The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 14, 1900, Image 7

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Wlirn the Senate finance committee
met to-riny Senator AMrich, dinirmnn,
olTorcil an aim-mltm-nt iliTlnrinu; fur in
ternational nitnmm-nt for the rcooRtii
tion of liiim'tnllism. The Republican
members inanifostoil no surprise, and
the Democrats received the amendment
with a sarcastic smile. There was hut
little discussion.
Senator l'enrosr introduced a hill to
extend the provisions of the pension
laws to the otliccrs and members of the
militia during the civil war who served
ihtring cmcrg'-ncics, but were never en
listed in the regular service, and to
their widows unci children.
The secretary of the navy lias sent to
Conpjrcss a deficiency estimate of $S.tN,
,1oo to meet increase expenditures inci
dent to the establishment of naval sta
tions outside of the United States.
Tn the Senate discussion of the finan
cial bill occupied the session. Mr. Allen,
Vopulist. Nebraska, charged the Repub
lican party with breaking faith with the
people on bimetallism and systematic
ally discrediting the work of the in
ternational bimetallic commission. Mr.
Cockre!!. Democrat. Missouri, contend
ed that the bill contained the initial
movement towanl the perpetuation of
the National debt.
The House received the reports from
the Ways and Means committee on the
Puerto Rican tariff bill. Mr.' Butler,
Republican, Pennsylvania. secured
unanimous consent to Jmss a bill au
thorizing the Secretary of the Navy to
place the frigate Constitution (Old
Ironsides), now at Boston, in the same
condition flic was while in active ser
vice. The work is to be done under the
auspices of the Massachusetts State so
ciety, the cost to be defrayed by popu
lar subscription.
The Senate passed the resolution
withdrawing lands within the city of
Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands, from the
public domain. The land amounts to
about square feet, and is used
as a cemetery and mausoleum of the
royal fumilv of Hawaii.
The new isthmian canal treaty with
C.reat Britain was taken up by the Sen
ate committee on foreign relations.
Senator Penrose introduced a bill au
thorizing the publication of the pro
ceedings of the i. A. R. encampments
as a government document and provid
ing for their distribution among the
various (i. A. R. tc.ts. The Senator
also introduced the bill to authorize the
Lake Erie and Ohio river ship canal,
that was introduced in the House by
Representative Dalzell. The Senator
Representative McClcllan. of New
York, introduced a bill for the acquire
ment of the Erie canal by the United
States government arid its enlargement
to a capacity sufficient for the largest
vessels of war, at a cost not exceeding
Representative Acheson introduced in
the House a bill appropriating $,
000 for the extension of rural free de
livery of mail service.
There was a scene during to-night's
session of the House which recalled the
exciting days of the Eifty-first Con
gress. An irate member rushed down
the main aisle, brandishing bis arms and
shouting for recognition, while half the
Democratic members were execrating
the occupant of the chair for what they
termed his arbitrary course, and from
several places in the hall came loud
As no Senator was prepared to pro
ceed with a discussion of the finance
measure, the Senate transacted only
routine business, and adjourned early to
enable members to attend the obsequies
of Gen. Lawton. In the absence of Mr.
Turley the Quay case was not taken up,
though Mr. Chandler was anxious to
call it.
Senator Jones, of Arkansas, introduc
ed a free silver coinage substitute for
the pending currency bill.
Senator Scott, from the committee on
public buildings and grounds, reported
favorably the bill authorizing a new
public building at Wheeling, but with
amendments reducing the total cost
from $1,030,000 to $403,000, and provid
ing that the present building should not
be sold until the new one was ready for
Representatives of the liquor interests
of the State made a careful poll of the
House to ascertain if they had sufficient
strength to secure a reconsideration of
the vote by which the Clark local op
tion bill was passed on Thursday after
noon. They found they had not, and
the plan was abandoned for the time be
ing. When the Assembly reconvenes
on Tuesday a determined effort to bc
cure a reconsideration will be made, and
if successful, the bill v ill be killed.
Fifty-six bills were introduced in the
House, among them several relating to
Cuyahoga county. Mr. Linden intro
duced a bill to create Greenfield town
ship in Cuyahoga county, and provid
ing that the present justices of the peace
may sery without re-election. Mr. Mc
Kenzic, it bill creating a board of re
view for Cleveland, and Mr. Breck, by
request, a bill to inaugurate the teach
ing of the Italian language in the Cleve
land schools.
The House committee on municipal
affairs has agreed to recommend the.
passage -of the-Warwick bill, which pre
vents the sale of municipal properties
by councils and boards, unless the prop
osition is first submitted to and approv
ed by a vote of the people.
By a vote of 53 to 44 the Normal
school bill was defeated.
The river and harbor committee ot
the House has decided not to report a
river and harbor bill at this session 0
Congress as a balance of $30,000,000,
approximately, was already available for
ijriver and harbor improvements.
Elections and lynching in tike south
were the subject of debate at one period
in the House. Mr. Linney, of North
Carolina saying that the lack of free
elections 'is the only infirmity in our
governmental system. He said that
Senator Morgan lias offered a sub-
titute for the Senate financial bill, pro- '
also presented the resolutions of the I 1 1 J i .. 1 "'"
r;,t.,.r i,.i. t ! asked for from Pittsburg contractors.
fei'n? o ' Th A contract for a $o re-equipment
;r t.r t'i, 1 t : . .1 . of street railway s already 111 the
tion tor the canal, and inclosing the re- i,.,i f ,1,,, .,,:.,.
ports made by its board of engineers ''a" Is of the co.npany.
; .iw; .... .i. h The Limestone Manufacturing Co., of
in iim tin nit; .-ill 1, 1
viding that the fixed policy of the Uni
ted States is to pay off the national debt
as rapidly as possible; that the specie
basis, consisting of gold or silver or
both, is the only true basis of bank
bills, and that it is unjust to change tlis
present financial system.
The House committee on war claims
reported favorably Representative Dal
rell's bill to reimburse the common
wealth of Pennsylvania for expenses in
curred during the civil war in equipping
troops. The amount of the claim is
$o..14.". with interest.
The House Committee on Claims fa
vorably reported the Cooper bill for the
payment of the Southern cotton claims.
The bill involves an expenditure of ?io,
I Representative Graham introduced,
by reqtiest, the most drastic naturaliza
tion bill that has made its appearance)
for years. It was sent to him by John
H. Stephenson, of Allegheny.
The Cotton Mill an Important Factor In the
South New Industries.
The following shows a few examples
of what cotton mills arc to the south.
We arc all aware in the north what a
large rolling mill, or steel plant means
to a small town, and with our brethren
in the south, the history of these towns
goes to show what a cotton mill will
do and the result is far in advance in
every way of what such an industry in
the north would produce. The follow
ing gentlemen mentioned arc those who
are Using all their efforts in developing
the south and arc reliable: Mr. Prank
Hammond, of Greenville, S. C, points
to the Piedmont Mills in his county as
typical of a score or more other mills in
the State. The Piedmont mills in a
quarter of a century have transformed
poor hillside farms into a thriving town
of 5,000 inhabitants, while neighboring
farm lands have risen in. value from
$.150 to $.(0 an acre. The building of
mills at (ireenville has been accompan
ied by the remodeling of old business
properties and the building of new ones,
I with n perceptible advance in the price
ot city and suburban property.
The Pepperton Cotton Mills of Jack
son, (ia., will add about 7.500 spindles
and 200 looms, which will give it a to
tol equipment of u.500 spindles and yta
looms. The new machinery will cost
about $()0.oi)o. The company produces
four-yard sheetings.
Thomas Rodd, chief engineer of the
Pennsylvania Company and consulting
engineer for the We-tinghouse interests,
has gone to Europe with the plans for
the great new plant of the British West
inghousc Company, at Manchester,
England. Mr. Rodd expects to be
gone six weeks, and in that time it is
liable that bids for the work will b'
GafTncy, S. C. will build a cotton fac
tory, capitalized at $100,000, The equip
ment has not been decided upon yet.
The city council of Roanoke, Va., has
extended the period of the exemption
from taxation of machinery nsed in
manufacturing plants to twenty years.
A bullet-proof shield has been in
vented by a steel-making firm. This
shield is fixed to the rillc, and weighs
only seven pounds, giving complete
cover to a man Ivimr uronc
The churches in Auburn, N. Y., have
united in a movement to lessen the
treating habit.
Cnln, Floar and Faed.
WHEAT No. 8 red.
WHKAT No. 1 new
CORN No a yellow, ear,
No. 3 yellow, shellst..,
Mixed ear
OATH No. 2 white
No. A whlto
8 Hi
14 l0
13 23
18 60
15 .'
Ill (ft
7 23
7 a,
13.' 5
FLOUR Wlntor patent 8 75
Fancy ntralKut winters S 40
Jive No. a ti
IIAY-No. 1 timothy It 10
('lover. No. 1 l'i 75
FFIOD No. 1 while mid., ton. . It ud
llrnwn middlings 1! a)
Urnn. bulk 1(1 OJ
BTltAW Wheat. 8 75
Oat 6 75
111 ry Product
CUTTER Elgin creamery. . . . . Jfl
Ohio oreamury 2'i
Fancy oountry roll 18
CHKEHK Ohio, new
New York, new
Poultry, etc
HENS per pair 55 91
CHIDKKNIS drosses IS 14
TU1IKEYH dnuiMii) 18 14
EGGb l'u. andoblo, treh .... 17;,' 13
Fruits and Vegetables.
PEAKS Green V basket 1 513 2 In
l'OTATOKS 1'iincy WhlluH bu B J
CAII11AGE par hul 1 V5 2 60
OMONa per bu 7J 75
WHKAT No. and
llb'TTEli Ohio creamery , , ,.
8 81
FLOUR t 559 3 73
wutAX No. a red
(JOHN No, 2 mixed
OATH No. 9 whlto
BUTTER Creamery, extra.
EGUH feunnylvuul lint.
7 a
FLOUR rat entt
HEAT No. 8 red
CORN No. 8
OATS White Wwtnrii
UUTTEK C'reamory.
fcUOb bUU and 1-ran.
t 83(7
4 11
I Mral Sloe tarda, KmI Liberty, r.
Extra, 1400 0 1000 lbs 8 71 5 '8
trim; lSOUto MOO tb t )( i 65
Good, laOU to 1800 lt S 10 6 i0
Tidy, 1160 to 1160 Itrn. 70 ( uu
Fair light steers, BOO to 1000 ths 4 0J 4 6
Common, ?00 to 900 tha 8 85 8 9J
Medium S 13 6 13
Heavy 0 W
liouiiLa aod stags 4 50 4 70
Prime, 96 to 110 lbs 8 60 5 73
Good, th to 90 Ibt 8 28 6 60
J sir, 70 to bV Iba 4 a 6 10
t ominon ,,, 8 i0 4 0
Tsui Calves a Oi 8 25
Cholesto extra 7 25 T 8
Good to vbolue , 7 00 7 16
Fair to good 8 AO 7 to
ului to lull 6 60 8 10
There arc many white soaps, each represented
to be just as good as the Ivory; they arc not, but
like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable
qualities of the genuine.
Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it.
eoevmoMT woa ar thi paocria a oambli 00. cinoimmi
ltewar of Olntmrnta for Catarrh That
Contain 1rcnrjr,
as mnrrnry will miroly dtroy ths aenseot
Smell nml cmniilMely timing" the whuln sys
ti'in uiu-n I'liii-rine It tlirmiKh the imieoua
aiirritt'c. fcurh ai tTi-li-n iHiulti never b ud
xeept nn preiTlptloii from reputable phyiU
clnn. an the diimaK'e they will do la ten fuld
to the KniMt you enn p'imililv derive from
them. llall'aCatnrrh ( utv manufactured by
r. .1. Cheney t'o, Toleiln. 0., contains no
mercury, and Istiken Inlurnnlly. actinic di
rectly llion the blood atii murium nurture of
thsayntem. In liuriiiK Itnll'a laUrrll Oir
he Hire to net tlio ffumune. it la tnken
Internally and l mi. in In Toledo. Ohio,
by K. J. Cheney (Jo. Tietlnu nlal ifrcu.
tflpiold by dniKKMit; price ;ah. per bottle
Eall'a Fnmily i'HU are tile beet.
Knttire, after making man, found she
had some material left, bo alio made a
Jcll-O, thn Krw Ieaort,
Flnnaes nil the fnmily. Four flavors:
Lemon, Orange, Rnapherry and Strawberry.
At your grocers. 10 eta.
Greece expects to conic out with a
treasury surplus next year.
Ed neat e Tone Bowels With C a caret.
Candy Cathartle, euro eonattnatlon forever,
too, li9o. If C. O. O. fall, drugiitau rotund money.
Thirty-six foreign vessels, having an
aRgrcKatc tonnage of 57,556, met with
disaster in American waters last year.
What Ho the Children Drink
Don't Rive them tea or coffee. Have
you tried t lie new food drink called
Onal-0? It la delleloua and nnurlahlnR,
and tnkas the place of coffee. The more
Ossiif-0 you Rive the children the more
health you distribute through their sya
terns. Okain-O la made ot pur Rratns,
and when properly prepared taates Ilka
the choice grades ot coffee, hut costs about
X as much. All grocers sell It. 16o. and 'iba.
The New York Tress blames amateur
photographers for a large percentage of
the water waste in Brooklyn.
Mra.XTInalnw'ePncthlnirPyr.ip forrhlldren
teething, eoItnathaKum, reduce tnrtnmma
tion, allaya paiu. cures wind eollaliito ahottla,
"The Boers have sworn death to all
British lancers," says a letter from a
VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cured
by Dr. Kline's Invigorating- Tonic, sura 1
trial bottle for 8 week' treatment. Dr. Kl'ne,
Ld, UU Arch bU. Philadelphia, r ounded W7L
There are critical moments in every
Ufa when we must act and act Quick
ly. Rev. D. C. Garrett.
Deal Tobacco 8Blt sn Sawke Toar Ufa Away.
To quit tobacoo easily and forever, be rear
netle, full ot life, nerve and vlcor, take No-TO-Boo,
the wooder-worircr, that makes weak men
strong. All druggliia, too or 11. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Itemed Co., Chicago or Mew York.
The bank of Spain has outstanding
$19700,000 less in loans than it report
ed a year ago.
I have found rise's Cure for Consumption
an unfailing medicine. V. It. Lots, UU6 boott
fcU, Covington, Ky., Out 1. MM.
There seems to be a veritable craze for
some sort of "physical culture" in New
York this winter.
To Care Censtlpatloa Forever.
Take Cnscarets Caodv Cuthartlo. loo orfSe.
UC.C.C. tail to euro, drugglsu refund mosej.
One year's sweepings of the British
mint yielded over $5,000 in particles of
gold and silver.
B Ara Tear Kldaeva t
Dr. Hobbe' Bparagns PllUeara all kldaay Ilia. 8ae
flefiaa. Add. Surllus Unmedj Co..Cbieaeo ar M. V.
It is supposed that the average depth
of sand in the deserts of Africa is from
30 to 40 feet
' Beaatr Is DI00A Dea.
'Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. CoscareU, Candy Cothar
tie clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the bury liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by takinp
Caeca rats, beauty for ten rente. All drug
guU, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 26c, SOc.
The salesgirls in a New Jersey town
have started a crusade against the use of
H.H. UltElK's Hops, of Atlanta, Oa., are
so ouir sunneisrui urowr rtpeulallsta id tlis
world. m tlietr II beral otter In atlverUaeweat
in another ooluuiu uf this papar.
The last was the greatest year for
ficart that the New Jersey farmers have
lad lor a decade.
What hall XT Harm Wr Deaaartt
This queatlou arises In the family dully. Let
us answer It to-day. Try Jell-O, a dellulous
audheslthfuldaasurt, Propared In linlu. No
bolllngl uobakluitl blmply add a little hot
water A set to eool. Flavorsi Lomoo, Orange,
Uaspberryaud Utrawberry. Atgrouers. 10a.
Oatrleh Ppotled ITIe Mpeaeh.
Anybody who henrd Hcuntor Allen
of Nebraska, deliver his famous fifteen-hour
spoech against the bill for
the repeal of the Sherman silver bill
would hardly believe that anything
coud stump him. Yet thcro Is an ex
perience In the senator's life which
shows that, after all, he Is like unto
other mortnln, says tho Washington
Tost. "I wan campaigning In my
atato once," said the senator, "when 1
had occasion to speak nt a fair
grounds. The grand stand was full,
and the occasion seemed to be full of
promise for an orator overflowing as
I was with political gospel. Just as I
bad commenced a man brought out an
ostrich hitched to a Bulky. I don't
know whether you ever saw the trot
ting ostrich In the east, but out west
he was a great attraction. Well, aa
Boon as that bird began to run around
the track I wasn't In it The ostrich
monopolized the attention ot every
man, woman and child. When the
bird stopped the people listened to me,
but when he threw out bis long legs
again there was a roar of laughter and
applause whleb drowned every word I
uttered. Finally, I gave it up. I let
the trotting ostrich have everything
bis own way."
From the New YorTc World. Angel
Ine Do you really think, then, that
Mr. Softhead ia interested in you?
tlarbara Yes, that is, he mentioned
flats the last time he called.
I Had
a Bad 1
"I had 1 bad cough for six
weelti and could not find any
relief whatever. I read what 1
wonderful remedy Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral was for coughs and I
bought t bottle. Before 1 had
taken quarter of it my cough
had entirely left me." LHiwn,
Newtngton, Ont., May 3, 1899.
Cures Colds
Neglected colds always lead
to something serious. They
run into chronic bronchitis which
polls down your general health
and deprives you of sleep; or
they end in genuine consump
tion with all its uncertain results.
Don't wait, but take Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral just as soon is
you begin to cough. A few
doses will cure you then. But
it cures old colds, too, only it
takes 1 little more time. We
refer to such diseases as bron
chitis, asthma, whooping-cough,
consumption, and hard winter
If you've J nit taken oold a ts rent bot
tle Is all you'll need, for harder cuses a
00 cent bottle Is better. or chroiilo
troubles, and to keep oil hand, the 1.00
bottle is most economical.
P. K. U. T 00
If afflicted with
sore eyes use
Thompson's Eys Water
Save Your Hair with
SkkilOOOS of
And light dressings of CUTICURA, purest of
emollient skin cures. This treatment at once
stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and
dandruff, soothes irritated, Itching surfaces,
stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots
with energy and nourishment, and makes the
hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy
scalp when all else fails.
Millions of Women
Use CcTtcun Soap exclusively for preserving, purifying, and beautifying
thn skin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop
plug ot falling hair, for softening, whitening, and healing, red, rough, and
eoro hands, In the form of baths for annoying Irritations and dialings, or
too f reo or offensive perspiration, tn the form of washes for ulcerative weak'
nouses, and for many nntUeptlo purposes which readily suggest themselves
to women, and especially mothers', nnd for all the purposes of the toilet,
bath, and nursery. No ninnunt of persuasion can Induce thoso who hare one
used It to use any other, especially for preserving and purifying the skin,
scalp, and hulr of Infants and children. Ci'Tlci'iu SOAP combines delicate)
emollient properties derived from C'lticuua, the great skin cure, with the
purest ot cleansing Ingredients, a Ad the most refreshing ot flower odors. No
other mtdlcated sonp ever, compounded Is to be compared with It for pre
serving, purifying, and hcniitlfylng tho skin, scnlp, hnlr, and hand.. No
other foreign or domestic toiltt soup, however expensive, Is to ho compared
with It for all the purposes of tho toilet, bnth, nnd nursery. Thus It com
bines, iu Onb Soap tit Onk Price, viz., Twf.xtt-five Cexts, tho best
BUin and complexion soap, the DKST toilet and uest baby soup In the world.
All that has boon said of Ccticura Soaf may be said with even greater emphasis
ot Cutk'lha Ointment, tha inaei ilolicata, ami yet most effoctivo of einollieiiia, and
ere.ituHt of akin cures. Its usa 111 connection with C'umcura Hoar (as per directions
round each packag"), in tho "Unb Numr CUBS fob Sorb IIands," In the
'Instant Kblikv tkbatmknt roit PisvinuaiNO Itoiiinos ax Ibbitations,"
and In many usos too numerous to mention, is sufficient to prove Its superiority
oror all other preparations Jor the skin.
The Set, Sl. 20
A BwaiB Bwt la oftan aumelenltoeura tha inoai torluiinf, dliflgurloK, and humlllailng akioB
aoalp. and blod bumtwa, with to-a of hnlr, whwo all alaa fall. Pott an VliV AMD (--Uoau.,
bola Trvna.. ttoatoa. All about Iba tiklaScp, aad liair," I'm,
Curra l ouihi aad Cold.
rrevente unsumpiloa
All llruusUla. Hc
Aluiulnun Rual V roof C'ramai
BMiratora, ! I to 15 oowa, prlc
(rotn to to t)0 a vordlDf to ala.
"llto-UatH :buraa. alat-a l to
lfio.iwB,prloM7to$H1k Thaymaka
1 par cant mora buttar, Cat:ogu
a tarm fro um't btr autil
j on bar (r m ua. Wa ar man
ufaoturara and Mil dlraot to tb
ucnumr wbara a ha no agaot,
iiltHON.H 1's.MfAH I mVO 1U
Iba Hovarninatt Oflfioa Training frbunl, a.blug
tva, D. i). Wuiitantligiblaj, fottttua pVru.anul.
tlBttll lira rellr, uovar (a'U. Haiui.U Ikis, Shv
AihtrM llrflor lnl Uiwk Hlam, S. V. titr.
inniNIA FAHSH for sale at rara lur-
ualna. Have a few rtntloull nnix
farina vltli stov nw hullillnira. Kind for
Hat A T. HTKWART, Caron, Virginia
Huat UaifctHluf iMitatuuiiaatrthl Air
i-auui ifiia ao aim aisuut Ml
aar'a karlleat Hia Wswki' fotssin
I lrtMl fjariU aVtlll VMtuialil ssaaaarB
ru.rlii U.H. 1'ulattM-a t.'kvnd4 I .
ataaia aw ai i'aai.
Complete Erternal and Internal Treatment for every Humor,
fon.Utlrtfr of Cut 1 clua Boa f2'e.). toelsaw b iklD of eruau ma4
vale nti often ths thtckvntMl ettllcW, Cuticuha Oimtmbnt f&Oe.),
10 tti.UntlT mWmy Itching, Inflammation, Qd Irriutioo, and sooth ana
hral, and toTIcUKa Hboltht (60e,, to oool and clean m ih blood.
Wa wlah to vata thla vaar ,
naw auatoutara, aua nauca8w
1 Pkat. Utlff
utMeg uci. iua
msrald t'ucombarlaa
LaOroaaa Markat Lattaaja.
btraoibwrrr Malun.
" lDaf Radian,
Ksrlr R'pa Cabba
Briiflaut Fioavs
aoa Katiara lwOraa
aataaailaat Toaaato Oiaut aa aarin. V
loni a. uun a a unco.. La caostat, via.
UU aio.t raaiMhal-t, r.welr diw.i.J. Cmmu,
Urvat Vital rrlarlyla bnulm uikn. Ms.
IVarlary tMM ...Imir CunAUntial cHalia h.,m Hi. .m-..h Punlrlaaa. ST. JAMS
i tp
4W , Wartk 91.00, far 14 aaaita. fU
? II AWoaa 10 PktTa". worth 1.00, vavttl
naail ton rra, toe ai bar attfc Mar
I I VataJof .tallloa; all aboat
1 1 aiMO rtaiuiof ibia A I4t
aiaiapa. y9 (? tia yoqrtrasla, aad
t Pi slkaabaa yoa oaca ty M I !
aV'ilksSsla torn will aaver da witkeatv.
1 J Wa tll M4 aaron ad.ltctad u Oataaa
I i Easti'uiuMVtijrtuii. '1 ataa ipxid. Das I I
I In tlino. B.n.1 h) drila. 1 I