The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 25, 1900, Image 8

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A Mother's Tears.
"I Would Cry Evary Time I Waarved
My Baby."
"When he
Witt 8 month
old, first fos
ter and (ben
I r g boll
broke out oo
my b b y '
n a k. The
ore tpremt
down hi
book until II
, t 0 a m n1
imasa of tti
fleih. Whei
I w 1 1 li 1 11
and pet
dared him I would cry, realizing what pnln
no win In. nis pltirul walling wna heart
rending. I hud about given up hope of
(nvlng him whon I wna urged to give htm
Hood' Hfirxnparlllft, nil other trnntment
having fnllod. I w.isliod the ora with
Itnod'ii Medlcntod Soup, Applied Hood'
Olive Ointment nnd gnvo him Hood' Bur
npnrllln.' The child seomo.l to get bettor
evory day, nnd very soon tho chnnge wiu
quite Dotliionblo, Tlio discharge grow loss
' lufl.nntnntloo. went down, thesltlii took on
a healthy color, mid the raw floali begun to
colo over nnd n tulnskln formed a the
senilis dmppo t ofT. Loss than two bottle
of Jloo.l'i Panaparllln, aided by Hood'
. Modlcntol Roup nnd Hood' Olive Oint
ment, ncro;npllshe 1 tlilu wondorful cure. I
ennnot praise thoo medicines half
enough." Mns. OcKnixor, S7 Myrtle Ht
Roohut?r, N. V.
Tm nil ve testimonial I very much oon
denscd from Mri. niiorltiol's letter. A
many mot horn will be lntoroytnd In read
ing tho full lotter, we will send It to any
one who sxnila r'iiiot ot u oo a postal
card. Mention this paper.
.Ni .. mm-, arc numerous m New
Villain!, and Germans in South Auj
tia'i.i. Tho Beet Proscription for ffhllls
and Fer n home .-r (iitors's T1 .rs
C'eiix Toxio. It I. simi'iy Iron and gv Ine In
a taeiele. form. No euro uo pay. I a floo.
Only $3.floo.noo of Iiriiish war L.lnds
vrc svtiirixi ly Americans.
Unite Irluli, ThaU
A friend of mine has an Irish serr
ant, who Is an old soldier who brought
en ugly soar or two from India. One
day he was describing his part In a
battle tho long wait, the nerves tenso,
tho advance, the gallop, the charge
how the rider somo yards ahead of
him foil from tho eudillo and shot his
own homo dead with the death grip of
his fingeis on his revolver as he
drugged; how the men behind uttered
Tutl:n at the sight, and set their toeth
to win. "And whet struck you most
when It was over, and you looked back
upon It?" asked my frtend. The serv
ant reflected a moment, nnd then, with
simplicity, replied: "What struck me
most forcible, sir. was the bullets that
mlreed me." Quite Irish, that Paris
American Register.
A private telephono wire from the
war office to Windsor Castle convoys
to the o"een new frt.r.-, the front
Earnest Letters from Woman Be
lieved of Pain by Mra. Pinkhm.
''"Dear Mna. Pikkfiam t Bator I
commenced to take your mcdiela I
was in a terrible state, wishing myself
dead a pood many times. Every part
of my body seemed to pain is some
way. At time of moiwtruatloa my
suffering' was something- terrible. I
thought there was no cur for lave, hat
after taking several bottles of Lydia
E. Plnkham's Vegetal)!) Compouad sU
my bad feelings were pone. I am bow
well and enjoying good aealta. I ah ail
always praise your ruodiolae." Mas.
Alio Fesciojcr, Ho 3M, Booms, loh.
Female Troubles Oraroo a
" Deab Mas. Pimkuam : I ka4 Ummi
trouble, pal&ful menaoa, aa4 hiaVatay
comwlalnt, alaostorasck taentUe. Abesrt
a year ago I happened yiak
paper that ooaialued a ""H 1
of Lydia E. Pfuk ham's Tegeeasle Oaso
pound, and he I aet maw it ks4
helped others, 1 thought M aatfbt kelp
me, and decided to give U a trUl I
did so, and a a rtmiia am bow fiallaf
perfectly welL 1 with U thaak F tar
I the benefit your modloim kas bas to
me." Mbs. Cira Stiebbm, IMllee, Mas.
No lor Pain
Deab Mas. Pink u ah : Toer Ve
table Compound ha boua of much
benefit to me. When my menses first
appeared they were very irregular.
They occurred too often nod did not
leave for a week or more. I always
suffered at these times with terrible
pains in my back and abdomen. Would
be in bed fur several days and would
not be exactly rational at times. I
took Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound, and moutteH became regular
and pains left me entirely." Mis. E.
V. Cukteb, lirule, Wis,
in (me of the arliect barbuitfore or iprioa n
M)iu)ly nun indtcutitin hi tUut tWIlitg of latv
(UlU UttprtMafiuii. Ktvujr wnJlowa of
HIRES Rootbur
r but frr ft apting tonltwaod for a lummar
MM f MuiitM Mtrw fa tat UM.
yea hav set tb Ft LCfcV
on Osva Dot uaa4 UAMLULM
uuiu out aava uiaa eow.
a Ouly In uaurtiaMMl
bbsliMaa. nuo
unra. KoaatMiUou froa
o u rou)or or not.
at Ayluaa HwUurd. Ouusv
R.!X- rjr ;'.,
firolYi, Hour anil Poad.
WnKAT No. rol 7)( 71
C0HN No S yellow, nnr iVi ' I
No, J vol nw. sliolloil 4S 46
Mixed xhollod 44 45
OATH No, i white 80 M.1'
No. ft whlto 80.' 81
FLOl lt Winter patont 8 BO
Fnnoy Ktrnlght wlnlors 8 til X AO
Hvo-No. t M M'
tlAY-No. 1 timothy It l J
rioter. No. 1 1 75 14 00
r'KKD No. 1 wbltH mid., toa.. 18 OH 1H 50
Drown mlddllnga 15 25 15 71
Urnn. bulk 10 85 10 76
RTIIAW Wheat 7 75 8 0
Oat 7 25 7 75
Dairy l'rodnota
K'TTEIt-ElKla creamery..... lfi.'i 20
hlo eronmory 2'i 2S
Tenv country roll 17 20
CIII I.Ni: Ohio, new 12.'
Kew York, now 13 18;
I'liultry, eto
HI'N rerpnlr 70 75
( IIJCKl NS ilroKned 1M 14
l l.t.S I n. nnd Ohio, fnxh .... IV i M
Frnlta and Vonatitblaa,
I'FANB flreen V biwkot 4 P0a 4 2
I'O'l A'l'Ol.S Knacy WhltoV Lu 60 55
( AlillAGE per libl 2 fS
OMONS per bhl 2 50
n.orn a es v
W H I . A'l N o 2 rad 7 1 ' 4 Ti;i
COHN-lllxed 4il
OATS ai M.'i
bl'Ti Kit Ohio crtmraiiry.. H
n.orn r 7
Wlll'.AT No. 2 red 7l'i 72'i
()HN No. 2 mixed 42 V 43
OATH-No. 2 white ill 81.'
M "1 THK ( ronmory, extrn.... in
tCil.S l'oiintiylvnnlu Units... 12
Fl.Om rntonta 3 63f II 9,
W 111-: AT No. 2 red 7i,m
coiiN-No. ! ;
OA ! S White Wectorn 20' j
1:1 Ti Kit t.'renmerv )
HitiS btnta and l'enn . 12
I antral Xlot k lanla, Kt Ulliortr,
rxtra, 1450 to 1600 lb 5 60 ? A
I'rlirie. l.iCiito )4H0 Ida 0 85 5 50
(iood, 1200 to ISdO It.a 6 20 5 25
Tliiv, Il)j0 to lltO lt 4 85 5 0)
I nir llflit Meera, (100 to 10U lb 4 40 4 8 I
lommon, 'M to (OO It 8 00 4 25
Medium 6 75 6 77,'f
llvavy 6 05 6 7 J
hnuKh and atags 4 40 5 10
Trlme. PttollO lha. 6 25 5 8'
Good, 85 to 00 tin t 10 6 20
lulr, 70 to bom 4 M) ft 00
I oanmon 2 50 .1 60
Veil! Calves 6 01 0 0J
Choice to extra 8 00 6 25
Good to choice 6 76 II i 0
Fair to good 6 00 6 75
l ulls to fair 4 Oil 6 00
deductions Were Expeclod In fhe Iron Trad.
Tixlilo Industry Kepi Busy Favor
able Trade Conditions.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review ot
trade says: Formal reduction o( $5 per
ton in prices of plates and bars and
closing of mills by the American Steel
nd Wire Company have filled the week
with surprises. In the stock market,
the market for steel and iron products,
changes have begun, the end of which
cannot well be foreseen.
Apart from the disturbance in spec
ulation there has been produced a meas
ure of distrust regarding prices that
tends to deter buyinK. In the iron busi
ness the formal reductions were almost
wholly anticipated in actual sales. Some
urgent nnd important contracts have
been made, including that for the New
York tunnel, requiring 75,000 tons at
prices not stated, but it is known that
many others have been deferred until
the prospect is clearer.
There is a slightly better demand for
hides at Chicago, but the distribution of
boots and shoes does not keep all the
factories at work. Grestly restricted
buying ha been caused by the high
prices asked. The shipments from
Boston in three week hat been 31,154
cases, or 11.6 per cent, smaller than
last year.
The textile industries have large or
ders yet to be filled, which keep many
c4 the mills busy, but there are many
others less fortunate, and their hum for
orders causes irregularity in prices. The
staple woolen and worttod goods hold
steadily but in less favored lines, both
for men's wear and in drtssgoods, the
business is by no means satisfactory.
Wool hos been inactive. Cotton goods
arc by some sold at concessions for fu
ture delivery.
In spite of decrease in other staples
(here were the largest merchandise ex
ports ever known except in December,
l8y8, and the value of the minor domes
tic exports, chiefly manufactured, rose
1 Ss9.TO.r500 'in March, a sum never
approached in any other month.
Wheat has declined a fraction in
price and corn advanced a fraction, both
markets being rendered comparatively
inactive by certaintv that the remaining
foreign requirements will be easily met.
Atlantic exports in three weeks, flour
included, have been 5.706.806 bushels,
sgainst 5. 62,714 bushels last year. The
increase in exports of corn continues
surprising in three weeks, havimr been
0.304.7W bushels, against 8,800,7.16
bushels Inst year.
Failures for the week have been 184
in the United States, against 184 last
year, nnd 17 in Canada, against 23 last
Miss Nellie Lewis, of Colorado
Springs, secured a verdict of ,$jo.ooc
for breach of promise against Henry
Strong, a rich mine Owner of Cripple
Negro lynohtd In Arkansas.
Mofes York, a 30-year-old negro,
was hanged to a trestle two miles east
of Helena. Ark.. Tuesday afternoon
by a mob, and his body riddled with
bullets. York was1 arrested for th
murder, Friday morning, of Joe Cas
tillo, an aged Italian fruit vender. He
was jailed at Tunica and while on the
way to trial was taken from the officers
tv the mob. He confessed shooting the
Italian because he refused to give him
ionif crackers and sausage. He furth
er confessed that he had murdered two
-jiher mru.
Werln" Moal IWmartable
The Maelstrom, which means literal
ly, "grinding stream," Is situated on
the Norwegian coast, southwest of the
Loffoden isles, and Is the most re
tnarkablewhlrlpool In the world. It
runs between the Island of Moskenes
and a large solitary rock In the mldd'e
of the straits. The strong current
rushing between the Great West
Fjord and the outer ocean through the
channels of the Iffoden Isles produce
a number of whirlpools, of which the
maelstrom Is by fur the most danger
ous. During severe storms from the
west, for Instance, the current runs
continually to the east at the rate of six
knots an hour, without changing Its
direction for rising or falling tide;
and the stream will boll and eddy In
such mighty whirls that the largost
steamer could hardly contend success
fully with the waters. The depth ot
tho whirlpool Is only twenty fathoms,
but Just outside the straits soundings
reach from 100 to 200 fathoms. The
great danger to vessels Is of course not
of suction Into tho henrt of the whirl
pool, ss legends have supposed, but ot
being dashed to pieces against the
8hoolt On Moep Aft" Enttncf
Wo would not revert to this oft-dls-cupsrd
question to give any one's the
oretical views or personal belief In tne
muttor, or to bring forward the famil
iar argument, that because animals
deep Just after they have eaten, henee
the human animal should do the same,
snys tho Medical Record. Dr. Schulo of
Kribourg has, however, approached tho
subjoct from the chemlco-experlmentnl
side, and his results are worthy of rec
ord. Having analyzed the stomach's
contents In two normal subjects a few
hours after menls, some of which wero
followed by sleep and others not, he
finds that sleep has for Its constant ef
fect tho weakening of the stomach's
motility and at the samo time there !s
nn Increase in the acidity of the gastric
Juice. On the other hand, simplo re
pose In the horizontal position stimu
lates tho motive function of the stom
ach, but doos not increase the acidity
of gastric Juice. Tho conclusion Is
henee reached that, while one should
stretch himself out for a rest In the
horizontal decubitus after a henrty
moal, he should resist tho tempting
Morpheus, especially If there be pres
ent a dilated state of the stomach or
If its Juices be hyperacid.
PNtlnRnUtirft Honk Agenta,
Napoleon lionnpartc, when a poor
lieutenant, took the uceney for a work
entitled "L'HlBtoiro do la Revolution."
In tho foyer of the great Palace ot
the Louvre con be teen today the
emperor's canvassing outllt, with the
long list of subscribers ho secured.
George Washington, when young, can
vaHsed around Alexandria, Vn., and
sold over 200 copies of a work entitled
"Uydell's American Savuge." Mark
Twain was a book agent. Longfellow
sold books by subscription. Jay Gould,
whon starting In life, was a canvasser.
Daniel Webster paid hie second term's
tuition at Dartmouth by handling "Do
Tocquevllle'a America" In Merrlmac
county. New Hampshire. Gen. V. 8.
Grant canvassed for Irrlng's "Colum
bus." James O. Blaine began life as a
canvasser for a "Life of Henry Clay."
Bismarck, when at Heidelberg, spent a
vacation in canvassing for one ot
Blumenbaeh's handsooka.
Wearing Oat K-rtlaat7k
Many people wear themrclre out
Medleeely; their conscience la a ty
rant. An exaggerated bibo of duty
ieado a peraoa to anxious, ce-asolcss ae
tlrKy, to be constantly doing some
thief, over-punctual, never idle a see
ood ot time, scorn to roet; such are in'
aaveoBacioua nerve tension. They say
tbar aare bo time to roet, they have o
(BAok to do, not thinking they are
ttMif aafltctae themeolv-aa for psob
Mr vtutf would have beea thoir bent'
IA4 t at eat work aa after years.
In 1800 there were 200 horse to Aus
tralia; in 1000 there are 2,000,000.
Mra T-T lrelosPootJilnitP ap forrhtldeera
teething, toft-ana the miua. r-mlmwHtntlvniniii
bus. aUayilti-nua wluu colic liu aUittia.
Beef costs $1.50 a pound in the Klon
dike. F. K. Brill, Bodes, Guernsey Co., Ohio
ay: Pleoaeeocd ma by express iwolv bet
laa ot your I'ray'a Vermifuge.
Bermuda has furnished New York
florists with lily bulbs for many years.
Pleo' Cure for Consumption la an InfaMI
bU madioiue lor couxha and colds N. V.
bilDCL Ocoun Gron, N. J., Feb. 17, 1U00.
It is expected that Sydney, C. B., will
become the ritlsburg of Canada.
Jell-O, lite New Deaavrt,
rioaaea all the fnmily. Four flavor:
Lemon, OriuiKo, Ilnapborry aud Strawberry.
At your grouora. 10 ot.
Datrar'a Chines Sartank,
Admiral Dewey's body servant, who
moved with him from the flagship
Olympla to his new home presented to
him last autumn in Washington, is Ah
Maw, the Chinese boy. Ah Maw Is an
Interesting character, and about as
' and shrewd a Chinaman aa one
. meets. He Is an enlisted sailor !n
United States navy, and Is tern
. orarily detailed for duty with the ad
miral. He speaks English with re
markable clearness and fluency, is good
natured to an unusual degree, and Is
perfectly devoted to his gallant mas
ter. Ah Maw has sole charge of Ad
miral Dewey's wardrobe, lays out his
clothes to be worn each morning and
keeps the admiral's trousers pressed
and creased. As Admiral Dewey 1
exceedingly fastidious about his wear
ing apparel the duties of Ah Haw In
this respect are quite exacting, in
a short time the Chinese servant ts to
return to his native country. He Is of
a saving disposition and has accumu
lated a snug fortune, which he la anx
loua to invert la China.
Unit's Catarrh Cnra la a liquid and I taken
Internalls, and aeta dtreotly upon tbo hlon.1
nnd miirona mirfnooa of tlia rt'in. Pend for
UaUmonlala, free. Hold by IVniyKlaU, 75o.
Cbsnst Co I'ropa Toledo, (X
French Canadians almost entirely use
home-grown tobacco,
m Core CoM In tn Tar.
Tea Uxint Raono QriKiH TiSLtra. All
druiMliu refnnd the m,,n-r if fnll, to eora,
B. W, Uaora'a atsuaiura la on each bos. sa
New Zealand's education is entirely
secular snd free.
Flt permanently enred. No fit" or nerv ona.
Rns attor first dot's e of Dr. Kline' (Irons
arte Ketorer. II trlnl bottle and treotlo
tres. br.H.ll.KLIKB.LULiniAruh btl'Ullii.l'a.
Of the 3.700 Chinese in New Zealand
only 36 are females.
TThnt Khali We Have W DeMertl
This question arises In the family dall v. Let
n answer It to-day. Try Jell-O, a deliolons
and healthful doannrt. Prepared In I mln. No
liollltiKl no baking I Hlmply aim a mile not
wnterAaot toeool. Flavors: Lemon.Ornnire,
Raspberry and Btrawberry. At grocers. lOo,
On a nursery at Brisbane Water there
arc nearly 100,000 exotic trees.
Auk Vonr Itaalcr for Alley's Foot-Kna.
A powder to shake Into your ehoest rests the
'net. i urea i:orn, minions, Bwoiien, noro,
Hot, Cnllou. Aching, Hwontlng Feet and In-
(iron lot Kails. Allen Foot-Knse makes new
or ttt;ht siloes pnny. At all ririiRKlxta "nil
shoo stored. Vi eta. Rnmple mnllod Fltl-K.
Auureas Allen B. Ulmstead, leiloy, . X.
The Canadian Tacific railway is sur
veying a new route from Ottawa to
Try OralnOI Try CJrnln-O I
Ask your grocar to-day to show yon a
pnckitKO of Qxiix-O, the now food drink
that tnkns the iiIhcb of colToe. Children
mav drink It wfthout Injury aa well as tho
adult. All who try It Ilka It. (Imtx-O
Ims thnt rl-'h sen) brown ot Moclm or
Java, but Is made from pure gralnsi the
most ueiicat atomaoti receives It wltuout
distress, W the price of cofToa. l.V. and
'i6o. per package. Hold by all grocer
A million a Year Are Knanarail be II
Katltea tr Ingenlona Slathoila
Much has been said lately of th cap
ture of qunll In Egypt, touching the
protest made by Frenchmen against
carrying the birds across French ter
ritory tor English use. Until this mat
ter rose nobody seemed to know that
quail existed in Egypt; but they do by
the million. The passage of bands of
quail over the coast of the delta of the
Nllo, from Port 8nld to Alexandria, be
gins In September nnd last a month
and a half, the birds arriving In little
groups and alighting on the dunes.
Generally, the chare is made by means
of nets of five meters high, which the
natives oxtend on cords fastened to
poles. In the fashion of curtains glid
ing on their rods. In reality the net
Is double. The first near the side ot
the sea U ot meshes very large and
loose, but on the back Is another net
where the bird will really come and
perrh Itself In tho folds formed by this
second net of small meshes. There la
another method of cuptur which Is
more picturesque. Rows of dried
branches are placed on th shore. At
the foot of each branch is disponed a
tuft ot fresh herbs In the middle of
which la arranged aa cpanlng which
ends In a snare. The quail, tired by
Its Journey, takes refuge la the
branch, then In the bunch of herbs,
naturally, without figuring to itself
that It la going to put Itself Into a trap
where a native will surprise It and kill
It. With these perfected means ot
destruction, It Is not astonishing that
each year mora than halt a million ot
these poor little blras are taken. Bt
Louis Pcst-Dlspateh.
violence, but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen
the muscles and restore healthy, natural action buy them and try them.
You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly
and permanently put in good order for tne Spring and Summer work.
25c. 50c.
- 1 1
To say sutiy mortal tuiUrinf bom bowd l.-ublt tad too poor to buy CASCARETS w will Mod a bos frca. Addrti
Swrling Ramt4 Compaay( Chicago or Nw York, msnlionlng advrtiumat tad paper. 43$
f -a iff
The cakes of Ivory Soap are so shaped that they
may be used entire for general purposes, or divided
with a stout thread into two perfectly formed cakes for
toilet use. For any use put to, Ivory Soap is a quick
cleanser, absolutely safe and pure.
A WORD OP WARNINfl. There ara mny white sours, each rrrnled to he "int gooi
as th 'Ivory';" thty sat not. hut Ilka all counierftlta. lack Ilia piculiar anil remarkable qualluei ol
the genuine. Ak for "Ivory" Soap and Insist upon 1, tiling It.
ooevmaHT leea av tut eocTis s oamila eo. emo'tourl
LATtABTTT-) Is the orttrlnnl
and only durnble wall contlnif.
entirely different from all kul
aotnlnea. Itcndy for uso In
wlilte or fourteen beautiful
tluta by adding cold water.
T)TFS naturally prefer ALA
HABTLNK for wnlls and call
ings, bocaurto It la pure, clean,
durable. Put up In dry pow
dered form. In flva-round pack
ages, with full directions.
LL Valenmlrtaa are cheep, tem
porary priaratlona made from
whttlwr. elialks, clays, etc.,
and siock on walls with do
ravlna; animal glue. AL.ADAB
TINE! Is not a kalsoralo.
EWART3 of the dealer who
any he can sell you the "sniae
thing" aa AL.A1IA8T1NB or
"something- just as good." iK
la either not posted or Is try
ing to deceive you.
ND IN OFFERING something
he hna bought cheno and trleai
to aell on AUAU AH I'iNK'fl da
manda, he may not realize the
damage you will suffer by a
kalaomln on your walls.
fJNSIItLFJ dealers will not buy
a lnvault. Dealers risk one by
selling and consumers by using
Infringement. Alubnatlne Co.
own rlrht to mnke wall coat
ing to mix with cold water.
be coated only with pure, dur
able AUAIlAHTI.Ni:. It safe
guards health. Hundreds of
tons used yearly tor this work-
customers should avoid get
ting cheap kalsuralnea under
dirforent names. Insist on
having our gooda In packages
and properly labeled.
TJISANCB of wall paper la ob
viated bv ALAIiASTINE. It
can be used on plastered walls,
wood cetllnga, brick or can
vas. A child can brush It on.
It does not rub or scale oft
STARI.Tfmrr) In favor. Bhon
all Imliallona. Ask paint deal
er or druggist for tint card.
Write u for Interesting- book
let, free. AT.AU AHTlNia CO
Grand Itaolda. Alloa.
Causes bilious head-ache, back-ache
and all kinds of body aches. Spring
is here and you want to get this bile
poison out of your system, easily,
naturally and gently. CASCARETS
are juet what you want; they never
grip or gripe, out will work gently
while you sleep. Some people thins
the more violent the griping the better
the cure. Be careful take care of
your bowels -salts and pill poisons
leave them weak, and even less able to
keep up regular movements than be
fore. The only safe, gentle inside
Spring cleaner for the bowels are
sweet, fragrant CASCARETS. They
don't force out the foecal matter witn
$3 &3GP SHOL-S " '
wortn to b compared .
wiin inner maKeii
Iudtrftl lir over
l.tMJU.ouo wenrers.
Thcamuin have W. L. I
OotiftU' namt and price f
tamped n bottom. Take I
tin aultititute cl. limed to b
aa ftnKi. our dealr
thou Id kern tnrrn if .
tint, we will aend a nalr
flon receipt ot price and ice.
citra or imiae. State kind ol Jeatheffc
mg (in?, and width. rUfn nr cart toe. Cat. fre.
(ouMtnuTt W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mat
, m w f ree. Kree nil.
vlre . 10 iMileainblllijr. Bil f ,.r Iii.niui"
kslal.. last. HIT l4lhHl.. Huiuiui 1,. CI
JJruiuues! CliHjago, UlevalauU uU Imruil.
p. n u. 1-, 'oa
fll I'J U4
tmm- Boo of tntifiMniaii tu
real rxiwi una curat worst
ftud ti Amy trMUntHia
Dr. a. Mr. It II ItlOJit. u B, AUaiU,
uuKta nntrie all tiot rAiis.
DMt('')iitfh Mjrup. Tantfi cmh1, TJm
in 1 do. mi i nv irtiiri aw.
l&v 1 19 3b (3 f j a rJ tft tJniM.
EjTjtfl will Wna fr"M (l'ttrtel ti Opium,
HVfl HliirihtiH, l.nitdntium or oiiirr itum
rthe mff rmatVlHeff--trir.y svef iliMTovetrd. Con.i
tirnt ltnl Prlnrltilo hi -eiotv un known. Ilia
trmrtorf 4itr u li CinMsrtia1 corrfpon'trii(
liiltrd ttnm all, enK!(hll Pli.vrtt'lan faT. JAMES
i mm m hi -aw