The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 07, 1900, Image 3

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    Blood Humors
Are Cured by
"I was troubled with
blotches on my face,
nnd hegaa liking
Hood's Hsrenpnrllla.
Alter taking one bottle
I was entirely cured."
Mies Kthii, lliian,
Ulark.biirn, Mn.
"My brother lind It
humor In Ilia Idood
wlileh broke out In
IrlKlilful sore.. H
hewn Inldnn Hood's
rlnreniwrlllnnnil II per
manently cured lilm."
II. L. Ivi.i Mount
Lit'irnl, N. .1.
"My lliiln hoy lunl n
Inrtfi pc roliilti sore on
III" I k. I puri-hn.i'd
n bottle ol II' ii.I'm Knr
enpiirlllti nml It cured.
I tiiko Hood's nn my
spring lonln." Mint.
Minsir HrnAii, Farili
llle, N. Y.
It Purifies
the Blood.
All Eruption3.
A Conetfr l'rnpr.ttlnn
A Memphis young lady who Is very
fnml nf hpr Rlat pr s Uttln child, n bnv
of 2 or 3 years, who Is vlaltlng her
now, wan trying yesterday to get lilm
to let he? "fix him up" to have his
photograph taken. She got her curl
ing tongs and was trying to coax him
to let her curl his hair. But with true
boyish disgust at the Idea of harlng
bis hair treated tike a girl's, he re
fused ti submit to the process. She
insisted, however, and offered him
every kind of bribe, but In every in
stance ha refused to allow her to do
what she wlshod, and finally, becom
ing tired of her attempt to get him to
submit, he sat down, crossod his legs,
and looked up at hei y serloimly
and sold: "Auntlo, 1 toil you what I'll
do. 1 won't take a dollar to let you
curl my hair, but I'll give you a dollar
If you just go nwny and let my hair
alone." Memphis Bclmltar.
are Invited! to wrfio to
Mrs, Plnkhatit for freo
advlco about their health,
Mrs, Plnkhsm la a wo
If you have painful
periods, baakaokoa or
any of tho maro sorloua
Ilia of woman, wrlto to
Mrs, Plnkhamf aho has
helped multltu&DO, Your
latter will ho ssoredly
Lydla , Plnkham'a
Vegetable Compound la
known wherever "se Eng
Hah language Is spoken.
Nothing else can possi
bly ha ao euro to Isolp Buf
fering women. No other
medicine has holped ao
Remember thla when
aomethlng else Is sug
gested, Klra, Plnkham'a ad"
dress la Lynn, Mass,
Her helnlna hand la
alwaya outstretched to
Buffering women.
Try Crain-O!
Try Crain-O!
f Ask yoor Grocer to-day to show
yon a package of GRAIN-O, the new
food drink that takes the place of
Tho children may drink it without
Injury as well as the adult. All who
try it, like it GltAIN-0 bas that
rioh soul brown of Mocha or Java,
bnt it is mads from pure grains, and
the most delicate stomach receives it
without distress. J the prico of coffee.
15 oents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers,
Taatea llke CorTea
Look Ilka CofTee
InalJt that jour grocer give yoa GRAJH-0
Aoetpi DO uniiauou.
TbeffnndMi indfastfi feWine1 book ere publicised It
plwAldlr tUuetrnted with -f A3 eijeerb enffrevlnfrt
from jUuh-Uuht phctooruphe of rami lif: U.i.Uti t
my i "'Oo4 tot it:' ETerTuaeUoKlie and ?rinvtr
St, and Afieuta are MlUnn U bp tKuumd. .4NM
avore Auu a wajgti-J ell thytugU CIm chiutb-Viet.
and wffliML SluO to $900 a nipntb made, tend
P 1rtn to Arnli. AdUreM ILAH'VVOUO
CBUKHINO Of flmrttmrd, Ceun.
20 1
. LaaaawM aa MTATfMaM la Asisrlsa
f rrMsl.slMp.t'-tirMiMa)MksiriaraMtf j
. t:irsaasV4raaa4s.H4tlaUaiiraul 1
ir C LO V E R 1
' auas a. aaiata ce., u teuesa, ate. a. 1.
en. AnrioLD's cough
Vbms Coucke Bad Colds,
rnnnli t oiiuniillni.
All IruK(ll. o
R N. II. 10. ''0.
The ilny was dcvotcil to dinctiMlnn ol
he constitutional question of tariff law"
for Furrto Rico by Imtli Senate and
House. President rro. Tern. Krye laid
before the Senate the following telegram
sddrcsscd to him from C'amnra Cnm
mrrcia nt San Juan cle Tiierto Rico:
"Comniissioned by people Puerto Rico,
attending celebration commemoration
anniversary birth Washington, rcnucut
that for humanity sake n solution be
adopted, economic nroMems. Kvcry
day represents considerable loss, lead
ing to total ruin."
Representative Richardson, of Ten
nessre, introilnred joint resolutions in
the House against the steel trust and
nuiinst trusts in barbed wire, wire
nails, etc.. in the form similar to those
introduced by him against the sugar and
paper trials.
Throughout the session the Senate
had under consideration the Hawaiian
government bill. The discussion took
a wide range, but the basis of it was an
amendment offered by Mr. Piatt
(Conn.) ns to (he appointment of ten
ure of office of the judges of the Ha
waiian courts.
A new bill to establish ttic University
nf the United States was introduced l
Senator C'haiinccy M. Dcpcw.
After a series of conferences among
the Republicans of the House the last
of which adjourned at ll p. in., nn
agreement was reached on the subject
of tlie Puerto Riean tariff. Messrs.
Payne nnd Dalzcll were obliged to make
some very radical concessions, and the
assurance is given that the modified
bill, if passed, will be appro-veil by the
President. The compromise reduces the
proposed rate of duty of goods exported
to the United States from 25 to is pet
cent, of the American tariff, and limits
the operation of the act to two years.
Formal discussion of the right of cx
Senator Uuay to a sent hi the Senntc
was begun.
In the Senate Senator Sewell reported
favorably a bill to pay James Young, of
Middleton. Pa., $lo,.? for use of bis
farm by the volunteer troops at Camp
Meade during the Spanish-American
When the Quay case was called up in
the Senntc Mr. Turlcy, Democrat, Ten
nessee, resumed his speech against
seating the Pennsylvania claimant. He
was maintaining that the framcrs of the
constitution intended that the Legis
lature and not the governor should
name the senators, except in certain
circumstances presented clearly by the
Mr. Depcw addressed the Senate on
the Philippine nucstion. He strongly
upheld the policy of the administration,
and, in conclusion, pictured so brilliant
ly commerce and civilization moving
hand in band for the happiness and up
lifting of the people of the Philippines,
as well as those of this country, that
the galleries were swept by a storm o;
The struggle over the Puerto Ricau
tariff bill ended in the House in s
sweeping victory for the Republicans
The bill, amended as ngrccd upon at tht
conference of Rcnublicans on Monday
night, so as to reduce the tariff from 2;
to 15 per cent, of the American tariff,
and limiting its life to two years, was
passed by a vote of 172 yeas to 161
Adulteration of food and drink was
the subject of a report submitted by the
Senate committee on manufactures.
The committee announced its purpose
to adopt this uniform rule: "To pro
hibit the sale of deleterious and un
healthy food products, and as to those
food products which are simply cheap
ened by adulterations, to compel the
marking of those goods for what they
The Senate committee on Pacific
islands and Puerto Rico, to which the
House Puerto Rican tariff bill
was referred, acted very prompt
ly and substituted for it the
Forakcr bill for the civil govern
ment of the island, amended by reduc
ing the rates of duty therein provided
to 15 per cent, instead of 2S, thus mak
ing it conform to the House bill,
Representative Sherman, of New
York, from the House committee on
commerce, has presented a favorable re-
port on Representative Lacey's bill to
prohibit the interstate transportation 01
game kilted in violation of local laws.
An hour and a ha'.f- of the session was
devoted by the Senate to consideration
of the Quay case, Mr. Hoar presenting
a constitutional argument in favor ol
seating Mr. Quay on the ground mainly
that it was the intention of the framcrs
of the constitution that the Senate at
all times should have its full quota ol
Within two hours after a special mes
sage from the President recommending
the immediate passage of a bill to
place in his hands all the moneys col
lected upon Puerto Rican goods since
the Spanish evacuation of the island,
to be used for the relief of the Puerto
Ricans, had been read to the House,
the House had passed and sent to the
Senate a bill to carry out the recom
mendation. Usually with long-lived folk the trunk
Is long and the legs short in proportion.
The habit of deep, slow breathing also
belongs to this section of the human
race. A calm nature is necessary, topi
for a person always in a flutter either
with rage or joy wears himself out.
The Rev. Dr. W. R. Richard. 01
PlainScld, N. J., was married recently.
When the bride cut the cake sh found
in the bottom of it a bag containing
$1,500, which had been contributed b)
the parikhioners.
The smell of pre prussic acid is al
ways fatal, the discoverer of the poison
himself having been instantly killed by
one whiff of it. It kills the instant it
enters the lungs as gas. Pure pnissio
acid is never sold nor handled.
Missouri has suffered to the extent
of $15,000,000 from tornadoes " cince
1803, A dcrtructive storm ten years
before that was at the town of Marsh
ficld, whire 320 people were killed out
of a population of i.ono.
Washington, D. C, demands three
ent car fare.
fliwlB, Moor and Peed.
WtlKAT-No. I red. 05
WHEAT Ho. 1 new M A
ConN No 8 yellow, ear 40V 0
No. S yeliow, sbellea 8'i
Mixed er V 40 40
OATH Na 9 white Ml 81
No. 8 white SH'i i9H
f LOUR Winter patent Ill 8 M
Fancy straight winters. 8 40 8 AO
Hye No. 8 M 81
DAY No. 1 timothy 13 7a 14 11
( lover, f.o. 1 lltil 12 78
f EKP-No. I white mid., ton. . 18 00 18 60
Drown middlings 18 28 18 M)
llren, bulk 10 80 17 Oil
BTHAW Wheat. 7 78 8 115
Oat 1 ii 7 60
Dairy F rod not
BCTTErt-Elglnoreiimory..... afl' S7
Ohio erenmnry 2i V
Fenny country roll 18 10
CHI KHK-Ohlo, new Mi 18
hew York, new Id 18,'f
I'ottltry, eta
IIFNR per pslr 78 1 00
(llll'KI'.NH ilrneeed 13 14
Tl'ltKKYH tlrmw-ri 12' W
(IUH I'll, nnd Ohio, fnwli.... 10 17
Frnlle and Vegetable,
TFANR Orern V Imsknt 1 B1 9 6)
I'tiTATOKH Knn"V WaltoV bu lift
I'AMIMIE per bhl 1 U5 2 M
OMONU-per bu 70 78
FLO'TIt 8 6S 8 81
W II K AT No 1 red 71 '
(OllN-Mlied ny 88,'-,
OATH 8i;'4 M
I1UTTKH Ohio creamery.. 20 'i9
FI.Orn t 8 65 8 75
WIIF.AT-No. 9 red 71 'i
COHN Na 9 mixed 80,i 89?i
OATH Na 9 white 81 81 '
HUTTKll Crenmery, extra.... V)i
tO Ob l'euniylTHuin Urals.... 14
Fl OCn-rnlents 8 W9 8 05
W HF.AT-Na 9 red 74 79
t'OHN-No. 2 4IJ
OATH - White Western 81 4
llb'TTKU -Creamery. ., . 20 'li'i
tUUb-Hlale and l'ouu Id
Ontrel ftlm k Venle, Kaat Liberty.
F.xtrs, 1400 to lnlO II ft M, 8 (13
I'rlnie, lavoto HiH) It 5 2 8 40
Onml, 'm to l.'HK) It. 4 IK) ft IS
Tlily, 1I to ll&U Inn 4 00 4 HO
t nlr light ptHora, l to 1000 lbs 4 00 4 51
Common, 100 to WW ll.s 8 21 8 VI
Medium B 12 8 11
lleeyy ft 05 6 10
boughs and slugs 4 tM 4 70
Trlme, 08 to 1 in lts 6 91 0 10
(looil, 86 to IK) Itia. 6 M) 6 Rf
Fair, 70 to BO lbs 4 85 ft i)
Common. 8 60 4 60
Veal Calves 6 00 8 00
Choice to extra 7 40 7 60
Oood to enolca 1 10 7 25
Fair to good 8 60 7 00
Culls to fair 6 60 6 28
Buslneil Healthy Stormy Weather Somewhat
Delay! Spring Trade Iron and
Sleel Booming.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly Review
of Trade" says: Resides the Ml com
mercial failures for $9,9.11.048, which
were reported to-day, there were in
February six banking failures for $620,
241 and receivers were appointed for
the United States Milling Co, with $25,
000,000 of stock and $15,000,000 of bonds
authorized at its organization last April,
and for the Third Avenue Railroad
Company. Unless separated from such
events, commercial failures could not be
compared with benefit. The manufac
turing failures for $4,257,638 were larg
er than in February of 1806 or 1895, but
more than half the amount was in two
classes', four large lumber and one cloth
ing failure making 38 per cent, of the
whole. The trading failures were larg
er than in February of last year only,
but ao per cent, of these defaults were
made in five failures. In most branches
the comparison with previous years is
encouraging and analysis brings out in
strong light the remarkably low average
of liabilities in the smaller failures,
which constitute the great majority, in
dicating sound business conditions and
unusually satisfactory collections. The
small rise in wheat last week, although
the price is quite low, sufficed to call
from the farms such receipts, 4,105,661
bushels against . last year, as to
indicate that supplies are not nearly ex
hausted. Exports from Atlantic ports
continue small, for the week, flour in
cluded, only 1,813,306 bushels against
4,069,984 last year, and in four week
from both coasts exports have been
11,639,260 against 14.823,373 bushels.
Though exports run behind last year's,
which were almost unequalled, they
have already exceeded in eight months
those of most full years and the ex
ports of corn, in four weeks, 12,724,645
bushels against 12,051.053 last year, ex
plain much of the difficulty, corn rising
H of a cent during the week, while
wheat declined I'A cents. The iron and
steel industry continues the greatest
weekly output ever known, even while
men speak of it as waiting for more
definite assurance about the future.
Prices of pig yield a little, (some sale
of Bessemer having been ma'de at Pitts
burg for $24, and Anthracite No. 1 is
quoted here at $23.50. Billets have
been sold at $33 at Pittsburg. For most
finished products prices are stronger
than a week ago, or as strong, bar;
and sheets being strengthened by large
business, while only plates appear weak
er, being quoted for sizes not the
widest. Coke is scarce and higher in
spite of the largest output ever known
Failures for the week have been 22a in
the United States, against 186 last year,
aad 28 in Canada, against 47 last year
Out of 175 school children at Hazel
Dell, Lawrence county, 80 have measles.
Ambushed lha Filipinos.
Col. Anderson ,with the Thirty-eighth
Infantry, employing the insurgents' own
tactics, has ambushed the enemy near
Batangas. Through spies Col. Ander
son learned that a detachment of in
surgents would pass a certain road. He
posted his soldiers, concealed among the
trees lining the road, and when the ene
my arrived the Americans volleyed un
expectedly, killing 24 insurgents,
wounding 30 and capturing several.
Some arms and ammunition also were,
captured. The effect of this blow has,
been salutary. . The enemy in that lo
cality are dismayed,
M. Foa, the French explorer, says
that Haas hsve a wholesome fear of
African wolves, which hunt la packs,
and do not scrupls to attack even tha
lion. Thera ara terrible battle In
which the lion succumbs to numbers,
and dlea fighting. In connection with
the lion's fear of wolves, M. Foa telle
a etory from hie own experience. It
wae very dark night, so black that
treee could not be distinguished until
the traveler! were close upon tbem.
Lions prowled about the party, one of
them roaring from a point ao close
as to have en alarming cITect on the
nerve. The animal could not be
seen, bnt they could be beard on all
aides. Reaching a tree, the men found
one of thnlr comrades with ride corked
peering Into the darkness, trying to
discover tho whereabouts of the ani
mals, that rould be plainly heard walk
ing among the leaves. A necond man
was trying to relight a half-extinguished
torch. 81111 the lions could
bo heard coming and going In the
darkness. At this point the na
tivo servant whlKpercd the advice
to Imitate the cry of wolves In
(he rilatnncp. The party at ones be
gan barking and shouting, "llu! hu!
hut" In nn undertone, as If the pack
were still at a distance, while, the mnn
at the camp made the same well-Imitated
cry. The effect was Instantane
ous. There was the eound of a rapid
stampede across the dry leaves. The
lion decamped In a panic, driven off
by the supposed approach of a pack
of wolves. For the rest of the Bight
the party was undisturbed.
There fe more Oeterrh In Oils eeetton of tnt
eonntry thnn ell other diseases put tnttnther,
anH until the lent few yeere wee enpHisel to lie
Inremhle. For a KrenA men? yeere dortorf
fnnonnl It a locel tlleeeiw. en. prrrttrd
orel rnmeillne. mifl tir nonntAntly fitlltriK td
oure with lnnel tr.ntniint, pmnntinnetl It In.
eiirelile, Hnlnnce hen pruren rebsrrh to lies
rnnnlttiitlnnel iKpm w enl tlteri.fore reipilret
ronntltntlonei trtetmt'iit. MnlPs I 'elerrh l'ur
muniifiirtMretl lir F. J. rhoney A (So., T"li"l
Ohio, Is the only rnnMlhitlnniil otit-e on the
nmrknt. It Is liken InVi-nnUr Indices from
o ilrn to e tfi.-piKinriil. Herts illnw'tlr on
the liliifxl and mimon surfei-im of the nystiMli.
They oiTer one hufi'lri-il dollar for eny ee-n
It fulls to en re. Fi'iid for rln-nlere end ti-stl-innnlnls.
A'Hrc.. V..I. ('iiKer& Co., Toledo, O.
r""M hy llrniml-ts r;
Uull' Family 1'IIU are the host.
On the express trains running be
twoon Vienna nnd Constantinople, the
Duo of a nloeping-birtli costs sixty
emits first class and forty cuuts secoutl
ola9s for every twelve hours.
A Huston Institution.
Among the unique Institutions of Ihls oily
Is til" 1'eatioity M"ltcnl IiiHtitutH, 4 llullliu'li
street, established I'lne years beforo the
rientli of the great philanthropist, the late
Mr. Ueorge I'enbody, from whom It Ink hi
It nnn e. During the pnst thirty yenre It
bee achieved a wide and lasting distinction,
sod today It Is the beet of Its kind In this
country. The medical publics line of this
Institute bnve million of readers, snd are es
Itiiiideril as gold. Their latest iainililet.
nineiy-four fsges, entitled ' Know Ihyself,
free hy mull on receipt of six oenta for
po-taga, Hmd for It to-day. bunion Jour
I) si.
In China there are no native factories,
industries being still in the cottage
stage, and agricultural employs more
people than any sort of trade.
Homethlng For Nothing.
What will the Inventive brain of man do
aextr J. 0. lfunlngnr, The Nlarnb
King," Is now Introducing by his new and
original method, the Endloaa Chain Htarah
book, wtilah enables you to get from yonr
crocnr one large 10a, panknge of "Hod
Cross" starch, one largo lOo, packngo of
"Muhlnger's float" starnh, with the pre
miums, two Kliakrspnare panels, printed In
twelve benutirtil oolors, or one Twentieth
Century Olrl onlendnr, embossed In gold,
ill for So. Ask your groeor.
Work performed by New York cab
inetmakers on Lincoln's birthday must
be paid for at double rates.
Vitai itv low, debilitated orexhsnste'1 nnred
by Dr. Kline's Invlunratlnir Tonic. Kkk at
I trial bottle for 8 week' treatment. Dr. Kl'ne,
wi.. uij arcu bu, f niiaouiunia, suunaea mi,
Fifty-eight per cent, of the 7,125 em
ployes of the Pullman works were born
julsiilc of the United States.
Mr Wlnidnw'a Southing Hyr.ip forrhlldrei
Uttlilnr, softetia theituin. rvducex Intlatn 'na
tion, alleys pain, cures eriud oullaUOc u buttle.
The State of Washington furnished
pver 500,000 tons of coal to California
last year.
f could not get along without Pico's Cure
for ('jinMiniptlnn. It always eurt-e.- m. K. C
kloULTUM, Keedham, Ala.. October at, IBM,
The Park laborers of Brooklyn have
Seen organized into a local assembly
jf the Knights of Labor.
To Core a Cold In One Day.
, Take I.aiativs Dromo Ocikins Tasi.sts. All
trujri(lt refund the mnnuy If It falleioeure.
. v . Uhovs's slsuature l on eacb box. 25a.
San Francisco, Denver and Chicago
ill have trolley funeral services, and
low Milwaukee is considering the prop
osition. Jell-O, the New Dessert,
Pleases nil the family. Four flavors:
Lemon, Orange, Mnapberry and Strawberry.
At your groours. It) ets.
Lights dot the coast line of Great
Britain at the rate of one to every 14
The Beat Prescription for Chills .
and Fever Is a bottle of O lion's Tastslxss
tllli.L Tonio. It Is limply Ircm and Quinine In
1 taaielesa form. No cure no pay. Prica too.
A leading pistol manufacturer in Mas.
tachusctts has founded a hospital.
What Khavll We Havre For Deesertl
Tht question arises In the family dally. Let
us answer It to-day. Try Jall-O, a dellulous
and healthful dessert. Prepared In Smln. No
bolllnirl nouHklngl Hlmpiyndd a llttlo hot
water k"t to cool. Flitvors: Lemon, Orunue,
Uuspberryaud Htrawberry, Atgrooers. too.
Anderson' (Ind.) carpenters have
been conceded the eight-hour day and
jo cents an hour.
sTbs an ansi
Curst Croup and Whooplrig-Cough
Unexcelled for Consumptive. Glvoi
quick, sure rmmlu. KcfuM subatltulcs.
Or.HitlftrimnirtJStliousmu. M ptye.
aatfc, jp 'j'
A simple and safe way to clean costly and easily
Injured articles is to make a suds . of hot water and
Ivory Soap, and allow it to cool until lukewarm'. This
solution, while very effective, is perfectly harmless.
Ivory Soap contains no alkali. It will not destroy the
surface or texture of any material, however delicate.
Ivory Soap differs from other soaps. It is more
carefully made, and the materials used in Its manu
facture are the purest and best.
eeeymeet mm ev tni eeocTie a aAwetf ee. eieeienAn
Ptrat Row In FnrndUe.
A Rusnlnn correspondent sends tie
details ot a very Interesting and amus
ing tale told by a Hussion veterinary
surgeon who was sent Into the Ural
dlRtrlet to buy horses and hny for the
peasants of the fumlne-strlcken prov
inces. He had to do mostly with the
natives (klrghls), who nre half-savage,
but who, nevertheless, were found to
bo extremely honest and absolutely
trustworthy In all buying and soiling,
some of them even offering to give
horses for the starving peasants. Quite
a different story bus tho surgeon to tell
ot the Ural Cossncks, who did their
level best to chnnt blm In the most
barefaced manner, and on whom no
reliance wn to bo placed. And yet
these Cossacks are very religious and
eo elmple In certain respects that a
swindler succeeded in selling them
quite a number of tickets for para
dise. Tho veterinary surgeon saw sev
eral of theso tickets, which were
marked "First rows," nnd sold for Z6
rubles, back seats bringing consid
erably less. Commercial Intelligence.
Why People Are Kl(tithaodd.
A professor who has made a study
ot children says he has discovered
why the majority of people are right
handed. Infants use both handB until
they begin to speak. The motor speech
function controls the right side of the
body and the first rlgbt-hnnded mo
tion, tending to help out speech. As
speech grows ao grow right-banded-oeaa.
25 Years
" I im now seventy-two years
of age ind m.y hair is is dark as
it vis twenty-live years ago.
People Say I look it least toat
much younger than I im. I
would be entirely bald or snow
white if it were not for your
Hair Vigor." Mrs. Anna
Lawrence, Chicago, 111., Dec.
21, 1099.
Is Yours
Snow-white ?
There is no getting around
such 1 testimonial is this. You
can't read it over without being
convinced. These persons do
not misrepresent, for their testi
monials ire ill unsolicited.
Ayer'i Hiir Vigor restores
color to gny hair everv time.
And it is t wonderful food to
the hair, miking it grow rich
tnd heavy, md keeping it soft
ind glossy ill the time; It is
also in elegant dressing. '' ,
tl.N s bettkv All traffiiuh
arwwawawp s see mizzmmmnmmmmmKfm
Write the Doctor
If you do notobuinntl the Iwneflti jrou
tlflitre frum tho uu of tho Viuor. write
the Itecturfibuut it. He will tell you ju-t
tho thing to Uo, mul will ftund you
hii Ik. It oil tho Hair tul Scalp It yoa
request It. Atldrt-H.
ti rr. (j, Aim, uj"u.i, junna.
VrOT"l flower and vegetable
-r . M ui-u J. J H. ne.i:itw A
Soap Is an Important health factor.
White almond soap and potash soap
are claimed to destroy cholera germs.
In all g.Tm diseases copious use ot
soap In washing Is recommended by
physicians. It Is not only tho romova
ot dirt and effrto matter by the use ol
soap, bnt the destruction of microbes,
parasites and germs of dlscaso.
Nothing hniibl th nnitclce
eud unfju fur work like
Nothfnff rHaxe thru, and make
epcetfy perfect curt like
aSt. Jacobs Oil
luSta-. '
That la III
FARMSZV tells. ,
r llir"i lt4i r WirriiU4 U frtwM
r Mahlti Lather R Trar r Mwnlh.l ih14 1
i Iff win UObub.n III font (lata. J HraKta.
iihloMI. Wla.. IT) baa. barbr H l.nsat.
M4Wtaf. HI no - rfrsrlnfl vTOhfh Kltai
Br aer If fofj flaabi writ the a V vieh tat ataJai
I lOu.oOO iiiinrt, heea w anl St irtal
10 af w far so d"; Mai feakj. th r4 I
ivara npaita, prMcinf wiiiasBi ra-f ani toa B I
arar srie smur wis avon oar taw nrnaBuf inarsaif
ta fraaiaai jraaa an aavtiii Mr ,
Kan, npriaf n i.rat. 4 . Dltt4iiai iaf anal
aaorsiriaai r ran an i itari i iiai( iuifi ma
Potailat. ail ana lied f..r 10a tK-e-aa ,
k iwi.iiii rtp. 10 la at a start A
jj fta4r4aual Uabbt M4J)
cwmii naner a ar?ati Jtiuiun Ifollsir
U pla aarTTeet al
mi thU
Mr. with
alcae. aSaw
IDe. to Halur.
a ntKMiar torn won.
4 w
No. 383, a Ruble and a Pearla.
Thi. bMnllful Rin will artorn your h.nd wlliona
any mat t yun. U.m.'i end nt any money. Jii
your nam. and We will wnl yoii r-oi-tpald
U of our ljir, lUnclniiia Iulli. dllTrnt de
.lm,. Hxll ilwin In yur l.inily and rnndat luo
ra. ri.Miid u. Hi. Si in anil w. will Mud jrou by i
lurn mad tlie twailiifnl hliw.
We rate. Siorliiiu Kder Brvvd.t., Bolld
Ool.l HtkI Br. lt. M. lid Uol.l Uinae. !ether
at.lMHilver UrumlvM. Oold Fan and l'arl llandie,
for a-lllntf onr IUiiUoui. 0!li.
wait at'MS th-i. t a i rss la cstl.
f. A. KEKII A: Cl., Jewelry Kepi.,
eo h... . w voiai
$3 & 3.50 SHOES ), '
ArVortH S4 to $6 compared
wan oiner maaeaa
XndnnwKl br over
1 ,000,000 wearer.
Tha oanutmm have W. L. I
DougutY eame aori price I
tkinrvd en bottom, laktt
no eubauiuw claimed to be
u good. Your daW A
abould ken tmHM
noa w will send a Mir'
on race lot ol nrica and ix.
evlra for catriaK. State kind ot leather,
kite, and width, plain or cap to. Cat. free.
W. L OOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Hut. ,
ON lO I.Y8 TltlAI.
Aluminum Rual Fronf Creaaa
aeparetore, alae I to 15 ouwa, prioe
from IS to SIS a vurdiD la else.
"1'" Churua. alaea 1 la
IS eowa, prli-e. ST to i lu. They mak
15 per cent more buuer. I'alaJof.r'
a leriua free. Uou'i buy null!
you bear from aa. We are mart
ufacturere aud sell direct lo tl
consumer where we hav. uo ageu twAHi' aro.
f w
lsw r
H 4 ciiS5TMUisf lAfis!" P
I I BastCouab byruu. TMleerd. Us r I
I 1 lu time. Knlil by Urug;u. g I
IT JjaaeeL.Iw.aiLa.r J