The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 01, 1900, Image 1

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    VOLUME !).
KKY.OI,iK !!.,.!;. I'KN.VA., WKDXKSDAV. AUfiUST 1. 11)00.
- Fortamie
When we were in Xttw York laft week we found a clothing1 manufacturer who had over $20,000.00 worth of
ood seasonable suits and had to raise $10,000 in spot cash inside of twenty-four hours. Here was our chance to buy
lis frreat stock at less than 50 cents on the dollar, which we did. Ihis would have been a big undertaking for all the
lothiers in Jefferson county, but we knew that the men of Reynoldsville and vicinity are good judges of clothing, there-
lire we bought this marvelous stock at less than the cloth alone would cost.
Now we make a Special Sale for One
week only starting Monday, July 30,
and ending Saturday, August 4.
This Bale will be reararded of trreat importance by the economical shoppers of Reynoldsville and for many miles
nround. Our preparations for this sale have been made on an unusual extensive scale and the result is that the crowds
frhtr.h will respond to this announcement this week will be confronted with over ),000.00 worth of seasonable and
Jeeirable merchandise
Purchased by us at less than 50 cents on the Dollar.
The following is but a partial list of the good things that await you. Improve the opportunity by coming early
o this great pale. '
hen's Business
and Dress Suits.
We do not, ns a rule, advise men to
my a 85u suit, Because thev are quite
nften the Nearest in the end. These how-
ver are not $5.50 suits except in the price.
n every other respect make, finish and
luality hey are $11.00 and $12.00. Our
brtunaiic deal makes them vours at
If vmi are particular about vour:lothes.
,0 much the better for us, because these
luits -wini meet your approval. They are
mde h imported woolens and are finished
ke tailor-made. Hand-made lapels, hand-
padded shoulders, and they come in the
ewest single and double-breasted styles.
iuits that are actually worth $14,
5.00, 16.00 and 18.00 during this sale go
at just half price.
Young Men's
S The young men ame entitled to the
S best Awl it is your duty to buy it at
Millirens "during the sacrifice sale.
This hicky purchase of ours included about
800 young men's suils, ages 14 to 20. They
are reliable, made from all-wool fancy worst
eds and cheviots in .neat effects, checks and
stripes. They were made to sell tit 9, 10
and -$1 2. Here they are priced at just half
during this sweeping sale 4.50, 5.00 and
$6.00. No man oriboy to whom the saving
of money is an object "can afford to miss this
most wonderful chance to clothe themselves
at "half price. If yon will need any of these
goods soon it will jay you to buy now and
lay them away.
Now is the Time
to Clothe the Boys.
Boys' $3.00, 4.00, and 5.00 suits with
fancy oik-ii or double breasted vests of
fancy materials, all will go nt
50c on the Dollar.
The most stylish effects of the season
there are some suits among this lot that
were made for the coming fall and it will
pay you to buy them awl lay them away,
A Inrge counter to select from. All the
fashionable light medium colors, ages from
3 to 8.
Mothers, Don't miss this Chance.
Notwithstanding this reduction sale, we are not neglecting assortments of new and wanted things.
press on your mind the importance of calling at this store this week and see the sweeping reductions.
Let us im-
tople who want to Double their Dollars,
Who want $2.00 Worth of First-Class Merchandise for $1.00,
Will be in their Glory this Week.
Their highest expectations will be exceeded by this wonderful offering of extraordinary and exceptional values,
you're wise you'll come at onoe and see these bargains.
Soft Coal Market,
('mil Tnirlc .Iniit-nitl.1 J
Himyniipy seems to be n font mi: of tho
soft nuil portion of the fuel Industry,
mid though traili! U not up to thnt,
rushing condition of a f .w month ago,
yet every 0110 appears to tvj most hope
fnl as to future condition, nml thi re In
no likelihood of any ilrcHsed prion, for
wage are on such auls as to preclude
any extruded reduction and therefore
one may very safely nay that when a
more extended demand In appureiit that
values will increase. In having u wages
rate for tho year, from April when the
boom was on. there Is no doubt that
labor gets tho best of the conditions
this lime, and operators might well tnko
these matters Into consideration. Buy
ers who havo been holding oft for n more
decldid bargain nro moro likely to be
disappointed and they will do well to
get forward any supplies of which they
may stand in need latoron. The larger
producers are surely very lnd"?tidcnt
at present, for many of them nro work
loir on business that is of sufficient vol
ume, to keep their plants going fairly
ell, and as wo have said, they look for
better things later on.
Lake freights on Coal out of Buf
falo are now down to 50 cents, as
against tho strong opening at the be
ginning of the season nt 75 cents, when
there was a boom on in so many things
and the promise of "nothing less to he
Mrs. Jack Shott, of Oil City, Is visit-
Ing friends at this place.
A. W. Mulhollan Is doing considerable
repairing about his dwelling houses.
Misses Mable and Grace McPherson,
of Big Bun, are visiting relatives and
friends here.
Mrs. Ton. Hocking had both her arms
broken last Tuesday by falling on" a
neighbor's porch.
A festival for the M. E. church Is the
next thing on the program Monday
evening, August Oth.
James Mohney buried his slx-weeks-
old baby Monday. Short services were
held at tho house, conducted by Bov.
A. J. Meek, of Beynoldsvllle.
G. L. and J. F. Henry spent three
days on the huckleberry mountains last
week. They reported the berries plenty
everywhere but whore they were.
Daniel Nolinskl while at work In tho
Bathmel mine Monday came In contact
with the rope thnt hauls the coal out of
the mine and was very badly hurt on
the back.
Noah Strouse was in Brookvillu Sat
Minacii Nlneo Keller and Lizzie Frit
heart, of near Big Bun, visited here
The people who wore out for buckle
berries last week report a good time
and lots of huckleberies on tho old Mob
farm, but fulled to bring any snattlo
rakes homo.
The four young gentlemen who have
been visiting at Noah Strouse's the past
three weeks, intend driving back to
McDonald to-morrow.
There will be communion at the
Strouse church on Sunday. August 12th.
Preaching on Friday evening and Sat
urday afternoon and evening.
Reunoldsville, Pa.
I Fancy Screen Doors
in stock sizes, odd sizes made
r to order at
I have the finest stock
of Varnishes in the town.
Parties wishing to reno
vate their furniture will
find Flattine of great
value, giving the appear
ance ol fine rubhed work.
Also floor finish, for sale
in any quantities at
Want Your
Clothing to Fit 7
Then you ought to go to
J". O. Froehlich,
My line of samples are well
worth anyone's time to call and
inspect. Remember
All Work is Guaranteed.
Cleaning, Repairing and Alter
ing a Specialty.
Next door to Prleeter Bros.
First National Bank
n, MlteUell, Preside t(
volt McClelland, Vice Fres.
Joliu II. It turner, Cashier.
0. Mitchell, Scott MoOlelland, J. 0. King,
John U. Oorbett, U. E. ferown,
Q. W. Fuller, J. B. Kauctiur.
Does a gflnerHlhunklnRtiuiilnoMund solicits
the uceounu uf uiurchuuU, profuHiiluiiHl men,
farmers, mechiinlm, miners, liiiiilermen sua
others, promising the most careful attention
to the buuluewH of all persons.
Bate Deposit Bonus fur rent.
First National Bunk building, Nolun block
Fir Proof Vault.
Reduced Rates to Pittsburg.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
toncl the Prohibition State convention
at Pittsburg August 8th, tho Buffalo,
Rochester & Pittsburg R'y Co. will sell
excursion tickets from all stations on
Its lino in the State of Pennsylvania at
rate of one fare for the round trip,
Tickets to bo sold and good going on all
regular trains, Including the vestlbuled
limited, August 6, 7 and 8 and good re'
turning until August 0, Inclusive. For
time of tralnB and further information
consult nearest agent of the company.
Reduced Rates to Detroit.
For the Biennial Conclave, Knights
of. Pythias, at Dotroit, August 27 to
September 1, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell excursion tick'
ets from all stations on its lino to Do
trolt, at rate of single fare for the round
trip. Tickets will be sold on August 25,
26 and 27, good to return botweon Au
gust 28 and September 6, Inclusive; but
by depositing ticket with joint agent at
Detroit not later than September 1, and
the payment of fifty cents, return limit
may be extended to September 14, In'
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved tbelr matohlcss
merit for sick and nervous headaches
xney make pure mood and build up
your health. Only 25 cents. Money
back If not cured. Sold by H. Alex,
Stoke, druggist.
Our lemon and orange has the real
good fruit taste. Made direct from the
fruit. Reynolds Drug Store.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale in Talis
About 100 aeri s of good land situate
within tho lines of the proposed borough
if Fulls Creek. Matron's lriek works
are located about the middle of the
tract, which renehc to wiiliin 200 feet
of the Fit.putric'ic (J'iihm Factory.
About 40 acres cleared. The R, It. &
P. W. It. and the Pennsylvania It, R.
run through tho tract, olsiiAvTo public
roads. The best maiifaeturlng sites at
Fulls Creek ace on this iHnd, and every
uero (if it is suitable for eithor town lots
r fanning. It t underlaid with coal,
limestone and a It) foot vein of Hie clay.
No leases or options of nny kind on
either tho land or minerals. Tltlo per
fect. A frame house with cellar, good
garden and excellent orchard, log barn,
with an abundance of bcBl spring water
on the tract; is renting for ten dollars
per month. Will be sold at great bar
gain to quick buyer. For prices, terms,
etc., see David C. Whitehim
Bmokvlllo, Pa.
Prevented a Tragedy.
Timely Information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, saved
two lives. A frightful cough hud long
kept her awake at night. She hud
tried many remedies and doctors but
steadily grew worse until urged to try
Dr. King's Now DiMjnvory. Ono bottlo
wholly cured her, and she writes: "This
marvelous medicine also cured Mr.
Long of a severe attack of pneumonia."
Such cures aro positive proof of Its
power to cure all throat, chest, und lung
troubles. Only 50c and 11.00. Guaran
teed. Trial bottles free at H. Alex.
Stoke's drug store.
Reduced Rates to Chicago.
On account of the Thirty-fourth An
nual Encampment of tho Grand Army
of the Republic, to be hold at Chicago,
August 27-31. Inclusive, the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets from points on Its line to
Chicago, at rate of single fare for the
round trip. Tickets will be sold on
Augut 2"i, 2(1 and 27. good to return
until August HI, Inclusive; but, by depos
iting ticket with joint agent at Chicago
prior to noon of September 2, and the
payment of fifty cents, return limit may
be extended to September ;t(l, Inclusive.
Story of a Slave.
To bu bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form ol shivery. George G. Williams,
of Manchester, Mich., says: "My wife
has been so helpless for five years that
she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electrlo Bit
ters she is wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This su
preme remedy for female diseases
quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness,
melancholy, headuche, backache, faint
ing and dizzy spells. It Is u godsend to
weak, sickly, run-down. Only 50c. Sold
by II. Alex. Stoke, druggist.
The Farlalan Way.
It must be hard for the untraveled
Anglo-Saxon to grasp the Idea that a
poet can without loss of prestige recite
bis Hues In a public cafe beforo a mix
ed audiuuoe. If such doubting souls
could, however, be present at one of
these uoctcs niiibroslaun?, they would
quickly realize that the I.ntlu temper
niucnt can throw n grace aud childish
abandon around an act that would
cause an Fngllshmau or an American
to appear supremely ridiculous. One's
tnste or sense of fitness Is never shock
ed. It seems the most natural thlug In
tho world to bo alttlug there with your
glass of beer before you while somu
rising poet whose nntne ten years later
may flguro among tho "Immortal For
ty" recites to you his loves and his
ambition or brings tenrs Into jour eyes
with a description of some hunililu
hero or martyr. Eliot Gregory In Scrlb
ner's. She Heard It.
The Htirpllccd choir had dono Its duty
for tho evening service. But nil during
tho church hours there had been a pe
culiar sound outside as If a child were
crying. In reality It was something
the matter with the organ. It could he
heard distinctly In the auditorium of
the church. When the choir snng tho
recessional and marched slowly out of
the church Into the dressing rooms,
ono of the young ladles amoug the so
pranos asked the woman who takes
care of the robes:
"Did you hear that awful squeaking
out here?"
"Yes, Indeed, mum; I could almost
understand the words."
And nothing more was said on the
subject Detroit Free Press.
Soldiers Avoid tfc Beaa.
"I have noticed," said the old soldier,
"that there Is one vegetable which the
veterans of the civil war religiously
avoid. That Is the bean. It proved, a
very staying article, but after we had
campaigned on It from Sbiloh to Nash
ville and from Antletam to the Wilder
ness we were ready to cry 'Enough!'
I understand It Is used but sparingly
Id the kitchens of soldiers' homes. It
will take another generation to rehabil
itate tilts vegetable In the affection of
the American people." New York Mall
and Express. '