The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 01, 1900, Image 5

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.Hulmrriptiim $1,110 fr yettr, or tt.Ot) if
paid tlrirth in advance.
V, nTKPIlKNMON. Kdltor mid Pnfc.
Travelers' Guide.
Passenirar trains arrive and leave Reyn
ttldsvllle as follows:
Alhijhwj Vullry Uuilicny.
Eastward. Westward.
Train No. 11. (1.47 a. m. Train No. H, H.47a. m.
TrnliiNn.ia, II. 2Tb. m. Train No. B. H.:n a. m.
Train No. I. I on p. ni. Train No. 2, I.:2 p. m.
Train Nn. , S.I4 p. m. Train Nn.14. .1 :tl p. in.
Train No. 7, VM p. m. Train iNo.10, 7.SS p. ni.
Traill No. 41. 1.14 p.m. Train No. , (1.47 a. m.
Train No. 7, DM p. ni. Train Nn.14, 4.;r! p. in.
J. It. it P. liy, (C. t- .V. u )
Arrives I Hi' part
Train No 73 I 20 p m I Train No 72. 2 3n,pm
fl Little ol Everything.
Williams (or shoos.
Low cut shoos for high temperature
at Robinson's.
Mlllirens arc simply giving goods
away this week.
.1. C. Swartz la bookkeeping for James
V. Young, tho contractor.
The "Three D" Club hold a ilc;nu
in Frank's Park yesterday.
Low prices, Rood fits, first-class work
at John Flynn's tailor shop.
Dwelling houses are bringing: several
premiums in Rcynoldsvllle just now.
3. Lee Himos, principal of the Clarion
publia schools, was In town last week.
Five room house for rent on Jackson
St., near 5th. Inquire of L. M. Snyder.
Be sure and read what Mllllrens have
to say about fine clothing at a low price.
James C. Scott is enjoying the
pleasure of a woll earned ten days va
cation. Patronize the firemen's lawn fete next
week. Encourage the fire boys. They
deserve it.
The present price of sugar Is going to
make put-up fruit more of a luxury than
Are you drinking the best soda water
in town? If not, line up. Reynolds
Drug Store.
Johnston & Nolan are now soiling a
line of ladles' shoes for $1.50 that form
erly sold for (2.50.
Edward Beach, of Brookvllle, an ex
perienced laundryman, is In the employ
of the Rcynoldsvllle Steam Laundry.
Tho Intermediate Christian Endeavor
Society of the Presbyterian church held
a picnic at Sandy Valley last Thursday.
Rov. J. P. Hicks, of Eraeriukvllle,
yill preach in the M. E. church In this
ice next Sunday morning and evening.
i number of our society young men
fended a swell reception given by the
fibemlan club at DuBolslast Thursday
Anthrax has made its appearance at
Falls Creek again. Several cows have
died and two men are suffering with
the dlsoase.
Tho now township bridge at Prescott
vllle is still uncompleted. From tbo
length of time it takes to build it, it
should be a good one.
Fathers Brady and Driscoll were at
Punxsutawnoy this week assisting in
Forty Hour Devotion in the Catholic
church at that place.
J. W. Sheldon, traveling engineer of
the new Pennsylvania railroad division,
was in town last week making a trip
over the Low Grade addition.
Marriage license was granted in Elk
county last week to M. E. Wells, of this
place, and Mrs. Mary E. Henry, of Hol
land township, Clarion county.
" The Washington Township Sunday
School Association will hold a conven
tion In the Baptist church at Aliens
Mills on Wednesday, August 8th.
If you want a first-cluss bicycle at a
third-class price, oome in. We have a
few left that we are going to sell before
the next ten days. The price will do it,
Hall, Barton & Co.
The ticket agents, baggugeiuasters
and other employes of the Low Grade
are working under a new system to-day
and there are many new things la re
ports, &o.i (or tbem to learn.
Frank, young Mm of William A. Stew
art, had two Angers of his left hand
smashed while playing on logs In Sandy
Lick creek, south of town, several days
Unless there Is inoro Interest taken In
the monthly meetings of the Jefferson
County Medical Socloty that organiza
tion will be numbered with tho things
of the post.
Frank J. Black was elected to repre
sent the Reynoldsville flro department
at tho convention of thn Northwestern
Firemen's Association to be held at
Kane August 15 to 17. ,
Captain Urban and Lieut. Bntuhelder
and some of tho soldiers of tho Salva
tion Army of this- place, assisted Stall
Captain Marsh conduct a meeting at
Briinkvllle last Thursday evening.
Driftwood bad a small fire Friday
night. The barn and loo house of tbo
Commercial hotel was burned, but by
hard work adjoining property was
saved. Origin of the lire unknown
Miss Nellie Stephenson, who bns been
visiting at Glen Campbell several
months, returned homo Monday and a
number of her young friends held n
picnic In her honor tho day she niimo
A number of Rcynoldsvillo young
people will take a hay ride to DuHols
this evening, where they will be met by
young people from several other places
and they will hold a party In tho Elec
tric Park.
Our gas ranges, besides cutting the
heat In the kitchen down three-fourths,
will save enough In gns bills in a year
to almost pay for themselves. Don't
take our word (or It. Ask some person
that has ono. Hall, Barton It Co.
Dr. L. L. Means, John H. Wagner,
Walker Adam, Hoss Lurch, Misses
Gertrude Delble, Alberta Hessler, An
nie Snyder, Rosa Yaunt, Edith nnd
Kflle Clark and Olevia Murray were all
at a picnic at Bellvlew last Friday.
Rev. Charles Keller, of Frostburg,
preached In tho M. E. church Sunday
morning and evening, and Rev. A. B.
MeCormlek, of North Warren, preached
In tho Presbyterian church Sundoy
morning and evening. Both gentlemen
preached excellent sermons.
In base ball Punxsutawnoy and Du-
Bols have now broke even. Punxs'y
won Friday 8 to 2 and by tho grace of
tho umpire's decision DuBols won Sat
urday 1) to 0. Each have won four games.
Tho final and chnmplonshlp gamo will
probably bo played tho latter part of
the week.
The office and storo room of R. J.
Matson & Son, tho brick manufacturers
at Falls Creek, was burned last Thurs
day night. Loss $111)0 to $700. It was
accidentally Bet on flro by somo of the
men who were filling oil lamps. It
spread so quicklg that It was soon be
yond control.
A party of Rcynoldsvllle fishermen
went out recently and stopped at a hotel
five days near by. When they came to
pay their bills tho landlord said: "My
rates are $1.;0 a day. which would make
$7.50 each. If you had stayed a week I
would only have charged you $7.00, as
that Is my weekly rate."
An old woman was begging in town
yestorday and an old umbrella fixer was
not far behind her. They were travel
ling together, and in West Reynolds-
vlllo thoy had a dispute as to which
way they should go and the old woman
broke her cane over the old man's head
and wont her way and ho followed after.
W. P. Baker, a real estate agent of
Niagara Falls, N. Y., took the follow
ing Reynoldsville gentlemen to Niagara
Falls on the B., R. A P. excursion yes
torday with the view of getting them to
buy some land: Will W Wiley. A. Z.
Snydor, G. W. Swartz, G. J. Corwln,
Ammon Swartz, L. M. Snyder, E. fe.
Strawcutter and Harry Curry.
Miss Edna Boyd, of DuBois, gave a
party last Friday evening to soventy
young friends. Miss Winnio Farrell, of
this place, helped recolve the company.
Mrs. W. B. Alexander and daughter,
Miss Fannie, of this place assisted In
the entertainment and luncheon fea
tures. F. P. Alexander, Louis O. Mel
llngor and Vincent G. Reynolds attend
ed the party.
The Ladles' Village Improvement
Association advertised In The Star
last week that a market would bo held
in the Boo HTve building Saturday af
ternoon last, July 28th, but the market
was not held because there were not
enough ladies Interested in the market
to make arrangements and solicit for
same. Unless there is more interest
taken in the Association soon it will be
A statement was made in the Punxsu
tawnoy Spirit last week that II. L.
Young, of that town, hud taken a drive
through Clarion county recently and
that he found one township where the
supervisor kept tho small stoneB picked
off the publlo road, which to Mr.
Young, was something remarkable.
This gentleman need not go out of his
own county to find supervisors who keep
tbe stones off the publlo roads. There
are two such official in Wluslow town
ship, L. P. MoCloury and Tilton Reyn
olds, who have the loose stones picked
off tbe rood once a month.
Oame Yesterday.
Thn DuBols ball team came down
yosterday aftnrnoon and defeated the
Hoyniildsvlllo team. It was an off day
for our boys and they did not plBy
as good game as they usually put up, In
fact they made some very bad plays.
Umpire, Fred K. A'exander.
Will Loot st Canton.
Dr. Harry W. Trultt will go to Can
ton, Bradford county, Pa., to-morrow
where he will open a dental office with
tbo expectation of remaining there
permanently. Dr. Trultt. recently
graduated from the Modleo-Chlrurgleiil
College of IMiIIhiIm plila.
Hotel to Change Hands.
John O'Hnre, proprietor of tho Burns
House, has sold out to J. M. Davis, an
experienced hoti'l ninn fromt'entrevllle,
Pa. An application will be made at
next t'-rm of court, August tilth, for
transfer of license and when that Is
grunted Mr. Davis will take ehurge of
the hotel. Mr. O'llaro has not d elded
whore ho will locate yet. He will re
main In town a short time at least.
Olassworkeis Moving In.
The following glass workers are mov
ing to town this week: Orner Andre,
a cutter from Mt. Jewett; Paul Bras
seur, from Hartford City, Indiana;
Prosper Lnmpour. a gatherer, from
Newcastle; Frank Bates, from Pitts
burg; Heppolyto Boulanger, a blower,
from Arnold; Arthur Materme, master
tlseur, from Ilnzelhtirst; Desirez Hons
slffet, master tlseur, from Hazelhurst,
Severely Punished,
An Italian who Is very qnurrolsomtJ
when intoxicated, hud the life almost
knocked and thumped out of bin) Mon
day evening near the railroad junction
above Preseoltville. He was Intoxica
ted and he got after u young man with
a knife and razor In his hands. A num
ber of young fellows Joined In to assist
their young friend nnd they did punish
the Italian severely. When they got
through with the Italian a doctor's ser
vice was necessary.
Resident Physician.
Dr. H. L. Kaucher has been elected
resident surgeon to Bleckley Hospital
of Philadelphia. This Is the largest
hospital in Pennsylvania und employs
sixteen resident, physicians. Two hun
dred and fifty doctors, graduates of
different colleges, took the examination
and the results published show that Dr.
Kaucher made eleventh highest grade.
Dr. Kaucher will leavo his present posi
tion In the Harrisburg Hospital for
Bloekley on April 1st, 1INI1.
Was Too Short.
Frederick Clark, who assists his
father, Harry D. Chirk, In the restau
rant und green grocery next door to
postotllcc, went to Pittsburg Monday to
join the U. S. Murine Corps, but Fred was
not tall enough, neither Is he of age, and
he could not pass examination. No one
can join tho Marino Corps for less tlmo
than five years. Three years will bo
spent on a "sea going" ship of war, or
In Cubu, Puerto Rico, Manila or Guam,
giving a young man tho opportunity to
visit all parts of the world. Tho re
maining two years are served In bar
racks at different naval stations In tho
U. S.
Taking a Vacation.
Rev. W. Frank Reber, pastor of tho
Presbyterian church, and Mrs. Reber
are visiting their parents at Fayette
vlllo, Pa. Mr. Reber wont to Alle
gheny Saturday and preached In ono of
the prominent Presbyterian churches
of that city Sunday. Mrs. Reber met
him at Tyrone Monday. They will bo
absent during the month of August and
It is not likely there will be any preach
ing in the Presbyterian church during
this month. If there is any such ser
vices announcements will bo mndo in
The Star. Tho Sunday school, Chris
tian Endeavor and mid-week prayer
meetings will be held as usual.
Ice Cream, Cake and Music.
Tho members of Hope Hose Company
will hold a lawn (eto on S. T. Reynolds'
luwn on Tuesday and Wednewlay even
ings, August 7th and 8th. loo cream,
cako and berries will bu sorved and tho
Keystone band will give a concert on
the lawn each evening. Chinese lan
terns will be conspicuous and it is vory
likely an arc light will bo put In to
illuminate the luwn for this special oc
casion. The proceeds of the lawn fete
is to pay firemen's expenses to the con
vention at Kane the following week.
Our people should patronize the fire
men liberally as they are certainly do
serving of the flnanclul support of tho
Will Move to Schuylkill County.
Bills have boon printed at The Star
office announcing a public sale at tho
farm of John Goodwill, near this bor
ough, on Thursday, August 0th, begin
ning at It. DO a. m., at which time three
horses, two colts, uight milk cows,
two milk wagons, heavy wagon, sleds,
farming implements, grain, garden
truck, household goods, &o., will bo sold
to highest bidder. Mr. Goodwill, a
kind hearted, genial old gentloman who
has resided in Reynoldsville a number
of years, expects to move to Schuylkill
county to remain permanently. "Jack"
Goodwill, as he is familiarly known, has
many warm friends here who will be
sorry to toe him move away.
"The 8tai" Building.
The oontrnct has been let for the
erection of a two story brick building at i
corner of Main street and Coal alley,
opMMlle Bnptlst church, which, when
complete d, will bo a home for TllESTAH
and ye editor. The first floor will bo
used for tho printing office and the sec
ond floor fitted up conveniently for
dwelling rooms, which will be our dom
icile. Thn erection of this building will give
us a financial burden to carry and wo
will have to ask our friends to assist In
lightening thn burden by paying up
their buck subscriptions. Each one's
Indebtedness Is small but If all who are
In arrears will pay part at least It will
be a great help tons. When THE STAR
Is located In thn new building wo oxioct
to equip the office so its to be In shiie
tit do bettor work at less expense, In
fact we lniH) at nn distant day to make
The. Star and The Star job depart
ment second to no other newspaper or
jobotllee In tho county. To do this,
however, we must have tho continued
hearty supHirt of our numerous friends
and ask others to join In to help push It
along. Wo need tho support and en
couragement of all.
Winslow Township Teachers.
The school directors of Winslow town
ship elected the following teachers last
Saturday for the ensuing term: Sykcs
vlllo, No. :i C. N. ShulTor, No. 2 Joseph
Wilson. No. 1 Mrs. 'Lecta Ross; Soldier,
No. 4 W. P. Miller, No. 3. Irn Couch,
No. 2 Charles Norris, No. 1 Mary Me
Crelght; MeCrelght, Ethel McCrelght;
Phllllppl, Wayde Breakey; Dickey,
Henry Foltz; Bollinger, With Kuntz;
Jonka. Roy McDonald; Suit Works,
Cora Foltz; Best, AlinuCorbclt; Snyder,
G. M. London; Murray, Sadlo Hasson:
Sandy Valley, Netta Coax; Pancoast.
R. A. Reed; Steel, John Fugate; Kline,
Miley Stiles; Dean, No. 2 J. A. Long,
No. 1 Cora Milllren; Rathmel, No. 4
Pror. R. C. Wilson, No. .'! Sadlo Corbet t,
No. 2 Mny Corbet t, No. 1 Katie Lydon;
Owens, Iris Johnston; Prescottvllle,
No. U, John S. Riws, No. 2 E. E. McCnll,
No. I Anna Davis.
All the schools open September Kith.
Tho botird adopted and ordered the
Montgomey History for tho schools, but
did not make any other changes In
books for tho coming term.
Test of a Man's Honesty.
It has been agreed that newspaper
subscript Ions are nn Infallible test of a
man's honesty. . They will sooner or
later discover tho man. If ho Is dis
honest ho will cheat tho printer some
way declare he has paid when ho has
not sent money in the mails which
was lost ho will take thepncr and not
pay for It on the ground that he never
subscribed for It or move off und leave
It coming to the office he left. Thou
sand of alleged christians aro dishonest
in this particular at least and the print
er's book will tell fearful tales at tho
final judgment. Clearfield Public Spirit.
Knox Township Teachers.
The directors of Knox township mot
n session at Knoxdulo lust Friday and
elected tbe following teachers for the
ensuing term, commencing Sept. 10th:
Knoxdale No. 2, H. E. Daniels; No. 1,
Eftle M. Clark; Pleasant Hill, Roy Neal;
Conter Hill, Joo Anderson; Camp Run,
C. P. Matthews; Flvo Mile Run, Edith
Bell: Green Valley, J. A. Bnlley; Beech
Hollow, P. A. Hunter; McAnlnch, E. E.
Swlneford; Muthews, Mary E. Love;
Lucas, Edith Hopkins,
Church Notices.
Tbe Lord's upier will be adminis
tered ut the Baptist church noxt Sun
day morning. Tho choir will furnish
Bpcciul music
Tho churches connected with tho
Rcynoldsvillo Lutheran church will
have services next Sunday as follows:
Iteynoldsvlllo Lutheran church, Ger
man service ut 10.110 a. m., English at
11a. m. and at S p. m.; Chestnut Grove
Lutheran church at 3 p. m.
Party at Rathmel.
The Duughters of St. George drove to
Rathmel Thursday morning lost, tak
ing their baskets with them, and held a
surprise party at tho home of Mrs.
William Pomroy, who hud just returned
from a trip to Englund the Monday pre
ceding. Tbe day was pleasantly spent
by the Daughters and Mrs. Pomroy was
given a fine rocking chair us a token of
their esteem.
For Sale 5 houses in one block on
Jackson st., also 1 house and 2 lots In
West Reynoldsville. Inquire of G. W.
Miller, Big Run.
150 pairs of ladies' tan shoes and Ox
fords below cost at Williams' shoe store.
For Sulo Two good cows. Inquire of
Hezekiah Beck, Washington township,
neur Deemor's Cross Roads.
Latest styles in shoes at Johnston &
Nolan's shoo parlors. Cull and see
shoes and get their low prices.
We have a large stock of doors and
sash, paints and oils, nails, building
paper, locks, hinges, Ac, that we are
soiling at tho right price. Hall, Bar
ton & Co.
Cull and see the new Erie shoe for
men at Williams.'
If you want a perfect fit, order suit
from John Flynn, the tailor.
John Flynn, merchant tailor, make
up-to-duto suits. Try him.
Sheriffs Bales.
Sheriff J. M. Chesnntt, of Jefferson
county, will expose to publlo sale at the
court house In Brookvllle, on Friday,
August tilth, 1000, the following
Properly of B. A. nnd O. W. Snyder,
In Porter township, 108 acres, two
dwelling house and two barns.
Pro)erty of William Thorn (won, In
Knox township, 1211 acre and two
dwelling houses.
Property of M. B. Dunlap, In Eldred
township, piece of hind and one dwelling
Property of W. T. ('others, lit Wins
tow township, about II acres of land and
three dwelling houses.
Property of Vincent Lukaszewlsz, In
Bell township, 10 acres of land and one
frame house,
ProM)rty of Clark McGregor, In bor
ough of Clay vlllo, one town lot.
Proort.y of Win. M. Burgo, In West
Reynoldsville, two town lots, one dwell
ing nnd one bitrn.
Property of Charles W. and C. Wil
son Mauck, In Perry township, ono lot
and one dwelling house.
Proporty of F. A. Hoover, In Reyn
oldsville, one town lot and dwelling
Proporty of Minnie and Henry Stiver,
In borough of Clnyvillo, three fourths
of an aero and ono dwelling house.
Property of John and Eliza Schugars,
In borough of Clayvllle, one town lot.
dwelling and store room.
Property of Calvin and Sarah Bloso,
In Young township, one n nnd. dwell.
Ing holts'.'.
Property of Benjamin Asel, In Eldred
township, 40 acres of land, frame house
and barn.
Property of Lulg I Mambuca, In bor
ough of Clayvllle, one town lot, dwell
ing and burn,
Property of William Newsmne, In
Rose township, .") ucres, three buildings.
Property of K. A. Endres and John
O'Neill, In Brookvllle, !H acres, 3 town
lots, two dwelling houses.
Property of B. A. Brown, In Punx-
autuwncy, 2 town lots.
Property of Edward and George
Smith, In Young township, 00 acres of
land, ono dwelling, one barn.
Anthrax Again.
The coplo of Fulls Creek aro again
stirred up over the rcapoaranee of
several cases of anthrax, both in cows
and In Individuals and many coplo are
frightened lest an epidemic should pre
vail. Several cows have died already
this year from tho disease and several
persons of the town iro sick In bed with
It. Many persons huvo stopped using
cow's milk, especially that of cows of
town that are allowed to run at largo,
and extra precautions are being taken
on all sides to prevent tho spread of the
disease. The cow of B. D. Shaffner that
died last week was examined by Dr.
Hoffman, of Brook vlllo, and the germs
of anthrax discovered. Charles Sentner
and Joseph Rlolly are each sick, suffer
ing from the diseaso In Its exterior
form, which Is not as dangerous as in
wardly, but tho local physicians have
the cases well In charge. Too much
care cannot be exercised, and the bodies
of cows that die from the disease are
being burned. Falls Creek Ikrttltl.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
issued the past week by John D. Evans,
Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county:
Lywls O. Kuntz, of Big Run, and
Erma M. Graffius, of Winslow township.
Robert James Flscus, of Sigel, and
Ida Elizabeth Barr, of Clarion county.
John Stankcwicze and Rosalie Stano
levleglcla, both of Eleanora.
William R. Jones and Murgratl Mar
tin, both of Eleanora.
James I. Waohob, of Henderson town
ship, and Blanche P. Kuntz, of Big Run.
Serenaded Last Night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnston returned
yesterday afternoon from their wedding
trip and were given a calithumpian ser
enade at midnight by a number of young
men. The racket was awful for a short
Dr. McCoy will visit his patients in
Reynoldsvlllu Friday, August Hrd. The
Doctor makes a specialty of treating
female diseases, chronic affections, and
rectal diseases. His patients give him
great praise for his wonderful success in
his line of specialties. During his visit
his headquarters will be Imperial Hotel.
Friday, August 3rd. It
If you were to stand on the bank and
throw dollars Into the creek, people at
the best would think you were foolish,
hut you are doing just as foolish by try
ing to burn gas in a big iron cook stove,
for you are wasting dollars every month
thut you could save by using a eas
range. We have them at all prices.
Hall, Burton & Co.
For Sule Threshing machine, engine,
shredder and fodder cutter. Inquire of
Frunk P. Best, Reynoldsville, Pa.
Tho newest full styles In footwear at
For the next thirty days you can buy
a tlrst-clnss refrigerator at your own
price. We must have the room for
other goods. Don't wait too long us
there are only a fow of them loft.
Hall, Barton & Co.
The true lusclousness of the berry is
found in our raspberry. Reynolds Drug
Fuse, coolness and durability in a pair
of Robinson's shoes.
Lot for sale in Went Reynoldsville.
Inquire at this office for particulars.
Buy Robinson' shoes.
Short Biogrsphlcal Sketch of LleuP. Tho.
A. Roberts, New Superintendent.
To-day the A. V. R'y becomes part
of tho great Pennsylvania railroad sys
tem and the Low Grade Division is
added to tho Middle Division of the
Philadelphia It Erin railroad, with
Lieut. Thomas A. Roberts, of Tlenovo,
as suHirlntondent of saint. It Is but
natural that our people would want to
know something about the man who
wMI bo superintendent of this branch of
tho railroad, and from thn Elmlra )if;
(iturllr of May 4, lIMKt, we clip tho fol
lowing biographical skoteh:
"The birth of this widely-known rail
road man occurred In tho city of Phila
delphia on the 20th day of Juno, 1841.
H received a thorough training In the
public school of that city and entered
the service of the city survey depart
ment of Philadelphia In tho year 1858.
In 8'i ho wa commissioned us second
lieutenant of Company B, Fifty-third
Pennsylvania volunteers, at that time
commanded by Colonel John R. Brooke,
now major general of tho United States
army. Mr. Roberts experienced con
siderable service, but at tho end of eight
months was obliged to resign on account
of ill health. During tho year 1804 he
made his entry Into railroad service In
tho capacity of a rod man on tho construc
tion of what was then known as tho
Pan-Handle railroad, a line constructed
between Pittsburg and Hteubcnvlllo,
Ohio, From lHt)U tu 1880 he was an
assistant engineer In the engineering
department of the Pennylvanl rail
road. In 1W bo was promoted1 lo the
position of a division superintendent of
tho Pennsylvania system and has since
so served. In 18: Mr. Robert was
transferred from Mio gupjrlutendenoy
of tho Bedford division of thy Pennsyl
vania Railroad company to lake charge
of the' division known as the middle
division of the Philadelphia ft Erie
railroad extending between Renovo and
Kano; this position also Involves the
superlntendeney of the extensive rail
road shops at Renovo, as well as of
three different branches of tho middle
division. The middle division from
Renovo to Kane Is 101 miles long.
The branch from Keating to Kar
tells is twenty-two miles; from Ridg
way to Fall Creek I twenty-seven
miles: and the brunch from Johnson
to Clermont covers twenty miles. The
shops ut Renovo employ an average of
1,100 men and those on the division foot
up a many more, making a total of
about 2,.'100 men under Mr. Roberts'
supervision. Mr. Roberts In 1800 wa
elected school director at Renovo and
at once booaino president of tho school
board. Ho has since continuously filled
tho position, and from tho first ha
taken a very active part In the advance
ment of the cause of education. By those
Intimately acquainted with hi ser
vices in thut direction, It Is stated that
he is one of the best qualified men In
tho state, outside of the teachers' pro
fession, In tt.j active management of
school affairs. Mr. Roberts belongs to
the Episcopal church, where for a num
ber of years he has served as treasurer.
He belongs to tho Engineer's club of
Philadelphia, United Servlcs club of
the same city, and to tbo Masonic fra
ternity. A wife and six children con
stitute his family. Mr. Roberta has
been the architect of his own fortunes
und bos gradually and steadily risen to
un honorable and Influential position In
railroad circles. He is a gentleman of
careful judgment and Is an executive
officer of great tact and ability. Under
his watchful scrutiny tho Important in
terests of the great Pennsylvania sys
tem, on the middle division and at
Renovo, receive tho closest attention,
on tho part of the large force of men
under bis suocrvision.
It Helped to Win Battles.
Twenty-nine officers and men wrote
from the front to say that for scratches,
bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and stiff
joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve Is the
best in the world. Same for burns,
skin eruptions and piles. 25c a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by H. Alex.
Stoke, druggist.
Reduced Rates to Pittsburg.
For the Prohibition State Convention
to bo held at Pittsburg, August 8, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to Pittsburg from
all stations on its line in the State of
Pennsylvania at rate of one fare for the
round trip (minimum rate 2-"c.). Tick
ets to be sold and good going August K,
7 and H and to return until August 9,
For Sale.
Two McCormick mowers, payable
September, 1!S1, no interest: one rake,
Conklin wagons, buggies, horses, cows,
sheep, fat cattle, hay, grain, twine, gen
eral merchandise.
J- c- King & Co.
For Sale.
One lot and a quarter in a very desir
able location In West Reynoldsville.
Inquire at The Star offlco.
Mud's, women's and children's tan
shoes below cost at Williams.'
It will be to your own Interest to read
what Milllrens have to say this week.
The latest style and best quality in
our $2.00 ladies1 shoes. Robinson's.
Johnston & Nolan have a fine line of
Emerson's shoes for gentlemen. See
We use puro spring water In making
our soda water, therefore It's perfect.
Reynolds Drug Store.
New shoe arrive every day at Robinson's.