The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 12, 1900, Image 2

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Thinks China Should Pay About Two Hundred
Million Doilart Only on This Ques
tion it Friction Expected.
Two Ivindred million dollars is the
least China can expect to be called upon
to pay fr her reign of terror. That
is the Mini nrrived at by Secretary ll.iy,
who has been figuring on the cost of
inilitaty operations by the Towers while
waiting for answers to his suggestions
that the terms in the protocol about to
be signed be so modified as to make
them possible of execution.
It is considered more likely, how
ter, that the sum demanded will be
about $, because it is evident
that several of the European Towers are
preparing to place fancy prices on the
cost of their expeditions to the Celestial
Kingdom, Germany's idea some time
ago, before she raised the pay of her
officers, was $50,000,000. It every Tower
should charge in that proportion Rus
sia. ireat Urilaiti nnd japan alone
would charge more than,
without any payment for property and
lives destroyed. Secretary 1 1 ay believes
he has convinced the foreign offices that
there ca:i be 110 settlement unless the
spirit of fairness and moderation dic
tates nch terms as China can meet,
hence his belief that there will be b it
little trouble in agreeing upon the
American Soldier Capture Much Ammunlt'on
and Tako Prisoner.
Telegrams from Manila, dated Sunday
say: While the captures of supplies and
the .occupation of new points are quite
numerous those involving actual fight
ing arc comparatively few. Apparently
the insurgents arc falling back at all
contested points, sacrificing their pos
sessions in most cases and satisfied to
lave themselves.
A detachment of the Forty-seventh
I'niteil States volunteer infantry from
the island of Catandtianes, oft the south- coi.t of Luzon, relinquished an nt
tenipt to land near Tandan. On anchor
ing the Americans were fired upon by
10 riflemen and after a short engage
ment they cut the anchor chain and
sailed from Catanduanes with two killed
ami two wounded. The names have not
yet been received here.
Capt. Richard T. Ellis of the Thirty
third volunteer infantry, captured in the
mountains near Bargar a large quantity
of Krair. Manser and Remington am
munition, together with a signal outfit;
a printing press and other equipment
All ot this was destroyed. Thirty rillcs
and several hundred cartridges were sc
t-.-.rcd at Victoria.
Horrible Treatment ol Colored Boy by
Drunken Minors.
At Currysville, Ind., a mining town
a tramp colored bny was the victim of
savage torture at the hands of a party
of drunken miners Saturday night. lie
was given several mock trials, prior to
which he was branded with a red hot
poker on his head, face anil all parts
of hi body. He was sentenced to lie
burned in a red hot stove and in his
struggles burned his hands almost to a
trisp. Other modes of torture were sug
Rested. One, that he be thrown down
the coal shaft: another that he be hang
cd. Sober heads saved the boy from
further punishment.
Crisis in Germany.
The winter session of the German
Reichstag, recently inaugurated, marks
the beginning of what perhaps will be
the most important legislative campaign
since the beginning of the empire, ac
cording to Consul General Mason, at
Berlin, in a report to the state depart
mcnt at Washington. Besides the dis
cussion of Germany's policy in respect
lo China, he says, it also is expected
that there will be introduced during the
year not only a new schedule of import
duties, but the issue as to whether the
several commercial treaties with other
nations which expire by limitation in
1903, shall be re-enacted, with modifi
cations, or abandoned with the demand
of the extreme protectionists, or Agra
lian party.
Postal Work ol the Yoar.
The report of Postmaster General
Smith for the fiscal year ended June 30
last, shows that the total receipts of thi
department were $102,354, 579 and ex
pcnditurcs $107,740,21)7. lie estimates
the revenue for the current fiscal year
at $110,021,172 and for the year ending
June 30, 1002, at $116,6,1.1,042, and the
deficiency on the latter date at $4.6.11.
307. The deficiency for last year was
less than for any year since 1893.
Dutch Talking War.
Dispatches from the Hague represent
the feeling there as one of alarm at the
prospect of an Anglo-German-Portu-guese
combination, which might snatch
the Dutch seaboard or seize Java. It 13
reported at the Dutch capital that the
possibility of a' war with England has
even been discussed by the cabinet
An Ex-Consul Doad.
Hon. John W. Coppinger, ex-United
States Consul at Toronto, Can., and n
prominent- Democratic politician of
Southern Illinois, died Saturday even
ing at his home in Alton, after an illness
of eight days with a carbuncle on his
Pardons lor Two.
Gov. Pingree Tuesday announced
that he had pardoned both Gen. W. L.
White, cx-quartermastqr general, and
Gen. A. P. Marsh, ex-inspector general,
of the Michigan National Guard, who
were convicted of complicity in the
State military clothing frauds, upon the
payment of $5,000 fine by each. Ona
thousand dollars of the fine is to be
taid January 1. 1001. and a like sum on
the first day of January, 1903, igoj, 1904
and ipoi.
Boers are declared by Chamberlain to
be no longer a nation.
Prospect of trouble between Holland
and Portugal caused rise in wheat.
United mine workers have begun R
campaign to organize West Virginia.
A number of big deals for nil the coal
mines 111 Eastern Ohio are under way.
The ore-laden barcc Charles Foster
foundered off Erie with her crew of
According to the official bulletins, the
cazor of Russia continues to convalesce
YomiRstown (O.) capitalists arc or
ganizing a company lo inaiiulacturc
The smelter at Helvetia, Arizona, has
pen totally destroyed by fire. Loss
A United Mine Workers' convention
has been called to meet at Massillon, O.,
December 18.
Preparations are being made to st.irt
three more blast furnaces in Sharon anj
Sharpsville, Pa.
r. A. Manvhan. a grocer of Dc For
est, O., formerly of Bennett, Pa., com
mitted suicide.
flic White coal mines at Canotishurg,
Pa., have been purchased by the Pitts
burg Coal Company.
Miners at the Simpson coal mines in
Lafavctte, Col., too in number, have
struck for higher pay.
The experiment of beating buildings
11 Washington. Pa., by steam from a
central plant, has begun.
Eastern heirs of Millionaire Rice al
lege crooked work on the pa.rt of bene
ficiaries of the first will.
The Ridgewood power bouse o the
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company was
destroyed by lire; loss, $150,000.
Brownsville. Pa., has decided by a
vote of 118 to 81 to issue bonds for $35,-
000 for street paving and sewers.
Henry J. Hayden, second vice presi
lent of the New York Central railroad,
was killed by a fall from a window.
The net cost of rural free mail delivery
for the entire country is estimated by
the Attorney General at $14,000,000.
Thomas Kerr, of Pittsburg, with cap
italists of Youngstown. O.. will erect
a large plate glass plant in that city,
The Citizens' Gas Company, of
Wavncslmrg. Pa., has brought in an Im
mense gasser just north of that place.
French stockholders in the Panama
Canal are still hoping against hope that
the United States will choose mat route
Bv the explosion of a locomotive boil
er 111 1 he Delaware. l.acKawanna
Western shops five men were hurt bad
At Hamilton. Out.. George Arthur
Pearson was banned for the murder of
his sweetheart, Annie Griffin, September
A riot between striking miners and
demities at Latrobe. Pa., resulted 111
three wounded olhcials and a tun iock
Work has been commenced on an as
tronomical observatory at the W est
Virginia university at Morgantown, W.
I0I111 Black, a prominent farmer near
Toronto. O., attempted suicide by tak
ing laudanum. Prompt action saved his
The Missouri Guarantee Savings an 1
Building Association, of St. Louis, has
made an assignment in the sum of $100,-
The Sand Fork development, in Lewis
county. W. a., produces another gush
cr, which starts off at 300 barrels an
Fire destroyed the main building of
the Iowa State Agricultural College' at
Ames. Estimated loss, $100,000; uniii
The republic found by the Russian
troops in luancnuria lias ioo.uuu iimum
tants. is called Telia Pigou, and is 51
years oH.
A. G. Gillonlv. a Greene county (Pa.)
farmer at Halbrook. is dead from blood
poisoning caused by a horse stepping
upon his toot.
John C. Allen has been elected stew
ard of the Mercer county (Pa.) poor
farm, succeeding J. S. Wallace, whose
term has expired.
Less than a bucketful of the remains
of Oil Shooter Charles Ford were gath
ercd up after a nitro-glyccrin explosion
near Marietta, U.
Reformer Kang Yu Wei has appealed
to the foreigner envoys at Peking to
treat with the emperor and ignore the
empress dowager.
At Portland, Ore., six masked men
held up the office of the Western Lum
ber Company, securing $6,000, and es-
cancd in the darkness.
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, has re
yoked the Honor licenses of 14 notori
ous saloons, as a part of the anti-vice
crusade in that city.
Constable Nortbcraft, near Altoona
Pa., shot and perhaps mortally wounded
Edmund L. Miller, a sawmill owner,
who was resisting arrest.
Twenty persons were injured in an ac
cidcut on the Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Baltimore road at Grays Ferry sta
tion in West Philadelphia.
At Greenville, Mich., the body f,f
Louis Campbell, who disappeared sonic
months ago, was tound packed 111 qutCK
lime. He had been murdered.
A Wost Australian exploring part
recently arrived at Oodnadata reported
that there had not been a drop of rain
for two years in the region traversed
Presley E. Hay, three finics clerk of
Hanco-k county. O.. lias been arrestee
at Fort Wayne, Ind. Hay is accused
of embezzling $10,000 funds in his care.
Mine owners and operators in th
Fairmont, W. Va., region are oppose
to the proposed organization of the uiiri
ers, claiming that it will be hurtful lo
their trade.
England is back of the trouble be
tween Portugal and Holland, and th
visit of the channel squadron to Lisbon
is looked upon as notice to the Dutch
that they must yield.
A meeting in New York under th
auspices of the Council of Women
adopted resolutions urging Congress to
pass the proposed constitutional amend
mem pruniuiung puiyyamy.
A farcical sentence has been imposed
upon Tung, commander of
the Chinese forces which besieged the
legations. He is deprived of rank but
allowed to retain his command.
Taolal Ordered the Death ol Twelve Europeans
at Kwol Hua Cheng An Uprising
Threatened at Pckln.
Telegrams from Peking, dated Satur-
ly, say: Captains Wingale and Kyd-x,
ho accompanied the expedition lo Kal
;in, returned to-day. During their ab-
nee thev visited several places lo
hich the Germans did not go, but they
iicountered no opposition. They leam-
1 that some twelve Europeans, mostly
wedish and Norwegian missionaries,
sides Captain Watts Jones, were mas
sacred at Kwei Hut Cheng by orders of
he taotai, and that loo native Christians
bad also been put to death. The de
ls of the outrages are most revolting,
ptains Wingale and Ryder visited the
e uian station, where the priests in
barge and ,1,000 converts had sustained
prolonged siege by Boxers and 1111-
icrial troops. They were informed
at other stations further west are still
besiigcd. not only by the Boxers, but
by Chinese troops acting under orders
out the authorities, and this 111 spite
f the assurances by the plcnipotcn-
aries that the government is doing its
utmost to suppress outrages.
Chinese carrying concealed weapons
are arrested daily in Peking. Natives
allege that December 19 has been fixed
s the date for a rising against the for-
guers 111 the capital. No alarm is
It, however, as the troops here are
sufficiently numerous to deal with a
ing should one occur.
Tho Indian Service Has Cost Over $368,-
000,000 In 110 Years.
The report of Secretary of the In-
erior Hitchcock says that the expendi
tures on account of the Indians during
he fiscal year ended June 30, 1000,
ere $10,175,100 and the total expended
v the government on the Indian ser
ice from March 4, 1780. was $368,35,
17. The number of Indians receiving
ations is 45,270. Uuring the year 13,-
m.887 acres of public lands were sold,
or which the government was paid $4,-
1 here were on June 30, 3H forest reser-
ations. embracing 46,772,120 acres.
he total of pensioners on that dale
was oo.t.?2(i an increase of 2,010, as
onipared with the previous year. I he
initial value of the pension roll was a decrease of $83,417 from
preceding year. Mr. Hitchcock
recommends legislation that would cu
bic disputed pension cases to be ad-
udicated 111 the courts. 1 here has been
isbursed for pensions and the expenses
if the pension laws from 1866 to inoo
he sum of $2,612,327,648.
Arrivals In Last Fiscal Year Nearly 450,000
an Increase of Over 138,000.
The report of the commissioner gen
eral of immigration shows that during
the last fiscal year the total of immi
grants who arrived in this country was
448,572, of which 23.200 came through
Canada; 304.148 were males, and 141.
424 females, an increase over 1800 of
i6,8;7. I hesc figures do not show the
total number of alien arrivals, as 65,
635 came as cabin passengers. Of the
arrivals 424,700 came from European
: outlines, 17,046 from Asia. 30 from
Africa and s.Kqfi from all other places,
Switzerland .and Spain and the Spanish
lands show a small decrease 111 immi
gration, while Austria-Hungary shows
an increase of Hi per cent., the Russian
empire anil r inland, 40 per cent, in
crease; Italy, 29 per cent, increase, and
Japan, 340 per cent, increase.
The Cape Dutch Alarmed.
A dispatch from Cape Town says tint
the Dutch of Cape Colony are greatly
disturbed over the announcement that
they are liable to conscription for ser
vice against the Boers. It is not belicv-
cd that the British Government will
take such a step as there is no need of
any extraordinary levy to deal with ihe
remnant of the Boers in arms.
There will be no need for a large local
force to garrison the country after the
Boers will have been thoroughly sub'
ducd. but those of Dutch origin will
not be called in for tins purpose, as
icarly all ol them arc beucved to be dis
loyal to British rule.
The $100,000,000 Capital Is Now Valued
at Eight Timos as Much,
Concerning (he advance in the price
of Standard Oil certificates, it is noticed
that the company's capital of $100,000,-
000 now has a market value ot over
$800,000,000. The rise this year has
been phenomenal. Last January it soli
at 475. By the middle of October it had
reached the mark. A gain
of over $200 a ! hare has been made
since then, with the last too points ad
vance occupying less than a fortnight.
When it is considered that John JJ.
Rockefeller owns 43 per cent, of the
total capital of the company, the amount
of the increase of his fortune within a
year is tremendous. In the company
his investments are worth at least $350,-
000.000. Ihe company has paid about
$45,000,000 in dividends the past year.
Bridge Collapsed, Several Killed.
A bridge at DifTerdingc'n, in the grand
duchy of Luxemburg, collapsed as an
express train was passing over it and
the train plunged into the stream, five
ficrsons were killed and eight were bad
y injured,
Famous Guerrilla Insana.
William Halley, for many years dur
ing the civil war the chief lieutenant of
Quantrcl, the guerrilla, has been sen:
to the insane asylum at St. Joseph,
Mo. He is a physical wreck and it is
probable he can survive but a short
Halley was born and reared at Inde
Dcndence. Mo., where his father, at the
breaking out of the war, was a wealthy
resident. He was hanged for disloyal
acts, after his son had engaged with
Suantrel in some of his bloodiest deeds,
eluding the sacking of Lawrence, Kai.
Rev. John W. Wohl Kilted by Hon. 8. Davis
81oket at Williamson Slokos Was
Mortally Wounded.
Prostrate from wounds Inflicted by
his antagonist, Attorney S. Davis Stokes,
of Williamson, W. Va., Wednesday af
ternoon shyt and instantly killed Rev.
John V. Wohl, after the most sensa
tional duel this end of the State has ever
recti. Stokes himself is dangerously
wounded nnd may yet die.
Stokes is one of the most prominent
lawyers of Mingo county; he is referee
in bankruptcy, and in thelast cam
paign was a candidate for State Senate
in the Fifth district. Wohl was a high
ly respected clergyman of the Presby
terian church south, while both moved
in the highest circles of society.
Back of the quarrel which brought
about the hitter's death, is a sermon
which Rev. Mr. Wohl preached more
than a month ago. in which he took
occasion to score unmercifully the pas
times of the social set in which the at
torney moved. High words came at a
meeting between the two men Wednes
day afternoon, and before bystanders
could realize what was coming the in
terchange of shots bad bgun, Stokes
falling first, and from his side firing the
ball that pierced the minister's brain.
The Views of the United States Have Pre.
vailed In the Issues.
The State department has been in
formed that the foreign ministers at
Pekin have reached an agreement which
was submitted to the home offices, Sec
rctary Hay cabled Mr. Conger autboriz
ation to sign the agreement on behalf
of the United States.
In the issues relating to punishment
and indemnity the views of the United
States have prevailed. Punishments are
to be the severest that can be inflicted
by the Chinese government. As to in-
einnitv, the Chinese government is to
formally admit its liability and the mat
ter is to be left for future negotiation
It was understood that on the othsr
points the French proposition has form
ed the basis of the agreement.
Telegrams from Berlin say: The Chi
nese minister there has banded the for
eign office a telegram from Li Hung
Chang that Sill Liang, new governor of
Shan Li, has publicly executed upward
of 80 rebel traders and asserting that
he is otherwise acting with the greatest
severity in the suppression of the Box
ers and energetically protecting the
The telegram conveys the thanks .M
Emperor Kwang Hsu and the empress
dowager for the moderation of the de
mands of the powers and says that their
majesties are anxious to return to Pekin
as soon as circumstances will permit, and
are eager to arrive at an understanding
with the powers.
Cables That Boors Captured a Convoy Used
Fire and Sword.
The London war office has received a
dispatch from Lord Kitchener, dated
Bloemfontcin, announcing that General
Delarey, with 500 Boers, attacked a
convoy, proceeding trom tyetoria to
Kiistenberg. at UufTclspoort, burned
half the convoy anil killed 15 men and
wounded 23. including Lieutenant Bak
er. 1 lie ttoers, the dispatch adds, suf
fered considerable loss, some of them
being killed with case shot at 50 yarJs.
Assistance was sent from Rustenburg
and Commando Nek and the Boers
were driven off.
The advices also say General DeWet
crossed the Caledon at Kareepont Driit.
making for Odendal. General Knox
was following him, the drift was held by
a detachment of the guards and the riv
er was flooded.
Gate Had Fatal Results.
Another southern storm has swept
over New England. The results am:
Five Gloucester fishermen drowned; six
coasting schooners comnU'te wrecks;
nine vessels sunk; eight schooners
ashore nnd 10 others injured. Th?
schooner Marv A. Brown was wrecked
on Hampton beach, and all her crew of
five were drowned.
The steamer Rossgue foundered in
the F.nglish channel. Only II people
out of the 40 on board were saved. A
boat with seven blue jackets from a tor
pedo boat destroyer is missing
Apportionment of Representatives.
The first bill of the session introduc
ed in the House of Representatives was
by Representative Crunipacker, Repub
lican, Indiana, making an apportionment
of Representatives in Congress under
the twelfth census. It provides an in
crease of membership from 357 to 365.
The following States gain in representa
tion: Arkansas, 1: Colorado, 1; Cali
fornia, I: Connecticut, 1; Florida, 1;
Illinois, 2; Massachusetts, 1; Minneso
ta, 2; Missouri, 1; New Jersey. 2; New
York, 3; North Dakota, I; Pennsyl-
vania. 2: Texas. 2; Washington, 1; West
Virginia, I. The following States lose:
Kansas, 1; Louisiana. 2; Misussippi, 3;
Nebraska, 1; North Carolina, 4; South
Carolina, 3: Virginia, 1.
The census returns show Berlin has
a population of 1,384,345, compared with
1,677.3"' 'HQS-
President Krugcr, of the Transvaal,
was received in audience by Queen Wil
hclmina, of Holland.
Holland and Portugal sever diplo
matic relations as result of the dispute
over consulate at Lourenzo Marquez.
Fighting continues at Buena Ventura,
Colombia, which is still held by the in
surgents against the government army,
Through carelessness eight persons at
Sandvikeu, Sweden, have been poisoned
by drinking tea. Three of them arc
Official statistics just published show
a decrease during 1809-1000 in both the
customs and internal revenue receipts
ot rnorway.
A fire at Borlaenge, near Faiun, Swe
den, rendered 150 persons homeless and
caused damage to the amount ol half
million kroner.
West Virginia Merchant Shot Down Two Men
to Defend Hlnuolf Exonerated
by the Coroner.
Telegrams from Panther, W. Va., say:
Dr. Thompson, of Williamsport, Ta.,
and Adam Bailey, of this place, were
shot and instantly killed by James II.
Chambers, a prominent local merchant,
Wednesday night.
Dr. Thompson came here from Will
iamsport several months ago, where he
took a position as surgeon for the Pan
ther Lumber Company, which is one of
the largest concerns of its kind in the
State. Recently be decided to leave
town, and return to Williamsport. His
affairs were settled nnd his family left
lor meir lormer home in l cnnsylvama
two weeks ago. The doctor remained
behind to dispose of some of his office
furniture. He sold a portion of bis
furniture to Mr. Chambers, and this
caused the trouble thai led to bis death.
When settling the deal the men came
to blows. Then Chambers ordered the
doctor lo leawe his store. The latter did
so, but returned soon afterwards, carry
ing a revolver in his hand. He told
Chambers that one of the two must die
and that right speedily. Thompson m
sooner entered than Chambers, without
rising from, his chair, fired. His aim
was good. The doctor fell, shot through
the breast.
Adam Bailey, a former business part
ner ol Chambers, was coming up tin
street, beard the shots and saw the doc
tor fall. He was an intimate friend of
the Pennsylvania!!. Rushing into the
store, boiling with rage, Bailey pulled
his revolver. He leaned over ihe
corpse of Dr. Thompson to get into the
"That was a cowardly murder," cried
Bailey to Chambers, "and volt will have
to kill me or I will kill you."
No sooner were the words uttered by
Bailev than Chambers raised his weapon
and fired. The contents entered Bailey's
breast, passing through his body an I
making a bole large enough to drop an
egg through. He fell in the store, but
Chambers dragged the body outside and
laid it beside that of Dr. Thompson,
where he left them.
Both corpses lay in the street until
after midnight, when the coroner's in
quest was held. At his preliminary
hearing Chambers was exonerated. He
is a brother of Judge Chambers, of -his
judicial district, and is one of the best
known men of this comity;
Secretary Gage Reports a Surplus of $79.
527.060 for the Year.
The report of Secretary of the Treas
ury Gage, which was sent to Congress
Tuesday, says that the receipts of '.he
Government for the year ended Ju-ie
30, were $060,505,481, and the expendi
tures $500,068,371, showing a surplus of
$"".527,060. As compared with the pre
vious fiscal year, the receipts increased
$58,613,426, and expenditures decreased
$117,358,388. Mr. Gage .estimates the
revenue for the fiscal year ending Jine
30, tool, at 5687.77.1.233, a"1' 'he ex
penditures at $'107,773,253, leaving a sur
plus of $80,000,000. For the year end
ing June 30, 1002, his estimate is for
16,633,043 of revenue and $(11)0.324.80 1
of expenditure. In the year ended Sep
tember 30. notes and certificates of the
value of $523,192,000 were impressed
with the seal of the department and pre
pared for issue, as against $362,412,000
in the 12 months preceding. A largely
increased share of the new currency
was of the denominations of $20 and un-
Persla to Adopt Russian Policy.
A Russian correspondent at
says that it is believed there that the
Shah's journey in F.urope and especially
his splendid reception at St. Petersburg,
have produced a strong impression up
on him and paved the way for the Rus
sofication of Persia. A new loan of
1,000,000 has been effected fdr forti
ficating the harbors in the Persian gulf,
purchasing arms and reorganizing the
army tinder Russian instructions.
Now that Russia's influence in that
country has been thoroughly establish
ed, she wishes Persia to be strong
enough to resist any attack on the part
of F.ngland, from the sides of India, in
the event of a conflict between Russia
and Knglish interests on the shores of
the Persian gulf.
Bought West Virginia Land.
It is understood that " Wilson
Camden, of Baltimore, has negotiate.!
the sale to ex-Senator Henry G. Davis
nnd Senator Stephen B. Elkins, '.f
West Virginia, of 14.000 acres in Bar
bour and Upshur counties. West Vir
ginia. It is said that the, property con
tains extensive, coal denosits and that
the purchasers will open the mines.
The Baltimore and Ohio railroad ex
tends through a portion of the field,
but it is said that the West Virginia
Central railroad will be extended from
Belington when operations are begun.
The tract adjoins the property of the
! Century Coal Company,
Will Sue Webster Davis.
Gi itnv Theilkuhl, of Colorado
Springs, will sue Webster Davis for $3.-
000 for services rendered in connection
with the Boer war propaganda in the
United States.
Theilkuhl, who is a photographer,
was employed in the patent office at
Washington when Davis, then assistant
secretary of the interior, induced him
to give up his job and advertise for re
cruits. About 30,000 answers were re
ceived. Davis took these in person to
President Krugcr. His failure to re
imburse Theilkuhl led to the suit.
Executed With the Sword.
August Goenczi, the Hungarian who
murdered a wealthy widow named
Schulz and her daughter at Berlin, Ger
many, in 1897, was beheaded Friday in
the pnson of Ploetzensee. 1 he murder
er was traced to Brazil, through a pet
dog. The trial of Goenczi was remark
able from the fact that he invented for
the purpose of his defense, a man whom
he called "Loewy" and persuaded a
number of persons that "Loewy" was
in existence and) that they had seen
Brave Foreman Saves Many Lives The
Men Were Impr sorel One Thousand
Foet From Mlno Entrance.
Thirty-two men employed at the Nay
Aug colliery, In Dtinmore, Ta., were
entombed by a c,ivc-in Wednesday
morning, but thanks to a simple fortu
nate circumstance a repetition of the
terrible Turn shaft disaster was averted.
The men were at work about a thou
sand feet from the bottom of the slope
and 400 feet below the surface when two
acres of the roof between them and the
slope went down with a terrible crash.
crushing the pillars beneath it and caus
ing a rush of air that hurled the rout
from off the fanhousc and almost blew
the men from their feet.
their lamps were extinguished, but
finding that the air was still pure, they
relighted them and began to cast about
for a way of escaping.
Foreman John Gibbons, who chanced
to be with the men at the time, bade
them keep cool and quiet, and he would
try to find a way out. After a difficult
nnd dangerous journey they reached
the point where the fall blocked their
way. This was attacked with bars,
picks and shovels, and after an hour's
work a passage was cleared to the air
way, which, as they had counted upon,
was open. As fast as they could run
they made their way to the second
opening, and thence to the surface,
where they were greeted with wild hur
rahs from the thousands who had gath
ered expecting to see them brought out
crushed and mangled corpses, if they
were brought out at all.
The Nay Aug colliery is an old work
ing that was opened 30 years ago. It is
nearly worked out nnd comparatively
few men were employed in it.
Gen. Mercier Makes a Sensational Speech
In the French Senate.
Telegrams from Paris say Gen. Mer
cicr caused a deep sensation in the Sen
ate Tuesday, during the debate on the
naval bill, by pointing out the ease by
which F.ngland could be invaded. He
demanded that the government intro
duce into th? plans for mobilization of
the. army the navy methods for the
rapid embarkation and debarkation of
an expeditionary corps. The president,
SI. I-a'hercs. intervened, declaring that
such proposals were 0"t of order.
Gen. Mercier said: The British navy
is powerful, bnt it has many coasts to
ilc fend. France is numerically Eng
land's equal at certain points, and is
even her superior in the instruments of
destruction. History furnishes many in
stances of mutiny in the English navy
at the moment of battle. A landing in
England is, therefore, not beyond rcul
izaticn. At this point protests were raised, and
M. Falliercs asked Gen. Mercier not to
enter into the details of the scheme.
Gen. Mercier replied that the scheme
coirtd "b.- held over the head of Eng
land like the sword of Damocles."
Took llli Cavalry Acrosi a River and Drove
Cff Insurgents.
More activity Is shown in the opera
tions in northern and southern Luzon.
Gen. Funston, with Troop A, of the
Fourth cavalry, nnd a score of scouts,
encountered 100 insurgents posted on
the opposite bank 01 the Nehico river.
The Americans charged across . the
stream and the enemy retreated, firing
from cover. They left four dead on the
field. A native who was Captured re
ported that Fagin, a deserter from the
Twenty-fourth infantry, who has been
active with the Filipinos with a party of
two cavalrymen, had been wounded.
Lieut. Morrow, with 50 men from the
Forty-seventh regiment, attacked and
occupied Bulcan. While returning,
these troops encountered Col. Victoris,
occupying an entrenched position, with
30 ritles and 300 bolomen. Lieut. Mor
row's force charged and drove the ene
my from their position, with heavy loss.
Preceding the fight, the expedition had
captured Maj. F'lorcs and several of his
An engagement is reported to haye
occurred near San Roque, in which, ac
cording to natives, 50 rebels were kill
ed. Several minor encounters and cap
tures are reported.
Standard Oil Company Out.
According to a dispatch from Buchar
est, the Roumanian Government has
broken off the negotiations with the
Standard Oil Company for a lease of the
petroleum fields.
Ohio Farn'ors Oig-nizs a Leaguo to Run
Down Ltw Breakers. .
A permanent organization, incorpor
ated under the laws of the State, and
representing about 30 branches, cover
ing all of Ohio, has been perfected .it
Columbus for the purpose of making
life miserable for the horse-thief. The
organization will be known as the Ohio
Live Stock Protective association, and
is a combination of all the various far
mers' mutual protection associations in
the State. It has a membership r.f
about 6,000. each of whom will join 'n
the hunt for the thief that takes any of
the horses of the members of the as
sociation. The plan is to notify each
member whenever a theft is. commit I ed,
whereupon he will watch for the thief
in the locality in which he lives.
Youth's Desperate Deed.
William Seaton, aged 23, at South
Park, nine miles from Seattle. Wash..
killed his uncle, Daniel Richards, fatally
wounded Myrtle Hapgood, agvd 10, and
seriously wounded his sister, Mrs. Roy
Clark, and Hazel Hapgood, aged 10,
with an ax, and shot a man named Ken.
nedy in the back. He was shot twice-
Deputy Sheriff Kelly before
Cattle raised by students if
t'iral colleges captured
the Chicago live stock shof
The Monongahela River
Coal and Coke Company.
10,000 idle men back to y
Consul General Stowe j
ion that the war in Sou
come to an end in four
John Baines was burn-
Dallas, 1 ex. It is claim
was saturated with turpes
Two arrests have been