5 Star i Huhseriptinn $l.XO per year, or $1.00 if pnitl utriclly in udvanet. v. A. ftTKPIIKNftOSl, K1llor and Pak. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 100. Anlnrtopondi-nt lix'nlpniMT.piibllthrderpry VedniHluy nt KeynolilMVllUi, JotTwrnnn Co. Ph., dovntod to the Interest of Krrniilrlsvllla. and JenYnioiieoiiiity. Non-mllth'iil. will treat all with fairness, nnd will tirespeclMljr frlond- Ijr towarrtu tti Innorlng num. Hiihsrrlntinii lirti'nt Communlentltiim Intended for ptihllt-ntlnn muni be Bceomunnleri by the writer's nitron, not for punlli'iitlon, but s a miersntiie of ood fnltli. Interesting news Items sulleltmt. Advertising lutes nisd known on applica tion at the nnVo In Kroehllch-Henry lllnck. I.enKhty communication and change of advnrtlsnmcnt nhould reach this oftlce by Monday noon. , .... Address nil communications to 0. A. Steph enson, Heynoldsvlllo, Pa. .... Knterad nt the poxtonVn at Keynoldavllle, Pa., as aernnd class mall matter. For Congress W. O. SMITH, Piihject to action of the Kepiihllrnn of Jef ferson county nt the prlniury election, Tiles day, Feb. 20, !!. For State Sknate JOHN S. FISH EH, Of Indlnna, subject to action of Repnhllcnns of Jefferson county at the primary election, Kebruary 30, WO. Edwin Honro, of this place, ha an nounced himself as a candidate for (loin Kto to Republican State Convention. Mr. Hoare Is a pentlomnn worthy to represent tho Republican of this coun ty In the Stato convention. John S. Flshor, tho popular young lawyer of Indiana, will receive the Re publican senatorial nomination In Jef ferson county on the 20th Inst. Mr. Fisher Is a bright and active ((en tlemnn, well qualified to represent the people of Jefferson and Indiana counties in the State Senate. Judging from the favor able comments we have heard from Re publican voters, there Is' no doubt but that Mr. Fisher will get the nomination in this senatorial district, and there is no reason why he should not be noml nated. A few years ago a country newspaper enterprise was looked upon as a sort of charitable institution that commanded its patronage much on tho same lines of other "good things" for a community. The country subscriber would take and read the paper not so much because it contained things that he found out in no other way, but "just to help the printer along." The merchant of the town would run the same ad. from one year's end to the other, occasionally changing a line that might happen to read "Fall and Winter," to "Spring and Summer," but more frequently neglecting to give his advertising even this slight attention. One day, however, some country merchant figured It out that if the advertising could bn made to pay in the city on a large Bcale, it could be mndo profitable in the country on a smaller plan, and devoted some of the time formerly usod In telling stories around the stove to figuring on a plan to make his advertising pay. He start ed in on changing bis ad. frequently, by telling facts about his goods and by do ing just as he advertised. Soon his business had grown to such an extent that he was willing to pay cash for his advertising instead of store goods and plug tobacco. This awakened the coun try merchant generally and to-day it is not necessary for the ad vertlstnff solicit or in the smallest communities to ex plain that It pays to advertise, but he only needs to toll why his Is tho best medium. Since then the county newspaper has developed from a charitable institution Into a business proposition. The editor is no longer asked to take pumpkins or some garden truck for his paper, or doal his advertising bills out over the counters of the country store, but he pays the money for what he goU and gets paid for what he does. His adver tising space is considered a part of his stock in trade and the person who asks him to dlxpoun of it for nothing belongs to a newspaper ago of a former day. Big Run Tribune. Marriage Licenses. ' The following marriage licenses were Issued tho past week by John D. Evans, Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county: John H. Kerry and Julia Alburg, both of Westvllle. J. W. Aikens, of Brook vllle, and Ruth M. Coleman, of Millstone, Elk county, Pa. Alexander Paeeorioz and Catherine Muohroska, both of Soldier. Archibald McDonald and Maggie Mo Kellop, of Wisbaw. John W. Yost, of Cortez, and Minnie L. Lehman, of Content. Nicholas Kovalcsik and Annie Passen, both of Walston. 5MITH THE FAVORITE. Parmer Breckway vllle "Record" Editor Olve Some CommonMnso Views on Con treeslonal Nominee. Edward E. Niver, former editor of the Brockwayvlllo Jfrcorrf, now an em ployee of the Pittsburg IHnjtntrh, In letter to the Itivord last woek, had the following to say regarding Hon. W, O. Smith's nomination for Congress. "I see by the press dispatches that my friend, W. O. Smith, Is again a can didate for the Jefferson county endorse ment for Congress, and that tho Repub lican primaries are likely to bo held in February. While I feel sure that Mr. Smith will be accorded the support he has always received in the eastern part of Jefferson county and over tho whole county for that matter there are spec ial reasons why he should recelvo the county endorsement at the coming primaries. 'When Mr. Smith left the Legisla ture and stood for Congress, it was at the Instance of his many frionds, who believed his ability and special training pre-eminently qualified him for higher legislative duties. This feeling 'was shared by Republicans generally over the county. Mr. Smith made the run and received his old time popular ma jority for the county endorsement, al though fully aware thut Jefferson had but slight claims for the district nomi nation. His notion however wits a start in the direction which his constituents desired him to follow, and was so con sidered at the time. At the district conference, of which I was a member, Mr. Smith made every honorable effort to secure tho nomination. Falling in that he gave his support to Indiana county, whoso logical claims for the nomination were undoubted. The con ference was clean, honorable and above board in every respect, and free from all deals. Because he could not secure the nomination himself, Mr. Smith did not complicate matters by deadlocking the conference. "If any Jefferson county man can se cure the district nomination this term, It is W. O. Smith. In fact I firmly be lieve no one else in the county will stand any show. From his long experience in the Legislature Mr. Smith is infinite' ly better fitted to assume the duties of a Congressman than any inexperienced man. His wide acquaintance in Jeffer son would insure the most careful con' sideration of the county's Interests, and the people will make no mistake in again according Mr. Smith the Congres sional endorsement." A Standard Among Newspapers. Reflecting In its widening circulation nd increasing advertising patronage the prosperity that marks the opening of the new year the Pittsburg Times more than ever impresses upon Its read ers the excellence of Its high standard and the success of its efforts to make a model paper for the Individual and for the family. The Times is a newspaper, sparing no pains nor expense to cover the world thoroughly every day, that Its current page of history may be com plete and in its longer range overlook ing nothing that occurs at home. It is clean, dignified and reliable, certain that no lack of these features can be made up In offensive sensationalism. It can be taken Into the family circle with confidence that its columns are filled with wholesome instruction and enter tainment. Wherever known The Times is recognized as the best type of concise, crisp and complete nuwBpuper and among newspaper men it is the publication with which comparisons of excellence are made. While The Times is Republican In politics it realizes that others have a right to bo on earth, and that politics are not everything. When one cent a day wilt buy a morning paper It Is foolish to bo without one. The Times Is three dollars a year and worth the money. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklun's Arnica Sulvo will kill the pain and promptly heal It. Cures fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns, all skin eruptions. Uest pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by H. A. Stoke, druggist. The Furm Jnurwtl is cheap but not too cheap to be good; it is full of ginger and gumption, and has as many other good things in it that you can use as any paper at any price. It will be sent five years to subscribers of THE STAR who pay arrearages and one year in ad' vance and 25 cents extra, or S1.25 for the Farm Journal for five years and The Star for one year. Notice to Stockholders. At the regular meeting of the Reyn oldsvlHe Building and Loan Association to be held February lDtta, 1100, there will be an election of five directors and one auditor. The following nominations were made Jan. 22nd, 1900: Directors, Henry C. Delble, John II, Kaucher, Martin Pha len, A. T. McClure and William Cop ping. For Auditor, John H. Bell and W. H. H. Boll. John M. Hays, Attest; President. L.. McEntike, Boo. The Lawerence paints excel all others in beauty, durability and economy. They are always uniform, rollable' and KOtlxfiictory. For sale by the Reynolds yllle Hard ware Co. Poor Old Kentucky. Man born In the mountains of Ken tucky Is of foud days and full of virus. He (islieth, fiUdle'.h, cusaoth and fighteth all the days of his miserable life. He shunneth water as a mad dog and drlnkot.h much mean whisky. When he deslreth to mine hades he plantetb a neighbor, and lo! he reapeth twenty fold. He rlsetb even from the cradle to seek the scalp of his grand slro's enemy, and hringcth home in his cureabs tho ammunition of his neigh' bor's wife's cousin's uncle's father-in.' law, who avengeth the deed. Yea, verily his life is uncertain and he knoweth not the hour when he may be jerked hence. He goeth forth on a journey half shot, and cometh back on a shutter shot. He riseth in the night to let the cat out and it taketh nine doctors three days to pick the buckshot out of him He goeth forth In joy and gladness and cometh back in scraps and frag menU. Heemptleth a demijohn Into himself and a shotgun into his enemy, and his enemy's son lioth in wait for hlra on election day, and lo! the Coroner plow eth up a forty-acre field to bury the re mains of that man. Woe, woo is Kentucky, for her eyes are red with bad whisky, and her soil stained with the blood of Innocent moon' shiners. Martin (Tex.) Ikmoentt. A Night of Terror. Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Ma cias, Mo., when the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia before morn ing," writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, "but she begged for Dr. King's Mew Discov ery which had more than once saved ber life, and cured her of Consumption, After taking, she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her." This marvellous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat, chest and lung dis eases. Only 50o and 11.00. Trial bot tles free at H. Alex Stake's drug store Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining In the postoffice at Reynoldsvllle, Pa. week ending Feb. 3, 1000: J. W. Buchanan, M. S. Blair, Frank Blgleman, W. M. Brown, C. L. Powers, Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. A. M. Woodward, P. M Nouce to Lumbermen. During the month of February I will receive bids on lot of oak, pine, chestnut and cherry timber; 879,000 within two miles of Summervllle station and (100,000 within five miles of .Summervllle sta tion; estimated by James Steele Brookvllle. At so much per 1000 stump- age. M. V. (JOLEMAN, Reynoldsvllle, Pa Use your sense and save you if dollars You can do it at MUllrens. I Nobby suits, the very latest style, Is what Johns & Thompson, merchant tail ors, are turning out. Try them. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Of the Reynoldsvllle Land and Improve ment Company. Notice Is hereby given that the an' nual election of directors and treasurer of the Reynoldsvllle Land and Improve' ment Company will be held on the 17th day of February, liKH). between the hours of Z.ou and 4.00 o clock p. m., of said day, at the otlice of C. Mitchell, In the borough of Keynolilsvlllo. a. U. ELLIOTT, t'res. C. Mitchell, Sec. DON'T fa MISS THESE fa fa BARGAINS. fa S j) The time Is coming to In- j T volco and the less we have to take account of, the better wo i O "ke it So A S.. . . V For the next two weekB T & Vj will sell fa SI imKss noons. 5? NOTIONS, rX fa and In fact ff fa ALL WE HAVE fa fa 'M' at such low prices that it will fa 3I pay any one to buy. .tsi 52 law We have some rji Ladies' Coats fa 5 A V that sold at O 4, 15 and 11.50. Your choice f( g For 1.00. jft o fa o fa Jv You will also find on J T 1 Remnant Counter 5 ft A ft A V some very nice goods. Prices ij JI so low that they will not last f( O ,0n,f- fa T 9 $ Bing & Co. S a w AITINO FOR YOU VYrk Waiting For you! Waiting for you to find out the difference between the best drugs and the mayhap kind; Waiting for You - To learn thai" ttrag's a good dog, but Holdfast is a better." We've Waited For a great many people who wanted to be sure of their prescriptions. Now We Wait On them instead of for them. Abso lutely pure goods, equitable prices and courteous service are waiting for you at Stoke's Pharmacy. QooopoooooooooooooooooooooQ SHICK & WAGNER o o O0000000000000000000000000O e We will this week oiler a o RIG REDUCTION on all heavy winter goods, such as Heavy Flannels, Underwears, Blankets, Comforts, Ladies' Coats and Capes, Men's and Boy's Overcoats, &c, &c, &c, W trill anil wiint f pot T.nrlipa' O.naia wo Tiavo e. v v 11 its tivis 11 i u- v v ? 1- m j u v J 1 1 v a-a regardless of cost. We will- not ask you first cost for any of them, fetep in and see for yourself what a bargain we have in this line. SHICK & WAGNER. uuiuumiuiuiiuumiuimmumim Sweeping Reductions! Clearance Sale 11 Now On. 1 3 3 3 3 25 Last year when we advertised our Ten-Days' Clearance Sale hundreds of wise people came and took advantage of the marvelous low prices, and went home rejoicing. Then there were many came too late and found our odds and ends of stock all gone. Our appearance in this space is to notify every one of our GREAT UNLOADING SALE, lasting ONLY TEN DAYS. rr ' Within these ten days we intend to dispose of all our Heavy Winter Wear at almost half price. These odds and ends consist of tr Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Heavy Overshirts and U nderwear a and many other useful articles of wearing apparel that you need and can now buy for almost 50 cents on g 3 the Dollar. S 23 w m w e I I r A Ik V m FTiN n. m- w r-w-. .n. m -w- -w- -w- x A -w w - CUMb 11) THIS SALb. I a IF YOU WANT TO 1 SAVE MONEY a But not too late. We are determined to outdo all former sales. Every garment is standard make and guaranteed. t t We would quote you a few prices on this paper, but know that you cannot appreciate the value of jE - the goods nor the astonishipg reductions until you come in, Bee goods and get the prices. i a t. t 3 a a 3 MILLIRENS, a .THE BIG CLOTHIERS. 3 . Heynoldsville, 3?a immmmmmmnmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "n