MINERS H 10 ID THE STRIKE ACCEPT ADVANCE. Will Return lo Work II Operator Agree lo Abolish Sliding Bcalo Arbitration Fav ored Tho Owners Mint Decide. I ' In order to nettle tlie great strike in the anthracite region the operators will have tn vield another point. The roll- trillion of the United Mine Worker of America closed Saturday afternoon, after passing a resolution agreeing t accept the 10 per cent, raise in wages that had hi en offereil. providing that the companies auric to maintain the new rate for a specified period and abol ish the sliding scale of wages prevail ing in the Lehigh and Schuylkill dis tricts. If these proposition prove tin ncceptahte. the mine workers are willing to submit tlie question at issue to a board of arbitration. They unanimously agreed that work should not lie resumed in anv colliery until all operators have accepted the proposition. The resolu tions were adopted after a long and heated discussion. A canvass of the operators of the YVyoininir val'ey shows that there is consider;. hie opposition to granting th: miners anv more concessions than those outlined in the original offer, namely, to per cn't. increase without any condi tions. The individual operator? espe cially are opposed to tying thcnwlvvs up to any agreement. One operator said the only way the strike call he set- tied is for the strikers to accept tlie 10 per cent, without anv provisions. The terms of the Scrantoti convention are not acceptable to operators and rep resentatives of coal-carrying companies t Shantokui and Mt. I armel. I In Heading officials do not think the slid ing scale will he aholished by the com pany. while operatots are averse to sicn- ing a rontr-ict binning tlnni to pay tlie 10 tier cent, increase until A pril. Despite the views of the operators, the impression is that the strike will he cniled tins week. DE WET STILL F.GHTING. Tho Boer Commnr.dor Compe's Burghers to Enter the Ranks. The Boers are very active in the Kroonstad district, den. He Wet has proclaimed that burglars who refuse to tight wi'.l be made prisoners of war. Uritish mounted infantry, scouting from Eindley, had Capt. Wiltshire killed, through mistaking a party of 40 Boers in khaki for friends. Iloers commandoes continually harrasscd the British column while marching from Eindley to Kroon stad. The Boers raptured a detachment of the Chehire regiment which was es corting an empty wagon mar Frankfort. They released the driver, but kept the vagon. The Loudon war office has received the following from Eord Roberts, dated Pretoria. Friday: "A satisfactory li't'e affair occurred near Frankfort when Col. Grove, with the West Rents, surprised u Itocr laager at dawn, killed seven, wounded nine and captured 18." WILL HUNT FOR THE POLE. A New Yoiker Proposes lo Equip Two Ships tor an Arctic Expedition. William Ziegler, a wealthy citizen of New York city, has announced that he would purchase two vessels, fully equip nnd man tllem and send them in quest of the north pole during the sum mer of 1001. The expedition is to be in charge of Evelyn B. Baldwin.who was a companion of Lieut. Fcary in his at tempts to reach the pole in 189.1 and iHo.4. and also a member of Valtcr Wellman's expedition. It is Mr. Zieg lcr's intention to have one vessel remain in the Arctic regions while the other returns for supplies. V The expedition, it is said, 'will not be dispatched for the north earlier than the summer of 1001. nnd all the time be tween this date and that will be neces sary for the preparation and outfit. Yellow Fover in Havana. One hundred nnd thirteen new cases of yellow fever have officially been re ported in Havana since October t. The disease has attacked Major Fcterson, chief commissary, and Mr. Frank Naycs, general manager of the Havana branch of the North American Trust Company. Four hundred and twenty-eight Span ish immigrants are in quarantine there owing to the existence ot smallpox .n the vessel on which they arrived. T Bank Doposll Increase. The comptroller of the currency has completed an abstract of the condition of national banks at the close of business September 5. The aggregate loans and discounts were 2,(o,75g,o.)0, ami ine aggregate individual deposits $J,507, 24X.557. The number of banks reporting on June 29 was 3,732. and the number re porting on September 5 was 3,872, an increase of 140. The work of compiling the returns from the mutual savings institutions has recently been completed, which shows that, during the year ended June 30, the aggregate resources of thee institutions has increased $185,741,030; the deposits have risen from $1,060,70.), 131 on June 30, 1899, to $2,134,471,130 on June 30 of the current year. The number of de positors in these mutual savings bank) increased during the year from 5.070,732 to 5,370.109, and the average deposits Irom to 397-47. Hundreds ef House Destroyed. A typhoon caused great damage on the coasts of Formosa and Southern China. A number of towns were de stroyed. Nineteen hundred houses were washed away or inundated at Taipch Formosa, and many lives lost. Kansas Miners' Victory. The difficulty between the miners and ooerators at Leavenworth, Kan., whi:h has existed for the past six weeks, has been settled by the men accepting the decision of O. B. Taylor, who had been chosen as arbitrator by both sides. The terms upon which the men will go to work are 84 cents per ton, eight hours to rnnstiiute a day's work. This is a victory for the miners. Only one mine started Monday morning, the other two not being ready. One hundred and fifty miner) have gone to other fields, but they win return as soon wun nam, LATEST NEWS N0TE3. Pinkeye is reported among horses nt St. Vincents, Westmoreland county, Pa. A. T. Deer, nn aeronaut, fell from his lnllon nt Gays Milk Wis., mid was I killed The tloers hnvc torn up the railway north of llethulic and captured a British outpost. Alexander Howard killed his young son Leigh at his home in Brooklyn and committed suicide. 4. 1, 11 ,. V. .1. . t. . ...,.m., ntt.l a baby. riding in a wagon, were killed i iioiiirooK, rtui., iiiivt v....,... :i n r.i lrn:i,i rrnsninir. Elmer Rupert, a farmer, living near New Springfield. O., was crushed to leatll in a rider press. American Car Foundry Company car builders at Huntington, . a., nave struck for higher wages. The Eighty -fifth regiment, Pcnnsyl vania volunteers, held a reunion at Brownsville Wednesday. ft is remitted that 10.000 Chinese rebels were defeated by regular troops 111 a battle near Canton. The tireshvterv of San ' Francisco, Cat., has decided to stand by the csl minster Confession of Faith. James E. Katikin. a young mechanical engineer ol I'ltlsinirg, was kiiich n traction car running into his horse. The British forces have rcoccupicd Sniithfirtd. Kouxville. Wipener and l)c Wctsdorp, Orange Kivcr colony, The widowed Ouccn Margherita. of lta'y, has given away nil her royal cos tumes and jewels ami become a recluse. ii- TIimuvh I inloii acknowledges that he has pork cornered, but says he will ng raise the price and will be easy on the shorts ( Ine of the stone pillars of the burn ed state capital has been unveiled as a soldiers monument at Mcr.inaiicii. 1111 ton county. Fa. Lancaster. Fa., is the place selected bv 1I1.. I'l iinsvlvania Congress of Moth crs for its first annual meeting on No vember J and .1. Et. Commander William II. lleeliler. nrtviil :il t:ir In of the United States cm bassy at Berlin, is suffering severely (torn pneumonia. A freight wreck on the Central rail road of New lersev. near Boundhrook sigin.l tower, killed the engineer aim riled up .to cars in a heap. Cecil Rhodes in assuming the presi denrv of the South African League made an address in favor of federation. conciliation and equal rights, The works of the Illinois Steel Com pany at Chicago have ceased operations or two weeks. Two thousand live hun dred men are employed there. The government of South Africa by England will be strictly rolonial, hut I non-military, after the system used in Leyon nnd the West Indies. The Venezuelan government has an- nulled the concession to the Orinoco I onipany, organized by capitalists ol Minnesota and W isconsin 111 IK05. I At Union Springs. Ala.. Henry I Ilaugh. a negro, brutally murdered a 10-year-old negro boy. whose body was I found in a cotton patch two days lal Mrj. Lester, wife of Capt. Fred Les ter, of the hirst W est trginia infantry, at Huntington, was accidentally shot while handling a revolver nnd will die. At Ferth West Australia the premier, the Right Hon. Sir John 1-orrest, in in troducing the budget, asked to be re lieved of the premiership early in 1901 A man and wife nnd two children were killed and another man fatally in iured in a grade crossing accident at I Robinson's crossing, near New Castle IV., At Koisc. Idaho, the soldiers nomc was destroyed by tire, entailing a loss of $40,000. There were 800 inmates, one of whom, Thomas Hayes, was suffocat ed At Simla the secretary of state has completed the purchase of f 1,000,000 of silver for coinage into rupees, and I,- 000,000 in gold is being shipped to Lon- ion. An expedition of 4.000 allies has left I'ekin and one,ol 7,000 started irom Tien Tsin, China, for Fao Ting I'll. where so many foreigners were massa- cred. President Errazurjzc. of Santiago do Chili, who was striken with paralysis June 10 last, is now in perfect health and will resume charge of government af- fairs. President San Clcmente, of Colom- bia. has accepted his deposal from office bv Vice President Marroquin and has relinquished his authority to the The Rev. Sam P. Tones, the evangel- 1st. is broken down in health, having been compelled to cancel all his dates for lectures in South Carolina and Miss- issippi. Fire in Bineham & Co.'s paper factory at New ork caused a loss of $25,000 and endangered the lives of a score of girls, who were rescued with dithculty by firemen. Edward Goldberg and his wife, for merly of Canton, ()., are dead in the In dian territory from eating poisonous mushrooms Goldberg was Indian agent at Pawpaw. Three persons, a father and two sons. were burned to death in a shanty in Roxbury. Mass. Several years ago the man's wife was burned to death in this same place. The United States has renewed the demand upon the government of Mo rocco for $s,ooo indemnity to the lam lv of Marcus Azzagui. a naturalized American citizen, who was murdered by a mob at I'ez last June. The laying of the foundation stone of the imperial museum to be erected at Saalburg. Germany, on the site of the o d Roman fortress there, occurred Thursday, in the presence of the emper or and empress 01 uerniany. Bishoo B. M. Arnett. presiding over the Afro-American Methodist Episco pal conference, declared that he would admit no candidate for the ministry who was a user of tobacco. The Hamilton Coal Mining Company of Philadelphia has purchased the coal mines at Cragdcil station, Pa., on the Allegheny Valley rairoad, and will opcr ate on an extensive scale, The largest mortgage ever entered In the court house of Beaver county. Pa was out on record Saturday. It was for a loan of $i,oco.oco on the property of thy Consolidated Traction Company. AN OFFICIAL REPORT. starlllnn Mortality Renort From the Far Northwest Rich Gold and Copper Flndi on Tcillna River. Census Enumerators Deck and Scx- Itott have reached Juneau from Cooper river, where their summer'a work rcstilt- , . . . . 0 t. ... w.c c.ii.mera ..... , r, ...., ami ouo wiii.es. i ne mum. is in ui.h section have died this summer by dor. ens. Tins mortality results from ho influx of miners and the destruction ff the salmon supply by canneries at the mouths of the rivers. Mr. Beck reports that on July 4 gold was found at I'cslina river. In three weeks four men took out $.1,000 in coarc gold. Mr. cxton thinks the copper belt of l'rince Willian sound will produce untold millions. He traveed several weeks with tiovernment Geolo gist Schrader. who expressed himself as believing that the deposits! ot copper there are unriiualed in the world, A railroad will be absolutely neces sary to develop this rich country. The govrrnnicnt telegraph lines through the ("upper river country is so nearly rom . It-led that it can be quickly finished ill , , ' r "'i spring HOLD THE AMERICAN LOOT. Tho Silver Caplurod at Pokln Held Until Corgrcs Decides Its Ownership. It is understood that the final disposi lion of the silver, some $.275,000, taken by the American marines at the capture of Tien Tsin, mav be determined by Congress. In the meantime, the silver is being treated as a trust fund, of which the government is the custodian until determination is reached as to its rightful disposition. Kear Admiral Rcmrv Friday cabled the navy department as follows: Marines embarked on Brooklyn. Za- firo, and transport Indiana. Zafiro rar- ries the cavalry. Brooklyn goes to Che foo and Nagasaki. Indiana sails short ly, borne sick sent to hospital at Yoko hama, others be removed soon as Pos sible, nnd hospital at Tien Tsin closrd. icw Orleans remains at Taku. Mono- caey winters 111 Fei Ho river. SPANIARDS EMIGRATE TO CUBA. Twclvo Thousand Expeclod by November, Havana Bond Issue. Three thousand Spanish immigrants have arrived at Havana since October I and the bureau of immigration estimates the number will mm-t, t 000 !...(., r il.n L,,,, ,,, lc j, , ,)(.li(.vr(1 IC vellow ;,!...., i. ..ri..i..ii ,i to the heavy noii-ininiunc immigration. It is asserted upon miiiuestionablc an- thorny that the Ihivan.i bond issue jf $25,000,000 will not be sanctioned bv "en. W ood unless par is obtained at 4 per cent, and not to exceed s per cent. W ednesday being the thirty-second anniversary of the beginning of the Ten 1 ears war, it was observed .'19 a na tmnal holiday and the Cuban flag float- en iver the palace by 'order of Gen, vi oou. A FLOOD IMMINENT. Mississippi I Now Higher Than it Has Been For Year. The official records in weather ol server's office shows that the present stage of water in the Mississippi is high or nr w thnti it lift a hnnn fur Bivlnnn years at this season of the year. Th river is rising steadily, and a Btagc of IS feet will be marked. Island farmers below (ialena. III., have lost all their corn and hay, and have hundreds of head of cattle nnd hogs drowned. At this season of the year Mississippi river towns repair their levees, but this work lias been stopped by reason of ndvnnc t" waier, which resulted in ine cicstruc tion of thousands of dollars' worth of progeny. moH.ahi.1. i u).ik wothoaisl to Watch, Bishop Charles Galloway, president of the general board of education of the Methodist Episcopal Church south, has issued a call to the 1,500,000 Methodists in the south to assemble in their places of worship on the night of the last day of the year to hold nn old-fashioned watch meeting, as a fitting climax to the twentieth century fund movement. The fund now amounts to $1,100,000. " old cllm UnPid- The auditor for the State and other departments in his annual report to the secretary of the treasury states that that part of the appropriation made by Con grcss at its last session, amounting to 1.708.870. for the payment of the judg ment of the court 01 claims against the United States in fayor of the New York Indians who were parties to the treaty of Buffalo Creek, N. V., on January 15 18 18. remains unpaid. The reason given is that Congress in making the appropriation did not give proper authority for ascertaining the bencfriaries entitled to receive payment. Recent Orders Roscinded. The United States naval recruiting station at Chicago has received orders rescinding a recent order, making the age requirement for landsmen from 21 to 25 years, insteaa 01 10 10 25. in tu ture'applicants between 18 and 25 years of age will be etigioie lor enlistment. Oil and Coal Discovered. Coal and eas in paying quantities were found at St. Joseph. Mo., at a depth of a little more than 1,000 feet. The gas will be piped to the city at once, 11 the supply holds out. as it promises to do. A vein of coal that may reach two feet in thickness was found. Attempted Postotflct Burglary. An unsuccessful attempt was made to burglarize the postoffice at Lindsey, Pa. Four masked men gained entrance to the office, knocked off the handle of tin. safe and poured a quantity of nitro rlvrerine through the hole where the handle had been into the lining of the outer door. They had everything in readiness for touching off when they were alarmed by the cries of a man across the street, who was watching them. They made their escape before officers could be summoned. LEYTE REBELS SCATTERED. Surrender ol Officer and Capture ol Their Troopi Ten Kill In On Bunch. Queor Juillco. The west roat of the island of Erytc Is in turmoil. The rebel ladrones arc actively plundering and raiding in the vicinity ol the garrisoned towns while the Americans pursued them in the mountains. 1 lie ofliccrs ot the re Del general Mojica nrc surrendering and his soldiers arc attempting to escape to Samar in boats. They nrc rapidly being captured and their organization broken up. The raptured guerrillas nnd ladrones state that 30 Americans attacked 45 rebels, rilled their stronghold in the Camarinc province and routed them, killing 10. Two Americans were kill ed nnd three wounded. Twenty men of the Thirty-second inlantry, in nn en gagement in Batau province, had one man killed and four wounded. The administration of Manila's civil courts by Filipino magistrates, which has long been scandalous, is now at tracting public attention more than ev er anil lias been brought to the la It commission s attention with requests or rectification. The courts nrc com posed of four justices of the peace and our primary courts. The magistrates arc all Filipinos and arc utter failures as administrators ol justice. The members) of the Taft commission are disgusted with the condition of the courts and intend to substitute honest Americans from the United States for itive magistrates. Americans having knowledge of Spanish nre preferred. hut nre hardest to secure. The commis sion will then institute drastic reforms 111 the entire judiciary. FOUGHT WITH CUBAN POLICE. American Cavalry In a Rumpus al Malanzas, Three Men Shot. At Matanzas Thursday a Cuban po liccman interfered with two members f the Second United States cavalry. The quarrel culminated in a general fight between the police nnd soldie's. After the police had shot Trooper Tur ey, of I) troop, one other soldier nnd one civilian, a number of troopers tried to break into the gunroom to get their weapons, but the (puck action ol Capt. rredcrick v. rolfz in forming troops L and M in skirmish order made it im possible for the excited cavalrymen to iiass. Lieut. W lllard is said to have een slightly hurt while endeavoring to quiet the men. The trooners ileelrtrp th:it thev will have revenge, nnd Col. Henry E. Noyes lias ordered all confined to barracks. The feeling is very strong between the Cubans and cavalrymen. The authori ties there 'coV vr-r 'i.t 'l.tt-til as Payday fignr, nut an investigation has been ordered. DRIVEN FROM TRANSVAAL, Eight Amorlcans, Rocontly Landed In New York, Preparing Indemnity Claims. Driven from the Transvaal by force of British arms', eight American citizens who recently arrived penniless in New York, have petitioned the United State Government to present claims for in lemnitv against Great Britain. 1 hey declare that, although neutral in the re cent conflict, they were kidnaped froi 1 heir homes, leaving wives and clnldre behind. As prisoners of war the men say they were driven out of Johannesburg on July 13, railroaded to the seacoast cattle trucks and then sent in the steer age of a transport to Holland. Amen can consuls in the ports where they stopped were powerless to rescue them and they have made n final appeal through attorneys in this city to the secretary of state at Washingon. Famine Condition Disappear. Lord George Hamilton, secretary of state for India, has received the follow ing dispatch from the viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, ol Kedlcston the gen eral condition of the crops is excellent and except in a part of Bombay famine conditions are disappearing. The total number on the relief list has fallen to 3,276,000. Rescued From Filipino. Cant. Devereaux Shields, who, with 51 men of Company r. iwenty-nin regiment, was captured by the insur gents last month in the island of Marin duqiie, was recovered Saturday by the American rescue force with all the mem her td his party. Military Prisoner Escapos. Telegrams from San Francisco say Jesse W. Adams, a military prisoner confined at Alcatraz, has gained his lib ert-v. He chose a novel means of es cape, leaving Alcatraz as merchandise inclosed in a wooden box. A box marked "handle with care" arrived from Alcatraz an the government boat Mc Dowell on its last trip to the Presidio. It was addressed to the general hospital, and landed at the wharf, preparatory to being transferred to the hospital later. The wharfmaster found, when he rame to open it, that the box had been broken open and was empty. Inquiry at Alratraz showed that one of the ten year term prisoners was missing. Last weeK nve long-term men escapca irom the Presidio and none lias been recap tured. South German Expoib. The exports from the South German consulates for the last quarter aggregate $10,510,280. a decrease of $2s8,88j from the corresponding quarter of last year. From all (jcrmany except Uresden th exports for the same period amounted to 923,508,134, an increase ot $1,225, 77s, as compared with the returns for the same time last year. TERSE TELEGRAMS. The Canadian parliament has been dis solved and the election is to be held on November 1. Maj. Edward Goldberg, United States Indian agent, died at Seneca, Mo., from mushroom poisoning, and Mrs. Gold bery is very ill from the same cause. William Schreiber, a missing clerk of the Elizabethport, N. J., Banking Com pany, is a defaulter to the extent of $50,- 000, but the directors have made good the shortage. WORK HAS BEGUN. Chlot Engineer Abbott Says tho Company Will Go Ahead With the Enterprise. Two-filth ot Ihs Work Done. Mr. Hittin, director general of the Panama Canal Company, nnd Gen. Ab bott, chief engineer of (he company, were nniong the passengers nrriving in New York on the steamer La Lorraine from Havre Sunday. Ibe l'atintna Canal t,ompnny, said ieti, Abbott, "is waiting for the recom mendation of the Walker commission Congress, and for the action of that lody. I believe the decision will be in favor of the Panama canal as being more feasible, economical and giving belter suits. If the decision is against the anama canal, the company will, nevrr theles. go on building it. 1 believe that if both the Panama nnd Nicaragua canals nrc built, nine-tenths of the ves- Is will choose the Panama canal ns being the better. What the Walker commission heard when in Paris was a revelation to them. Already between three nnd four million cubic yards have icen taken out down there nnd two fifths of the work has been done." UNCLE SAM'S CROP REPORT. Tho Report Scmcwhst Bullish lor Corn, Oals, Buckwheat and Potatoes. The monthly report of the statistician of the department of agriculture shows the average condition of corn on Octo ber t to have been 78.2, as compared with Ho.fi last month, 02.7 on October 1N99, K2 at the corresponding date in 180H and 81. the mean of the October averages of the last lo years. While the decline during hi-ptember was not se nous, it extended to almost every 1111 portant corn-growing State. 1 he preliminary estimate ot the yield per acre of oats is 20.6 bushels, as com pared with 30.7 bushels last year; 27.K nishels in iNtiN. and a 10-ycar average of y,2 bushels. The average condition ol buckwheat n October I was 72.8. as compared with 80.5 last month; 70.2 on October I, inio: 70.2 at the corresponding date in l8iK, and 82.2 the mean of the October averages for the last 10 years. I he average condition of potatoes on October I was 74.4, as compared with Ho last month; K1.7 on October I. W: 72.5 at the corresponding date in ltvjn, and a 10-vear average of 74 t. there has been a general decline in the condition of apples, but in many of the principal apple-growing States the condition is still considerably above the 10-vear average. No further report on wheat will be issued pending the recruit of the an nual returns of individual producers and the final reports of the department special agents. WILL OBEY COURT ORDER. Insurgonl Junior Mechsnic ol Subordinate Lodges lo Pay Por Capita Tax. The committee appointed by the in surgent faction of the Junior Order United American Mechanics nt the State council in Philadelphia on Sep tember 29, held a conference at Harris burg. Pa.. Tuesday with their attorneys and decided to instruct all the subordi nate lodges throughout the State to abide by the decision of the supreme court and pay the 15 cents per capita tax. The tax is to be paid, however, to S. B. Mench. of Philadelphia, who was elected secretary at the Philadelphia meeting when the regular secretary. Dccmer. refused to act. and the National council therefore must collect from Mench the tax paid bv the insurgents. This is regarded as tin indication that the factional feeling still exists and ad ditional trouble is not unexpected. Now a Raving Maniac. Pretty Ella Williams, of Scanton Pa., is a raving maniac through a man's ef forts to win her affections. After ex- han-iting all honorable methods to make the victim his wife, IJavid .Morgan re sorted to drugs, nnd as a result the once pretty, light-hearted girl is now a wild eyed, raving maniac. Six days ago the girl was taken sick and lay unconscious until Sunday. When she awoke she was a maniac, re quiring several persons to hold her, Morgan left the town and has not yet been arrested Many Live Lost In Storm. Arrording to reports from St. Pierre 17 fishing vessels that were opera:hg on the Grand Banks during the ga'e r.i September 12, arc still missing, with crews aggregating over 200 men A number of other vessels that have arrived at St. John's N. F.. within the last few days have reported a loss of one to seven men each. The fatality list probably exceeds 300. Serious disaster has visited a number of New Foundland fishing harbors. Burin, on the west side of Placentia bay, alone losing 35 men. A Great New Battleship. The new battleship Wisconsin, built at the Union.Iron works. San Francis co, has made a most successful trial trip. Her highest speed was 18.54 knots an hour, and her average throughout the four hours run was 1735 knots. This beats the Alabama's maximum record of 18.03 knots New Countorlelt Bill. The treasury department gives notice of the discovery of a new counterfeit $10 silver certificate, series of 189.1, with portrait ol Hendricks, the counterfeit is a photographic print, without the silk fiber and 01 interior workmanship. Largo Contract lor Japan. The American Bridge Company, of Pittsburg, Pa., has closed a contract to furnish all of the structural steel to be used in the erection of a big arsenal at Kure, Japan. The money value of the contract is between $250,000 and $300,000. It will require six months to furnish the material, and it must be de livered at Kure within a year. Kure is one of Japan's finest port3, where large government docks and oth er military and naval works are main tained. It was there that the Oregon received her temporary repairs. BRITISH TROOPS ALERT. Boxen Now Preparing lo Carry the War Into Southorn China American Troop to Sill lor Cavlle. Telegrams from Hong Kong, dated Wednesday, sny; It is said that the au thorities have rc-cived Information that general uprising has been fixed in the southern provinces for November. Ten thousand more troops from India have been requisitioned for Hong Kong. The Nxtccnth Bengal Lancers ana tne Hong Kong regiment have been recall ed from the north to Hong Kong. In dications nre that there will be a Boxer rising similar to that which occurred in North China. The whereabouts of the rebels in the Hinterland is not known, but is believed to be 10 mile north of the British borders. A dc achment of 1,000 Chinese troops took up a position at San Chung yesterday and 1,000 arrived there to-day. 1 he 1 nans have met nnd repeatedly defeated the imperial Chinese troop near Kowloon. They are daily gaining fresh adherents. I he American marines from Pckin lave arrived nt Taku. where they will be joined by the Tien Tsin battalion and sail on the Indiana for Cavitc. in" American soldiers nrc glad to go ' .lunula. r. The expedition to Pno Ting Fu has been hxed for I-riday next. The col umn will consist of 7,000 British, Ger man, French and Italian troops. Telegrams from Shanghai. dated Thursday, sav; Sheng, the Taotai. has received a telegram from Gen. reporting that a serious rebellion has broken out in the southwestern part of Kwang-Si province, that his 30,000 troops are in adequate nnd that he needs at least 100, 000 to cope with the danger, which is directed against the Manchus ilnd threatens to become worse than the Tat- Ping rebellion. It is reported that the Yamr-Tse vice roys have sent 20,000 troops to Tao-Ting-Fu to suppress the rebellion. 1 he rebellion in the province of Kwang Tung is becoming anti-foreign and five missions have been destroyed at llan King Lliau. CUBA INVITES SETTLERS. Gen. Wood Say That the Island Odors Good Opportunities to American. Gov. Gen. Wood says that Cuba now offers great opportunities to American to go there and settle. Land is cheap or can be rented on a small royalty of productions. Returns would be quick, lie recommends the cultivation by im migrants of tobacco and fruit and the raising of cattle. At the palace in Ha vana Tuesday representatives of every mercantile guild, in Havana joined in presenting to Gov. Wood an address expressing gratitude for what he ha done in the way of reforming the mer cantile registeries. The address was ac companied with a pen mounted with diamonds and rubies. Trial by jury has been inaugurated in Cuba, and the writ of habeas corpus es tablished. Commissioners representing the church and the state have been ap pointed to determine the property rights of the former. ' LEVEE GIVES WAY. Water ol (he Wisconsin River Oveiflow tho Town ol Portago. The government levee at Portage, Wis., gave way Tuesday afternoon. A tremendous rush of water from the Wisconsin river spread over the lower part of the city. Streets and basement were Hooded in a lew minutes and the inhabitants hurried to higher ground with household goods and other valua bles. The damage will amount to thou sands of dollars. Three hundred men worked hard al! morning in an effort to brace up the levee, which was discovered to be ex tremely weak and threatening to give way under the high stage of the river. Their efforts were unavailing, however. It is feared the flood will spread over at least one-fifth of the city. It is not thought nny lives were lost, as the flood had been expected. CABLE FLASHES. John Alexander Dowie, the Zionist, has secured 20 converts in London. At Rome a minor official of the Vatican has been arrested on the charge of giv ing the thieves access to the room from which the sum of about 350,000 lire was recently stolen. A startling decrease in the birth rate h.f.s occurred in Berlin, it being but 29 per r.ooo. Five persons were killed and 75 in , jurcd in a railway collision at Karlsthon, ; Germany. 1 London politicians sny the recent elec- j tio? hi" ten. a carnival "f bad manner and evil passions. Emperor William has conferred high decorations upon all the leading officers c( the Paris exposition. In Dusselilorf. Germany, a deaf mute was sentenced to four months', impris onment for ridiculing the emperor. At Berlin it is announced that the Rcichbank on October 18 will offer new shares of the face value of 30,000,000 marks at 135. Typhus fever is raging in the Sixty eighth infantry at Coblcntz, Germany, and also in the garrisons at Brunswick and Staarbruecken. A-syndicate headed by the Commcra Disconto bank has taken over the new Hamburg state 4 per cent, loan of 40, 000.000 marks, the price being 08.28. By a series of collisions between ves sels in the Mersey river at Liverpool, England, one steamer was completely wrecked and sunk, and many others in- IV. red. The British steamer Highland Princ has arrived at Montevideo with t piague auonru. r.vc ucains. incwu , 1 I V?: .1 L . d .A if the captain and first olhcer, occurr during the voyage. The British war office has issued ol 'crs that the uuiK ot tne militia regl ments called out for service during th South African war are to be disbande l This will ettect about 50,000 men. Mnximilian Harden, editor of Berlin "Gukunft." has been sentenced a second term of six month imuris ment for ridiculing tmperor Wily whom he once compared to a prince.