The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 31, 1900, Image 5

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Subncription $1.50 per year, or $1.00 if
paid ttrictly in advance.
tl. A. HTKPHKNRONi Kdlfor and Fs.
Watches . . .
$1 UP.
Special pale this week. We
have a nice selection bought
before the advance in price
and are making a cut on the
old price. This means cheap
watches for the ones who
and take advantage of this
sale. You might Just as well
be one of many to take ad
vantage of this and save a
little money and get a good
C. F. Hoffman, Jeweler.
Traveler' Guide.
Pamont'er train arrive and leave Reyn
Idavllle aa follow!
Allegheny Valley Railway.
Eastward. Westward.
Train No. ..Ma. m. Train No. , AM a.m.
TralnNo.lS, II 06a. m. Train No. S, S.4S a. m.
Train No. 1. IS :wp. m. Train No. i, I .so p. m.
Train No. A, SO! p. ni. Train No. 14. SOS p. m.
Train No. 7, t.M p. m. Truln AO. 10, 7.50 p. m.
Train No. 41. 1.00 p. m. Train No. 8, 8 S3 a. m.
Train No. 7. .I3 p. m. Truln No. 4, 4.JK p. ni.
B. R. C P. Ry, (C. A M. Dir)
Arrive Depart
Train No 73, 1 10 p m Train No . IXim
ft Little ol Everything.
Buy Robinson's shoe.
Williams for footwear.
Friday I ground hog day.
Johns & Thompson, tailors.
One-third off sale at Stoko's.
Mitchell, the Ladles' Tailor.
. All holiday goods at t off at Stoke's.
Ladies felt shoes for cold feet at
The New Bargain store for tinware
and hardware.
"A Baohelor's Wife" at the opera
house to-night.
Perfect fits guaranteed by Johns &
Thompson, merchant tailors.
Our specialty just now is school shoes;
prices away down at Robinson's.
Mercantile Appraiser James Green
is now doing his work In the county.
There will be services In the Baptist
church next Sunday morning and even
ing. Polls for the electric lights are being
distributed along the various streets of
If you want to see a funny comedy,
well played, go to the opora house to
night. Forty Hours Devotion will begin In
the Catholic church in this place next
If you want a good fitting suit or an
overcoat, go to Johns & Thompson,
merchant tailors.
The Wlnslow township school board
met at Frank's Tavern Saturday and
paid the teachers.
Miss Kittle Shtok entertained a num
ber of young friends at her home last
Thursday evening.
' This week out a lot of shoes for
women, all sizes and good style, for
11.69 a pair. Robinson's.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union will meet Friday afternoon at
2.30 at the home of Mrs. E. L. Evans.
The Prohibitionists of West Reyn
oldsville will hold caucus at D. B.
Stauffer's grocery store this evening.
To-day Is "publlo school day" In Jef
ferson county. All the parents and
patrons are Invited to visit the schools
Members of the Intermediate Chris
tian Endeavor Society held a social In
the Presbyterian church last Thursday
Ten Low Grade Division freight en
gines were sent down to main line A. V.
R'y Saturday night . to help move the
freight over the main line Sunday.
The Lawerence paints exoel all others
In beauty, durability and economy.
They are always uniform, reliable and
satisfactory. For sale by the Reynolds
yllle Hardware Co.
We have paint to cover buildlngB,
the largest stock of paint In town. Not
cheap paint, but are made from genuine
white lead, zinc, oxide and linseed oil
as a base. Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
- The Epwortb eague Course at East
Rochester was opened Friday night by
W. T. 8. Culp with bis famous lecture,
"Uncrowned Kings." It was the finest
oratorical effort board In that place. It
was grand, abounding In sentiment and
wit of high orderl Alliance (O.) Daily
Stviexe. Asscmbli Hall February 2nd.
Robert Smith and Katie Duets, of Big
Soldier, will be married in the Catholic
church at this place noxl Sunday. t
Mrs. Jamos B. Arnold served an ele
gant lunohoon to the )tdlus of the
Utopia Society Monday afternoon.
The Ladles' Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church realized about
112.00 out of their cake sale Saturday
C. F. L. McQulston, of Butlor, the
civil engineer who did tho surveying
for the sewerage In this borough, spent
Sunday In town.
We contemplate some changes In the
arrangement of our store and want to
move the stock quickly. J off on all
fancy goods. Stoke's.
The Royal Templars of Temperance
hold an oyster supper In Bell's hall Sat
urday, evening. The ladles In charge
knew how to got up a good oyster stew.
Prof. G. W. Lenkord delivered a vory
interesting address in tho M. E. church
last Thursday evening, that biting tho
special day of prayer for the schools
and col legos of our land.
Wolsh Bros.' Greater Majestic Com
pany presented "Ten Nights in a Bar
room" at the Reynolds opora house last
Friday evening to a full houso. The
company presented the play in a clever
Teachors whose terms close late this
year can have a continuous course at
tho Clarion State Normal School until
August. This will Induce many to plan
to enter that school as soon as their own
schools close.
Baggage Master Bennett had tho sec
ond flngnr of his left hand mashed at
the B., R. & P. station yesterday after
noon while unloading a trunk from the
baggage car of train No. 73. His flngor
was caught between the trunk and car
The Whitttcr Club, of Brookvllle,
will hold a social at the homo of C. R.
Hall, on Grant Btreet, next Monday
evening. Mrs. Hall 1b a member of the
Whlttler Club and it is her turn to have
the social at her home, honco the Whit
tiers will come to Reynoldsvllle.
The Republicans and Democrats of
Wlnslow township held thoir primary
elections at PrcscoUvllle Saturday af
ternoon. The tickets will be found
elsewhoro In this Isruo of THE STAR.
The Roynoldsvlllo and West Reyn
oldsvllle tickots are also published this
Hon. Henry I. Wilson, of Big Run,
was in town yesterday and made The
Star office a friendly call. Mr. Wilson
has not announced himself yet as a can
didate for the nomination for Assembly
man, but be has about decided to do so.
A number of his friends are urging him
to be a candidate.
The lecture last Friday evonlng by
W. T. S. Culp, was probubly the best
ever delivered in Concord, suiting all
who listened to It. All next day we
heard words of praise from those who
were fortunate enough to have attended.
May he come again noxt winter, for in
deed it was a grand success. Concord
(Mioh.) Independent. Assembly Hall
Friday evening, February 2nd. Tick
ets on sale at Stoke's drug store.
James W. Gillespie, of Pittsburg, for
a number of years a oitizon of Reynolds
vllle, spent last Wednesday with his
brother-in-law, H. Alex. Stoke, In this
place. This was Jim's first visit to the
town in ten years, and of course be no
tioed a number of improvements In the
town. Mr. Gillespie was called to
Punxsutawney by the serious illness of
his father, D. C. Gillespie, and that is
why he found time to visit a day in this
place. Time doals gently with Jim.
Shaping your collar so it will fit with
out scratching or irritating, all rough
edges taken off. Do you enjoy such a
luxury from your laundry? The Reyn
oldsvllle Steam Laundry Is one of the
new industries and should be supported
by all the citizens of the town. Their
money Ib invested in a plant that has
long been needed and only needs the
patronage of the people to make It a
suooess. Their wagon will colleot and
deliver to all parts of the town. Good
work and prompt delivery.
M. M. Davis, Esq., took sick while
attending court at Brookvllle last
Thursday and has not been able to re
turn to hiB home in this place. He ex
pects to get home the latter part of this
week. He bad a bad case of grip and
was threatened with pneumonia. Mr.
Davis is at the American House. Mrs.
Davis was with her husband until Mon
day noon and Miss Elizabeth went
to Brookvllle Monday afternoon to stay
with ber father until he Is able to come
In the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company Weekly Bulletin of January
20th, 1900, among a number of other as
sistant superintendents' pictures, ap
peared that of Frank MoGlnness of John
sonburg, formerly of this place. Out of
2000 Metropolitan Life Insurance as
sistant superintendents In the United
States Mr. MoGlnness stands ninth,
and in Pennsylvania first In tbe ranks
in the amount of Industrial business
increase made during 1809. Mr. Mo
Glnness Is the next man for promotion
to superlutendency. Frank's Reynolds
vllle friends will be glad to learn that
be Is succeeding to nicely In tbe Insur
ance business. '
C. L. 8. C.
Regular mooting of C. L. S. C. this
evening at home of Rev. P. A. Reno at
Real Ettats Deal.
W. S. Ross, proprietor of the Ross
House, bought the Arnold Hock, cor
ner of Main and Fifth street, yesterday
from A. D. Doomor.
Creamery for Sale.
The property of tho Reynoldsvllle
Crcamory Company will be sold at auc
tion on Main street on Saturday, Feb
ruary 3rd, at 2.00 p. m,
Still In Progress.
The rovlval In the M. E. church
continues. A number have already
bowed at tho altar and others are mani
festing a desire to beenmo christians.
Accepted ths Call.
Rev. A. J. Meek, of Greensburg, Pa.,
has accepted tho call to tho pastorate of
the Baptist church in this place. Rev.
Meek will begin his work hero the first
Sunday in March. Ho will move to
Reynoldsvlll' before that time.
Special Meetings.
A series of special meetings are now
in progress In the Presbyterian church.
Rev. J. Vernon Bell, of DuBois,
preached last evening and will preach
here on Thursday and Friday evenings
of this week. Rev. C. W. Cherry, of
Natrona, will be here all of next week
to assist In the meetings.
Qettirfg Fine Ice.
The A. V. R'y Company began cut
ting ice at Sabula Saturday. About
100 cars of lee will be cut and shipped
to Oil City, Pittsburg and othor places
on the line. The dam from which the
lea is cut is filled with pure spring
water, and this gives tho company as
fine Ice as it Is possible to secure.
Ensign Wall, of Buffalo, Coming.
An entertainment will be given at the
Salvation Army ball Thursday evening,
February 1st, and Ensign Wall, of Buf
falo, will be present. Ensign Wall has
charge of tho Junior work in Western
N. Y. and Pa. He has quito a lot of
musical talent and will display some of
it on tho guitar and banjo, Everybody
Birthday Surprise Party,
Arthur Clawson was given a birthday
surprise party last Friday evening.
About thirty young ladies and gentle
men wore present. It was a very en
joynhlo occasion. Arthur was presented
with a very handsome chair. Refresh
ments were served. The young people
all departed about the midnight hour,
wishing Arthur many happy returns of
bis birthday.
A Good Company.
Tbe Clinton-Mitchell Stock Company,
which played "The New East Lynne,"
at the Reynolds opera house Monday
night, and "Forgiven, or Only a Farm
er's Daughtor" last night, will close the
three-night engagement at this place
to-night with tbe very funny comedy,
"A Bachelor's Wire." This is a good
company, above tbe average of those
that play outside of the large cities.
County Penitentiary Bill.
Last week the county commissioners
received the annual bill for theexpenscs
incurred In kooplng prisoners from Jef
ferson county in the Western Peniten
tiary during the year 1899. There wore
29 prisoners in tho ponitentiary from
this county and the bill amounted to
$2,939.35. The county received credit
for $819.04 earnod by tho prisoners, leav
ing a balance of $2,119.75 for the county
to pay.
Admitted to the Bar.
Lex. N. Mitchell, Esq., of Punxsu
tawney, was admitted to the Jefferson
County Bar Monday and is now one of
tbe lawyers of this oounty. Mr.
Mitchell is well known here, having
been prlncipul of the Wost Reynolds
vllle schools two or three terms. The
Star joins with his many friends in
wishing him suooess In his law practice.
Lawyer Mitchell spent Monday night
In this place.
Royal Arcanum Officers.
District Deputy J. G. Noble, of Punx
sutawney, was here Thunsday evening
and Installed tbe following officers In
the Royal Arcanum lodge: Regent, M.
E. Wood; Vioe Regent, Jerry Heckman;
Orator, E. D. McConnoll; Past Regent,
H. A. Moore; Secretary, M. J. Farrell;
Collector, Samuel Sutter; Treasurer,
Thos. V. Malloy; Chaplain, Rufus Kirk;
Guide, W. H. Lucas; Warden, W. A.
Loding; Sentry, F. A. MoConnell;
Trustees, Dr. J. B. Neale, Dr. S. Reyn
olds and H. Alex Stoke.
Elk Lodge Instituted.
An Elk lodge was instituted at Clear
field last night and twenty-six members
of lodgo No. 619, B. P. O. E. of Reyn
oldsvllle participated In tbe Institution
of the new lodge. The following Elks
were at Clearfield: John O'Hare,
George Hughes, Frank J. Black, George
Book, Grler, Sweltzer, James Hughes,
David Cochran, John Welsh, Thomas
Jennings, Joseph Hammond, John Con
ser, Alex button, Fred Alexander, Ed.
Gooder, FJratik Sutter, James Mitchell,
James Suittt, Dr. Harry King, Thomas
Green, Frank Dietz,' George Bolton,
Samuel Barton, G. M. McDonald, John
SUffer, Wil Scott, and John McDonald.
School Savings Bsnk.
The ladies of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union are making an offort
to have the School Savings Bank system
Introduced In the publlo schools of this
borough, and It looks vory favorable for
the establishment of a savings bank.
Prof. Lenkord has boon desirous for
sometime of having the 8avlngs Bank
Introduced here. Ono drawback to It
was that our banks do not pay Interest
on deposits, but this difficulty can now
bo overcome by a citizen of the town
offorlng a $",000 bond and taking the
money at three per cent Interest.
About fivo hundred schools In the
United States have the Savings Banks
in successful operation. It Is claimed
that wherever the simple system of tak
ing care of the scholar's pennies, that
would otherwise be foolishly expended
for needless sweets and the like, is used
In the schools that tho children are
happlnr, more self-reliant and have bet
ter habits. Tho money the children
deposit through the Sohool Savings
Banks In public schools is made a valu
able object lesson; they have the receipt
cards and bank books showing its
amount. They can check It out, recelvn
Intercut on It and learn thereby initial
business methods. Habits of thrift,
industry and self responsibility are
formed, generosity cultivated, waste,
Intemperance and other vices, resulting
from careless extravagance with money
and ignorance of its better uses and
accumulative power, guarded against.
Will Build Fifty Houses.
When the Star Glass Company decid
ed to locate at Reynoldsvllle the com
pany made the proposition that the
Reynoldsvllle Land Improvement Com
pany give them ten acres of land for
their plant and that the citizens of town
build fifty houses near the plant to rent
to glass workers, or that the Land Com
pany give the Glass Company twenty
five acres of land and tbe company would
build their own houses. At a meeting
of the citizens held in Stoke's hall last
Thursday evening it was decided to give
the Star Glass Co. twenty-five acres of
land, fifteen acres of which Is for dwell
ing houses.
The Star Glass Co. has had a large
map made of the twenty-five acres.
Sixty lots, 42 x 125 foct have been laid
out. Boulanger Avenue, Kunz Avenue,
Myrtle Avenuo and Park Way are the
names of the streets laid out. The com
pany will build fifty houses and have
them ready for occupancy before the
first of September.
Damages for False Imprisonment.
During Ed. C. Burns' term as sheriff
of Jefferson, when Frank C. Miller
was deputy. E. L. Chaffe, of Ohio, was
arrested and jailed as a suspicious char
acter. The arrest was made at request,
by telephone, of a prominent citizen o(
Corsica. Chaffe wbb kept In jail four
hours and then released without any
person making information against him.
Mr. Chaffe sued Ex-Sheriff Burns and
Ex-Deputy Miller for $10,000 damages
for false Imprisonment. The case was
tried in the Jefferson county court last
week. Ex-Shertff Burns, who was not
at home at the time of arrest, was ac
quitted, but the plaintiff was awarded
damages against Mr. Miller In the sum
of $300.00.
County Treasurer's Compensation.
As they are required by the law to do,
the county commWbloner and county
auditors on last Saturday fixed the com
pensation of County Treasurer Roitz for
the three years of bis term, as follows:
Ono per cent on all county moneys re
ceived from ordinary sources, as taxes,
etc.; two per cent for paying out ordi
nary county moneys up to ninety thous
and dollars and one per coot for paying
out all such moneys in excess of ninety
thousand dollars; on moneys received
from tbe sale of oounty bonds and tem
porary loans, ono per cent for paying
out the same. This Is a small reduction
on tbe percentage allowed County
Treasu rer Lucas, Brook v 11 lo Democrat.
Normal Paper.
All the students of Jofforson county,
who have attended Clarion Normal,
will be pleased to learn that the Normal
Is about to issue the first publication of
a new school paper. The paper, The
Enterprise, is magazine size, contains
about twenty pages and will be pub
lished monthly. The subscription
price is fifty cents a year. Tbe paper
will be full of news and other matter of
Interest to all who have been to Clarion.
Claude R. Jones, of Jefferson county, Is
one of tbe editors and subscriptions may
be sent to him.
The lecture of W. T. S. Culp on "Un
crowned Kings," in the M. E. church
last night was a splendid success. Lec
tures are often dry, but this one was
not; It abounded In wit, pathos and
power, and will be long remembered by
tbe large audience that bad the pleas
ure of hearing the eloquent speaker.
Toronto (O.) TWbutie. At Assembly
Hall Friday evening, February 2nd.
Money saved in footwear at Williams.'
The comfort of your foet depends upon
your purchase of footwear. Try Phlt
Eesl at Robinson's.
Shlck & Wagner's Is the place to buy
a ladles' coat or cape cheap. Prices
away down,
A beautiful oil painting given away
with every pair of Queen Quality shoes
bought at Job D8 too & Nolan's.
Republican, Democratic and Prohibition
Tickets in Boroughs and Township.
Below we publish the tickets that
have been placed in tho field by the
Republicans, Democrats and Prohibi
tionists of Reynoldsvllle, West Reyn
oldsvllle and Wlnslow township for the
February election:
Republican Justice of the Peace,
John M. Hays; burgess, C. Mitchell;
town council, John Cottle, M. J.
Farrell; school directors, J. W.
Foust, C. N. Lewis; tax collector, Al
bert Reynolds; overseer poor, John W.
Howlott; auditor, John H. Ewlng; reg
ister Ut precinct Edwin Hoare; 2nd
precinct, John C. Bartn; judge of elec
tion 1st precinct J. C. Ferris; Inspec
tor 1st precinct L. W. Scott; judge
of election 2nd precinct W. H. Ford;
Inspector 2nd precinct B. T. Cox.
Democratic Justice of the peaco, C.
J. Kerr; burgess, G. M. McDonald;
council, M. C. Coleman, C. F. Hoffman;
school directors, Dr. J. C. King, L. J.
McEntlre; tax collector, George W.
Swartz; auditor, W. J. Weaver; poor
overseer, A. O. Milliren; register, 1st
precinct, O. F. Smith, 2nd precinct,
Nlnlan Cooper; judge of election, 1st
precinct, Ed. O'Riolly; 2nd precinct,
John Nolan; Inspector, 1st precinct, J.
N. Recbt; 2nd precinct, W. J. Weaver.
Prohibition Justice of the peaco,
R. L. Miles; burgess, J. Van Reed; town
council, Solomon Shaffer, J. M. Dunn;
school directors, M. S. Sterley, Rufus
Kirk; tax collector, L. F. Hetrlck; over
seer poor, James K. Tyson; auditor, F.
H. Beck; register, 1st precinct, Jerry
Heckman; 2nd precinct, G. 5. Corwin;
Judge of election, 1st precinct, T. J.
Davis; 2nd precinct, A. E. Dunn; inspec
tor of election. 1st precinct, James
Irving; 2nd precinct, E. L. Evans.
Democratic Burgess, Roman E.
Koohlor; town council, for three years,
Wilson Gross, Philip Koehler; for one
year, W. A. Smith; school director, P.
A. nardman, J. C. McEntlre; tax col
lector, Wm. P. Woodrlng; high consta
ble, A. P. McKee; overseer poor,
Charles Arnold; auditor, T. C. McEn
teer; Judge of election; A. R. Schuckers;
inspector, David Bollinger.
Republican Burgess, Harry Bryan;
high constable, John Anderson; council,
3 years, Samuel Sutter, lames Orr;
1 yeur, James Shobert; school director,
John Richards, M. E. Ridgoway; tax
collector, G. W. Dempsey; poor over
seer, W. L. Johnston; auditor, Wilson
Barry; Judge of election, Daniel Brewer;
Inspector, William Shobert.
Republican Justice of the Peace,
A. W. Sykes; school directors, O. H.
Broadhead, Amos Goss, Dr. B. F. Shires;
tax collector, Amos Strouse: supervisor,
L. P. McCleery, T. II. Reynolds; poor
overseer, G. W. Mohney; auditor, W.
II. Reber; assistant assessor, east Wins
low, D. J. Thomas, west Wlnslow, Lee
Sheesley; judge of election, east, J. L.
Shaffer, west, S. M. Gourley; Inspector,
east, Madison McCroight, weBt, J. R.
Democratic Justice of the Peaco,
W. H. Deemer; tax collector, F. W.
Doemer; supervisors, A. C. Murray,
John Lyons; school directors, G. L.
Henry, J, M. Norris, Joel Snyder;
auditor, A. W. Mulhollan; poor over
seer, D. B. Smith; judge of election,
east end, A. S. Phllllppi; Inspector,
cast, Louis Lydle; register, east, D. A.
Smith; Judge of election, wost end,
F. P. Best; Inspector, west, A. M. Norris;
register, west, U. A. Sheesley.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage ltcensos were
issued the past week by John D. Evans,
Clerk of Courts of Jefferson oounty:
William L. Butterbaugh.ofClayvlllo,
and Anna M. Heverllng, of Cask ill town
ship. Lavlna Mlstretta and Ignazia Immor
dino, both of DeLancey.
Mike Hoyan and Katie Krallck, both
of Walston. .
August Zlgmont and Susan Jakubeso,
both of Adrian.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In the postofflce at Reynoldsvllle, Pa.,
week ending Jan. 27, 1900:
Cbarllo Pursel, Mrs. Helen Larmer,
George Ludlow.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M.
Cinderella stoves and ranges contain
every Improvement that is of value to
a house keeper. Cleanliness, durability
and economy are its strong points.
Guaranteed to bake. For sale by the
Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Call and see our new line of glassware
and queensware at the New Bargain
store, B. T. Cox, proprietor.
Snick Si Wagner will close their
store at 8 o'clock during the month of
Wet feet are always running after
tbe doctors. Our Gold Seal rubbers
stop them. RobliiBon's.
Shlck & Wagner will from now on
sell Clark's thread at S cents a spool.
Overgaltors of all kinds at Williams'
shoe store.
A tablet given away with every pair
of school shoes bought at Johnston &
Qlimptes of the People who are Passing
To and Fro.
L. W. Scott was in Brockwayllle last
Mrs. C. A. Stephenson visited In Kane
the past week.
A. D. Deemer, of Brookvllle, was In
town yesterday.
W. II. Stanley, Esq., Is In New York
City this week.
George H. Mundorff was at Punxsu
tawney over Sunday.
Ex-Sheriff W. B. Sutter, of Lindsey,
was In town Thursday.
Miss Blanche Parker spent Sunday
at her home In DuBois.
John Kolley, of Brookvllle, Sundayed
with Reynoldsvllle friends.
Dr. L. L. Moans rpent Sunday with
his parents at Frostburg, Pa.
Herbert Horn, of DuBois, sent Sun
day, with Reynoldsvllle friends,
Mrs, Gettus Schlablg, of DuBois, vis
ited in this place tho past week.
Mrs. J. M. Cathera went to Garland,
Pa., this morning to visit a few days.
M. E. Weed and wife wore at Wheel
ing, West Va during tho past week.
E. Will Black and A. II. Fasenmyer,
were In Now Bulhlohem ovor Sunday.
George P. Miller, editor of the Now
Bethlehem leader, was In town Satur
day. Mrs. C. S. Armagost was called to
New Bethlehem Friday by the Illness
of a sister.
Frank J. Black, proprietor of Hotel
MoConnell, was at Phlllipsburg the
first of this week.
Will F. Wilson, at one time a citizen
of this place, now of Franklin, Pa., was
in town this week.
Miss Jessie L. Strong, of Tldlnute,
Pa., visited Mrs. A. T. McClure In this
place the past week.
Mrs. Sadie Stone, of Pittsburg, has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. T.
Coax, the past week.
George Field, of Kane, spent a day
last week with his sister, Mrs. Jacob
Doiblo, in this place.
Mrs. Andrew Wheeler is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith McCrelght,
at Florence, Washington county, Pa.
Mrs. James E. Mitchell and Misses
Nellie and Dorthy Sutter spent Sunday
with their sister. Mrs. H. P. Thompson,
at Portland Mills.
Miss Kittle Lowther, of Walston,
who Is convalescing from a tussle with
typhoid fever, Is the guestof her cousin,.
Miss May Barkley.
Miss Llna Crissman, a typo In the
Punxsutawney Spirit office, returned
hume last week after a week's visit with
Miss Orpha Gourley.
Lyle Gourley, who Is working in the
McCoy glass plant at Kane, spent Sun
day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
M. Gourley, at this place.
E. Will Black, a Job printer of Pitts
burg who has been visiting his parents
in this place since tho holidays, will re
turn to Pittsburg this evening.
Miss Lottlo VanLow, of Dayton,
Washington, daughter of William Van
Lew, formerly of this place, arrived In
town yesterday and Is tho guest of Miss
Mamie Scott.
M. G. Swartz, who Is employed as a
circulation agent of the Pittsburg Diaj
patch. Is visiting his parents in this
place. Mr. Swartz has been stationed
at Steubonvlllo, Ohio, the past six or
eight months.
Mrs. M. M. Davis was at Jacksonville,
Indiana county, Pa., last week attend
ing the funeral of ber only sister, Mrs.
Dr. William B. Shields, whose death
was caused by pnuumonla. She was
only sick one week.
E. A. Ferrin, president of the Star
Glass plant, president of the Reynolds
vlllo Traction Co., and president of the
Reynoldsvllle Electric Light plant,
spent several days of the past week with
bis family in Philadelphia.
Notice to Stockholders.
At the regular meeting of the Reyn
oldsvllle Building and Loan Association
to be hold February 19th, 1900, there
will be an election of five directors and
one auditor.
The following nominations were made
Jan. 22nd, 1900: Directors, Henry C.
Delble, John H, Kaucher, Martin Pha
len, A. T. McClure and William Cop
ping. For Auditor, John H. Bell and
W. H. H. Bell. John M. Hays,
Attest: President.
L. J. McEntire, Seo.
Notice to Lumbermen.
During the month of February I will
receive bids on lot of oak, pine, chestnut
and cherry timber; 879,000 within two
miles of Summervllle station and 600,000
within five miles of Summervllle sta
tion; estimated by James Steele 'of
Brookvllle. At so much per 1000 stump
age. M. C. Coleman,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
For 8al.
A good house and lot for sale on
Grant street. Inquire at The Star
A Qood Tenant
Wants to rent by April 1st a small
house and barn wltb good cellar lo
Reynoldsvllle, or would rent a small
farm nearby. .Address,
A. C. Fish, Freeport, Pa.
Just what you want In rubbers at