The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 30, 1900, Image 7

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    HOW ill
Is not thn qnoitlon, hut, Imnr much yon dl
(fast, bentii food Aon iiooil only whon It
I dlffostoil and aslinllnto.l, tiiknn up by
tho blond and mado Into miisnln, nnrvn,
bono nnd tissue. Hood's Hitrxiipnrlllit ro
atoros to the stomach Its pownrs of dlR.'S
tlon. Thon appetite l Dninrnl nnl hoalthy.
Thnn dyapopsln In gnno, nnd strength, eliia
jlclty and eiiduriinoe rnturn.
Stomach Trouble "I hnve hnd
trouliln with my rtoinni-b nnd nt limns
would be very flinty. I nlso bad si'Vi'rrt
lirmdaclir ami that tlrM fwllnu. Whon I
hnd tiikcn thri'O bottlm ot Hood's Harsa.
Snrllln I was rallnvail." Mns. Axoklim
mvia, B Applxton Ht., Holyoko, Muss.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is th Tt-i MmllHns Mmiov n H.iy
Tlivrc nrc .10.000 more exhibitors nt
the present Paris lair than there were
in iS?a
Try CJrnln-Ot Try (irrtlteOI
Ask your groetr to-dny to show ynn a
rnoknire ol Otisix-O, tlio now fnoil drink
that tulips I ho iihu'o of i.i.fT.',.. l'"n
may drink It without Injury as well as thn
adult. All who try It Ilk.) It. Ci.ain-0
lms that rlih st-nl brown of Moi-ha or
Tuva, hut Is iimiln from puro RriliiHt thn
most ilxlhmte Ktomaitli romlvos It without
illKtrevs, thn prion of ci.lT.-o. l.". nnd
!1&0. pur pnckiiiro. Hold by nil i.-r.wrs.
I'orllanil is t!ie l.-iruvM i.iison in Knir
l.tiic!. Nearly 2,000 i-imvii'l.s arc 1 icaleil
What Rliall tVe Have For DrarrO
111 is qnotion nriHi.s in mo inmuy uwiv. uoi,
us answor It to-dny. Try J.ill-O. tll!lous
and healthful don-.-rt. Pri'imni 1 In 9 mln. No
boUlnk-I uoDiikinKI mtnpiy n.1.1 a iimo not
water A pot to cool. I'lnvor.s: Lmon.Orniiiro,
Baspborry nd Htniwborry. At grocers. lOa.
On the 110 scpiarc mites of T.ond'.n'H
area, it is sanl 1,000 tons oi soot soldo
A. V. PHof, Tni'firl.t, Sholhyvllto. Tnd..
. snjs: "UnllV Cnliirrl. 1'iir,' ixIvi-h tlu il, 01
Siillifnctlon. 'nn Ki-t pliotl v of t-Mimiinint.,,
as it iMir' every ouu who tnket. It." In-uxiflstg
tell it, 70c.
For sonic years the Nova Seotii gov
ernment hail expended about ?J5,ooo
yearly upon agriculture.
The Best Prescription for Chills
and Vptbt la a boitln of (tt0VK'fl Tastsi.wss.
Cbii.l Tonic. It Is simply Iron ami qinnine In
a tasteless form. No uure uo pay. i'rlce Qoo.
Nine important riritish steamship
companies earned in iSihj a net profit
of $4,960,000, against $4.74.1,000 in lSiS.
Fits perninnently eun-d. No (lt, or nr-rvnns.
' Hens alter llit day's 11-0 of lir. KUin1'- rt'ut
i.rvp Ititcn-r. trial hottlr and tr.Mt:te
tree. AvuU &bl'Uilu.l'a.
A new stllistitntc for celluloid resem
bling 'horn in appearance is now man
ufactured under the name of mariod.
Von Will Tor Know
what Rood Ink Is unlo-s ynii ui f arter's. It
coata uouiuiu tliau poor Ink. All (leuim.
Nearly one-third of the beer con
sumed in tin." world is brewed in Ger
many. Strawberries on Troea
At IiiHt M. Bnltet, the great French
tpcelallHt, haa been enabled to grow
strawberries on plants of a decidedly
:reellke nature. The method is sim
plicity Itself.- The runners are
trained up vertically and tied to a
take, in the same way that a pot
tomato plant is, and then the lateral
buds are pinched out. Result a straw
berry tree on a small scale. London
"Can you tell me what sort of
weather we may expect next month?"
wrote a subscriber to an editor; and
according to the Cumberland Presby
terian, the editor replied as follows:
"It is my belief that the weather next
month will be very much like your
subscription." The lixylrer wondered
what the editor meant, till he hap
pened to think of the word "unsetp
Rast snslheip for weary
woman are found In Lydla
7- DfaetVhM'a UrMfaafifa
jompound. It makes wo
Jmen strong and hoalthy to
bear their ourtsens, ana
overcomes those Ills to
whlbh women are subject
because they are women.
la known from coast to
ooasU It haa cured mora
alok 'women than any
other medicine. Its
Mends are everywhere
and they are constantly
writing thankful letters
whloh appear In this
If you are puxxled write
for r.lra. Plnkham's ad
vloom Her address fj
Lynn, Has a. She will
oharce you nothing and
eJto haa restored a million
women to health,
r T!.:
I i r"""Cuiu hntilE ALnLSFlAilS. C J
I II Oast Cough brui. Tttaien guod. Use f 1
I I I ill tliu. H0I1I lyilriiK;ll. f
Tile House devoteel the entire day to
the Alaskan civil government bill. Slow
progress was made, only 24 pages lieinx
tlisposed of.
An arrangement was reached to post
pone action upon Senator Clark's cre
dentials until May ,v. In the meantime
the credentials of lr. Mainnis will be
presented and both eases will be con
sidered together.
The anti-canteen bill, against which
military authorities recently reported,
was ordered favorably reported by the
House committee on military affairs,
with an amendment which will exclude
liipior from t lie capitol and other public
buildings. The bill reported is known
as the Howersock bill and applies to
premises used "for military purposes."
These, words were struck out. making
the bill apply to "any premises used or
owned by the United States."
The House adopted the resolution
to allow the committee on ways and
means to it during the recess of Con
gress for Ihe purpose of framing a bill
for the reduction of the war n venue,
and the resolution for a sine die ad
journment June 6.
The House adopted amendments to
the Alaska code bill authorizing the sec
retary of nr to issue permits to dredge
lor gold b, low low water mark at Cape
Nome and providing for a delegate in
(-ingress from Alaska. The paragraph
aiilliormng arrests in civil actions was
stricken out. The con feri ne.- report on
the Indian appropriation bill was pass-
Discussion of the Spooner Philippine
lull was continued in the Senate bv Mr
Morgan, of Alabama. On the gencrai
cnifst1r.11 of tl. ownership and govern
ment bv the United Slates of the Phil
MMune islands, he was in accord with
Senators Spooner ami Lodge, but he
regarded the pending bill as unwise
an, dangerous legisl.n;,,,, because of
Uc great power it places in t,0 b:1I,ds oi
lie President. Mm h of his speech was
devoted to the canal bill and to denun
ciation of the efforts to prevent its en-
u-oueiii ni tu!s session.
Villi Add Four Million Troops to tho
Cnnntrjr'a FlKhtlnR ktreniith The
Karl of Mrnth at tho lloail of the
Ulfcnntla fuderlnkluir.
England is about taking an impor
tant step In preparing material for fu
ture military service. It Is proposed to
make every public school boy in tho
land a semi-official adjunct of tho Brit
ish army, compelling him to take thor
ough military training under govern
ment Inspection so long as he remains
in the public schools, and providing for
thn establishment of school boy mili
tia In tho shape ot cadet corps and
battalions under the direct control of
the wnr office. The schools are to re
ceive therefrom $500,000 a year by way
of support
Unless some unforeseen circumstance
comes 'up to change present arrange
ments, the resolution will be presented
to Parliament within the next few
weeks. The new plan will affect about
4,000,000 boys In the United Kingdom.
They nro those In what aro called the
board schools the schools supported
by government and attended by the
children of tho middle and lower
classes, as dlstinqulKhed from the pri
vate . schools patronized by "gentle
men's" sons, with which the Educa
tion Board has nothing to do. Most
of the boys who enter English board
schools do so at the age of 11 or 12,
and leave at 14 or 15. Following the
new plan. In these three years they
will have learned the manual ot arms
thoroughly, as well as marching and
formation, using dummy guns. When
tho boys leave school tho cadet corps
will be ready to receive them, any
where between the ages ot 12 and 10.
They will then be armed with car
bines, will drill once or twice a week,
practice marksmanship, go to camp for
a month In summer; In fact, be simply
a pocket edition of the volunteer regi
ments that exist now. After that their
natural destination will be those regi
ments one of the great aims ot this
movement being to establish a reserve
for tho volunteers exactly like that
which the army reserve and the militia
constitute in relation to the regular
army. The originator of the whole
bits movement is the Earl ot Meath,
nnd thn man who has helped him most
to bring bii dream to reullty Is one
I'aul Kruger; for both Parliament and
the people it represents were never so
ready-for Just this sort ot thing in
they are to-duy.
hviM?v STm
Crntit, 1 lour and Fred.
MlKAT No. 2 red. 70 71
live No. fl Cii
'01tN-No 2 yellow, enr 47 41
No. 2 vol low, slinlliM 4 44'i
Mixed enr , 45 411
OATH No. 2 whlto 28' 2'.i
No. S whlto US 2H'a
n.Ol'H Winter pntont 8 05 8 7u
Fancy strnlitht winters 8 4 8 (10
HAY No. i timothy 1 S" 14 7S
lover, No. 1 HI M 14 Ot
' No. 1 white, mid., ton.. 17 00 17 R1
brown mlddlliiKs "'"0 lr r'
Itrnn. hulk HI 00 111 2")
STItAW Wheat. 2S 8 ft)
Oat 8 0J 8 25
lalry I'rodnota
rXTTEIt-Klgln oreamory..... 2rt 2V4
Ohio creamery l'.l.',
Fancy country roll Is 16
rill l'.HK Ohio, new '4 " i
New York, now.- V.'v' lo
l'oullry, etc,
IIFNH per pair PI CO
t HICKVNH .lro.'d 12 14
11.08 l'a. and Ohio, fnwh .... ll'j 12
t raits and Vegetable.
IPANS-dreen V l uhe 2 CO 2 50
roTATOKS Knocv White liU 40 4 !
CAI'.llAOE pnr ernto J 60 2 75
ONIONS por hu 1 2J 1 8
rt.nrn ; a s ajw ! i
Will'. AT No K rod 70 1 a 71)
(HN-MI.vl 41'., 41',
OATH 2'.',' 2:i",
Fi(IS 1J
Ll T Ohio creamery 21 2:
I T.OT'lt 3 ." 3 75
W II I'. AT No. 2 rod 70 7i
t'OltN-Ne, 2 mlM'd 41 'i 41 1 j
OATS No, 2 whllr- V'J, j i;(J
I. 1 "IT Fit t'reuniery, exlni.... So.'j
LliUM l'eiii.Hylvaiiia llrsts.... is
M.W Oil It.
ri.oi'r.i'ntont a 3 c: .1 )
W It FAT No. 2 ml 7" i
roiiy-No. 2 4.
OA IS White We-tern 2-
1:1 T TICK -Creamery M';
Lt.lib btnto met poiin a 11
Central arU, Kant l.llr,.rty. !.
(AT l It
Trimo heavy, 1400 t.i 1S0O lbs ..4 5 5 CO
I rime, 1,'Xjot.) HIS) II. 5 35 6 fte
Medium. 1UUU to 1200 tt,a 4 0) ft If.
Fat belters 4 111 5 1(1
Huteh.'r, U0O to llluu II. 4 2) 4 2o
I'oniiiion to fair. 4 on 4 W
Oxen, common to fat 3 2i 4 IS
C'oininou to good fat LulU nnd
cows 2 B0 4 2.".
Slllch cow, each 2 ' 00 25 00
Fxtru nillcli tuitu, cucli 45 Ul) (.2 t0
Prime medium wdi;litM C fill
II. Mt heavy yorki'iH nml mod. . . 6 41 ft 4 .
iood lo eh, .lew aekertr 6 o0 fj ft.
tiood pli;s and Unlit yorkora. . . t 31 S ."
Skip plga 4 tiO 4 7
Heavy Into fi ;C
t'oiumon to fair. 6 20 A :15
ItoiiKha 4 75 5 tK)
tiinga 8 bo 4 Uo
ICxtrn, wolght wetiiyrs. o., 4 S 4 OD
t.oi.d to choice, clipped 4 11 J 4 tW
I Medium, clipped 4 1)0 4...0
Coniuion to lair, cMppcl 2 oU ! uu
Limhs, good to choice, prlnR. . 0 00 0 2.
Liimho, common to lair, priu. . 5 2.i 5 '.S
Fxtra, clipped 6 AO tl 7e
O.iod to choice, clipped 0 25 (I flu
Medium, clipped 00 (I 20
Common, clipped 3 50 5 60
Veal, extra 6 75 0 00
Veal, good lo choice. 6 50 0 0 1
Veal, common to fair i 10 5 00
Veal, common heavy ........ 4 60 5 00
On a Lower Bate The Decline In Prices Av
erages Only Averages Only 4.5 Per
Cent in Two Months.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly Review
of Trade" says: Transition to a more
natural range o( prices after a time of
extraordinary buying, speculation and
rise,' is not wholly delightsome, howev
er needful it may be to business health.
Hut the gradual change this year,
though wearying, has given opportunity
in various branches to avoid losses.
It is nearly six months since the high
est prices of pig iron were reached, No
vember 30, nnd of wool, December 1,
while hides reached their maximum
December 13, leather and iron ' prod
ucts January to, boots and shoes, Jan
uary 24; woolens February 21, and
cotton and cotton goods. March 21.
The highest point for all prices was
March 16. nnd after two months of
slow decline the range for
all prices was but 4.5 per
cent, lower May 16. Hut the
past week has added its full share, a
fall of 4!j per cent, in cotton, 3 per
cent, in pig iron, 1.5 per cent, in iron
products, 2 per cent, in hides. 2'i in
boots nnd shoes, and 3' in leather, 314
in petroleum, and a little in other prod
ucts, The nominal price of Bessemer
pig is held without change nt Pittsburg
and without transactions. Hessemer is
offered much below the $.24.00 asked by
the association, while prices of finish
ed products of iron and steel have de
clined more than 10 per cent, within
two months, without any reduction in
rails, structural shapes or in sheets. No.
I Lehigh pig is quoted at $Jt and the
best anthracite $22 in Philadelphia. But
doubt about sufficient supplies of steel
making iron for coming months seems
the one impediment to renewal of ac
tivity. Sales of Connellsville coke be
low prices recently quoted exhibit is
strong light the change in the iron
manufacture. The movement of bread
stuffs has not materially changed. At
lantic exports of wheat, flour included,
having been in four weeks 10.405,397
bushels, 8,657,165 last year; Pa
cific exports 2,741. 7j 1, against 1,932,703
last year, and export of corn, 13.917,
631. against 10.2f17.f162 last year. Fail
ures for the week have been 185 in the
United States, against 142 last year,
and 20 in Canada, against 16 last year.
English forturei Ar Frauds.
The department of State warns the
public against the swindling advertise
ments and other publications of schem
ers relating to pretended estates in
England, to strangers oil such claims.
There are no great estates unclaimed
in England, and there are 110 large de
posits awaiting claimants in the Hank
of England.
Folsoo-Tlpperl Arrow Uteris,
Two chemists of the Unlversltr ot
Edinburgh have analyzed the stuff
ued in Africa as a poison for arrow
heads and which never yet has been
examined chemically. This poison Is
extracted by boiling tho roots and
stems of a plnnt called nsocnnthoia
shlmperl, and the poison Is nnmcd nso
cantherln. The plnnt belongs to a fam
ily of poison plants called apocynum,
to which belong the oleander, stro
phnntes, dog eabbsgo and mnny other
varieties. The action of the arrow
head poison la powerful to an extra
ordinary degree, and Immediately af
fects tho heart, which in strong doses
It quickly paralyses. The chemists
experimented In Inoculating animals
with the Juice, and noticed that even
when tho heart became paralyzed the
action of the lungs continued a little
whilR longer. The poison, therefore,
affects the muscles, but not the nerves,
which explains that phenomenon of
frogs which were Inoculated breath
ing after tho heart had ceased Its ac
tion. New York Press. '
Ills Offer. .
A generous If not alluring offer was
that mado by an exasperated physi
cian to tho penurious father ot an In
sane young man. Tho old man wished
to secure his son's admission to tha
Insnno asylum, but seemed unwilling
to pay for the necessary certificate.
After hearing his plea of poverty
which tho doctor knew to he false
and hearing him nlno tell of the mnny
expenses to which ho had hern put by
his ungrateful children, the physician
waved his hand to end tho recital.
"Now, see here," he snld sharply, "you
Just pay me for this one, nnd I'll give
you a certificate for yourself whenever
you wish to uso It, for nothing."
Ills Cleeftt Opportunity.
Applicant Is there nn opening here
for a sharp young man? Employer
What can you do? Applicant (confi
dently) Anything. Employer Very
well. Take my chair here and toll me
how to run my luminous on a profita
ble basis. We've been waiting years
tor you to be born. Stray Stories.
The University of Cambridge lias
confined the degree of LU D. on King
Oscar of Sweden.
Do Your 1'eet A.T.r and llnrn f
Slinko int.. your Mice Allen's looi-Fno, a
powder for thn feet. It makes tight nr new
S'iocs feel eimy. Curtw Corn, P.unlotia,
Swollen, Hot, Smarting nnd Hweailhg i-oet
nnd lngrowlnx Nails. Sold by all ilniiu.'l"t
and i-hor. stores, V5 ets. hninil" cont F'liKii.
Address Allen K., Loltoy, N. Y.
In 24 hours close upon "00 trains pass
in and out of the New street railway
station, Birmingham, F.ngland.
Jrll-O, tlio Mew Orssr.rt,
Plenses nil tlio family. Four flavors:
Lemon, Oriiiigo. Ilasplwrry and Strawberry.
At your grooors. 10 eta.
Vienna's great municipal railway sys
tem is now in perfect running: order.
To Cnrn a Cold In On nsr.
Taks I.sXatiti Baniin (jriNiN Tisi.rrs. All
ar4f.",'u "fund tha m..ney If It falls to enra.
a. . uaova s slguaturo Is on escn box. 86a.
Within 20 years California ihas added
500,000 to its population.
n-o's Cure for Consumption Is an Infalll
Ms medielno for coiikIis "nil colds. N. W.
Kauui i.. Ocean Orovo, N. J., Feb. 17, 11)00.
Sixty-two new silk factories were es
tablished in this country last year.
How to llujr a CarrrUae.
It Is possible to save from 20 to fT5 rn
onrrlaKes or other vehicles by purchasing
from a mnnufuctiiri'r who sells d re. t to
oi'iistimers. A rollabln hou.e and porhaps
th" oldest one doing bindiinss on this plnu
Is tho Klkhart ( srrluo A Harness Mff. Oo.,
of Klkhart, Indiana. Their vehicles and
barnea are of the best both In stylo ami
quality, nnd at prices that ore right. Their
customer always i-t satlsfuctioa. Hoe tbelr
advertisement in this paper.
The Khedive announced his intention
of visiting this country in tool.
Mrs.Wlnslov'aflortrilmtPyr.ip forrblldron
toethlnu. softens the tfums. rtsliiceHliifliiiiiMia
tiou, allaysiutlu.cuivB wind colli-. i'xj a bottle.
The population of Vancouver, D, C,
Increased 5,000 in 1809.
JFtfeOIM. cutundTtnrrey; hit lung die
taooe ax lea, bnuta bueheit rubber uea4
aiarliiira. brtwd cloth tri mm Intra, lam pa, cur
Uitna, sraiinhttdr, pule or abartdi aame aa re
IhIIb fr too to 7a mure tliao our price.
(Mir -. 01 IO.
m a
exclusively. For 27 years we have conducted business on this plan. We give you better quality
for the same money, or the same quality for less money than the dcnlor, jobber or supply agent.
JT. tt 7. Extension Top Surrey with
double fenders, Isutps, curtains, storm
apron, pole or shafts Is us flits ss retail for
IM mors than our urk-s. Our prlve. BM
Elkhart Carriage and Harness Manufacturing Co.
in"11 iiim'iy vh'kwia'si"ij FTA 4i n w 'r.wm iuso un mm u j. '"'v
Vcf tups
ire but
1 QjFfJf V
The question for you now is, how to mate bad blood
good bloods how to get rid of ill these impurities ia jour
system. Everybody Inoms the answer, a perfect Sarsa
pafilta. No ordinary Sarsaparilla, such as you can buy at
almost any store, wilt answer: it must be a perfect one.
There is such a Sarsaparilla, and it differs widely in every
way from all other Sarsaparilla.
J. llClC aS
"The on!y Sarsaparilla r.nde vnder the personal supervision o!
UiiiC graduates: a gradv&te in pharmacy, n graduate in
chemistry, ond a graduate In medicine."
4l.00 a bottle. All druggists.
I had frequent and tnort pilnful boili. I wis trcatrl Sy a numher of phy
sicians, but they did me no good. I
without ettrxt but hrn I tried Ayrr s
for I was soon completely cured." R.
32 ws 1 ii 11 ii'wwn .w wiisiwwiW)yij J ; s yy JV,'?H'' J.,!ETT
Tha Trouble with Manklns.
"I haven't hoard anything from
Slnnklns for a long time. Ho went out
west and got to bo a county treasurer
or something of that kind. How was
ho Retting along at last accounts?"
"Ills Inst accounts, I nm Informed, did
not balance." Chicago Tribune.
that there ts money
saved In buying
direct from the
The profit between tho mon
nlacturer and consumer
are largo.
We are the largest mnnufiictur
era of Vehicles and Ilarness in the
We Ship Anywhere For
We make 178 styles of vehicles
and 63 styles of harness.
This advertisement will op.
Sear only a few times. You may
e reading tha last Insertion.
Cur Largo Catalogue
shows every Yehiulo and Har
ness we make and gives prices.
atl Knlhlns hnl.hl !, lu m I I IMS
M and unfit, for work like 8 ' 1 V M
92 f) sua mutt
IKolhlna; relsxes them nnd makes
a speedy perfect cure like w
St. Jacobs Oil
A r T ts, iTa TT ifV TTW 7T A Tk !T 1
IAMi)) UQP E&tAdWI 1
you lave i!feic!y discovercrl that
powders and washes will not cute
these eruptions on yotif face.
They may cover up ind sup
press, but they cannot re
move. Rashes, boils, salt-rheum,
ilncles, hives, eczema, tetter, etc.,
surface indications of a deeper
tried many kmJi of pent medirinn, but
s.iruarni t jot now 01 tne ri,ut tnu-g,
V. Csousi, Attica, N. Y.
rtii. -mi.. s.K'rt.ein-M.nM.iiert ninHi'lne Mist I)n h,M flip Hvt-, of l itis
chll'lren tor the 'Ht W ymrn. It Iks. lo 1 lire, it hns Lexer
I n knout! to lull, letters hie the l..renlliuar i"H K I" u l-. l.-lsiil-
ly lr.111 all .arta ot tlio eounlry. If ur i hlM l eli k, net sboltls of
I.o not iHlte h M.jl.mltiite. It your drui-oht iY" not
lte.... It n.i.l iiin lit i-lantj s to I). oV I Itt-.V,
Ihillllllen , IM., mi l n I. Hie II Iw ii.inl.'.l oil.
ma IM IT tT H TW bars ot the PI LKH,
kVG E B Km Vk P have not used lUmtLS
r 1)1 if SiTiist Pu s Ct hb. or you
1 I fan ITS U would not hare them now.
'1 he only tiu.irnnived (Jure. Nodetvutimi trom
boslnesH. i.ooiiei atioii, noonintn 01 niorphliie.
li: rjiiM'ohltoiles lie. vtM and hos nt ulntineiit , post isilil hy mull. Send for hook ol vmIii
aide Information on Piles, HlkE, whether you
use our remedy or not.
a Ai-yluni bt.', llitriforil. Coon,
$3 8c 3.50 SHOES
Worth $4 to $6 compared
mn uiner niur.ui
tmlomrtl hy over
J,ouo,tMJO weurcra.
Thf nnuine have W. L. i
OourUb' nm and prire f
stamped on bottom, l ake 4
nn subatuute rl.timcd to b
a cnod. t our de.ilf t
ihnuld ken thm ifj
not we will tnd a pair"
ion rcceint of mice and iu.
ira mr camajte. ule Kina ot ieiner
the, and width, plain nr cap tne. Cat. frees,
W. L DOUGLAS &H0t CO., Brockton, Mast
Edwin G. Diehl,
Ageuta wauU'd to sell from lauiple books.
will I e liirrciiM'liWicroeiit. hy uclns
our niiuiiiiiiiiii . ri'iiiu ipMrairH and
up-tfMlaU clmrriB. 4 up. We pay
fii-iKlit. K Uya trial. f'atHbtua
to, UtiMuiilu, I'm
V. N. C. 2?, '00.
lr9 I quick rlif nil cnr w rtl
rnvna. b....k el torn imimislM nnd todays' tisstinsi.s
rue. Dt. m. H. astss's suss. Sos s, AUssta, as.
No, Pnmimntlo Waeon with No. 1
two Inch 1'nenu.allo Tlrvsi Hi auil HTrln.
wheels, full iMtll-beurlnifuxIfS, UulleylKsly and shaft euui'li.m. Hue Wht.N'iiril
retails lor S7A n) than uur price. Our
price, oomplsle wlUi high ls.naahuitts.Cll I A
world soiling to the consumer
JT. 0r.Kanry rtiitnrv with flfftmd
plimh trtnip.lur. I conii.l. to In very way
ainl tta flu a rntAllH for f 15 mun lhaa our -Iirtt-a,
Our prltw, with hal1i, A5t
... n-nmm'