Christmas and New Year Holidays.
On account of the Christmas and New
Year Holidays tho Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell on Decombtr
22, 23. 24, 25, and 31, and January 1,
round-trip tickets at rate of ono lowest
first-class fare and a third for the round
trip (minimum rate, 25 cents) in either
direction between Buffalo, Franklin,
and intermediate stations; Bradford.
Franklin, und intermediate stations;
Johnsonhurg, Reynoldsville, DuBoIb,
and intermediate stations; and between
any of these stations and Pittsburg.
Also in either direction between Alle
gheny and Butler. These tickets will
be litnfled for return passagn until Jan
uary 2, Inclusive. Half tickets at one-
half above rate will bo sold for children
between tho ages of five and twelve
Will Not Forget the Giver.
Why not give vour friend u Christmas
present that will remind them of the
giver at least onco a week during 1001
A years subscription to TUB STAR
would be just the thing, and It will only
cost you 91. 00. Come into our new or
nee and get a receipt and give that to
your friend. We believe such a Christ
mas present would be appreciated and
they would think of you evory time they
received a copy ol the paper.
THE star gives the local, county ana
general news every week. If you are
not a subscriber, but a borrower, come
in and subscribe. Reynoldsville will
boom next year and you will want to
keep posted. Subscribe now.
When is a Turkey Dreksed t
A Reynoldsville gontleman who has
loisure enough at his disposal to grap
ple with such important questions as
the heading of this article, says: "The
people don t mean what they say when
they ask for a dressed turkey and want
an undressed turkey."
When asked to explain be said
"Don't you know that when a turkey
has Its feathers on it Is dressed and
hen the leathers are off It Is un
Fortune Smiles on Them.
We have received personal and un
questionable Information from the east
that "A wise woman ' Is making the
strangest kind of a hit and have been
doing an enormous business. Since the
day it was started the management
have been digging out and adding to It
without fear or favor, until now it
stands without an equal in its line.
Suggestion Meeting.
A suggestion meeting of the Re
publican voters of Reynoldsville
borough will be hold In the first
preoiuct hose house on Wednesday
evening, January 0th, 1001, at eight
o clock for the purpose of naming can
dldates for borough offices to be noinl
nated at a primary election to be held
on Saturday, January 10th, 1001.
Anyone Getting Married
Will need a cook and heating stove
or a gas range, also kltchon utensils,
furniture, bedding, dishes, carpets
rugs, shades, portlers, lace curtains,
curtain poles, toilet sets, mattresses
springs, couches, rockers, mirrors. Hall
can Ut you out from collar to garret.
Call In, examine our goods, get our
prices and judge for yourself. We are
pleased to show you our goods. Oppo
site the postomoe.
Holiday umbrellas, something oxcop
tlonal at Mllllrons.
Rings, the finest asuortmont at Good'
Ladles' furs at the New Store.
Johnston & Nolan have a fine Una of
Emerson's shoes for gentlemen. See
The largest line of useful Xmas gifts
is to be found at Mllliruns.
A fine line of cut glass at Goodor's,
the jeweler.
Mllllrons for your overcoat.
Glimpses of the People who are Passing
To and Fio.
Ed. Sinister Is In Pittsburg this week.
Charles A. Horpel is In Now Bethle
hem to-day.
Hurry McMinn is visiting relatives at
A. W. Pentz, of Punxeotawney, spent
Sunday In town.
Mrs. Mary Myers Is visiting hor
duughter at Kane.
Miss Elizabeth Irving Is visiting rela
tives ut Brookville.
W. R. Meredith, of Punxsutawney,
was In town Frlduy.
Ellis Richards, of Avoninore, is visit
ing relatives In town.
Miss Marie Hepburn is visiting at Du
BoIb and Grampian, Pa.
Miss Ivu Levis, of Brockwayvillo, vis
ited in this pluce lHst week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rumsey, of Mahon-
tngtown, are visiting In town.
Albert J. Sutter, of Clearfield, Is vis
iting his parents in this pluce.
Mrs. E. M. Gibson returned Saturday
from a visit In Allegheny City.
Frank A. Herpel visited In New Beth
lehem and Fail-mount, last week.
E. S. Strawctitter and wife aro visit
ing relatives in Cumbria county.
W. Bruce Mitchell, of Homestead, is
(siting his parents In this place.
Miss Mnybel Sutter, of Pittsburg, is
Isitlng her parents In this place.
Miss Florence Hays, of Adrian, visit
ed Reynoldsville friends last week.
Miss Otna Keller, of New Bethlehem,
lilted friends ill this pluce last week.
Mrs. John C. Hirst und sons, Charles
and Jesse, are visiting at Cowansville.
A. F. Yost went to Putney vlllo Sutur-
ay to spend Christinas with his family.
W. S. Townsond and wife are visiting
in Pittsburg and Greensburg this week.
MIbs Minnie Waenor, of Worthvllle,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. V. Shlck.
Mrs. J. n Phillips, of Clarion, is vis
iting her son, H. Eugene Phillips, in
this place.
Mrs. nenry Rhoricn and daughter,
Miss Dena, am visiting in Cumberland,
Mrs. A. B. Weed and Miss Ethel
Hepburn aro visiting at Oakmont and
Charles E. Strouso spent last week
with his sister, Mrs. W. C. Murray, In
Lyle Gonrley, who has been working
at Caledonia, cume homo to remnin un
til after Christmas,
Chas. E. Coax, brakeman on tho R.
& F. C. railroad, Is visiting at Pittsburg
and Ohio this week.
Prof. G. W. Lenkerd, principal of our
schools, will spend Christmas at his
home In Clourflold county.
Prof. H. C. Leavenworth, assistant
principal of our schools, is visiting his
home at Westvlllo, Ohio.
Miss Mary Klahr, of Clarion, and
Rbea Klahr, of Oil City, are guesto of
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Phillips, of Pitts
burg, are visiting the letter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone, sr.
Miss Mary V. Collins, of Philadelphia,
is spending her Christmas holidays as
the guest of Miss Sue Reynolds.
Miss O'Brien, who has boon visiting
in town for several weeks, returned to
her home in Gettysburg Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Meokor. of Home
stead, are visiting tbo lattor'a parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell, in this place.
Miss Margaret Dailey, one of tho In
structors in our borough schools, is
vising her parents at Penflold this week.
Miss Annie Murray, of Gasklll, is vis
iting her brother and sister, Dr. J. H.
and Miss Olovla Murray, in this place.
Glee Humphrey, of Now KonBlngton,
will spend Christmas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Humphrey, in this
Mrs. E. C. Davis, accompanied by hor
son, Lawrenco, will spend Christmas at
Edenburg, Pa., with her mother, Mrs.
C. E. Miller, who Is ill.
E. F. Piper, of Slnnamahontng, Pa.,
a student In tbo Syracuse Unlvorsity,
spent Sunday with bis classmate, M.
Fred Reed, in this place.
Mrs. Annie Winslow, District Dep
uty of the Daughters of Rebekah, in
stalled the officers In the Falls Creek
ordor Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Hoadloy, of New
Kensington, wllr spend Christmas with
tho lutter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Davis, on Jackson street.
Dr. H. P. Thompson and wlfo, of
Portland Mills, will spend Christmas
with tho lutter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Sutter, In this plooe.
Mr. and Mrs W. S. Stone and daugh
ter, Miss Florence C. Stone, loft here
Suturduy to spend a week at Oakmont,
Pittsburg and Turtle Crock.
Ed. MoMullon, of West Reynoldsville,
and Mrs. Carrie Bryno, of Hopkins,
were In Altoona lust week attending
the funeral of tholr mothor, Mrs, Anna
Mrs. S. L, Drake, nee Margaret Em
ery, of Brookville, visited her sister,
Mrs. U. G. Sohuafiiouker, in this place,
last week. Miss Emery was mairlud
to Mr. Drake last Monday,