The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 20, 1899, Image 5

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Suhfrriplinn tl.fiO wr yiiiv. or $1.00 if
paid Kl rii l hi i minim.
t At MTKI'IIKNNON, I' and Pub.
You Rr Going
To Buy Watch
For Christmas).
I hnvu a selection at prices that
will Interest you. Don't ho deceived
by newspaer ''lids'' ,1ml eomo ami
see for yourself.
ft Little ot Everuttiing.
Merry Christmas.
Williams fur shoo.
No paper noxt week.
Next Monilay Ih Christmas.
Johns tV TlnMiimoti, tailors.
' Mltcholl, tho Ladles Tailor.
Robinson's (or holiday slippers.
French phony goods at Gooder's.
Condor's window tells Its own Blory.
Nlco holiday siiBiicndors at Mllllrcns.
Fine line of china at C. F. Hoffman's.
"The Colleen llawn" Christmas night.
8end Xmas presents by Amnrlcan Ex
preM. .
Examine Shlck & Wagner's holiday
Did you boo tho eclipse of the moon
Baturday night?
The latest thing In footwear at Wil
liams' shoe store.
The public school holiday vacation
begins next Friday.
Tho noxt Ihhiio of The Star will ho
on January 3rd. 1900.
A car-load of holiday presents at M II
llrena at the lowest priced.
Perfect fits guaranteed hy Johns &
Thompson, merchant tailors.
Teachers' county liiHtitute begin next
Monday. It will be a good one.
For Sale A fine lino of Christmas
presents at Gooder's Jewolry store.
Tremont cook stoves guaranteed to
be good bakers, at Hull ti Burton's.
The American Express calls for and
delivers express to all parts of the city.
The A. V. R'y pay car distributed
considerable gold In this section Thurs
day. The Republican National Convention
will be held in Philadelphia June 11),
See the novelties made by tho Amor
loan and Canadian Indians at Shlck &
John Hlmes, of Big Soldier, had his
loft arm badly cut several days ago,
The Utopia turkey dinner at the resi
dence of Dr. S. Reynolds last Friday
evening was pleasant affair. -
The Punxsutawney papers have de
cided to abandon the project of Issuing
'dally editions for the present, at least.
Edwin Soeley, jr., was skating on the
sidewalks of Hill street one day last
week when ho fell and sprained his left
By patronizing the Reynoldsvlllo
Steam Laundry you holp build up the
town. Good work guaranteed. Give us
We understand that it is the inten
tion of the coal company to build at
least one hundred new ooke ovens at
Big Soldier.
There waa almost a total eclipse of
the moon Saturday night. The sky waa
cloudless and many of our citizens gazed
long at the eollpse.
Misa Ella Seeley't display of artistic
articles for Christmas present are very
pretty. The articles are on aale at
Froebllcb's tailor shop,
M. M. Moore, a nearby farmer, lost the
little finger of his left hand several days
ago by having it caught in the cog
wbeela of outtlng bos,
It doesn't so much matter what Dewey
gave away at what you are going to give
way to your friends on Christmas. If
in doubt call and see Stoke.
August Domaroo, ten-month-old son
of Serephine,. Damaroo, of near Pres-
wkv'e- ' an -.''led
in the
the part oi J
The man whiwn" at the opera
' d ,at Beaver Rt promises to be a
w , Secure your aeata
The barroom l ell rapidly.
: and the large clU blankets, the
goods valued at fya BUb,e blan'
' Charles T. He light robes com'
- of New Cast'e, lynoldsvllle Hard
with attempting!
Goldstein o( 75
"The Joy of Chrlstmastldo," will bn
Rev. Perry A. Reno's tliemo In the M.
E. church Sunday morning.
"A Breezy Time" at tho opera house
Monday evening was greeted with a
largo audience. It la a good show.
Thomas Claulmugh and Jemima Fot-
termnn were married at the home of
Mr. Clnobaugh on Wednesday evening,
December Mill, 'Squire E. Neff.
Christmas Is almost hero and If you
want t save 25 or cent on men's, boys'
and youths'cloihlng call at the People's
Bargain Store, A. Katzon proprietor.
Don't miss "The Colleen Dawn" at the
0Mra house by homo talent Christmas
night. Price of admission 2.1 and 35
cents. Tickets on sale at Stoke's drug
A handsome stock of ladles' and gents'
handkerchiefs and silk mufllors for
Christmas present at low prices at tho
People's Bargain Store, A. Katen pro
prietor. The Hon Ton Imkery has just put In a
stock of fresh groceries and a large sup
ply of candles for the holidays. If you
want fresh groceries or candles go to
tho lion Ton.
Four arc lights Is tho number the
West Reynoldsvlllo town council has
decided to havo put up In that Imrough.
Just where they will ho located nas not
been decided yet.
A number of hunters made good use
of tho last day of hunting season Fri
day, lust enough of the "beautiful"
had fallen the night before to make
good rnhlilt hunting.
The Red Men will hold a dance In
the Ilea Hive llulhllng, corner Main
and Fifth streets, Christmas afternoon
and evening. Tickets will ho sold at
the door three for 25 cents.
"Undo Tom's Cabin" was played at
the Reynolds ocra house last Friday
evening by the Palmer Company.
There was a large audience present.
Tho company Is a good one.
Prof. Devon, a blackboard artist from
Washington, D. C, gave an exhibition of
crayon work In tho West Reynoldsvlllo
public schools Thursday afternoon. It
was an instructive exhibition.
John Dunklo broke the Index linger
of his right hand last Thursday morn
ing while at work In the quarry getting
out stone for the electric light building.
A wedgo flew out and struck his linger.
This week closes one of the ploasant-
cst terms In tho history of the Clarion
State Normal School. Tho winter term
nions January 2, 11)00. For thorough
ness of work done this school Is unex
Rev. J. W. Crawford, of l'arksvllle,
N. Y., who preached in tho Baptist
church last Sunday, will preach hero
next Sunday morning and evening.
Rev. Crawford Is a candidate for pah
torate of tho Baptist church.
C. Meade Lucas, who had all tho toes
of his right foot smashed on the P. V.
& C. R. R., near Brownsville, Pa., about
tho first of October, returned to Pitts
burg yesterday to rctmmo work as a
brakeman on tho P. V. A C. R. R.
Frescoera aro now at work on tho
chapel and main audlenco room of tho
Presbyterian church. . Whun the
church Is rcudy to hold services In,
which will bo the second weok in Janu
ary, ro-openlng services will be hold.
Those of our citizens who failed to
attend the entertainment by Madamo
Fry last night missed a rich treat. They
are artists of groat merit. Raolne
(Wis.) Daily iSVirs. At the M. E.
church to-morrow, Thursday, evening.
Tho Masons of this place have re
ceived an invitation to attend a banquet
at the American house in Brookvlllo
to-morrow, Thursday, evening, to bo
glvon by tbo Brookvllle Masonio lodge,
A number of the Roynoldsvllle gontle-
men will attend the banquet.
Alfred J. Williams, oldest son of Rev.
J. N. Williams, formor pastor of tho
Reynoldsvlllo Baptist church, waa so
badly injured in a railroad wreck at
Allegheny the first of last week that he
died Wednesday. "All" had many
young friends here who will be sorry to
learn ot his death.
Mrs. L. J. McEntlre received word
Saturday that her slstor-ln-law, Mrs.
H. A.'Kernott, died at East Liverpool,
Ohio, Thursday. Mr. Kernott was well
known bore, having been in the tailor
ing business at this place some years
ago.- He waa married after he loft
Reynoldsvlllo and his wife waa not
known here.
At many times greater cost you can
not send an absent friend from Reyn
oldsvllle or vicinity a Christmas remem
brance that will be more thoroughly
appreciated than The Star for a year,
There Is nothlng to the absent one that
brings so much enjoyment as the local
home paper, telling all about the old
friends. A dollar does it.
Preaching next Sunday In Baptist
church morning and evening by Rev,
W. A. Crawford. After the morning
service the members of the church aro
requested to tarry for a short time to
consider a matter of vast Importance.
Every member of the church, so far
possible, is expect to be present, as
all are personally Intijted in the bus
iness that will come be.lre the meeting.
Will Run NiRht and Day.
Tho woolen mill has so many large
rush orders that a night crew Is to he
put on and tho mill run night and day.
Services In Catholic Church.
Special services will 1st held In the
Catholic church Christmas. Father
I Irmly and Father Drlscoll will say
mass three times that day at 7.00,
ft.00 and 10.00 A. M.
Flist Series Mstuted.
At a meeting of tho Reynoldsvlllo
Building and Loan Association Monday
evening the first series was declared
matured. There are ,';I4 shares of tin
hoi rowed slock In tbo first series.
Stroke of Paralysis.
Dennis Bell, of Big Soldier, son of
John It. Bell, suwrlntcnilonl of tho J.
C. C. tt. I. Co. mines at this place,
had a stroke of paralysis yesterday.
Ills entire right side Is parallzed.
Pushing the Work.
Thomas K. Evans, who has the con
tract of erecting the eleclrle light plant
building, Is pushing the work as fust as
poHHihlo, The building Is to be com
pleted and the plant ready forocrallon
by tho 15th of February next.
Will be Home for Vacation.
The following students expect to come
homo to spend tho holidays: Clarence
It. Reynolds, Vincent lleynolda, Howard
Kiiucber, Clifford Kaochcr, Harry W.
Trultt, Francis McDonald, Philadel
phia, Raymond Brown, Charles King,
Ithlea, N. Y., Paul IUhIoii, Kisklmin-
olas, Minnie Whllmorc. Elslo Ross,
Tacy Dompscy, Clarion, Ollvo Jones,
New Tempeiance Society.
True Blue Temperance Union Is tho
name of n new society that has been
organized among the young temperance
workers in this place. Following Is tho
list of ollleein: President, John Hcddo-
cllff; vice-president, Fred Demmey;
secretary, Claud Mumford; assistant
secretary, Benjamin Gulllford; treas
urer, Thomas Cricks; chaplain, Charles
Doctor; conductor, George (iulliford.
No Paper Next Week.
According to our established custom,
The Star will not ho published next
week In order to give tho printers two
or tbreo days' vacation. The office will
bo oKn, however, to do Job work or re
ceive cash on buck subscriptions, re
newals or new subscriptions. Wo wish
all tho reader of TllK STAR a merry
Chrlittinaa and a happy New Year and
that prosperity may reach every homo.
Watch Meeting.
A meeting will be held In tho M. E.
church Sunday night, December .'list,
to wutch the old year out and welcome
tho New Year. Tho hour for tho
services to begin will Iki announced next
Sunday. Rev. W. F. Ruber, pastor of
tho Presbyterian church, will preach
the Hint sermon and Rev. P. A. Reno,
pustor of M. E. church, will preach
second sermon. There will also be song
and pralHo services.
Buried at Summervllle.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Snyder were at
Sumuiervillo lust Thursday and Friday
to attend tho funeral of J. S. Kwonger,
of Johnsoiiburg, Pa., who died of ty
phoid fever on the 12th Inst, and, was
burled at Summervllle Thursday fore
noon with tho I. O. O. F. ceremony.
Tho Odd Fellows of Johnsoiiburg had
charge of tho services, assisted hy Rev.
F. T. Brltt, of Corsica. Deceased loavos
a wlfo and four small children. Ho
was married to a sister of Mrs. Snyder.
Strike at Tannery.
Yesterday morning about twenty
employes at the tannery, who work In
the yard, whore the hides are started
In the tanning process, camo out on
strike. Their wages were ranging from
1.25 to $1.50 per day and they struck
for an advance ot 15 cunts per day,
Mon wore sent hero from Rldgway and
several other places, but when thoy
loarnod that there was a strike on only
two or three would go to work. Some
of tho strikers returnd to work this
Hear the Fry.
Madame Fry'a celebrated entertain'
mont, muslo and reading, will be given
in the M. E. church at this place to
morrow, Thursday, evening. This is
high class entortainment and will be
rich treat for the citizens of Reynolds
vlllo.' Miss Eugenie Fry is a prima
donna soprano. Her voice Is high, pure
and sweet; her songs are classic and
popular. She is also a very suporlor
violin soloist. Madame Fry is also a
very talented and pleasing vocalist,
Admission 25 cents. Entertainment be
gins at 8.15.
Broke Out of Jail.
"Hawk" MoKee, who was arrested
Wednesday evening tor being drunk
and disorderly and on failure to pay the
fine, was sentenced to forty-eight hours
In tho borough jail, escaped from "dur-
anoe vile" Friday afternoon by prying
the iron bars in the oell door and mak
ing a bole large enough to crawl
through. His whereabouts since his un
announced departure are unknown,
The reason "Hawk" was so anxious to
leave jail before the forty-eight hours
wore up was because tie Knew that Con'
stable P. J. Ward, of West Roynolds
vllle, had a warrant for bis arrest for
disorderly oonduct at a bouse on Hill
street and for hitting one member of
the family.
Ground Was Staked off Saturday and Men
Put to Work Monday.
R. W, Kunx, secretary, and August
Boulanger, general manager, of the
Star Glass Company, arrived in Reyn
oldsvlllo the latter part of last week
and on Saturday staked off tho ground
for the glass plant, full particulars of
which was published In TllK Star last
week. Monday morning a doxen men
were put to work getting tho land
ready to begin work of erecting tho
buildings as soon as Mwslble, Tbo rain
yesterday stopped work for a day. It.
L. Dixon, of Pittsburg, who has Ilia
contract for tho erection of tho plant,
Is expected here In a few days.
It Is estimated at three hundred men
made application to tho Star Glass
company Monday for work.
Tho water company and gas company
will extend their lines from the silk
mill to tho glass plant. Tho A. V. R'y
company will put In a switch to the
glass plant.
Messrs Kuna and Boulanger have
made an examination and find that
there Is an abundance of good sandstono
near the sltn of their glass plant.
Sunday 8chool Christmas Treats.
Tho scholars of tho Presbyterian,
Methodist, Baptist and Lutheran Sun
day schools will get Christ mas treats,
as follows;
Tho scholars of the Presbyterian
school will meet In Centennial hall at
three o'clock Saturday afternoon to re
ceive treat.
Tho scholars of tho M. E. school will
meet In tho church at seven o'elis'k
Saturday evening to receive treat, and
at seven o'clock Sunday evening a
Christmas program will ho given In the
church by scholars of the Sunday
Tho Baptist Sunday scIiikiI treat will
I hi given In tho church at half past
st ven o'clock Saturday evening. A
sHclal .program will be rendered at
that time.
Tho Lutheran Sunday school troat
will ho given In that church Sunday
evening. A special program has boon
prepared for that tlmo.
The Colleen Bawn.
Tho Colleen Bawn, tho famous melo
drama, a play depleting life among the
pesantry during tho darkest days of
Ireland's history, will bo produced In
Reynolds opera house Christmas night,
Monday, December 25, by homo talent
for tho benoflt of the Catholic church.
Tho Hues of the play are pure, clean and
elevating and humor, wit, sentiment
am pathos aro most Ingeniously inter
woven. Following Is tho cast of char
acters: Myles na Coppaleon Clement Flynn
Wardress Crcgan Alliort (ieisler
Danny Mann ... Wm, Ward
Kyrlo Daly - Peter Burgeon
Father Tom Walter Kerr
Mr. Corrlgan - George Farroll
Bertie O' Mourn - Peter Tanfo
Hyland Creagh - - Charles Sumner
Servant - Eugene Flynn
Corporal Edward Hardman
Eily O'Connor - . Mary Drlscoll
Anne Chute . Llzzio Sohughrow
Mrs. Crcgan . . Katie Nolan
Sheelah ... Evalino Fisetto
Kathleen Creagh Katie Felcht
Duulo Blunnerhasset Maymo Gelsler
Holding Revival Meetings.
Rev. J. C. McEntlre, of Wost Royn
oldsvllle, Is holding an Interesting and
well attended revival In tho ion M. E.
church near DuBols. Rev. McEntlre
goes to DuBols on tho 0.1)2 p. in. train
and returns home on tho O.o.'l a. m.
train every day and works in his black
smith shop most all day, and while
working the bellows or hammering the
red-hot Iron ho thinks of the message
ho will glvo tho people in tho evening.
This Is not tho first revival ho 1ias con
ducted and at the samo tlmo worked In
his shop during tbo day. It Is said that
during some times of double work of
this kind he has been known to take a
shout whllo working the bellows in his
shop all alono.
Forgetmenot Present.
If you want to sond your frlond a
Christmas present that will remind
them of the giver at least once a week
during the entire year, then send them
The STAR for one year. Only 11.00 a
year, cash in aavance.
8avs Your Oaa.
50 different gas heaters, a line of gas
ranges, uiiiorenl styles oi gas burners,
Welsbach lamps and mantles, gas pen
dents and brackets at
Hall & Barton's.
Save 25 per cent by buying men's stiff
and soft dress hats at tbe People's Bar-
faln store. Remember I always give
argalns as advertised. Tobeoonvlnced
that I am giving real bargains, call and
see my stock. I am thankful for the
patronage received up to tbe present
and solicit a continuance of tbe same.
Road Robinson's "ad" this week.
We have just received a large ship
ment ot A mas dishes, at a low figure.
Come and see them. RoynoldBville
Hardware vo.
Manioure sundries, sterling silver
mountings all prices at Oooder .
A Cinderella stove or range would
make a very acceptable Christmas pres
ent for your wife. Sold by Reynolds-
vine Hardware Co.
You all know what our past repute.
tlon has been for low prioes. Our prices
on watches will surprise you this year.
Come and see for yourself. C, F. Hoff'
We still have a nice assortment of
carpet samples for rugs. Reynoldsvllle
Hardware Co.
New Officers Elected.
Tho K.p worth League of this plson
elected tho following ofllerrs last
Wednesday evening lor the ensuing six
months: President, K. l. Hotter!; 1st
vice-president, Orphs Beer; 2nd vice-
(resident, Kloannr Heed; .trd vice-prescient.
F.rma Robinson: 4th vice-presi
dent, Mary Burge; secretary, Olovla
Murray; treasurer. Will llurge; organ
ist, Clara Carrier: chorister, John
HcddcolilT: librarians, Charles Burge,
Fred Denipsey and George White.
Y. I. A. V. r..
Tho Christian Endeavor Hisdetv of
tho Presbyterian church has elected
the following new officers: President,
llertlia McOaw; vice-presiuoiit, Kdward
Foster; recording secretary, Inea
Brown; treasurer, Harold Arnold! or
ganist, Sara Corbolt; Chairmen of coin-
In It lees, IjtHikoul, Alls'i'la Bossier;
rayer Meeting, llello Arnold; Mis
sionary, Bertha McOaw; Sunday School,
Mary tamper; Hoclal, r.lla Seeley.
JOHN M ItKAII MlfXir.. r. A. M.
The Masonio lodge of this place elect
ed tho following o Ulcers on Tuesday
evening of last week: W. M., Richard
Jennings; S. W.. !wls li. Lvillc; J.
W., Thomas E. Evans; sttorotary. li. J.
McEntlre; treasurer, llenrv (!. Doihle;
trustees, John M. Ilnvs, Frank S,
Hoffman and William Coimlng; rep
resentative to drain! 1odgo, Will II.
ii. v. p. tt.
Tho Baptist Young People's Union
of this place elected tho following offi
cers last week: President, Ooorgo Ren;
vlce-presldont, Fred BiHith; recording
secretary, Mildred Moon: corresponding
secretary, Maud Ilea: treasurer, Marry
Kirk wood; organist, Mildred Hisin; as
sistant organist, Lucile Mitchell.
Tho Sons of St. Oonrgo elected tho
following officers for thellrstslx months
of WOO: Worthy President, Wm.
Norlh.v, Jr.; vice-president, Thomas
Cricks, jr.; messenger, John Trudgen,
jr.; secretary, Alhcrt II. Neal, treas
urer, (S. W. Kykes.
An Old Lady Dead.
Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman, of Emerlck-
villo. died fast Thursday morning and
was hurled in tbe Emerickvillo ceme
tery Sunday. Funeral services were
held In the Lutheran church at Emer
ickvillo at 10.00 a. in., conducted by
Rev. J. P. Hicks, pastor of the M. E.
church. The deceased was horn In
Berks county October 15, 1HH, making
her over H:i years old at tlmo of death.
Mr. and Mrs. .iuimerman moved to
Jefferson county almost sixty years ago.
Mr. t. m merman died eight years ago.
Mrs. Almmermnn was tho mother of
nine children, seven of whom survive
her, as follows: Joseph, of Emeriek-
vllle; John, of Beech wishIs; Host, of
(iirard, Ohio: LI I lie, of Mercer; Eliza
beth, of Tarontum; Mary, of Falrmount,
and Lydla, of llowthorne, all of whom
were present at her funeral. (She was
tho grandmother of .'III children, and
tho great-grandmother of 73 children.
An Old Story.
Another victim has been added to tbo
list of those who use oil from a can to
start a lire. Last Wednesday morning
Mrs. A. .1. Clurk, or walston, was
burned to death, her husband was tak
en to Adrian Hospital not exHicted to
live and her little daughter was serious
ly burned. Mrs. Clark used tbe oil can
to hurry tho lire and the ahovo was tho
result of her rash act. People will con
tinue to pour oil on fires as long as there
Is oil to Iki had, so comment on such
dangerous practice Is only a waste of
Card of Thanks.
We deslro to thank the kind friends
and neighbors for assistance and sym
pathy shown us during tho Illness and
after the death of our son and brother,
also tannery mon and Woman's Relief
Corps for flowers furnished.
Mrs. Hakky and Family.
Sleighs, Sleighs, Sleighs.
If you wish to buy a neat, substan
tial and stylish cutter at a re
markable low price, quality considered,
call and examine our lino. Great Im
provements on our line this year.
L. M. Snyukr, Jackson St.
The magnetic attraction of our holi
day goods and the low prices push all
competitors aside. No matter how
hard you are to suit wo can suit you in
new and beautiful fancy goods. Our
aim has always been to give our custo
mers tbe best and we believe that you
will And our assortment just a little
better than elsewhere. Stoke s.
For cold foot buy warm shoes. All
kinds at Robinson's.
Brumbaugh & Hillls are now in the
now brick on the west side of Main st,
with many new specialties for Christ
mas. It will pay you to call and see
A package of neat calling cards Is an
appropriate Christmas present for lady
or gent. Samples may be seen at The
STAR office. Orders should be loft now.
No present can be given to your wife
on Christmas that will be appreciated
more than a Blssell carpet sweeper.
Tbree different styles at Hall & Barton's.
Lost If you don't hurry, a good
chance to buy holiday presents cheap at
Liooder s jewelry store.
Buy your holiday goods and Christ
mas goods trom tbe store that Has the
crisp, snappy bargains for wide-awake
buyers. Our store Is replete with all
the novelties that go to make a first-
class stock. Stoke s.
The largest and best stock of rubbers
in town at Robinson s.
Christmas is almost here and If you
want to save 25 per cent on men's, boys'
and youths' clothing call at the People's
Bargain Store, A. Katzen proprietor.
Found That Gooder's line of holiday
presents Is the largest and best ot his
line to be round in Iteynoldsvtlle. '
You will never miss the water till the
well runs dry and you will never know
what a variety of pretty and useful nov
elties we nave tor tbe holidays till you
come and see. btoKe s.
Brush and comb sets, not the kind
you find in drug stores and clothing
houses, but the genuine articles, at
Gooder s jewolry storo.
Qllmpses of the People who are Passing
To and Fro.
G. J. Cor win has been In Plttaburg
the past week.
Mrs. L. W. Huyck was In Brookvlllo
a day last week.
Mrs. E. S. Voshurg, of DrlflwiMxl, was
In town Saturday.
Mrs. Andy Denny, of Driftwood, waa
In town Saturday.
Miss Mary Cooper visited In Broek-
wayvlllo last week.
Father Drlscoll returned Friday from
a short visit In Erlo.
Martin Feoney Is endtng a short
time at California, Pa.
A. P. King went to Pittsburg this
morning on a business trip.
Mrs. A. W. Adam, of Drockwsy vlllo.
visited In this place last week.
Mrs. William Mahon, of Marlon Cen
ter, Pa., Is visiting In this plana.
Miss Alice Bittenbotidor, of Curls-1
vlllo, pa., Is visiting at Dr. J. C. King's.
Mrs. O. J. Stover, of Blanehard, Pa., Is
visiting Mrs. Irvln Kunes, on Hill street.
Miss Blanche lllakoslon, of Coal Glen,
was the guest of Miss Edna Lowla over
O. II. Boyer, who has lived at John-
sonburg for some time, has moved hack
to Reynoldsvlllo.
Miss Bertha I loch, of New Maysvllle,
Is visiting her brother, I. M. HtMih, In
West Reynoldsvlllo.
Col. John P. Wilson, business mana
ger of tho Punxsutawney Spirit, was In
Koynnldsvillo Monday.
Mrs. (leorgn Million, of Buffalo, N.
Y., visited her sister, Mrs. A. T. Hlng,
on Grant street last week.
David Eason, Jr., a drug clerk of Al
legheny City, visited his brother, Ward
Eason, in this place last week.
Mrs. J. I). Kelso, of Punxsutawney,
returned home Saturday after a short
visit with Miss Angus Warniek.
Mrs. Dr. H. P. Thompson, of Port
land Mills, visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Sutler, In this place the past
liiiiils O. Mcllinger, student In tho
Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.,
arrived home Monday to spend tho
holiday vacation.
E. A. Ferrin left hero last night on a
business trip to Philadelphia and New
York. Ho will sond Christmas with
his family In Philadelphia.
Charles Felcht and J. Clair Dough
erty, who are students In the Medlco
Chlrurgical College, Philadelphia, are
homo to ssind tho holidays.
Albert Strauss was In Lock Haven
last wtek attending the twenty-seventh
annual session of tbe State Grange as
delegate from tho Paradise Grange.
Mrs. L. J. McEntiro left hero yester-
day morning for East Liverpool, Ohio,
to spend a short time with her brother,
II. A. Kernott, whoso wifo died last
Mayor II. Alex Stoko and lawyer G.
M. McDonald were over In Indiana coun
ty two days last week rabbit hunting.
They had no trouble getting their game
homo, but the weather waa unfavorable
for good hunting.
.Tamos G. Pnntz, a student in tho
Allegheny College at Moadvllle, came
home the latter part of last week to
spend tho holidays. Jamea Is succeed
ing nicely In his studies at the above
institution. He stands at the head of
three of his classes.
Hon. W. O. Smith, of Punxsutawney,
who wilt get the Republican nomination
for Congress at tho next primaries, was
In town last Thursday. Smith will have
at least one opponent for the Congres
sional nomination, but the other fellow
might as well save his money and spend
bis tlmo In some other way, for Smith
wilt defeat him.
C. W. Espy, the florist of Brookvllle,
will be in this place on Thursday, Dec
21, with a large display of holly, wreath
ing and cut flowers suitable for all
Christmas decorations. Mr. Espy will
be located In front of Gooder's Jewelry
Don't be late, come early and get your
choice of tho fine line of holiday pres
ents at Gooder's.
Chatelaine purses at Gooder's.
Something new In the shoe line at
Johnston and Nolan's for railroad men.
Call and see them.
Stable and horse blankets, 5-a and
Burllngtons, in fact a full line at Hall
& Barton's.
The best assortment of watches at C.
F. Hoffman's.
Solid gold scarf pins at Gooder's.
A cloud burst of Christmas beauty,
radiant with good values and sparkling
with low prices awaits your Inspection
at Stoke's.
Call and get prioes on the Edison
Phonograph at Gooder's jewelry store.
A full line of ladies,' misses and chil
dren's leggings at Williams' shoe store.
If you Intend buying a holiday present
buy a useful article. At Milllrens is
where you get it.
Engraving on goods bought ot Gooder
done free of charge.
Umbrellas fram 50c. to 110.00 at Mil
llrens. What is nicer for a holiday
Tbe sweet, true natural sound Is what
the Edison phonograph reproduces.
For sale by Gooder, tbo jeweler.