UHlm-rijiliim tl.Mt wt unit, or $1.00 if )Hiil utiirllii in iiiivinrf. I'. A. ftTKPIIRKKlOKI. HdUor Hlul I' lib. Anlnili'HMili'ht I.M-nl iiiiir. imlilMioili.vprjr W wlni'mlny lit. ItnynnliUvlllii, .li'lti'rion rn. I'r.. ili'vmml Id tln IiMiti'iIm of Hi'V linliNvlllii mill .liinVrwiiroillitY. Nnll-IMillt Iriil, will tri'iil. oil with fiilrui'xa, mill will lii I'lpvrliilly frtniiU ly tdwnnln t IiiIhiHmk Hums. (timiniiiiili'itlliiiiK Inli'iiilrcl fur liillilli'iitlini mut 1m uri'itmimnliMl liy tlm wrfti'r'ii iniim1, mil fur liti till i-nt li in . hill iih n miurmili'i' of noil fill III. Inltiri'itlh mw limn MiiMc1tt.fi. Ailvi'rlliliw ruin tnutlt hitnwn on iiiiiMiii Itiinnllliii iilllrn In KriM'lillrli-llfiiry ItliH'k. f.iMitrhl.y foiniiitinliMitlotm tintl rlmiiiiii of Rtlvi.rttH.iui.MitH hIhiiiIiI riitirh lliln nlllrn liy MimhIiiv mum. riiiliM:rlitlnii irlfpfl.mMr jrrnr.ln mlvnnrr. Aililri'sN nil riiimnunli'tillmm ti U. A. Hli'pli enum, Ki'ViioIiImvHIi., Pit. Knlxri'il' nt tin' ihisIiiIIIi-ii nl Itryiiiililnvllli'. ft., nnn'.'imil rliiHM mull mnttur. A Great Pnie Offer. Wo Imvo ii rti-nt pi-l.n tilTiT to ninkn 11m funni'i- of .li-nVmnn I'minty! H.vh Kii'cinl ni'i'iiiitrctni'iil wltli tlii iiiIIIhIiiii- of llin Farm Jinmml, a must I'xrrlli'iit fllflll lllHr tllllt t'lWtll fill OI'ltlK n yi'Bl, i' ntii nlilii to oITit ow j'i'iir'M milwri'lp tlon to TliK Stau mill h'ovn yi'in-H' hiiIi-'i-iitiini to tlin Fitnn Jimrnitl tlm two worth M.tMl -nil for tint miiiiII biimi of $I.J.ri. Of I'oiiinn IIiIh only iilli'H to BilvHiico iiiyliir BiilwrrlliiTH. Wo can fitrnlHh a fnw utni-H nt tli Ih nit, mid If you want tlimii on tliiwo tmiiiH, yon noiHt ni't tji'it'K r.v! Siimpln iMipli'a of tlm h'ttnn Journal will hit Hi-tit frro on applli'tit Ion. Ailtlii-Hs, C. A. STUrllKNSON, IIo.ViioIiIhvIIIo, I'n. tll.ASS PLANT NOTI-S. (lnthercil by Local Reporter anil Clip, pcil front l:xchati(es. Tlm Camp I'Iiihh work at Htiii'lliMii-t which wuh flint down after lilitwlng ahimt a week, on luvontit of tlm iII'IIimiI ty over tlm whji' hcuIm, Hturti'd blowing (Iukh again WVilni'Mliiy niulit, tlm tiiiin nir.'nii'iil having nl;ni'il tlm new I.. A. 3iH. K. of I,, wall'. Twenty-four hlow pi'a and uatlmrt'r roportnd for duty and all Ih nmrry an a inarrlii;o hull. TIiIh I a Htingine blow to tlm 1 In rtin con I iiitr-tit., at they were liitnkititf on thin factory not Htai'tlnir until tho ctittom and lint teners luitl (jlveti In. Kami ltcpihUnn. Thero will lie a Helect daticn held In tlm Star HniMliitf next Satnrilav cven Iiil'. (ctoln-r alh. by tlm "Original Konr." MiihIi; will he fiirniHheil by Heed'H orchchtrti. Tho committed bav ins; charge of the dance In, A. Schlatter, Hurry Mont, tieorge Htaley and I'M. Kitiiwr. .Inlin Annum, blower, Leon tlatchat, and Kdmond I ti nker. i;iit!it'i-ei-H, wero In 1'ittHbui'K Hpvcrttl days limt week. .loh n SntU, .loHi'ph Kalnrcli, Harry 1. Finch, Alfonzo Carlett, Clarence Hlnen, Will and Charloa Kiahor anil ttevcral other (flaHs worketn of thin plaon at tended tho blower, HnUniuirn, gather cm and cutters meeting held at Ml. Jewctt Saturday evening. A young fellow vlititcd tho if I hob plant recently and when hn aaw thn glaHH an It comcH from hands of tho bloworu ho remarked: "I thought thoy wore mak Ing whitlow gliiHU over hero, but It looks to me im if they ate making glaHR anwnr pipe." In roHpoiiHn to tho call for a mum meotlng at Mt. Jewctt IiihI Saturday, at leant one thouKantl Window CIuhh Vorkorn, comprlHcd of blowoin, gath ererB, llatUinet'H and ctlttorn, ttwik tho town by Htorni, anddemoiiHtratiHl beyond tho poHHibility of adoubt that tho major ity of tho elans workers In this district are Immieil with tlio spirit or union linn anil will roHtint any attempt to crush it out. Special trains were run from Ilradford, SinethHirt, Kano and Kails Creek, and each arriving delegation was mitt by tho hand anil escorted to their hotels, amid tho cheers of tho good eitizensor Mt. .Tewett. At eight o'clock tho men formed Into lino and marched through tho town, being cheered on every hand, and sing ing conHtatitiy, "We'll hang Simon Hums on tho sour applo tree" until their throats wero gore. Tho lino of march was mi Main street from tho do pot to McClellan Avenuo, and back again to tho iHru house which was ti!li (1 to siilTocalion. V. T. Morgan as temporary chairman milled tho meeting to order and called for nominations for iicrmanont chair man. Clias. Smith, of Kane, was select ed chairman and in a few well chosen words stated the object of the meeting, viz., lo hasten the movement of amal gamation of the four trades, l'reg. H. G. Tussov of the Cutters' Lcaguo was introduced and stated tho necessity of ' it united organization, and lett a good impression on all his hearers. Mr. Tussev was followed by Samuel Glthens, of liellevernon, who enthused his au dience with his earnestneas and his elo quence. Wm. Phillips, of Kane, then mndo a few brief remarks which were welK received. L. C. Geitsinger, former Nhtional Secretary of tho Window Glass Workers' organization, was then Intro duced. Mr. Geitsinger revlowed the unit strength and glory of L. A. 3(10, anil contrasted It with tho present be muddled condition of affairs, and made an eloquent appeal for amalgamation Belting forth tlio benefits to lie derived from such a course. Thero was not a single incident to mar tho perfect concord and harmony or the meeting and a spirit of good fellowship and fra ternity prevailed. After the meeting a general lovefenst was held, and any skeptical one could have read the hand writing on the wall. which interpreted means, "United we stand, divided we rail" ana mat "an in turv to ono la tho enneern of all." and will he resonted not by one soparate trade but by the amalgamated trades of blowers, gatherers, nattonors and out ters, Impregnable and Invincible. Kane JSi publican. Mitchell, tho tailor, produces a good lit at a low price. Tablets given away with school shoes at Johnston & Nolan s. Ladles' long-sleeved underwear from 15c. to $1.15 apiece at People's Bargain store. The best kid glove for ladles In the market for tl. 00 and tl.25 at, Shlok & High School Bulletin.- iditohul mrr. Mltn-li-Okkf millMi. AtilttMl HIUf-TUli Kadtw. Lml Mlttr- Ittkrys Last Friday In Assembly Hon. 8. II. F.lllolt gave a continual Ion of his talk on color. Ills discourse was conclusive: ii,a,Mif nf I Ii., in iiiiiinitil v ui.i.i,iil.i-it llimirv i l - J l ' w that a motion produces first, sound, then heat, then light, which passed through a pilnm anil broken or dispersed Is shown to contain all the colors and their combination. His diseoui'se was clear, at times witty, and always forceful. Wn would like to glvo a more lengthy account of this very pleasing t!XMwlllon, hut our ol u in n Is about all In and so will only say that we are glad to have him with us at any time. - X The inemls'i-s of the high schistl ex- hanged a few of their old Issiks for new ones. We would say In behalf of the High school pupils, many I hunks. Ills hard to study with alesson lorn tint of your book every here and there, and half the lessons that are left. In annotated so bmlly that one Is confused Is-yond en iliirance. We note with pleasure the Improvement In the appearance of hooks since the new ones have replaced tlm old, but wo think there Is still room for exchanges. Last. Friday evening, through tho kindness of I'ltif. liCiikerd, the Senior lass was afforded tlm opportunity of measuring tlm altitude of the hill above tlm scIiihiI building from the crossing at tho corner of tho building to the reser voir. They found the reservoir to l ono hundred ami fourteen feel and six inches higher than the crossing In front of the school building. A man from out of town was heard to remark that he thot It. would adil great ly to tlm appeaiatiee of tho school grounds If the fence surrounding it were removed. Wo heartily endorse his statement. Tlm Shakespearean Literary Smdety rendered quite an Interesting prog rani Inst Friday afUirnoon. The program was devoted entirely to Longfelllow. The audience was especially plcamd by Mr. Ijcavcnworth'a recitation. Mr. Ijenvenworth recited "The Famine' In a manner that shows heenjoys the work, and takes great Interest in the welfare of tho society. The following persons visited Shake spearean Literary Society last Friday: Misses Nellie Armor, Grace Heck, Inez Hrown, Lydiu Molllngcr and Mr. Glenn Mlllircn, A number of the High School students attended a party Inst Friday evening at the home of Miss Ollle Dunn. Mock trial next Friday. For some thing funny as well as Instructive, come. Friday the Shakespearean Society inaugurated tlm following olllcers: Pres., Clement Flynn: Vlco-Prcs., Maud Ilonn; Sec, Tom Nolan; Killtor- In-chlef, Kllle Mtlllren; Assistant Kill tor, Viola McGaw; Iocal Kill tor, Kathryn King; Critics, Frances King and Chris tine Urown; Program Committee, Jay McGaw, Verdi Daugherty and Maggio Stoko. A query box has been arranged for tho honctlt of tho High School. In chapel tho other morning Prof. Lenkerd announced that thn library would be opened that day. Tlmopcrilug oxerclses wero violent and notsy and, wo presume, painful. Prof. Lenkerd went for chestnuts last Saturday. It Is said that ho climbed far more trees than ho got chestnuts. W. A. Lofts, of HulTalo, N. Y , for merly a student In our schools, was a visitor at chapel Monday morning. Miss Maude Hush, who has been sick, has returned to school again. We are glad to have you with us, Maude. James Mulr was welcomed by Ills friends and tho members of his cluss, tho Seniors. This swells the number to seven. Job Couldn't Have Stood It If hod had itching piles. They'rotorrl bly annoying; hut Hucklep's Arnica Salvo will euro tho worst case of pi I on earth. It lias cured thousands. For Injuries, pains or bodily eruptions It s the bust salve In the world, t'rlco .ic. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by II. Alex. Stoke, druggist. For Sale New buggies, wheels, tops, cushions, dashes, fee, also second-hand buggies and hacks, by L. M. Snyder. The largest assortment of wool under wear to be found In tho county at Millirens. . Auction sales will continue Saturday and Monday afternoon and night, Oct. "0 and 22. Private sales during the week. J. C. Kino & Co Reynolds' Deef, Iron and Wine, nerve tonlo, 50c. "Reynolds' drug store. For Sale Five drawer, drop-head Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine Inquire at Myors' harness shop. Light colored golf hats, all shapes at Millirens. Latest stylos In shoes at Johnston & Nolan's shoe parlors. Call and sue shoes und get their low prices. Men's, boys' and children's suits, over coats, bats, caps and Bboes at special low prloes at the Peoile's Bargain store. John Flynn. merr lant tailor, makes LIST OF JURORS Drawn for the Regular Term of Court, Commencing November it, tgoo. IISASII .Illinois. Mnrln, (li-timr, IMiikkhIiI Iwp Mm nr.. Iiiinli'l, KIiiiikiiIiI ikii lliiwrrs, lli'iirui' M. Ilmtilll fwn HIinlTiier, J II, I'n! It li Miner, Wllllnm. IVrry Iwn Mi'Dtiniilil, I'ulrli lt. lii'vniitilxvllli. A rmii rmiir. I. I'litijuttnwiiey HimtU, tiiivltt, Arnetirtiini I'tintli'WHll, Din III M, I'ni iy twn elusion, .Inn, IMitisiitiiwiiey llnlnt'i. Ailitm. Kltiiriftiltl I wti lllivls, Inlin It. VnntiK W I'liylor, I n ii let . MIiikkiiIiI wp liliirK. I, ft, KiniMWlt , Mtirllii. Irvlti. tlrtiilt'rinii Iwp Kt'tiiit'ily, Wllllnm M, I'lilnti Iwp llrttilns.il M. Ileiiver Iwii llrowii, V M. I'titi T-.ni ii w nor AINIiotiit.. K I. Iltwi' township l.nii, I'erry, Hiihi t up tlnwt.ri, llrmit, lllii Knit riifiierry. .loiui, riiifcrefH Iwp 'riiiiinsi. I in v t (I . t 'In v v 1 1 In llnilliitfi. 'I' K, PioiiTy I'KTIT ,lc Holts. I, re. Illivltl. Hell twp Atwi'll, Jnliti. -Ii-.. Hnvtler Iwp emer, Ptivlil, rerrv Iwp Mllt'liell. .lutiit'N II, t't'rty twp KtllltK. lll'IIIUI. Ilflf twp I 'ritwfortl. (1 M, W iislilnutnn lw Miller, II II, I'llliHsllliivilll'V llnxler. V K I'lovfr Iwp It .1 1 1 1 II IT. I'. VllllllU lp iitrfv. tirnriii', II, II iwp Hinlili, Siiiiiiifl, W ti-.li tuif 1 1 ri twp lletrlrk, Hiiiinifl, Knim Iwp Vtlirlioll. Ill-mil. Hi'iiili'lNiili twn Ntirlli,.! H, Mrt nliiiiiiii twp Iniiiulierly. I liiiliiai, V iiHliliiiflntl Iwp i imih, .1 it, Mllt'liell iwp Ionian. II It. iiIIvit Iwii llllllllll. I' .1, I'llteel'eek Iwp Miinluill. I ' II. linn-lorn v lllr Utltlolili, Hiitiinel, lllx lliui ni......u II iv i,....Mu. ........... Hlewnl'l, W i'. Wiiisiiw Iwp niiiiiiT, riiniiii'i, i niinir tivp M.ven, J A. Ileyiiolilivilln Ktiov. .1 I'linxstiiiiwnt'y Walket-, I'lftl. Wltislow twn Hti'Miirt..! A. Wiit-iitw Iwp tiiiililit'll. .Inlin. Iliirttetl Iwn I lllllllllllt'll. Illllllll, Kiiiih Iwp lleeil. .1 .1. Ilrimkrlllii Hll'itliii., Mitrtlti, Whmlow twp llt'tTlT. I Illllllll, nirl'nllllltllt twp llt'lsl. .1 I-:. Won ti v II In Sliitw. r II, WiiHliltntttiii twp i tititiir, ii ii. itfyiiiiiiiMviiin ritiiiliiiii. l.tiilitT, Itfll iwp Irvln Ki-tilifti, llfitlli twp V IiiiiiI. ileiirtri I, riiift'rt't'k lwi Muuk. Clttrk. Hllvi-r iwp I loliiiii, .liiftih. tMlvt'r Iwp NelT. K. IteytiiililHtlllf Kinsi, I I-', I'd reek twp lli'tn v, R t Hnvili't Iwn riillt'll, Harrison, Mltlrcil Iwii Klili'i, r H, it.li I im I. hi twp l.nvf. riiniiii'i, i ti inn twp Mill tii, . I I'. Jr.. Kevitolilsvllli. . Il'lllllll. til'. I'ot-ler I wn riini'iy, .IihIiiiii It, lliookvlllti Kiilltlil, r II, llMN'kHayvlllii Tiiavkiisr hiaoits. Ki'i'tl, XV 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 . liliiu'unlil Iwp Wllioii. K 1. HriHikvfllf t'niiliT, .1 A. Hiiiiinii'rvtllii KIliU, J II, Oliver Iwp Keililinir. W II. I 'In vvlllc Mi'Klnlt'V. rliiitles. t'.lihril Iwtl I'yiilieri, .Inlin, I'nlnii iwp iciilieri, iMiiiinre. w iiimIow lwt rniiillrk. Wllllatn. ItriM'kwiiy villi iiiitiitititi, .lent'. i tiMiiitiirttin twp lli-llr.. Cliarlei. Perry Iwn I 'to r, .Inlin, VnntiK Iwp llll'IIHllulll Will. Mil 'llllllllll I twp Kt mil will. Si nil In. Milaltiioiil iwp t 'minor, Inlin, llevtinlilivlllt tleniy. A C, I'linxiiilawitt'y ftlltsoli, .1 i,, rtittmiiiawiicy Aiken, J M. t'nlotilwp Itiirxitril, It T, llttN'kwiivvlllii VHslitmli'r, Isiuif. llrtHikvllln Snell, II '. Mi rutin, nit Isp iiiiii,'. i. ii, r.iiui'ii iwn AUhiiI. IIIIiimi II. Miln-tl Iwn llelr.ell. .liiHt'iiii, Itiiiti twp .liiiies, I' It, llMH'kwavvllin K.wltm. Wlilirr, Klilti'tl Iwp Mnliiii'V. II W. Wlnslnw Iwn llllisnti, ('mil, Key tlnlilivlllti Hli'fl.l'liiirlfs, Kltlretl Iwp lielliivi'ti, II nl, Suinliieryllli. Ueyntilili. M r. Plni'i'M't'k twp Mnlltirti, r'ritnk. ollvt'r twn HM.lt Ii . W K, Viiiiiik Iwp Null, .Inlin, NVIuslow Iwp riiitinliet'liiln, lleni-y, ttrnokvlllii Allsiiotimi, .loiitt, Imiiix twp iiiiiiirini, ri it, riiit'ei-ecK iwp Prlntllti, .Inlin II, Hnyiler twp Plfer, .1 V. Mi'l'iiliiionl twp iit'its, J C, llrtHikvllln West Reynoldsville Council. The West Keynoltlsvlllo town council met in regular session October Hth, with the following members in attendance: A. H. Weed, James Orr, Samuel Sutter, Itlchard Miller and John Henson. Minutes of last meeting reatl and a proved. It. K. Koch lor was present and stated that Mr. O'Dontn l had arranged for a strip of ground for an alloy hack of his property on Pike street, and asked council to take some action In opening this alley, as It was almost impossible for a team to gel In or out from his properly. Tlm street committee was Instructed to look oyer tho ground and report at tho next meeting. Tho report of burgess showed $5.00 collected for fines, and a balance In his hands of $7.15. No report submitted from G. W. I)eni)isey, tax collector, or W. L. Johns ton, treasurer. The secretary was Instructed to notify Mr. Denipscy and Mr. Johnston to make a report regularly at each monthly meeting of council. Hill of Rcynnldsvlllo Klcctrio Co.. amounting to $45.4.1, and of J. V. Young, amounting to $.'10,117, were ordered paid Mr. Weed called attention to railing being torn down on sidewalk in front of Hurtle's and Harry's on Hroadway. Tho street tMiminitt.eo was Instructed to see that repairs wero made at once, and also to boo that any other guard rails needing repairs wero put In projier con' dltlon. Letter to Miller & Ewlng, Jll iiKihltvillf, I'd. Dear Sirs: Porterhouse so much; neck so much; all tho way between. Just so with paint. Devoe lead and y.lno Is tho porterhouse. Nobody wants tho neck; tho between, somo snj. Is good enough for them. But Devoe costs less, not more, than between. Lead and oil is between; it Is the old-fashion paint. But zino has como In. Zlno toughons white lead. Devoo lead and nine is tho paint. If you paint in three years, you do it for looks. Devoe does not wear out in three years. ' Yours truly. 7 F. W. Devoe & Co. We wholesale and retail hay; we sell horses ana cattle, machinery and gen' eral merchandise. J. V. King & Co. Johnston and Nolan have a number of odd sizes, good style shoes that they are selling at a big reduction. This is JjJ BING & CO. NEW lltlOOIlllllll GOODS IHIIIOOIIOIHIIIII ALL OVER ( X )( X X M H ( X X X X X X X X X ) u ft 6 V THE STORE X W Illllllll IIKIIIIIIIOIIOIIIKIIIDII V ihikss a non.s 5 M I J very new stylo find A lO ilU'i-t in staple fall und fa winter fabrics. ti Ii!;!;! V V JIMCK (HUMS fa Of Our line h complete, fa Prunellas, diagonal, In il ?if liaute, r.ilK-lincs, erepons, M iiirolns ami many otlicr i kinds, from 2.i cents to O $2.00 kt yard. O v t-t.t-t V fa M LnilK's Misses find O Cl.il.lren's A JACKETS AND CAI'I'S. Wif StH'tiil ii lit I It' tittle mill s'V W look at tliem before liny- fa iu; elsewhere. fa V fa M The time to buy W FURS fa V Wc sell the best furs that JjJ are made no inferior, Vi( patched up stuffs. fa 33355 m HESS' HIGH GRADE PERFUME. Ileetfl' Red Carnation, IIohh' Lily of tlie Valloy, II!hb' Heliotrope, t Hwh1 Wild Violet, t .IIhhh' Crab Apple IiloH'm IleHH' llowi Alba, IlesH' Purple Lilac, I IleHH' Violet EHtrelle, t f J lens' Damask Rose, I I less' Forest Flowers, t liens' Yezzo. ffl SAetsit and most persist ent of all Per fumes, inn HI Hanrtkfirr.ulRte Prfiimp.fl IIUHUIIUI VIUVIV VI IHIIIVU r. rrRR II VUI -AT- J. J. Sutter's New Store. $ X Centennial Hall $ Building. i w AITINd YOU Wk'mk Waitino For you! VVnltliiff for you to find out the difference between tlm bent drugs and tlm iniiylmp kind; Waitino kok You To learn thnl" lira g'ft a good dog, but Hold fimt is a hetle.r." Wk'vk Waitkd For a great many people who wanted to be sure of their preHcriptionw. Now Wk Wait On Ihem instead of for them. Abso lutely pure goods, equitable pricen and courteous service are waiting for you at tit A GLompIctc Line of Fall and Winter Goods. New Styles, New Goods, at Old Prices. BED CLOTHING We are now in shape to show you a large and com plete line of Comforts and Wool and Cotton Hlnnkets. ;.()!) a pair for fullsize white blankets and assorted color borders. Strictly all wool. $.'5.00 a pair for strictly all wool scarlet blankets. :$.()() a pair for strictly all wool gray blankets. .r0 a pair for strictly all wool barred blankets. $3. 50 a pair for extra fine all-wool blankets, barred all colors. if 4. 50 for a ti pound white blanket. Strictly all-wool. A big bargain. 4.50 and $& for California Blankets in white only. No finer made. COMFORTS Cotton-filled Comforts, best of cotton, much finer than we have ever shown. Prices 1, $1.25, 91.40, 1.75, $2, $2. 50. CHICK & JEFFERSON We have just ojiencd up a new assortment of MILLINERY composed of Ladies' and Misses' trimmed hats and Chil dren's headwear, selected and made by experts in touch with the latest metropolitan fashions and at prices from 94 to lower than you are usually asked by exclusive milliners. SHIItTS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS at 50 and 75 cents. We can line of new shirts to be found NECKWEAR in the newest styles. SUMMER UNDERWEAR at 50 cents and $1.00 a suit that cannot be matched where at Vz more. A lot of Ladies Shoes that sold for $2.25 and $2.50. Odd lots a sizes to clean them out, $1.23 and $1.50. YOU Stoke's Pharmacy. UNDERWEAR for Vin, Women and Children. Now is the best time to buy when the assortments are full. We bought our under wear early last spring and bought it all in one or two case lots, which enables us to give you a very low price. Don't buy underwear without ex amining our line. Vicn's, Youths' and Doya' CLOTHING A new and up-to-date line of suits for Men, Youths and Hoys in all styles and at the lowest prices. Every gar ment guaranteed togive satis faction. A large and beautiful line of OVERCOATS Everything that is dressy and up-to-date. You will not find a better line to select from. Prices and styles to suit everybody. Ask to see the Ilullwood and the Raglin. WAGNER SUPPLY 00. show you the most complete anywhere. r Jefferson Supply C Wagners.- up-to-date suits. II y him. your opportunity fur a bargain, i ft