5? d VOLUME . KKYNOLlKMLLE, PIONX'A., WKDXKSDAY, 1'EIiUUARY 11, WOO. NVM15EU IJ9. wins AT Annual v. A ft AiVTK.U Sale. Our Motto: Mot How Cheap but llow ' First The Cheapest Place to Buy Glottilnrj Is at N. HAN AITS. Call and be convinced how cheap you can buy Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Men's Suits, worsted, 4.75 to 810.00; Men's Cheviot Suits, $4. 50 to $10.00; Men's Kersey Overcoats for $5.00; everybody else will ask you $'..()) for same; Men's Overcoats $6.00, worth $10.00; Youths' Storm Overcoats $.'.50 to $5.00, worth 6.00 to 9.00. Men's and Boys' Underwear. Men's fleece-lined 25 cts. apiece; the very best of Men's fleece-lined at 45 cts. apiece. Boys' fleece-lined 25 cts., worth 40 cts. Ladies' Department. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Skirts, Plush Capes, Col larettes, Fur Capes, fcc, cheaper than they are now selling at the factories. I bought my goods before the advnnco In prices and you will got the benefit of cheap buying. 1ST. HANAU. v- THE Jefferson Supply Co, O BIG STORES Reynoldsville, O Rathmel and Rig Soldier. Can fit you out in any line you may need, and at right prices, too. We have bargains to offer you this week in . - '.' SHOES, RUBBERS, UNDERWEAR, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS that we are closing out at right prices. V)ur new goods are coming in rapidly now and our stores were never so full of good things and genuine bar gains. We are pleased show you goods at any Su there is anything you want coining to ub. farauns THE NEW STORE. INVKNTOUV will l.n n tlm every frugal housewife will appreciate. All odds, ends, remnants revealed by our in ventory nre on Hale nt prices which are but a small fraction of their value. Sacrificing all winter goods at an average of not more than half of present value in order to make room for Spring Goods. NOWI1KHK can you get more Value, Style and Satisfaction for the money than in oar Jacket Department when you buy one of those $10.50 Jackets for $7. Every Lady's and Misses Jacket in the house has been reduced to one-half or more from our former low cash price. Never were such superior garments sold for the money. We want to get our goods in your hands to judge their quality. J. J. Sutter. NOTHING Rut tho best material)) and work-1 inanship enter into tho construc-4 tlon o tho L.12, STOVES & RANCgSil A Made with a view of milting tho exact want of the house-keepers at' a moderate cost. Good Bakers Perfect Roasters. Sold with That Understanding. Reunoldsvllle Hardware Co. to give you our prices and time. you can hardly miss it by The Jclferson Supply Co. Cream cheese that is cream cheese, melts in your mouth. Robinson Si Mundorff sell it. Great big, fat, fresh oys ters at Robinson Si Mun dorff's. Hot cakes for breakfast. Try Aunt. Jemima's Pan Cake Flour more healthful than buckwheat. Robinson Sz Mundorff have it. Try our fresh roasted coffee at 13c, worth 18c. It's a bargain. Robinson Sz Mundorff. We are still selling a straight 00c. English break fast tea at 40i Robinson Sz Mundorff. Largest stock and lowest prices all along the line at Robinson Sz Mundorff 'h. Buy a bottle Dr. Keyers' Cough Cure, that cures your cough, and get a cake of dandruff soap for your hair free. Robinson Sz Mundorff. Picture Framing When You Want That Picture Framed . . . Bring it to ub and we will frame it In the latest style, with mat, glass and everything complete to suit you at the lowest price. We nave Constant on Hand . . . A large stock of all the different kinds of picture frame, moulding, gold leaf gilt, antique oak, natural woods and the black or dark stained woods that are all the rage now in picture frames. You can pick out what you want in the style of frame and mat, and we will do the work. We have con stantly on hand a large stock ,of the standard sizes of frames, which we are offering at reduced prices. Call and see our assortment and get our prices and we are sure of doing your work. Brumbaimh & Hillis, VUUNITURE HE A LEUS Main Street. Hlrjli School Bulletin. EDITORIAL BTArr I4lt.r-ln-Chl.r LHU M.ltlng.f. AliLttnt Hlt.r-19. MiMlrta. L.til Editor - H..n. Wo, who havii served In tho capacity of editors for tho pant month, thank thu contributor for their mipport, and will ingly resign our position to our more worthy successors, with good wishes for their future success in tho journal istic field. I'mmiiii't of ilidimht, moulder of chsrmfor, To I him. tin' child's Binhltliin, Tlu ri'IhmMImi.v'm .ley, thr ffrsfhiHte' prlrlre. To time. tuiMr fif ymith'N ffpitlnyi I ilo moHl humbly Ocelli-Hie these lines. Mingled with a joyous anticipation of that timo when I shall last cross tho threshold of that phico I lovo next to home, I tho Inspired thought, what good has come of all these yearn of prep aration? Remembering that quotation from Cooper, "Advice Is not a gift, hut a debt tho old owe to tho young," I will not endeavor to ml vine, hut as exorl enco la to those of all ages I can toll Home of the good I have received In these many years of study. Experience tells me, commit not your lessons for as you advance In school II To this method cannot hut go asunder, as tho amount you have to learn Is too much for tho ordinary mind. The school's object Is not to cram with facts, but lnMII In you the quality of self thought. When a student learns that ho knows nothing in comparison with what thero is to know, then ho Is on tho road to success. Those two things arc very es sential to a good student, namely, con centration of mind and desire to learn. I know of no things more beneficial to a student than to rend of tho putt, ob serve In the present, and to do tneso In lieu of uso In tho future. Heading, Including history and biog raphy, Is necessary for u person, as It presents comparison by which wo may see the mistakes of others ami profit by their example. It Is not my plneo to lay out a system. I leave that to tho more learned. Hut I just repeat tho old saying, "Head between tho lines." That which Is most important is not ing the pnsslng events, observing na ture, her laws, causes and effects, and gaining practical experience in every day life. Latoly and now are transpiring events which are of vital linportnnco both to our grnnd republic and its brother countries. I know of nothing more convincing of a divine power than to dolve Into tho earth' secrets, and nothing of more practical use than this knowledge. That which leads a person most assur edly to success Is practical experience and forthought. Upon this primarily may bo based our great financier's and statesmen's success. That which led them to victory may be our plan, and through It ultimately you, by your own earnest endeavor, can be of good to your country and an honor to your name. REPORTER. LOCAI.R. Prof. In this prism does tho lust sur face refract the light so that the ray Is parallel, or does it bend it so that It diverges more from Its original course ? Sr. I think it dot's. Tho pupils of the upper gradi.it were favored with a short talk by Rev. Stev enson, of Allegheny, on Wednesday. Tho Juniors held a class meeting last Tuesday, the object of which is not known; but it must have been some thing important, as tho countenances of tho members told of a stormy conlllct. Wanted winter for February. You can always tell when tho hoys aro on tho literary program. Thoy in variably celebrate w ith a clean collar. Rov. Reno entertained tho pupils Friday morning, giving the biography of Ruskin. Poodleism has become tho rago in tho Senior Class. Lost A step between tho class room and room 14. Finder will he rewarded by returning tho samo to Harriet to ScluiTtzo. Class Day or No t'lus Day that Is tho question. Lydlu is thinking of taking a trip to tho niOMii to sue where she will laud on her return trip. Floss would aeeom pany her if she thought sho woidd arrive at Lowish'.irg on her return. The following persons visited tho Khakuepo'ii'cun Literary Society last Friday: Miss Edith Jackson, of ' Pitts burg, Harold K. Arnold end Misses Caroline and Noll Robinson. Wo aro sorry to lose Olga Nethersole, but wo Iiojju tlutl Fredilio will make her future lifo as pleasant as her past has been. Working Night and Day. Tho busiest nnlmlghtlcst thing that evor was mado Is Dr. Kind's Now Life Pills.' These pills change weakness In to strength, llstlessness Into energy, brain fng Into mental power. Thoy'ro wonderful in building up tho health. Only 2."u pur box. Sold by II. Alox. Stoke, druggist. Soft Coal Market, ('mil Trttilr .f iiiittml.1 There Is plenty of demand reported In soft, coal circles and the outlook Is for a continuance thereof, and now there has been a settlement of the wages basis, tho operators can go abend and mako up plans for the coming season, which really looks to be one of the most active that has been experienced In many years. The demand for coal has recent ly been so heavy that, companies have been unahlo to meet It, and In conse quence prices havo advanced materially. Tho price of soft coal has risen fully 50 s r cent in thu last year, and with the advanced costof mining and tho increase in transportation, it Is likely to stay nt tho Increased figure. Happily thu wage scale In the soft coal districts of the union, which are competitive, have been adjusted on a basis which Is eminently fair to both sides the working miner and tho own er or operator of the mines. The men are to get an advanco In the basis scale of 14 cents a ton for the year from April 1 last. There aro some minor points to bo settled such as tho mine run basis compared with screened coal, but all this will 1st satisfactorily adjusted. In Pennsylvania there Is no let up In thu demond for sft coal and tho rail roads handling this coal have all their resources taxed to furnish cars enough and motive power sufficient to haul it to marke), Tho high prices continue, and tin re is no prospect of any decreaso In price until after thu first of April, as while with the coming of warmer weath er the consumption may slightly do orcase, all consumers will urgo forward all thu coal they c:in, in order to pro vide ahead of the Increase in freight on this coal which goes Into effect at that time. Paradise. The Gibson saw mill has again started with a full crew i,f men. Thomas Cat hers visited friends In Reynoldsville lust Sunday. Miss F(Ta Sykes, of Sykesvllle, Is vis iting her aunt. Mrs. Noah Strouso. Miss Kdna Holman, of Sykesvllle, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. K. Strouse. At this writing Scott Syphrit Is on thu sick list but is not dangerously 111. Some of the boys attended the pie social at Wishaw last Saturday evening. A largo crowd is exacted at tho farmers' institute to-day and to-morrow. Misses Tretsa Syphrit and Ruth fathers sent last Sunday with friends in Kcynnldsvlllo. The taking out of tho coal Is doing a great deal of damage to William Dougherty' farm. Amos Strouso and family visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strouso, last Sunday. Scott Syphrit and A. L. Sheesloy at tended literary society at thu Zufall school last Friday evening. W. A. Sheesloy and daughter. Miss Maud, visited tho former' parents, at Now Washington, Clearfield county, a few days last week. Rathmel. William MeCullop, of Horatio, visited friends hero last Thursday. Miss Grace Keal, of Liberty, Pa., vis ited relatives here last week. Tho schools observed Lincoln's birth day by way of having nx-itatlons and singing. S. E. lirison was called to Templeton last week on account of tho death of his ntothcr. Had Mrs. Brison lived till next month, she would have been nine-ty-fivo years old. Washington Camp, No. (102, P. O. S. of A., with G. A. R. and S. of V at tended church in a body last Sunday in honor of Lincoln's birthday. Rov. Chis holm, of Falls Croek, preached the sermon. The entertainment to bo given in the P. O.' S. of A. hall on Washington's birthday will consist of singing, recita tions, orations, lino side talks and an address by a good speaker. Admission will bo ID and 15 cents. Ice cream and cako will lo served, also hot coMVe and sandwiches. A Great Prize OfTer. Wo havo a great prize offer to mako tho farmers of Jefferson county! Bya special arrangement with tho publishers of tho Farm Journal, a most excellent farm paper that posts lit) cents a year, wo aro able to offer one year's subscrip tion to The Stak and FIVE years' sub scription to tho t'n rm Jiu nitl tho two worth :i..ri0 all for tho small sum of 1.2o. Of course this only applies to udvunoo paying subscribers. We can furnish a few papers at this rate, and If you want them on these terms, you must act quickly! Sumplo copies of tho Furm Jourmtl will bo sent free ou application. Address, C. A. Stephenson, Reynoldsville, Pa. A Reply to Comrade Oray. Mr. Editor: I have read Comrade Gray's card in tho county papers am nolo that he base his claims to the consideration of the Republican voter as a candidate for Delegate to thu State Convention on the fact that he has al ways supported the Republican candi date for Governor and President, and that he carried a musket four year dur ing tho War of the Rebellion. Ho very carefully refrains from saying that ha supported the rest of tho very numerou nominee ol tho Republican party, who are a much entitled to Republican vote, and of a much Importance In keeping of party organization tho candidate for Governor and President. There are three candidate for the same office, namely, O. II. Hrondhcad. S. T. North and A. R. Chnpln, who, although too young to have carrlnd a musket, havo not only voted for Repub lican candidates for President and Gov ernor, but have also the additional merit of having supported the rest of tho ticket, and believe that majority rule should at all times prevail. Comrade Gray's fling about using tho organization for selfish purposes would not have been mado prior to tho de mand of the O. A. R. and W. R. C. that tho titlo of tho Drookvlllo Memorial Home be transferred from tho trosU-es to the Woman' Relief Corps before, another appropriation be mndo by the State, Mr. Gray being one of tho trustees. Neither would it havo been made If Stato Treasurer Jackson had complied with his request for a deposit of State funds In the National bunk of which ho Is a director. Henco it will be seen that Comrade Gray bus a griev ance that effects his loyalty to the Re publican party. J. G. Mitchell, Late of Co. A, With I'. V. I. Hamilton, Pa., Feb. 12, 1!K0. Low-Rate Excursion to Washington. On Wednesday, February 21st, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Co. will run special excursion from points on tho Philadelphia U Erie Railroad, Erlo to Lock Haven, inclusive, to Washing ton, for the benefit of all who may want to visit the National Capitol. Round- ' trip tickets, good going on all regular trains on day of Issue, and good return ing on any regular train within ten days, excluslvo of going date, will be sold at rate of $10.00 from Erie, St. Marys, and intermediate points; 18.05 from Driftr wood; 18.15 from Renovo; $7.30 from Lock Haven; and proportionate rates from other points. A through sleeping car will bo run from Erie to Washington on train leav ing Erie at 4.30 p. m. Holder of special excursion tickets to Washington can purchase, at the Pennsylvania Railroad ticket offices at Washington, excursion tickets to Rich mond at rate of $4.00 and to Old Point Comfort (all rail) at $t).(i0; from the pursers of the Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company excursion ticket (not including meals and staterooms on steamers) to Old Point Comfort or Nor folk, Va., at $.1.50, and to Virginia Beach, Princess Anne Hotel, at $4.50; and at tho offices of the Washington, Alexandria and Mt. Vernon Electric Railway Company, excursion tickets to Mt. Vernon and return at rate of M cents. For full Information ' consult small handbills, apply to ticket agents, or E. S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Wil liamsport, Pa. Two Weeks Tour to Florida. Tho second Pennsylvania R. R. tour of tho season to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks In Florida, will leave Nuw York and Philadelphia February 2th. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman accommoda tions (one berth), and meals l-u routo in both directions while traveling on the special truln, will be sold at tho following rates: New York, $.10.00; Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Raltlmoi-a and Washington, $48.00; Pittsburg, $5:1.00, and at proportionate rates front other points. For tickets, itineraries nnd other infor mation apply to ticket agents; Thus. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis trict, Pittsburg, Pu., or to Geo. W. Royd, Ass't General Passenger Agent. Hroud Street Station. Philadelphia. Stood Death OiT. E. R. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled u grave-digger. IU says. "My brother wits very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I per suaded him to to try Electric Hitters, and ho was soon much better, but con tinued their uso until he was wholly cured. I am sure Electric Hitters saved his life." This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and pur ities tho blood: aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cuivs cen atlpatlon, dyspepsia, nervmii dWusiw, . kidney trouble- female complaints: gives perfect hfluth. Only 50o at II. N. Alex. Stoke' drug store.