The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 16, 1900, Image 5

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Siibirriptinn tl.HO rr trnr, or $1.00 if
finid Klrirlhj til ntlrtinre.
('. A. MTKPIIKMNOIV. Kriltor anil I'nb.
You will find n good
first-class repair shop,
equipped for nil kinds
of repair, (rood work
done promptly at
reasonable prices.
All Halt f Tim U Stotk.
Travelers' Guide.
Pnsscnirer trains arrive nnd leave Rpyn
otdnvillu lift follow:
Allryhrmj ViiVe; Ititihrii).
RiMtwnrri. Westward.
Trnln No. . n. m. Trnln No. 8, H.M n. m.
TrnlnNo.i:i, ll.ntin. m. Trnln No. (I, K.4S n. m.
Trnln No. 1. ISilsp. in. Trnln No. 2, 1..W p. in.
Trnln No. ft. B W p. m. Trnln No.14, ft.iw p. m.
Train No. 7, U i:i p. in. Trnln, M p. ni.
Trnln Nn.4l, l.OOp. m. Trnln No. s, S..VI h. m.
Trnln No. 7, 9. Ill p. m. Trnln No. 4. 4.3 p. m.
It. H. f 1 liy, (C. f .V. Dii )
Arrive I Prpiirts
Trnln No 711 1 20 p m I Trnln No ,1, 3 30 p ni
A Little oT EverutWng.
Williams for shoos.
New golf hats at Millirens.
Johns Se Thompson, tailors.
For (rood shoos (fo to Robinson's.
New nice ties each week at Millirens.
Read our free scholarship offer on 8th
At least two Juno weddings are upon
the tapis.
Paper as low as 2 cents per roll at
Gonttt, ask to see Shick & Wagner's
(3.00 pants.
Crash suits and serge coats and vests
at Millirons.
Brumbaugh & Hillls sew, line and
lay their carpets.
I Good property for salo on Hill street,
'inquire of Ira Smith.
(JSyki's caught a large coon near
'londay evening.
VliOiiSjf saved by shoeing your foet
at Williams' shoe store.
The Fourth of July Is fast approach
ing. Will we celebrate?
' f i ...... .......
at John Flynn's tailor shop.
There will be a new schedulo on the
A. V. R'y about the first of June.
Lot for sale in West Reynoldsville.
Inquire at this offloe for particulars.
Fine line white back paper at 10 cents
and 12 cents, latest patterns. Reynolds.'
Fifty pair of misses' shoes that were
formerly $1. 50, now 91.00 at Williams.'
The A. V. R'y pay car was over the
road last week distributing "filthy
''" Our ladies shoes for $2.00 are of the
best material and beautifully made.
If you want a good fitting suit or an
overcoat, go to Johos & Thompson,
merchant tailors.
Coca Cola drinkers notice: We are
ready for business again. Reynolds
Drug Store fountain.
County Commissioners are now mak
ing arrangements to reoeive bids for the
erection of the poor house.
' Nobby suits, the very latest style, is
what Johns & Thompson, merchant tail
ors, are turning out. Try them.
Clarence Earley, of Pleasant avonue,
bad bis left arm injured while at work
in Big Soldier mine one day last week.
Mrs. Grant Solada was taken to East
Brady yesterday and from there she
will be taken to the asylum at Warren.
M. F. Johnson, the Clearfield county
jury wheel trickster, was sentenced
Saturday to four years In the peniten-
A large fan broke at the tannery one
day last week which made things lively
In that department of tannery for sev
eral minutes.
Do not bother with lace curtains at
. borne, but send them to the Reynolds
ville Steam Laundry, where tbey will
, be done up nicely.
Confidence Js so thoroughly ground
iuto and mixed wltb Sherwin-Williams
paints It's oo wonder the sales increase.
Sold by 'Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
i ' .
The Ladles of the Relief Corns will
serve jsandwicus and coffee, Ice cream
and cake, strawberries and cream In
Bee Hive building on Decoration duy.
If you want a nlco suit for yourself or
your boy, you will save money by going
to Shick A Wagners' to buy it.
I. H. MeCracken, Geo. I). Vandovort
and H. F. Patton, throe Brook villi)
young men, H-nt Sunday in town.
For Sale Good house on Grant street
on easy terms, also for rent. Inquire
of Mrs. .1. 8. Morrow for particulars.
Georgn Kline got the roll lop bed
room suit at Brumbaugh & Hillls' that
w as clmnceil oil by Hope Hose Company.
William Bolton, driver In Big Soldier,
bud hi left shoulder badly Injured Mon
day by being caught between cars while
at work in the mine.
Kdururtlo N'oee, an Italian, died at Big
Soldier at five o'clock Inst evening with
typhoid fever. Will bu burled in Cath
olic cemetery this afternoon.
Stanley Brlghnm, brother-in-law of
Francis Sutter, hnd the end of first fin
ger of li ft hand cut off on a planer
at tannery last Friday afternoon.
A valuable row owned hy A. G. Mil
liren died Friday night. The cause of
death Is supposed by some, to have been
anthrax. The curcasB was cremated.
Hurry, eleven-year-old son of II. A.
Swab, had hi left leg badly Injured
Monday on a rusty nail. It required
several stitches to sew up the wound.
Rev. S. M. Gordon and C. C. Ben
scoter, of Brook ville, have been en
gaged as sHakers for tho Decoration
Day exercises at Beech woods this year.
It's a good sort of selfishness that
avoids selling low-grade goods in order
to avoid self destruction. Always tho
best at the Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
are making preparations for a mission
ary convention to be held in this place
Wednesday and Thursday, June 13th
and 14th.
Rev. H. G. Dodds, M. E. minister at
Punxsutawney, is credited with baing
Bald: "Most people's religion grows
colder In hot weather and hotter in
cold woBiTler."
Tho Knights of Pythius reunion to
bo held in this place tho 14th of next
month will be largely attended. It is
expected that between two and threo
thousand Knights will be present.
J. G. Howlett and Miss Elmlra Han
nold were married at tho residence of
the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Howlett, at eight o'clock Tuesday even
ing, May 8th, by 'Squire E. Neff.
Frank Connell. aged 14 years, son of
Thomas Connell of Rathmel, died Mon
day morning from pneumonia. Funeral
services wero held yesterday morning
and interment took place at Catholic
Rev. Charles (J. Ray, of Marlow, Ind.
Territory, and Miss Jonnio Doubles, of
Brookvllle, daughter of John Doubles
of this place, were married In the M.
E. church at Brookvllle last Thursday
by Rov. S. M. Gordon.
G. Osgood Andrews, president of the
Now York Glass Company, and S. Bryan
Kneass, treasurer of the same company,
arrived in town yesterday to arrange
tho details of the contract for the pur
chase of the product from the Star Glass
A number of Odd Fellows of Falls
Creek drove to this place Saturday
evening and visited Reynoldsville
Lodge No. 824. They brought with
them two candidates to have t ho second
degree conferred on them by Reynolds
ville Lodge's degree staff.
Grler O. Sweltzor, one of the proprie
tors of Hotel Imperial, will go to New
Bethlehem this morning to meet his
mother, Mrs. J. H. Sweltzor, of Lime
stone, Clarion county, who will make
her home in this place for a time at
least. Her husband died a few weeks
Miss Spencer, returned missionary
from Japan, gave a very Interesting
talk in the lecture room of the M. E.
church Saturday afternoon. Miss Silen
cer has been working among the Japan
ese 22 years and can relate some interest
ing facts about the mission work in that
Vincent Reynolds, student in the
Medioo-Chlrurgical College, Depart
ment of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, grad
uates Saturday. Ho has bocn working
as a clerk in a Philadelphia drug store
during his spare hours and has thus
been enabled to get considerable practi
cal experience as a druggist.
The hard wind storm Tuesday even
ing of last week played havoc with the
West Reynoldsville borough line, blow
ing it over into WInslow township three
feet. County Surveyor James Caldwell
came up Thursday and got the line back
into its proper plaoe. Harry Bryan is
authority for the above statement.
Charles M. Feicht, who is a member
of Class of 1900, Department of Phar
macy, Medioo-Cblrurgical College, Phil
adelphia, will go to Pittsburg Friday
and from there to Philadelphia Friday
night to graduate from the above insti
tution Saturday. Charles finished bis
work at the oollege two weeks ago and
returned to bis borne in this place.
The eleventh anniversary exercises
of the Epwortb League given In the
M. E. church Sunday evening passed off
nicely. K. G. Bottorf, president of the
League, had charge of the exercises
and the following young people took
part in carrying out the program: Delia
Dempsey, Eltle Mohney, Cora Beer,
Sophia Heckman, Golda King, Ella
Philips, Amy Reno, Edna Lewis,
Charles Burge, Earl Dempsey and Fred
McEntlre. A short address was given
by Rev. Perry A. Rono, pastor. ,
"Sit on His Kidneys."
Harry, four-year-old son of Ward
Kason, said to a neighbor lady yester
day, "Kenneth Alexander sit on his
kidney and is slrk in bed.'- Harry
heard some person say that Kenneth
hnd caught cold which settled on his
Mission Workers.
Fathers Hlrkey and Wart I tiger, two
mission workers, are conducting ser
vices In the Catholic church this week.
There Is mass at fi.OO, 11. IK) and 8.00 each
morning, a sermon at 8.30 a. in. and u
sermon at 7.30 each evening this week.
These gentlemen! are both good talkers.
Scholarship Contest.
On the eighth page will be found the
full particular of the freo scholarship
offered by THE STAB. This is a good
opportunity for some hustling young
person to get a full year at the Lock
Haven State Normal School. The con
test, is open to any person who care to
take it up.
Salvation Army.
Staff Captain March and Cnptaln Ash
ton, late of New York City, were here
last week assisting in Salvation Army
meeting in Baptist church Thursday
evening and Centennial hall ' Friday
evening. The meetings were very In
teresting but the audience each evening
wus not large.
A. V. R'y Officials Trout Fishing.
Genernl Superintendent C. B. Price,
General Passenger Agent J. P. Ander
son, of Pittsburg. Trnln Dispatcher A.
B. Weed and Train Master I). M. Unns
more. of this place, accompanied by
several prominent citizens of l'ittsburg,
were over on Medlx Hun several days
tho latter part of last week trout fish
ing. Hotel Proprietorship Will Change.
John O'Hare, who ha been proprie
tor of tho Burns House over two veara,
ha sold out to John Collins, better
known as Jack Skehan. Mr. Collins take
charge of the Burns House next week.
Mr. O'Hare expects to take charge of a
hotel at New Kensington. Ho will go
to that plaeo Friday tosooabont getting
tho hotel.
Lamps to be Shipped Friday.
As stated before In this paper there
has been delay In getting the electric
lights in operation on account of the
company, from whom tho lamp have
been ordered, being unable to fill the
order promptly. The lamps aiu to be
shlppnl the latter part of this week.
F. H. Golding, of Bianford. Conn., elec
trician for the Reynoldsvllln Electric
Light Company, will arrive In town to
day or to-morrow.
An Engineer Corps at Work.
An engineer corps is making a survey
between this place and Punxsutawney,
but what for is another thing. The
supposition Is that tho survey is being
made to extend the Pennsylvania rail
road line from Punxs'y to this place and
thus give that road an outlet to the
lakes. This routo has been surveyed
twice before, and whether the third
time will bo the "charm" remains to be
seen. We hope the road will bo built.
Graduate Saturday.
The commencement exercises of the
Medico-Chlrurglcal College, Depart
ment of Dentistry, of Philadelphia, will
take nlace on Sntm-Hnv. Mav loih.
Through the kindness of Dr. Harry
i rum ana or. jonn tJiair uougnerty,
who are members of the graduat
ing class, we received Invitations to
attend the commencement. These
vnnnor man hui-a wnxlul K ( ..
"sheepskin." Wherever they may hang
out, moir "sningie" we wisii tnem un
limited success.
Decoration Day at Rathmel.
Decoration Day. May 30th. will bo
observed at Rathmel under tWe auspices
of Washington Camp. No. 002, P. O. S.
of A. The linn of march will form at
2.00 p. m. at P. O. S. of A. hall and
proceed to Prospect cemetery, where
addresses will be made by good speak
ers. An old fashioned war dinner will
be served at hall. Ice cream and cake
will be served during afternoon and
evening. A grand, patriotic entertain
ment will be given In the evening, con
sisting of recitations, solos, ducts, &a.,
and firoslde talks by G. A. R. men. All
lodges, societies and Sunday schools are
invited to join In the parado whether
given a special invitation or not.
Saved a Woman's Life.
Vincent Reynolds, one of our town
boys who Is attending a pharmacy col
lege In Philadelphia and also clerking
in a drug store in the "City ot Brother
Love," saved a woman's life last Thurs
day. The woman had taken a dose of
iodine with the intention of "shuffling
off this mortal coil," but some of her
friends discovered hor suicidal Inten
tion soon after the poison had been
swallowed and they ran to nearest drug
store for help, which happened to be
the store where Vincent is head clerk.
He Bent in a call for a physician and
then equipped himself with the neces
sary emetics and was soon at the
woman's side administering the medi
cine, and before the doctor arrived Vin
oent bad his patient in a fair way to
James Hodge Committed Suicide.
James Hodge, of Rathmel, committed
suicide yesterday afternoon by cutting
his throat from ear to ear with a pun
knife. He bad been unable to work for
almost a year on account of stomach
trouble which worried him and finally
effected his mind. His family was afraid
he would barm himself and watched
blm closely. His razor and knife were
put out of bis way. Yesterday afternoon
be went to home of his nephew, next
door to his own, and found a sharp knife
which the nephew bad been using and
forgotten to take with btm. Mr. Hodge
slipped the kulfe into bis pocket and
went out to closet about 3.00 p. m. and
about four o'clock hu was found dead.
He deliberately used the knife, laid it
down on seat beside him aud held bis
bead over a closet hole to let the blood
run Into closet. Mr. Hodge leaves a
wife and six children. Ho was about
fifty-two years old. He was a member
of the Improved Order of Red Men of
this place and had been receiving week
ly benefits from this order until recent
ly. Benefits would have been renewed
next week. Special meeting of Red Men
will be held this evening to make ar
rangements to attend the funeral.
Home Wedding.
At 3.00 1). in. Thursday. Mhv tilth.
Miss Blanche Davis, oldest daugh
I ter of Air. aud Airs. T. J. Davis, and
IX A It., ,,.11..,. .,r v.,, tz.. i.........
Pa., were married at residence of the
bride's parents on Jaekson street. The
nuptial knot was lied by Rev. A. J.
Meek, pastor of tho Baptist church.
Miss Anna Davis was bridesmaid and
L. E. Mitchell, of New Kensington, was
groomsman. The wedding party was
small, only immediate members of the
family and a few invited guests were
present. After the ceremony and con
gratulations an excellent wedding din
ner was served. Some valuable pres
ents were given. Mr. and Mrs. Head
ley left on the 5.0S p. m. train the same
day for New Kensington, their future
homo, where Mr. Headley hus a good
position In the tin mill.
Mis Blanche Davis was one of Royn
oldsvllle's finest young ladies. She was
a consistent member and hard worker
of the Baptist church: a member of the
choir. Slio was a graduate of the Clar
ion Normal music department. Shu
had many friends who will miss her
from their ranks. Mr. Headley was an
employe at the Jefferson Supply Co.
store in this place a year or two ago and
Is well known in town. The Star joins
with their host of friend In wishing
them happiness and prosperity.
Red Men at Church.
Last Sunday morning there was a
large audience at tho Baptist church.
The pastor, Dr. Meek, preached a ser
mon to the I. O. R. M. More than one
hundred Red Men were present and
occupied fourteen front pews. After a
brief history of the origin and growth
of the Order, the motto, "Freedom,
Friendship and Charity." was made the
basis of the sermon. The church was
decorated with potted plants. A Inrge
choir furnished very excellent music.
A male quartette sang an appropriate
selection with good effect. Miss Flor
ence Stone sang "Calvary" to tho de
light of all present. Misses Millie
Hoon and Katie King presided at the
West Reynoldsville Council.
The West Reynoldsville town council
met in regular session May 8th, with
the following members present, A. B.
Weed, Samuel Sutter, James Orr,
Richard Miller and James Shobert,
the first named In tho chair.
Minutes of last regular meeting were
rend and approved.
Bills amounting to $27.25 were or
dered paid.
Win. L. Johnston, treasurer, submit
ted his report, which showed a balance
In treasurer's hands of $320.42.
The following mlllnge was levied for
the ensuing year: Work road, 2 mills;
rash borough, 2 mills: electric light,
2 mills.
John Skehan Dead.
John Skehan died at his homo In this
place last Friday morning. Heart
trouble was the cause of death. Do
ceased was about III) years old. He was
born In Ireland. Came to Reynolds
ville about fifteen years ago. Ho Is
survived by three sons and one daugh
ter. His wife died several years ago.
Funeral services were held In the Cath
olic church at 8.1.i A. M. Sunday, con
ducted by Father Brady. Interment
was made In Cnthollc cemetery. The
surviving sons and daughter are, Mi
chael. Jeremiah and Patrick Skehan
and Hannah Dailey, wife of William
Dr. Burgoon Jailed.
Dr. J. A. Burgoon, of Pittsburg, for
merly a resident of Reynoldsville, who
was familiarly known as"Huldokooor,"
was committed to jail at Pittsburg Sat
urday for contempt of court. He was
released Monday morning. Mrs. Sybilla
Burgoon, wife of tho doctor, has brought
suit against him for desertion and non
BupKrt. The case was on trial Satur
day and doctor had discharged his coun
sel and wns trying his own case when
he used an obscene adjective in spoak
ing.of his wife's attorney, "and for that
reason the Judge sent "hi in to jail for
contempt of court.
Sunday School Convention.
The tenth annual convention of "tho
Jefferson County Sunday School Asso
ciation will be held in tho M. E. church
at Brookvllle on Wednesday and Thurs
day of next week, May 23rd and 24th.
An Interesting program has boon pre
pared for the entire convention. The
names of Rov. Perry A. Reno and W.
S. Stone, of this place, appear on the
program. Rev. Reno's subject Is, "Ir
reverence in Sunday Schosl; the fact,
the cause, the sin, tho remedy." Mr.
Stone's subject is, "How to Interest
Young Men in Sunday School."
Dr. Howard L. Kaucher.
Dr. Howard L. Kaucher, oldest son of
John H. Kaucher, cashier of First Na
tional bank in this place, who has been
a student In the Medtco-Cbirurglcal
College, Philadelphia, three years,
graduates from that institution next
Saturday. Only about one-third of
Howard s class, sorao of whom had pre
viously practiced medicine, passed the
examination, which was rigid. Mrs.
Kaucher Is In Philadelphia to attend
the commencement. It is very proba
ble that Dr. Kaucher will locate in
Lutheran Church Notice.
Services at Chestnut Grove Lutheran
church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Era
erickville Lutheran church at 3.00 p. m.,
and at Reynoldsville Lutheran church
at 7.30 p. in. Subject for the evening
Bervice at Reynoldsville Lutheran
church, "The Parable of the Ten
Virgins" third discourse.
Straw hats, all kinds, at Millirens.
John Flynn, merchant tailor, makes
up-to-date suits. Try him.
Look at our window this week for
wall paper bargains In small lots. Reyn
olds Drug Store.
Genuine French balbrlggau underwear
at Millirens.
When in need of shoes It will pay you
to visit Robinson's.
See the display of fanoy vests at
Johnston Jc Nolan have a fine line of
Emerson's shoes for gentlemen. See
Patent calf shoes, made from Ileyl'g
stock, price $3.60 at Robinson's-,
Leather belts of all kinds at Millirens.
Major McMurray't Opinion.
We attended the closing exercises of
the Reynoldsville school last Wednes
day evening, May 2nd, not on anybody's
Invitation, but on the exercise of our
privilege a an American citizen. We
desired to ses how the Reynoldsville
young people who are going out from
her high school would acquit I hem
solves, and Incidentally to hoar Ernest
Gamble sing and Ex-Governor Hasting
talk. We am glad we went. Tho
evening's exercises repaid us well for
our trip and the small exiense connect
ed with It.
From our standpoint tho exercises by
the graduates wero excellent. In mat
ter and stylo of coin posit Ion they com
pared favorably with such commence
ment generally, and some of them were
quite alMivo the average. Evidently
the performers had been well trained,
for tho recitation In merit of delivery
were exceptionally gtxid.
Tho oxerelses woro all plain, Intended
to show the qualities of the graduates
in coiiiHisltion and public sinking, and
there was no "dress parade"' or elabor
ate stngo effect. A real merit of the
exorcise was Its comparative brevity,
the wholo performance, including Gov
ernor Hastings' address did not exceed
two hour anil a half In length.
Beyond all question, Professor Lon
kerd has done most excellent and suc
cessful work In the Reynoldsville public
schools during tho four years of his
princlpalshlp of them. He ranks among
tho best educators in the county.
Brookvllle Drmnmtl.
Too Fast for Oreen and Conser.
George Hughes bought a spirited
team of "goers" several days ago and
Monday he hitched the bav nags to a
wagon to drive to Big Soldier. John
"Marks" Conser and Thomas Oreen
thought they would llko to ride behind
a fast team and they crawled Into the
wagon to accompany Mr. Hughes, but
by the time they got to the Baptist
church "Marks" and Tom hnd fully
decided that tho team was too fast for
them and they immediately proceeded
to vacate tho wagon. Tom got off one
side of the wagon as graceful as a tum
ble bug and "Marks" managed to get
out over the oncl-pato without taking a
tumble. Mr. Hughes, who Is a lover of
fast horses, evidently decided to stay In
the wagon and on the hill above Pres
byterian church he persuaded tho team
to stop and wait for Tom and "Murks,"
but these gentlemen had concluded not
to go to Big Soldier Monday forenoon
and did not follow after the wagon.
Rural Free Delivery.
Rural free delivery Is now assured for
the farmers in this vicinity. Postmas
ter W. H. Mitchell received official
notification Tuesday morning authoriz
ing him to establish on Mondny, May
14, 1000, tho free delivery system over
the route laid out recently by Special
Agents Frank I. Taylor and A. H.
Smith, of Washington, D. C. Tho routo
will cover about twenty miles and Is as
follows: Driftwood to Castlo Garden,
theneo over Mnaon Hill to Sterling Run,
thence to Driftwood via Huntley.
About 100 families will be served. A.
L. Smith was appointed carrier.
Driftwood (hitrltf.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses wore
issued tho past week by John D. Evans,
Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county:
N. A. Headley, of Now Kensington,
and Blanche Davis, of Reynoldsville.
S. Walter Mays, of Harnett township,
and Bertha Vasbindor. of Brookvllle.
Harry H. Mooro. of Desire, and Min
nie V. Jewell, of Panic.
Charles Q. Ray. of Marlow, Ind. T.,
and Jennie Doubles, of Brookvllle.
Reduced Rates to Philadelphia.
On nonfllint. of llu T?li,iKII,an Vullnn.
al Convention at Philadelphia, June 111,
tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
win sen excursion ucKci to l'nnnuei
nhla from all stations on lis linn nt. rnle
of one fare for the round trip (minimum
rate 50 cents). Tickets will be sold and
good going Juno 15 to 10, Inclusive, and
returning to June 2rt, Inclusive.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in the postolfico at Reynoldsvlllo, Pa.,
week ending May 12, M00:
C. W. Shick. J. . Miller, Miss Cora
Taylor, A. A. Whito.
Say advertised and give dato of list
when calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M.
A Keen, Clear Brain.
Your best feelings, your sociul posi
tion or busltiMss success dupend largely
on the perfect action of your stomach
and liver. Dr. King's New Llfu Pills
give Increased strength, a keon, clear
brain, high ambition. A 2T oont box
will make you feel like a new being.
Sold by H. Alex. Stoke, druggist.
All persons are hereby notified not to
purchase or in any way Interfere with
the team of horses, harness and wagon
in the hands of E. J. Schultze, as they
are our property. J. C. KINO & Co.
May 11, 1000.
Now Is the time to tako Dr. Gram's
Grandmother Medicine, the old tlmo
spring medicine like grandma used to
make fur blood, liver, kidney and stom
ach disease. 3 month's treatment $1.00.
No euro, no pay. Sold by Stoke, the
druggist, for the past 11 years. Army
Liniment, hot shot for all aches and
pains. 25 cents. Try it. 3 mo
Call at our store and see the Ruud
Instantaneous water heater in full oper
ation. You turn tho spigot and the
heater does the rest. Four gallons of
hot water every minute. Nothing like
it ever before seen. Don't miss seeing
the beater work. Hall & Barton.
Monarch shirts a complete line at
Ladies' Columbia Boots for $2.00 at
Johnston Si Nolan's.
Perfeot fits guaranteed by Johns &
Thompson, merchant tailors.
A One line of men's and boy's hats
and caps at Shick & Wagner's.
For neat and stylish footwear call at
Williams' shoe store.
Cool underwear for warm days at
Wall paper odds and ends at 5 cents
per double roll. Reynold. ' j
Porfect-flttlng and durable are tho
Walk-Over shoes, $:i.fi0 at Robinson's. I
Glimpses of the People who are Passing
To and Fro.
A. P. King Is In Lock Haven this week. ,
Miss Grace Myers Is visiting In Du
Bol. M. M. Fisher was In Pittsburg last
John Lowther, Jr., of Walston, is vis
iting in town.
A. W. Adam spent last week In
Mrs. R. E. McKoe Is visiting a sister
at Tlonesta, Pa.
Ray Seehrlst, of DuDols, visited In
this place last week.
Mis Winnie Farrell visited In Al
toon a the past week.
John Thomas, of New Kensington,
was in town last week.
Mr. Jasper McEntlre, of Helvetia,
visited In town Saturday.
Prof. H. C. Wilson, of Summervllle,
wu In town over Sunday.
Mis Blanche Parker s)ent Sunday
with her parent In DuBol.
W. N. Conrad. Esq., of Brookvllle,
Republican candidate for district at
torney, was in town yesterday.
Mrs. R. H. Wilson and Miss Florence
Stone were in DuBois Monday.
Misses Battle and Zella Hartman
spent Sunday In Punxsutawney.
William Cl icks, of Glen Campbell, Is
visiting his parents In this place.
Prof. W. L. Greene, superintendent
of the DuDols schools, was in town Fri
day last.
Mrs. T. O. Reynolds Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. M. S. Rombaugb, in
F. J. Maffett, a well known Clarion
attorney, spent a day In Reynoldsville
last week.
James F. King returned Monday
evening from Loek Haven, where be
had been three weeks.
M. S. Rombaugb. of Bradford, spent
Sunday with his father-in-law, Capt.
T. C. Reynolds, In this place.
G. E. Brown, the Insurance man of
Brookvllle and likewise a merchant of
DuDols, was In our city Monday,
Attorney Ben. M. Clark, of Brook
vllle, made a bosihuss trip to Reynolds
ville one dny during tho past week.
Dr. William Bowser, of Plumvllle,
Indiana county, visited his sister, Mrs.
M. M. Davis, In this place this week.
B. McLnin, a Pittsburg traveling
man, formerly a mail route agent on the
Low tirade, was In town over Sunday.
Mrs. C. K. Hawthorne, of Ohl, spent
Sunduy with her parents, Mr. and Airs.
Philip Koebler, ill West Reynoldsville.
Mrs. Dr. S. Reynolds loft here Mon
day on a two weeks' vIhH with her
mother and other relatives at Connell
vlllo. Mis Grace Meek left here yesterday
for l'ittsburg, Washington and Waynes
burg. She will sH'iid the summer with
hor grandparents in Washington
Francis McDonald, who has been at
tending a colleire of nharmacv at Fhila-
dolphin, Is home for tho summer
August Boulamror. manairnr of Star
Glass Company, was in New Kensing
ton aiinuay to see a brother who has
typhoid fever.
Miss Ella Rush, who visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Al. J. Farrell. at this ulaee
sometime, went to Altoona Friday to
viHii relatives. ,
Francis O. Sutter and wlfo snent Sun-
day with Dr. Harry Philanthropist
i uumpson una wile at t'ortlund Alius,
Elk county, Pa.
Misses Llbbie Davis, of Brookvllle,
and Hannah Able, of Falls Creek, were
lu town lust week attending the Head-ley-Davis
Miss Orpba Beer and Miss Sadie Has
sou went to Clarion Mondny to attend
the Normal. Miss Beer will take an
advanced course.
Allss Lora Klino went to New Ken
sington Saturday to accept a position as
stenographer in tho law ofllco of her
brother, B. R. Klino.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cooper, of Brock
wayvllle, and Miss Bessie Hunter, of
Boech woods, were visitors at Ninlan
Cooler's the past week.
William Howlett got a 21-Inch cut on
head and scalp bruised by a limb falling
on him while at work one day last week
on Kunes' lug job near Rathmel.
Frank J. Black, proprietor of Hotel
McDonnell, Capt. T. C. Reynolds, Ar
thur Reynolds, A. '.. Snyder and wife,
were In New Bolhlehem Sunday.
Mrs. James B. Orr Is In Harrlsburg
attending the Grand Assembly of
Daughters of Rebekuh as a delegate
from the Robukah lodge at this place.
Rev. Perry A. Reno, pastor M. E.
church of this place, went to Hrock way
vllle yesterday afternoon to attend the
Sub-District Epworth League conven
tion. Rov. Rono preached last evening.
Mrs. J. L. Test, who spent the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. George J. El
liott, In Philadelphia, has returned to
this place to remain during the summer.
Dr. B. E. Hoover and wife expect to
go to Philadelphia to-morrow evening
to attend the commencement exorcises
at the Medico-Chlrurglcal College, De
partment of Dentistry, Saturday.
Mrs. Annie WInslow lefthore Monday
to attend the Grand Assembly o'f
Daughters of RebukaU at Harrisburg
this week. She will visit in Renovo
several days before returning borne.
G. W. Palen, superintendent of the
tanuery at this placo, accompanied by
his wife, will start at noon to-day on a
visit In New York Statu. They will
visit In Buffalo, Ithaca, Cairo and
Thus. E. Evans Is In Harrlsburg this
week attending the annual meeting of
I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge of Pennsylva
nia. He was elected as substitute for
Richard Jennings, the regular delegate,
who was unable to attend.
Patrick Bennett, of Greensburg, Pa.,
cousin of Daniel Nolan, sr., of this place,
died at his home Thursday and was
burlod at Falrmount, West Va., Satur
day. Mr. Nolan was not able to attend
the funeral but Mrs. Nolau and son,
Dunlol, attended the funeral.
The nicest selection of fancy half hose
at Millirens.
Buy Robinson's shoes.
Arrow brand collars two for 23 cents
at Mllllreni.