V It Star. Mufi.4i'rO'" f M( fwr Vir, op .( y jiiiiil Klrklljl In (itloincr. '. AtVri-il'iiKftftiiNt Killtur mid I'wb. "w'kdn khiVayTm mciflir A ll lntli'i"'ili'iil litialinHr,itililllit-nti-ry Wfiliti'iliy ill' I(kviiiiIiIvi, Jnirnimui Cu. lIl'YiiH-il til till- ltlllri't nf HllllllflVlll atnf .ll-ITnrwilH'lilltllr. Nitn-mlltli-al, frill In-lit nil wllh fulriii'n, mill will hi' piiiwliilly frliml- lf InwiinlH tun uumii niai-im HiilwiTllitlmi iirli-atl.nGpni iMTjnnr, in ail ram- (Ininmiiiilriilliiim Ititi'iiilt-il fur i r li iiiilillralliui nmnl. tin n unnniiliMl lijr III wrlmr a nam. not fur Il nl Ion. lull an a HunrniiK-n nf noil fnllli. Inli'i-i'Hlliiii ni'wn lli'inilli'lli'il. AdvortMinr ruli-n tiiailn knnwnini aiitillra tlttn at llio oltli-a In krin-lilli-li-lli-iirr llliH'k. liKMKMy I'otiiiiiiinlriilliiiiK nml rtiati.n nf arlvnrtlwniniit Mix m ll rt-arli 111 In (illli lit Mittiiliiv iiiMin, Aiilri--u all-imimtiitlrat4mia lot'. A.Ktopn- nmm, Hi.rniililvlllK, Pa. KiiIkhmI nt tln inHtnflli-fl Hi Hnyiiiililsvlllr, !., aa mu'oml i'Im mall maltrr. Don't bo mim'i'IhimI If yon hear a loafer arguing agnlimt Hi" teachings of tlw Hlblo, for the Holy Hk an): "If any provide nut for IiIk own, especially for thoao of his own bouse, ho In woi-mii tlllll! An liiildel." A French iiiiturallat assert Hint If tho world should Iki'iiiihi hlrdlt-aa In nil would not Inhitlilt. It after nine year. In aplto of all tho spray nml pnlsmm Hint ooulil bo manufactured for thn dostiue- tlon of Insects. Tho bug and Ihk would Hlmjily i'hI n our ou-haid mid ernpa. A bill to regulate maiilngi- Ik iww bnfore tho Colorado legislature. It pi m'oii tho granting of mnrrlitgo lli-oiimm In thn IibiiiIh of n laiard of three physl 1'lann In each county, which hoard In to have power to examine all applicant for marriage, and to refuse license In all who aro judged uii'iitully or phyal rally unlit for tho tlutlea of nint-rlcd lite. Tho man who places Uhi valunhlo an estimate iion his own services gener ally dovelope a ease of big head, nml when a pcraon once lieeomea a victim of thl malady his nai-futnoss In tho world Is about ovit. Mlg head ban ruined many bright prtiHioeta, for tho limn who has tho enlargotl cranium aeea through nullifying glassoa and In bis doliiHion turn buck before the goal hit boon reached, thinking that tho victory ha boon won. Don't get tho big bend. Fall Crock erufif. Wo havo sever al cones of "big head" In Iteynoldsvlllo and havo noticed tho usolossnos of tho victim. Tho papora aro tolling of a professor who on opening a bottle hoforo a largo aiullonco snld Iteontnlnod aliquld which would give olT a pungent, poworful odor and ho w lulled by tho experiment to tent tho rapidity of tho spread of the odor. Ho linked those near who flrnt detected It to ml ho, tlielr bunds, and ho on to thu buck Meutf. When tho stopper wuh re moved hnndH lyegun to go up at onco from tho front, mid hiiiiil-liftlng went from row to row toward tho mid, but tho profoHor had to cut abort bin ex periment, bepuiiHO M'ople tiegun tOHnlTci' in front and to hurriedly leave tho room. It wa a RiicccHHful experiment, but an exixii lment aa to the power of tho Imagination. Tho bottle contained only distilled wutcr. A cornet company up In Connecticut unlit TllK ST AH a magnanimouR offer thli week, but on account of tho liberal ity of tho cornet company wo did not fool liko taking advuutago of tho olTor and, bunco, consigned it to tbo wuhIo banket. The olTor wan thin: If wo would give tho company ton dollars worth of advortlHlng they would send us one cornet la exchange for tho adver tisement. Tho price of cornet la $1.00. Think of ltl tlO.OO worth of adverting for a 11.00 comet. We often got such liberal olTom from various companion, which forces us to the conclusion that thoro must bo fools In tho newspaper business somewhere. In this broad land that accept such "cboeky" offers or else there would not bo so many sent out over tbo country. The former official estimate of tho t wooded areaof the United States, pluccd at 26 per cent, has been raised to 37 per ( cent by the latest computations of tho Division of Geography and Forestry of ' the U. S Goologlcal Survey. That office hits Issued a bulletin contulnlng new figures on American forests, some of which tend to prove the national timber resources greater than Is supposed. The two latest State to be examined are Oregon and Washington. The for mer is estimated to contain 234,ouJ million feet, B. M., in standing timber; the latter, 114,778 million feet. Destruc tion by fire bas been exceedingly serious In Washington. On the assumption that the burned areas contained on an average as much timber as the un touched portion, 40,000 million feet have been destroyed slnoe lumbering began. This amount would tupply all the saw mills of the United States for two years, and at a value of only 75 cents a thous and, moans a dead loss to the State of $.10,000,000. The amount actually logged in the same period has been 30, 000 million foet, making the estimate by the same comparison of areas. Oregon bus suffered less from both fire and lum bering, owing to the smaller facilities for marketing the product. For Sale One seven-year-old mare, weight 1200 lbs., one top surrey, top buggy, open buggy, sleigh, set harness, blankets and robes. Inquire of John M. Hays. Parsdlaa Imiltuto, Held Psbtuary 14th. Hhould havH Imen aunt In for publica tion sooner, but ha been unavoidably delayed, and wo hope tho old maxim, "Heller late than never," will prove true In this InnlHiiee. Meeting was called to order by John Norrla. John Dougherty and Martin Hyphrlt wore elected president and vice president, and Albert Htrauss and James Norrla aeorotiirlea. Devotional eitorclHoa by Noah Hypbrlt; ant hem by the choir) addreaa of welcome by Mrs. Ninth Htraiiss, response by J. M. Kelly, song by choir, "The Farmer Feed Them All;" topic, "Taxation, Direct mid Indirect," John Norrla, Ixwl Luduiek and lion. N. II. Crltch Held; 'Mine nml It Uses." Dr. Win. Frear, of Slate College; "Fiirmera' In stitute and their Hone fit," W. T. Cox, J. M. Kelly and Mr. HIinpHon. F.venitig HoshIoii Murio by Mandolin and (lultar Club: "('lover, ll line a a Fertilizer ami Forager," N. It. Crltch' Held; KiHiiy, "Mental Trnliiluu oil the Farm," -Hoy McDonald; Itecitntion, "llowtoltuiia Fiirm," Hello Syphrll; song, "Dull to the Sturdy Farmer," by choir; recitation, "A Forty-Acre Farm," Alum Dougherty: "Country v. City Hoy," Mr. Simpnon; aotig, "My Creole Son," mule ipmrtette; "Truck Farming," Fred Hlgge and C. Strnus. Tburwbiv Morning Selon Hinging by choir: Dr. Frcnr talked on "Soil Cul tivation," which wa quite Inteienllng; music, liiHtrumenlal; "What Crop Yield Quickest Koturn," John I-ott nod other: tbo (j'ietlon Dux wa om-ii- il anil bi-ought out some lively talk. The ThurHilny evening, or Indie' sew- on, wa, a tiHtittl, inonoMill.ed by the men. Such subject nn "I lee Cul- urc," "Poultry Keeping," "Nature Study," "lroHir Feeding of Dairy Calve, Ac, were dim-usscd at length; solo, "Docked In the Cradle of the Deep, Alliort Strauss; recitation, "Tho 'orn Crop, llully tlee!" Virginia Me- Ailon; "The Heat Method of Preparing Meat," Mrs. Noah Syphrit and Mr. A. Sprugoo; essay, "Tho Nlneteeth Cen tury," Chnrlc Harris; solo, W. I Straus; "Tho Yard mid Cnrden," Mrs. Noah Strauss, N. II. Crltchflcld and other; "Hurnl Free Mull Delivery," J, W. Syphrit. SKCHKTAKY. Soft Coal Situation. Colli Trnile Jeiii niil.l If ever tint soft coitl producers In this country had 11 n opii timlly for expand lug their trade und prolits, this year seem tube tho tlmo. In all pints of this country thoro Is the sign of prosperity and this means that our bituminous coal will bo In demand for mimo tlmo to como, and that tho tonnage thereof will be large: such being the case there la no neccsalty for thu cut-throat business methods which pruvullcd In yenia when demand was lesa. The minora have been promised a higher rata of wages than has prevailed heretofore, tho rail road h carrying tho coal aro to get nioro for that service, and tho producer I adding a prollt for his share In tho pros perity. There la said to have been quite movement of soft coal in the pat week to and from all loading ports, ao that the market for tho time being la quoted as somewhat easier In tone and In price; In the luttter regard It Is from tho apec ulatlvo figures which prevailed at the eastward, where tho arrivals have boen unusually large, so that consumers are picking up a few bargains, for thoy noed not flatter themselves that conditions such aa were had last year at the opon Ing will prevail. Probably no higher or hotter author!' ty for hopefulness reacctlng foreign trado has yet been In evldenco than tho following paragraph from President Cannott's first annual report at tho head of tho Pennsylvania: The general bus iness of the country may bo expected to Increase, In the future as In the pant, as tho steel, iron and coal Industries which furnish such a targe proportion of your tonnago, are entering upon a new era, being no longer restricted to supply tho home demand, but able to compote successfully in markets of the world. Death of Chas. Cameron, Picclul from Ulltlilnul. Charles Cameron, who made bis homo here with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, up until June, 181)0, when he wont to New Kensington and made his home with his brother, Fred, died at that place Wednesday morning, March 7th. 1000. of typhoid fever, after being sick about throe weeks. Charley was a bright young man, al- ways had a kind word and a pleasant smile for all whom he met with. In all he was a model young man, having a good character and grand principles, He loved and respeoted bis parents. He was a temperance boy. He was pa- torlo, being a member of Washington Camp No. 602, P. O. S. of A. Charley was not a christian until ho was taken sick when be prayed to God for forgive ness and his prayer was answered and left a good testimony behind him that he bad accepted Christ as his personal Savior. W. G. HARKIrl. What's Your Face Worth. Sometimes a fortune, but nover if you have a sallow oomplexlon, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the ' skin all signs of liver trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion.' Only 25o at II. Alex. Stoke'sdrug store: LIST OF JURORS Drawn for tht Regular Term of Court Commencing Monday, April 9th, (Irano ItnioH -Mmuliijr, April I. ll f llnrin. 1-lnnr milker, Knmli-a tier !l 11 aelitii-Hiw-, furtner, I'lni-i-ri-t-M tp t M Htiirn-ll. fiii-iner. AVnnliliitflini Iwn Krrul Hiittur. h!ni-Mnillli, Wi-nt Ki-ytiiililsvlllil million f in, rnrninr. mis twu It A Hlliliilirnn. i-lerk, Ki-ynolilavllln ferritin, furtnir, Wki-siiw twn MIS nrkn, liimlii'Mtiitn, Milroil twn t'llttmre rinnll Jelin II Kink, 1 il 11 Klfi-r, fnr riiniiwpll, mrmi-r, Stmler lwi Hnmllii-rn, riirnii-r, kiiiikiiIiI twn tiieii'liiiiil. rmiVHiilawiiiiy fni-niiir. lli-svur iw 11 lli&rrv Hvkt-K. Niiliiniiiiiii. Wf-nl ItnvmililHVllls H otoitf, fiirmer, l-.lilmil twu Wllllniti K I1i'Iiihi-I. fiirini-r. t'.lilrml twp jnhii K Jeiiklno, rli-rk, I'lnyvllls 11 II Ki-mu-Hiii. fimui-r. Ilitm Iwn J ilitrifN 1 sriN-iiier, isiHin-r, nu-i annum iwp .1 lllnili-rllli-r. eli-rk. Kims twn n linn I, Meklii lev. lulHirer. Ilnsikvuia Wllllinii Hmltli. InlHiii-r, MeCiiltiuiiil twp J VI Hntti-r, wskiim tiiski-r. l iyvlllt, It Arthur-., uenlleiniin, HriHikvlllii W M lliin-liijf, iiiltii-r, Ht-riielilnvlllii I'rtit Jcaoita - Mniiilny, April . Ili-nry Hel'-li-, wnitun milker. Ili'viinlilsvlllit Wlllliini II Hli-i-le, riirmrr, Khln-il Iwp Jnnii-K W Miiii'r, fiirnii-r, Kliln-d twp IMIhJiiIiiih liilHiH-r, KiMt-lwp Jelill l ,-lali. ini-ri'llllllt, Hlvillilllllis Hiiiinii'l Tliotntci, tiien-linnt, Nli-t 'hIiihiiiI twp Mlli-N M llllllllllll. tlM-rellllllt. KltlKKitlll IWU Jiriittii Hirnnkls, farmer, 1'i-rrir Iwp Jiiini"! IIihIIm, rnllriiHili-r lllv Kiln J V U Inifi-rl. fiirttier, Pnfk Iwp J I. MiirHlnili, litlHiter, Wltwtuw Iwp i:Iiiii Ii-m Hlmwkey, Isliori-r, Hiirttett I wp A " inivin. iiiiHiier, in y v 1 1 11 linvlil lluiirli-y, fintiii-r, Terry Iwp t W IIiiIii-i-ii. tli-iiler. I'liiitmitiiwm-v ,tnm" irfiniliitt, lutiilit-riiiatt, ili-tnli-ron Iwp A (liimii-ritisii, i-sr liiH-ctiir, llrm-kway villa J It Melt liiHirv. flintier, Oliver Iwp It II IVum..!!. flintier. Wtiranw twn jelin lletiauii, niliii-r, Meralinoitt twp tli-iiran Afien, fitnm-r, Mimit Iwp ilrmli-n elitler. InlHirnr I'litnnilswni-y II Wyne, i-li-ik. Hnyiler Iwp r, J Hi t, 11 II r, liiiHiri-r, l(iyiiiiiivuii II II Ulekt'v, eiintnrcr. Ill Hun Krecl Ali-minili-r. rli-rk. Hi vii"IiI-iIIIi W A Mnirl-uiii, fiu nii-r, ii-hlnul.iii twp tinier lllnke. inlHiri-r. llriMikvllln (Ml Aiiili-r-iti, liilMin-r, Mc l iiliimlit twp II II tireeli-y. niliii-r. Mnyili-r I wp muri uiiiiiiina, iiiiHiri-r, rioiieeitiiwiiiy lliirry SlrnlllH, Inlsin-r, Mi I'mIiiiiiiiI twp 1' (1 Prliiillt. Hswyer, Hnyiler Iwp Jolin Pnrka. fiiriiier, Fliln-tl Iwp Joint Marts, fiirtner, rum l-ri-ek twp I in v hi HtniH-r, InlHiri-r, Mix Knit .1 It A hIiiiiim. lulHin-r. Inii twu (I II Slintitiim, Jtintli-K of iH-ai-K, Wnrllivllla .liilin Mi-I'liire, lioiilii-rtiiiiii, lllit Hint II A Htn I 1. Ii in-kani lli.riir r j II riilliiiini, fiirmer. Mnyili-r twp t'tirriill lUi-Afi-e, titllnr, I'linieiiilawiH-jr W It Kviini. rnriH-tiiir. ritti-4tituwiH-v .litlni-it II Me AiIihi, fiirint-r, Klilreil Iwn Krsnk lti-yiiiilit-4, rtmin-r, tti-ytinlilMvllla. im liioikle, iiirini-r. Ili-ntli iwp (li-urKi- Weaver, fiirini-r, Cluvi-r twp It K Me K111, rli-rk. KevtiiililnvlIlM K (I ( lurk. Iiiinlni-ita, Iti-yniililsvllle Thavriisr Jiiiioiih -Miniiliiy, April tl. V A Morris, farmer, Oliver Iwp Ili-nry Hieveiimin, fiirmer, lliirnelt twp HiiIh-i-I Wnlforil, riirini-r, WIii-iIiiw twp VV T MhiiIII. fnrmir. t'lovitr twn T F. HtiiHtliers, liiliurer. Idste Iwp Jnhii I' Wllmui, I'lllliir, I'loixsiitiiwnny 11 m iiiirr, rartiier, ivmei twp I'lillln Wolf. InlHiri-r. Hell Iwn H M (feiirite, fiirtm-r, Wltmluw twp A r ni'ii iiiiHirer, i itoyniiiiinviiiii Newtim lleer. InlHiri-r. KnnR Iwn T M Hull, liitsirer, Unix twp A rHImiiklim, liliii-kainltli, inirslea I'rntik t iK lirmi, Inliorer, llns-kway vllle IV r itmrtii, iiiiKirer, kiimi iwp lli-nt-v Met 'lelliniil. fiiriiier. Purler Iwp Ciu-mir Kei rln, liilsiri-r, Heyiiiililnvllla llllmiire VnMlilniler, fiirmer. Itimntwp r I'lii'iu, riirini-r, iniver iwp A II Hlvtirllint, nii-n-liiiiil, Oliver twp A (I AniliTmin, i-lerk, Ills' Hun Allien H HIinlTer, liilmri-r, It I M Hun WIIII11111 .eltli-r. clerk. I'linxHiiiitwitev TliiiitniH J Mnruiin, nilner. rlayvlllu ll II AIiIhiII. eli-rk, WiiHlifnuiiin TliutiiHH Mlti-ln-ll, liilmier, ItiiNetwp I It I In vIm. tiieli-lililil, I'layvllle (. A Hnnwili-n, lalmi-er, Itime twp ,1 W lleiit-iiiaii, liitsirer, Itime Iwp Wllllum rifer, fut-mer, llenilerniui twp H M Morrlnoii. farmer, WiinliliiKtun twp lii"i-tli Al.well, fiiriiier. Hnyiler t wp Miller Meunn, eiirienler. rluy vlllu .1 T Ikiiieasler. tun-ill, rlayvlllu V A Itlekey, fiirmer, Clever Iwp 11 hiivih. niiwyer. piuiiiiiei viiiti tli-rritn Falrliankn, fiiriiier, Yiiitiitf twp .1 II itnli tiller. Itiliiiri-l'. Hone Iwn M j, IMnser, farmi-r, t'luver twp A I Iteiinliiu, InlHirnr, Harnet t twp One Cent Revenue Required. Tho authorities huve just aent out tbo edict that all mull carriers or back- drivers who carry packages from ono towu to another for pay must sue that such puckuges have a 1 cent revenue stamp attached to a receipt given for tho package. In other words all such carriers are viewed the samo as express companies In this regard. Of courso where a package Is lifted from an ex press ofllco or taken to such offloo the one stamp Is all that Is noeessary. A mall carrier, however, who only occa sionally carries packages as an accommo dation and not for hire, would not be considered aa common carrier within the moaning of the law, and would not bo obliged to issue or stamp receipts for bucIi packages. Banker Routs a Robber. J. R. Garrison, cashier of the bank of Thornvillo, Ohio, had been robbed of health by a serious lung trouble until he tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Thon he wrote: "It is the best mediolno I ever used for a. severe cold or a bad case of lung trouble. I always keep a bottle on hand." Don't suffer with coughs, colds or any throat, chest or lung trouble wbon you can be cured so easily. Only 6O0 and 11.00. Trial bottles free at H. Alex. Stoko's Drug Store. For Sale Cheap. Four acres of land in Prescottvllle with a six room house, good cellar, and fifteen fruit trees thereon, will be sold very cheap. Inquire at THE STAR office. For Sale. A good house and lot for sale on Grant street. Inquire at The Star office. The Farm Journal is cheap but not too cheap to be good; it Is full of ginger and gumption, and has as many other good things in it that you can use as any paper at any prloe. It will be sent five years to subscribers of The Star who pay arrearages and one year in ad- vanoe and 25 cents extra, or 11.25 for the Farm Journal for five years and The Star for one year. The best stock of watches to select from at C. F. Hoffman's. Tlie low prices and honest values at Milllrens will surprise and amaxe you. Correct stylos In shoes cost no more at Robinson's than past Ideas in other stores. , S -D Wo lmvn roturiKHl from city mid flml wo linvongotxl fiHHortnnMit I V DIIF.SS (l(X)DH, TltlMMINCS, (A I.I, OVK.lt I, AC KM) y V MMl Slf.KS, (IN WAIHT ANII llllKHH PA'ITK.ItNH) NOTIONS OF AM, KINDS. V I V 0 XXX liACKCIIHTAINS, ItUFFLF.I) CLMITAINS, V of many tllirorent 1- Hignw; tlilH Ih the place M to get a good polcction. M O XXX V o It would be wll to Be wliut we liave be fore buying elHewliere. XXX u u liADIKH' JACKKTS ANII TAIIm MADB SUITS, 4l u 0 0 0 Hi I W Wk'mc Waitino Kor you! Waiting for you to find out the dilTerence between tho bent drugs and tho mayhap kind; Waitino kok Von To learn that" Jlrrfg'tt a good dog, hut H old f ant is a belter." VVk'vk Waitko For a great many people who wanted to be Hiiro of their prtmci iptlotiH. Now Wk Wait On them inntend of for them. Abwv lutyly pure goodn, equitable price nnd oourtooiiH Hcrvioo are waiting for you at ()0(M)O00000OO0(J0O000OO00O00(J I BIIICK fe WAONKK ( )()( 0000O000OO( MM IOOOI ( MM M ( M)0 We will thin week offer a o HIO UKDUCTION o on all heavy winter goodtt, . J 1IKAVY r t,ANNKI.H, W HfjANKKTM, J La m km' Coath and Capkh, fca, Ace., Ai ttlll utkll nrlinl Tuur Vft' will run Tiifi.v J . ' regardlepR of coHt. We C for any of them. Htep in a bargain We have in thin The cneapest Place . 10 DUU O10LIIIMU is ai N. Call and be convinced Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Men'uHuitH, wornted, 4.7 to $1 0.00; Men's Cheviot SuitH, $4.50 to $10.00; Men'B Kerney OvercoatH 'for $5.00; everybody else will auk you $5). 00 for name; Men's Overcoats $0.00, worth $10.00; Youths' Storm Overcoats $3.50 to $5.00, worth 0.00 to 9.00. Men's and Boys'' Underwear. Men's fleece-lined 25 cts. apiece; the very best of Men's fleece-lined at 45 ctB. cts. , worth 40 cts. Ladies' Department. Indies' Tailor-made Suits, Skirts, Plush Capes, Col larettes, Fur Capes, fccM cheaper than they are now selling at the factories. I bought my goods before the benefit of cheap buying. vlng. A full line Jacket Suits o $5.00, 7.50, $10.00 and $13.50- That is unequalled anywhere for skillful atten tion to every detail of modern fashioning Fly Fronts, Box Fronts, Tight Fitting and Single and Double Breasted. New Style Skirt, iu all the preferred 1900 Suitings and Colors, anywhere from $2.00 to $6.60. We have the finest assortment of silks ever offered. Call and examine our spring etock, also a full line of lace curtains. J.J.SUTTER. Stoke's Pharmacy. huc.1i an t U NDKRWKAKA, C'oMKOKTH, Mkn'h and IJoy'b ()vkk;oats, f.nlwiu' f1,n4a vru fifltra " ajfi-ti.'r- vuuin nv ftiu J will not auk you lirnt coat and hoo for yourHelf what line. HII1UK W A U IS K IV. HANAU'S. how cheap you can buy apiece. Hoys' fleece-lined 25 advanco in prices and you will get the 1ST. HA2STA.TJ. of Ladies' Sprin in 1