The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 31, 1900, Image 1

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i icmiiiy
J. J. Sutter, Proprietor,
TUB CHeapest FlaGe
to Buu GlotMna Is at
Call and be convinced how cheap you can buy
Men's and Boys' Suits and
Men's Suits, worsted, $4.75 to $10.00; Men'B Cheviot
Suits, $4.50 to $10.00; Men's Ken-ey Overcoats for $5.00;
everybody else will ask you $11.00 for same; Men's Overcoats
$6.00, worth $10.00; Youths' Storm Overcoats $3.50 to
$5.00, worth G.OO to 9.00.
Mfin's anrl Rovr' llnrlprwpar.
Men's fleece-lined 25 cts. apiece; the very best of
Men's fleece-lined at 45 cts. apiece. Boys' fleece-lined 25
cts., worth 40 cts.
Ladies' Department.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Skirts, Plush Capes, Col
larettes, Fur Capes, tfcc, cheaper than they are now selling
at the factories.
I bought my good before the advance In prices and you will got the
benefit of cheap buying.
Jefferson Supply Co,
3 BIG STORES Ileynoldsville,
Rathmel and Big Soldier.
Can fit you out in any line you may need, and at right
priceB, too. We have bargains to offer you this
' titaaIt In
that we are closing out at right prices.
Our new goods are coming in rapidly now and our stores
were never so full of good tilings and genuine bar
gains. We are pleased to give you our prices and
bIiow you goods at any time.
If there is anything you want you can hardly miss it by
coining to us. .
j mi j
To take up your time reading long
lipta of nrticles on pale nt my store.
All I nfk of you le to come nnd pee
my goods and compare pikes. Space
will not permit giving you full lint of
price but 1 will offer nil
Ladies' Jackets,
Gapes and Collarettes
flt 10 per cent Reduction
Now is time to get bargains. For
Tailor-Made Suits and Jackets
this is the place to get them. I will
guarantee good fitu and perfect satis
faction. Remember the place on corner
of Main and 4th streets, in Centennial
lieynnldsville, Pa.
Hut the best mutci'Iuls and work-
nuiiiHli!p enter into th-i eonatruo-4
tlon or tlio
Mudu with a view of suiting tht
exact wants of the houHo-kocpora at
il mudurato cost.
Good Bakkks I'krkbct Koastehs.4j
Sold with That Undkhstandino.
Reunoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Supply Co.
IngeisoH's Eulogy of Whisky.
"I send you dome of the most wonder
ful whisky that ever drove the skeleton
from tho feast, or painted landscaK'S In
the brain of man. Il I the mingled
souls of wheat and corn. In It you will
find the sunshlnn and shadow that
chased each other over billowy fields,
tho breath of June, the carol of the
lark, the dew of the night, the wealth
of summer and autumn's rich content,
all golden with Imprisoned light.
Drink It. and you will hear the volew of
men and maidens singing the 'Harvest
Homo,' mingled with the Imightcr of
children. Drink It, and you will feel
within your blood the starred dawns,
the dreamy, tawny dusks of perfect
days. For forty years this liquid joy
has been within staves of oak, longing
to touch tho Hps of man."
DR. J. M. Hl't'K I.RV'S RF.Pt.Y. -"I
send you some of the most wonder
ful whisky that ever brought a skeleton
Into the closet, or painted scenes of lust
and bloodshed In tho brain of man. It
Is the ghost of wheat and corn, crazed
by the hiss of their natural bodies. In
It you will find a transient sunshine,
chased by a shadow cold as Arctic mid
night, In which the breath of .lime
grows Icy, and the carol of the lark
gives place to the fnrhodlng cry of the
raven. Drink it. and you shall have
'woe,' 'sorrow,' 'bubbling.' and 'wounds
without cause;' 'your eyes shall behold
strange women' and your heart diall
'utter perverse things.' Drink It deep
and yon shall hear tho voice of demons
shrieking, women wailing and worse
than orphaned children mourning the
loss of a father who yet lives. Drink it
deep and long, and serpents will hiss In
your ears, coll themselves about your
neck and seize you with their fangs: for
at last It bltcth like asersnt andsting
cth llko an adder.' For forty years this
liquid death has been within staves of
oak, harmless there as purest water.
I send It to you that, you may put an
enemy in your mouth to steal away
your brains.' And yet I call myself
your friend." Exchange.
Low-Rat Excursion to Washington.
The Pennsyvanla Railroad Company
announces that on December 23, Feb
ruary 21, March 15 and April 7, It will
run special excursions from points on
the Philadelphia & Ki le Railroad, Erie
to Lock Haven, Inclusive, to Washing
ton, for the benefit of all who may want
to visit the National Capitol. Round
trip tickets, good going on all regular
trains on day of issue, and good return
ing on any regular train within ten days,
exclusive of going date, will be sold at
rate of 110.00 from Erie, St. Marys, and
Intermediate points; 98.05 from Drift
wood; 18.15 from Renovo; 97.30 from
Lock Haven; and proportionate rates
from other points.
Holders of Bpectal excursion tlckots
to Washington can purchase, at the
Pennsylvania Railroad ticket offices at
Washington, excursion tickets to Rich
mond at rato of $4.00 and to Old Point
Comfort (all rail) at l.0O; from the
pursers of the Norfolk and Washington
Steamboat Company excursion tickets
(not Including meals and staterooms on
steamers) to Old Point Comfort or Nor
folk, Va., at $:i..r)0, and to Virginia
Beach, Princess Anne Hotel, at 14.50;
and at the offices of the Washington,
Alexandria and Mt. Vernon Electric
Railway Company, excursion tickets to
Mt. Vernon and return at rate of 50
For full Information consult small
handbills, apply to ticket agents, or E.
S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agont, Wil
llamsport, Pa.
Hia Wife Saved Him.
"My wlfo's good advice sod my lifo,
writes F. M. Ross, of Winflold, Tone.,
"for I had Buch a bad cough I could hard
ly breathe, I steadily grew worse under
doctor's treatment, but my wife urged
me to use Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, which completely cured
me." Coughs, colds, bronchitis, la
grippe, pneumonia, asthma, hay fever
and all maladies of throat, ohest and
lungs are positively cured by this mar
volous medicine. 50o. and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free
at H. Alex Stake's drug store.
A Great Prize Offer.
We have a great prize oiler to make
the farmers of JetTerson county! By a
special arrangement with tho publishers
of the Fann Journal, a most exoellont
farm paper that costs 50 cents a year,
we are able to offer one year's subscrip
tion to THE Star and FIVE years' sub
scription to tho Farm Journal tho two
worth $:1.50 all for tho small sum of
tl.25. Of course this only applies to
advance paying subscribers. Wo can
furnish a few papers at this rato, and If
you want them on those terms, you
must aot quickly! Sumplo ooples of
tho Fann Journal will be sent free on
application. Address,
C. A. Stephenson,
Rcynoldsvlllo, Pa.
New Kinzua Bridge.
The stoel work for the new Kinzua
bridge to replace the present structure
Is about finished, and In April or May
at the latest, the old bridge will be torn
down and the new bridge substituted.
The present structure, which has be
came famous, and which has been visit
by ninny thousands of people. Is too
light to accommodate the heavy rolling
stock that modern railroads use at pres
ent and which they will use in the
future, and It has been found necessary
to substitute for It a heavier structure.
The new bridge will bo exactly the
same In construction and apiearance
but the steel work will be much heavier
and the bridge accordingly will bo much
stronger and able to handle the heaviest
trains that may bo drawn over It.
While the work Is being carried on the
Erie railroad will use the tracks of the
R, R. A P. railroad from Howard Junc
tion to Mt. .Tewett. Itlsexpected that it
will take three or four months to com
plete the work. The old stone work
will be used as It Is said to be sufficient
for the needs of the heaviest bridge.
Bradford 1'nnt.
Flo. Ida.
The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour
of the season to Jacksonville, allowing
two weeks in Florida, will leave Now
York and Philadelphia February fith.
Excursion tickets, Including railway
transHirtation. Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en route
In both directions whilo traveling on
the special train, will ho sold nt the
following rates: New York, $55.00;
Philadelphia, Hnrrlshurg, Baltimore
and Washington. $48.00; Pittsburg,
$53.00, and at proportionate rates from
other points.
For t Ickets.ltinerarlcs and other Infor
mation apply to ticket agents; Thos. E.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis
trict, Pittsburg, Pa . or to Geo. W.
Hi yd, Ass't General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station. Philadelphia.
Old People Made Young.
J. C. Shorman, the veteran editor of
the Vermontvllle (Mich.) JCrho, has
discovered tho remarkable secret of
keeping old people young. For years
he has avoided nervousness, sleepless
ness, Indigestion, heart trouble, consti
pation and rheumatism, by using Elec
trlo Bitters, and ho writes: "It can't
bo praised too highly. It gently stimu
lates the kidneys, tones the stomach,
aids digestion, and gives a splendid
appetite. It has worked wonders for
my wife and me. It's a marvelous rem
edy for old people's complaints." Only
50c. at H. Alex. Stake's drug store.
Africans and the Unattln,
The children of the desert were filled
with awe when first the slleuce of the
primeval solitude was broken by the
puffing of the steam engine. Dnwn nt
the other eud of the Cape to Cairo line
the simple Matabele, when first cou
fronted by a locomotive, were certain
that the strange machine was worked
by the labor of an Indefinite number of
oxen, which they assumed were shut
up Inside; hence, when the engine atop
ped, they gathered In curious crowds,
waiting to see the door open and the
oxen come out, nor could they for many
days be persuaded that the power of
the locomotive could come from other
than the strength of the ox.
The Arabs of the Sudan, more Imag
inative than the Mntnbcle. saw In the
Ore horses of the railway one of the
DJInns of the "Arabian Nights." har
nessed by the muglc of the Infidel to
the long train of cars. The steam en
gine was to them a living, sentient
being. Of which belief there Is curi
ous evldcutc In the fact that on one
occasion a sheik made an Impassioned
remonstrance against the cruelty of
making so small an engine draw so
huge a train. Windsor Magazine.
Time to G1t tip.
An Iowa Judge recently related an
amusing Incident that bad occurred In
his court when a colored man was
brought up for some petty offense. The
charge was read, and aa the statement
"Tho state of Iowa against John
Jones" was read In a loud voice the
colored man's eyes bulged nearly out
of their sockets and he seemed over
come with terror anil astonishment.
When ho was asked if he had anything
to say or plended guilty or not guilty,
he gasped out:
"Well, yo' honnh, ef de whole state
' Iowa is ng'ln dls ono pore nlggah I'ze
gwlno to give up right now!"
Shan-Ins; Him Haw.
"You young scoundrel!" said the fa
ther, 'seizing his disobedient son by the
hair. "I'll show you how to treat your
And he at once proceeded to show
young hopeful tho way by banging him
across tho ears two or threo times and
then shaking him until his hair begun
to fall out.
Teacher How do you account for the
phenomenon of (low?
Boy Well, you see, the earth re
Tolvea on Its axis every 24 hours, aud
In consequence of this tremendous pace
It perspires freely. London Tlt-Blts.
It la Ahnnt the Mast Terrlhlc Insert
Pest In the World.
"Nothing thnt has ever been written
about the nretle mosquito begins to
come up to the real thing." said a guest
In the St. Charles corridor the other
evening. "I went up the Yukon river
In the summer of l.SOrt, representing
the Alaska and Dominion Trading
company, nnd we struck mosquitoes as
soon as we got Into the hills. They are
twice as In i pe as our familiar bayou
species, and their sting Is like the prod
of a hot needle. They sweep along the
valleys In dense clouds, and If they
catch a man unprepared they are liable
to Mind him before he can escte. ' I
heard stories of children being stung to
death and ran readily believe them.
"Whenever we went ashore we wore
heavy hat nets and took the utmost
precaution, but were certain to suffer
more or less. One of our party cut the
tongues out of his shoes, and ft narrow
line of sock was exposed under the lac
ing. Next day he was bitten there at
least a hundred times, and his feet
were so terribly Inflamed that the shoes
had to be rut off.
"Another mnn, a fireman In the boat
crew, got drunk on Alaska whisky one
afternoon and lay down to take nnp
In a rorner of the engine room. I no
ticed him ft little Inter and was horri
fied at the solid brown mass of mos
quitoes that had settled on a small ex
posed section of his cheek and throat.
In an hour his face was swollen out of
all resemblance to anything human, ho
was nimble to swallow and was burn
ing with fever. It was a week before
be was able to be about. I saw a num
ber of cattle near Fort Hamilton that
had been made stone blind by stings
near the eye.
"The arctic foothill mosquito Is with,
out doubt the most terrible Insect pest
In the world." New Orleans Times-Democrat.
He Tried to Assert HI Independence,
bat Felled Mlserahlf.
The writer remembers a good mnny
years ago when the late Ezeklel Clarke
was a memlier of the stnte senate from
Johnson county. It Is well known Hint
the sen i tor or member from Johnson
county Is always expected to get a
large appropriation for the state uni
versity. To fall would be political
death. Senator Clarke was anxious
to succeed aud during the early part
of the session voted for everything.
If another senator had a bill, all he
bad to do was to go and whisper In
Ezeklrl's ear, and be would vote "aye."
One day, however, Ezeklel came Into
the senate with balr cut and a clean
ahave. He sat upright In his seat and
began to slaughter right and left.
State Senator George F. Wright look
ed across to where the senator from
Johnson was sitting and Inquired what
change had eome over the senator
from Johnson county. The other sen
ator replied that the appropriation bill
for the state university had now pass
ed both houses, and the senator from
Johnson was going to make up for
lost time.
Clarke kept on punching heads until
the senator from Jefferson, Moses A.
McCold. rose and solemnly Introduced
bill for an act entitled "An act
repealing the npproprlntlnn for the
state university." A broad smile pass
ed around the room, nnd everybody
except the senator from Johnson saw
the Joko. But the spirit of levity pars
ed nwny from Kenntnr Clarke. He nt
once assumed hlx humble attitude, nnd
tho other boys voted him ns usual dur
ing the remainder of the session. lies
Moines Capitiil.
The Architect.
One must wonder why It really Is
that so little Is said or thought about
architecture, the grandest, the mother,
of all arts, a great, a most useful, sci
ence, one lu which a greater revolution
has lately token place and In which
more progress has been made, with
moro stupendous results, thau In any
other, remarks a writer In The Inter
national. Magnzlne.
Was It not Richelieu who, paraphras
ing nn ancient writer, said: "If It Is
versatility you seek, go And an archi
tect lie must be an artist, or his
buildings will offend the eye; an engi
neer, of tuey will crumble Into trouble;
a lawyer, or ho will get his pntrons In
to trouble; a doctor, or his buildings
will be hyglenlcnlly unfit to live In,
and, last, but not least, he must be a
gcntlcmnn, or we will have nothing to
do with him."
Art ana SJnture.
The milkmaid with the picture hat
and the brocaded silk skirt tossed her
"In society, I suppose, I should be an
Impossible peruou," sho exclaimed,
"but It's dlffereut lu nit."
And after nil, to bo perfectly candid,
there U nothing essentially degrading
about milking an art cow. Detroit
Just the Thlnic.
"Iu every city of reasonable slue,"
said Brown, "they ought to have a
Mothers' Exchange."
"What for?" queried Jones.
"Why, every woiimu kuows exactly
Just how every other woman's child
ought to be raised, and by trading
mothers every child could got a proper
training." Kansas City Star.4
A potato w nt nn a manh
And animlii an onion bed.
"Tbet'a f c lor me," obicrved tha aquaifc, 1
Ami all the beeta turned red.
"tin away," the onion. woeplnff, crled
"Your love I cannot bt;
Tha pumpkin be your lawful bride.
You centalnoe with mt."
But rmward ettll the tnher cams
Ami laid down at htf ftet;
"You oaulitloWff by any name,
And It will emcll aa wheat
And I, too, am an early row,
And yon I've come to fee.
Bo dfpn't turn tin your lovely note,
But apinai-hat with met" a
"I do not carrot all to wed,
So e;n. air. If you pleaae,"
The mndrvt onion meekly aald,
"And lettuce, pray, have neaal
Cto think that you have never aeea
Myaelf or emelled my alsh.
Too Ionic a maiden I have bees
For favora in your eye!"
"Ah. rpare cute!" the tuber prayed
"My cherryaheO bride you'll be
Toil are the only weeping maid
That'i currnnt now with mel"
And aa the wily tuber epoke
lie cmivlit her by aurprlee
And. Riving her an artichoke,
Devoured her Willi hia cyee.
St. Uvula Republic.
Tha Herd .Inh One Boy Had All tha
War to Rflrope,
Tho girls who have complained In
various keys because they had dishes
to wash may he glad to hear of a
young mnn who enn look at the mat
ter through their eyes, perhaps more
so. lie hud shipped as "boy" on a cat
tle steamer for Europe because he
wanted to save as much as possible on
his transportation, nnd but the rest of
the story sounds better In his own
"About 4:.".o In tho morning I was
awnkcued and lold to go to work. I
hastily dressed, for the first and Inst
time on Imnrd. for during tho rest of
the voyage I took enre not to undress.
It seemed scarcely worth while. I ar
rived on deck and found the steward
wnltlng for me. He showed me Into
the pantiy, introduced me to 'Fonts,'
as the pantryman was called, and told
me thnt my chief duty during the voy
age would be to wash dishes.
"There, was nlready ft large pile of
dirty dishes waiting to be washed, and
I rolled up my sleeves, fixed the hot
water nnd began to work. 1 had these
almost done when another and larger
lot was brought In from the dining
room. This proved to be the dally pro
gramme. I no sooner had one pile
washed than others were brought In,
and I was never done. I don't think
I ever snw so mnny dishes before In
my life, and I hops I never shall again.
There were 1W passengers aboard be
sides the cattlemen, and six meal
were served ench day. From tha
dishes thnt cauic out to bo washed, I
think that ench passenger must have
used at least six plates at a meal."
Detroit Free Press.
Destroying the Point. I
Every one knows the man who Id
notorious for so telling a story as to
destroy Its point. An English noble
man. Lord P., was noted for his suc
cess In thus ruining the prosperity of
a story. The author of "Collections
and Recollections" exhibits a specimen
of his lordship's peculiar art.
Thirty years ngo two large houses
were built nt Albert Gate, London, the
size and cost of which seemed likely to
prohibit tenants from hiring them. A
i wag chrlsi'-ii'd them "Malta and Olb
1 rnllar benusc U;ey can never bo
1 taken."
! Lord P. thought this nn excellent
' joke ami run round tho town, saying to
: every friend he met:
"I say, do you know what they call
I those houses at Albert Gate? They
j call them .Malta and Gibraltar because
I they can never let them. Isn't It aw
fully good?"
Home one told Lord P. the old rid
dle, "Why was the elephant tho Inst
animal to get Into the ark?" to which
tho answer Is, "Iteennse he hnd to puck
his trunk."
Lord P. asked the riddle of the next
friend he met and gave aa the answer,
"Because he had to pack his portmnn
teau." The Center of Population.
"Census experts estimate," says the
Chicago I'ost, "that the center of popu
lation will be found next year to bo In
Indiana, close to the Illinois line, at a
point not far removed from tho town
of Vlneennes. Tho last census showed
tho population center to be between
Columbus, hid., nud Cincinnati. The
Increase In the population of Georgia.
Texas, the Indian. Territory, Oklahoma.
New Mexico and Arizona during the
last teu years has been sutllclent. it la
thought, to offset any Increase lu the
northwest mi l to possibly pull the cen
ter somewhat to the south of tho 181M)
parallel. The wealth center Is thought
to be in the neighborhood of San
dusky, O."
Two Paints of View,
"My children, " snid the pour man
sadly, "nro trying for bread. "
"Win li i.iiows, " replied tho rh.h uiuu
coldly, "how much you have to be
thiuiki'nl fur. Now, mine ure crying for
bonbons." Brooklyn Lifo.
Sharks were ulmnst uiiUtiowu lu thu
Adriatic until the Suez canal was
opened. Now the harbors of Fluuie
aud PoU ara so lufouted witU Iheiu
thr resident dare no longer bathe In