-XL Acts Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY B.TUAL CONST-NATION ' 1 UAU PERMANENTLY BUT THE 6tNVINt - M AN'F D 6Y UIvRNIATG(SVRVP(2. inn lie w anl ini). The readers of tills puier will hp ilonsrd to learn tlmt there Ih nt l-n.t mil. drt-mlrd dis ease that scli-ncn has m-i-n aim- to cure In lUl It stages, and thntlNt'ataiTh. H nil's t'tit.iiTh urc lt the only no-dtlvo cure now known to the iniMllcnl fmti-rnlty. fittiirrh hi-liut a ron-tltuttin-il lNi'riM riinlres n ron-titutlonil treatim-nt. lltiM'st'iitst-rli iht N tnki-n Inter nally, artlnir directly upon the bbtod end mu cous surfaces of the syrtti-ln. thereby de-troy-Inn the louiulntlon of tlitidlseiiso, anil Klvliuc the pstlent stri-nnMi by InilMinir tip the con stitution Ami ffttiHtlni: nature In dolim It work. The proprietors linve ko niilrh I'ntt'lln Its curat'vo power tlmt they offer One Hiin rlreil J loll fir lor Any case thnt It falls to cure. bend tor list of testimonial. Address F. .1 ( ll kk V & Co , Toledo, O. Hold by Drtitral-'ts. Tile. Hull's J-'iiinlly JMlls Are the best. TI. II. Onrr.N's Honh, of All intn. fla., nre the only uniTi'-tHful Dropsy Sp.-i-lnllHN In the world. See tlielr llhernlotTi-r Inndvortlneiiii-ut In nnotli'ur o.ilumii of thltt )apir. "ftie Irjdln" College under the aus pices of tho" Lutheran Ueneral Fynod, has 40 teachers and 8S3 students.' Don't Tobicco Spit and ftaoke Tour l ife Attar, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac netlo, full of life, nerve and vigor, take Ko-To-Oae, the wonder-worker, that nir.Ues weak men strong. All drugfflftts, COa or CI. Curoduaran teed. Booklet ond simplo free. Ailrtress Sterling Iteroody Co., Chicago or New YorU, The War Department Is considering the desirability of having a Cuban ex hibit at the i'aris exposition. EdoratoTonr Dowela tTtth. Cmearets. Candy Cnthartlo, euro constipation forever. 10c, 5o. If O. O. O. fall, druggists refund money. Tlopearch laboratories-ure to be es tabllHhed in varUms part of India, un der charge j)flienlthotllcers. Munlotptil Novotty, ' There Is a decidedly humorous side which occasionally comes, to light In connection with the undertakings of municipal corporations, but tho action of the enterprising city fathers of a small Hungarian town Is certainly unique. The mayor and whole town council, consisting of elnht members, 'formed themselves Into a band of forg ers," and carr'ed on s thriving business In the town hall, manufacturing paper notes current In Austria, which they circulated pretty extensively. A work shop, well fitted with the necessary Implements, was fixed up In a cellar of the town hall, and they actually set policemen to guard tho door while they were at work. This remarkable state of affairs existed for over a couple of years, when the business was detected, the mayor and councillors fighting like professional brigands on being ar rested. Didn't Know Kipling-. Mr. Howells has lately spoken of Rudyard Kipling as the most famous man In the world today. It would, In deed, be difficult to suggest a man whose name Is more widely known. The following story is a curious com mentary on the value of fame: Dur ing Kipling's Illness, Henry James, the , American author, was one night driv ing home in a cab from his club in London. The news had just come that the crisis was past and the great writer was on the road to recovery. As he stepped out on the sidewalk, Mr, James handed the paper be had bought to the cabman. "Kipling's ell right," he said. The cabman took the paper and leaned down with a puzzled look on his face. "I don't seem to know the name o' the oss!" be said. St. Louis Republic. Cure Coutrh or Cold at once. ' I Conquar Croup without fall. ' I Ts the beat fur Jitouchuii, Grippe, BoanteiieM, Whoopin-CouRti. aud i for tba cur of Consumption. ( 1 Mother prabie it. Docturdpitrbcrihett Itmaii aoaea ; quicjc, aure reauna. !:WI"li:M;.DhTI nonpisirjEsr I I W will Mn4 tnyuin ftlciictq4 u Oplliin, L,j.J Murpklaia. l,udanuHi. of otliet dtu naiiit,trlMltreaLHtnt. froaofctiHra, oftlM UMt rtjirifti'kniila remcUy ver dikxovertKl. tout aim 4MMht 'Unt Frlaella heretofore unknown. H. frflPUtry olkittid, Conlitlcnlltl cwtrckiondciv m Invited fria U, tntwclKl1v PbMlfllana. ST JAM1& OC I ETV, HtJl BKOAUWAY, fchW YUKK. U food for thought f, lotedwlth ((eVM GENTLY ON THE .-VAX THE MARKETS. riTTsiitiiin, Crnln, Flour ami Feeil. WflEAT No. Sred $ Will-; AT No. 1 now 'JOHN No a yellow, eur . No. 1 yttl ow, fhe.lml .. . Mixed eir OATS No. I white.... Si VI 40 iiu 81 HJ 8 i a w 10 18 t5 l 'J A i 1H 01 III i ll ic ri ii on 1 I'D ti SS 8H 8il J'.l n Ho 8 4) HI in 25 ti . 17 M til 0) 15 Ui t! 01 No. 3 whits i'LtlLU Winter iiti-nts i'nncy strnli;ht winter live - No. .' HAlf-No. 1 llmolliy lover, No, 1 FF.i:i) No. 1 white mid., ton llrowti nilddlthit limn, hulk BTKAW Wheat Oat 6 0U ' Dairy I'rodiicts, Bt'TTElt Klln creamery..... Ohio eronrnery r'nncy country Mil CIIKKHK Ohio, new New York, taeiv I'oultrjr, lite, HENF-por r,1,r ( Hit 'Kt-.NH dressed 1 I'llKKYs dp-rscd l.tiGN l'u. nil-1 Ohio, fro-h.... 2Hff 1.11 1!) II 1J no m 12 . HI J Irulta and VcjintuUlo. UPANH firni-n V bn 1 5'3 00 l'O'l ATOI S 1-1 n -v Whltotl bit 4H (:;) CAHI'.Atir Miy lion. Is 1 5D 2 00 ONIONS- .- bu. IIALTIMUHB. n.otn Will'. AT No. ii red (OltN-MlseJ , OATS EtlOS , liLTlllU Ohio creamery. . ,. 9 -1 70 7 31 21 27 ' l-lllLAOKLI'lll ii.orn W IIKAT-No. 2 red COHN- No. 2 mixed OATC No. 2 white HU'iTMt--Creamery, extra. . tUGS i'eunBylvnulit tlratn,. . 3 51 3 74 71) !l7 ill KtW VOllK. Fl.OVn rntonts 9 8 75? 4 00 WHEAT No. 2 red 70 (JOHN No. 2 4(1 OATS -W hite Western 20 81 I'.LTTElt-Crenmerv. 21 W I. O US State and l;enu 10 21 JJJ'K STOCK. Central stock Yards, least I.IUsrtr, ( CATTLE. rrlme. ISCOto 1400 lbs 9 5 5TS 0 70 6 4') flood, 1200 to 100 lbs 5 1 lldy, 10UO to 1160 tbs 4 Hi fi 10 4 M 8 00 Hilr lllit steers, WW to 1000 Hit B in Common, 700 to 800 lbs 2 75 Boos. Medium 1 3 85 4 0) 4 10 3 03 4 50 Heavy ItouKha and slags 3 00 SUEIP. rrime, 05 to 105 tbs "... flood, to 00 lbs I-alr, 70 to to lb Common Veal Calves LA31U8. Bprlnner, extra hj. ringer, Kood to choice.,. Common to fiilr. ..,,,,.., Extra yearling, light. .., flood to choice yearling. , 4 11 4 10 8 0 ) 1 01 5 0'J 4 3 01 8 HI 7 25 B 0.1 4 01 4 H5 4 50 4 10 4 10 3 M 4 05 4 5 4 35 4 11 Medium . 4 00 8 t)3 Common 2 (0 REVIEW OF TRADE. Inflated Capitalization Has Caused a Dcelinn cf Slocks. K. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade reports as follows for last week: Unusual depression in stocks this week has displayed Hie Kicat divcrKcn between the trading ami the protlmiiye iiiilustnes of the country and tts spieu lation. Never has produetioii been greater, the number of haiiils employed larKer, the waes distributed higher or the purcbasiiiK power, based upon earnings, greater than at this time, and never have conditions of trade or re turns of earnings and traffic given ccr tainly of greater business for transport crs. Yet as the earnings of tho railway and manufacturing companies mount upward their stocks decline as if it were disastrous lor a road to double its cam iugs and ruinous for a mill to realize unprecedented profits. Inflated capitalization has, of course, done nittclt Harm, and speculative ex citement lias counted profits in many cases long before they were earned. Money markets here and abroad have been strained by llritish reverses in South Africa, and wherever they were overloaded have been pushed to uutck and disastrous instead of gradual liqui dation. The result is that while indus tries and transporting companies realize great profits, the speculative holders o their stocks realize severe losses. Iron production still expands. The Iron Age reports the output of pig 296, 95Q tons weekly December l, against November I, and the decrease in stocks not held by the great steel com panies, 5,020 tons. A Pittsburg com pany bought 40,000 tons Bessemer for $24 at Valley nulls, which is below re cent prices, and Grey I-'orge is quoted a shade lower at 921. The boot and shoe works are hasten ing deliveries to meet the enormous de maud and have shipped from Boston 100,421 casli in two weeks ot Uecenibcr against 152,6(18 last year, and still less in any other year, except 1KQ7, when 101, 824 cash were shipped.. The 'same deal ers who urge early deliveries on past or dcrs at lower prices, arc slow to place more at the higher prices now asked, while most of the works, having orders for some time ahead, are not anxious to take more at present. Leather contin ues very strong, with scanty supplies of sole, out great demand tor upper. The movement of wheat is disappoint ing, but prices have declined only 3-8 cent, wiiu corn a traction iiigncr. At lantic exports of wheat, flour included, have been in the two weeks ol Decern bcr only 5,328.269 bushels, against 11, 129.459 last yeiir, and Pacific exports I, 501,982 bushels against 1,298,514 last year. Shrinkage in Western receipts only 8.975725 bushels having come for ward in two weeks, against 17,748,4 last year, is remarkable, though the movement then was a normal. Exports of breadstuff in November decreased $3,500,000, which, with losses of $900,000 in provisions and $13,000,000 in cotton, lowered the value of stapl exports $15,337,507. in spite of an in crease of $2,000,000 in oil. But enor 111 on j shipments of manufactured pro ducts made the excess of exports over imports more than $49,000,000 for the month. In spite of an advance of 2.1 cents in prices, cotton exports in November de creased $13,020,926 in value, amounting to only 710,351 bales, against 1,483,126 last year. Prices do not change this week. The goods market was strong with some further advances in uricc. 8CENERT Row Painted Upon Tooth Itrown Paper for Portability. Except oa regnrda the part thnt mpclmnlsm plays, the icenlc artist of Unly nre the bout In the world, as ef fective pril liters, and the fact 1st no well recognized In tlicno days of ul mod t all scenery being done by contrnct a res Vent Hemic nrtlxt la getting to be a rarity that a grent trade of this sort has sprung up between the painters of Italy and tho mnnnRers everywhere. And this Is particularly so as regard companies that come to America. So heavy has been the cost of transport ing tons of scenery, and so exacting have the customs officials been of late years, that the generality of managers at one time found It cheaper to have new scenes painted after they arrived. But tho Italian system has largely done away with all this, for It Includes j tne painting or the scenery on large sheets of a peculiarly tough sort of brown paper, these being numbered and Joined together with unerring ac curacy. A recent grand opera produc tion In this country depended sccnlc ally upon theso sheets of pnper alone, and not even the oldest playgoer In the house could distinguish any pecu liarity. Of course, the sheets aro spread upon canvas In tho ordinary ay, and a "touchcr-up" is required after they are spread, but the system Is lmenseful useful when a new pro- uctlon Is taken from ono capital to another at a great distance, and the Italian artists are sending their sheets to managers all over the world. V IlAt tlo llli- Children Irlnk1 Don't give them tea or coffee. Havo you tried the new food drink ealled HiiAiN-0? It Is dollelous and nourishing, mid takes the pinna of coffee. The more IBAIJI-O you give tne eiiiidron tuo more Health you illsirliiute throuttlt their sys- ems. IIiuim-O Is inadi) of pure Brains, and when properly prepared tastes like he eliotco grndi-s or coueo. nut costs anout us oiui'li. All groiwrssell It. 15c. aud 25e. Bra (Stills at- Weather Forecaster. Prince Ktnpjtkln, In Nature, says that on Aug. 20 while off Broadstalrs, he noticed Bevcral flocks of gulls flying along the const toward Dover. Tho wind wns then and had been through out August from the northeast, but nn old fisherman remarked that the gulls were moving to the south coast to meet a southweBt wind, which was sure to come. The change then predicted then occurred tho following day. Mr. Ing allB strengthens this forecast by a statement In his Weather Lore: "The arrival of sea gulls from the Solway Firth to Holywood, Dumfriesshire, Is generally followed by a high wind and heavy wind from tfc- snuthwpst." Attention Is enlled to' the very useful articles contained in the premium list ot tne Continental Toba-eo Co. h advertisement .ot their Star Plug Tobaeeo in another column of this paper. It will pay to nivetli"htur tin tags and so take advantage of the best list ever Issued by the Star Tobjeoo. . . Automobile rnees will soon be the order of the day. They nre popular In France and draw large crowds. KTow Are Tnar Kidneys V Tlr. fTnlilis'Si.n mens Pill t-nre nil Itlrtnev Ills. Om. pie flue. AUtl. bterUutf iteiui-ily Co., CnU.ufO or N. Y. WlreleRS ntissnges have been suc cessfully sent between cnptlvi- bal loons one mile high, six miles apart. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cusnnets dimly Cathartic, looorda If C. C. C. lull 10 cure, druKglsts rotund money. A Fntnajontun expedition is . organ ized in London, and Is to bo backed by the Argentine (Sovernment. Use It "I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for a great many ycirs and it has been very satisfactory to me in every way, 1 lave recommended it to t great many of my friends and tiey have ill been perfectly satisfied with it." Mrs. A. Edwards, San Fran cisco, Cat., Feb. 9, 1899. hmsvaswaiPMi Talk About It That's always the way with ouf Hair Vigor. When per sons use it they are always so highly pleased with, it that they tell their friends about it. If your hair is short, too thin, splits at the ends, is rough, or is falling out, our Hair Vigor will perfectly satisfy you. If your hair is just a little fray, or perfectly white, Aycr's lair Vigor will bring back to it all the dark, rich color it had years and years ago. fift, Write the Doctor It yon do not obtain all the boneflU yon desire from the use of the Vigor, write the IMetor about it. He will tell you Just the rlifht thing to do, and will send you Ills book on the Hair and Boalo If yea roijuest It. Address, Dr. J. C, Ann, Lowell, Muss. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FARM TOPICS JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' lionis For PI(S. In some Danish experiments to de termine the value of rutabagas, tur nips and inangolwurr.ols as teed for hogs it was shown thnt those roots mnj be foil as a part of a pig's ration with satisfactory results; The feed ing value of roots was shown to cor respond very nearly with thoir dry matter content. Hoots rich in sugar tiruducod better results than those light in sugar. Tho increase in live weight, liowovcr, followed more oloso )y tho dry matter content than the sugar of the roots. The hogs were fed ft ration which contained three-fourths grain and one-fourth roots. In addi tion the pigs recolved buttermilk, Bltimmilk and whey either nlouo or mixed. A Corduroy Farm Itond. The chronicnlly wot spots in the farm roads can lie well treated by the plan shown in the illustration. Such a device was seen in successful use PLAN FOR IMPftOVISO BAD ROAfiS 0! TfIB FARM. this season. Split cedar or pine logs in two and loy thorn, sawed slue np, on the wet ground, as shown. Two strins of board can be laid down lengthwise on each side and nailed to the slabs to hold them in place, or iron "doffs" can be nsed. The diagram A B Bhows how to saw the logs for such a corduroy road. American Ag rlculturist. llat Proof Crib. A farmer who had been tormented with rats in tho corn crib has out wilted the cunning rodents by simply covering the outside of his corncrib with heavy -inch mesh wire netting from below the floor to the roof. If the doors are kept shut, the corn will come out in the spring as bright and clean as it went in the fnll previous. If I were to build another crib, how. ever, I would nail the wire on the in side of the crib and tiso no side board- ing at all, but fasten with staples the wire to 2x4 posts set edgewise twclvo or fourteen inches apart. This would save the expense of sliding and allow air to circulate through the crib. Dimensions of the crib wonld be three to three nnd one-half foet in width at the bottom aud both Bides to slant outward and upward nt an angle of about eevonty dogrees, the tops of the posts to be strongly nailed to the rafters whether the roof is to be of a single or double slant. - The ends of the orib must be made tight with a tight fitting door or doors, which must of course always be closed when no one is aronud the crib. The orib should bo eighteen iuohes or two feet from tho" ground. As an extra precaution tho wire netting may be put between the two thicknesses of floor boards, but if properly built, thnt would prob ably be unnecessary. The orib should be at least six feet high betweou floor and roof. 8uoh a crib would last a life time aud not a bushel of oorn would be destroyed, provided the enemy was not introduoed in loads of corn hauled from tho field or from other careloss- uosh. Orange JuV Farmer, Water For Cows. A great deal of disappointment in dairying in the winter season often arises from the faot that the cows are uot properly inpplied with water. Few farmers realize the amount of water ncacssary for a cow in full milk iu the winter season. Tho atnonnt, of course, depends on the kiud of food. Where roots are foil fcr ensilage, tho amount of water re quired ta considerably lesscnod be cause they have a considerable amount of water iu the supply of feed. At the Ooponbagon station it was found thnt 70 cows required an averngo of 07.0 ptuoda of water per doy, or about 12 gallons each. At tho Penn sylvania Btntion it wa'i found tlmt cows averaging 773 pounds iu weight, confined in stalls in the summer and living on fresh grass, drank 01 pounds each per day, while confined ju stalls at a -temperature of 73 degrees, and fed on dry grass they drauk 107 pounds. Iu general, aooordiug to Professor Henry, cows require about four pounds, or a half gallon of water to euoh pouud of dry mattor in the feed, and Bturtovant, of New York, says that provision should be made for eight gallons a day per cow iu or der to be sure of full supply. At tho Geneva station it was found that cows iu full milk required about four aud three-fifths pouuds of water for every pouud of milk. It follows, therefore, that the heavier the milker the larger amount ot water is neces sary. As to whether the water should be warm or hot is a somewhat mooted question. We doubt the propriety of beating water lor cows when it oau .be furnished at about the temperature, of well water in winter. The tank heater serves an admirable purpose when- tUe water is exposed to a zero temperature. Wolf, of the Indiana station, found by experiment, that there was a dropping off of 8 percent, when the temperature fell . from 70 Fahrenheit to 38. It will, therefore, be seen that tho water supply is a very important matter in connection with profit in dairying, and we make the suggestion at this time of year be cause we susfJeot that no little disap pointment in winter dairying arises out of the faot that farmore overlook a really very important matter. .Farm, Field 00 1 FU'tsidt. If silverware is kept clean it does not often have to be polished. After using the silver it should always be washed with a suds, made by dissolving some shavings of Ivory SoapMn warm water, then wiped dry and rubbed lightly with a soft paper, a chamois skin or a piece of flannel. All highly-polished metal surfaces will retain their polish much longer if this plan is followed and rubbing with compounds avoided as much as possible. conrmoMT itot av thc fmoe SAVE dS'Tr' A O Tin Y0URa U ZaU U TAGS "Star" tin tags (showing small stars printed on nnder tide of tag), " Horse Shoe," " J. T.," " Good Luck," " Cross Bow," and- "Drnmmond" Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Every man, woman and ohild can find something on the list that they wonld like to have, and can have TAC1I. 1 Match Boi jft 5 Kn f, one blade, flmid utael IS Bftaor, 44 indie 26 4 Child' Ret, Knife, Fork and HKion 2ft 6 Halt and Pepper Het. onooach, qtiad- ruple plate on whtw metal M 6 Krnch Brlftr Wood Pine ftl 7 Raf'T. hollow ground, fine Ennlisb 'eM Bntter Knife, triple plate, beat qnallttf t Puar NIiaII. triple pint, hat qnal.. 10 8-anin H. tMrllno alWer 11 Knife, "Keen Ktjttar," two bladefi . 76 19 Butcher Knife. "Koen Kutter." a lii lila to 75 II HlienrK, "Keen Hut tor." Much 76 14 NntHet, Ci acker and tf Ptrka, rdlvor pUtd o 15 Ram Halt, "Aa-seolatlun," best qual.lim 16 .alarm Dock, nlrkl 160 17 Hix (lemilnn Kogera' Teaspoon, beet j lat 1 tjirods, ... , inti 1 Wavh, nickel, atein wind and tet . . 200 19 Carvers, good eteel, bitvkhorn handleN goo 0 Hlx Ocnulne RoRir' Tahla-Bpoonn, ftest plat ml goodi ....360 81 Six each, Kulve and Fork, buA- horn handle 3W 83 fill e''h, Uennln Rocer' Kntre and 'ork, beat platd good 500 -k ! THE MOVE OFFSR EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30m. 1900. Snnr.ial Nntirn r,"n " R,,r. T,n Inn I 111 vsld luiudrtHl, if r--c -.1 I'V II "TI ir-fJKAU I.N .tll.ill Hint a dime's wurita ol STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last loniier and niTord m re pleaeare than a dime's srorlb of any oti.erb.aud. MAKE THE TESTI Send taqs to VO ri r'.Vr II, TOR IC't'O CO., SI. Lojit, Mo. Lights Kill tha nirds. Scarcely a morning passes but i quite a number or birds, large and Bmall, are picked up In the courtyard of the city ball in more or less Injured condition. Some dying, some dead. They are birds usually found some dis tance away in the country. Linnets, finches, yellow birds, even occasionally blackbirds, robins and larks. It Is sup pceed that they are attracted by the brilliant electric lights around the base of the Penn statue. It is a well-known fact that at the foot of the statue of liberty in New York harbor hundreds of birds are picked up every year. They have flown with such force against the metal figure while blinded by tho Intense light as to kill them elves. Phllatlelphlalnqulrer. To Stop Nose Illeedlnf. Bleeding of the nose Is often very difficult to stop, but the efficacy of the following method is vouched for by a correspondent of tho New York Times, The writer says: "Cut some blotting paper about an inch square, roll it about the slzo of a lead pencil, and put it up the nostril that is bleeding. The hollow in It will allow the sufferer to breathe; the blood will fill the space between the tube and the nose, and will very soon coagulate and cease to Bow." . Deantjr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic c!:?n your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Ilegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takinf Caseurots, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, sutiufaction guaranteed, 10c, 20c, iOc, It is not generally known that the remains of all the Czars of Kus-ia slnca lJetor the Cireat, He In a memor.al chapel built on one of the islands of tha Neva. All the cenotaphs are exactly alike, each being a block of whltu marble, without any decoration what ever. The Glusgow Town Council has awarded a contract for two elecerlo traction engines to an American com pany solely on the ground of an earlier delivery than could be promised. In Great UrltalrK Vitality low, debilitated or exhausts loured hr Dr. Kline's InvlKoratlnii Tonic. Kkkw SI trial bottle for t wet-ks' treatment. Dr. Kl ne, Id., m Aroh tit, Philadelphia, founded 18a. I am entirely eared of hemorrhage f 'nnge by Pirn's Cure for Consumption. l-outa taaoAiua, Uatlutajr, lla, January , laVi. t , - rta a aamili co. Cincinnati JESZSX TAOfl. S3 Clock, a-flar . Calendar, Tharmora etr, Birmntir (Ms) 14 dun fiinw, Vathur, no hotter niul. tVH) 25 lU-volvnr, ntmnatli double action, Bur JWialllwr. jo 86 Ton! Het. uot plvtliins, but real .la V 850 37 Tmlft Hwt t5 irBtmi porcelain, vry haiiilmmif. 000 S ImlnKKm kilo Nn. 4, 1 or 1 M . IM0 SH Watch, riterlln ilvr,rul1 JoWMlwi lot) SO lr' Siit :nu, leather, hanOxoina and (hirxl'lH ijyO 81 BcwiriK Mac! it no, firn: cIam, with all attar-tiinmitu 1500 S3 lWoWer, Culfa, IW-caltlwr, bJuM p'wl :.1IH S3 IllrV, Oolfn. IrMhnt, W-i-nlllwr itVW U4 Ut mar (Washburn), rosewood. In laid aouo M Mandolin, very hanlm m M Winchester Iteneatlng- Hhot Gun, l'J fiauite ...9000 37 Remington, dmih1-birr, ham mer Shot Gun, lit or U mantra U0 M BJfYda, atandurd ruaka, ladle or ' Kt-iitu , 3500 89 fltiot dim. Itnmtngton, double bar rel, hammerle 8000 40 Retina Mtiilc Box, lft Inch DU0..6OOO T, ''"' ' H'r ' with no sm-u for In CH on thsliiinu of iwoutycentsvur CONSTIPATION 'l have trono 14 doye nt a tlmo without a movement ol Che bowele. nut bo Inn able to move them except by uatiitt hot water Injoctlona. Chronic eotmttputlon for aoven yeura placed me la thin terrible condition! (furl lift that tlmo I did ev errthltitf heurdof but novur found any rollof ; aticb wut. my case until 1 beuu ukIdb CA8CAKKTS. I now have from ono to tlirco piuuifica a day, end If I was rich 1 would give 1UU-U) fur each movement, It .rich a relief. ' avi.mku L Hitnt, 1US0 Rutikrull tit.. ietrolt, Mich. Pleasant, Pnlatnblf. Potent, Tarto Ooort, Io Good, Never Hiclteu, Wotikon.or Orlpo. lbo.auc, ttio. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Urllaf Itawdy Campnj, l'a!afo MoalrMl, lew fork. M Don't Stop Tobacco Suddenly It tnlures nervous systom to do so. B ACO CURO Is the only euro that Keally t:ures mid notltli's you when to stop. Hold with a Kunriintt-e that threo hoxi-s will pure any ease. H UII-I l!R0 Is VHKi-tnliln etui hai-niUios. It haseuri-d thousands. It will cure you. At all driiKKlsts or by mull ptup -'.l. SI a box; 3 hoses t3.!U Hooklet fro.-. Writs KfKKKA Ciikmicai. Co., I.a ( russt-. Wis. $19,000 OFFERED tiKirliluie llfw-KavitiK appliance. We can furulah von lurormittlon. .tlAs4.. KFWVUK JL LAW KfcM: tit W nahhuiiuu, l. 1'. -Ml .. ARNOLD'S Coucs J V J Vs4 n Prevonta KILLER CONSUMPTION AU Drumiwta, 2Bo. ASTHMA POSITIVtLY CURED. I IIONII V'N M tKIMl ANTII.IIA VllUt J..s this. A trUI 1 1 kii msil. il irna. Coi.i.jms Jluos. MKiML'ia Co., Sr. Louu, Mo. nRnPQYKtWD,wl'vll",iH'" l)laaT SJ I quiok rwll.f n,l sur. w.. o.M. Hu . ul t.al m. .i.ial. .nil 10 llnrs' tisstia.it r. nr. a. a. osiih a susa. Sos s. atusu. as. P. ti. U. SI 'M fff'Jw CATHARTIC r TRA08 MANN HioiftTfrfO Ssst'couflrrupiIkHxb Vm I J I In tlm i Bold by dniMlsts. f I