The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 28, 1900, Image 7

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    From Washington
Hiw a Little Boy Wan Savad.
Washington, P. 0. "When our lioy
Ti ns about 1(1 months old ho broke, nut
itl c mill which wns thought to lie,
menslca. In n fow days tin lin'l a
Bwnilinft on tho loft sldn of hi nock
snd it was decided to bo mumps. Ho
was Riven medical ntteudnnca for
about three weott when tlio doctor
mid it was scrofula and ordorod
snlvo. ' No wanlud to Intwo tho Roro,
lint I would not lot hi ni and continued
giving him mediuinci for about four
mouths win". i tho bunch liroko iu two
I'lnfos mill liccnmo n running, snro.
Tlirno doctor said it was scrofula and
each ordered a lilood medicine. A
it'ihl.r told mo of ense somowliat
lilts otir Imlij's which won cured by
Hood'a Hursapniilla. I decided to giro
It to in j boy nnd in a nhort w);ilo his
health improved and bin nock henlo.l
so ubiety thnl I stopped Riving him the.
medicine. The "ore broke out nnin,
however, whereupon I O'ain iritvo liiiu
Hood's Sirapirilli nnd its porsiHtont
Una has ncoomplinhcd n complete
nnrn." Mns. NrtTrm Ciiask, -47 IC
HK. N. K.
' K,n,nt,cii,lpiit
forchUdscn. liutci icjoiI. Doses aresnuiU. wo,
City 11m t'tmiiRcd Crently During the
IMtBt Y.ilr.
Tlio Dawson of 1S!ID Is no longer the
... .. .ot.G I . . . .
A'ii'inuu m j. -)...-, uiui nmcn less mm oi
the year previous. The thousands ot
batrnux that were formerly lined up tho rlvor front. In rows six
deep end more, ami comprising all
manner of craft from tho small canoo
to sliced sections of scows, have moitly
Jisiippoared, nnd In their place wo now
find tho graceful and ungraceful forms
-f varying; types of It Is
no uncommon thlnn nowsilayB to find
tfivo or more of these Inrner craft tied
up nt one time to tho river front, nud
the amplitude nnd majesty of tho Mis-
jlsslppl boats gain hut little In com
parison with 8omo of the larger craft
of the Yukon river. Overhung signs
rail attention to the flying queens of
the. river, tho Bonanza King, Canadian
nnd Sibyl, and thousands are offered
upon the result of tho race to the
White Horso rapids. Bo here, ns In the
mldtn days ot tho Mississippi, tho
ftrugglo for supremacy has led to tin
opening of Mio thrnttlo and to tin
scraping of tho fire-box. Upward of
hundred arrivals from down tho rivet
were registered nt Dawson during the
Reason of open water of 1899. Apple
ton's ropular Science Monthly for Feb
ruary. ...
A Dior nt tho Hunter.
City Sportsman Any gnmo around
here? Farmer Yes; tho . lvoods are
full of it. City Sportsman I supposed
It had been pretty well killed off by
now. Farmer Oh, no. No ono ever
hunts around hero but you city follows.
Chicago News.
who kavo been rcslfavedcf
painful KSQifsirusttfoiJ by
lytShi C. Ptokfcs:rt's Vege
table GcnifsetsnsJ, sro cast"
staniSy writing grateful
loiters io Rlrs. Fiakham.
j tydte E. Plnkhim's Vegetable Compound j
cured them. It always
rollavcs painful periods
and no woman who suf
fers should bo without
this knowledgs.
" Nearly all tho Ills of
women result from some
derangement of tho
female organism. Mrs.
Plnkham's groat medi
cine makes women
healthy of this thoro Io
overwhelming proof.
Don't experiment. If
you suffer get this medi
cine and get Mrs. Pink
ham's frao advice. Her
address la Lynn, Mass.
um mm
I "Roth any wife and myealrhave been
I lac CAUCAKKT3 and they are the beat
(medicine wo have eror bad in Ibe borne. Lent
fwaeK my wifo waa Irantlo with beadacbe tor
Itwodays. aba tried eomeof yourCASCAhKTS,
and tber relieved the pain In bcr head almost
Immediately. We boib recommend Caacareta."
Pittsburg Sate Deposit Co. , Pittsburg, Pa,
-mmiv Palatable. Pntant. Taste Oood. Po
. f.?tr alokea. Weakea. of Gripe. He, lie, He,
ti aw raiim, ammt Sw imk. ttt
aV1d anil f.iaranuwd hr alKlraa.
, siue to C1J at 'i'obaaoa UacttT
rrnln. Hour anil Faart.
WflFAT N. a red fl TO
W II K AT No. 1 new ll C
t'dll.S No 3 fellow, rut 41
No. 3 jel ow, KhelltM 41 il'i
tllsml shelled iO
OA I M No. !l while 10' l
No. S whlto V 'i BO'i
FLOL'H Winter pntt'tit 8 a 8 llS
Fimey Btinlxht wlulurs V RU 8 110
Urn -No. !i 0.1 0
IIAV-No. 1 timothy 14 M 14 7.1
(lover, No. 1 li 51 Villi
"KI I) No. 1 white mill., ton.. 1H Oil 1H Ml
llrown middling IB 115 ) 71
limn, Imllc Ill ill 10 7.1
RTKAW Wheat. 8 01 8 2
Out 7 23 7 73
Dairy Product
nt'TTErt-Elnln creamery.....! J5 20
Ohio eremnery 'li 28
Vniwj eont.try roll 17 'JO
CIIK.I NK Ohio, new 10 10',
New Vork, new 13 111,'t
Poultry, etc,
lirNH-per pnlr 61 70
niK'hrNK ilreBBed 1:1 14
H IlKtVS - driwd i: 14
I (IUM I n. and Ohio, trn-h .... li It
Frulla anil Vesatnhlea,
11FANP- Omen V bucket 1 5) U B
I'OI A I'OK.S I'nn.'V WblluV bu i fl)
CAIIIIAdE per bid 1 'iti !l
OMONH per bu 7.) 85
rr.nri! num s .i
W II HAT-No 2 red 87 i li7 '4
COIIN-Mixed 8'.i,' 4ii
tlAIS '0'4 :ion4
KflOH 14 M'n
IitTlKIl Ohioerenmery 20 it
I IlItAllKI.I'lll t
It.oiti t n nvs' n 7.1
W TIKAT Nn. 2 red 7:"4 7:1",
'li!S "o. 2 mlxnd 41 '1 41'.,
(lA'IS No. 2 white 81 HI',
HI TI CII ( rfiinierv, exirit....
tdOH lVnnKjIVMiilit llmla.... If
Fl.OI'lt I'Ment ) 8 0i a 01
Will AT No. -i red 7r,',
COIIN - No. 2 4:1-1
OA'IS Whll.i V..-frn 81 ij 8..Jj
M 'l'lKH . crenuiory l:J 2I'U
Kllirl-hlnln mid l em l.i
1.1 Vh. M'llllK.
( antral Mo.k arda, t-u.t l.llmrir. IM.
1'xtrn, to 1000 lb 9 s 40 e a o
I time, I.'IUII to 1 inn ll. SI. 0 80
Oood, ISHWto 10(10 Ilia 4 HI " li
1 lily, II fill to llliU It. 4 0. 4 Ui
loir IlKlit rteera. WOO to 1001 lh 4 10 4 01
Lotimiuii, '.tu to V00 II.b a 7j 4 10
Medium 0 40
Heavy fl 81 6 8.1
ltoiiijlis and atnga 4 7J 4 U 1
rrlme, M to 1 10 II. a 0 8.1 It ft')
(Inod, ri to Ml ll.a. fill) 0 21
l air, 70 to tu llm I. 21 n 7.
I ounnon 8 fill 4 73
Veal Calves 6 UJ 0 CO
choice to extra; 7 fO 7 25
Oood to etioli-tt 8 no fi i;B
Knlr to good 5 21 8 73
I.'uIIb to lulr 8 U0 8 7fi
I ... . . .
More Money in Sight Tho New Financial Old
Hat Produced Good Resullt lien
oral Oullook.
R. C. Pun & Co.'s "Weekly Review
ot Trade" says:. In Its first week oi
operation the new monetary bill has
Riven satisfaction at the treasury and
to banks. Application for new two pet
cents have exceeded $100,000,000 nnd the
net increase in bank circulation is al
ready over $10,000,000. The release ol
millions employed in preparation (or
action under the new measure lias caus
ed in bank returns considerable chaiiKCS,
which arc nominal rather than real, and
the money markets arc undisturbed. As
yet the tendency toward reaction of iron
and steel prices continues, though in
the I'ittshurK region ltessemer and basic
pm are strong. Hut eastern ltessemci
nnd prey forc and southern pin arc
sold there nt prices below those kv
crniii( in larger transactions, and it i;
only the demand for stecl-iunkiiiK iron
which appears to exceed the supply.
Kastern markets arc weaker, with re
duction of $1 per ton at Philadelphia
in some Kradcs. Finished products
arc generally unchaiiKed, though shectf
rise nt Chicago with the coming com
bination, while plates sink lower at
Pittsburg and to the lowest point sine
April s, 180a. at Philadelphia.
The advance in wheat which follow
ed statements of the quantity in far
mer's hands has not been maintained
and the decline the past week has been
lH cents, corn also yielded about 'Ac
Atlantic exports were 175.I.028 bushel!
for the week, and for three weeks only
4.76482, against 8,73oi74 last year.
Receipts at western points in three
weeks have been 11,977,231, against 10,
i8o,957 last year. Meanwhile Pacific
exports are heavy and in three weekj
have been 3,183,523 bushels, against I,
656,277 last year. The foreign demand
for corn still lessens, though 2,942,717
bushels went abroad during the week
and in three weeks 8,439,819 bushels,
against 10,133,485 last year. Failures
for the week have been 183 in the Unit
ed States, against 200 last year, and 27
in Canada, against 240 last year.
Devoured Three Officers.
The steamer Warrimoo has arrived
at Vancouver, B. C, bringing from
Dutch New Guinea the shocking ac
cdunt of the devouring of three officers
of the steamer Gen. Pell by cannibals,
who caught them while on shore tak
ing photographs. Ernest Wiegan, one
01 tne party, was wounded by arrows
nu wnne nioing saw tlie barbarians
tie his three companions to trees, cut
off portions of their living flesh, and
finally roast and, devour them. The
Dutch man-of-wqr Sumatra is reported
as prepared to avenge the atrocities.
1 Kenluokt Shooting Affray.
On Marrowbone creek, 20 miles from
Pineville, Ky.i John Langley and
Moses Sopherf had an altercation in
which Lairgley and Sopher were both
killed, and a man named Johnson was
seriously wounded. The altercation was
over Langley arresting Sopher about
two years ago white constable, on
charge of obtaining goods under false
pretenses. Sopher was acquitted and
claimed Langley had no authority to
arrest him. Johnson claimed he was
trying to separate Sopher and Langley
when he was shot
tils flcartlnen for ttattla ta Ona of
Ilia l.fitrtlnit Train Una Snrrad Near
ly Twentr Vtnra In tlis Lower ll.m.a
I Waililngtoii.
There la no more Interesting mem
ber ot the present House of
latlves at WaHhlnntou than General
Cluirles 11. Orosvenor of Ohio, whoso
name, after the retirement of Ppeaker
lteed, was coupled with the speaker
ship. One of the most prominent traits of
Can. Grnuvenor Is his pugnacity. He
has been In Congress nearly twenty
years, and has been fighting all that
time. There Is nothing ho likes hotter
than a scrap, and there Is always fun
In the air when t?n gets up to speak.
He 1h nil uncles mid points, and his en
trance Into a ddhalo Is tho slunnl for
the bristling of nil tho feathers on tho
Demoeratln side. 11a Is as obnoxloun
to his oppoueuta aa a cat Is to a poul
try yard.
Grosvenor Is one of tho most effec
tive dnbaturs In tho House. Ho knows
political history for tho Inst thirty
years ami he has overy man's political
record tucked away eorni'whore In his
wall-Oiled brnln, where bo can got at
It at a moment's notice. This makes
Mm a vory ugly customer. Ha has nil
the resources of a great criminal law
yer In controversy. Itnforo ha ever
wcat to Congress bo hnd a reputation
in hit state as one of tho bent crimi
nal lawyers who ever practiced In
t'hlo and that Is saying n good deal.
UroBveaor Is youncer than he looks.
Hp Is some years on tho suuny side of
CO, but his nppearnncn is that ot a
man older than thin. H Is of meagro
tire with white hair nnd whlto beard
and a pnlr of shnggy eyebrows beneath
which gleam a pair of vory bright eyes.
Ha served all through tho war In on
Ohio regiment from 1801 to 1885 and
was promoted from major to colonel
retiring with a brevet of brigadier gen
eral or volunteers. In tho bnttlo of
Nashville lie commanded a brlgnde,
Klnco the war he has never censed to
take up the cudgels for his old com
rndes In arms. Thero has never been
a pension bill that he did not voto for,
and ho always hlta out from tho Bhoul-
dcr when voternns are under attack.
Grosvenor Is not a political manager
or organizer Ilko some others In Ohio,
but ho Is ono of tho most effoctlvo lieu-
tenants that a great political organizer
could nsk for. When Mark Hanna wan
retting up tho campaign which resulted
In McKlnleys nomination, Grosvenor.
who couldn't consent to lira Idle, began
to glvo out estimates from time to time
of tho numbor of delegates McKlnley
had secured. Ho had uo authoritative
statistics, but he took tho moat favor
able figures be could find in the news
papers, adding a few McKlnley dole
gates hera and thoro, to suit his taste,
and once a week would Issue a bulle
tin which kept the McKlnley column
continually on the Jump. Protty soon
poople began to take Grosvcnor's fig
tires seriously. He chuckled to himself
and kept it up. When the convention
finally net tber wa a landslide and
urosveaor found himself mora than
Justified. Slnro that time he haa en
Joyed a reputation as a great statisti
cian, although ha really cares very lit
tle about political mathematics. Ha
has a rich sense ot humor, though,
th?t helps him to carry his reputation
with a greet deal of tranquility.
Drlrat spot an earth.
Fayta, tn Peru, lg said to be the dri
est spot on the face ot the earth, ns
the average Interval between two
showers of rain is seven years. The
flora of Payta consists of about nine
species of these seven are annuals,
the seeds of which must remain dor
mant in the ground for eight years.
Notwithstanding the scarcity of rain,
the natives subsist by the growth of
the long-rooted Peruvian cotton, which
la ablo to maintain itself without rain
for seven years In the drted-up river
lied, and yields profitable crops of col
ored short staple ootton. Cincinnati
Alnbastlas Is thn orlRlnnl and only dur
Iblo wall coating on the marlcut. It Is en
llruly different from all kulaomins propur
ItloiiB. Alabaatlna Is aoade randy for uaaln
a-hlta or tonrtaan beautiful tluta by tba ad
lltlon of oold water. It la put up Iu dry
(owdnrad form, In paokaires, properly
al.eled, with full dlreattoua on every
;aokai(H, It tnkes the place of scaling
inlBemluea, wull paper aud paint for walla,
lliioastlua oan be used on plaster, brink,
ood ot ouovas. sud s child oaa brush
I on.
6- XNL r
. IS f .0 1
What fthall We liar, far Drawers'
This qiiitBllon srlana In the family dull v. ft
ns nnswnrlt tn-dny. Try J..II O, a delleloiis
ami hnnlthfnl dasHi.rt, I'riipnrad In 9 into. No
liolllmtl nohnklnql Hlmplyn.ld a llitlo hot
wntnrAant to 00.. I. Fl.irorn: l.ninon.OriuiKa,
lliiBpbnrrysnd Htrnnbtirry. At Kroonra. Klu.
The word "cossack" is Turkish and
incut- "free man" or "free lance."
r.lnrara Tone rtnwols Witn CHuenrera.
Candy Cntlinrtlr, cure rnnotlpntmn foraraf
Uc, 3o. imo, O. rail, drugHliu rtduud money.
The man who does mi good is not
ncces.-.uily harmless,
Ttin final rrosarlntton for I lillla
and Fnvor la boitl" of l nova's
LbiixTonio. It la eOni'lT Iron qnlnlnn la
1 a taalalaaa form. Na purihD m. I'H,. Mia
London annually consumes nlmiil
even and a half million Ions of coal.
For Whonnlns Cnn&h, PIbo'b Cura Ib a ne.
crwfnl remedy. - M.I'. Inn m,8J Turouu A vs.,
Brooklyn, N. V., Nov. 1. 1KH.
Denver expended over $j,orn,ooo on
new buildings for business and public
purposes iu l8yj.
Jell-O, I lie Klvw Hcaarrt
flenses nil the family. Four flavors:
I.einon.Oriingo, II.ih. Lorry audrttrawlmrry.
At your grouura. 10 ots.
The French navy department is build
ing a betllcsbip which will cost nearly
The Wnshlnirlnn Mutual Mining Inventment
Co, .M11I1111I I, Hi. III. f-.-.iiil,., Wiihlilhtl.iN,
flu n. til....' II per cent. Iiiti'ieid on nil lnv.-l-iiiiiiIb,
uiui inil .i.rlli.iiilon In . mills
1111. .In In ml hi nu In All. -Io. 11 ml,
(irejit HilviiuiH ten to Mtntll Inventor, SVrita
for circular. I!li(hir.t reli-reuc.ei.
Ilia I'ernllnr Dirt of the Natlva Satngea
Anta and Slice.
German mlKslonary who has Just re
turned from South Africa recently de
livered n lecture before thn Berlin fleo
rraphlenl society, In which ho brought
forwnrd the following particulars con
cerning tho peculiar diet of tlio native
iiaviiRi's of thn TraiiHvasl, eiiperlnlly ns
noticed among the Ilaniitos, tho trihfl
which Is now threatening to tako up
nrms nnnlnst tho llrltlsh, says the Phil
adelphia lteeord. One of their most
rlmractcrlHtic hunts Is tho mousa hunt.
Twenty to thirty llasutos gather to
gether; they march off carrying strips
of nets mndo by thnm.for this purpose
nnd, accompanied by a Inrgo number
of dogs, about whose bodies different
sized bells aro bound. The dogs mako
n big sweep round the countryside,
while tho llnsutos attach their vnrlous
strips of nets Into one long semicir
cular barrier, the lower pnrt of which
Is pinned to the ground. Then,
crouching upon tho ground and holding
their sticks ready, they wnlt tho com
ing of the mice. These, frightened by
tho bells dangling from tho dogs, grad
ually draw nearer nnd nearer to tho
net, nlong which they aro at Inst found
running In a vain effort to discover
nn .opening through which they may
escape. When the number cf those
victims is sufficiently great a shrill
cry Is Emitted by the chief, the net Is
pushed forward, all along tho lino, and
tho struggling creatures caught In the
meshes of tho net aro unmercifully
whipped to doath by tho Jubilant sav
nges. Monkeys, constitute one of
their favorlto tld-blts, which are all
tho moro appreciated as they are not
to readily caught. Snakes are sim
ply killed with bloTrs from a switch
and are generally In high favor. Ac
cording to tho mission.-!- U?eJr pop
ularity Is well deserved. He h!n:'li
took part In a meal In which snakes
formed tho chief attraction and found
that this anlmnl could be favornbly
compared with l prlrao eel. Most
popular of all delicacies, however, are
tho caterpillars. It Is not unusunl to
lenrn. of a quarrel which has broken
out among tho nntlves for tholr pos
session. Tho most fnvorablo time for
entchlng them Is the enrly morning and
lute evening hours, when their wings
are heavy with dew and tlroy are un
able to see clearly. The children ot
tho mission, numbering about 400, hav
ing organised a locust hunt, succeeded
one day in capturing no less than 160
pounds of these Insects, which were
consumed with the greatest aridity
before the day bad passed. At certain
times of the year the great whlte
wlnged ants leave the earth, and It Is
then that a most sealona competition
arises between the Kaffir children and
the chickens of the dcrp for the pos
session of the prised morsels. It Is at
such times that the Kaffir youngsters
;may be seen running about with their
mouths stuffed full of ants, and, If tb
chase has been especially successful,
with both fists also full ot these succu
lent dainties.
Making a Billiard Ball.
It requires skilled labor to turn out
a billiard ball. One-halt of It is first
turned, an Instrument of the finest
steel being used for the work. Then
the half-turned ball la hung up In a
net and Is allowed to remain there for j
ucauy a year to ary. ixexi ine second is Lurueu, sua men comes tne pol
ishing. Whiting and water and a good
deal of rubbing are requisite for this.
It Is necessary In the end that the ball
shall, to the veriest fraction of a grain,
be of a certain weight
Kalsomloes are cheap and temporary
preparations, manufnoturaj from whltluif,
ohalks, elays, etn. They are atuuk on tha
walla wltb deunylns; animal Klue. Alabas
tine is uot a kalaoiulna. It la a roek-baaa
cameut.wluoh aeta.aod It hardens wltb a.
It ean be re-ooated and re-daeoratad wltb.
out having to wash and scrap off Its old
conta. AlutiaMluo Is utilised to a great ai.
tent Inhoapltals, at It pruvanta thaaooumo
latlon of dirt and the cnnvragaiiug of dla
eaee germs, belug dlslulauusl la lis nature.
Don't thee wed for money, friend;
For money liatli n stiii",;
Don't tliee wed a pretty face;
'TIm but a foolish thin;
Don't thee wed for place nor fame;
'Twill disappoint thy hope;
But when thee marries, choose a jiirl
Who uses Ivory Soap.
eervBiaiiT nn a thi eaoona a uuiu eo. cmomaiTt
An Inherit!? opinion.
Mrs. Gay Well, suppose I wns a co
quette! There's no great harm In n
girl flirting a little before shn's mar
rlod. The Colonel Uo you tench your
daughter that? Mrs. Gay Why, no;
It Isn't necessary! Puck.
Tim Way 10 llenmlfy Home
Is to do as thoynll nrn doing. Ak your
grocer, who knows nil about It; hns some
thing for you In tlio way of n coupon honk,
w h loli enahlos you to got one lame lOn.
imnkngn of "Itml Cross" slnrnh, one large
lOe. pneknge of "Hiihlnger's llet" Btnreh,
with the .rninlnnis,two Hhnkospnnro panels,
or one Twentieth Century Ulri ealniidnr,
nil for fia.
Clio Tniria In Trmnrm.
France makes nearly 26,000,000 pairs
of gloves yearly, and of theso 18,000,
000 pairs are exported.
Try raln-OI Try (Jrnln-Ot
Ask your grocer to-day to show yon a
paokSKn of Mrain-O, tha now food drink
that lukna thn pluco of eorTiiH. Chllilron
may drink It without Injury ns well ns thn
adult. All who try It like It, (Irai.i O
has that rluli aeiil brown ot Monlin or
Java, but Is inmlo from purn grnlnai the
most dollosts stomsoh rnmilvos It without
dlstr-BB. X the prioa of ooffoa. 18o. and
'260. per panknge. Hold hy all grocers.
The great need of Havana Is a mod
ern slaughtering plant, and plans have
been made for one to be built at the
expense of the city.
IretirneBB Cannot lie Currd
hy loonl npti1lcat.lona,aa they cannot reach tha
tllnnscd iH.rtion of tln-rnr. Tl.ero Ih only oi.o
wny to cure deitf ih, nnd tliHt la l.y constitu
tional rcriicil lea. Jlnfuca iH. niwd l.y an in
linn. .'d condition of tho niucoun HiiIiik or the
KiiHtfichinn Tillie. When this tot, itcts In
limned you have a niiolillr.s Bound orltnM-r
fi-ct hearing, find wI.hii it Is entirely dosed
licnOu-H 1b tho result, and unlci-s the Inflnm
uiHtion can l.o out. nnd thin tune rt
Btorrd toils normal eondlilon, hcarliur will l.a
llenlroved forever. Nlnn cases out, ol ten nrn
caused l.y cntnrrh, which is nothing hut an
Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
W11 will ifivu lino Hundred IinlUrs lor any
ease of llenl'liess (ciiilted li entnrrhl tlmt
ciii.not honored l.y Haifa Calnrrh Cure, feud
lor circulars, f re.
F. J. (Iiikkry & Co, Toledo, O.
fold by DriiKulsta, Vn.
Hull's Family 1'UUaro the beat
I.'ondon medical papers discuss an
outbreak of typh'aid fever at Exeter,
which has been traced to consumption
of raw cockles.
Bcaaty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean akin. No
beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body, ilegin to-day to
banish pimples, boili, blotches, blackheada.
and that aiclilv ltil.a .f,n..,l..... i.u ...
Caacarata, beauty for ten eenta. All drug-
. m.wwi,wu auaranveeu, iuc, ZOC, OUC.
Canadian towns and cities are stead
ily growing, and many of them quite
Pest Takaeee Spit sad tmtkt lmt I.lft away.
To qnlt tobaooo eaally and forever, ba mas
satis, full of Ufa, nerve and vigor, take No To
Bao, tha wnndar-workar, that makea weak men
Strong. All druggists, too aril. Cura guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Addreaa
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
The Premier of Victoria states that
if necessary the colony will cheerfully
dispatch a fourth contingent to South
To Com m Cold In One Day.
Taka ijiiTivs Baoao (Jcimims Tislbts. All
druf aliiU refund tha m..ny It It falls to eara.
X. W. Oaovs's alguatura la on aach box. S5s.
Among the stuff in the Boer laagei
near Kimberley seized by Genera!
French 23 cases of champagne were
The Interior walls of ebarebes, sebooU
housns aud all public balls should never be
coated with auytblng but the durable and
1111 re AlubaaUne. Ho evident bua this fad
ecomo, that hundreds of tojsura uaod an
nually for tbla wotk. Tha gaiiulne Alabaa
tlna doea sot rub or aeale off. It la elounly
durlug tbe Iook aerlod of Ita oaefulneaa. v.
ery owner of a building abould Ufa It. Aak
yoar palut dealar or drugglac for enrd ot
tints, and write for free copy of oar I mures t
Ing booklet to AlabaMjoe Co.,Oraad Oapids,
Aluminum lioisi shoes are coming int.
f.-'vor in some (i'.;rti rs.
Vitalitv low, dr!ilitntd or eahniistel cured
by Iir. Kline's lnvltf..nitln( Tonic. Vnr.r. SI
trlul hoi tin forS week-' treatment. I ir. Kl ns
Ld (Ul Aruh KU, Pliiiadelphla. I'iiiikIwI 1871.
Sycosc is the new material used as
a substitute for sugar in diabetes.
flow Are Taar Klrtneya f
rr TToMib Simrniiu PIIKenre all mil lie? inn. flam.
plofruo Add. Hisrlii.g Itemed jr Lo..Cliicaoor N. ir
There is a movement in the Malay
States to send a mounted volunteer
corps to South Africa.
Mrs. WlnBlnw'Bfnr thing fyrnn forchllilron
tccthlmr. Hoft.nna the KUii.B. reduces inllBtorna
tion, allays iutliucurcB wind col Ic.iiV al.ttla.
It is much better to sit in the lap of
luxury than to stand on ceremony.
To Cora ClonBttpatlnn Fnravar
Take CssrnretB Cnniiv Cathartic looertne.
II C C. C fall to ourv, drugaibta rotund cionay.
More than jo.O'io Japanese immi
grants arrived at Hawaii last year.
$3 & 3.50 SHOES JJft'ON
Worth S4 to $6 compared
IndorMwl by over
Thanu1no hvo W. L.
itouAn mm nnd pef
mpea on oouom. j aire
no iulmuui cljimeH tn bt
not. we will mtvI a pair'
-in rw riiit of mire and nr.
"vtra for carrianr. Sute kind ut jMthef,
anH wiflth, rhln ot oin lre. tt. free).
.NV. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brocktsn, Mitt.
3Vv Wwlh tn fsiln thlnaf
w- V'.it Pkg Frl't Krn-rlfH"nrnn
ear w.fx
Pkir Frl't Km. r lfH"m-nmhrIfie
i " l.a Cfitie lnrkat LaLCucst. Ina
I ' ti.rn.wl,. Try MkIod, 1;o
It nn 7 Kaliti, 1 10
Karly R pi ri.ho( l 'O
Kariy iMnn'-r Otiu.n, juo
ilrilfltiit I-lower H.itdi. I 'o
nrtk l,0O, fnr Macsita. flTU)
AhAvn 10 Pkirsjf worth 1.00, wa will
mi 1 1 j'o fftt, toil ether nh out
rst (Jatal'-n,tinnir all al.f.nfc
! C Il'i inmpi. W e Intltu ymirtrn'1, and
' lavsl l-7-t know whn iroo ones tr Hm I '
op'in rwcoiin ni hi m no lira Jfji
k W'iif) PriKotion Ailisr'l IttuO- rar-
P. N. U. 1, f00.
I x J W will t4 anrti arlrlktats to Oplsiaa.
IMarplllii, l-clsMlafjsjsM, or oKr drm
fclSNt. tsHskl irtmmmmt hM aifakau
af ta ott Nsntkiiils fme-ly dUrovcrcd. Co t. una
Vrmmt Vltftl Principle fatrsiof'ora unknMm. R
Trmrfry tolicitd. ContSdrnrUI otviponrlt-n'-
In y It ul frai all, ncill jr Pafilflaai. ST. JAklal
VfT avn nn
r.teni ..I vert ld
f re. rree ad.
, 1 rev. r ree ad
VS Pntabllly. Rami f..r 'li.Tentora'
Jrlio.r," KKl.t. ,1111.0 II. MTKVRNH & JO.,
tBtan , IBM. HIT MlkHt . Va.aii.atan, T. C.
Urauc-hMl Ukieaao. Cleraland Bail Li.irn.i.
I nrea Coogb. aad r'nlda.
rravanta oa.nmplloo.
All Dragglsta. ss.
nDfsDQV1" disoovsrt: riTB.
U t J J I aawh reilBlBea r
.MB. BujB uf taetifBOMiaJa Bad lOdara' BBMflina
. Sr. a. m. UIU I SOUS. Soa B. auaaia, as.
uejKcr the -jusr as oood."
. m I
1 m
i w
9 f H''f
i Win url
JH! HliJiitd Jfgfl
I Wats Him Iu usfc fiiit r
mot BeatCousfh Hjrup. Taauistitood. Cm f. I
Li In tirno, Hnl.l t.y dru'luM. P f
Tha dealer who tells you thst bs ens sell
you tha "same thing" aa Alaboatlue or
"something Juat atf good," either Is not
posted or is trylug to dedolveyou. In offer,
lug something be baa bought cuaap and as
trying to aall on Alabaetlue's damand, ba
may not realize tbe danger to bimaeif as
well aa to you. Daware of all new subati
tatea. Dealers rlak a ault for damages by
ailing and eoueumers by naiugaa Infringe,
meat. Alabaatlna Co. owo the rlgUt to
make and aall well eoatlngs adapted to sall a
vita sold water.