The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 24, 1900, Image 1

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    VOLUME 8.
If All
J. J. Suiter, Proprietor,
The Cheapest PlaGe
- to BuuGlotninQ is at
Call and be convinced how cheap you can buy
Men's and Boys' Suits and
MWs Suits, worsted, 4.75 to $10.00; Men's Cheviot
Suits, $4.50 to 10.00; Men's Kersey Overcoats for $5.00;
everybody else will ask you $9.00 for same; Men's Overcoats
$6.00, worth $10.00; Youths' Storm Overcoats 3.50 to
$5.00, worth 6.00 to 9.00.
. Men's and Boys' Underwear.
M&ns fleece-lined 25 cts. apiece; the very best of
Men's fleece-lined at 45 cts. apiece. Bovs' fleece-lined 25
cts., worth 40 cts.
Ladies' Department.
Indies' Tailor-made Suits, Skirts, Plush Capes, Col
larettes, Fur Capes, fec, cheaper than they are now selling
at the factories.
I bought my goods before the advance In prices and you will get the
benefit of oheap buying.
The Jefferson Supply Co,
at Reynoldsville, Rathmel
and Big Soldier
are receiving daily new Fall Stocks of Men's and Boys'
Clothing, Shoea, Hats and Caps at the right prices. A
large assortment
(Get our
Our second floor iB full
vrta. We still have some barpn'in lines that we are
To take up your time reading long
lists of articles on pale at my ptore.
All I a?k of you is to come and pee
my goods and compare prices. Space
will not permit giving you full list of
prices but 1 will offer all
Ladies' JaGkets,
Gapes and Collarettes
flt 10 per cent Reduction
Now is time to get bargains. For
Tailor-Made Suits and Jackets
this is the place to get them. I will
guarantee good fits and perfect satis
faction. Remember the place on corner
of Main and 4th streets, in Centennial
lieynoldsrillc, Pa.
m. w
Rllt. t.tiA boat, mntnt'iula urtA umrlr.4
manHhip enter into the construe-
t.lnn nt
till N n FD.F5 1 ol rj$$i 1
k.yi - - , ,iTaf"rr
Made with a view of suiting the,
exact wants of the house-keepers at'
a moderate cost.
Good Bakers Perfect Roasters.
Sold with That Understanding.
Reunoldsvllle Hardware Go.
of New Furniture and Car-
Old People Made Young.
J. C. Shorman, tho veteran editor of
the Vermont vlllo (Mich.) JSrha, has
discovered tho remarkable secret of
keeping old people young. For years
ho has avoided nervousness, sleepless
ness, Indigestion, heart trouble, consti
pation and rheumatism, by using Elcc
trie Bitters, and ho writes: "H can't
be praised too highly. It gently stimu
lates tho kidneys, tones the stomach,
aids digestion, and gives a splendid
appetite. It has worked wonders for
my wife and me, It's a marvelous rem
edy for old people's complaints." Only
50c. at H. Alex. Stoke's drug store.
Low-Kate Excursion to Washington.
The Ponnsyvanla Railroad Company
announces that on December 23, Feb
ruary 21, March 15 and April 7, It will
run special excursions from points on
tho Philadelphia Krie Railroad, Erie
to Iytek Haven, inclusive, to Washing
ton, for the benefit of all who may want
to visit tho Nat ional Capitol. Round
trip tickets, good going on all regular
trains on day of Issue, and good return
ing on any regular train within ten days,
exclusivo of going date, will be sold at
rale of $10.00 from Erie. St. Marys, and
intermediate points; $8.05 from Drift
wood; $8.15 from Renovo; $7.30 from
Look Haven; and proportionate rates
from other points.
Holders of special oxcur.-lon tickets
to Washington can purchase, at tho
Pennsylvania Railroad ticket, offices at
Washington, excursion tickets to Rich
mond at rate of $4.00 and to Old Point
Comfort (all rail) at $6.00; from the
pursers of the Norfolk and Washington
Steamboat Company excursion tickets
(not including meals and staterooms on
steamers) to Old Point Comfort or Nor
folk, Va at $3.50, and to Virginia
Beach, Princess Anne Hotel, at $4.. 10;
and at the offices of the Washington,
Alexandria and Mt. Vernon Electric
Railway Company, excursion tickets to
Mt. Vernon and return at rate of SO
For full Information consult small
handbills, apply to ticket agents, or E.
S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Wil
liamsport, Pa.
We Also Sell Cigars, Knives and
Sporting Ooodh. Call and
See our Stock.
If not call on us and
we can please you with
any kind of shoos.
from $1.25 up.
at all prices.
We have Bpoclultlos In
men's shoes.
We Have the finest line
of Shoes at low prices in
Viewers' Report.
In tho matter of the petition of the
borough of Reynoldsville, for the H
polntinent of viewers to ascertain the
costs, damage and expenses and assess
the benefits for the construction ol a
sewer In Willow alley, from 5th street
to a point In said alley near Pitch Pine
In tho Court of Common Pleas of Jef
ferson county, No. 27, .Ian. Term, A. I).
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned viewers appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson
county, In the foregoing matter, filed
their report In tho said court on the
22nd day of Jan. A. D. 1000. and unless
exceptions thereto are filed within
thirty (30) days from the said date of
filing, their report will be confirmed
Following Is a scchdulo of the dam
ages, cost and expenses of the Improve
ments, the damages as ascertained and
allowed and the benefits assessed as
shown by the report and tho schedule
filed In the court aforesaid.
Chas. A. Hkrfel, )
W. 9. Ross. Viewers.
Lew Schuckers, i
Assessment of costs and expenses:
Total cost and expenses, $321 73
Total cost of Improvements, $321 73
Assessment of procrtlcB peculiarly
benefited to pay total damages, costs
and expenses. Total damages, costs
and expenses, $321 73.
Construction of sewers In Willow al
ley from Fifth street to a point In said
alley near Pitch Pine Run.
North Hide Asspns- Am't Amt
men?. Paid. Due.
Robert Wilson $30 38 Not hlng $30 38
ST Reynolds H 84 " 14 84
Dr J B Sterley 31 27 " 31 27
Fred Burns 14 48 " 14 48
Mrs Jos Morrison 14 74 " 14 74
John H Corbett 31 80 " 31 8rt
E C Burns 15 44 " 15 44
Horn h Side.
O Lvon 15 04 " 15 P4
Mrs Allco Hall 8 44 " 8 44
R K Dunn 8 44 " 8 44
WC268POSofA 8 44 " 8 44
M M Davis 8 44 " 8 44
CO Gibson 8 44 " 8 44
EzraNeff 8 44 " 8 44
McCIiiro & Smith 17 00 " 17 00
W T Cox ft 55 5 55
W R Alexander 5 ft " ft ft!)
Daniel Nolan 7 44 7 44
Nathan Hanau 7 22 " 7 22
Wm & H Priester 8 58 " 8 58
T C Revnolds 8 44 " 8 44
M AMg'ler 8 44 " 8 44
Mrs WH Moore 04 " l4
Green & Conser 20 04 " 20 04
Amount assessed against the borough
of Reynoldsville, being the difference
between the total amount of damages,
cost and expenses of said Improvement
and the total amount of special or pe
culiar benefits.
Assess- Am't Am't
ment. Paid. Hue.
Brought forwd.$32l 73 Nothing $321 73
Bor. ofReyn. Nothing " Nothing
Totals $321 73 " $321 73
All of which Is respectfully submitted.
Chas. A. Herpel,
W. 8. Ross. j. Viewers.
Levi Schuckers, ' j
la the matter of the petition of the
borough of Reynoldsville, for the ap
pointment of viewers, to ascertain the
cost and damages and expenses and
assess the benefit for the construction of
a sewer In Gordon alley from Seventh
street, thence In Gordon alloy to Sixth
street,, to intersect public sower In said
Gordon alley.
la the court of common Picas of Jef
ferson county, No. 21) January Term,
A. D. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned viowers, appointed by tho
Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson
county In tho foregoing matter, filed
their report In the said court on tho
22nd day of January, A. D. 1900, and
unless exceptions thereto are filed
within thirty (30) days from tho said
date of filing, their report will be con
firmed absolutely.
Following is a schedule of tho dam
ages, cost and expensos of tho Improve
ment, the damages as ascertained and
allowed and the benefits assessed as
shown by the roport and schedule filed
In the court aforesaid.
Chas. A. Herpel, )
W.S.Ross, Viowers.
Levi Schuckers, )
Assessment of costs and expenses:
Total cost and ex pensos, $ 1 24 88
Total cost of Improvements, 124 88
Assessment of properties peculiarly
benefited to pay total damages, costs
and expenses. Total damages, costs and
expenses, $124.88.
Construction of sewer In Gordon alley
from Seventh streot In Gordon alley to
Sixth street to intersect public sower In
Gordon alley.
North Hide Assess- Am't Am't
ini'iil. I'uiil. Hue.
CJKuss $215Nothlng$21li5
Rev T Brady and ) rn , ,, r ...
Bishop T Mullen f " 10 5010
Jacob Booth 20 20 " 20 20
South Hide.
Mrs Franoes Lano.Nothlug " Nothing
Annie F Ewing " " "
Henry Feath " " "
Margaret Cain " " "
Logan Est.orT Logan " " "
Rev T Brady " " "
Amount assessed against tho borough
of Reynoldsville, being the difference
between the total amount of dumages,
cost and expenses of said Improvement
and the total amount of special or pecu
liar benefits.
Assess- Am't Am't
nitnt. Paid. line.
Brought forward $01 W5 Nothing $01 05
Bor.of Itoyn. 32 03 " 32 B3
Totals, $124 88 " $124 8H
All of which Is respectfully submitted.
Chas. A. Herpel, j
W. S. Rons, Viowers.
Levi Schl'kers, )
Id the matter of the petition of the
borough of Reynoldsville, for the op-
polntment of viewers to ascertain the
cost, and damnges and expenses and
assess tliu benefits for tho construction
of public sewer from th street theneo
in Grant street and 5th street to Inter
sect with public sewer In Willow alley.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Jef
ferson county, No. 28, January term,
A. D. 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned viewers, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson
county, in tho foregoing matter, filed
their report in said Court on the 22nd
day of Janunry, A. D. 1900, and unless
exceptions thereto are filed within thirty
(30) days from the said date of filing,
their report will be confirmed absolutely.
Following Is the schedule of the dam
ages, costs and expenses of the Improve
ment, the damages as ascertained and
allowed and the benefits assessed as
chown by the report and schedule filed
In the court aforesaid.
Chas. A. Herpel, 1
W. S. Ross. Viewers,
Levi schuckers. )
Assessment of costs and expenses;
Total cost and expenses, $326 68
Totnl cost of Improvement, 326 68
Assessment of properties peculiarly
benefited to pay total damages, costs
and expenses. Total costs and expenses,
Construction of sewer from 6th street,
thence in Grunt street and fith street to
Intersect with public sewer In Willow
North Side Assess- Am't Am't
mi'iit. r.Jcl. Due.
.1 B Arnold $17 83 Nothing $17 83
Dr W B Alexander 17 1 " 17 1
MrsClaraAlexander 11 82 " 1182
J J Sutter 23 05 " 23 5
Jesse L Test. Est. 23 05 " 23 65
C A St. p'lenson 1182 " 1182
Mrs M .1 Spnigue 11 82 " 11 82
Mrs EM Johnson 23 25 " 23 25
Smith Side
Mrs M .1 MeEnteer 14 IS " 14 15
Nlnian Cooper 14 15 " 14 15
Mrs Julia Rlston 14 15 " 14 15
Dr B E Hoover 14 15 ' 14 15
E T MeGaw 14 15 " 14 15
Mrs A P Blng 14 15 " 14 15
1 L Beobe 14 35 " 14 35
Mrs Flnr. Lowthcr 1182 " 1182
Pres. ehuieh Tiust. 10 06 " 10
Alex Riston lOtlrt " 10 06
Amount assessed against the borough
of Reynoldsville. being the difference
between the total amount of damages,
cost and expenses of said Improvement
and the total amount of special or pe
culiar benefits.
Assess- Am't Am't
ment. Paid. line.
Brought forw'd $283 44 Nothing $283 44
BoK ofReyn. 43 24 " 43 24
Totals. $326 68 " $326 68
All of which Is restvetfullv submitted.
Chas. A. Herpel. )
W. 8. Rors. V Viewers.
Levi Schuckers,
In tho matter of the petition of tliu
borough of Reynoldsville. for the ap
pointment of viowers to ascertain the
costs, damnges and expenses, and assess
the benefits for the construction of a
sower In Hill street from an alley near
the estate of James Flynn, deceased,
thence in Hill street to intersect with
public sewer in Fourth street.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Jef
ferson county, No. 30, January Term,
A. D. 1000.
Notion Is hereby given that the un
dersign d viowers, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson
county, In tho foregoing matter, filed
thoir report in tho said court on tho
22nd day of January, A. D. 1000, and
unless exceptions thereto are filed with
in thirty (30) days from said date of
filing, their report will ho confirmed
Following Is a suhedulo of tho dam
ages, cots and expenses of the Improve
ment, the damages as ascertained and
allowed ami tho benefits assessed ns
shown by the report mid schedule) (lied
In the Court aforesaid.
Chas. A. Herpel, I
W. S. Ross, 1 Viewers.
Levi Schuckkhs, (
Assessment of cost and expensos:
Total cost and expensos, $.'123 25
Total cost of improvement, 323 25
Assessment of properties peculiarly
bcneilted to iivay total damages, cost anil
expenses. Total damages, cost and ex
penses $323.25.
Const met ion of sewer In Hill street
from an alloy near Flynn's estate, thence
In Hill street to Intersect with public
sewer on Fourth street.
North Hide. Assess- Am't Am't
menl. Paid. Due.
Andrew Denuey $11 "4Nothing$ll 74
Mrs M J Sehlabig 1174 " 1174
SMMeCreight 1174 " 1174
Ira S Smith 1174 " 1174
m t-fn , in mm r 11 mt
Jos Struss Estate f '
" 11 74
" 11 74
" 1174
" 11 74
" 11 04
" 1174
" 11 74
" 1 1 66
" 1174
" 10 11
" 11 40
" 40 00
" 28 70
. 1160
" 1 1 60
" 11 60
" 1160
" 1160
" 15 40
C T Dean and
Mrs C A Perry
11 74
Mrs Mary MiHirQn 1174
J Van Reed 11 74
D Postlethwalt 1104
Henry Prlester 11 74
William Brloster 1174
David Hartman 11 66
R A Hildcrbrand 1174
E Swanson 16 11
South Side.
J Flynn K,tuto 11 40
Ezra Neir 40 00
MMDuvis 28 70
C Hoffman 1160
EzraNoff 1160
D Wheeler 1160
A Wheeler 1160
David Hetrlck 1160
Mary DSchultx 15 40
Amount asicHtod airuinst the borough
of Reynoldsvlllo, being the dlfforenoo
between tho amount of damages, cost
and expenses of said Improvements and
tho total amount of special or peculiar
Assess- Am't Am't
ment. Pttld. Due.
Brought forward $.323 25 Nothing $323 25
Bor. of Reyn. Nothing " Nothing
Totals $323 2Ti ' " $323 25
All of which Is resk)ctfully submitted.
('has. A. Herpel, J
W. 8. Ross, V Viewers.
Levi Schuckers, )
In tho matter of tho petition of tho
borough of Reynoldsville for tho ap
pointment of viewers to nrcci'tnin the
cost, damages and expenses and assess
the benefits for the construction of a
sewer In Gordon alley, from Sixth street
to a point In said Gordon alley near
Pitch Pine Run.
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Jefferson county, No. 31, January term,
A. D. 1000.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned viewers, appointed by tho
Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson
county In the foregoing matter, filed
their report In the said court on the
22nd day of January, A. 1)., 1!NX), and
unless exceptions thereto oro filed
within 30 days (30) days from snld date
of filing, their report will be confirmed
Following Is a schedule of tho dam
ages, costs and expenses of the Improve
ments, the damages as ascertained and
allowed and the benefits assessed as
shown by the report and rchedulu filed
In the court aforesaid.
Charles A. Herpel, 1
W.S.Ross, Viewers.
Levi Schuckers. )
Assessment of costs and expenses:
Total cost and expenses, $060.08
Total cost of Improvements, $600.08
Assessment of properties peculiarly
benefited to pay damages, costs and ex
penses. Total cost and expenses, $660.08.
Construction of sewer In the Gordon
alley from Sixth street to a point In
said Gordon alley near Piteh Pine Run.
North Side. Assess- Am't Am't
ment. Paid. Due.
Dr J C King $24 52 Nothing $24 52
John H Corbett 18 08 " 18 08
Mrs FK Arnold 14 20 " 14 20
Dr A H Bowser 14 00 " 14 00
Miss Oral M'Crelght 16 25 " 10 25
Dr J B Sterley 8 36 " 8 36
Robert Wilson 8 60 " 8 00
MrsLE Woodward 836 " 836
G W Spraguo ' 8 30 " 8 3(1
Mrs Mary Taufa 8 36 " 8 30
J Van Reed 24 75 " 24 75
ADDeemor 16 05 " 16 05
Dr BE Hoover 6 22 " 0 22
William Foster 1118 " 1118
Robert Bone 5 06 " 5 06
Wheeler-Henry Bros 11 04 " 1104
R J Rnynolds 33 40 " 33 4(1
Reyn Bdg&ImpCo 9 04 " 1104
Gottlieb Bohren 8 30 " 8 36
H A Stoke 7 03 " 7 03
Pat McDonald 17 31) " 17 30
DegnanA M Donald 7 04 " 7 04
W Hdt Helena Bell V 84 " 1184
Daniel Nolan 25 01 " 25 01
.1 A H C Delble 41 41 11 41 41
Thomas Tapper I) 06 " 0 116
South side.
Dr J C King nothing " nothing
John H Corbett nothing " nothing
P. M. Hardman nothing " nothing
MrsMinnleRhoden " " nothing
MrsJBNeal 14 00 ' 14 00
M Gelsler 14 00 " 14 00
E D Hartman 14 00 " 14 00
M E Ch'ch.Trustees 28 28 28 28
Abr Pierce 32 02 " 32 02
E T MeGaw 8 86 " 8 86
8 Armaghost 1101 " 1191
M rs Har'et Repsher 13 31 " 13 31
Math Mohney 16 00 " 16 00
John Rankus 8 64 " 8 64
James Degnan 9 10 " 9 10
Pat McDonald 67 2fi " 67 25
MrsJEBolnap 16 53 " 16 63
Mrs Amelia Smith 15 15 " 15 15
John C Dlllman IS 23 11 15 23
Amount assessed against tho borough
of Reynoldsvlllo, being the difference
between the total amount of damages,
cost and expenses of said Improvement
and tho total amount of special or pe
culiar benefits.
Assess- Am't Am't
menl. Paid. Due.
Uroimht forward tUMMM imthlnK t-MMM
llor'h of Ruynoldsv'l I. OS noihliiit n'llUnK
' Totals ftWW.IIS nothliiit n'thliiK
All of which Is respectfully submitted.
ClIARr.KS A. IlKRPKli. 1
W. S. Ross,
J Viewers.
Levi Schuckers,
Made Young Again.
Ono of Dr. King's Now Life Pills each
night for two weeks has put mo In my
'teens' again," writes D. II. Turner, of
Dempseytown, Pa. Theyr'e tho best in
tho world for liver, stomach and bowels.
Purely vegotable. Never grlpo. Only
25c. at H. Alex. Stoke's drug store.
Tho first Pennsylvania Railroad tour
of tho season to Jacksonville, allowing
two weeks in Florida, will leave Now
York and Philmlclphia February 0th.
Excursion tickets, Including railway
transportation, Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en route
In both directions while traveling on
the special train, will bo sold at the.
following rates: Now York, $55.00;
Philadelphia, Harrlsburg, Baltimore
and Washington,' $48.00; Pittsburg,
$53.00, and at proportionate rates from
other points.
For tickota, Itineraries and other Infor
mation apply to ticket agonts; TIiob. E.
Watt, Passongor Agent Western Dis
trict, Pittsburg, Pa., or to Geo. W.
Boyd.'Ass't Genoral Passenger Agent,
Broad Streot Station. Philadelphia. .
His Wife Saved Him.
"My wife's good advice saved my life,
writes F. M. Ross, of Wlnllold, Tenn.,
"for I had such a bad cough I could ljard
ly breathe, I steadily grow worse under
doctor's treatment, hut my wife urged
mo to use Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, which completely cured
me." Coughs, colds, bronchitis, la
grlpiio, pneumonia, asthma, hay fover
and all maladies of throut, client and
lungs are positively curod by thl mar
velous mudlolne. &0c. and $1.00. Evorjf - '
bottle guaranteed.- Tiiul bottles free
at p. Alox Stoke's drug store. ,