The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 28, 1900, Image 5

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    $Tft Star.
Subscription tt.dO ier year, or $1.00 if
paid ntrktly in advance.
r. A. HTKPHKNMON.Itdllor and Fob.
liich red liubii,
Sujtjiliimi, Diamond and VnrtV
1 oh will find thrm all
At C. F. Hoffman
Mounted in rinun '
That rcilljunt miit the dear tfirl.
The bout selection of all
kinds of RINGS, bought
direct from the manufactur
ers for ppot cash, enables us
to offer you goods at a price
our competitors cannot touch.
Come and see for yourself.
and Optician.
Travelers' Guide.
Pnssonifnr trains arrive nnd leave Reyn
oldsvllle follows:
Alleylieny Valley liaihray.
Enstwnrd. Westward.
Trnln No. , . m. Truln No. K, B..VI n. m.
TrnliiNo.13, ll.iMa. m. Trnln No. A, S.4Aa. ru.
Trnln No. I. IS p.m. Trnln No.!,1.90p.m.
Tniln Nn. a. .! p. tn. Trnln No. 14, Mm p. ni.
Train No. 7, '9.13 p. m. Trnln iNo.lO, T.M p. m.
Trnln No. 41. 1.00 p.m. Trnln No. S, B.M n. m.
Trnln No. ?, H.IH p. m. Trnln No. 4, 4.;i p. m.
li. It. P llij, (C. rf- M. IHr)
Arrives I Popart
Trnln No 7H 1 20 p m I Trnln No .2, 2 SO n m
A Little ol Everything.
Robinson's shops.
Johns & Thompson, tailors.
Arrow Brand collars at. Millirens.
Brumbaugh & Hillls are soiling fur
niture. Johnston fc Nolan are selling over
Nguitr at cost.
Opera house all week a big show for
a small admission.
The largest stock of silver table ware
at C. P. Hoffman's.
The finest line of satchels and travel
ing bags at Millirens.
Prof. A. C. Lindsey in Assembly hall
on next Monday night.
Our merchants are buying more goods
this spring than ever before
The mercantile appraiser's list will be
found on an inside pago of this Issue.
Good building sites and cheap homo
for sale on easy terms by M. M. Davis.
The new Walk-Over shoos are the
swellest things of the season. Robinson's.
A roedloine show Is giving perform
ances at the opera house every evening
this week.
Stop and look in the window at C. F.
Hoffman's jewelry store. It tolls Its
own story.
The New Bargain store is the place
to buy your chinaware, queensware and
The Sunday evening preaching ser
vices in the M. E. church will hereafter
begin at 7.30.
If you want a good fitting suit or an
overcoat, go to Johns & Thompson,
merchant tailors.
Johnston & Nolan are now selling a
line of ladles' shoes for $1.50 that form
erly sold for $2.50.
Thos. Wlndle, who moved to Falls
Creek a few months ago, has moved
back to Roynoldsville.
W have the nloest thing in a spring
"tooth harrow ever seen In Jefferson
county. Hall & Barton. ,
A long letter from our Paradise cor
respondent was reoelved at noon yester
day, too late for publication.
Ltndsey wil make you laugh and cry
by turns in Assembly hall, publie school
building, next Monday night.
One person was received into the M.
E. church Sunday in full connection and
four were received on probation.
When you think of paint, remember
the Sherwln-Williams paint. We sell
it. Roynoldsville Hardware Co.
A meeting of the carpenters of this
place has been culled for Thursday
evening to organize a carpenters' union,
Reserved seats 25o. for the Lindsey
recital in Assembly hall next Monday
night will be on sale at Stoke' Saturday
- The funniest show of the season, Neat's
Comedy Co., at the opera house all
week. Admission 10 cents; reserved
seats 20 oeuts.
Welsbach's new mantle, "Yusea" Is
50 per cent greater than any oilier. Just
put on ine mantel, we nave mora.
Hall & Barton.
lusepu v. iuiuirun, an employe at
i . i ir I , .v ,i .
v t- r 1 1 1 1 , .
iusa piant, aim miss tuurtua xiuurar
vill be married at the home of the
,tnau'u parents at winsiow, ra., to-day
I Fifteen horse will be sold at auction
t the Hotel MoConnell barn on Satur
'ay next, beglnulng at 12.30 p. in. Per
xins wanting to buy a good borse cheap
will find this to be their opportunity.
Neal's Comedy Co. are playing to
crowded houses at the opera house this
week. Admission 10 cents; reserved
seats 20 cents.
We have Just i-ecei ved a nice assort
ment of hot plates, gus ovens and ranges.
Save the price of themselves In one
year. Hall Liarton.
The Lord's Supper will bo commein-
orated at the Baptist church Sabbath
next, following the morning sermon.
Baptism In the evening.
The streets were just muddy enough
the latter part of last week to be In good
condition for marble playing, and the
small boys were at it early and late.
The "birthday party" given In the
Reynolds brick block Inst. Thursday
evening by the Lutheran Aid Society,
was well attended and was n very pleas
ant party.
Prof. O. W. Lenkcrd will give a store-
optlnon lecture at the Kpworth League
meeting In the lecture room of the M.
E. church this evening. Lecture free.
Everybody Invited.
Seven new steel bridges will be built
on the Low Grade Division of the A. V.
R'y this summer. The wooden bridge
east of the cut at Hopkins will bo re
placed with a steel bridge.
A correspondent from Hlg Run to
DuBois Expmw says: "Inane Cable.
one of the oldest und wealthiest citizens
of this place, has disposed of part of his
property and moved to Reynnldsvllle.
The Daughters of Rebekah will have
social tlmo In the I. O. O. F. lodge
room this evening. The amusements
will bo cake walk, gypsy camp, hat
trimming and an old fashioned spelling
The Clearfield Public Spirit Issued an
industrial edition last week. It con
tained biographical sketches of promi
nent citizens, and was handsomely Illus
trated with half-tone cuts of buildings
and citizens.
Captain V. Urban and some of her re
cruits, will hold a Salvation Army meet
ing in Blood's hall at Brookville this
evening. As soon as officers can bo se
cured a Salvation Army will bo estab
lished in Brookville.
The town council of Brookville has
Instructed the police to enforce tho fast
driving ordinance of that borough.
Ten miles an hour is the limit. That
will bo hard on some of the owners of
fust stock at the county seat.
Grier O. Sweitzer, one of tho proprie
tors of Hotel Imperial, was called to
Limestone, Clarion county, last Wed
nesday by the serious illness of his
father, J. II. Swoltzor. Tho father
died' before Grier reached homo.
W. J. Miller, who died at Falls Creek
last week, was a member of Roynolds
ville I. O. O. F. lodge, and tho lodge
here paid funerul expenses. Mr. Mil
ler's death was caused by consumption.
Remains were taken to Homestead for
John Yarger, father-in-law of J. II.
Myers, of this place, died at his homo
near Straltonvllle last Wednesday. Mrs.
Myers died Friday and her father died
the following Wednesday. Cancer and
Bright' disease was the cause of Mr.
Yarger's death.
At the annual session of the Central
Pennsylvania M. E. conference, hold at
Hazolton last week, Rev. G. S. Womer,
a former Roynoldsville young man, was
changed from Nescopeck, Danville dis
trict, to DUlsbury and Wollsvillechargo,
Harrlsburg district.
Millirens, the clothiers, who have
been handling the Kane laundry work
for a number of years, have taken off
their laundry wagon and have quit
handling the laundry. This was done
to give the Reynoldsvllle Steam Laun
dry clear field at home.
Miss Nell Murphy, suooessor to Mrs.
Taafe, has jnst returned from the east
em cities with fine solection of millinery
goods for her Easter oponlng, which
will appear in the paper later. Will be
pleased to have all of Mrs. Taafo' old
customers and many new ones.
The first commencement exercises of
the Big Run high school will be held in
that town Friday evening of this week,
Judge John W. Reed will deliver the
graduating address. The baccalaureate
sermon was preached Sundiiy morning
by Rev. Anthony Groves, M. E. pastor
at Big Run.
Hotel MoConnell and Hotel Imperial
will charge fifty cents for Sunday din
ner after April 6th. Heretofore those ho
tels have been charging 25 cents for
Sunday dinner, and a number of our
townspeople, where there are only two
or three in family, have been going to
the hotel for Sunday dinner.
Miss Mayme Coax, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Wesley Coax, of Alta
gheny City, formerly of this place, will
be married at the home of her parents
at 7.30 thl evening to W. J. Stout, of
Allegheny City. The Rev. Don. 8.
Colt, pastor of the North Avenue M. E.
oburcb, will perform the ceremony.
Rev. A. Z. flyers, of Pbilipsburg,
formerly pastor of the Baptist church
at Allen' Mills, was re-elected presl
dent of the Centre County Sunday
School Association at the convention
held in Bullefonte last week. The Phil
adelphla J' reus of Wednesday, March
21st, contained a good picture of Rev.
Auditor' Report, t
The auditors' report of West Reyn
oldsvllle borough will be found In this
Issue of TllK STAR. The report show
the borough to be In good financial con
dition. The resources over liabilities
are 11,274.75.
The auditors' report of Roynoldsville
borough will be found In this issue.
Attended Ootden Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bowser, of Walk
Chalk, Armstrong county, who were
married March 2fl, 1 850, celebrated
their golden wedding on Monday of this
week. Dr. A. H. Bowser and wife and
David Cochran and wife were at Walk
Chalk to participate in the celebration.
This old couple, are tho parents of Dr.
Bowser and Mrs. Cochran.
Had Bmall Audience.
Rev. G. H. Ylbbert closed his series
of temperaneo lectures In this town In
tho M. E. church last Thursday night.
He was not successful In drawing
large crowds to hear him, and yet he Is
bright man nnd a good talker. It
don't make any difference, how eloquent
a lecturer may be If his subject is tem
perance tho uudieiices are usually small
In Roynolilsvlllo.
Carelefc Shooting.
.Tost before noon Saturday some per
son shot a bullet through the front door
of Wesley Mutter's residence on Fifth
stroet. Had Mrs. Motter been In the
hall at the time it might have proven a
serious matter. Mr. Motter has learned
that the shooting was dune by a boy
who was after sparrows. This chap Is
old enough to know that ho is violating
tho law by shooting In the liorough.
Meetings Continued.
Evangelistic meetings continue at
the Baptist church, conducted by Dr.
A. J. Meek, the pastor. Subject for
services this week: This, Wednesday,
evening, "Tho Master Calling;'' Thurs
day, "Tho Great Salvation;" Friday,
"This is Not Your Rest;" Saturday,
"The Meanness of the Devil;" Sunday
morning, '"Tho Heavenly Company;"
evening, "God has no Pleasure in tho
Death of tho Wicked."
Dummy on Flag Pole.
Last Wednesday night threo mis
chievous young luds hud a dummy
rigged up nnd perched In a tree on Mnln
Btreet, near school house, and by means
of a wire they would let tho dummy fall
to the sidewalk when ladies passed.
Aft'T becoming tired of their joke they
pulled tho dummy up tho flag polo at
tho school house, whero it hung sus
pended in mid-aii' until removed tho
next day by tho janitor.
Blue Prints Completed.
Mr. Loomis, the engineer who made
survey for tho electric railway In this
place, was in town this week. Mr.
Loomis expects to soon begin tho survey
for electric railway from Brookville to
Clarion. The blue prints fur tho rail
way from Roynoldsville to F.lennora has
been completed and Is now In President
Ferrin's office, and outside of that thcro
is nothing new that can be said at pres
ent about tho proposed electric railway
in our town.
Small Blaze.
Hope Hose Co. responded to a fire
alarm at fl.30 Saturday morning at J. V.
Young's planing mill. The fire was In
tho small brick boiler house about twen
ty foet from the main building. Tho
"windows, door and roof were burned off.
This is the second tlmo tho same thing
has occurred inside of a year. One em
ploye said Mr. Young- would cither
have to got a shoot iron roof on the
boiler house or put roof on hinge so it
could be thrown off when the shaving
in boiler house caught fire.
A barge Crowd Present.
The blessing of the bell for the Catho
lic church at Big Soldier' last Sunday
afternoon proved to be of more than
ordinary interest. The weathor was
delightful and quite a large crowd from
Du Bills and Reynoldsvllle took advan
tage of the excursion which wa run for
the special occasion. It Is estimated
that two thousand people witnessed the
ceremony which was performed by
Father Wienker, of Punxsutawney
who had been delegated by Bishop
Fltzmaurice assisted by Rev. Zubris-
czy, of Adrian, Drlscoll, of DuBots,
Brady and Drlscoll of Reynoldsvlllo.
Sermon were preached in Polish and
Slavish by Rev. Wienker and Zubrla
czy. Next week we will publish a Bhort
sketch of the origin of blessing church
Among Shot and Shell.
Ramsey Crawford, of Smicksburg,
Indiana county, nephew of "Uncle" Ed.
Seeley, visited in this place the pant
week. Ramsey wa a member of the
regular army three year and wa lo
cated at Fort Bliss, Texas, when war
was declared between Uncle Sam and
the Spaniard. He wa on one of the
first transport that went to Manila and
wa in five fierce engagement and ev
eral skirmishes. Men next to him in
the trenches were killed, but Ramsey
escaped wltboutevenasllgbtwound. He
can relate some very thrilling expert
enoc. Dr. Crawford, father of Ramsey,
was a practicing physician at Reynolds
vllle whon the unpleasantness arose
between tho north and south, and Dr.
Crawford responded to hi country' call
for soldier. After the war Doctor
moved to Smicksburg and located.
Lodg and 8. S. Officers.
Thursday niirbt of last week new of
ficer were Installed In lodge No. 6 It),
H. P. O. E., of this place. Past Exalted
Ruler Fred. K. A. Aloxander conducted
the installation ceremonies. The new
ollleers are; J. C. Scott, Exalted Ruler;
A. P. King, Esteemed Leading Knight:
George Hughes, Esteemed Loyal
Knight; James E. Mitchell, Esteemed
Lecturing Knight; John Conser. Tiler:
G. M. McDonald, Esq., Secretary; Rich
ard Taafe, Trustee; John O Hare, E-
uire; a. m. rasenmyer, inner Guard;
r. Harry B. King, Chaplain.
Last Wednesday evening the Presby
terian Sunday school elected the follow
ing officers to serve one year: Supertn-
louuenv, u. v. i-aicn; assistant super
intendent, Ralph E. McKoo; secretary,
Miss Maggie Butler; treasurer, M. E.
Weed; librarian. Miss Mary Cooper: as
sistant librarian, Will Horpcl and Ar
thur McClure: organist, Mis Lois Rob
inson; superintendent Home Depart
ment, Miss Doshlu Brooks.
The following officers were installed
In Reynoldsvllle Encampment No. 21)2,
i. u. u. v., on Tuesday night or last
week by District Deputy Grand Patrl-
aich P. B. Cowan: Chief Patriarch, II.
W. Herpel; High Priest, J. H. Orr;
Senior Warden, It. W. Miller; Junior
Warden, M. K. Weed; Scribe, Thomas
E. Evans; Treasurer, A. H. Hoon; Trus
tee, Thomas Davidson; Outside Sentinel,
i nomas Davis.
8upper and Entertainment.
Tho ladles of the Presbyterian Mis
sionary Society gave a free six o'clock
lea and entertainment in tho lecture
in mi of the Presbyterian church last
Thursday evening to member of tho
church and congregation. Quite a
arge number were present. The fol
lowing persons furnished the evening's
entertainment: Recitation, Inez Brown,
recitation, r.shter Hell, select reading,
Mrs. M. E. Weed, duet, Julia and Fran
ces Kirk, song, Will A. Reynolds, reci
tation, Annie Harding, slnuinir by male
quartette Frank P. Alexander, F. H.
Keck, Dr. II. li. King and Will Herpel.
Tho membership of tho church has
not In 'en taking as much interest in the
Missionary Society as the members of
that society think they should, and the
five supper and entertainment were
given In ho)es thai the Missionary So
ciety will hereafter recelvo more atten
tion from tho church members. Tho
ladies of tho Missionary Society evident
ly hopo that the following triplet will
prove true in this case:
-i ne y in people s nenris I una,
Is iIii-omuIi lhi'lr mouths,
Or 1 nilstukp miinktiiil."
Daniel Sharp Dead.
Daniel Sharp, one of our oldest citi
zens, departed this life at 1.00 p. tn.
Mommy, March zti, limn. Deceased was
born in Columbia county. Pa.. October
4, 1812, making him over four score and
seven years old at time of death. He
camo to this place about sixty-one years
ago, when the present town situ was a
wilderness and wild animals roamed tho
ground now used for street and alloys.
Mr. Sharp was married twice and both
times he was married to trlrls of this
section whom ho "sparked" at tho resi
dence of Woodward Reynolds. His first
wire maiden name was Sallie Fry, and
the second wife was Jane Hull. Mr.
Sharp was tho father of fourteen chil
dren, four as result of first marrlago and
ten from second marriage.
Daniel had been indlsoosed more or
less, the past seven years. Immediate
causo of death was gangrene in right
1 he mortal remains of tho old irontle-
muti will be burled In the Syphritcum-
olory,- i'aradlHo, this afternoon. Funeral
service will be held In the Svphrlt
Additional Stockholder.
On tho editorial pago will be found a
statement over the signature of E. A.
r orrin concerning tho financial affairs
of the Star Glass Company. The name
of the gentlemen who becaino stock
holder In the glass company Monday
should certainly be a guarantee to our
Ciplu that tho company 1 on a solid
is, as the stockholders are all good
business men. lhcre has been tome
delay in getting the plant built and,
nonce, ine plant win not bo tn operation
a soon as was first exiectcd.
Well Played.
"The Drunkard's Home" wa played
at Centennial ball Saturday eveninir to
a large audience. The play was given
under the ausolces or the salvation
Army. Captain Urban. Lieutenant
Macnejdnr, A. A. Hyson, 1'etor Cox,
Bessie Cox, Zelma Shaffer and Mirian
Harris did the acting. The play was
well produced.
One Year in Work House.
H. B. Kuhnselman. alias Wm. Henrv.
pleaded guilty in Armstrong county
court last week to attempt to commit a
forgery, and was sentenced to pay a fine
of 825.00 and cost and serve one year
in ine work bouse. 1 his is supposed to
be the fellow who forged G. W. Palen'a
name to a chock for 927o.OO in January.
Buried Yesterday.
Elsie Marie Bauer, aged threo years
and twenty-seven days, daughter of
William Bauer, died' Saturday night
and was burled In lieulah cemetery yes,
terday afternoon. Funeral service wa
conducted at residence by Rev. G.
Get the new color in your spring hat
at itiiiuren .
Robinson' i the place to buy your
snoe. i
For salo A registered Jersey bull.
threo year old. Inquire of J. F. Miller,
unoxuaie, fa.
Nobby suits, the very latest style, is
what John & Thompson, merchant tail
or, are turning out. Try them.
Latest styles in shoes at Johnston &
Nolan' shoe parlor. Call and see
shoe and get their low price.
New shapes and colors In nookwear
at Millirens.
Ladle' Columbia Boot for 42.00 at
Johnston & Nolan's.
Perfect fita guaranteed by John &
Thompson, merchant tailor.
See my new line of mirror at bargain
price. JJ. T. Cox, New Bargain store
Rodger knives and fork the surae
old price at Hoffman , (3.50 per dog.
See Millirens new Steamer and Hat
Individual Communion Cup.
Communion service wa h'uld In the
Prenhvtiu'lan chureh Huriilnv ntiirnlnir
and the Individual communion cups
were Introduced for the first time in
Reynoldsvlllo. Homo of the members
have been talking of getting individual
cup for use In tho Presbyterian church
More nnd when the pastor of a Presby
terian church in a nearby town offered
to loan the Individual onus of that
church tn the Reynoldsvllle congrega
tion one Sunday on trial, the kind offer
was accepted, and so far as we can learn
the member of the church were so well
pleased with the Individual cup that a
set will be purchased for the Reynolds-
vine I'resiiyieiian oliurcli.
Every church should have the Indi
vidual communion cup. Some members
of the M. E. church in this place have
neon tin King or individual commun
ion cutis for that church for sev
eral years, but, so far It ha only ended
in talk. As a communicant of the M.
E. church we Iioimi the time Is not far
distant when the individual cups will be
used In that ehureh. Sinne ionplc on-
loci to ine individual communion cups
wcniise they think It Is a stun of style
or hlghtonuness, hut we are of the
opinion that it is cleanlier nnd more
healthful than the old way of commun
ing. Wo cannot sen whv any person
should raise an objection to tho individ
ual cup Rjtem.
SheilfT's Sales.
Sheriff Jacob M. Chesnutt. of Jeffer
son county, will expose to public sale at
ine court iiousd in Ui-ookvlllH on r rlday,
April H, 1IMM), tho following properties':
Proiiorty of II. E. Hngue, In Winsiow
township, one lot and dwelling house.
Proiiorty of James I. Wood, in Kldred
township, forty eight acres of land, one
frame dwelling.
'roperty of It. W. Moorhead. In
Rlchardsville, one lot and dwelling
Proiicrtv of Nancv J. Steel. In Wins-
low township, over one acre of land and
frame dwelling house.
1'roiKirt.v of Sarah C. oung. In Plnn-
creek township, 25 acres of land and
one frame dwelling house.
Property or S. A. Lylu, In Polk town
hip, 2lM) acres of land and one frame
dwelling house.
Pmiierty ol Margret. B'lytofl, formerly
Gowen, widow of O. M. Gowen, in Punx
sutawney borough, one lot and frame
dwelling house.
Property of S. C. Bond, administrator
of W. J. Pendleton, In Snydor town
ship, 75 acres of land, one fiame dwell
ing and barn.
Property of Mary A. Barnhart, In
Clayvlllo borough, one town lot and
dwelling house.
Proiierty of Charles Chick, In Perrv
township, about two aeres of land and
one frame dwelling house.
People Who Pay the Printer.
Tho following personshave paid their
subscriptions or added their names to
our list since lust report:
Wllllnm tiros., Keyniililsvllle, Nov. 1(1. 1W.
Dr. II. V. Hhliis. Kiiilimvl, April II, ll.
J. H. Neliln. Kluru. Iiiiiiiinn eiiutiLv. I'll..
Mnrt'h . Hill.
v, . K. .Meredith, runxsiituwney, IMurrli II,
.Iiilin K. Hopkins, I'lltsliunr, now Mnrrh
MlrliHiil t'nruy, Myi'isilnlii, l'u.,(newl Mureh
!, Il).
W.J. Iliilrlilnsiin. New Kiimliiutiiii. Keliru-
rv 8. llMHt.
.1.11. I.olt, Iteynolilsvllle, .liiiiuarv :KI. mil.
!. K. HtriiiiMi'.Ht'yiiiililsvllleliiMimrv :m, liml.
II. II. Hlllllll. Kevnolllsvlllu. I new I tilnn-li 21.
Tliomns Wood, Itiithini l, nesrl Mnreli 21,
M. II. Wyiikisip, HriHikvlllo, Iloormlier is,
T. r, Mi'Enlevr, West Keynolilsvllle, Mureh
12, IWit.
.mint's ill. Miirsii, iironkvllln, April I, WW.
W. K. Miirsliiill. KeviiiiltlHvlllo. Mnreli IS.
rimrlpsT. Iii'iiii lt..lhniel .litniniry 2.1 1001.
Wllllnm llurkluy Itevnotilsvlllu Man li II
t'hnrles Kuli New llollileliem Junuury 26
Lindsey, Next.
Prof. Alton C. Lindsey the noiiular
dramatic reader will appear for the
llfth time In Assembly hall on next
Monday evening, April 2. Prof. Lind
sey comes under tho auspices of tho
Jiuhllo schools and needs no rocommen
lation to a Reynoldsvlllo audience.
The program will be interspersed
with music by the Reynoldsvllle Main
Quartette, the Public School Female
Quartette and Mis Lois Robinson,
Reserved seats 25c. on sale at Stoke's
drug store next Saturday morning.
A Card.
I wish to Inform my friends, patrons
and public in general, that we have our
barber shop now located In the neatly
nticd up rooms in basement or the Real
hstate Co. building, where we shall be
pleased to have you call and see us when
In need of a shavu, haircut, shampoo or
bath, or anything in our line. And we
shall endeavor to please you to the best
of our ability. Thanking you tor all
the past liberal patronage,
Your Respectfully,
Hotel Notice.
It I hereby mutually agreed that the
price of Sunday dinner on and after
April oin, Bhall ne ou cents to each and
every person. Meal ticket not accept
ed lor this meal only from regular bona
JUle weekly boarder, and then for them'
selves only. r . J. ulack,
Prop'r Hotel McConnoll.
Wiley Sweitzeh,
Prop'rs Imperial Hotel.
Don't forget that wo aro still in the
nlumhlnff business at tho old stand and
have on band a large stock of plumbing
material. All our work fully guaran
teed. Hall & Barton.
Carpenters will find a full line of edge
tools, square, saws, auger, drill, In
fact anything they would want, at the
Reynoldsvllle Hardware Uo. store.
For Sale Six-room house, with base
ment and good cellar. Inquire at this
A special lino of men's and ladles'
shoe at VZ.uo. Robinson'.
Buyyour Easter neckwear at Millirens
and be sure you are u-to-date.
Johnston & Nolan have a One line of
Emerson' shoe for gentlemen. See
"Yusea" the new Welsbaeh mantlo.
give an Illumination of at least 50 per
cent greater intensity than any mantle
made. Try one. ilall & Barton.
Millirens assortment of spring shirt
excels an oiuer.
Glimpse of the People who r Passing
To and Fto.
Glenn A. Mllllren is In Kane this
David R. Cochrau Is in Pittsburg thl
Dr. J. B. Neale was In Pittsburg Sat
L. W. Huyck I In Rochester. N. Y..
thl week.
Mrs. U. Euirune Phllllusls vlsltinir in
Charles Clark and wife were in Du
Bois Friday.
H. Eugene Phillips is in Punxsutaw
ney this week.
Mr. James Marsh, of Brookville. vis
ited in town Saturday.
C. E. Ferritigur siienl Sunday with
Mends at Sbanuoudale.
Richard .terminus and two daughters
visited in DuBois last Friday.
Mrs. J. C. Milieu, of Rldgway, visited
relatives In this plicu last week.
Mrs. N. Hanau returned Thursday
evening from a visit in Philadelphia.
Warren Dellilu returned Saturday
from a visit in Kauu and Warren, Pa. -
Mrs. Dr. J. B. Nealo and daughter
Miss Lulu, were in Pittsburg last week.
Rev. Charles II. Presoott. of Cleve
land, Ohio, ha been In town several
John 11. Belt, suiierlntendvnt of the
coal works at this place, Is In Pittsburg
mis week.
G. II. Small, the' butoher. will move
his family from Brookville to this plrice
this week.
Miss Elizabeth Sutter, of Punxsutaw
ney, Is visiting her brother, J. J.' Sutter,
In thl place.
u a iiiub vj. e uiiia, n Biuuciii ill 1.UU Al
legheny College, Mcadvlllo, is at home
T ......... f II. ...... .. I.. . I. A I
on a short vacation.
Misses Jennie Kennedy and Amy
Stiner, of Brookville, visited Mrs. Sam
uel Barton last week.
G. Ralph Adam, editor Ilicord. and
J. T. Armstrong, of Brockwayvlllc,
spent Sunday In town.
Paul Riston, student In the Klskl-
rtiinltas school at Saltnburg, Pa., is
home on a teti-duy vacation.
Dr. W. B. Alexander and wlfo were
at Clearfield Monday attending the fun
eral of Miss Fannie Graham.
Mrs. John Beck, of New Bethlehem,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. I'hlllips, In this place.
William Barkley, who has been at
Mt. Pleasant u few weeks, returned to
his home in this place last week.
Charlie Kah, formerly of this place,
now a prominent business man of New
liethlohcm, was in town Monday.
Mrs. Dr. J. W. AVarnick. of Glen
Haxel, Pa., visited her sister, Mrs. D.
H. Young, In this place tho past week.-
Mrs. J. II. Marsliull, of Butler, re
turned homo yesterday after a short
visit with her sister, Mrs. J. II. Corbott.
Atmoru Shaffer, the soldier boy who
was at hmne on a short furlough, re
turned to Fort Thomas, Ky., the first
of this week.
Frank Schlabig has secured the po
sition of switch thrower in the B., R. &
i Ry yards at Clarion Junction, near
Johnson burtf. '
Charles King and Joseph Macro, stu
dents in the Bucknull University, Lew-
isburg. Pa., camo home last Wednesday
on a vacation.
Miss Carrlu Phillips, who has been In
Philai'ulphla several years, Is visiting
her parents, Mr. und Mr. M. Phillips, on
Jackson street.
Misses Elsie Ross. Minnie Wbitmore
and Tiiey Dempsey, students in the
Clarion Slate Normal, camo home last
week on a ten day vacation.
Clarence Hyatt Reynolds, a student
in tho Philadelphia College of Pharma
cy, I home for the summer vacation.
Clarence passed the State Board exami
nation and Is now a registered pharma
E. Greenbaum, who has beeu book-
keoier at the silk mill since that plant
was-II is l started, has resigned hi po
sition here and will go to New York In
ten day where another position is ready
for him. Carl Wuyer, of New York,
wholstotake Mr. Greenbaum' place,
Is familiarizing himself with the work
before Mr. Greenbaum leave.
Raymond Elliott Brown, student in
Cornell University, Ithica, New York,
Is home on a short vacation, tie will
return to Ithica next Monday accom
panied by his sister, Miss Inez Brown,
who will take a special course In the
Conservatory of Musio and Dramatio
Art department of Cornell. Miss Inez
will take vocal music and elocution.
Clarence Henry, of tho Henry Bros.'
grocery store, wa dangerously ill last
week with heart trouble. The following
persona were canea nere ny nis nines:
John A. Henry, father, and Mis livrf
tha Henry, sister, of Hamilton, Pa., Drf
W. G. and G. L. Henry, of Punxsutawl
ney, Dr. P. P. Horner and wife and MisJ
Tessle Henry, of Cool Spring, and Drj
For Sale.
Match team gray draft horses, nine
year old and weighing fourteen hun
dred. Also black and bay, seven and
eight year old, weighing thirteen hun
dred. Fresh cows, fat sheep and cattle,
mowers, reaiers, binders, rakes, weed
era, drills and general merchandise.
J. C. Kinu & Co.
Bids Wanted.
Bid will be received for janltorhip
of the M. E. church for ensuing year.
Must be in hands of trustee on or be
fore April 4. h. R. E. Koehlek, Seo.
You will economize by calling at the
Reynoldsvlllo Hardware & Furniture
Co. store for carpets, furniture and gen
eral home furnishing.
We carry three of the best lines of
plow on the market, namely the Oliver,
Syracuse and Wlard Chilled plow. The
genuine for sale only by the Reynolds
vllle Hardware Co.
Not reduced, but the same old price
that we always sold them at Rodger
knivea and fork $3.50 per dozen at
Hoffman'. ,
See Millirens display of fancy half
Button shoe for men in patent calf
and Russia at Robinson'.