The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 16, 1900, Image 7

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I( thnt tlrod fooling blood lucks vitality
and rlohness, nnd unnee you fol Ilka Inii
Ranl nil dny nnd nrtn't Rot remind nl nlnlit.
Hood' flarsnparllla will cure you bnonuso
It will restore to the blood the qnnlltleslt
needs lo nonrlsh, strengthen nnd sustnln
ths maseles, norvas nnd organs of thn body.
It gives sweet, rofrmihlng slnep nnd Imparts
new life nnd rigor to erery function.
Tire Feeling "I hud Hint tired feci
Ing nud linndnalmii. Was more tired In
the morning than when I wont to bud, nnd
my lnck pnlnxd me. Hood's Harsapnrllln
nnd Hood's Pills linve enred me nnd mnde
me fel ten yoars youngor." II. RrnsnLri,
874 Busbwlck Pln.-e, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
la the llr-sr Medicine Monry Tan H'iv. Pre
pared by G. I. Hood A lo., Lowell, Mass.
In ten months of 1S90 Bremen im
ported 1,045,635 bales 01 Anieriean cot
ton. What ti all We Hare For DcesrrtJ
This question nrlsns In the fnmtly dull v. Lot
as nnswrltto-dny. Try Jnll-O, n rlollolou
nnd henlthfiil dort. Tropnred In 1 mln. No
bolllnirl nobnklugl Hlmplymld n little hot
wntorAsut tooool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange,
Buspborrynnd tjtruwburry. Atgrocors. lUo.
Three turpentine plantations af 10,000
tcrt's each will soon be started in the
To Cnr CoM In One Tnv.
Take Ltxtrivi nnoHO (jroiiMK Tsm.hts. An
drufyt'i" rfimd the tn.1111-7 If It fulls m com.
a. Yi . Uaovs's slsuaturo Is on each box. Il&a,
Pensioned Widows of pmrers.
Among the widows of volunteer of
ficers of the civil war to whom pen'
sons have been granted are Mrs. F.
P. Blair, $2,000 a year; Mrs. John M.
Corse, 11,200; Mrs. Nathaniel P.
Banks, $1,200; Mrs. Walter Q. Ores
ham, $1,200; Mrs. John F. Hartranft,
$1,200; Mrs. John A. Logan, $1,290;
Mrs. Fletcher Webster, whose hus
band was the son of Daniel Webster,
$1,200. Among the widows of the reg
ular establishment pensions have been
granted as follows: Mrs. P. H. Sheri
dan, $2,500; Mrs. O. H. Thomas, $2,000;
Mrs. O. B. McClellnn, $2,000; Mrs.
John C. Fremont, $2,000; Mrs. Grant,
$5,000; Mrs. Hancock, $2,000; Mrs.
Crook, $2,000, besides a large number
of less known persons at $40 and $50
a month.
A new automatic machine gun Is
being tested by the United States
army. It weighs only twelve pounds,
can be carried by one man, and fires
460 shots a minutes.
Two of Them Helped by Mrs. Flnkhnm
Read their Letters.
"Dear, Mas. Piskuam: I am sixteen
years old and am troubled with my
monthly sickness. It is very irrepular,
occurring only once in two or three
months, and also very pnlnful. I also
Buffer with cramps and once in awhile
pain strikes me In the heart and I have
drowsy headaches. If there is anything
you can do for mo, I will gladly follow
your advioe.
Miss Mast
Gomes, Aptoa,
Cal., July 81,
" Drab Mrs.
After receiv
ing your letter
I began the
use of your reme
dies, taking both
Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable
pound and Blood PuriScr. I am now
regular every month and suffer no pain.
Tour medicine is the best that any suf
fering girl can take." Miss Mabt
Oomm, Aptos, Cal., July 6, 1800.
Nervous and Dizzy
"Dear Mrs. Pikkuam : I wish to
express my thanks to you for the great
benefit I have received from the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
. pound. I suffered constantly from ter
rible sideaohe, had chills, was nervous
and dizzy. I had tried different kinds
of medicine but they all failed entirely.
After taking three bottles of Vegetable
Compound and three of Blood Purifier I
am nil right. I cannot thank you enoiiph
forywhat your remedies have done for
me." Miss Matilda Jensen, Box 18,
Ogdensburg, Wis., June 10, 18S&.
it yon nave got tbe PILES,
you have not need XJahibla
bona Piut Ouhe, or you
would not bava them MOW.
fhe ouiy UuarauLeed Cure. No detention from
Dualntft. ttooiMtrsXion. no oiluro or morphine.
12 MurjtoaluiHsa6un. or 24 nnd box of ointment
91.01, puelpalt! by mall. Heud tor book ot valu
able luoruiatioo on I'lltM, l)'UE,wluUier you
uee onr remedy or not.
tm Arylum bu, Hartford, Coun.
cures children ot wOBMfl.
llmnovea them effectually
unit without pnin or an-
fcnoynnuo. 60 yttHra' no
if broken rneord of success.
11 11 is me remeuy lor nil
X, -t I . wwiw irumiitjn. entirely
,. vugntalile. 25c. at druggists,
i-.iii,irr niurn. iir iiy mail.
a.. , N. FUKY, Baltimore, It,l.
Edwin G. Diehl,
Agents wanted to sell from sample books.
0 iS m - I aawfc r-'Wf .nd .r wot
aouS H lMtiieiiJs sad IO days' lim law,,
treo. B. u. aasa't sans, ss B.
r - ---s4jwnn w.noitMia.
I . WaJitstn, B.c;
I -. w rfmiy Prx(oua Claim,
I amtufr u. . Pension Bureau.
In s jr is U stvll ear . U eOimlUielHm oislaw.atO' sutua
r. n 0. so, m
L Bsef et-'li hjriuu. Tutse sooil. Dss I I
l J
tVomen's fjnsqnal Rlshta
In thirty-seven of these United
States a married mother has no legal
right to her children. In sixteen states
a wlfo has no lescnl right to her own
earnings outside of the home. In eight
states a woman has no right to her
own property after marriage. In seven
states there Is no law compelling a
man to support his own family.
WrsTfiKi.rt. Mom.. Nov 27, )Pf.
The Oenesee I'nro Kood t.'o., I.e Ilo, N. T.I
Oentlrmen Hnvlr g usd vour Obaih O
fr the fmt 8 mos. I Ihoepht I would write
nnd let yon know how miieh good It has
done me. Nhon I wn on my vncntlon lest
summer tho pi-oplo I vls'ted nsked me to try
(IniiK-O, and I drunk fnm, but I didn't like
lit but the more I drunk tlio better I liked
It, nnd now I wouldn't drink nnyihlng else,
I never wr.(:hod ovnr H O Itw. nnd Inst winter
1 wns down to 108. nnd nf.w I welith Just 120.
I never felt better In my life. It gives me en
nwful nrpetlte nnd tnnkee me strong. It U
doing me more jrood then anything I ever
took I rorommend It to everybodv.
Yours truly, Mns. Geo, II. itnowR.
two Indiana Towns, Flfteea Miles
Apart, Saereesfolty Connected
An Anderson, Ind., correspondent
writes: One of the most novel tele
phone systems In tho world is the
"barbwlre" line, which connects the
towns of Anderson, Pendleton and In
galls. It Is fifteen miles In length. Its
Inventor, builder and solo owner, Cas
eins Alley of Pendleton, Ind., now has
six subscribers at $"0 a year each.
The time Is not far distant when there
will be ten-fold this number. Ono
clothing company at Anderson with
branch stores at Pendleton, nnd the
Wagner Glass Works, with offices at
Anderson and factory at Ingails, are
using this barb-wlro system In their
business affairs exclusively. They use
tho lino frequently. They can convert
It into a private lino by plugs so ar
ranged thut when ono party Is using
the lino ho can rut out all otherj except
In Mr. Alley's resddenco, which Is used
ns a central station. It is no exag
geration to say that this barb-wire
telephono system is qulto as satisfac
tory as tho copper circuit of the Bell.
Ordinary phones are used with no
special strength of battery and there
Is very little trouble with the linos.
In constructing the line Mr. Alley
used the top strand of the barb-wire
fence of the Big Four railway, mak
ing the connections with the offices
of his subscribers with ordinary tele
phone wlro. In somo instances whero
the posts had rotted It was necessary
to paint tho wire and posts with rub
ber paint to Insulate the wire. The
whole line of fifteen miles was built
at a cost of about $100, and the outfit
for each house, consisting of receiver,
transmitter, battery, call, etc., costs
not over $10. The lino has been in
operation since December 22, and has
not been out of order except for a few
hours when a fast train on the rail
way track struck a cow, threw her
body against the fence and broke the
"How Do Ton DoT"
The Germans say "Wie beflnden sle
slch?" (How do you find yourself?) or
"Wie gehts?" (How goes it?); the
Dutch "Hoe vaart gij?" (How do you
fare?); the Italians, "Come state (How
do you stand); the French "Comment
vous portez-vous?" (How do you carry
yourself?). In Spain, as In Germany,
the usual greetings are "Como esta
usted?" (How are you) or "Que tal
va?" (How goes it?). The Greeks aay
"Ti Kamete?" (What do you do?),
while in China the expression Is,
"Have you eaten your rice?" in Rus
sia, "Be well!" or "How do you live
on?" and in Arabia, "May your morn
ing be good!" or "Ood grant thee big
favors." The Turk's greeting is, "Be
under the care of God," and that of the
Persians, "la thy exalted condition
good? May thy shadow never be
less!" The briefest and at the same
time most expressive salutation is the
Morth American Indian's "How!"
Collier'a Weekly
Kissed Mrs. Cleveland's Hand.
"It has been my pleasure to meet
newspaper reporters in all ths cities
of America that I have visited since
my residence In this country, and but
once have I had any occasion to regret
my contact with them," said Rt Hon.
Charles B. Cahusac. "This was la
Washington, D. C. when, by soma
chance that to me is still a dark and
unfathomable mystery, a reporter
learned that I was presented to Presi
dent and Mrs. Cleveland, and that, ig
norant of American customs, for it was
the flrBt time that I bad been present
ed to the executive of a republic, I
went down on my knees before Mrs.
Cleveland and kissed her hand. Imag
ine my chagrin the next day, when,
upon picking up tbe paper, my eye fell
upon a headline reading. 'He Kissed
Her Hand. A Titled Englishman
Kneels Before Mrs. Cleveland.' Now,
as I say, I did not know but tbe cus
toms of Europe prevailed here." Den
ver Republican.
The Americans in the Klondike have
exactly the same rights and privileges
and pay the mine taxes as Canadians.
Jell-O, (he) New Deaaart,
rieases till tbe family. Four flavors:-.
Lemon, Crimen, Itnspberry and Strawberry.
At your grounrs. 10 ota.
Five cantons of Switzerland have ad
mitted women to the business schools,
and reported good results.
Carter's Ink Is the Hest Ink
mnde, but no dearer than tbe poorest. Ban
the largest sale or any luk lu the world.
The mortality in Rome has been re
duced within a few years from 35 per
1,000 to 15 per 1,000.
Io Tear Faat A he sad Hura t
Fbske Into your sboao Allen's Foot-Ease, s
pow ier for tbe feet. It make tight or new
uos leei easy, cures corns, jiunmns,
rwolleo. Hot, r marling and bweatlug Feel
ana ingrowing rain, ttoia by nil aruggist
nud shoe stores, 16 eta Bamole sent J'ltLE.
AQUress Allen , Ulinsleaa, jjeiloy, X. X.
Pay telephones are to be put in all
drug stores in Louisville and all dead
head talking will be abolished.
rreln, Hour and Feed.
Tf nF.AT No. 2 red. Tl
hyn No, k !
COHX No 2 yellow, enr
No. 2 yellow; shello.l
M 1x0,1 Hholl., 4.)
OA I H No. 2 white SO
No. 8 white 2!
FI.OLll Winter pntwit
80 '4
8 M
8 CO
lb AO
14 50
18 00
10 03
17 00
8 25
8 25
rency stratum winters " '
HAY No. 1 llmotby 1 2A
( Inver, No. 1 14 00
'EK1) No. 1 white mid., ton.. 17 50
Krown middlings 00
lirnn. bulk 16 BO
Ont 8 00
Dairy Product a
Bt'TTEJl Elgin creamery..... 23
Ohio erenmtry
Fnupy country roll 18
CHK.KHK Ohio, new 10
New York, new 10) j
1'onltry, etc.
HF.NB per pair M
( llH'KHNH drowd 1
IUUH In. ind Ohio, frcwh.... 11,' i
Fruits nnd Yecetablae.
I'FANB-Oreen V basket f 4 00
I'd' ATOl.8 I nney W hite bu 45
CAKI'.AOE per bbl 8 00
DMONB porbbl 2 00
4 25
8 2
9 2)
ft nrn
..8 8 65? 8 81
... ,' tl-VS
W I IK AT No 2 red ,
COUN Mixed....'.
bl'ULK Ohio creamery.
) so,1,
23 21
u.orn s svf 8 7 J
win: AT No. 2 ml
COltN- No. 2 mixed
OATH No. 2 wblto
Ill'TTklt Creiimery, extra..
tOOb l'eunsylviinla firsts..
80 HI
n.OlTIt I'lilents 8 8 83
WHEAT 2 red 75 77"
'IlllV v.. .
OA'l H--W li'lte'Weti'rn.'!!.'!'.!ll 2S
HL'l TElt (Jrvnmorv. M, 10'
rUOb Htate nud l;enu 13
lentrel ntoik arils, Kasl l.ltierty. Pa.
Extra, 14M to 16D0 lbs 5 60 5 C3
I rlme, I.KIUto 1400 lb 5 44 5 6J
Good, 121'0 to 1S00 lts 5 2J ft 8U
1 Idy, 1M0 to 1160 lbs. 5 00 6 15
rnir nlit Meers. tHHJ to 1000 lbs 4 59 4 1"
Common, '.00 to WO tt9 4 10 4 40
Medium 6 50 B 55
Heavy 6 45 6 t"
Houghs nnd stags 8 00 4 2s
Trlme, 85lo 110 Itis 5 25 6 85
(i ood, e6 to IK) lbs.. E 10 5 2'
Fair, 70 to bo lbs 4 25 6 0
Common 2 50 8 50
Veal Calves 6 00 8 50
Choice to extra 8 50 0 iv
(rood to eboii e 8 2i 0 5(1 1
Fair to good 6 60 0 21 '
Culls to filr 3 60 6 25
Sliding lo Lower Cost It Brings an Increased
Demand for Iron Decline in
Corn and Wheat
R. G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly Trade
Kevicw" says: With wholesome prompt
ness the country is recovering from the
embarrassment of unnaturally high
prices. In some lines tlic great manu
facturing associations have taken thi
lead: in others reductions are still de
ferred because the entire producing ca
pacity is engaged at kegh prices foi
some months to come; in others it
comes in spite of resistance because buy
ers hold back orders for their own pro
tection until material concessions are
made. No disturbance nor stringency
of credits results, nor any sign of alarm,
and the movement is perhaps more
healthy than it could have been if en
tirely controlled by the competition of
many small concerns. The weekly out
put of pig iron May I was 20.I.850 tons,
against 280.482 April I, while unsold
stocks not held by the great steel mak
ers increased 44,645 tons. This would
indicate a daily consumption of 40.641
tons against 41,642 in January, hitherto
the largest, but for the fact that con
siderable stocks have also accumulated
in the hands of consuming concerns, ol
which enough to use much more than
1,000 tons daily are now idle. Bcssemct
pig at Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley
No. I here are quoted at $22.00 per ton
and market wire has been reduced in
correspondence with barbed and plain.
Considerable increase of business i re
ported resultine from recent reductions,
hut demands for higher wages and also
for closing of some iron works two
months in the year, whether there is
business or not. causes some hesitation
regarding further contracts. In spite of
good exports wheat prospects suffice
to cause a decline of ic, while corn
has declined 2c. Corn exports still
run much beyond Inst year's, in two
weeks 6.850.500 bushels against 4.720.
666 last year, and Atlantic exports ol
wheat, flour included, have been in two
weeks 5.190,50 bushels against 5.2.16,
705 last vear. with Pacific exports i.oqt.
607 bushels against I.O&M.VJ bushels
last year. Of both grains the move
ment from the farms is large enonch to
dispel n'l fear that the suv"'y will run
short. FatWej fo- the week have been
IQ2 in the United States, against 165 lat
year, and 15 in Canada, pgainst 23 last
Brloon leni'sd.
Prof. Carl Bryan, the aeronaut, had s
thrilling exnerience at Reading. Pa.,
Friday. While his balloon was being
inflated with hot air a spark unnoticed
bv the aeronaut settled on the canvas,
The ascent was made, and when at a
height of about 1.000 feet the balloon
took fire. In a short, time it was a mass
of flames.
For some time Brynn. on a tranerc
below, was unaware of the fire and bis
own peril. He distinctly "heard the
shouts of the people below, and. glanc
ing up. saw the balloon on fire. He
quickly rut loose his parachute and
leaped. This, on account of haste, he
did imperfectly, and he fell a great dir
tance before the parachute opened.
Bryan, however, landed without sus
taining injury.
Consul General Long reports front
Cairo. Egypt, that the plague has ap
peared at Alexandria.
Trine and Trlneess af Wales Din at
the Trople's Restnnrnnt.
A touching Incident, simple In iU
chsractcr, but invested with almost
historical interest, marked the opening
couple of weeks ago of the first of tht
poor men's restaurant which the Prin
cess of Wales has succeeded In estab
lishing In London. No formal cere
mony inaugurated the opening day's
business at the establishment founded
by the Alexandra Trust In the City
road, London, Something much more
telling than prosnlc speeches, more
impressive than votes of thanks, oc
curred to draw attention to the cooked
meals which are served at a cost be
low anything previously attempted In
London. One day the Prince and Prin
cess of Wales, accompanied by the
Hon. Sydney Grevllle. drove down to
the City-road on a surprise visit to th
Alexandra restaurant. Luncheon tick
ets were bought In tbe ordinary way al
4Hd, (9 cents) each. Whilst thou
sands of tollers, workmen, factory
girls, shop boys and needy clerks were,
consuming the luncheon provided In
tho big dining halls, the royal vlsltorx
sat down to a similar meal in an ad
joining room. Thero were six in the
royal luncheon party. Three courses
were served. The bill for the whole
party came to 2s. 3d. (54 cents). Need
less to say, the presence of the heir
apparent and the princess In the res
taurant was the occasion of a singular
ly Interesting demonstration on the
part ot the people.
Mysteries off a Toilet,
Every man has a theory against and
an apparent abhorrence of a woman's
use of artificial means In the way of
producing a bloomy complexion, and
yet as surely as the needle to the mng
net you will Invariably find him gravi
tating toward the girl or woman with
a mado complexion. The fact of the
matter is men don't know face pow
der and rouge when they see It, they
are not prone to recognize It even on
a face as near as that ot their own
wives. 80 despite that much is being
said and more written about the lat
ter day woman's frank use of rouge,
powder and pencil, as long as one of
her vnoBt appealing charms is vested
in 11 rose and cream complexion, just
so long will she make use of tbe
means whereby to build It
a akakAkn.atakaiflk nkaiflhAA Skskflk&&flsm e
There U every food
reason why
Si Jacobs Oil
hottld cure
for the rest of the century. One par
amount reason U U does cure,
What do tho
Don't give them tea or coffee.
Have you tried the new food drink
called GRAIN-Of It is dolioious
and nourishing aud takes the place
of coffee.
The more Graln-0 you gtv the
children the more health you distrib
ute through their systems.
Grsin-0 is mode of pure grains,
and wben properly prepared taste
lik the cboioe grades of coffee but
coi-ts about as much. AU grocers
sell it. ISo. and 25o.
Try Crain-O!
I miit that toot trrocvr givaa yon O RAIH-O
Accept 00 iaiitmUoii.
buy a package of FRIENDS' OATS and find how to
This only shows a few of the
We have many more.
Light Gold Plated Belt Buckle.
Gold Plated Brooches.
Sterling Silver Hearts.
Sterling Silver Show Horn.
Sterling Silver Nail File.
Sterling Silver Eraser.
Sterling Silver Darning Ball.
Sterling Silver Hair Curler.
Sterling Silver Button Hook.
'n yjvey
) cV)
How ire
snd hive
1111 1VTV X
Nearly everyone needs i good spring medicine :i medicine
that will remove impurities from the system, strengthen the
digestion, ind bring back the old force and vigor to the
nerves. A perfect Sarsaparilla is just such a medicine: a
Sarsaparilla that contains the choicest and most valuable in
gredients t Sarsaparilla accurately and carefully made, and
one that experience his shown is perfect in every way.
"The only Saruparilla made under the personal supervision ot
three graduates : a graduate tn pharmacy, n graduate In
chemistry, nnd a gradvate in medicine.'
$1.00 a bott'e. All Drvcjists.
I vn perfectly confident that Ayer'i Saruparilla snd Plllt have laved my life
by taking them erery fall snd spring. I hat s kept them in the hemic for the
put twenty yean." Eva N. Hast, Buffalo, N. Y., March 19, 1 900.
i. a.,
rirst-norn Sons Do Mot Monopotlr
Professor Axenfeld, an eminent Eu
ropean physiologist, has brought about
nn interesting dlcusslon by the state
ment of bis belief thnt men of genius
are always tbe oldest of families.
"Second or third sons, may be emi
nent men," he adds, "and sons born
Inter may be men of talent, but they
can never be great." Dr. Cyrus Edson,
a physiologist ot New York, under
takes to controvert these statements,
and furnishes the following names ol
men of genius who were not the first
born: Ilenjnmln Franklin, fifteenth;
Sir R. Arkwrlght, thirteenth; Joseph
Butler, eighth; Sir Joseph Reynolds,
seventh; Alfred the Oreat, fifth; Sir
Charles Dell, fifth; Prince Bismarck,
fourth; Gladstone, fourth; Cecil
Rhodes, fourth; Wellington, third;
Charles Jaraea Fox, third; Sir Robert
Walpole, third; Shakespeare, third;
Ueaumont, third; Fletcher, third;
Lord Lytton, third; Philip of Macedon,
third; Tennyson, third; Simon de
Montfort, third; Napoleon Bonaparte,
second; Turenne, second; Solomon,
second; Sir Wlllam Wallace, second;
John Wesley, second; Sir F. Baring,
Becond; Montaigne, second; Carlyle,
second; Brian Boru, second; Christo
pher Huggens, second; R. B. Sheri
dan, second. s
The Best Preeerltttlon for Chills
nnd Fever Is a bottle of Oiiovs's TiSTBLisa
Chiix Tonic. It Is simply Iron ami quinine In
lesieless form. No cure no fray, l'rlce 500.
Free lunches in saloons have been
forbidden by the Dcs Moines council.
I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption
has an equal for coughs and oolda. Jiihk V.
Doyeb, 'trinity Hprlngs. Iud , Feb. IS. 1U00.
Since 1891 Colorado has produced
over $75,000,000 in gold.
J. C. Plmpenn. Maro.npsa, W. Va., say":
"Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me of a very bad
case ot catarrh." Uruguista sill iUUu.
French Canadians almost entirely use
home-grown tobacco.
Mra.Wlnslnw'sSonthlngfiyt.ip forchlldren
teething, softens the gums. rvdiK-eNinttammn..
tiun. allays juiiu.curve wind uolicgiio a buttle.
Thus far in J900, England has export
ed $17,075,000 less than in lUyy.
Embroidery Scissors.
Gent's Stag Handle Knife.
Ladies' Pearl Handle Knife.
Boys' Jack Knife.
Books for Adults. Young People and Children.
the children this spring)
twommuning good dc.i ol hcid
ache, Can't study is well is nsuil,
easily fall asleep, and ire tired
ill the time? And how is it
witti yourself? Is youf
Strength slipping sway? Do you
tremble easily, ire vour nerves sit
unstrung, do you feel dull ind sleepy.
you lost ill ambition ?
Is a durable and
natural eeraens
base wall coating,
In B lb. paper packages, mnde ready for one la
white nnd fourteen beautiful tints by mizinc
with cold water. It is a eement that goes
throngh a process ot setting, hardens with age,
and can he coated nnd recoated without washing
off its old coats before renewing.
Is entirely
im mm m m m m m m
J 1.-1 I ..... nn rli.m.,b.l hlnirriiiMihl
and not stuck on the wall with glno. Alabaetlna
customers should lnl"t on having tbe goods la
packages properly labeled. They should reject
all Imitations. There is nothing "just as good."
Prevents mnch sickness, particularly throat and
long difficulties, attributable to unsanitary
coatings on wnlls. It bas been recommended
In a paper published by the Michigan 8tat
Hoard of Benlth on account of Its sanitary '
feetnrea: which paper strongly condemned
kalsominee. Alahafttiue enn be used on either
plastered walls, wood ceilings, brick or cauvas,
and any one can hnih It on. It admits of radi
cal changes from wall paper decorations, thus
securing at rcBMttiatile eipense the latest and
best effects. Alalwstlne is manufactured by the
Afdbastine Company of Orarnl Rap!ds.nkiiiaii.
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