The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 14, 1900, Image 1

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W carry
i J j Mr
M -wv. W aaw & w
m a. v - -
4 . Jr
a full line Farming Implements, including
Steel and Wood Frame Spring Tooth Harrows, Spring
Tooth Cultivators, Shovel Plows, liny Forks, and headquar
ters for Builders' Supplies Sash. Doors, Nails, Cement,
Sewer Pipe, Sheathing and Roofing Paper, Locks and
of First-Class Mixed Paints. Everything in a first-class
hardware store. Call in, see our goods and our Prices,
yew Furniture Store.
That Darling Baby of Yonrs-
Needs n nice Go-cart. A nice, one will juxt suit you and
the bby. For you It Ih light and cany to balance, thereby
making it easy to whocl.
It Will Just Suit the Baby-
For when It want to take
recline the back and you
ceivod a large linn of cart
Price from 5 to $25.
Call soon and make your selection. Tho bee,t will go first.
Jefferson Supply Co.
Rathmel and
Can fit you out in any line
prices, too. We Lave
week in
that we are closing out at right prices.
Our new goods are coming in
were never bo full of good things and genuine bar
gains. We are pleased to give you our prices and
Bhow you goodB at any time. "
If there is anything you want you can hardly miss it by
uuimug u us,
& Barton.
& Hillis,
a Bleep all yon have to do Is
have a I
a bod.
We hare just re-
j us
and carriages ranging I
But tho bust materials and work-
manship ontor into the construe-
tlon or the i
Mado with a view of suiting the
exact wants of tho house-keepers at
a moderate cost.
Good Bakers Perfect Roasters.'
Sold with That Understanding. ,
ReynoldsvIIle Hardware Go.1
Big Soldier.
you may need, and at right
bargains to offer you this
rapidly now and our etores
The Jefferson Supply Co.
HIqH Softool Bulletin.
Idltur-ln-Colef Bertha Mtnhtll, '00.
AnliUM Ultar-Katli King. '01.
Latal Ultur- lilt Lraktrl, '00.
The pupils of the upper grades were
highly entertained In tho Asssembly
Hull Frldny morning by the Honorable
I. W. McKnight, who gave a brief his
torleiil sketch of Jefferson county.
Among the numerous events ho men
tlomtl wore the following:
Tho first settler of Wlnslnw township
was John Fuller, who came hero In 1H22.
The laying out of our own city in
Our forests were Inlinblted by fifty
spi-cies of wild animals; one of the most
notable events was the killing of tho
last buffalo in 171)0.
A few of the event which took place
In our own Immediate vicinity were,
the first coal mined for sale by Charles
Anniin, who took tint a few bushels a
day. This Industry has now grown to
the enormous extent that Instead of a
few bushels wo are now shipping to
various points of the earth tho great
amount of forty-five hundred tens a day.
Thos. Hoynolds was the first school
muster in lfCifl. The magnificent salary
of suventeen dollars and forty-four
cents was the amount received by a
teacher fifty years ago.
It is a matter of much gratification to
note the increased interest manifested
by the members In the meetings of the
Literary Society, and wo may tako a
pardonable pride In the manner in
which the program of last Friday was
rendered. The recitations, which were
rendered by Harriet Schultzo, Lois
Hobinson. Etta Shaffer, Viola McGaw,
Cornlo Dciblo and James Mulr, were of
a high order and showed careful prcpar-
ation. Mollio McDonald's paper plctur
Ing tho future was both amusing and
interesting, and If her prognostications
are correct, some of the gentler sex are
doomed to the fato-d lives of old maids.
A call being made for music Golda King
favored the society with a vocal selec
tlon which morlted the hearty applause
it recelvod. Tho meeting waa then
brought to a close by the debate, "That
the charms of the new woman exceeded
those of the old.'' Tho affirmative was
upheld by Bertha Marshall while the
negative wassupiorted by Ella Lenkerd
The arguments were presented in
rhyme. After careful deliberation the
judges rendered their decision in favor
of the "new woman."
C. W. Dickey was in Rrookvllle over
Junior The medians of a triangle
meet in a point of transaction.
Teacher tf you had an apple and
gave your brother half, how much
would you have left?
Scholar I wouldn't give him half, I
am mad at him.
The officers of the Shakespearean
Literary Society for the ensuing month
are: President, Miss Amy Reno; Vice
President, Salllo Montgomery; 8ocre'
tary, EHle Millircn; Program Commit
tee, Effle Mohney and F.thclyn Winslow
Critics, Maud Hoon, Lydia Mellinger
and Kate King; Editor-in-chief, Harriet
Schtiltzo; Assistant editor, Etta Shaffer
Local editor, Lois Robinson.
Prof. Lenkerd was in DuBois Satur
Who can take a picture with a collar-
Nobody but tho Seniors.
Prof. Lenkerd gave a maglo lantern
entertainment to the pupils of the upper
floor and room 8 last Friday evening.
He Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
month from Rectal Fistula, he would
dlo unless a oostly operation was per
formed; but he cured himself with Buck
lens Arnica Salve, the best in the world
Surest pile cure on earth. 2To a box
at H. Alex. Stoke'sdrug store. ;
A Great Prize Offer.
We have a great prize offer to muke
the farmers of Jefferson county! By a
Bpocial arrangement with the publlshors
of the Farm Journal, a most exocllont
farm paper that costs CO cents a year,
wo are able to offer one year's subscrip
tion to The Stab and FIVE years' sub
scription to the Farm Journal--the two
worth $3.50 all for the small sum of
$1.25. Of oo iii-He this only applies to
advance paying subscribers. We can
furnish a few pupers at this rate, and if
you waut them on those terms, you
must act quickly! Samplo copies of
th.e t arm Joumul will be sent free on
application. Address,
C. A. Stephenson,
Roynoldsville, Pa.
Latest styles In shoes at Johnston &
Nolan's shoe parlors. Call and see
shoes and get their low prices.
Low-Rate Excursion to Washington.
On Thursday, Mutch loth, 1!00. tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
un special excursions from points on
the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad. Erie
to Lock Haven, Inclusive, to Washing
ton, for the benefit of all who may wish
to vlnft the National Capitol. Round-
rip tickets, good going on all regular
trains on day of issue, and good return
ing on any regular train within tenduys,
xcluslvu of going date, will lie sold at
rate of $10.00 from Erie, St. Marys, and
intermediate points; $8.0," from Drift
wood; $8.15 from Renovo; $7.30 from
Lock Haven; and proportionate rates
from other points.
A through sleeping car will be run
from Erlo to Washington on train leav
ing Erie at 4.110 p. m.
Holders of special excor-lon tickets
to Washington can purchase, at the
ticket offices in Washington, excursion
tickets to Richmond, Old Point Comfort,
Norfolk, Virginia Re Hell, Princess Anne
Hotel, at special reduced rates.
For full information consult small
handbills, apply to ticket agents, or E.
S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, WII-
llamsport, Pa.
Mrs. A. M. Cameron, Frank and
Warren Mohney attended tho funeral
of Charles Cameron at New Kensington,
Pa., last Friday. News of Charley's
death was received here with sadness as
he had many friends here.
It Is rumored that there will be u
wedding in town next week.
This week Is well taken up. The E
worth League held a- social Monday
evoning; thero was an exhibition of the
lato war scenes In the P. O. S. of A
hall Tuesday evening: a singing class
will bo organized in the M. E. church
to-night, Wednesday; to-morrow. Thurs
day, evening tho famous Blind Trio will
give a musical entertainment in the 1"
O. S. of A. hall, admission 10, 20 and 30
Mrs. Alfred Coats, of Empire, visited
in town last week.
Word was received here Saturday
that Martin Council, who was working
at Horatio, was Injured while at work
in t he mines there.
Revival meetings are being held In
the Church of God this week.
There is no legacy so rich as honesty
Tale bearers are as bad as the tale
makers Sheridan.
However rare true love ts, true
friendship Is rarer. La Rochefoucauld.
Discontent is thewantnf self-reliance;
it is infirmity of the will. Emerson
Tho greatest truths are the simplest;
and so are the greatest men. Hare.
There Is a healthful hardiness about
real dignity that never dreads contact
with others however humble. Irving.
A man who does not learn to live
while he Is getting a living, is a poorer
man after his wealth is won than ho
was before. J. G. Holland.
Duty is what goes most against the
grain, because In doing that we do only
what we are strictly obliged to, and are
seldom much praised for it. La
In good company, you need not ak
who is tho master of tho feast. The
man who sits in the lowest place, and
who is always Industrious in helping
everyone, is certainly the man. Hume,
, Concerning Gossips.
Gossip Is the conversation of the Ig
norant. Men and women who take no
delight in good literature or the higher
Intellectual pleasures, generally discuss
their neighbors' affairs. In order to
make tholr conversation spicy, they set
their imaginations to work, and build
large structures upon small foundations,
Thus Innocent persons are slandored by
the illiterate and foul minded, whose
thoughts cannot rise above the plain cf
vulgar gossip, And of all contemptible
gossips the malo gossip is the most des'
picable. We can tolerate a little ton'
dency to gossip in women, because it
seems natural to them. But tho man
who becomes a retailer of scandals is
the most revolting creature alive.
Punxsutawney Sjiirit.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made on C. F.
Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through his kid'
neys. His back got so lamo he could
not stoop without great pain, nor sit in
a chair except propped by cushions. No
remedy helped him until he tried Eleo
trio Bitters which effected such a won'
derful change that he writes be fuels
lllco a new man. This marvelous modi
cine cures backache and kidney trouble
purities the blood and builds up your
health. Only 50o at H. Alex. Btoke'i
drug store.
Nobby suits, the very latest style, la
what Johns & Thompson, merchant tail
ors, are turning out. Try them.
tVells XVhlph M'llr Sotillicrn Woods.
nrn Tap Willi an Anvrr.
Ill many sections of the forest limds
of the south during the dry seasons a
ninn may walk for miles without find
ing n stream of water or ft spring by
which to quench his thirst. If. how
ever, lie Is nn experienced hunter and
woodsman, he will not hnve to drink
water from the stagnant pools In order
to keep life In his body.
Queer as It may seem, tin experienced
man can hunt for dnys through such
dry trncts and yet experience no In
convenience on account of tho luck of
water. Nature has provided a melius
which Is only known to the Inltlnted.
Every old huntsman carries with him
when going on a long hunt a small au
ger, by which he can secure a refresh
ing drink and water to cook with at
any moment.
A Cottonwood tree or a willow Is the
well which the wily huntsman tups.
He examines each tree nntll ho finds
one thnt has what n woodsman calls a
vein." It Is simply an attenuated
protuberance. By boring Inf.. this
vein" n stream of clear wnt'T will
flow out. It Is not sap, lint clear, pure
water. The huntsmen say that the
water Is better than the average to be
hnd from ordinary wells. There Is no
sweetish taste about It. but It has a
strong flavor of sulphur and Is slight
ly enrbonated.
The reason for this phenomenon can
not cnslly be explained, but that a sup
ply of water can be contained In a tree
Is not so surprising. The fact of Its
flowing Is the wonderful feature, show
ing thnt Is must be under pressure or.
In other words, thnt there Is more at
the source of the supply. When It Is
considered thnt the tree furnish the
water In the dry season nnd thnt the
ground Is literally baked. It la the more
rcmnrknble. especially when the roots
of the trees do not extend to any great
depth Into the ground. Memphis Scim
Ob Festive Oernalona It Arrays Itaelf
In Hired Mnerr.
The east side achieves gentility on
great occasions, albeit somewhat un
shaven ami slipshod betweeu whiles.
From Its own standpoint It does uol
spnre expense. What It cannot buy It
hires. The possibilities of renting the
set pieces and habiliments of fashion
have been thoroughly exploited east
of the ltuwery. There is none of that
pride of exclusive possession that ob
tains along thoroughfares farther west
ward. The swarming population shares
Its joys and sorrows aud garments
with Impartial hand. Many of the
brides whose brief finery startles tholr
old companions on the wedding night
hire their gowns and veils.
The most gorgeous nnd costly crea
tions are obtainable for $5 an evening.
The paraphcrnnlln of mourning may
be rented for a single occnslon. Rail
dresses warrnnted to captivate are for
hire In Division street. Chowder par
tics are equipped throughout for n day
ou the sound.
There are dozens of establishments
that drive a flourishing business loan
ing dross suits for a consideration. A
rigid social etiquette prescribes that
the truck driver and small shopkeeper
shall on such formal occasions as bulls
and receptions don the clawhammer,
and the downright east slder would
rather be out of tho world than out of
fashion as he understands It. The
young men who purchnsc secondhand
the dress suits of business men whom
they accost In Broadway and Wnll
street are the scouts of these luring
establishments. Hevamped and press
ed nuew. a dress suit will earn its sec
ond cost lu two or three evenings. The
garb of the floor committee at a typical
ball of a social club is evidence enough
that the tnllors of New York are n
cosmopolitan group. New York Mail
and Express.
Tbe Human Birds.
A facetious tuau who rejoices In the
nnme of Bird conceived the Idea of
calling a convention of all the peoplo
In Philadelphia who belong to his
tribe. Of course it was a Joke, but n
glance through tbe pages of the di
rectory convinced hlra that such a
gathering would be a big one. Uo dis
covered that there were Just an even
100 plain Birds, but tbe variety or
those who specified their kinds was
appalling. The list, as far as ho went,
wns as follows: Doves. 15; Engles, 8;
Finches, 21; Fowls. S; Hawks, 30; Jays.
G; Larks, 0; Jeacocks. 29; Pigeons. 1;
Parrots, 40; Partridges. 30; Sparrow
hawks, 7; Sparrows, 7; Wrens. 10;
Robins. 15; Nightingales. 0; Flickers,
C; Thrushes, 4; Canaries, 3; Geese, 2,
nnd Turkey, 1. There were two Chip
peys, aud Philip Ducks upheld the
dignity of his branch of tho family.
Philadelphia Record.
Of Coarse.
Sadie was 11 aud Alice was 7. At
lunch Sndle said: "I wonder whnt part
of an animal a chop Is. Is It a leg?"
"Of course not." returned Alice, "it's
tbo Jaw bone. Haven't you ever heard
of animals licking their chops?"
Youth's Compnulou.
Chinese artists cannot paint an ani
mal without mnklng a caricature,
whereas their flower pictures are not
only true to life In form and color, but
bow a loving study of detail
8INCE Trint C !3 A CROWD.
To Kilt mt,l Aa nhr'ft gofi'- with ma
for .tirtitp'-n iiHinthft nr ii.urp;
I've fol.nd hrr heal "I i'Ti.'iny
In trt a-e, aslior.
Ami ye of Invr aiir't nvr framed
A word fur mr, I'll nws.'
Yrt for IMt lark the i-an'i 1. blamed-
She'i Dolly'i H sp'Tone.
Bha nner view In llntlrm way
At flower iImiwi Ilia tirisv;
She ni't'e arrt-laln a play
Yon nee tlut In hrr rym.
Iter apliere of atilnn'l limited,
The worl'ii mil hrr own.
But umibtruiilw. lie It laid, ;
la Dvlly's t hiiiTiitie.
Btie'a twenty-five II ulie'i a day,
And llnll.v'a liit nineteen;
Iter I'.veijiire blue and Polly'l frar-
Blue eyea are true. I ween,
tinea "three's a crowd" I think, mayhap,
I'll woo a maid alone;
fee half a mini in art my cap
Ff.r tlclly'i rb-iiemne.
Roy Farrell Urecnt in Detroit Free Praia.
An Ineldenl of Lord l.arvrenee'a B
Voyage to India.
Lord Lawrence, viceroy of Indln,
was a blunt man of action, lru,-ntlent
of contradiction and thoroughly self
rellnnt. Yet, like ninny of the truly
great, he hnd n henrt as tender ns a
woman's. The night on which he
stnrted from London to govern India
he gathered nil his family lu the ill aw
ing room and made each child repent a
favorite hymn to liltu. Ills youngest
son. HI .Veins old. liestled in his fa
ther's arms. Suddetily the strong man
burnt Into tours.
"I shall never." he cried, "see Bertie
a child ngnln!"
It was not of the hardships before
him or of his own death he thought,
but of the fact that Bertie would not
be n child to him on his return.
tin bonrd the steamer with the gov
ernor genernl of I ml In wns a lady with
her Infant child. She neglected tbe
baby, which revenged Itself by crying
day nnd night. The pnssengers com
plained In language more forcible tbao
"Steward, throw that baby over
board!" was petulantly shouted from
sleepless berths.
At Inst Lord Lawrence, seeing that
the child was left motherless by Ita
own mother, took It on his knee. For
hours he would hold It. showing It his
wnteh and anything that would amuse
It. The child look to the great, strong
mini nnd wns always quiet when he
held It.
"Why do you. my lord." asked one
of the relieved passengers, surprised
to see the governor genernl of India
playing nurse to a crying baby, "why
do you take such notice of thnt child?"
"Because, to tell you the truth." an
swered IiOrd Lawrence, with a merry
twinkle In his eye. "thnt child is the
only being lu the ship who I can feel
quite sure, does not want to get any
thing out of me." Pastimes.
Stockton Snpcrstlt Inns.
On the Welsh border It used to be
considered thnt the surest precaution
against witchcraft was to wear the
left stocking wrong side out. This
leads us to another kind of superstition
connected with the harmless, necessary
hose their value, when properly worn
or nrrnuged. ns clinrma nr as protec
tions iigaiust sickness or pnln. If you
will only take the trouble when you go
to lied to cross your stockings and
hots, you will be quite safe from tbe
grip of crump. Again.. If you bang
your stockings crosswise nt the foot of
the bed. with n plu stuck lu them, you
need luive no Tour of nightmare; the
hug tins a holy horror of cross nnd pin.
WlaeiicrcH hnve nlso been beard to de
clare thnt If you will always put your
left stock lug and shoe ou first you will
enjoy immunity from toothnche. This,
however, the most superstitious of mor
tals will likely lake leave to doubt.
Toothache, that "hell of it' dls"nses."
as Burns calls It. Is uo respecter of per
sons nor assuredly of stockings or legs.
Notes and Queries.
ftqnail to llie Oeeaalon.
Teople do not often make tho mis
take of giving too much. A certain
woman who not long ago entered a
Glasgow church wns an exception to
the. rule at least she thought so. She
passed the collection box at the door
and dropped lu sixpence. Thou she
took her sent in tho church and waited
until tho prenchcr appeared.
To her disappointment tbe oMlclnt
ing minister was not the Dr. U. whom
she had come to hear. On Inquiry she
found that sho hud entered tho wrong
church. It was not yet too Into to hear
tbo preacher of her choice, but tbe six
pence was another matter. To lenve
It In tho box would be clear loss. The
womnu wns equal to the occasion.
Slowly descending the gallery stairs,
ho requested her slxpcuce back aud"
received It from tho oUlclatiug elder.
Youth's Companion.
Important lovlal Qneatlon.
Whtu a youiig man takes a girl to a
theater, aud pays au extra dollar, and
goes after her and takes her home,
where docs he get even? Is It the
pleasure of her company or the cou
sciuumie.vs thut he has done lila duty?
Atchbou tilobo.
Judicial Ifrnornnee.
"Did the clock stop when you dashed
It down ccllnrlr" asked the police judgo
of the man' who wns charged with be
ing dlHoiilorly.
"Of couiuo it stopped. DM you sup
pose It went through to China f De
troit Free Prosit.