The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 13, 1899, Image 7

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Sweetest thing that can be seen
Is a baby, fresh and clean.
Dainty clothes and tenJer skin
NeeJ pure soap to wash them in.
Nurse and mother must be sure
Baby's bath is sweet and pure.
. Fre.; from grease or alkalies;
Ivory Soap their want supplies.
coavaiaxT ma by thk pnocTifl a oambli CO. oimiNHAIt
Water, Taken from the l'eclflo, fient to
Atlantic Orenn.
It Is a remarkable fact that water
which flowi naturally Into the Gulf of
California and thence Into the Pacific
ocean has been virtually lifted across
the backbone of the Rocky mountains,
and now, after being used for Irriga
tion, finds its way into the Gulf of
Mexico. A number of small streams
on the other side of Long's peak,
which flow into Grand lake and thence
into the Colorado river, have been di
verted by a ditch that flndB its way
'through 10,000 feet high into tho head
waters of the Poudre. Some 400 cubic
feet per second has thus been diverted
from the Pacific to the Atlantic elope,
where the water Is used for irrigating
additional farms in Larimer county.
It Is not strictly correct to say that
this water has been lifted across the
range. But a feat of sinuous engineer
ing has diverted it, which amounts to
the samo thing.
nirthplaee of the Cable.
The old house formerly occupied by
Cyrus W. Field, in East Twenty-third
street. New York, Is now being torn
down to make room for a more pre
tentious structure. It was in this
house that Mr. Field lived when ho
first broached the Idea of building a
cable between Europe and America.
He still made the old house his home
when, after twelve years of disap
pointment and struggle, the great
dream of his life became an accom
plished fact For some years the
building has been used as a boarding
house. Now It is being razed to the
"My mother was troubled
with consumption for many
years. At last she was given
up to die. A neighbor told her
not to give up but try Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. She did so
and was speedily cured, and is
cow in the enjoyment of good
health." D. P. Jolly.
Feb. a, 1899. Avoca, N. Y.
Hard Coughs
No matter how hud your
cough is or how long you have
had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
is the best thing you could
possibly take. But it's , too
risky to wait until you have
consumption, for sometimes it's
impossible to cure this disease.
If you are coughing today,
don t wait until tomorrow, but
get 1 bottle of Cherry Pec
toral st once and be relieved.
It strengthens weak lungs.
Three iIini Me.. ettonjrh foren ordinary
cold 1 MM)., Juet rltfbt fur ..thine, bronotiUta,
fcMranM4. whooplntfoutfb, hard cold.i
f niu w,ii,uii4u vuwutww eeaee
Kinloratlona In rataRonln.
In tho current number ol the Geo
graphical Journal Dr. Moreno gNos an
account of Patagonia, which is a por
tion of that vast area in South Amer
ica still unknown to geography, and
interesting because of the rich prod
ucts, which It probably contains, and
Its charming landscapes. It seems that
Patagonia docs not merit the bad repu
tation as regards scenery which It has
had slnco Darwin and Fitzroy received
a disagreeable Impression from the
portion they explored. The plateaus
of Arizona find their analogy in the
table lands of Patagonia, and "the pic
turesque fjords and white mountains of
Alaska seem to be a copy of tho fjords
and mountains of Patagonia." The
analogy might be pushed even further,
for It seems there is a strange similar
ity between the ancient customs and
industries of the Alaskan and Pata
gonlan Indians.
Nnvo tlio MrhrK,
From saving, comos hnvlug. Ask your
grocer how you can save Ma by Investing
. Bo. Ho enn tell you just how you enn gut
I one large lOo package ot "Ked Cross"
I atnrob, 0110 liirge lOo package of "Hubln
1 Rer's Beat" aturoli, with, tho premiums, two
I beautiful S'.inkmponro panels, prln'J In
twelve benutltul colors, or ono Twtintletb
Century Olrl Calendar, nil for So. Ask yout
grocer for this stnroli nud obtain these
beautiful Christmas presents free.
Tea-Drinking In Ruasla.
The Russians drink enormous quan
tities of tea, bu (Helen t to frighten any
Englishman or American. The poor
people and the Russian people are
the poorest In existence use the so
called "brick" tea. This is tho cheap
est sort, being mixed with Btems, and
compressed by aome adhesive gum into
dry cakes of various sizes, resembling
in its appearance "plug" tobacco. This
tea, which would probably prove pois
onous to any one else, is consumed by
the Russian worklniman at the aver
age rate of about twenty stakans (or
tumblers) a day, the Russian stakan
being quite equal to five ot the littlo
thimbles ot cups used n America at
afternoon teas. Taking l.lto considera
tion that black, sour or Nltter, brick
like bread, raw onions, garlic, dried
leather-fish and strongly s.Mted herr
ings are usually the chief reticles ot
food of the people at large, one must
not wonder at the enormous quantity
of hot tea needed to quench , Rus
sian's thirst and help on his digestion.
to Rooking Lullaby.
Strange at it may seem, the ti. he
honored custom of rocking babies to
sleep is a bud one. It is injurious
the children themselves, and is a causv
eventually of much unnecessary
trouble to their guardians. Mothers
should therefore see to it that from the
very first the little ones are brought
up in the way they should go, and that
the monthly nurse does not get them
into bad habits by rocking them to
sleep either in her arms or la their
cots. There is no doubt that rocking
is the most expeditious way of induc
ing a baby to go to sleep, but if one
once starts, a baby will not sleep with
out It, and at a later age is likely to
suffer from insomnia. Rocking may
save immediate troublo to a lazy nurss
or mother by Inducing sleep when a
child does not requrre It, or when it
ought to be taken up from Its cot and
have clean clothes put on, but It will
never cause that sweet, gentle and per
fect sleep which should be character
istic ot a baby who has no artificial
aids to induce slumber.
Tbr fa more PntArrh In this twitlnn of ttit
onuutrr titan ftll otber dltmaHeii put totfwthur,
ftntl until the iftHt few yer wua nuppoiHwl to be
lnournhltt, Kor ft (front nrnuy yearn doctor
froniMinn(M) Itftloaul dltuMtiM) und prfttMirtbfd
iKJttl remrdtBsj. nml by cioiihtautljr fitJUntc to
curt wltli JtooAl trtNttmttut, iirommnnod it In.
Durable, Soioijce hftn piuvou to bo a
ooi.fltlt.utloi.Hl d.Htmm) hihI therefore rttqulrvi
uonrtltutlniMti trtmtiiiimt. Hull' a Ontttrrli Ourti
limDulftotiired by l' J. Chuuey A Co., Toled'i.
Ohio, la the oiilv mnntltutionnl oure on tba
market. It It taken iuroHUy In duaea from
10 drops to a tuaapoonfu.. Ufttita dlreutly on
the blood and nmooui eurfnoe of the ayatem,
Ther otf er one buudrud dollara for auy oaaa
It f alla-to cure, 80 ud for olroulara and toetU
nionialB. Addraaa F.J. CHnMCTtfc CoTulu(X
Bold by Uruaita, 75o.
IkMfcVft 7ftniU frftl M tb bal
Contrast of Wanly Arrived Immigrant,
and Their Amerleanlied Relations.
There was a meeting outside tho
barge office. A batch of immigrants
had come in, and Glulla and her man
were in waiting to receive some now
Jy arrived relatives. Glulla was brave
In her finest and most gorgeous rai
ment, combining a reckless love of
bright colors with an ardent desire to
look American. Her hat was a mar
vel of Third avenue millinery. Her
bright dress was after the most ap
proved autumn model, always, of
course, from the Third avonno stand
point, and the pendant earrings, great
yellow brooch, and Jingling bracelets
were dazzling to behold. To crown
all, and as an Irresistible finish, she
had squeezed -her plump hands Into a
pair of yellow kid gloves, momentarily
threatening to burst. Pletro's scarlet
nccktlo, generous expanse of shirt
front, low-cut mottled waistcoat, and
highly glided watch chain limited his
powers of self-adornmrnt, but his lit
tlo wife cheerfully made up for all ho
lacked. Shrill erics of "Ecco! Ecco!"
turned tho dull eyes of three persons
In their direction, and, extricating
themselves from tho excited crowd,
they wlthdrow to contemplato each
other at their leisure. The contrast
was painful on one side, pathetically
ludicrous on the other. Francisco and
his sisters gazed blankly ot their
changed and resplendent relations.
The man had on tight breeches of
homespun, a gray flannel shirt with a
red cotton handkerchief knotted at the
throat, and was a picturesque speci
men of Tuscan manhood. The women
wore bare-headed; covert glances had
been exchanged over Glulla's startling
headgear. They wore huge, roughly
cobbled boots, and short petticoats
displaying striped blue and yellow
stockings, and knit worsted shawls of
variegated colors were tightly drawn
about the shoulders and fastened at
the opened throat with monstrous cor
al brooches, the crowning glory of
their attire. Hut Glulla! Truly she
was a queen In comparison! Never
mind! Americanisms are quickly ac
quired, and if the brother is lucky six
months may see their metamorphosis.
ew York Sun.
Like rinding "Money.
The use of tbs Endless Chain (March
Hook In the urcliaa ot "Iti-J Cross" and
''Hublngor's Host" starch, makes It Just
like finding money. Why, for only 60 yov
are enabled to got one large 10c pnoknge
of "Red Cross" stnroli, one large 10c pack
age of "Hublnger's Host" starch, with the.
premiums, two Hhnkespt-nre pnnels, print
ed in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twen
tieth Century Olrl Calendnr, embosso-1 in
gold. Ask your procor for this starch and
obtain the beautiful Christ mas presents tree
l'reslilent Knitter's Father.
The bitter feeling which Paul Kru
ger cherishes toward tho British is cer
tainly not lessened by the memory that
his own fa titer was the man who fired
the first shot at 'the English troops
at Boomplatz In 181S, and by the fur
ther thought that he was one of those
who were driven by the English to
take part in the great "trek" of 1830.
Again, In !Eu4, when the noers peti
tioned the queen to be allowed to re
main under the protection of the Brit
ish flag, the elder Kruger was one of
Its signers. The answer of the duke of
Newcastle, who returned the petition
with the remark that it could not be
entertained and that England had al
ready extended its rule too tar in Af
rica, has always been remembered b)
Kruger and his associates as an un
dying insult.
Cures Croup and Whooping-Cough
Unexcelled for Consumptive!. Gives
quick, iure rcaulta. kc.uc eubsuitutea.
Jr. in.Ti Pill i curt BiUouinti. Trial, to or $
Try Crain-O !
Try Crain-O!
Ask your Grocer tolay to show
yon a puckitgo of GRAIN-O, the new
food drink that tukes the place of
The children may drink it without
injury as well as tho adult. All who
try it, liko it. GItAIN-0 bus that
rich ud brown of Mocha or Java,
but it is made from pure gruins, and
the most delicate stomach receives it
without distress. the prioo of coffee.
15 cants and 25 cents per package.
Sold by ull grocers.
Taetesi like CofToe)
Looks Ilk CorToo
Inalut that your prooer glraa yon GRAIM-0
Aocupt bo uniutiou.
Xbe Omt live pnraons proourlng. the Endive rbatn Rinrrb Hook from tuetr
grocer will enoU obtain one large lOo paokage ot 'Red Croaa" Niarch, one large
10a package of 'llablnger'. Ural" Nlarrh, two Bbitkeapeura panels, printed Id
twelve beautlfal oolora, as naturul as Ufa, or one Twentieth Contury Olrl Calendar, tbe
Dneat of Its kind erer printed, all abaolutely free. All others proouriog tbe Kndlrea
Chalai Ktarcfei Book, will obtain fron: tbelr grocer tba abore goods for So. "lied
Croaa" l.Mundrr Mlarch Is loniuthlug entirely new, and Is without doubt tbe great
eat lorention of tbe Twentieth Oentury. It bat no equal, sad surpuwes ull others. It
has won for itself prnlee from all parts of tba United State. It ha superseded every
thing heretofore used or known to aoleooa In tba laundry art. It Is made from wheat,
rlo. and oorn, sod ehemlaally prepared upon sul.otlno prlnolplos by jr. C, Hubiager,
Keokab, l.wa, an expert in tba laundry profession, wbo has bad twenty-fire y.nrs'
prartleal ezprleuee la faoey lauoderlag, sad wbo was the first suoeessful and orlgloul
inventor of all Boa grades of starch la tbe United HUtes, Ask your grooers tot this
sUarea and obtala tbese beautiful Christmas
Kidneys. LwEmi J7
The Crying Need.
Wireless telegraphy, horseless car.
rlages and chalnless bicycles are all
very well in their way, but what the
world really yearns for is a noiseless
Attention la enlluil to the very useful
arllo'.oa contiilnnd la the premium lint ol tiie
('ontlnnnlnl Tobni-oo Co. nilvi-rtlfn-mont of
tlmir War l'lug Tobacco In another column
of tills paper. It will pay to aveth""Btiir"
tin tl! nnd so take advantage ot the best
list ever lnued by tbe tUar Tobacco.
Vitality low, rirhilttatrri or (-xlmiiulo I ctirod
ny I ir. KNih-'b luvlK.iriilinu Tonic. Vhvk (I
trial bottle fur 3 Moi-ks' treatment. Pr. Kl m;
l iU U Ai-. Ii HI.. l'lillBdrlpliiii. Kouiuled ln.
riao'a Cnre for ronmimtitlnn lw anvert me
ninny a dix-tor'a bill. H. F. lluur, lloiikiua
l'lucu. Unltluiore, Md., Dec. S. lH'JL
All hand-pnlnted. No
hniilfonii-r lamp mad,
fold at nnmifiu-tui-or'a
prlcea. V i-ay tui
Mnki-n a most accepta
ble present.
Iit-auttf ulrnlnretl cat.
nloRiia of liand.iHilutett
I'AICI ilt or HA-Soti-T
LA U I'M, free.
Every lamp Ouaran
U ed. Af on, y back if
you want it.
Manufactured by
Pittsburg Glass Co.,
rittaburg-, l'a.
tou auy DIRECT.
P. K, U. B) 'JJ
presents tree.
ai cti dat imWmM
Cna't be beat
$19,000 OFFERED
by lilrf th late Anthony Pollnk, Eo.. fur bt
ninrlltniB Ulit-Havhiu nvi'linin''- " run fiimlHti rn
KliHWlt B. Oc LAH
llr:M i:, Wnahhiainii, l. I .
Curea i'anitlia and Colila If I a bw am,
I'reventa i oMMttiipllon. RBI I S" II
All UruiiiilaU 2Bo. II
-i save rt
t "tar" tin tas (snowinir email stars printeu on nnuer ante ,
y of tag), "HorsoShoe," "J.T.," "UoodLuok," "OrossBow,"
j, and " l)ruramond " Natural Leaf Tin, Tags are of equal value in ,
securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted.
i. Every man, woman and child can find something on. the list ,
y that they would like to have, and oan have J
1 MfttVi Bos st S3 Clark, ft-dar. Culontlar, Thermom- 4
9 Kn f, niift blailtt, i(mh1 stswl. fti stfttr, Baroiu fr aVO
Jr B.i-'M, 4Hitu'hHi 84 W un rm. leather, uo batter inarl. boa J
1 Me'eh Bo u
9 Kn f, ona blada, boihI ataul., 3.',
Hel-s-ira, 4(itulia U
4 Cl.ll.l'. H.I. Knife. Fork ami H,n W
$ halt and ltpr 8t. oiiaa-u, quad
rnplt, plata on whti. mutal , 60
Fraiu-b Briar WmKt l'l W
T Itaa -r, hollow Krouud, ttns liimllntl
I liuiiV" Knife ' ' i ri'i 1 ' pla't si, ' beat
qualltr 60
9 Kuuar Hhell. tnvU ple. Wat qual., fti
10 H'atup Hx, frUnit ailver ?u
11 Kliire,"Keeii Kutter," two bladn-i.. 1ft
IS Hit (r liar Knife. "Keen It n tier," e-la
hlawle TI
18 HhMir, "Ken Kniter "Mtmn 7ft
14 Nut rttt, Cisv-ker and Pirn, lifer
Krtted Pto
hall, "AaPia'ion," bsjet qiisU.ltiu
It nUrmt'lfsrk ntt'kel 1U)
17 bit (term hie Hoger' Taapioua, bmtt
i la'e I pooti lAu
1H Wvcii, nickel, ateiii wtml and t. . Sou
19 OarvMrsj, good teul, bunkUorn
handleN oo
50 Hu tienntne Rouen' Table SiKwna,
IfHil tilarel ginnU SftO
51 x iMt'li. Knlve.enJ Furka,
born liandba tin
SS Hu e-acli, livtnutne l(n'!er Rtilvea
and k'urks, beet ilatrd fj.toda Soil
A T 1'aa -r, liolluw Kruuml, ttns Kliiiiub
TUT uttml BO
" Iiutir Knlfa, triple nlata, beat
A nun lit r o
"VjT t Kuuar Shall. Ini-I plain. Wat qual.. au
r lu Hiaiiit Hoa, aarUiiff ailvar to
the nsnve orFen expires novsxmR 30n. isor
SDnClal Notice! Tin TaamaMe. Her tin ta. with no ,mll
"i""" WUIHO 1 atar primal on hihIm lta of tajl. are not kW fur nrawK.
nuudrwl, if n-'
inn wiii iw paia
il by n on --r twfori
A I IsruitAli IN .tll.VO lUot a illeau. w.nli ol I A
'aT will lax leaser and aBTersl saara pleeuara lUaa a (Hun's wertli .r aar I'-QT
1 I athrra.aad. MAKE THETE8TI
TTl U4 tsqi l CO riETAL TOM 4CCO CO.. St. Loi Ms 1"
mi m m
INI l?a-.
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
JLatuPrlnulunl Gxamlnor U 8. Penalou Rurrau.
V 3.vrnl'i civil wur. IftaUJiiiliuutiiiit ulaiiiusi.atl.valuoaj
J l j9 , naioh r.r n4 earM worit
,k of teKtimcinlala and lOdaTS' liaatmanl
Or. H. . illU I soas. Soz . atlaata, Sa.
SI f f rAafl r I InTf"t fion aioo and
I JJ JOT 9IU net .HHMifor li-o tiirei
Mfaaoahant. WM. IIKI'D.IH; Hull St., I'lilla.. Pa.
t& rpsm
Clwk, ft-dar. Calendar, Tharmom-
etr, Baroiue er leo
mi rMe, leather, uo better marie, boa
ltvul ver. NiittKuatlu, dviunla a?ti jo,
r v caltter 600
Tul Het, uut iiUythiiim, but real
i.m.u e
Tolbn Het deojrated pon:olaint
very he ml moid aoo
HfiuuiHt-ii Ultle N. 4, .r . fHiO
Wei.'b, atrerltiiff ilvr.full JewoleJ 1XW
lireaa Htm cue, leather, baudeume
and durable lOuo
BwUit( fttaolitne, Orm claaa, wi;h
all attai'b'iten'a lfiOO Cult'a, SH-cttUbf.1 blued
tee! HO0
Ulne. Coif 'a, H-h. n-rahlssv IM
OnKar (Waaliburn), rueewuotl, In
laid SUM
Mandolin, ve;jr bandaome Suou
Winrhoarer Hepettlng Bhot (inn,
li aue suuo
Kenilnuton, double-barrel, bam
itier HUut U'ln. lu ur Id Kutf tudO
Dirrle, atau lard make, ladles or
geuta Sftoo
Bhot Oun. Itenlntfton. double bar
rel, haiuinerle S0U0
Retttna MudJ Uji, U'i tuuh Dto..eiJQ
Toilet Hot diwjratnd porcelain, A
vary liandiHiina aoo Qr
ts llKiuiiiKtuu Itlfls Nn.4. M1 . aoo
at Wau U, rllna ilvnr .tull J-w..l l louu i
Wl llraas Mint Caa, Iwitliar, liauilauma (V
anil durall ItAJO F
tor in HAHii ou tuabuia ut iwaatyowuper
Mt - rli Ni. lii:i.
A i