The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 10, 1900, Image 4

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    mt Star.
Mmrrlpiion tiMt per imr, or $1.00 if
pm'il Ktrictly in mlrniire.
'. A. D rKPHIHINi Mitttor and Pak.
A n tndnHMitlittt leeal Mr, putll'lnni,rv
Wadnrailay m. KcynoliliivlUii, jslfwrsun I'o.
Pa.. ili'Vnlt'rt m I hit Interests of Keynolilsvllln
una JenYrsnnroiinl v. N(iit-Ntlltli'iil, will trcnt
II wllh fulrnoi, mill will lii-ipo lBlly friend
ly towards I Its lnlxirlna rlsss.
8iilaerltlon price ll. iImt yesr. In ndrnmn.
OfiniinuiilciitloMH Intended for imlillfnl ln
must be KromnimnluU hy the writer's nam,
not for ymillriitlmi, hut a a iiarnie of
Rnnd faltn. Interpstlnir news Itt.inn snllrtted.
AdvertMnv rules tnnda known on apidlra
tlonnl the nlflre In rnsdillrh-llnnry llliM'k,
Lenghty rmiiiumtlrHllnns and chnnse of
advert Inemenls should reach Hits oflles by
llondhy noon .
Address nil rrnnmiinlratlons toO. A.flteph
ensMti, Heynnldsvllle, Pa.
Entered nl the pnslnfflr It Reynoldsrltle,
Pit., a seennd elass mall matter,
Thorn are to-ilny 40,000 negro students
In tho higher educational Institutions
of this country.
If nil tho money In tho world mi
divided equally among the people each
person would trot iiIhiii t IHO.OO,
Every baby Is tho sweetest baby In
the world. You wore once considered
the sweetest thing In the world, al
though you limy not lix.k It now.
Wo are nd viand to take thlnif" an they
come. To some this advice is useliss,
an they naturally tako everything that
comes If they can carry it away,
Tho French statistician, Dr. Llvrlor,
nays half of all human beings die before
seventeen; that only one person In 10,0(10
lives to be 100 years old, and that only
nno person out of every 1,000 lives to be
A German biologist nays that tho
two sides of tho face are never alike; In
two cases out of five tho eyes are out of
line; one eye Is stronger than the other
In seven nut of ten, and the right eye Is
generally higher than tho left.
There Is scarcely a family in tho land
Into whom; home somn nowspaper of
some description does not find Its way.
The members of that family may never
look Inside the cover of a magazine, but
they experience a sensation of loss If
their newspaper fails to reach them.
Tho silk worm was originally found
In China, and fabrics of this material
wore made in that country about 2,700
D. C. It is claimed that IKK) yards of
silk is produced by a single worm, and
there are nearly thirteen pounds of
waHto silk, designated as "thrown silk,"
for every pound of silk.
Id speaking of Republican candidates
for tho Congressional Indorsement of
this county, Hon. W. O. Smith, editor
of tho Punxsutawney Spirit, who Is a
candidate himself, says: "Up to the
hour of going to press wo have hoard of
but three candidates spoken of for the
Congressional indorsement of Jofferson
county. They aro J. B. Hondorson, of
Brookville, and A. J, Truitt, Esq., and
W. O. Smith, of I'unxsutawney. Mr.
Henderson has not positively announced
his Intention of becoming a candidate,
nor has he said that he would not be.
We understand .that Mr. Truitt has
made up his mind to run, and we are
fully assured that Mr. Smith will sub
mit his caso to the people. While the
other asplrantB are both gentlemen of
character and calibre, against whom we
have nothing to say, we havo no hesi
tancy In assorting that we are for Smith.
We have reliable Information to the
effect that his chief object In wishing to
servo tho people tn the legislature was
to acquire tho training necessary to fit
him for Congress, and to uso that office
as a stopping stone to the highor posi
tion, and wo would not llko to see him
thrown overboard when ho is apparent
ly on e verge of realizing his ambi
tions. We would therefore ask our
friends to glvo Smith a kindly boost to
help to lund htm In Congress.
Inalocturo during the recent Institute
In Jefferson county, Dr. O. T. Corson,
of Columbus, Ohio, president of Nation
al Eduoatlonal Association, said: "Tho
business of tho home and of the school
is to build up character. The average
publlo school Is run with less friction
than the average homo. Moral train
ing should not be merely a name, as re
spect for home and school government
is the best safuty-guard a young man
may have. The home should stand by
the school. One of the greatest prob
lems Is not so much how to teach or
w hat to teach, but how to keep boys and
girls out of society long enough to pre
pare thorn for the right kind of society.
Few young people's nerves are destroyed
by over-work or over-study; but many
by loss of sleep and trying to fulfil) so
ciety requirements. Hard work seldom
kills. Thomas Edison could not belong
to a labor organization for he works
' many hours over time every day. The
schools are suffering from criticism by
those who never enter a school room,
just aa church troubles generally arise
from those who are least regular in at
tendance and pay the least for church
support. The home and the school
should oome luto friendly, sympathetic
touches. Each wave of progress tides
us on to a hlgherclvlllzatlon, which can
be traced to the home, the church and
the publlo school."
Army leggings for men at William's
shoe store.
- A beautiful oil painting given away
with every pair of Queen Quality shoes
bought at Johnston & Nolan's.
Oood Cong resaional Timber.
The following Is from the Forest
litliuhlkon, edited by Hon. J. E. Wenk,
who served two sessions In tho Legis
lature with Hon. W. O. Smith, and
ought to know what he Is talking about:
"The matter of the election of a new
Congress will again engross th atten
tion of the people this yoar, and soon
the candidates will be announced for
the nominating convontlona that will
be taking place early In the spring.
In this connection It Is Interesting to
note a now name that now and then Is
mentioned for such honors. As, for In
stance, that of Hon. W. O. Smith, of
Jefferson county, who will be a lending
factor in the canvass about to begin for
tho nomination of a Republican candi
date In the 21st district, composed of
Jefferson, Indiana, Armstrong and
Westmoreland counties. If every voter
were thoroughly acquainted with Mr.
Smith's peculiar fitness for this place,
and then wore us thoroughly truo to
his own Interests and the greatest good
to his own district, the mere annmincu
ment that ho would submit his name to
the Republicans for their consideration,
would bo sufficient to secure III in the
nomination without a slnglu further
effort. But of course this Is not the
caso, and there Is need therefore that
the candidate must acquaint his toople
with his claims in order to receive their
supMirt, and this is not always an easy
matter nor very pleasant thing for
him to do In his own behalf. Few men
In the State from the country counties
have bad a greater or more varied ex
perience, or better t-clioulliig In matters
of legislation than W. (). Smith, and
finely no man has gained morn wisdom
from that experience thnn he, all of
which would be turned to gsw account
for the benefit of his constituents were
he sent to Congress. The happy faculty
of making friends In tho leglslaturn was
one of his strong points, and we doubt
whothor any othor member bad so many
as ho during any of tho four sessions ho
passed at Harrlsburg. Through two of
these sessions the writer sat with Mr.
Smith in tho House and can testify to
his great worth to his people in the way
of getting favorable legislation through.
His efforts In behalf of tho miners, of
which the 21st district has thousands,
were Indefatigable, as was alio his work
for legislation favoring tho agricultur
ist. Mr. Smith was not eternally bor
ing the House with long-winded
speeches. What ho had to say In do
fonce of his legislation wns direct and to
the point, and his remarks wore always
attentively listened to and carried any
measure through that ho advocated.
We wouldn't give tho snap of our flngor
for all the howlers and ranters In Christ
endom, who are forever on their foot
playing to tho galleries. Evorybody
tires of them and their Influence Is al
ways a negative one. Tho quiet, earn
est worker, who keeps in touch with
the work of the committees, who makes
friends by his honesty and fairness, Is
the one who comes out of a leglslutl ve sos
Blon with the good things for his people.
The very namo of such a member Is a
guarantee to bis fellow members that
the measures he advocates are just and
fair, and always goes a long way toward
their enactment Into law. The plain
poople of Mr. Smith's district should de
mand his nomination. To them his
services will be Invaluable. He has a
wide experience; he makes friends who
In turn make him Influential; his am
bition to become a great statesman
would not get the bettor of him and bo
cloud his usefulness to his Immediate
constituency. His splendid work at
Harrlsburg Is a guarantee that his Con
gressional career would bo an honest,
faithful and consistent one. By all
means send W. O. Smith to Congress.
Ho Is needed there and more just like
him. Less talkers and more and better
Old Mexico.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for a special personally
conducted tour through old Mexico by
special Pullman train of parlor-smoking,
dining, sleeping, compartment, and
observation cars, to leave New York
and Philadelphia February 12, visiting
all the principal points of Interest In
the "Land of Montezuma," and spending
five days In the City of Mexico.
Round-trip tickets, covortng all neces
sary expenses, $300 from all points on
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
For further information apply to tick
et agents; Tourist Agent, 11 DO Broad
way, New York; 4 Court street, Brook
lyn; 789 Broad street, Newark, N. J.;
B. Courlaonder, Jr., Passenger Agent,
Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md.;
Colin Studds, Passenger Agent, South
eastern District, Washington, D. C.i
Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent,
Western District, Pittsburg, Pa.; or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
His Wife Saved Him.
"My wife's good advloe saved my life,
writes F. M. Ross, of Wlnfield, Tonn.,
"for I bad such a bad cough I could hard
ly breathe, I steadily grew worse uuder
doctor's treatment, but my wife urged
me to use Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, which completely cured
me." Coughs, colds, bronchitis, la
grippe, pneumonia, asthma, bay fever
and all maladies of throat, chest and
lungs are positively cured by this mar
velous medicine. 50o. and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free
at H. Alex Stake's drug store.
Ms Pound Out.
A man who smokes four cigars a day
and chews 215 cent worth of tobacco
week, said he was too poor to take
a local paper. He Is a smart man, tool
And economical, well, I should smile.
This same fellow was getting a Maine
story paper and found that bv sending
dollar lie aould got a cure for drunk
enness. Sure enough he did. It was
"take the pledge and keep It." Later
on ho sent fifty two-cent stamps to And
out how to raise beets successfully. He
found nut. The answer came, "just
take hold and pull." Being single he
wished to marry and sent thirty-four
ono-cent stamps to a Chicago firm to
loarn how to make an Impression. When
the answer came It read, "sit down In a
pan of dough." That was a little rough
but he was a patient man and ho
thought be would succeed. The next
advertisement he read, "How to double
your money In six months." Ho was
told to convert his money Into bills, fold
them and he would see his money
doubled. But he was bound to get some
useful secret that ho could make money
on so ho sent $.1 to find out how to write
without pen and Ink. The answer was
"Try a lead pencil." Then he sent a
dollar to learn "how to get rich."
"Work like the Satan and novur
spend a cent." This was discouraging,
but ho decided to try just once more
and sent a two-dollar bill to learn how
to live without work and was told to
"fish for suckers as wo do." He takes
the homo paier and Is now happy. Ex.
The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour
of tho season to Jacksonville, allowing
two weeks In Florida, will leave New
York and Philadelphia February flth.
Excursion tickets, Including railway
transMirtntlon, Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en route
In both directions while traveling on
tho spoclul train, will bo sold at the
following rates: New York, $55.00;
Philadelphia, Harrlsburg, Bui tl more
and Washington, $48.00; Pittsburg,
$5:1.00, and at proportionate rates from
other points.
For tlckets,ltlnerarlesand other Infor
mation apply to ticket agents; Thoe. E.
Watt, Pnssongor Agent Western Dis
trict, Pittsburg, Pa., or to Goo. W.
Boyd, Ass't General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station. Philadelphia.
Mads Young Again.
One of Dr. King's NowLifo Pills each
night for two weoks has put me In my
'teens' again," writes D. II. Turner, of
Dempscytown, Pa. Theyr'e the best in
the world for liver, stomach and bowols.
Purely vegotable. Never gripe. Only
2!)0. at II. Alex. Stoko's drug store.
Then go to headquarters
We sell the very beBt shoes
and rubbers that are made.
Waik-Over Shoesfor men,
the beBt shoe on earth for
Phit-Eesi Shoes for ladies,
a perfect fitter for $3.00.
The Astoria, a beautiful
cloth top shoe for $2.00.
Clearance Sale
From the Id to the 25th Inst.
I offer to the trade Winter Suits and Overcoats at
the following reduced prices:
fReduced from $12.00 to $7.75
" 10.00 44 6.50
WINTER SUITS, -I 4 4 44 7.50 44 5.50
5.00 44 8.50
44 3.00 44 1.98
fReduced from $10.00 to $6.50
7 50 44 5.50
overcoats, X u
" 44 - 8.2 5 4 4 2.18
The above prices for 15
need of a Suit or an Overcoat now is your time to get it.
Don't forget the place.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Resolutions of Sympathy.
At a regular stated meeting of Wash
ington Camp No. 208, P. O. 8. of A.,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa., Jan. 4, MM), tho fol
lowing preamble and resolutions wore
adopted :, Tho Supreme Ruler of
the Universe has summoned the beloved
wife of our esteemed brother, II. A.
Kernott, from an earthly dwelling place
to a celestial habitation, therefore be It
lirmilinl. That we deeply fuel the
loss sustained by our brother, and that
as a ('amp and as brothers, offer to bim
In the hour of greatest affliction, our
sincere, heartfelt sympathy and regret;
and bn it
frnwnWit, That, whllo we recognize
that this edict of the Almighty has
been most sovere to our brother we can
not but feel as christians, and with an
unalterable trust In the resurreatlon,
that she Is not dead hut has just gone
before to prepare a welcome for her
afflicted friends when thoy shall bo
called by the Almighty to cross tho
Dark River, for One who has suffered
the most agonizing torments has said,
"I am tho resurrection and the llfo;"
and be It
HetHilred, As n token of our sympa
thy with Brother Kernott, that we
spread these resolutions iiisin tho min
utes of the meeting at which they were
adopted, that our charter bn draped In
mourning for a period of thirty days,
that thesn resolutions be printed In
Tub Star and that a copy thereof be
prosontcd to Brother Kernott.
J. H. HlWHRfl, 1
F. R. Bkbt. Com.
A. Sciujckkr, )
Of the Reynoldsvllls Land and Improve
ment Company.
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual election of directors and treasurer
of the Reynoldsvllle Land and Improve
ment Company wilt be hold on the 17th
day of February, 1000. between the
hours of 2.00 and 4.00 o'clock p. m., of
said day, at the office of C. Mitchell, In
the borough of Reynoldsvllle,
8. B. Elliott, Pres.
C. Mitch km,, Sec.
Remember our china room Is on sec
ond floor. Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Just what you want In rubbers at
In the matter "f the
flnnl account of
Hsrnh M. Klelnhan.
AdnilnMrntrl of A.
A. Klelnlmns, dn
rensed. In the Orphans'! Vinrt
of Jefferson county.
No. I April Term,
IHW), O. C. A. I).
Harsh M. Klnlnhnns, Administratrix, has
Hied her final account In the alsive enisle,
which account was confirmed alisnlulely
April l:il li. rm. That the said administratrix
did on the lsth day of lieeetnher, IHW, present
to the said court her jH'tltlou prayinu thst
she inliiht he dlsclmrxed from the duties of
her oflfre, whereupon Ihe Dourt made the fol
jowlns order:
"Presented, filed In open court, 1er. lsth,
IHW, rule to show cause Kmnled. Notice to
he given to parties as required hy rule of
Court. Br Tits Court,
All parties will please take notice Hint the
altove named petitioner will request the
Court to tniike an order for tier discharge on
the Oral Monday of March next at X o'clock,
p. 111. Ha ha 11 M. Kl.RINIMNS,
Gold Seal Rubbers, made
from pure gum, the kind
that wear.
Stout's Patent Snag-Proof
Rubbers, the only genuine
Bnag-proof made.
Our store is full of bar
gains. days only. If you are in
On All Holiday
. . Goods
During the month of January, or until
the Btock if, all disponed of, we offer all
imiC-A- 1JRAC, fcC,
at one-third the regular price. Nothing re
served. We want the room and make this
extraordinary offer to move the goods quickly.
What's Left . . .
Of Holiday Good Is
Is now being sacrificed
rapidly st 25 por cpfit off
the market price. Sil
vorware, china warn, fan
cy goods and tiaskots
largely Included.
NOTICE the first two large tables in Ihe center of the store.
They are full of the biggest bargains ever offered in Ueynoldsvlllo.
broken sizes but perhaps just the size you want at extremely low
sizes from 5 to 8 hose that sold for 20 and 25 cents go at 10 cents a
WEAR that will be sold regardless of cost.
We have 100 SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Some were as
high as $12.00 that will go at from $:i.o0 to ttf.00.
A nloe lot or OVERCOATS to be sold away down.
Many other bargains to be had here In the next thirty days.
Come In and see lor yourselves. It costs you nothing to look and you
are always welcome at this store.
Cream cheepe that is cream
cheese, melts in your mouth.
Robinson & Mundorff sell it.
Great big, fat, fresh oys
ters at Robinson & Mun
dorff's. Hot cakes for breakfast.
Try Aunt Jemima's Pan. Cake
Flour more healthful than
buckwheat. Robinson &
Mundorff have it.
Try our fresh roasted
coffee at 13c, worth 18c. It's
a bargain.
Robinson & Mundorff.
We are still selling a
straight 60c. English break
fast tea at 40c.
Robinson fe Mundorff.
Largest stock and lowest
prices all along the line at
Robinson & Mundorff's.
Buy a bottle Dr. Keyers'
Cough Cure, that cures your
cough, and get a cake of
dandruff soap for your hair
Robinson & Mundorff.
Stoke's Pharmacy;
CLE A RI NO Out . . .
Ladles and Children's 'A"""
lurs, coats and capes.
Some go at just fnn-half
last week's prices, while
others have been reduced
2i and V por cent. Now
Is the time to buy a col
larette, a coat or a capo
In making your J
selections from a Q
y good stoo k o n e t h a t p
P shows reliable Ideaa jl
V from the atore that yf
feels there's noth-
tfjf lng too good to pass
along to the trade, y
ijjf We give extra xest to jt
Vyour pleasure byV
Tf lowest
prices prices
tf that particularly 1 n-
y terest shrewd buyers
jt the buyers who are
looking for a place tiy?
y! where every possible M
fe advantage Is assured
tnem. uriraiui or good
trru - .. . JtM
It-jf argument is every Hf
jl item we show the O
V kind of selling logic V
Jjf that convinces. Sr
Bing 8c Co. H