2? If .' VOLUME y. RKYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1000. NUMBER 25. i PEYNOLDSVILLE iiKMtQV.m runs fv f HOUSK FURNISHING GOODS. STOVES, TINWARK, GRANITE WAKK, CHINA WAKK, C A UP BTS AND KM UN IT V K 10. We are nlso prepared t do all kinds of SANITARY PLUMBING. GAS FITTING, ETC. If you are in need of any thintf in our line please call and let us make you an estimate before purchasing. Reynoldsvilk Hardware Company. IT 44bV ' eisWCA 5i Keystone Hardware Company. 1 SWEET ORR'S .rr g UNION-MADE fr WORKING CLOTHES. AND B DRESS. TROUSERS. .. Men' 3 Fall Suits. s We have aime 1 high in our Fall Clothing stock. The stocks of several of the largest manufacturers con tributing to complete our stock. Men's Dress Suits Black Clay or Bird's Eye Worsteds. Vicuna or heavy Blue Serge. Fancy Worsted in Stripe or Checks. Oxford Gray Vicuna, a novelty, velvet collar and cuffs. Brown Check or Stripes. Some have double-breasted vests, others are double breasted square-cut coats. Trousers are cut in accord ance to the latest fashion. $3.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 18.00. Young Men's Long Pants Suits, size from 15 to 19, doable-breasted vest, nice, narrow trousers, $3.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00. 6 pleasing J? V j-jARDVVARE QOMPANY IN THE ORDINARY nesting itove most of the heat pa di rect into the chimney without spreading its warmth. We overcome this waste in the Tremont Hot Blast by converting the smoke, soot and gasee into heat. Producing the greatest result for the fuel consumed. TREMONT HOT BLAST will burn the poorest quality of slack or coal dust with the same aucceesful result that it does the best quality of fuel. The fire ie at all time under perfect control, and can be increased or lesssned to meet the requirement of the user. No trouble to keep a continuous fire through out the winter. If you want stove that is unequaled for economy and good service buy the TREMONT. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. ALL THE BEST IDEAS. 1-MILLIRBNS- 3 2 No Better Stiff Hats Made than ours. You pay from 50c. to $1.00 advance elsewhere but you don't improve the quality. The Fall shapes are here in abundance; any color, all dimensions. $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50. GOLF HATS AND FEDORAS. If you have grown tired of a Derby try one of these nobby-looking soft hats that variety of shapes and colors ousers, Sweet Orr Union-made.' vider ones for more corpulent men, at $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 8.00,3.50, N30. VoUR NEW LINE OF MONARCH SHIRTS. Transactions In Real Estate. John Olonlss to Kato Mohney, for land In Plnecreek township. KiO; May 31, 1WM1. VV. V. Maihll to V. C. Freas. fop property In Itcj tioldsvlllu. fl,." (Ml; Oc tober 10, 1IXX). M. V. Smith to Mary E. noli, for land In Washington township. 1."0: Oct.irx r 15. lltno C P O'Loiighlin. el. ul.. executors, to Francos C. O'Loughlln, for proerty In Brook vllle. KMX); October It. l!KK). Geo. A. Ylnifllnjr to Jane R. Trnltt, for property In Ileynoldsvillu. 4."0; April 1IKKI. HicliHid Jennings to Thorn Gllll ford, for property in Iteynotdsville. 1 ,001); October , HHX). Helen and Clark Reynolds to Benja rain M. Reynolds, for land In Plncreek township. MOO; October 19, 11X10. W. C. Evans U) Mrs. Helen Reynolds, fr land in Plneoreck township. December 2, 1S4. Mary Strauss to John Sbow, for land in Winslow and McCalinont townships. 13T; September l(t. I mm. Adam Swab to Martin Plvlor, for land In Ueynoldsvillc. ikk; October 13, 18Hd. Sarah M. Rhides to Ella E. Lewis, quit claim to land In Ueynoldsvllle. ir: July L'tl. 1100. Mary M. Kovm to IT. S. McKlnloy, for ;" acres of lai.d in Union township. 0.V: October 22. 1000. David B. Monro to L. W. Moore, for 24 acre of land In Washington town ship 100; May 3. 1000. Annie II. Burns to Harry O. Burns, for lot. of land in Hose township. $118: July 2.". liHHt. G. E. Bullers to Caroline and John Dunham, for land in Warsaw township. 100; October 20, 1000. f The Cure that Cures T Couttha. f Colds, I Grippe, WHOOPING COUGH. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS AND INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION IS gold by aHtniggisk 2550ctsT The Big Reliable Clothing Store. 4 Boys' Double-Breasted Coat, with knee pants, all prices, $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00. at $1.00, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50. Some, are cut with narrow legs, HIqIi SgDooI Bulletin. IDITORIAI. iTirr. Hit.t-li-Okllf-EB. Illllrtt. Aitl.Uat EdlUr-VLU UtOtw. L.ttl KlUr-K.tiryi lf . t'NUKR QUARANTINE. Quarantine, from the French word qnarantaino, meaning a period of forty days, Is a foiced abstinence from com munication with people. Ships leaving a country where there Is or has been Infectious diseases, such us yellow fever, plague or cholera, are quarantined. From vessels that are quarantined no good can be taken on land and the people are not. allowed to go on land until everything on the ship has been fumigated. Quarantine Is not limited to a sea frontier, but Is enforced on land. Here In our own town a house Is quarantined If any person or persons living In that house have diphtheria, scarlet fever or any other contagious disease. By quarantining ople contagious and Infectious diseases are kept from being spread over a town or city, but It Is not very pleasant when you are sent away from home and miss a week or two of school. Everybody Is afraid of you and perhaps you have not seen the sick person for a week. The nearest you can got to your home Is to the door. The quarantine for diphtheria and scarlet fever lasts a month. A month seems a long time when nobody can come In the house to see you but the doctor and you cannot go to any public place. A curd Is put up on your house which strictly forbids anyone to enter. Quarantine Is sometimes enforced be tween countries of Europe; this is very annoying to travelers and Is a great loss to commerce. History declares quarantine regula tions to have been first established by the Venetians In 112 A. 1)., but the practice must have been much older for the Jews took precaution agalnBt lep rosy. Kathryn King, '02, Iteynoldsvllle High School. Bismarck's Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc cess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pill's. Only 2r cents at II. Alex. Stoko's drug store. Johnston & Nolan have a fine line of Emerson's shoes for gentlemen. See them. Warmer Underwear for Cool Nights. Ours being the largest stock in the county we therefore have the greatest assort ment. While selecting this assortment we were thinking of our patroriB who have to face the storms of many cold day's, and of others who cannot wear tho heavy under wear. Camel's hair color, heavy cotton, 25c. ; Fleece-lined, in plain color, or fancy mottled, 50c; Half Wool and Half Cotton, plain gray, 50c; Two-thirds Wool, tan colored, 75c; Pure Wool in brown, $1.00; Pure Wool, mixed with 10 per cent cotton to prevent shrinkage, double back and double breasted, worth 1.50, $1.00; Wright's Med icated Fleece Lined, $1.00; Men's finer and finest underwear in pure Australian lambs' wool and Bilk finished, $1.25f 1.50, 2.00, 2.50. MILLIRENS, OLASS PLANT NOTES. (lathered by Local Reporter and Clip, ped from Exchange. About sixty glasswot kcrs of this place attended the mass meeting held at Falls Creek Saturday evening. Ex Sheriff E. C. Burns, the liveryman, furnished rigs to haul the glnsswnrkers to and from Falls Creek. The Reyn oldsvllle delegation took the Sugar Hill Fluto band along. This was the largest and most enthusiastic crowd that ever visited Falls Creek, but the town was equal to the occasion and gave the visitors a royal reception. Falls Creek was dressed In gala attire, sur passing anything of the kind that the town ever attempted before. The par ade was a large one and the pyrotechnics during the parade were equal to a Fourth of July celebration. Represen tatives of the four trades blowers, gatherers, flatuners and cutters from Kane, Mt. Jewett, Smctbport, Wilcox and Bradford were also present. After the parade a meeting was held In Mo Donald's hall. The next meeting will bo held at Kane in the near future. The Progress Glass plant of Mt. Jew ett Is In the hands of the Sheriff and the property Is advertised for sale on a judgment by the Johnsonhnrg bank. Several attachment for wages were put in this week. It Is hoped that the matter poon eun bo satisfactorily adjust ed. Kane Hi publican. Tho Bellefonte Glass Co. has been re organized into a seml-cc-oporatlve company, the old blowers and gath erers taking stock. The Intention Is to start as soon as possible under the L. A. .'100 scale. One of the old flatten ors Is said to hive signed. Onnniotirr i(! (Hwunrorkfr. One of the reasons why tho men em ployed In window glass houses are rep resented by such a strong union Is that they ure doing business on business principles and that they are all loyal to tho core and willing to contribute from their wages to the support of their craft. There Is no union on the face of tho earth to-day that Is more liberal in contributing to tho needs of members than that of the glass workers, and the whole secret of Its success lies In this fact. Hero In Falls Creek, whore the wages run from 9150 to 920 each a month tho amount contributed to the support of those in the union and out of work runs up to a good sized sum. Twenty-live Hr cent, of tholr wages Is given by tho men for this purposo, and Men's Overcoats. You will soon be up again the Overcoat question. Most any morning or evening now justifies wearing one in thiB climate. We have made special provision for your needs in this line, and don't know of a favorite style that'B not here. Some special Overcoats worth seeing Oxford Gray Vicunas, . Oxford Gray Cheviots, Oxford Gray Covorts, . Tan Covorts, Blue and Black Kerseys. Some are full plush lined, others are lined with Italian serge. But the beaut of them all is a full satin lined. In all lengths at the following prices: $3.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 17.00, 18.00, 20.00. Child's Fancy Suits, with small collar and fancy double breasted vest, opening down the front, at $2.00, 3.00, 8.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00. when we tako Into consideration that this Is from 940 to 900 for each man we can lee that they are a loyal set of fel lows Indeed. This Is one of the reasons why the glass workers' union Is the most successful of them all. Falls Creek Jlernhl Robbed the Orave. A startling Incident, Is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: I was In an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually In back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had glvon mo up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitten; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued tbetr use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only 50c., guaranted. at H. Alex. Stoke's drug store. Hormtown. Brltton & Crawford are hauling lum ber with two teams. V. L. and L. W. Moore were at Sum merville attending a public sale on Fri day. R. E. Koehler and W. P. Woodring, of West Reynoldsvllle, were In this place squirrel hunting on Friday. J. E. Hetrlck moved Inst week from his father's farm to the farm he lately purchased near Rathmel. C. A. Hetrlck took a load of hay to Maple Run, Elk county, to Peter Sny der s lumber camp, a distance of 22 miles. A pretty good drive for a wot day like Tuesday last. Irvln Burkell had a "corn shucking" on Wednesday and an old-fashioned quick-step In the evening. August Flower. "It is a surprising lact." says Prof. Houton, "that in my travels In all part of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipation. I And for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling olllce positions, where headache and general bad feeling from Irregular habits exist, thatGreon's Au gust Flower is a grand remedy. It does not Injure the syBtfltn by frequent uso, and Is excellent for sour stomachs and Indigestion." Sample bottles free at II. Alex. Stoko's drug store. Sold by dealers In all civilized countries. Get Green's Prize Almutmo. 1 COME I AND US.3 REYNOLDSVILLEi FA. J