The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 20, 1899, Image 4

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mt Star
HubtmriiUinn tl.fiO prr iwir, or $1.00 f
jmi'fl ittrirtlii in infi'iinr.
' A. Hl'l.l'lllion, Killlnr anrt I'nb.
W Til ) n i:s i a y . T m ' : m n k it a UHim.
A m tiiiliintiilihl Iim'rI itiicr, puMWIinl rvrrr
WrilhiMiliiv in. I(i'viililvll1i!, .IHfirnn I'll.
I'll., llovoli'll lit tlit IlltiwU of Id'yimlilivlIlK
ami Ji'lTiM'iiMi'iiiiiily. Non-pollHt-ul, will It-riil
nil with fnlriii". n til will lii-iim'liilljr frlmiil-
ly hiwitriN Hit IhIhiHiiii dun.
Siihw-rltitlitn prliTI noiwr
llnniiniiiilriillimn InlmmiMl for t'
must Im n'i'otiimtiliMl Ity ihn wrllor'n nniiir.
vi'nr, In nnvnni'ii.
Intmiilivl fur piilillrallun
mirr nun,,-.
iinriiiili'fi or
not. for itulilli'iil Ion, lull
rihhI run li
AilvoriUlinr ruln inmm known on minlli'it-
tlonntthn otMrit In r'nH'hllrli-lli'iirr lllurk,
Irf-nirlily roiiilniliili'Hlloii anil rlmiiKf of
adirllwniiil. hIiouIiI rnrh Mil. ulllr liy
Monilny iiihmi.
Aftitrrwinlli-ommunti-sttiina loO. A.Htiili
. annon, IttivmililHtlllK. I'a.
Knlorxil il. Ilin HMlon1i' t KrjrtmlilHVlll,
Pa., UN mionil rhi mull mnltr.
Miners' Convention at Cle.tnetd.
In pnimnanonnf a rnll IhhiioiI hy li
trlct President Wllllnm H. WIImoii, nf
District 2, U. M. W. of A., as per in
structions given lit a convent Inn nf del
egates liulil In C'lonrllnlil WVilnrtitliiy,
November l!1, I In-lilf ((itl.i-M n-ini'M'iitliiK
nil tlm organized mlniTu nf IHatrlet. 2,
nint In I'IimiiIIi'IJ Tmwday, I) mlier
12, to take iictliin on tin advance in
scale agreed iiion at tlm previous Hirel
ing anil to rotifer with tlm omtiiIoi-,
who IihiI been nolllli'tl to tx present.
Tlm following rimoliitlmm worn panned
by the miner at lilHt week's convention:
' lirmlrvtl. That, wo ilnniiinil an ml -vnneo
In wiiiri'H of ton cent per Ion on
pick mining, TM cents per ion on nm
uhlnn loading, anil lilt per cent
on nil otlinr kiniln of Inline, anil i lor
nine III no cutting nnil Hcrnping, to go In
to effect on .luniinry I.
Kiimlntl, That the ilmnanil til i nil not
npply to tlnwo operators wlin Imvo
signed agreements wllli iih tluit ilo not
expire until April Int., nrxt, except
where It Im proven that tint Hiilrll, a
woll UH tlm letter of tlm agreement, linx
lawn hrokt'ii lv the "iterators.
liimilnil, Tluit llm iilltcci of tlm
District Im Instructed to prm il forth
with to prepare tho District to put those
domaiulx Into effect.
Hrmliiil, That If n antlsfjirtory wt
tlomcnt Ih olitiilnoil for tlm " lo(r inln
nr on or lii'foro I) nilnr 2Tith, 1H1HI,
nnil n milTit'iont nnnilior of ottorntora
slirnifv tlmlr Intontion of nttondliiK tlm
Niitlmml Oonvnntlon of OporaloiM anil
Minors, to ho hold In tnilhumpnllH, tin).,
In Jnmmry toniitiHfy tlm oflk-orH that It
In not n M'lmnm to kill tlmo, thou tho
o(lli'cr of tlm DiHtrha nrn nnthori.oil to
notify tho minora to oontlnno working
until nltor tlm National Cnnvnntlon Iiim
dotoi niliUMl on npolloy to pnrHiin.
Canilldnte for Aanembly.
William T. Cox, ono of our loiuling
miHlmwn mon, who hiia hail tho I'L'Ih
latlve "Ih'l'" In IiIh hat fornix or novon
yearn, linn ih'clilod to ulvu tho Uopnhli
t'ann of .loffoi-Hon cimnly thuopportunily
nt llio priinnrion noxt your to nay
whnthor ho nhall ho tho Itopiihlienn
eandlilatn for that ollUnt at tho full doe-
tion of l'.HHt, or whothor nomo othor Un
piihlican nhnll Ixi tho randiiinto. Mr.
Cox han cnrlH il his aHpirationn on two
prevlotm oloollonn to irivi) othora
chanoo, hut this tlmo Im propocoa to
announon hit nnmn at tlm propor linn
and eiitor tlm contont to Htiiy to tho
llnUh. Mr. ('ox la ao woll known in
,!iITernon I'linntv, huvlnir hoeii n worknr
In tho party n monitor of yoara, thnt it la
not nt'opniiary to mako nny commont at
thla tlmo.
Llhrnty Fund.
Tlm puhlii) noliool of Sykonvlllo hold
vory IntorontliiK and intorlulnln
Nlifhti'iip" and "Jaok llornor" amdal
In. tlm otil M. K. rhnridi Tuonday tvon
Inu, Don. nth. Tlm .Inok llornor do-
imrtmont wan chim'i'IiiIIv Inloronllnir to
llm I'lilldrnn. Kvorylnidy hail a uimmI
llmo mid nnjoyod tho nvnnhiK. Onn of
tho inimt IntoroHlliiK foaturon of tho
tivi'iiitiK wan 1ho pri-nintatlon of nomo
vory donlrnhlii iMMtkn hy Hot. l'alinof,
whloh niarkn tho Itof Inning of tlm pulv
Ilo acliool llhrary of BykoHvlllo. Tho
ncholam and toai'liora fool vory jfrntofnl
to Mr. I'lilnifl' for tlm valnahlo grift anil
bImo thank tlm pooplo of tho town anil
mirrouuillitff mittnlry for tlmlr palron-
ii(o. Tho ninoiinl oloaroil nltovn nil fx-
potimi wan .'I(MKI, whloh In to Imi unnil
for huvlnir biaikn for llm llhrary.
Letter List.
Lint of mii'luimt'd lottorn romulnln
In tho pimtotlioe at KoynoldHVlllo, l'a.,
wook enilimr Di e. HI. IHlill:
8. C. Itnnot, NoIhoii M. Johnson, Mm
Llltlior IiOI'll, ICoV.liUHtltVIIH MiiHniilhkoy,
K. W. Millh, Honry Uinwoll Mowir, Hona
Hholtort, It. V. OnlHirn, Knlvutoro Lav
Hay advnrtiHoil and clvo dnto of lint
wbon calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M.
Mailing t.kennm.
Tho following innri lnuo lloonnon wore
lmiod tlm pant work hy John H. Ilarr,
'lork of Cnurln of .loffomon n unity:
Charlon K. Conway am) Kloronoo (I.
actor, IniiIi of I'unxniitawncy.
A. 11. MokIo, of (irmiKi'i ami I.aiua
1. Tiavln, of I'ortor.
ThonuiH ClaiihauKh mid .li'inimn Kot-
tornian, hoth of ItoynolilHvillo,
Alhort llowoll anil Ni lllo M. Sullivan,
hoth of I'.loaiioi'ii.
Siimuol MoltiHlynk mnl Julia Toll),
hold of I.lndwy.
Ilurvoy It. ThoiupNon and Mlnnlo M.
DowIIiik, ImiIIi of llriNikvltlu.
Mli'hui l Klaimnun and Pel In Kami,
hoth of ltoyiioldHVillo,
lanioH ( III vor and Carrio lliH'kwood,
ImiiIi of Anita.
Tons, Yes,
Tons of
Enough for
Junt Raved His Life.
It wan n thrillinu owapo that CIiiu Ii-h
DiivIh, of llowoi'Hton,().,hitoly had from
a fi l;htfiil ilonth. For two yonrn n an-
voi-o Iniitf Iroiihli! iMiiiHtantly Krow worm
until il Hooinoil Im inimt din of oonHinnp-
tion. Thon I in Ih-u'iiii to iiho Dr. KIiik'b
Now PUoovory and latoly wroto: "It
gtivo iiiHtant rollof and I'fTccli'd a iH-rma-
nont euro." Suoli womlorfui nuroa liuvo
for twonty-llvo yuara provon lla powor
to cum uil tnnmt., cliL-st ami liiuir ti-ouli-lon.
I'llon fiO ronU and fl.lMI. Kvory
Imttlo L'uarauU'cd. Trial lattlloa
nt II. Alox Stoko'ndruir atom.
People Who Pay the Printer.
Tlm following iM-rmuiHliavo paid tlmlr
nuhiu'riiitionn or added tlmlr numoa to
our IIhI mIiioo liiHt roiiort:
V.. A. rVrrln, I'lilliiili'litlila, ui'W I (oei'inlM-r
.Iimi'iili lliliUor. ltin'kiliilii Mill", Oi-IoImt
St, vn.
Ar.rn IMrki'V, Wlxhnw, Pa, Novi'inlHir t,
A. I'. Moon., r'nll rri'i'k.Di-tolior I, ItDIII.
I'.llhliik L'ox, Hnnily Valley. AiikuhI 21, I WW.
Mm. riirolliiK Armor IteynolilHvlllii, Nu-
vi'iiiIht 14. imm.
M. II. HIIIon, IteynoliNvHIii, AiikuhI 12, 1U0U.
Mm. Mury A. Iti-eil, Keynolilnvlllii, now
I i-nilH-r-JA, tlHMt.
Wo noil tho ('rown drill, whloh aowa
nil kindn of grain and Krann Hoed, plantn
corn, Iteiiim and iioan, illHtrlnuloH fortll-
Izor and novor chokon VVo noil llm
Kllla throHlmr. whloh wn havo tonUiil
and Hell baeked hy our mid tho compa
ny 8 Kuaranton Mpeelal to armora,
wheat phoHphato t'l'Z por ton Wo noli
hnrrown, plown, hny, grain, nlraw, Hour,
food, horned, biitfuieH, wauona, harnona,
TiHMMMon, hardware, dry vimmIh, arwgn
Ye havo told a few thinirn wo do noil,
von toll tin nomethlnif'wo don't null ami
we'll gut It Comu nod nee on.
J. O. KlNil St Co.
the people.
Get prices
T ir 10 U K'H
V'lt K AH V It K
In m a k I n k y o " f !V
M I .. n I I , . H A t M ... U
II V I ' V V I IF II H III. Ill re
(food a took ono that
a h o w a r o I I a b I o I il a a
from tho atoro that
fools thorn's noth
ing too good to pass
along to tho t r a d it.
Wn glvo oxtra zest to
your p I n a n il r e by
lowost prlcon prices
that particularly I ti
le rent shrewd buyers
tlm buyers who arn
looking for a place
where, every posslhlo
advantage Is a s mi r e d
them. II r I in fill of good
argument Is every
Item wn show tho
kind of selling logic
that v o n v I n o e s.
Bing & Co. Sjj
Pan' fail to srr our display
il ni I im r a on its
suitable for all ages, at prices
within, the reach of cierihodf.
Stoke, the Druggist.
"'' ft
That tlm Uk Htouk in tlio plnco to buy your fall
goixln Hiicli jiH lloHHfry, (JlovnH Underwoar, Comforts,
HlutiketH, liiKlioH1 find ('liiMritti'H (VmtH, CnpftR, Collar
!ttt!H nnl Kur Siiitn, Mfiii'H, YoutliV and JloyH' Suits,
OvemmtH, etc.
N'T (Jf
Tliat warili!aduartfirflforMon,B, Women's and
Clilldron'H Hlif)es.
Kxainiiio our lino lino of Holiday Goods. Never
before rould we hIiow you ho fine a lino to select from.
Remember the place, the JJio Htork of
Nkxt Doom to Poht Okkiok.
Watch Goodur's windows for nloo
ChrUtmoB pruHonta.
Forty-five Tromont Hot lllat Hunt
ing stoves sold In five wookn. The boat
soft coal Btovo on earth for tho money
Kvory stovo sells another. To be hod
only at Hall Si Uarton's.
This la the year you promised to buy
a gold watch for ChriHtmas, Hoforo
you buy call and see the large stock and
get prions at u. t , itollmun a.
The only pluee in town where you can
buy the fumous Kdlson records tor tho
phonograph and graphophnne Is at
GOODKK, the Jeweler's.
A tablet elvon awav with every pal
of school shoes bought at Johnston &
Good goods and prices to suit all at
The best quality of silver table ware
at C. P. Hoffman's.
Como und look at Goodur's stock of
holiday goods.
Sausage cutters and atuffors, lard
pi-essoH, butcher knives and saws, hog
scrapers and large kettles, everything
needed for butchering at Hall &
Come and see for yourself that Good
er's Btoek of holiday presents Is the larg
est and best chosen to be found In town.
Silver knives and forks at the lowest
, prions at C. P. Hoffman'.
A large stock of thimbles, gold, silver
and gold band at Goodur's.
If you want a good fitting suit or an
overcoat, go to Johns & Thompson,
merchant tailors.
- Brooches gold, silver and gold filled
at Gooder's.
Pianos and organs sold, rented, ex
changed, repaired and tuned at Has
kins' muslo Btore.
Silver mirrors at a bargain at Good
er's jewelry store.
'The Directors of the American Silk
Co. have declared a dividend on the
Preferred Slock at the rate of seven (7)
per cent per annum, for the six months
ending Dec. Hint, MM), and a dividend
on the Common Stock at the raid of
nine (0) per cent per annum for the six
months ending Deo. 31st, 18U9. Divi
dend checks will be mailed.
Jos. W. Place, Treat.
Don't foriret to buv mamma a pair of tlx
gold glannea for ChrlHtmaa. At HolT- tj
man's, tho optician, is the place to gut J
thorn. . t
Flat, oval and dinned hand rings at
Goodur's jewelry store.
H UhcHt erado pianos and organs.
violins, banjos, mandolins, gultarn and
everything in the munlo line ut Hanklns'
mimlo store.
Hollow ware, fine Quadruple plate.
celery dishes, shaving nuiga, cups and
saueui'S. nlcklo canters. Duller uisiies.
fruit and nut bowls, cake bankols and
water pitchers at Gooder's, tho jeweler.
Cuff links, sterling sliver filled and
solid gold at Gooder's.
The nicest assortment of ladles' chains
at C. P. Hoffman's.
The place to buy your holiday presents
Is at Gooder's.
lluy your holiday good from Goodur
and have them engraved iree oi cnargo
Come and see our KOo. child's set, at C
P. Hoffman s.
A few hints on what to buy for Christmas presents.
shupes in neckwear at
warm shoes at Williams' shoe
All the now
A ring of beauty Is a joy to the woar-
Gooder keeps the kind that is a joy.
1835 It. Wallace and 1847 Rogers' Bros.
flat ware, the best In the world, at
store. ,
The highest, perfection lo silver
plated ware is represented by the
Koger Bros.' 1847 brand of flat ware.
A full and complete stock shown at
Gooder's jewelry store.Reynoldsville.Pa.
Nobby suits, the very latest style, is
what Johns & Thompson, merchant tail
ors, are turning out. Try tnem.
A complete line of stiver novelties at
U. r . HolTman's.
' Military brushes, French ebony,
sterling silver mounted, at uootier s.
The celebrated Pontine shirts for Bale
at Milllrens.
Ladles' chatelaine watches, tho latest
patterns and style at Goodur s.
A beautiful oil painting given away
with every pair of Queen Quality shoes
bought at Johnston a rsoian s,
All tho latest novoltles in gold and
If you buy your Christmas presents ntMillirens not only the recipient but the whole family will feel cheerful.
We call special attention to the yountf ladies who intend to buy a suitable present for papa or brother.
We want you to call at our store and see the grand exhibition of Holiday Presents. Any article you may choose
will cheerfully be laid aside until you call for it. We suggest an early visit which will afford you first choice
of the largest assortment in Jefferson county.
Uelow we give a few suggestions and prices.
Men's Fancy Dress Vests.
We have a large line of the new
Holiday styles including all the up-to-date
patterns Prices $8. 00, 8.25,
8.75 and 4.00.
You cannot give a young man a
present he will appreciate more.
Men's Winter Dress Gloves.
EngliBli Scotch wool gloves, only
25 cents.
' Men's wool and dogskin fur tops,
only 50 cents.
All colors in kid and Mocha, silk
lined and unlined. Price 75c, $1.00
and HI. 50.
Holiday Hats and Caps.
No end of suitable Christmas gifts
in this big store.
New Holiday neckwear, all the
most expuisite novelties, all the fa
mous makes, all the newest shapes
and patterns, many that are exclu
sive with us. Prices range from
25 cents to $2.00.
For those swell new Oxford muf
flers, made of fine silk in checks
and stripes. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00
and $1.25.
We can't give you even a faint
idea of our matchless line of men's
Holiday Handkerchiefs. Call and
see them.
Men's All-Wool Dress Pants.
A big line of men's all-wool Dress
Pants in good cassimeres, stylish
patterns and shades. Well-made,
well-looking, well-fitting. Prices
$1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00.
Arrow Brand Collars.
The celebrated Arrow Brand Col
lar's, 15 cents, two for 25 cents.
All the new styles.
A complete showing of new bus
penders. Prices 25c, 50c and 75c.
All the patterns in
and Night Robes.
Dresa Shirts
If you are a Judge of clothing, you will admit our SUITS AND OVERCOATS to' be the beet values of
the season. We could mark our garments considerable higher and then undersell all competitors but
you early in the season that we would offer record-breaking bargains in clotning and overcoats and
true to our promise.
silver at Gooder's.