Qlonoui Newt Coition from Dr. 1). B. Catylle. of Washltn, I. T. Ho write: "Elcctrlo Bitters hns cured Mm, Ili-ewer of scml ills which hHd caused her ureal BHflVi" Inf for year. Tern Iblo wires would break out on her head Hnd face, Bnd the best doctor could (lvo no help; but now her health in excellent." Electric Hitter Is tho best blood purifier known. It's th supreme remedy for ecr.ema. totter, suit rheum, ulcers, boils rind running wire. It stimulates liver kid neys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, hullilHiip thesinmrth. Only .Vlcta. Sold by H. Alex. Htoko, drof- IhU Reduced Rates, to Charleston, 8. C. For the meeting of the National Kdil cnllonul Associating nt. Charleaton, S. C, July 7-1.1, the Pennsylvania Huilroiid Company will sell excursion tickets from all stations on its lines to Charles ton at the rate of one fare for the round trip, pins $2.00. Tickets to ho sold July 6 to 8, Inclusive, and to be ood to re turn until September 1, Inclusive. On the return trip stop-over will be allowed at Washing ton on deposit of ticket with Joint Agent and on payment of foe of $1.00. . For Sale. One lot and a quarter in a very desir able location In West Ileynoldsvllle, Inquire at Thk Star office. Notice to Bidders. Jefferson County Home for Poor and Insane. Hlds will lie received ly rlie Oommlslonors of Jefferson county, at their omce in nriMiK vin. I'ii.. until li i.v 1J. nam. in 3 IX) o'cliK'k fi. m., fur the emllon ef the HiilliHntr for the onr and Inssiie. from the Dlnns ureimreri nnd under the sutM'rvlHton of ll. t Turk, Archi tect, nnd approved ly the Htnte Hoard of Pnli lle OiHrltles. Fsch hhlder must enrlfste a certified check for t wo tier cent um of his hid kh evidence of irood fitttli. All hlil to be tnsde as follows: First For the hulMlnir. fully equipped nnd eomnleieu in nccorutince wnn trie piuns una speeinonllons, wnicn run ne seen nnn ex amined at the County Commissioners' OfTti-e, Second For the building, flee pnsifed uc eordliiK to plans and specifications, which wilt he tumUlied on annllcallon. Third Excavation and stone work up to water tame. Fourth Hnllrtlnif complete, except cxi'uva tlon and stone work as anove. Fifih llentlnx, includliiK ull fixtures eon' neeted therewith. Sixth All plumblnir and fixtures connected therewith and all srwernire. All bid to he made oi hlanks prepared by the County CommlKKtoiiers, wbli'li will lie furnished on application. Hulltllnir to he located on the MeConnell farm on Kinirwav num. The A rchltoct. H. O. I'nrk. will he at the CommlHNloners Offlce in Hrookvljie, Jefferson county, ra., June anth and Zmh, 1!K. to ex nliiln nlans nnd sneclficatlons to bidders. The ('oiiinilsHioriers reserve the right to reieei any una an runs. W. C. Itll'RKAY, st:T vi:hsti'r, AL. HAWK, Commissioners. BnooKvn.i.a, Ia., .Tune II, limn. A A YJTK X COMBINATION WAIST AND VIOIXY I TtMM McKty Usderwsiit. Pat. May 10 ISM. Haa taught an elastic this want, in all sizes, for misses' JEFFERSON 9 nk 5 SjajSnKci stit iiEn3uoiti t,Ta ).m(VNm " "It. T I sail aunt We have just opened up a new assortment of MILLINERY composed of Ladies' and Misses' trimmed hats and Chil dren's headwear, selected and made by experts in touch with the latest metropolitan fashions and at price9 from to 13 lower than you are usually asked by exclusive milliners SHIRTS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS at 50 and 7a cents. We can show you the most complete line of new shirts to be found anywhere. r NECKWEAR in thejnewest Jstyles. SUMMER UNDERWEAR at 50 cents and $1.00 a suit that cannot be matched else-' ' where at Va more. A lot of . Ladies' Shoes that sold for $2.25 and $2.50. Odd lotsjand mostly small" sizes to dean them out, $1.25 and $1.50. Jefferson Supply Co.ri!t Reduced Rates to Cincinnati. For the annual Convention of the Haptist Young People's Union of Amer ica, to bu held at Cincinnati July 12-15, tho Pennsylvania lliillroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all sta tions on lis line to Cincinnati at one fure for the round trip. Tlcketa to be sold nil good going July 10 to 1.1, Inclusive, and to return until July 17. Inclusive; hut If tlcketa he deposited with the Joint Agont at Cincinnati on or before July 14, and if fee of fifty cents be paid, the return limit will be extended to August 10, inclusive. Reduced Rates to Chicago. For the benefit of till persons wishing to be in Chicago during ihe National Prohibition Convention, tho Pennsylva nia llullrond Company will sell excur sion tickets to Chicago at rale of one fare for tho round trip. Ticket to be sold and good going June 2o and 2(1, and returning, after proper validation by the Joint Agent of the terminal lines at Chicago, leaving Ch lonjjo to June 20, inclusive. A fee of twcnty-flvo coins for each ticket will be collected by the Joint Agent when tickets are validated for return passage. DOES IT WILL MOT IF YOU TAKE KRAUSE'S HeadacheCapsnles 500 Kewtri for iny Inju rious tubttanc found In lhe Camnlet, YOUR HEAD ACHE 7f Will Cur any nurmiwwm Kind of Motif refunded If not we .ay. Sent postpaid receipt oi price, TWIPTT-FTV1 CEWTS. KlflDUlM I l - u -T-v a. ef rr Dei Moines, Iowa, For sale by II. Alex Stoke. Want Your Clothing to Fit ? Then you ought to go to J. C. Froehlich, MERCHANT TAILOR. My line of samples are well worth anyone's time to call and inspect. Remember All Work is Guaranteed. Cleaning Repairing and Alter ing a Specialty. J. C. FROEHL1CII. Next door to Prloster Bros. HOSE SUPPORTERS COMMON SENSE hundreds of mothers that unaerwaist is Detter tor child than the heavy, rigid, quickly outcrown kind. This waist will fill as it is so arranged with extra heavy elastic bands, that It will give and conform to the shape. No buttons to come off. Can be washed. Comes for all sizes of children from the baby up. 1 he price is only 50C. for babies and children and 65C. sizes. Comes in white and drab. Sold only by Shick & Wagner. Xejct Door to I'ontoffice. SUPPLY CO. avlll.-, Life and Death Fiht. Mr. W. A. Hlnea, of Manchester, la., writing of his aiinosl miranulous escape nm tlealll, says: Exposure after measles Induced serious lung trouble, which elided In Consumption. I hnd fre quent hemorrhages nnd coughed night and diiy. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I hegnn to use Dr. King's New Dlscovory which wholly euivd ni.i. Hundreds have used It on my ruH Ice and all say it never fulls to urn throat, chest Hud lung trouble." Hoguliir sir..- ftOc and 11.00. Trial bot tles five at II. Alex. Stokn's drug store. Reduced Rates to Philaiiclr.li. For the OyinnitHtlo Union and Festival (Turnfost) North American, at Phila delphia June 17-24, the Pennsylvania Hull road Company will s-dl excur sion tickets to Philadelphia, from all stations on its lino at the i nto of single fare for tbo round trip (minimum rate AO cents.) Tickets to bo sold and good going June 15 and 21, and to return until June 2(1, Inclusive. Now is the time to take Dr. Gram's 'Grandmother Medicine, the old tlmo spring medicine like grandma used to make for blood, liver, kidney and stom ach disease. 3 month's treatment $ 1. 00. No cure, no pay. Bold by Stoke, the druggist, for the past 11 years. Army Liniment, hot shot for all aches and pains. 25 cents. Try It. 3 mo J V urj Headache for Forty Years. For forty year I niffcred from lick hnid rhe. A TMrKO I bnil MinClerr Klnir. The result wm rnttlfTini ami surprialnr, my BMriaobr lrTlnif at ones. Th hniilnchea uaM to return every wventh day, but, thanks to Orrery Klnir, I have had but one headache in the laat eleven month. I know that what cured me will help others. Mrs. John D. Van Keuren, Baufrertle. N. Y. Celery Kin cure Constipation, and Nerve, dwbiiiri aiiver anu iviannjr uueaaea. y H. STAMEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offlre nt Hotel McConncll, Rpynolilcvllle, Pa MITCHELL, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. Offlce on Weat Main Mreet. opuoalte the Commercial Hotel, Heynolunvllle, Pa, q m. Mcdonald, attouney-at-lavv, Notary Public, real estate agent, Patent ei'iireil, rnUcnlnnn made pniniptly. OtHce in miihii iihk'K, iwynoiiiHviiiii, ra. s MITH M. McCREIGIIT, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAVV , Nntnrv luhllA Hnd RhI Entato Anont. Col ItM'tlonn will iwolve pmmpt attetiiton. Office in r nx'iiiu-ii iiuury uidck, near pwiomce, neyiiuitiHviuo ra. D U. B. E. HOOVER, IlEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Renldent dentist. In the Kroalillrh & Hen ry hloi'k. near the iMwtonice, Main street. uentieneas in operaiinic. D U. L. L. MEANS, DENTIST, Office on Hccond door of Klmt Nat ional bank IiuIIiIIiik, Main atroet. jyix. it. dkveue king. DENTIST, Office on second floor Reynoldavllle Real nxiaie itiUK., main street, iteynoiaavme, ra. NEFF. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Real Estate Agent, Rcynoldavllle, Pa. J H. HUGHES, UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A full line nf siimittcfl eotmtnnttv on h mid, Offlre and wuruioom In tliu Mooi-e butlUhiK in main mtwi, H OTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FRANK VJETZ, Proprietor. I'lrst class In every particular. Located In the very centre of trie ImirIihwk part of town. Free 'bus to and from trains and commodious sample rooms for commercial travelers. H OTEL McCONNELL. REYNOLDSVILLE. PA. FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor. The leadlim hotel of the town. Headquar ters for commercial men. Hteiim heat, free bus, bath rooma and cloaet on every floor, sample rooms, billiard room, telepboue con pactions &o. L. M. SNYDER, Practical Ilorse-Shoer . and General Blacksmith. lloiMB-hiioelnit done 111 lliu noiuest mannor ami by ihn Intent improved imulioiU. K11 palrluc of all klmlH ciiiefully and urumplly done. bATiKrAc-iio l.i ahamkku. HORSE CLIPPING ' Have Just received a complete set of ma chine uiih I'llppcru of luteitl nlyle 'lw pattern mid am prepared to do cIIiiiiIiik In the bust pOKHlblu Iiiiinnerat reiiMonable rttleH. Jackaoo bt. uear Klflli, Ruynoldsvllle, Pa. ALLEGHENY VALLKY UAILWAY In effect Siimlny, Mhv 27. I'.MK). Low Grndo Division. KASTWAIII). ..,. N. T..i.i:lT.o.l.No..V NoT. STATIONS. A, M. A. M.IA. IS.Ip. HI. P. M. Pltmliurv (I IV 0 111 I U A Ki'dlliitiH W 1 1 S-t 4 HA 7 Ml l.iiWKiinliam 1i HI ... 4 Ik .... New Heihlehem .... Hum 11 A" 1 1 Km (ink Klilite Ill r 4 '; is :il Mnynvlllo Ill 11 AIM ;i; iioiiniirvllle HI ;ih R 'ill H .12 IliiHikviiiii i 111 n n li si a a; n or low tti2inio ;;i f.i ;m id fuller Ml W HI II .... 'li r ... INvm.iI.Iki illo .. 1 ITi ll'i 1 l nil ; I'HIli'Olint Ml .V. ' 1 M SI ... I'll I Ik ( 'reek mill 4:1 tin IJ :l 11 VI iMiliols 7 o!ii .vi I : 11 Jim .10 Hiiimln 7 1" I 'Is n M WiniiMburn .... 7 ai I 4H 7 m I'i'iiiillelil 7 if ..... 1 M 7 lil Tyler. 7 4'.' 2 l 7 i Nole lliimrri'ttu SI? 2 7 V (Jnim 01 H S :i7 ',7 W Drill wimhI I H TkI .... ll iM I A. . A. M. r. M. r. M If, u. Train 41 iHundnyi li nve. I'll tnlinrur H.lna. m., Id'd II11 11k 1 1.1.1 llioiiKMlle I ' ll. Ki-yniildHvllle 1.14. Mllltl ll'Ck 13'. l:llll! l.tfllt. III. iitk Tl-tiln , 1111 Sum iiva u ninki, all aloiw In-lm't'ii 11, I ilnnli iiiid IIiiHiiIh. wi:t'WAiu. No.M 1 Nn.il jNo.-.' o.MiNo.in STATIONS. A. l. A. HI I'. M. Driftwood t H ;t";iil I i .vi 1 1 rn 11 1 tti a; ill 111 In 27 II A4 7 l 7 i 7 21 7 m 7 42 t7 47 7 12 4 17 HO Iti'iinexctiH.... 12 im 13 '.'il Tyler 7 III rentiiieiu 7 mi 12 III W nleilitiin ... 7 44 r inn !ll till 111 7 11 s ml a iij SHN 12 (11 1 111 DtlllolH KiillBfreek .... PlOU'OHHt Reynoldavllle. Fuller town Hrookvllie 11 i.v n mi 1 211 lit! 01 Hi 11 47 7 ml tr w. 7 ! 7 :ti' 7 i 7 .V, III tft 22 f. Ill IH AUI V6.V 4.1 1A .VI 1 iw .2 12I ,2 23! II IK 17 Hiinimervllle... 111 IK 1(1 l Mavnvtllv II 114 OnkKtilue II 411 ew lleihlelieni 9 41 in 111 2 4K I.awHonliam. K X m H IV 7 I Red llnnk.... PlltHbuiK. ... 4 lit -ii 7 2K II lit I2 4 I 5 mi M.I, m. P. 111. I P. M.I P. H. p. m P. M Train 42 ICilluliivl leavi, HiiIIoIk 4.10 n. m. Falls Creek 4.17. Mt'Vnoldville4.a2. Hrookvllie ft.U Red Hank n.lm, 1'IhIiii k H.im p. in. 1 rains mnt-Ken run tiauyi uiiny, except Pmidiiy: t nix atatlon. where alifiials mUKt Imj shown. JII AH. li. PltH'E, 1. P. ANDERBON. IJi n'l Ciipl. Oen'l PamTr Aut, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Phllailolphiu & Erlo Hall road Dlvlxlon. In ofToctMay 2S, 11HK1. Trains loavo Drift woorl rh follows: F.ATVAR1I :0fl a m Train 12, weekdays, for Cunhury, niiKeaoarre, liiisieion, I'oiiKvnie.ecranion, llarrlsburir and lite Intermediate sta tions, arriving at Philadelphia 11:2:1 p.m., New York, 11:110 p. m.t Hiiltliiir.H:Mi p.m. WaKlilnvton, 7:15 p. ni Pullman Parlor car from Wlllliimsport to Philadelphia and pns senirer coaches fi-om Kane to Philadelphia and VYIIIIiinmpoil to llalllmore and WskIi ItiKton. I:AN p. m. Train n. dally, for II nr rlHliurK nnd Inttrniedtitle Htatlons, ar rlvlnit at Phllndelpliln4:2IV A. M.j New York, 7.111 a. m. llHlllniore, t.li a. m. Wsnhlnjrton 4.0K A. M. Pullman Hleeplna cars fnitn llarrlsburir to Philadelphia and New York. Philadelphia pniwcuKers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7::KI A. H. 10:12 u.m. Train 4.dallv for Hiinburv. Ilarrls- bura and Inturineillutu stations, srrlvlnr at PhlladelphlH, tl;.Vi a. m.i New York, HUH A.M. on week dnys nnd 10. XI a m. on Sun day; llHlllniore. tv.t'l a. m.i Washington. 7:4A a.m. Pullman sh-epers from Kile. llulTiilo and WIllliiniNiKirt to Plillailelnhln. nnd Huf- raionnu niiiinmsKiri 10 rvnKiiiniitoii. riis sender coacheH from Krle 10 Plilliirhdiilila. and llulfaloto WiikIiIiikioii. WF.STWARD 4:ltK a. m. Train H, dully for lliiffaln, via r.ninoi'iuni, ana weeKUHys, ror i-.ne, kkiii wn , lluliols. ('lermonl nnd principal Inter mediate stations. 11:44 a. m. Train 8, dally for F.rle and Inter- meoiate pointH. 5:4A p. m. Train l weekdays for Kane and Intermediate k1 ntlons. THKOtJUII TltAINH FOR DRIFTWOOD FROM THK KAKT ANilHOUTll. TRAIN U leaves New Yorkn:Mn. m.,Phllnde. phla R:n0 p. 111. Wiinhlunton 7:41V p. ni.. Hat limine 8.45 u. ni. dnllv. iirrlvlnu at 111 111. wood 4:IIK a. ni.. with Pullman hleepers from Plilliidelplila to Erie weekdays and from Philadelphia slid Wa-liliiuMon to Huf fulovlii Kmporlum dally. PiiMKenitercoaclies from Plitludelphla to Krlo weekdays and v iiKiiumion 10 ifunaio naiiy. TRAIN a leaven New York al iM 0. m.t Phils delnbla. 11:20 u. m.i WaHlilmrtoti. 10.40 n. tn.l Haltlniore, 11:41 p. m.t ilaily arriving at in-iiiwiMMi at v.n a. 111. ruiinian nieepini cars from Phlla. to Wllllamsii't. and tlirouu titiKKentrer coaches from Philadelphia to ln and Haltlniore to WllllaiiiKMirr. tin Hiindnyaonly Pullman sleeper Philadelphia TRAIN leaves Philadelphia N:40 a. m.i Washington, 7.4;1 A. M.; Hnltlmore,s:4ftA.M. Wllkenharro, I0:M a. m.i weekdays, arrlvlnv nt Drlftwisid at 5:4.1 p. M. with Pullninn Parlor car from Plilliidelplila to WilliamHMirt and passenger coach to Kane, Connections via Jolinsonburg- R. R. nnd Ridjrway & Clearliold ll. R. B. m. WKKKDAYR. p. m. 10 4.1 10 HH 10 IIA 10 HI 10 2A 10 20 10 .. II M 9 40 art'lcrinout Iv Wiaalvale (Julnwood Bniith's Run Inntnnter el might Glen Ifngol .lohiiKoiiburg Iv Hldgwayar 10 .V. 11 02 11 OA II ON II 14 11 in II 27 II 411 II All p.m. 7 140 7 U 70B 7 OA 7 01 A7 0 47 43 p.m. a 111. 2 1.1 IIA 2 ON R 214 a.m p.m. 7 110 12 10 7 07 12 17 7 12 12 22 7 21 12 HO 7 2.1 12 HH 7 2N 12 HH 7 HH 12 40 7 411 12 All 7 47 12 A4 7 Al 7 A4 1 Oil p.m. arRldgwny W Inliind Run Carm'nTrnnfr t'myland Hhiirts Mills 111 110 ll.K'k Carrier 4 1.1 4 2 Oil 211 4 27 4 : a on 4 : I M 1 Al 1 47 1 411 I Itl 1 2M 1.1 II II 07 (n All M 47 8 411 8 HII 4 4: Broi'kwayv'l 4 Ml 4 Ml I.ane en Mills McMInn H111L a ba 8 HO a 10 1 10 1 1.1 llnrveys Run lv Falln C'k ar A 0: N HA H 2.1 8 00 1 10 8 10 t 2.1 A 1.1 A 110 I 10 Iv llullols ar a H0 1 10 7 01 arFallsO'klv 8 2.1 1 20 A 17 14 I (10 a 47 ReyuoldHVllle 8 HH 1 ir A H" 12 Itl a 10 HriHikville R 0.1 1 Ml A .11 H 02 a 4s 4 4U11.1N New Hetbl'm 4A 2 HH 4 OA 11 211 Red Hank 10 20 8 1A 1 40 R 10 Iv PltUburgar 12 40 A HO p.m. a.m a.m. p.m. p.m. J. H.HCTOHINSON. J. It. WOOD. 7 2H 8 AA p. Ill (Jen Manager. tien. Pass. Ag't. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTS BURGH RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. On and lifter January 1st. 1H1KI. niiHsen- ger trains will arrive and depart from Reyn- oiuHviiiu station, uany, except nutiuay, as follows; IIKPAHT. 2.20p. m. Weekdays only. For Fulls I'reek, Illinois, f urweiihviiie, t'learneiii, I'uiixku- ....u...... 11...I..H 111 t.,1. ...... IJ h. ... I. ... .. .. ..llln Kldgwa'y, Joliunouburg, Ml. Jnwett and nrnuroru. AllHIVR. 1.20 n. m. Week davs onlv. From Clearlleld. (JurwuiiKvlllu, Falls Creek, llullols, 1'ilts- iiurg, inn iit ami I'linxHiiiawnev. TI1A1N8 LKAYK FALLS CKF.EK. MIIITH UllUNM. 7.01 11. m. Week days only. For lllg Run, I'uiiXKiiiawuey, nuiier, I'HIbiiuik auu 111 terniediatu douiIh. IO.IIU11. 111. n nd 7.411 p. m. Week days only. For Illinois, mnuicy, cyaes, nig ituu aim i'un Kiitawiiev. 2.4.1 p. 111. Dally. Vestlliuled limited. For Piinxnutnunuy, Dayton, lluller and Flits, burg. KOI1TH IIIII'M). 7.2H a. m. and H. 01 11. 111. Week dnvsonlv. F01 HiiH'kway villi", llldu'way, ,loliuioiliuig, Mt. .li'Well ami lil-aillortl. 12.,'i7 l. 111. Hull v. Vi sllhllli'd llinlled. I HUfgway, JiibiiKoitbiii-g, llradrord, HnlTiilii ami ItiH'lii'Kter. l.isj p. 111. Week ilnyK only. At'coiniiioilatloii for KrynolUMVlllo. rains for OurwciiH vll le. Clearlleld and Inter inediiito station leave Falln l-'ieek ut 7.'1 u, III., 2.411 IIIIUK.IU p. III. '1 bouKand tulle tickets good for iiansago over any iiortlou of tho II., It. A P. and lleecli Creek railroads 1110 on sulu at two (2) coins per mile. For tickets, tluio tubles and full luforniii tlnn apply to K, (), Davis. Agent, RiiyiioldHvllIo, Pa. 12. J. Lll'KV. (Jun. 1'iim. Airent. Uocbeslur N.Y Relieves Tlie Terrible I'nin ! or Khcuninttsm, Goiit.Ntiira1jrifi,nn(i similar tlisensos, enn bcrtlicvcilby tnkinfr n few doses of TRIP6X nnd a permanent cure can lie exieetecl by a more protract ed use of tliis rem edy. ft acts on tlie Poi son which Causes the Disease. Rheumatism Gout Neuralgia Lumbago Sciatica A noison in the blood is the cause of these diseases, and it must be met with an internal remedy to cllect a cure. If you are taktnj; Morphine, Opium or Cocaine, for tempo rary relief, you nre treading on danger ous ground as you well linow. Tridex contains none ot these dan gerous drugs, nor is it a cheap alcoholic compound. Each Nervous or Sick Headache Derangement of the Kidneys dose contains less than a half drop of alcohol. You will take no tice that we nre not advertising a cure all. The diseases we mention may all come from the same cause, namely, acid in the blood. Tri- dex nets on this acid and caries it off by the naturnl channel, the kidneys. T'R'I'D'E'X Trldx contain R TRIBL WILL CONVINCE YOU Price, ONE DOLLAR neither Opium Morphine or any other Poisonous Drug B OARDINO IIOUSK "07 Vine Sthf.et, Philadelphia, . . .Opposite Franklin kquare. . . Jefferson and Clcnrfleld county peoplo visiting rhllmh'lplilu will And this a convenient and central location. Terms 1.(10 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. Fane, Screen Doors i If i 111 sr.ocu sizes, oou sizes niatie $ to order at YOUNG'S PLANING MILL I have the finest stock ofVarnishcsinthetown. FartieB wishing to reno- vate their furniture will J find Flattine of great value, giving the appear- 1 ancepthnerubliedwork. n Also lloor finish, for sale I H in any quantities at l YOUNG'S PLANING MILL. i WiltN IN UUUii r. HI 1'hrv livo itoodihetenoivcf. and hiv cured thousands of Caael of Nervous Ditcaca, iu h ftiUobitity, l)iflinil bleeplet tieat and VaricoceU. Atropny.&ri They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make difftrttinn parieci. anu imparl a iw.hut B vliinf la th whula faelna. All t drains and tones are checked Rtrnnfflffilln frrmanntly. Unless patients uUUU&H&ai.lt m,m properly cured, iheirconui- tlon often worries them into Insanity, Consump tion or Death. Mailed sealed. Price ft per bo 6 boxes, with lronclad legal guarantee to cure or refuud the money, f 5.00. Send fr free book, For Hale by II. Atox Stoku. lUlUUlUU ut OF ItEX'XOLDSriLLi:. Capital, " 50,000. Surplus, - 10,000. r.Mltt'liell.Pi-rsldriiti Hcott Nvt'li'lliiud, Vice I'res.l J0U11 II. Kttlli lirr, i'ualiler. Dlreclorsi: O. Mltclioll, SiMIt HloClulliiiiU. .1. O. KIiik, John ll.CnrlHMI, (I.E. Ilrowu, li. W. FulliT, J. II. lUll.'hlT. Does u KnuuriillisiikliitflmsliioKstiiiil snlliilts tho Hcculllils (if iiimvliutilN, iirtifrsHliiiiul men. fiirnuTH, ini'cliiinU'K, inlnorH, liiinliiM iniMi llinl 01I1111-H, iii-iiiiiIkIiik iliu iiiiimi cut-uful lilluiitlun 111 tllU llllNilU'Mh of lltl llt'lhOllri. Hufo lli poalt lloxt'S for rent. First Nutliinul Hunk bullilliiff, Nolan block Fire Proof Vault. bmcrlbe for The Star If you want the New, (3 First Molinnnl Honl, 1 11 IV and Cures is not a new remedy nor is it a great dis covery. It is merely a Scientific Com pound of well known remedies. ' Many phyicinnsof this and other states ore prescribing this compound, and speak highly of it as a cure for the dis eases we mention. If you arc afflicted and do not try this remedy for your ail ments, we are con fident that you arc making a mistake, for we have seen many severe cases cured by the use of this compound. All we nsk is that you give it a fair trial, and we are willing to abide by the re sults. We believe this remedy will cure these diseases, other wise we would not go to the expense of putting it on the market. In other words, we do not believe one can make anything by adver tising a humbug. Aalc Your Druggist For It Take No Substitute FCCORSETS MAKE American Beauties FCCORSETS Made in all iht newest models nnd ens. for our lek. 1 leaders in strictly exclusive designs. They have a national reputation genuine corset worth. Sendor illustrated prtc list. KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sole Afakerl, Kalamawnv. Mich For ta if J.J. SUTTER. Gentle Spring Very likely will temo t every mortal, young or old, to examine the shoe dealers stock. The store that has the most complete and sty lish line on its shelves will be the one to make Spring's wooing most effective. Out- Spring Good Are in and on the shelves ready for your inspection, and as samples of perfect and stylish snoemaking, we do not exaggerate in the least when . we . say they cannot be 1eaten. They speak for themselves. No unending purchaser can re sist the arguments in their favor. Our prices are always reasonable. Johnston & Nolan; Shoe Dealers EVERY WOMAN Xli'!H S"ini'tlnie nwls a rellsKlj tijvj "i1 muuiuly rcKUluiiinf mtUaiuj. PEAL J.! OYROYAL pILLS, Am ir:mi',t iim"e uml cortiiln In rosi.H. Tl.e pt'uu. ( ..M-. : ..! :'i nrvorm.'Uiiul. jsi it' Kut' Sills' by "ll. Mux. MioUu., 1 sur bi.de. - ' 1 - , (