f VOLUMK a. ItKYNOI.DNVII.I.K, I'KNN'A., WHIINKSDAY, M.YKMI.KIl 2 UW). NIlMHEK V). yyu- STAMRY, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, tXlloept Mold McCnmiell, Roynnldsvlllc, I'm. c. MITC1IRLL, ATTOIINRY-AT-LAW. Office on Wit Main street ntiiMisltp the Ctimmen'lal Unlet, Ki-ynnldsvllln, Pit. c. Z. UOtlDON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, llrookvlllo, Jiilfersnn 'i, Pa. Olth- In room formerly is-i-tipled by (lordon k Oorlsttt West Mnln Kiwi, G M. McDONALD, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, Notary Public, real itstaln am-nl, Patents secured, ittlti'l Iiiiih made promptly, Olllrp In Nolan block, Reynolds llhi, I'a. JMITH M. McCURIGHT, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, Jary I'iiIiHc and Ileal Estate Agent. '"!- Violin will rpoeivp iroiiiii atieniion. unire. inpniirn K ncnry niia-a, nenr pimiotiirp, linldatrtlln I'tt. NRKF. JUSTICE OR TIIR PRACR And Ratal KMnlr Agent, Rcynnhlnvllla, Pa. D It. II. R. IIOOVRR, RRYNOI.DSVILLR, 1'A. Resident ilmillHi. In I hp Fun-hitch ft Hen ry IiIitW, nenr the ismtnAVe, Mnln Htnit. (jentleneas In operating. It. It. DrVRHR KING. DRNTIST, Office over Kcynoldsvtlle Hardware t'n. hIoiti, Mnln street, Rcynnldsvllle, I'n. J)R. L. L. MEANS, DRNTIST, Office In the J. Vnn Reed hiillillnpi, ne-ar rorner of Mnln mill Fifth streets. II OTELMcCONNELL, UEYNOLDSVILLE. PA. . FRANK J. JiLACK, Proprietor. , Th leading hoipl of I hp town. Headquar ters for commercial men. Hlenm heat, frp bus, bath riMinm nnd chisels on pviry fhsir, sample room, billiard room, telephone con ntoOona Ac. H OTRL DELNAP, REYNOLDSV1LLE, PA. FHAA'K JUKTX, VnVMr. First class In ever particular. Ijtcated In thp vpry centra of Uie business part of town. - Krpp 'bus to nml from train nml comriMNlliitia sample ruoma for commercial travelers. J H. HUGH KB, UNDRUTAKING AND EMBALMING. A full llnfi of supplies constantly on linnrt. OHIc-h pud warci-isim near M. E. church, Fifth trvit. NEW PLANINQ MILL Will keep in stock a full line of rough and dressed .... bumoer, aasn ana Doors, Wouldlnas. Casinos, Brackets, Porch Material ot all kinds, Shingles, Lath, Plaster, Lime, Cement and Sewer Pipe. Material delivered to all parts of town. . J.V.Young. trS ft I I I 0 D3 0 71 7s o CO 3 CD to p f a is 4 S x WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY L'hrv havp acood the tcitol years. tnd hava curad Ihouianila of Casea of Nervoul Diaeaiei. luch pa lebilitv. Diailnau. Slecplctk peu pod Varicoccla, Atrophy,a0 Tbaycicarliia brain, lUengthep tba circulation, maka diRctiun JTtgor totlia wliol bclna. All k drains pud loel art clircktd f "'H hrma"'y- Unleu paoenl, lion ptton worrlea them inioloaanity, Conaump . t 19 m DaaUi, Mailed aaalad. Price i per box; t wan Iroivclad lag 4 I uarantee to curs or p a Ua auaay, l5eo- oeod In tree book, rJUby H. Aleiltok X S yANT YOUIirUiTIIING TO KIT ? ? ? ? ? Tlii'ti yini iinjlii In KD In .1. O. RKORIII.ICII .... MRIWHANTTAIIXHI. My Link or Mami'I.km . . . nro well wtirlh nnyoni'' limn l cull mikI liiHHrl. Iti'tiH-inlK'r nil wnrk KIIHI'HIlll't'tl. I'l.F.ANINtl, ItKI'AIKINll, Al.TKHINH, A SPKCIAI.TY .!. O. Klior.lil.Kll. Noxt iliwir to Pi'li-Hinr llniH. IIAVR YOlT NOUGHT YOUIt WINTRIIKIIORS Y RT y Il' Ntrl' rnll nil UN mill wi ran plinxo you with nny klml nf hIiih'h. S1IO10S I.ADIWl'- Rink Niiiikh- frntii l.""i up. sunns -('IIII.IHIKN'fl- SlIOI-H lit till pI'llHlH. SHOKS We havk HM'i'lnltloM lii IHvii'm mIiim'P. Wr ItAVR tin) finoHt lino nl HIiih-h lit low prliHiH III town. JOHNSTON fe NOLAN. And you will oertainjy be presenting a friend or rela tive with u nice present. Why Not Stki Into Oitr Stork and fcelect some nice piece of furnittire for a present this year ? Your friend will cer tainly appreciate something that Adds Beauty and Com fort TO THE IIOMK . . more than something that is a luxury, of which the novel ty soon wears off. Come In Early and Make Your Selection for you may see something that will require you to save your dimes till Christmas. Anticipate what you will want for a present and get first choice out of our large new stock. Visit our store and see if you cannot find Something That Ex actly Pleases You. Make your selection and we will deliver it wherever and whenever you want it. Don't Fail To Come and See what we have to select from and the good suggestions we can give you about the pres ent you want to buy for Christmas. Brumbaugh & Hillis. Opposite P. O. thin week. After this week aorona tbo street In new brick. WANTED-SEVEH AL l'EHHONS KOH DI8 trlrt Ofttrti MmiuKvrH in tliiH atute to rfpra dent me In their own and aurroundtnir conn Una. Wllltnic to puy yearly IriOO, payable weukly. Itoalrahle employment with unusual onporiuniMt'a. lutiereucep exrnniiiieu. r.n c!Iomp uelf-addrpPMod Htmuued enveloue. 8. A Park, asO Gaxtuu BulldluK, Chicago. 6-25-00. CHRiSTMAS IS COMING Hloli Scliool Bulletin. EDITORIAL ITrr. Kdllar-l.-ralif Clim.ol ri;a. 'VI. Aaalatant Kilter Frist,! Kln(, 01 Liitl Kdltar tmj Riot, '09. I,IM'AIJ4. Wo linw tn linvo nt'1'iiiiaTi'inotilp wild oiii' iii l(r(itMirlnu '"(fit HiiIhmiI i xoluiinfoa riitnpti'li'il during tlin niliilliK work, Hint t'ntilop of tlii'lf Jkiii'iihIn will Imi r- ni'lvi'tl hi'm nml pluiM'd In tlin ri'HilltiK rnt'tii (or llm lnnifl( tif llio llluli Hi-lintil, 't'lin fliiii In front nf tlin pcIiimiI itiin (1IhiIii.vi'i1 nt linlf in net Tlini'mUy anil Fflilny, (liit'lnir w lilrh llnio llm Iwnly of nut' Into vli'ivpi'i'Hltlrnl. whh lyltiK la ptnto nl liln limtio In Now .lot-poy. Mi OMirliil aorvlrrp worn nlwi roiiilnctod In AHwintily IihII on MmitlHy mornlntf I wlilrh mill I'fPHi-n worn mnilo liy Priifp, llowrr nml Dlrkry. Tlin Innulinlilo fnrri' rn till oil "IIhiip Vnn SiiimhIi," r rimirily In thrrn rhIp, will In- ulvnn In Mm AMotnlily IihII un- ilor llio niiHilnip nf llio HliBkrMH'irriin I.HiTtiry HiHrlnty In tlin vrry ni'tir fntiira. MIhr I.mii'ie lliHily nf llriHik vlllo, la vlstl liiy MIhp Iti rtlm MhihIihII. Ino nfl ho Hotiinm whh roniiiliilnlliaT Dm nthiT liny tliHl. Ilinrn wiih nut nnotutti tlnm for lnf Ul I'lll IliT illlllli'f Ihi-hiimb tlin innlniMlli'Pnf hot' llirnittlllil Pol liHVO 1 1 mo to V 11)111 to. MImp llnrllirv Kullnr hiiiI MImp (inr- tt'liiln I). Ililo . ir vlhltniM Hi tlin lllkjh Rnlnml IiihI n'k, TlninkHKlvliiK linltiltiyp Tlinrwlny anil Rriiluy. Orand Jury Presentment. Tlin prioM'ittnintil nf Ifcn (fnind Jury, of wliioli lloiijiiiiiln lliii(ri, of Pmmiott- vlllo. wiih liiriiiniin, win, ornwili'i out of Thk HtaII I wit work, hmi) wo mi)iIIhIi It tliU work, an fnlldWH: Prnpnntmmit of (Irnml Jury to tlin Ilnnnrnliln Jinlirn nf llio povnml ronrip of .Inffnrpnn wiunty: Wo tlin Griiitil Jury of hhIi! iHiunty rn- Hpnntfiilly rnpnrl Hint wn huvu piiHHod Umiii anil roturnod all lilllnnf liidlrtinrnt wlilrh hnvo bnnn laid hofnrn tip by tlin DlHtrlct Attorney of tbn ooiinty. That aftnr dlmdiHinliiif tbo duty ahovn moil tlnni'd. In nccordnnoH with tlin dlirc tloiia of tlio Court, we vlltcd and ex amined llio pnvurul pnbllo liulltlliiKH, and report thnni In good condition, tx enpt ImrnlnafU'r inontlonod, nml would rriMiniiiiriid rt followp: 1. That riMim No. 2 In the jail build- Iiijt, iK'iMiplod by J. W. Wnlkrr, Im repaired. 2. That tho rufiipo la;k.of the jail Iki romoved. ,'l. That proHr connection bo mndu with aewnr at mar of jail, to carry off all wpbIiIdrp from floor. 4. That pHiutln)f on jail bo rnpalrnd. 6. That the hallp in jail bo pitMrud. fl. That floor In record room of Pro- thonotary'a ofllce be rrpalred. 7. That tho rocorda In Trnapiircr's olllco, pnrtalnlnK to tltlna of land, ahould be tranpcrlbed In new and largor books, and procure a itiltable cape for pamo. ft. That in all the nfllcop of tho Court IIoiipo and jail that are lighted by elec tricity, the Ran connection, be removed from name. It la the aunpe of this Grand Jury that tho olnctrlclty la aufllclent. l. That the County CommlPHloner aen that the dlala of the town clock bo Illuminated at once. 10. That all Iron brldgos be painted at loKMt once every two yoara. 11. Wa heartily commend tho man agement of tho county jail under the care of Sheriff Hum and wife and re aprctfully extend our thank to the honorable judgo of tho court and the district attorney for ootirteHlep shown u. Brav Explorer Like Stvnloy and Livingstone, found It hardur to overcomo malarial fever and ague, and typhoid dlsoase germs than savage cannibals; but thousands have found that Electric Bittor la a wondorful cure for all malarial diseases, If you have chills with fever, ache In back of neck and head, and tlrod, worn out fooling, a trial will convince you of their merits. W. A. Null, of Webb, 111., writes: "My children suffered for more than a year with chills and fever; then two bottles of Electric Hitters curod them." Only 50o. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold by H. Alex Stoko, druggist. The Farm Journal Is cheap but not too cheap to be good; it Is full of glngor and gumption, and bas a many other good things In It that you can use as any paper at any price. It will bo sent Ave years to subscribers of THE STAR who puy arrearages and one year in ad' vance and 25 cents extra, or $1.25 for the Farm Journal for Ave years and The Star for one year I bought my stock of watches before the advance in prices, and can give you the benefit of the prices before the raise, GOODER, the Jeweler. Minutes of the Townplilp Institute. Tlin tellolli't'N nf Wltlxlow township In-lil t In It- Instltntn nt Hnldlrr, I'll , Nov. 1", m. Owing to thu Inrlrtllellt woHtlior only a pin t nf tlin lonelier worn piosrtit. Tint ttinrtliig was nprtii'il by pinging, "llnppV Orootlng tu All," anil ilnvotlmi al exorcise worn eoiiiliiolod by Hov. Palmer, nf Hykepvllln. Tim rliTtlnn nf nfllenr was next In order. Prof. Kvphrlt wh elected presl dent, Prof. HIiHlTnr vlen-preslilotit, Miss Mlley Ktllrs peerntiiry, and Prof, Hit- dnlph recorder nf Milnti. Hinging, "IIkhIm Hymn of llio llopitb- lie." The regular program wn then titkon up. Tim first tuple fur dlseiisslnn "Util ity In I 'lasp Kerltlug" was opened and ably dlpcupsed by Pmf. Wilson, -follow ed by remsiks frnni Profs. SlinlTer, Hit dolph and Hyphrlt hiiiI Mis Jessln Hineltr.or. Hinging, "A merlon' llopn." H-eltHtion, Mnry Itnutkn. Institute then ndjoin-ni-d to meet lit I..KI p. in, The HflerniMin Nesxlon wit opened liy singing, "Kind Wnnls ('tin Nover IMe." Owing to liu-k of Minn Movei iil toplet for dlseiisslnti worn (tarried over from the inurnliig posnIiiii. Tim llrst nf those, ''Personal Oiitllllel.," ws (llsenssed by Mr. Kitdolpli and MIhh Mulr. "A Plea for the Dull Pupil" was Hutu liiken up. The Piibjoct wan npeiied by MIhh IIc-iiii, followed by rnimi ks frnni Hovernl of tbn toaidini-H. Hinging, "Merrily On." "Tlio Toiiolinr In HihiIiiI ( Untie" was the next tuple (IIsciishoiI. This sulijoet wa In lolly tiuelied by Mr, Mellonuld, Mis Hinoll.or and Mr. Loudon. The Inlliinnee nf a toucher In tlm cnmiiiiihlty whs pHiknn (if. Hong, Jnannotto Rdnln. The next Hiibjeet on tho prngriimiiio, "What are tlin KshoiilIiiI ( 'liiiriicl'tl tlrs of h JimhI IIIhIoi y,V whs opened by Mr. Hhaffer, followed by nliort inlk f i oiii Miissr. Hyphrlt nml Kudnlph, The dlHcusslon of this sulijoet wiih lor the pitrHipe of reeniiiinenillng to tho pchonl board a hlHlnry piiIIhIiIo for the township kcIhmiIh. No dellnltn eiinelii- slon wa reached and a motion whs mndn by Mr; Couch tlnit a enuiinltton 1st apKilnted to exiimliio a niniiber nf dlfTerent IiIhIoi-Ii-h and repnrl at hiiiiio future (Into. The onminltten are: Mohhis. Khaffer, ('otieb and Itiulolph and Mis Dean. Mis Ijnnkerd road un Intorestlng paper on tho topic, "Khoiild Drawing Ihi Adopted Into Our Course nf Study?" after which the sulijoet wa open for dl(!UHl(in, MesHr. Nupp, Hudolph and Hyphrlt adding a few thought. "Tho Pupil Who Don't Care, Whope Parent Don't Caro" wu uexldisciiPHed. Tbo teachor being absent who worn to have Niknn on till sulijoet It wu opened by Mr. Shaffer, a mmilmr of others giving suggestion from their oxporleneo. An addrop wu given by Prof. Lon- knrd, which wa highly appreciated by all. Tbo report of Mr. Kudnlph wu thon glvon, after which a motion wa made, which, carried that the teachers extend a vote nf thanks to tho people for enter tainment.' By motion a vote of thanks wa also extended to Prof. Itnkerd, A committee of three, Messrs. Shaf fer, Couch and Norrl, wan appointed to arrange for tho next Institute after which a motion was made to adjourn. Skc. When Going to Bradford, Butler, Pitts burg, Buffalo or Rochester, Take tho elegant new vestlbuled ex press via tho HufTulo, Rochester & Pittsburg K'y. This train run every day in the yoar to above points without change and Is composed of cafe and ru- cllnlng chair car, atandurd high back seat day coaches and ex press and bug- gago curs and is equipped with every modern appliance conserving comfort and safety. Thorc Is no extra charge to rldo on this train. For ticket, time tables and other In formation, cull on or address tho nearest agent of tho company or Edward C. LuMy, Genera! Passenger Agent Rochester, N. Y. Wo sell the Crown drill, which sows all kind of gruln und gritM seed, plants corn, bourn, und peun, distributes fertil izer and never choke Wo sell the Kills throhher, which wu have tested and sell bucked by our und tho compa ny ' guurunlcu Hpcclul to farmers, wheat phosphate t-Z per ton Wo sell burrows, plows, huy, gruln, straw, Hour, feed, horses, bugglc, wagon, hurnosa, groceries, burdwarc, dry goods, drugs We bavo told a few things we do sell, you tell us something we don't sell and we'll get it Coras and see us. J. C. King & Co. People aro perfectly sutlbfled who deul at Milliren's. A full Una of ladles,' mlsaes and chil dren's leggings at Williams' shoe store. KMKRICKVIf.l.F., A I tun. Hie loll yciir-nlil daughter of Ml. nml Mr, .Initio Thompson, of Doeitier' ( 'i'ohh I toinls, who died Friday night nf lieiiiiilgla of the Iiohi'I, wa brought In till plneo Hominy foreman hiiiI Interr-'il in tlio M. R. cemetery. Win, llltoiids nml wife, nf West. Ileyn nldsvllle, were the gliosis of the litl tor's pin outs, Mr. anil Mr. Mowroy, In this pi nee HimilHy. Chnrlep Molittey, who Im resided at Dormer' Cross I lends for a number of years, has moved Into O. R. Mttniford' liuiisn at tbl plseo. Alvln Flemmi.tg and wife and Ml Olive Fleiiinilng, of Clarion, spent Hun dny at. Dm homo of T. (!. Fli'tuinlng In Ihi plseo. Wllllnm Illy, nf Nloklevllle, Venango county, whs registered at Hotel Murk- Iioiiho Htindity, R. VVolsor Iiiih had a very neat side- wnlk built In front of hi dwelling and store. It, T. Cnther ha moved hi family to Iteynolilsvlllo, where bit ha secured employment In tlm mine, 'f liniiilma" ZlinmoriiiHn, as she Is us ually culled, who tin p'issoil her With hlrtluluv, Is at. thl writing very III and probtibly before Ihi item In read she may have pinned Into tin, eternal IhiiiI. M. (J. Ilittcbliis, who wn Ink oil sud denly ill nt tlm homo nf his pnn-ln-law, William Flke, Inst. Tuesday, and whose IIIiich whh thought to bn serious for a time, I slowly recovering. L. II. Howers mid wife sMint .Sunday lib friends Ht Hey noldsvllle. Hobastlun Imineriniiii and wife, of Youugstown, f Ililo, wern ettlled to tbl place Inst week by tlio serious Illness of the former's mother. W. II. HIiHlTor, formerly nf Rrdlcn, now a resident of Tan-nlum, Allegheny county, Hitit a few day In tbl section Inst week visiting friend mid hunting. R. Volsi-rsH-nt a portion of lust week with re I a I Ives at, Hiinbiiry, Nnrthiitubnr- bind county, when, bin hoylnKid day were HH'nt. Made Young Again. "Omi of Dr. King' New Life Pill ohcIi ulgbt for two week lias put inn In my 'terns' again," writes I). II, Turner, of Detiipseytnwn, Pa. There tlm bot In the world for liver, stomach and IhiwoIs. Purely vegetable, NevnrgrlH), Only 2Tiu. ut II. Alex Htoke'sdrug store. Rev. Irl R. Hicks' Almanac. There Is no comparison between for mer edition and tbl splendid Almanac for 1KI, now ready. Printed In beau tiful color, on much finer paer, its IIKI page are packed with Invaluable In formation on storms, astrology and me teorology. It I HIiiHtrated with nearly 200 finest half tones and other ungrav- lug. ThisMiiperh work would sell any where for fifty cent, but It costs only 2-'ic. a copy, and every subscriber to Rev. Irl R. Hick' now famous paixir, Word ami H'oilc, at 1 1. 00 a year, ru- (telve thl elegant Almanac a a pre mium. H ind mid IfnirsUarecognlxed leader among the best family journal! while nothing of it kind can compare with the Hicks Almanac. One dollar a year Is a nominal price for such unique and useful publications. Prof. Hick ha Justly, and of necessity, withdrawn his storm and weather forecasts from all free almanac, having generously given hi time and labor free for over twenty year. WoilM AND WOUKH Pun. Co. 2201 I-onuHt St., St. I)tils, Mo. It la a pity that thu average man or woman can't borrow money as easily as they can borrow trouble. "RUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITT3- - HURGH RAILWAY. TIME TAIIf.K. On and after Novrmlx-r III, 1MK, pa-wn- xer trains win arrive ana depart rrom Keyn nldsvllhj station, dully, except Sunday, . renews; nrPAHT. 2.20 p.m. Weekdays only. For Falls I 'reek. iniitoia, i iirweriHvuiH, i lenrneid, runxu u WnnU Kit.la.w Ultl.hi,.,, Ilhybau.vlll. ' Klilvwuy, JuhiiaoiiburK, ill. Jewelt and nrumoril. AHBIVS. 1.20 n. m. Week (lavs onlv. From Clearfield (.'lirwensvlllH, Falls ( n-i-k, DiiHoia, I'ltU- imrg, Itutier am runxsutawney. TRAINS LEAVE FAM.H CREEK. soi th aonsn. 721 a.m. Week days only. For It In Run I'liiixsiilawney, llutlur, I'lttaburg and In termediate tm tints. 10 UK . m. and 7..V p. m. Weekdaysonly. For uunoia, siuiuey, eyaea, wg nun anu runX' sutuwnuv. l.(.1 p. in. Dully. Vestlbuled llnilled. For Piinxsutawney, Diiyion, Huiler.and I'ltu- uura. poKTH porsn. .(!. m. pnd aoip. in. Weekdaysonly. For iiiiM-Kwuy vino, KKiirway, joiniMinburx, ait. Jewett and Itradfurd. 12..17 p. m. Dally. Vestlbuled limited. For Ridifway, JoliiiiMmhurg, Hradford, HulTalo ami mM.-iiesrer. !.() p. in. Wis-k days only. Accommodation for Keynoldsvllle. Train for ( urwensvlllit, Clearfield and Inter mediate i aliens leave Falls Creek at 7.111. m., ii.eu ana ) p. m. Thousand mile tickets (rood for passage over any pomon 01 me .. tt. at r. ana tseern Creek railroads are on sale al two U) cent rjermiie. For tickets, time tables and full Informa tion appiy to K. V. luvis. Agent, Reynoldavllle, Pp. Bocbeauir U. Y. Viewcr5, Notices. NOTICR.-fn tbn matter nf tbn peti tion of thu llornugb of ItoyiinltlsvlilM for the HIMllillitlllont, of viewers to asses cost and expense of a public sower f ruin HI x III street, llieneo in Onnlnn alley to a point In Gordon nl h-y near 'llitli I 'Win run, upon t.in properties lien II toil. If siilllolotit, can bo found. In the Court nf Cointiion I Molts nf Jef ferson county, No. HI, .Inn. term, 1 IMKi: I he undersigned having Fiocn appoint- , il bv tbn aforesnld Court viewer In thu foregoing matter, hereby glvn no- let that tin v will on Monday, tin, 1 1 lb lu V of DeeemlMtr, IHIMI, at II o'elis-k a. m., meet nn the line nf the pnlil Improvement at corner of Fourth street, and Gordon alley, proceeding theneo over tbn lino of said power, viewing llio same and tha premise anis-teil therehy, and hear all jiurtie llll.trested therein and their llnesHits, Chahi.kh A. Ilriti'r.l,, ) W. H. RoHH, Viewer. Levi schiicr mm, t Itcynoldsvlllc, Novemlsir 2(1, IHIKI. NOTICR -In tho mailer of tha peti tion of tba lloi'ongh of ReynuldHvlllfl for the appointment of viewer to asanas nisi and expenses nl u nubile sewer from Seventh street, i.beneo in Gordon . alley to Sixth street, to Intersect public sewer In Hid ( (onion alley, upon the iroH-rtles ts nented, ir sumelnnt ean Iki mini. In the flour I of Coin mon Plea of Jef ferson county, No. 211, .Inn. term, 11100. rim undersigned having Is-on apiioint d by the aforesaid court viewer In tho aforesaid mutter, hereby give not loo Hint, they will on Mommy, thu Mill (lay il OoeemiMir, iww, at 1 1 ooiim-k a.m.. meet nil the line of the said Improve ment at corner of Seventh street and Oordon alley, priM-eedlng tbeneu over the line oi said sewer, viewing the siuno and tlm premises PlToeted l.horeiiy, and hear all purl e interepleii therein and their witnesses. ('HAHI.EH A. IlKIII-KL, 1 W, H. Rohh, V Viewer. Levi HcmicKEim, ) Reynnldsvllle, Nov. 20, IH!if. NOTICR.- In thu matter of th pet,. lion of tbn 1 Inning h of Iteynoldsvllla) for tlm niiiMilntment of viewer to hss.iss costs and exis nw of a ptiblle aewnr from an alley near tlm estntn of .lames Flynn (leeensed, thence in J 111 street til Intorseirt, with piiblin newer In I 'our I U slieet. In the C!ourt of Commnn Plea of Jef ferson county. No. .'HI. .Inn, term, MWHI. The iiiidorsiuned having been Hlipolnt- ed by tho aforesaid Court viewer In the foregoing mutter, hereby glvu no llci that liny will on the llth day of December, iwm, at one oclock p. m., meet on thu line of thn nid Improve ment al corner of Mill and r mirth sireets, pn eeeding thence over the lino of said sewer, viewing the siuno and the premises affected thereby, and bear all parties interested therein and their witnesses. ClIAKI.KH A. IlKKI'EL, 1 W. H. Rohh, Vlcwor. Levi Schitckehh. ) Reynoldsville, Nov. 2ft, 18119. NOTICR. In the matter of tbo riotl- lion of tbo lioroiigh of Iteynoldsvllle for tho appointment of viewers to asoa costs and expense of a publlo sewer la Willow alley Iroin rirth street, where said alley Crosse said street, thence In said alley to a proponed discharge sew er, ending in said alley near Pitch Pino run. upon the properties benefited. If suniclent cun Ni found. In thn Court of Oimmon Plea of Jef ferson county. No. 27, Jan. term, liKK): Tho undersigned having been appoint rd by the aforesaid Court viewer In the) foregoing mailer, hereby givo notice that thev will on Mondav. thn llth da of December, I Writ, at 1 o'clock p. in., meet on the lino or inn sain improve ment at tho corner of Wlilow alley and t ourli street, prisftceu I ng tbenca over tho line of tho paid sower, viewing tba same and the premise affected thereby, and hear all partiea interested therein and their wltnessep. Oil A Rf.KH A. IlERPEf,, 1 W. S. Rohh, Viewers. Levi Schiickerh, ) Reynoldsvlllo, Nov. 2fl, lM'ifl. NOTICE. In tho matter of tho peti tion of tho Horough of Reynoldvllla for thn appointment of viewer to assess cost and expenses of a public newer In (irant street from Sixth street to Fifth street, and In Fifth street to where paid street Intersects with Willow alley to a publlo newer In said alley, upon the firopertle benflted, if sufficient can be ound. -t In tbo Court of Common Plea of Jef ferson county, No. 2H, Jan. term, l'.sTO: The undersigned having been appoint ed by the aforesaid Court viewers in the foregoing matter, hereby give notice that they will on Monday, the llth day of December, at 3 o'clock p. m., meet on the line of the said improvement at the corner of Grant and Sixth street, proceeding thence over the lino of said sewer, viewing tho same and the prem ises affected thereby, and hear all par tiea Interested therein and their wit nesses. Charles A. Hf.rpel, i W. S. Ross, ) Viewers. VI, Levi Soil-ckerh. Reynoldsvllle, Nov. 20, WM. Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible failure of six dilfereut doctors nearly sent Wm. K. Mullen, of Locklufld, O., to. an early grave. All said ho had fatal lung trouble and that he must oon die. But be wa urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. After taking five bottle hit was entirely cured. It Is pos itively guaranteed to cure all diseaaea, of throat, chest aud lucga, including cough, cold, lagrippe, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough. 50c. and tl.UO. Trial bottle free at H. Alex. Stoke', drug tore.