lie REYNOLDSYILLE, I'ENN'A., WEDNESDAY, DECEMItEK 10, 1900. XUMIJEB 32. VOLUME 9. We sell . . you a fine, big II A NO K for (116.60 to 921. Heat ing Stoves, $3.50 and upwards. Cook Stove for $13 and upward. IE also carry a nice Orpets, Kitchen Curtains, Hugs, Bedding, Dishes, Glass ware, in fact, anything needed to furnish a house from cellar to garret. We are pleased to show New building opposite you our goods. the postollice. O. R. HALL.. riff ;vi ly zj IP No Idle ) Talk, No Plain, Honest ii, But SHICK & rw-w w - s Overcoats . Our Overcoat Department is what should interest you now. Overcoats in the new Oxford Shades that for style and quality are as (food as any Brut-class tailor can make, and their price one-third less. At the rate these coats have been selling we ( are convinced our trade appreciates our efforts and price. Men's Over coat at 43, 17, M, 110, 12, CIS, (08. Boys' Overcoats, age 15 to 20, at 2.60, M.60, $8.00, 18.00. Boys' Overcoats, age 3 to 15, at tl.50, t2.50, (3.50, M.50. . Men's, Youths' and Coys' Clothing See our suits before buying. Yu will save dollars by buying at this store. We have been very careful In selecting our line of clothing tor fall, and have just received the last of our large order. We Invite you, one and all, to examine this line. Money refunded or made prove unsatisfactory. Shick THE BIG STORE. IN out for ystone Hardware Company, we guarantee . our Kangen and Prizer Oake in every respect. Anyone finding them not as we represent them, their money will be refunded. line of Furniture, Utensils, Lamps, yrf -: ta zz "r - c-& Ki.jr VVJ- Waste of Words, H Statements at WAGNER'S i m Men's Underwear We sell Men's Underwear at no advance In price, as we bought all of our underwear early last spring dlreot from the manufacturer and will sell at tho same low price. Men's ribbed floeoe-llned 50c. a suit. Men's extra heavy fleece-lined 85c a suit. Men's extra heavy ribbed, flocoe lined 11.00 a suit. Men's Merino Underwear 95o. a suit. Men's Camel Hair Wool tl.GOasult. Men's Pure Wool in Brown, Tan, Grey and Rod, t&OO a suit. Men's extra heavy Underwear, all wool, doubled over the chest and back, remarkable value at $2.00 a suit. We have also added to our already large stock a new lot of HATS, CAPS, NECKWEAR, ' SHIRTS, COLLARS, 4-HOSE, SHOES, MACKINTOSHES, MEN'S HEAVY WORKING COATS, ETC. In fact, we have a complete line of everything in Men's Furnishings. satisfactory to consumer if goods & Wagner, Next door to F. O. THE ORDINARY ' 1 heating stove most of the heat passes di rect into the chimney without spreading its warmth. We overcome this waste in the Tremont Hot Blast by converting ths smoke, soot and gasea into heat. Producing the greatest results for tha fuel consumed. t5 TREMONT HOT BLAST will bum the poorest quality of slack or coal dust with tha same successful results that it dosa tha best quality of fuel. Tha fire is at all times under perfect control, and can bs increased or lessened to meet the requirements of the user. No trouble to keep a continuous fire through the winter. If you want a stove that is unequaled economy and good service buy tha TRKMONT, ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. ALL THE BEST IDEAS. HlaH School Bulletin. EDITORIAL STAiT. E4ltr-li-0hlr-Climat f 1 '01. AullUnt Editor - Ortot Metk '0!. LmiI Editor - Alio trim 01. Tho HrHt hnlf of tho school term lilts now untied uml we Iihvo hut one more time to assemble In the lllih century. Already the diukoiied horizon Is being illuminated with tho Bhlnlng Unlit of tlio new yctir, anil thu If i ul and troubles o( llio un t three months are forgotten In the delightful memor ies which cliiHler Hi'oiind Us coming. With this season ure associated all thoHO nobler fuulings Unit tend to infuse us with a spirit of charily. The time never comes when tho season of Christ mas cannot be enjoyed. While personal misfortune may Indeed cloud the festiv ities on a curtain year, yet onu of those great lessons of I Ho, taught hy the hard arm of experience and which we all have to learn, Is that there must be shadows as well as light. Hut Christ mas will dawn again and the sorrows of the past will be forgotten In the ecsta sies of thu future. It Is the birthday of hope and should be for every ono. The "bright day drawn from the darkened night." x As the meeting last Friday was the last bo held by the Literary Socie ty in tho lltlli century, It was but proper that tho progam prepared for that day should be one fitting to tho occasion. The young ladies, recognizing that fact, put forth extra efforts In the prepara tion of their convention and the result was their work was crowned with suc cess. The convention was a typical spinster affair, and abounded In amus ing and ludicrous Incidents. The mem bers were clud In that style of garments which captivated the hearts of our revolutionary forefathers, and their chief aim apiieared to be a desire to im press upon the dignified bachelors, who were present In full force, that the members of the gentler box were much wronged. Their parts were well pre pared, as were their faces, and taking all in all the convention was a complete success, and the young ladies are to be congratulated. At the last meeting of the Shakes pearean Literary Society the following oncers were elected to serve the ensu ing month: President, James Mulr; vice ores Idont. Viola Motlaw: secretary. Ira Dowser; program committee, Tom Nolan, fred Smith aad Maud lloon; critics, Professor Leavenworth and Efflo Mllllren; editor-ln-chlef, Clement Flynn: assistant editor, jay Mcuaw; local edl tor, Christine Brown. The Llliputlan Carnival was a com' plete success and while It did not re ceive the attention it merited, yet fair sized audiences wore present. Marriage Licenses. Tho following marriage licenses were Issued the past week toy John u. ISvans, Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county: Henry E.TIylor, of Heaver township, and Sadie C. Kneads, of Knox township. Willis A. P.-nneld. of Arrow, and i,lBte uyerly, oiuoot tsprlng. Albert Maurice Milllron, of Llndsey, and Mable C. Young, of Ringgold. Honry J. Greve, of Rochester, N. Y., and Lilian Dunmlre, of Fisher, Pa. William Roan, at liollefonte, and Sarah E. Parkes, of Llndsey. u. 1J. liower ana .lennle Mcintosh, both of Rathmel. Thomas Davidson and BeBsle Pomroy. both of Reynoldsvllle. Joseph W. Abet, of Falls Creek, and Laura R. Atwell, of Sugar Hill. Ludwlg Uan and Maria Montle, both of Iteynoldsvllle. Clerical Orders for igoi. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces that clerical orders will be issued for the year 1901 to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churches located on or near the line of its road. Application blanks may be obtalnod of ticket agents, and the same should reach the general office by December zz, so mat orours may De mairea Uo comber 31 to clergymen entitled to re eoive them. Orders will be issued only oa individual annlication of nlorcvmon when made on blanks furnished by the Company and certified to by one of its agon is. Free of Charge. Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast, bronchitis, throatorlung troubles of any nature, who will call at 11. Alex Stoke b will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschoe'a German Syrup, free of charge Only ono bottle given to one person, and none to child ren without order from parents. No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boscheo'a German Syrup in all partsof tho clvlllzod world. Twen ty years ago millions of bottles were given away, and yovr druggist will toll you its success was marvelous. It Is really the only Throat and Lung Item' edy generally endorsed by physicians, One 75 cent bottle will euro or prove its vaiue. sum Dy uouiers in all civil' izea countries. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Offloe of Jefferson ) & Clearfield CoaU Reynoldsvllle, Pa. & Iron Company. ) Deo. 5th, WOO. Notice Is hereby given that the regu lar annual moetlng of the stockholders of tho Jcfforson Sc Clearfield Coal & Iron Company will bo held at tho Com pany's otliee In Reynoldsvlllo, Pennsyl vanla, on Tuesday, January 15th, 11101, at nine o'clock a. m., for thu purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the onsulng year and the transaction of such other business as may pro'porly come Defore the mooting. Lucius W. Roiiinbon. Attest: President Geo. L. Eaton, Secretary. A grand display of winter caps at Mllllrens. Silverware and silvor novelties at Gooder s Jewelry store. Rathmel. .Tames Sneddon Is moving Into one of Win. Mulhollan's houses. Little Frank riitlo Is very low with pneumonia, but Is some better at this date. Ward AV. Williams spent a few days with friends hero, leaving Dec. 10th for his home In Snyer, Pn. Ward Is a good fellow and will bo greatly missed by his many friends here. Our teachers are attending county nstltutn this week. Tho schools will reopen Monday, Den. ill. ' John Proud and Rebecca Thomas were married In Falls Creek Wednes day, Deo. 12, by Rev. Frampton. Tho Blind Trio Concert Co. gave a very pleasing entortalnment here last Friday evening. Rathmel people were entertained Thursday and Saturday evenings by J. W. Hopiier s moving pictures and pho nographic selections. Tho marriage of our gonial postmas ter, George B. Bowser, and Miss Jen nlo Mcintosh,' one of our prominent young ladies, takes place this (Wednes day) evening at eight o'clock. Best wishes for a long and happy lite. Silverware and sliver novelties, an endless variety at Gooder's. Come and see the many pretty things. A serviceable holiday gift one of Milliren's neckties, boxed for a gift. Sixty pairs of misses' shoes that were formerly $1.60, now 75c., sizes 11 to 2 at Williams.' Dolls are like people some are very common, some are good looking, some are beautiful. Ours are beautiful, all personally selected, all of the prettiest and best quality. Prices the very low- st when you consider tho quality. Reynolds Druo Store. Sandy Valley. Mrs. Broclus was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Win, Garvin, of this place the past week. The pie social and entertainment that was held at the Sandy Valley school house Friday night of last week was a success financially, $9.05 being the pro ceeds. The school teacher of this place. Miss INetta Coax, Is attending teachers In stltute at Brookvllle this week. Miss Pearl Bee he, who has been stav ing with her aunt in Reynoldsvllle, re turned to her home at this place last weeK. Miss Eva Wilson of DuBols visited here last week. Miss Nellie Hall, of West Reynolds villa, attended the pie social at this place. Another entertainment will be given in the near future. Look out for an nouncement. Johnston & Nolan have a fine line of Emerson's shoes for gentlemen. See them. Dr. Wrlghfs medicated floece-llned underwear at Mllllrens. If you want something new and up-to- date in dress goods go to Shick & Wagners. A fine line of cut glass at Gooder's, the jeweler. tlormtown. H. A. Sherwood, of Sandy Volley, transacted buslnoss in this place Mon day. Last Tuesday Harry Schugars started with his team forTamblne, Elk county. Miss Chine Hotrlck, who was visiting relatives in Hazen the past few days, returned home Tuesday. W. H. Schugars went to Tamblne Tuesday. F. B. Caldwell of Sandy Valloy, was In Horrotowa Wednesday scaling logs for Schugars Bros. William Moore, of Emerlckvllle, was In Hormtown Friday, Mrs. Elsie Schugars and Elva Deem er, of Doeraer's Cross Roods, were visit ing in this place Friday. Schugars Bros.' grlBt mill Is not run ning on account of a break down. Stockholders' Annual Meeting. BltOOKVILLE, PA., Deo. 10, 1000. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Summerville Tele phone Company for the election of a Board of Managers for the ensuing yoar and for the transaction of such othyr business as may properly come before it will be hold at the General Offloe of the company at Summerville, Pa., January 9th, 1901, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Attest: John K. Brown, Joseph Hammond, President. Secretary, Stockholder's Meeting. The regular annual mooting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for the election of Directors for the ensuing year, will bo held In the Banking Room on Tues day, January 7th, 1901, at 3.00 p. m. JOHN 11. Kauchkk, Cannier. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notlro Is hereby given that letters of ad mlnlHtiutltm on the enliilo of IimepU llrllliin, lute of WitHliluirton townh!, ditroiweil. Iihvo been granted to the iinderKlirned. All per sons hitvluir clulmn or demands airuliiHt said estate are hereby notified to maku payment Ul luv huiiiu wiimiui tieiny. Wu. 11. limrroN, Administrator, Q. M. McDonald, Kovkdalu Mills, Pa. Att'y for Adm'r. y-Sa EVERY WOMAN ' NjV Sometimes need a rvllablo gl j uiuutbi rKulating nuxiiviuo. u flfl DR. PEAL'S Aj PENNYROYAL piLLS, Ar prompt nfesndcertalnlti result. Tho (finu iuu Or. t'utl'bj uavor Uiwupolut, 11.00 uar box. For sale by II. Alex. Btoke. School Report. Report of Prescttttvllle school for month beginning Nov. fi, ending Dec. 4. Room No. 1 W hole enrollment, males 2(1; females ill; total 5(1. Per cent of at tendance, males 94; females nil. Pupils present every day, Guy Heemor, Charles Sanders, Harry Simpson, Joe Knnpp, lames McKay, Charles Knnpp, Michael McKay, Alex Johnson, Floyd Smith, Grace Wylam, Ruth Tapper, Hannah Chapman, Anna Vlgen.a, Annie Me- Garrlty, Carrie Nulf. ANNA IJAVlfl, Teacher. Room No. 2 Wholeenrollment, males 20; females 21: total 47. Per cent of at tendance, males H4; females Ho. Pupils present every day, John Burns, Annie ilandysidu, Agnes Madden, Margaret McCleery, Ada Mocmer, Katie Heetner, Jennie Sheasley, Leonard Johnson, Fred Knapp, Druclle McCleery, Bell Madden. N. K. MCCALL, Teacher. Room No. 3 Whole enrollment.males 22; females 22; total 44. Per cent of attendance, males Hl; females 8(1. Pu pils present every day, Lawson Corbett, John McCleery, Geo. Laverick, Jennie Davidson, iiridgle Campbell, Klvle Heomer, Norman McKeo, Mary Mc Cleery, Sarah Laverick, Wm. Hlles, Mary Cnapman, Mlnetta ruiior, Iva Heemer. John 3. Robs, Teacher. The Irl R. Hicks igoi Almanac. Whatever may be said of the scien tific causes upon which the Rev. Irl R. Hicks bases his yearly forecasts of storm and weather, It is a remarkable fact that specific warnings of every great storm, Hood, cold wave and drouth, have been plainly printed In his now famous Almanao for many years. The latest startling proof of this fact was the de struction of Galveston, Texas, on the very day named by Prof. Hicks In his moo Almanac, as one of disaster by storm along the gulf coasts. The 1901 Almanac, by far the II nest, most com plete and beautiful yet published, Is now ready. This remarkable book of near two hundred pages, splendidly Illus trated with charts and half-tone en gravings, goes as a premium to every subscriber who pays one dollar a year for Prof. Hicks' journal, Word nntf Work. The Almanac alone Is sent pre paid for only 25c. Order from lFrff ml M'orA-s Publishing Company, 2201 Locust street, St. Louis, Mo. The largest line of watches, clocks and jewelry of all kinds ever brought to Reynoldsvllle can be seen at Gooder's the Jeweler. You will find dolls In almost every store, but you will not find the kind we have. Why? Ours are better looking Reynolds Drug Store. Latest styles in shoes at Johnston & Nolan's shoe parlors. Cull and see shoes and get their low prices. Ladles' lorgnette chains, the largest assortment at Gooder s, the jeweler. Army leggings for men and boys at Williams.' Pure wool underwear at Mllllrens. Mitchell, the tailor, has no competl lion on nne overcoats. Christmas and New Year Holidays. On acoount of the Christmas and New Year Holidays the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell on December ii, z.1, Z4, Zi, and 31. and January I round-trip tickets at rate of one lowest first-class fare and a third for the round trip (minimum rate, 25 cents) in either direction between UufTalo, Franklin and Intermediate stations; Bradford Franklin, and Intermediate stations: Johnsonburg, Reynoldsvllle,' DuBols. and Intermediate stations; and between any of these stations and Pittsburg, aiso hi euner airectinn between Alle gheny and Butler. These tickets will be limited for return passage until Jan uary 2, inclusive. Half tickets at one- half above rate will be sold for children between the ages of five and twelve years. Holiday Excursion Rates. On account of Christmas and New Year holidays the Buffalo, Rochester &, Pittsburg R'y Co. will sell excursion tickets between Salamanca, Pittsburg and Intermediate stations at a fare and a third for the round trip. Tickets will ne eom ana good going on ueo. zz, Z., 24, 25 and 31 and Jan. 1, limited for re turn passage until January 2, 1901 tnclu si ve. Music Up-to-Date. A now method. No study out of the les son hour being nocessary. Parsons' Kin dergarten Method taught by Mrs. Mary r.raice. Authorized by Mrs. Parsons. For Sale or Rent. Our property and stock for sale, or win sen stocic ana rent the rooms. J. C. Kino & Co, Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining in the postofflca at Reynoldsvllle, Pa, week ending Dec. 15, 1900: Joseph Christmas, Lawrence Good Chester MoLond, Mrs. P. Prosemple Philip Staho, Charles TIrabormon. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. A. M. WOODWARD, P. M OHloo of Reynolds-) vllle&FallsCreek Reynoldsvlllo, Pa, Railroad Co. 1 Dec. 5tb, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the rega lar annual meeting of the stockholders of the Reynoldsvlllo and Falls Crook Kallroad Company will bo bold at th Company's onMco In Reynoldsvllle. Penn sylvania, on Monday, January 14, 1901 at nlno, o'clock, a. ni. for the purpose of electing a President and lioard of ul rectors for the ensuing year and the transaction such other business as may properly come before the meeting, laJCIUS U . KOBINSON, Attest: President, JNO. O. Wuitmoue, Secretary. DOES IT WILL HOT IF YOU TAKE KRAUSE'S HeadacheCapsales YOUR HEAD ACHE I W0 Reward for an? Inju rious auuuanca iounfi in tlinie C.ipfmlf9. Will Cure any Kind of 51 MoneT rftfimrind If not a wo any. Sent postpaid on receipt of prica. TWEHIT-FIVE CHITS. NORMAN LICHTY MFG. CO. Del Moloet, Iowa. For mile lir II. Alex. HKikn. Ordinance No. 70. AN ORIHNANCE Ktthitliiff tiithn Kns tlon of Wooden HulKlinifsor Kepamnir name Section 1. Me it. ordained br the lltinress nd Town Counell of t lie horoinrh of Kcyn -Idivllle, and It Is hereby ordained nd enacted by the milliority of the siime: 1 bat. bereaftcr It Nhtiii nut. Iw lawful forany iterwin or imthoiih, rorpora tlon or corporations, lo build, erect or con struct, or eaii'.e to be built, erected or con structed, fttiy wooden dwelling boiite, simp, warehouse, store or carriage Iiimic. stnbie nr other tenement or wooden structure of any kind iisin ntiy lot or iois, part or pans oi any . lot or lots. In ald Itoroiigii on tbe following rlescrllHd territory, vlx: Heglnnlng nt the southwest corner of Main nod Tlilnl streets. thence along said Tbtrcl street, south to tior- don nlley ; tbenre nlong stiirl (lorrlon nlley In an easterly direction to ( oie alley: tlienre along said (Vie alley. In n northerly direction 1(1 niiiim miry; lien, v itn'iiK 1,1- lev In n wewterlv direction to said Third street! thence along said Third street to the ilaeenf beginning, riiovinr.ii, mat dwelling louses and stables may lie constructel of wood If same are Incased with brick or stone. Hc'ctloni. That hereafter nil mors put on either old or new building as contemplated In section one or this ordinance, shall he or slate, tin. Iron orsomcotberwell kiiown nine combustible material. Sect on 3. That hereafter It- shall not ne nwfnl In hullrl. erect or construct niiv woimI- en addition or additions toany wooden dwell ing house, simp, ware nouse, store orenrriagn house, stable, shed or other tenement, as mentioned, described and limited In section one of this ordinance. corporation or rorporatlon,hnlt vlofato this Section 4. That If nnv net-son nr persons. ordinance or nny pari inereor, ne, sue, incy nr It, shall forfeit and pay a tine or penalty of tine Hundred Dollars, for the use of the said hi rough. Section A. That tho corporate authorities are hereby directed localise any such build ing or buildings, addition nr additions, shed or sheds, or other building as described and mentioned In section one or this ordinance smiiv hereafter be erected, built or con structed In violation of this ordinance or any part thereof, u he removed at ins exK3nse of the owner or owners there of, and the cost of such removal shall be collected by due nns'ess of law, together with a penalty of Klfly dollars per day for each day said structure la permitted to stand. ordinances Inconsistent herewith he and the Section (I. That nil nrd nnnces or parts or same are hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law In council this Mb day of December, A. I). IVOO. II. K: JIRIIIIjR, Attest: President of f!ouncll. h. 3. McEntihs, Clerk of Council. Approved this Nth day of. December, A. I). 1(100. O. Mitchcm,, Chief llurgess. JjJSTRAY NOTICE. ramn trcsnasslng nn the nremlses of the undersigned In Wlnslow township, Noy. ?th and llth, one light, red yearling heifer. The owner Is reuested to come forward, prove projKTty, pay charges and take her away or she will Is? disposed of according to law. Kainmel, ra., Nov. i, isuu. u. l . iikar. 5 BING & CO. (Ol VU VUU WANT jfy jjj SAVE J$ & MONEY? sjj M If so, you can do it by iL 5c by buying here for Christ- J? yf mas Presents. You will O find this the place to get iQl tyf something useful. U FURS v Jft KTv We just received a new f lot of Collars and Muffs. M Also Setts for children. 5? 5? X DRESS GOODS 5J 5? & jf You will always find we W have a good variety at fll tfjf all prices. , f 2 LADIES' S JS AND MISSES j JACKETS 3? We know it will pay you $J Jf to come here for them, BLACK CAT Jj will give more wear than O W any other kind. Give ?5 O them a trial. jfy M Kid Gloves, O Silk Mittens, Wf Umbrellas, fa V &c. v BING & CO. g i