The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 03, 1900, Image 6

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The National Executive of Iho Union It Ig
nored In in Effort to Resume
Work it Collieries.
The following notice. bearing date
of Monday, lias been posted in the vi
cinity of all the collieries of the Phila
delphia anil Reading Coal and Iron
Company in the anthracite region:
"Philadelphia and Rending Coal and
Iron Company, October I, igon. This
company will pay nil advance of 10 per
cent, on the wanes of all men and boys
employed at its collieries. This ad
vance takes i fleet at once.
(Sined) "R. C. Luther, Gen. Sup."
Beneath this notice another was post
ed which read as follows:
"Fellow Mine Workers United
Mine Workers of America: Do not
pay any at!' ntion to this notice posted
by Mr. Luther, of the Philadelphia and
Reading Coal and Iron Company, but
wait until von hear from President
Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers
of America, or until you have decided
by your own locals what is right for
yoy to do.
(Signed) "C. Tl. rotter."
Mr. Potter is an officer in the dis
trict branch of the United Mine Work
ers of America. The regular Reading
Compsnv advance for the last half of
September and the first half of October
had previously been fixed at 6 per cent,
pbove the $250 basis. The scale for
the proceeding 30 days was at the $3.30
basis. The advance of to per cent, of
fered in the nested notice by the Read
ing Com any, is separate and distinct
from the natural scale increase, and
hence the total increase to the miners
would be 16 per cent.
War With China Causes Exports to Fall Ctl
$3,0C0,000 In Ono Month.
The war in China dealt a stunning
blow to the United States export trade
in the cast during the month of August.
According to a report just issued by the
treasury bureau of statistics the trade
fell off marly $3,000,000 during that
month. Another reason for the poor
showing is the fact that the merchants
of the Pacific coast refuse to make any
statement of their trade with Hawiii
to the government officials, claiming
that the islands are now United States
territory and business with them does
not come under the jurisdiction of the
treasury department. Notwithstanding
these adverse conditions the report con
tinues: "Our csports to Asia and Oceanic
will show during the eight months end
ing with August an increase of more
than 20 per cent, over those of the cor
rcsponding months last year. To Ja
pan our exports during the eight months
ending with August amount to more
than $21,000,000 as against $12,000,000
in the corresponding months of last
"To China, our exports in the seven
months ended with July up to which
time the disturbances had not seriousiy
affected the exports, showed an increase
over the corresponding months of 1800
and 1808, to Hong Kong our exports
for the eight months amount to nearly, as against a trillc more than
$5,000,000 in the corresponding months
of last year and to the Philippines, our
total exports for the eight months
amount to $1,826,000, against $.501,856
in the corresponding months of last
-Governor Sayert Has So Far Received $642,
476 All Being Cared For.
Regarding the contributions for the
Galveston flood sufferers, Gov. Sayers
has made the following statement:
"The amount of money received by
tne up to noon of Saturday, is $072,476.
This sum includes $3,892 that remained
of the fund contributed for the relief
of the Brazos valley sufferers last year.
It also includes all drafts and authoriza
tions to draw and which arc in transit
and are yet uncollected. This only em
braces moneys and remittances that have
been made to me directly and amounts
for which I have been authorized to
draw. During the present week I will
submit a full itemized statement of the
entire fund that has come into my hands,
giving the amount and source of each
contribution and the manner in which
the sum total has been expended and
distributed. Every portion of the
storm-stricken district is being provid
ed for."
Second Attempt Before the Georgia Legis
lature Will be Made This Fall.
An effort will be made at the first
session of the Georgia Legislature,
which will be elected on the first
Wednesday in October and will assem
ble on the fourth Wednesday in No
vember, to submit a franchise amend
ment to the State constitution like that
which has recently been adopted in
North Carolina. The proposed amend
ment was offered in the last Legislature,
but though it was permitted to pass to
a third reading and all the time desired
lor debate was allowed, it received only
three votes out of 175 in the popular
branches of the general assembly,
where it originated. The author of the
measure, however, will be a member of
the new Legislature, and he has an
nounced already that he will make an
other effort to secure the submission
of his amendment.
' Murdered For His Money.
Charles F. Peck, of New York, a
wealthy real estate dealer, was found
dead on the sidewalk in West Seven
teenth street. A large sum of money
and a costly watch and chain were miss
ing, and there is no doubt that he was
murdered and robbed.
Race War Threatened.
Monday morning at 13:50 o'clock
Gov. McSweeney, at Columbia, S. C,
received a telegram from Mayor W. D,
Morgan, of Georgetown, appealing to
have the militia ordered out to sup
press a threatened race riot. The gov
ernor immediately wired Col. Spark
man. of Georgetown, to have his cava!
ry troops hurried there. The trouble
was caused by a negro killing a white
man. Georgetown is on the coast and
the negroes outnumber the whites over
The Fiji Islands are taking steps to
federate with New Zealand.
Dowictics at Chicago still refuse to
stay away from Mansfield, O.
The Viola Coal Company of Mounds
ville, W. Va., has been chartered.
Miners at Oak Hill, O., will strike
unless operators agree to pay the scale.
The Hank of the Republic of Rio
Janeiro has passed under government
The Twelfth regiment, N. G. P.. sta
tioned at Shenandoah, Pa., has been or
dered home.
Henry Werdman's grist mill, sawmill
and dwelling were burned at Allcntown,
Pa.; loss $12,000.
In Idaho the Ontario and Hums stage
was held up by a lone highwayman and
robbed of the mails.
A pickpocket reaped n harvest from
a party of West Virginia Methodist
preachers on a train.
The steamer Alameda has sailed from
Sydney, N. S. W., for San Francisco
with 800,000 in gold.
South Morgantown has declared for
annexation to Morgantown, W. Va., and
other suburbs will follow.
Because of lack of patronage the
Dominion Government will close the
Canadian canal at the Soo.
James Howard, convicted as a prin
cipal in the murder of Governor Goc
bel, has moved for a new trial.
Lorenzo Snow, president of the Mor
mon church at Salt Lake City, has been
sued for non-support of his wife.
Judge I.acombe, of New York, has
appointed three receivers for the United
States Flour Milling Company.
The health of Secretary of State Hay
is so improved that he will be enabled
to resume his duties next week.
The Wisconsin State board of medi
cal examiners will prosecute every doc
tor of osteopathy in Milwaukee.
The price of anthracite coal in New
York has fallen $1 a ton in consequence
of reports of the strike settlement.
One hundred and four engravers of
the Ducbcr Watch Company, Canton,
U., are out, demanding higher wages.
The navy department has ordered an
inspection of the cruiser Baltimore.
She will probably be sent into dry dock.
Lieut, llobson has applied to the navy
department for six months' leave of ab
sence, because of trouble with his eyes.
A hurricane at Ofiord, Ireland, Sep
tember 20, drove fishing smacks ashore,
razed houses and killed several people.
A crusade against illegal hunting and
fishing has been started at Connellsvillo,
Pa. Many warrants for arrest are out.
Lieutenant General Miles has issued
a general order intended to improve
the moral and physical condition of the
The Trinity river has reached .15 feet
Friday nnd many people were driven
from their homes. No loss of life is re
ported. Dr. I.azcar, one of three medical
experts who went to Havana to study
j'ellow fever, died Wednesday of that
L. E. McWhortcr, of Parkcrsburg,
W. Va., has been nppointed receiver of
the Montgomery Banking and Trust
Two hundred men employed by the
Fagc Boiler Company, Norwich, Conn.,
arc out on strike because of a 10 per
cent. cut.
Because of the employment of three
non-union men 1,000 cigarmakcrs at
Tampa, Fla., went out on strike
Fifty per cent, of the 5,000 coke ovens
in McDowell anil Mercer counties, w.
Va., have been put out of blast within
the past week.
The postofficc at Bowlinrr Green, Ky.,
was broken into Saturday night and rob
bed of between $4,500 and $5,000 in
money and stamps.
A rebellion against the government
of President Jimincz has begun nt Moca,
Santo Domingo, and is led by the vice
president of the republic.
The Shenango furnace at Shnrpsville,
Pa., has been closed on account of a
strike. Several employes were discharg
ed and colored men substituted.
John Bosung, proprietor of a drug
store at Louisville, Ky., killed Miss
Grace Preston Thursday and commit
ted suicide. Jealousy was the cause.
A recent operation for cataract per
formed on the eyes of Judge James G.
Jenkins, of the United States circuit
court at Milwaukee, Wis., has been a
complete success, nnd the jurist's sight
so long threatened is restored.
At Fond du lac, Wis., the Helmer
milling plant and elevator, containing
30.000 bushels ot grain, have burned.
Loss, $65,000; insurance, about $.35,000,
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com
pany is about to make the experiment
of hauling rova bcotia coal from St
John, N, B to Montreal and the West.
The quarterly statement of the com
missioncr of navigation shows that 308
sail vessels were built in the United
States for the quarter ending Scptem
ber 30.
Detective William L. Foulks was shot
and instantly killed at Cleveland, O.,
while trying to put a stop to a shooting
attray between union and non-union
Crews boring out the tunnel two miles
in length through the Cascade moun
tains in Oregon have met from the east
and west. The tunnel will cost $5,-
Congressman-at-large S. A. Daven
port is framing a bill asking Congress
to appropriate $10,000 to raise the Ni
agara, Commodore Perry's flagship, in
brie bay.
A Chinese squadron of ts vessels is
now hovering off Shanghai and a naval
battle with the allied fleet is regarded
as imminent. The Boxer forces in the
vicinity of Shanghai are estimated at
The 11-year-old son of II. W. Barker.
of Thomas, W. Va., who was kidnapped
oy gypsies irom 111s nome at 1 eona,
III., six years ago, has just been restor
ed to his father.
Fayette county (Pa.) auditors refuse
to allow the bill of $j,ioo for removal
of bodies from the old Conncllsville
graveyard site of the proposed Car
negie library.
The ingrain department of the Bice
low Carpet Company at Lowell, Mass.,
will shut down for two weeks, begin
ning next Monday. About 500 hanis
will De anectea.
Vieler of the South African War Becomes Com
mander.ln.Chlef otthe British Army.
Canadians Sail Homeward.
It Is officially announrrd Lord
Roberts has been appointed command
er-in-chief of the British army, succeed
ing lien, wolsrley. Minday was Jrd
Roberts' sixty-eighth birthday.
The announcement is hailed by the
Unionist party as a welcome pledge
that army re-organization will be car
ried out in the most effective manner.
It was brginning to be recognized that
somrthinu was needed to civc strcneth
to the Unionist campaign. According
ly semi-olticial announcements are out
that George Wyndham, parliamentary
under secretary of state for war, in his
speech nt Derby Monday evening, will
outline the government's scheme of
army reforms nnd the war office is ar
ranging with Lord Roberts for the re
turn of a large portion of the army in
South Africa.
1 he Canadian continecnts. under Col.
Telletier, sailed Sunday on board the
transport Idaho. The people of Cape
Town accorded them a splendid im
promptu reception, the mayor voicing
the thanks of the city for their brilliant
services in the held.
A report comes from Komatl Poort
that Mr. Kruger, in a letter to his wife,
announcing that he is coins on a six
months' holiday, said that after the cap
ture of Maehndadorp he knew the strug
gle was hopeless and counseled moder
ation, but that Mr. Stcyn's "arbitrary
behavior" overruled his counsels.
The Rebel's Formor Secretary Comes to Tell
What the Filipinos Desire.
Saxto Lopez, formerly secretary nnd
confidant of Aguinaldo, arrived at New
lork Sunday on the Campania. lie is
said to have come here nt the invitation
of Fiske Warren, lie gave out this
statement :
"My object in visiting the United
States is not to interfere in American
politics, but solely to tell the American
people what the Filipinos desire in ref
erence to the future government of our
country. It has been said that my
coming to America is in the interest
of certain persons and parties. We, ,;s
Filipinos, know no parties in the United
States. We have only one desire. To
seek justice for our country. Those
who desire to give us justice will no
doubt be glad to know the wants nnd
conditions of the Philippines. All we
want is peace with honor to both par
ties, and 1 hope to be able to show that
the conditions of our country are such
as to fit us for the maintenance of that
Returns Show Great Victory tor Government
Now in Power.
The elections throughout Great Brit
ain show a great conservative victory,
the liberals being almost snowed under
and lost to sight, theft returns being
only three to the tory's five. It is a
distinct and emphatic endorsement of
the government now in power, nnd
Lord Salisbury, Mr. Balfour nnd Mr.
Chamberlain may regard their African
war and other extreme measures of the
past year as overwhelmingly sustained
by the English public.
It is possible that some of the weak
er members of the cabinet will be dis
pensed with, but this is not likely to
happen until it gets far down beyond
Mr. Chamberlain's name. His waning
popularity at the time of Gen. Bullcr's
repeated defeats has long since been
forgotten and he is now known only ns
one who added new territories to the
imperial government.
Two Americans and Many Natives Killed In
Engagements Monday.
On Monday night vigorous insurgent
attacks were made upon the United
States outposts in the district 12 miles
south of Manila, the scene of the fight
ing last October. It is estimated that
the rebels numbered 400. The Ameri
cans dispersed the enemy, killing and
wounding 50.
A party of scouts belonging to the
Twenty-fifth infantry landed on the
island of Samar, the inhabitants and in
surgents fleeing to the mountains. They
met with but slight resistance and burn
ed a town.
It is reported that an American scout
ing party encountered a bony ol insur
gents in the province of Nueva Ecija,
two skirmishes ensuing, in which 12 of
the natives were killed. Similar brushes
have taken place near Indang and Si
lang, in Cavitc province, nnd near Iba
and Subig, in Zambalcs province, the
Americans having two killed and three
Great Sale ot Stamps lor Year.
The annual report of Third Assistant
Postmaster General Madden for the fis
cal year ending June 30, 1900, soon to
be published, will show a largely-in
creased use of the postal system. In
total number of postage stamps of all
kinds issued, including ordinary stamps,
postage-due stamps, stamped envelopes
and postal cards, reached the enormous
total of five and one-third billions, val
ued at $q8,coo,ooo, nn increase of over
400,000,000 stamps over the preceding
An Immense Massacre.
A telegram from the convent of the
Holy Soul, in Shanghai, says that 45.'
000 Chinese Catholics have been massa
cred in various parts ot the empire.
Other dispatches state that Bishop Fan
tosali was horribly tortured to death in
Yun Nan province and that father
Quirine was killed at the same time.
Wounded by Burglars.
Charles A. CollicY. one of the most
prominent men in the South, was found
M'l I-.. 1..:.... ... U . - f .U .:..
1 iiursu.iy ij'iuk oi uic iuui ui 111c &i,iirs
in the back yard ol his residence in At
lanta, Ga., with a bullet hole in his left
side in the region of the heart. He ut
tered but one word, "burglars," and be
came unconscious. His condition is re
carded as critical.
Mr. Collier was a former mayor of
Atlanta, one of the ia United States
commissioners to the Paris exposition
and member ot tne utayette Monu
ment association.
Fifly-lour Cases Reported In Aitoona Dis
ease le Raging In Blair and Bedford
Counties Schools Closed.
The epidemic of diphtheria continues
to spread in Altoona, Pa., and unless
it is soon checked the death rate will
far exceed any previous year in the his
tory of that city. To guard against the
spread of the disease the Millviic
schools have been closed, and it is
likely that the Fifth ward schools of the
city will close in a day or two. There
are now 54 cases of the disease known
to the local board of health, which is
using all its power to prevent a spread ot
the epidemic.
An epidemic of diphtheria has been
raging for the last week in the small
town of Pavia, Bedford county, Pa., 20
miles from Johnstown. Nine children
ave so far died with the disease, and
more than twice that number are now
suffering from it, besides many grown
persons. The public schools have been
closed and a town board of health or
ganized, and everything possible is be
ing done by the citizens to combat the
The diphtheria epidemic continues to
pread at Altoona and the situation has
become alarming. Twelve new cases
were reported Thursday, making a total
of 76 cases reported to the health board
this week. 1 hree deaths occurred as
the result of the disease. The Millville
and Ninth ward schools and churches
have been closed to prevent the disease
from spreading.
The Well-Known Philadelphia Politician Kills
Himself Friday by Shooting.
Josiah R. Adams, a prominent club
man and lawyer of Philadelphia, Ta.,
committed suicide Friday in the Hotel
Flanders by blowing out his brains with
a revolver. He had given his wife no
intimation of such an intention and left
no note to show that the act was "re-
meditated. The couple had been living
at the hotel for some time.
Mr. Adams was about 52 years of age
and about a year ago the nominee of
the Republican party for judge of the
supreme court of Pennsylvania. His
candidacy met with much opposition
within his party, led by one of the anti
Quay Republican morning papers. He
finally resigned as a candidate and ex-
United States Senator John I. Mitchell,
of Tioga county, was named in his place
ami elected.
He was a graduate of Princeton and
was admitted to the bar in 1874. He
was a member of the University, Art,
Clover and Philadelphia Yacht clubs.
tie was recently commodore 01 the lat
Appointment of Tuan Likely to Block the
Peace Parleys.
Apprehensions of delay in peace nego
tiations with China, caused by the ap
pointment of Prince Tuan, the Boxer
chief and father of the heir apparent to
the throne, as grand secretary to the
emperor, were strengthened, when, the
State department received from Sheng,
taotai of Shanghai, announcement that
the appointment had been made. Sheng
says nothing of the reported designation
of Tuan as president of the privy coun
cil, but it is according to Chinese forms
: . t 'i' ' 1. . - r.ll 1 u
ior a prince ui iuiiiib isiik iu 1111 uuiu
posts simultaneously.
lhc Mate department has taken steps
through Minister Wu to impress upon
the Chinese government the undesirabil-
ity of the appointment of Prince Tuan
as grand secretary, and the painful im
pression this appointment has created
throughout this country. The effect of
his appointment, if persisted in, might
be to retard any negotiations.
One Who Won Fame Telling Women How to
Succoed, Wrecked Financially.
Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin. of Chicago.
former president of the National Feder
ation of Women s Clubs, and now a
vice president of the organization, has
failed in business. She attracted atten
tion for two years by her speeches and
pleas for "Women in Business."
Mrs. Henrotin held that an up-to-date
woman was well qualified for conducting
business enterprises. When the routine
of the household became irksome all she
had to do was to go into business and
shine resplcndcntly. Thousands of wo
men all over the land applauded and
looked for business openings.
Mrs. Henrotin went into business.
Sad to say, the business has gone to
everlasting smash. She was a partner,
so the unsympathetic creditors say, in
the firm of Ulric G. Peters & Co., stock
brokers. Peters & Co. have failed, with
liabilities $73,244 and assets at $2,067.
James Howard to Hang.
The motion for a new trial in the case
of James Howard was overruled by
Judge Cantrill, and Howard has been
sentenced to hang Ueccmber 7. It was
agreed that the attorneys should be al
lowed to file their bill of exceptions in
the appeal to the court of appeals any
time between now and the third week
in October.
Howard did not weaken or appear agi
tatcd when the solemn sentence of the
court consigning him to the gallows
was pronounced upon him, but in an
swer to the usual question of the court
if he could show cause why sentence
should not be pronounced, he said in a
firm, clear voice: I am innocent.
Government Advancos Silver.
Owing to the advance in the price
of silver Director of the Mint Roberts
has increased the price to be paid by
the Government for silver purchased
from 55 to 57 cents a standard ounce.
The Government at present purchases
only such silver as is contained in gold
deposits from the Klondike, and other
gold-producing sections. Under the ex
isting statute all silver in gold deposits
is paid for at the market price. The
price has advanced steadily since 1896,
when it touched 47 cents for a standard
ounce. The new price went into effect
on Monday.
Prof. T. R. Bell, principal of the
West Alexandria (Pa.) schools, broke
both bones of his ankle in a football
Tuan, the Boxer Leader, to be Tried by the
Highest Chinese Court Opens
the Way for Peace.
Consul General Goodnow, at Shang
hai, cables to the State department at
Washington that Sheng, director of
railroads and telegraphs, has handed
him a decree from the empress dowager
and the emperor, dated at Taig Nan,
ordering the degradation of four princes
and depriving Prince Tuan, leader of
the Boxers, of his salary and official
servants. Tuan is to be brought to
trial before the imperial clan court.
This court is the supreme judicial tri
bunal of China, nnd is presided over by
Prince Li, with Prince Ching, friend of
the foreigners and co-peace envoy with
Li Hung Chang, as first vice president.
This netion is very satisfactory to the
United States government, which re
gards it as a long step forward toward a
final settlement.
Princes Chwang and Vih, who arc re-
fiorted to have been dismissed from
icreditary rank nnd all offices, were
prominent advisers of the throne and
nave given anti-foreign advice. Sec
ondary Prince Tsai Ying, also said to
have been degraded, and Duke Tsai
Lan, whose penalty for anti-foreign ac
tion is now pending before the board
of war, are Tartar generals in command
of Manehu battalions. Grand Secretary
Kank Yi, said to have handed over to
a board of war for the fixing of pen
alty, is a member of the privy council
and i a virulent anti-foreigner. Chao
Chui Chen and Secondary Prince Tsai
Lien are conspicuous anti-foreign lead
ers. Mr. Wu, the Chinese minister, ex
presses his strong approval of Li Hung
Chang's suggestion that the United
States act as mediator between China
and the powers.
A Class Rush at the Western University Re
suits In Broken Heads.
Broken heads, bruised faces, bloody
noses nnd ruined clothes figured in a
desperate battle between students at
the Western university, Allegheny, Pa.,
Wednesday morning in the annual rush
of the freshman and sophomore classes.
Three students are confined to their
beds with serious injuries, and a num
ber of others arc nursing painful bruises.
I he conflict was precipitated by the
sophomores' successful attempt to tear
down the " '04" pennant, which the
freshmen raised before the regular ex
ercises, lhc Hag had been unfurled on
the pole above the university building
after the Kophomorcs had gone to their
class room. At lunch the sophomores
saw the flag and several started to climb
the pole to tear it down. I he fresh
man class came out at this stage nnd
a fight among too students followed.
I rot. Daniel Carhart, dean of the uni
versity, and Prof. A. B. rrost made a
futile cltort to prevent trouble. lhc
battle lasted nearly an hour.
Deed Committed In a Santiago Cafe by a
Drunken Friend.
Wednesday evening shortly before
midnight, Col. Pavon, of the Cuban
army, was killed in the cafe Comercio,
at Santiago, by Octavio Mena, formerly
a clerk in the olhcc of the captain ot
the port.
Mena and one of his companions
were intoxicated and had been breaking
furniture. It was proposed that they
should practice revolver shooting nt a
quarter of a dollar tossed into the air.
Col. Pavon intervened and a sharp con
troversy ensued. This quickly develop
ed into a furious quarrel and Mena,
snatching the revolver of one of his
party, shot Col. Pavon in the back of
the neck. The officer turned to face
his assailant and received two bullets in
the head, being instantly killed.
In civil life Pavon carried on the bus
iness of a tobacco merchant at iloiguin
Mena is in jail and incommunicado.
Verdict Unexpected Jury Disagreed on Pen
ally, but Finally Agreed.
James B. Howard, who has been on
trial for the past ten days at Frankfort,
ky.. charged with being a principal in
the assassination of William Goebel, has
been found guilty, the jury fixing his
punishment nt death.
W. H. Culton. who is under indict
ment as an accessory to the Goebel
murder, and who cave damaging evi
dence against both Howard and Caleb
Powers, was released on bail and nis
case was continued until the January
term. His bond was fixed at $10,000.
Jim Howard, as he is commonly
known in mountains, was the lead
er of the Howard-White faction in the
Baker-Howard feud in Clay county, in
which numerous lives were taken. He
had killed George Baker and was sus
pected of the assassination of Tom
Baker, who was killed after the same
fashion as the Goebel murder, and How
ard's friends believe that these facts had
very much to do with the making of the
verdict sentencing him to the gallows.
The trial of Henry F..Yfiutcy, of
Newport, will be called next ,ii 'George
town, next Monday.
The South Penn Oil Company ha3
made a tremendous strike in a new oil
well in Lewis county, W. Va. The well
is flowing at the rate of 200 barrels tn
hour, or 4,800 barrels a day. The tanks
provided are too small to hold this
great flow and the oil is being allowed
to run into a cek and is there dammed
up. with a view of pumping it out later.
Tuesday the well made a tremendous
spurt and increased its outflow to 250
barrels an hour or 6,000 barrels a day.
Unfortunately, there is no tankage for
this large volume of oil, and much of
it flows on the ground and is dammed
Two Oead From Exp oslon.
A blaze generated by the brisk appli
cation of gasoline to an article of cloth
ing and communicated to a tub of the
liquid standing near partly wrecked and
burned a cleaning and dyeing establish
ment at Pittsburg, Pa., Friday after
noon, destroyed two lives and injured
Both the Kaiser and the Empress Dowager
Seem Eager for the Fray A Secret
Edict Issued by Prlnee Tuan.
Telegrams from London, dated Tues
day, say: News from China indicate
that events are rapidly drifting in the
direction ot war between China and
There is thl f,t rocn fnr hrlivtnfr
that Count von Waldcrsee, on arriving
at taku, will present .n ultimatum de
manding the surrender of five leaderi
of the anti-foreign uprising. After a
few hours' grace he will formally de
clare war, and, taking advantage of
Germany's position as a belligerent, will
proceed to seize everything available
with the German forces and fleet.
It is expected Germany will take the
Wu-Sting forts nnd Kinniran arsenal.
thus dominating Shanghai. It is also
believed she will attack the Kiang-Win
forts on the Yang-tse from the land and
endeavor to seize the Chinese fleet, in
cluding the valuable new cruisers. Fail
ing tins, sne will at least occupy all the
province of Kiang-Su north of the
The French will sunnnrt Germany.
This is no rumor, but reliable informa
tion, and will probably be confirmed at
the foreign office. Prompt action is
necessary to prevent a coup, which will
constitute a serious menace to British
Chinese officials report that Prince
Tuan has issued a secret edict in the
name of the cmnress dowager to the
effect that the imperial court has decid
ed to continue the war against the
powers nt whatever cost. The edict
threatens that any official failing to sup
port the Manchus will be beheaded as
a traitor, his whole family executed and
the tombs of his ancestors demolished.
It is reported from Chinese sources
that the dowager empress has issued a
secret edict commanding Li Hung
Chang to raise an army and recapture
On the Death of Prince ol the Blood and
Prominent Boxer Chicle.
Deprivation of the yellow jacket or
imprisonment in the cases of General
Tung-Fu-Siang and Prince Tuan will,
it is authoritatively stated, not be ade
quate punishment. While no statement
to that effect is to be had on the sub
ject the general understanding is the
drath penalty for Tuan. a Prince of the
blood, Yung-Lu, Tung-Fu-Siang and
Chuang will be exacted by the United
States as well as the rest of the powers.
The only disagreement with Germany
on that point is as to when those men
shall be decapitated, before or after ne
gotiations arc formally resumed.
There was undisguised satisfaction St
the state department over the announce
ment that Great Britain has answered
Germany in the same terms as the
United States. At the department it
was protested that no intimation as to
Great Britain's position had been re
ceived before the press dispatches were
received. Britain's answer instead of
showing America's isolation shows that
Germany is practically alone.
Only an Amoriean Guard to Remain In the
Chinese Capital.
The United States government Tues
day took the first step toward the re
demption of its pledge made to the Rus
sian government August 28 by a cable
dispatch of instruction to Gen. Chaffee
to reduce the American forces in China
to the proportions of a legation guard.
This small force will not be included in
any military operations which may be
conducted by the allied armies, and so
will not fall subject to the direction of
Field Marshal Count von Waldersee,
the commander-in-chief.
It is stated at the quartermaster's de
partment that there are enough trans
ports available to bring off the force
which will come out of China. Three
or four vessels will be at Taku by the
time the troops are ready to move.
Talk ol Settlement.
President Truesdale, of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railway, says,
referring to the meeting at J. P. Mor
gan & Co.'s office:
"I was at the meeting Thursday and
at other previous meetings. I know of
no settlement having yet been made,
but it will do no harm now for me to
tell you that negotiations toward the
settling of the strike are actually under
way. They are being conducted by a
man who does not directly represent
either party to the difficulty."
Slavery In a Georgia Convict Camp.
Charges have been filed with the pris
on commission of Georgia by Solicitor
W. F.dmondson. of Brooks coumv.
against the McRee convict camp man
agers in Lowndes county, Ga., in the
form of affidavits from prominent citi
zens to the cttect that the McRee
brothers have kidnaped innocent men
and women and made them work under
armed guards lor an indefinite period.
It is charged that one practice of the
McRee camp has been to employ
trappers to arrest innocent neorroes
passing through the county and without
the form ot trial to imprison them and
put them to work.
At Hamburg fire has destroyed ware
houses and lumber yards to the value
of more than 1,000,000 marks.
Marquis Yamagata has resigned the
premiership of Japan, and Marquis Ito
has been asked to construct a new cabi
net. Capt. Sidney O Danne, a tutor, of Em
peror William during his boyhood, who
was arrested at the beginning of the ,
year for swindling, has been declared
Emperor William of Go
bestowed the order of th
on Mai. Gen. Stoessel,
the international forces
Tien Tsin."
Emperor William h!
George U. W ard, ot
president of the Cd
Company, the order
the Second Class.
In honor of the ml
Pans, the minister ol
cd all military prisomA
able that the ministek
take similar action in t