The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 22, 1899, Image 3

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    44 He That Any Good
Would Win"
Should have good health, fure, rich
blood U the first requisite. Hood's Sarsa
parUla, by giving good blood and good
health, has helped many a man to success,
besides giving strength and courage to
women who, before taking H, could r.ot
even see any good in life to win.
jccd& SaUui
Inse Plan's Onre for Consumption lnth In
my family and prat-tire.- Dr. 11. W. I'ati'KH
ton, lnkotcr, Mich.. Nuv. 5. IXH.
Fits permanently cttrrd. No flt or nrrrons
book after llrt dai's m of Ir. Kline's ni
Serve Kcstorcr. trial hottln ami treatix
liw Dr.lUI.KLINfcLtdlBlArchrJUhll.Pa.
Ten Wwki for 10 Out.
Thuttilc family paper, Tn it It.i.rsTtiATrn
Wkkki.t, or Denver. ol.. (founded l HI
bo nent ten week on trial for I'V; i-luh.
old. AUr; 13 for SI. Sperlnl offer solely to In
troduce It l.ato.t iiilnlnir new. nnil illus
trations of scenery, truo stories of iove and
adventure. Add reus na nliuvo and mention
this paper. Mnmp taken.
Dewar or ointment for Catarrh That
Contain Meronry,
M merrnry will surely destroy th sense of
smell anil completely dorsntr the whole sys
tern when entering It tlmtutcli the mucous
surfaces, Hucb articles .houlii never Ik- used
sxrepton prescription from reputable phvsl
clao. as tne d urn Hire they will do la ten told
to the good you ran possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catnrrh ( tire manufactured by
F. J. Cbeney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no
mercury, and Istukcn internally, aet nu di
rectly npun the hlpod and mticoua surtacoa of
the system. In burin- Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sum to vet the genuine. It la tikon
Internally and l made In Toledo, Ohio,
by r'. J. Cheney Co. Testimonials free.
tr8old by dnitfifiKtf: price i.V nor bottle.
Hall'a Family 1'ille are the beat.
Tastes Differed.
In hl entertaining; biography of
Lord Houghton, Sir T. Weymss Reld
tells how when Carlyle paid his first
visit to Fryston, Mr. Milnos (Lord
Houghton's father), on hearing his
guest express admiration of the pros
pect from the hall, pointed out the
tall chimney of some manufactory on
the far horizon and expressed his re
gret that It should recently have been
erected and spoiled the rustic char
acter of the view. "Spoiled the
view!" said Carlyle, "why, sir, I think
that Is juBt the plcanantest feature
In the whole bit ot scenery. It shows
us that somebody Is doing something
n this part of the world at any rate."
Like finding; OToner
The use ot the Kndlos Chain Btnrch
Book In the purchase ot "Bed Cross" and
''HublnKor'a I)st" staroh, makes It Just
like finding monoy. Why, for only 6o you
re enabled to got ohe large loo package
ot "Red Cross" starch, one large 10a pack,
age ot "Bublnger's Best" stnrcli, with the
premiums, two Hhnkespoare panels, print
ed In twelve bouutlful colors, or one Twen
tieth Century Girl Caleudnr, embossed In
gold. Ask your grocer for this stnrch and
obtain the beautiful Christmas presents free
ttmtmA liMri Sflm fmm T., n l-l.
H. B. Ford was a member of com
pany B, Idaho volunteers, which re
cently got home from the Philippines,
with a splendid record of hard fighting
to their credit. Ford went to Spoknne
after the regiment was discharged.
There he was recognizee! as an escaped
convict by Sheriff Tucker of Yakima
county, whom Ford, then going under
the name of Feamster, attempted to
shoot several years ago. For the crime
ho was arrested at the time and sen
tenced to ten years In the penitentiary.
He escaped from Jail while his case
was pending on an appeal and volun
teered for service In the Philippines,
When the sheriff heard his story he
offered to ask for his permanent dis
charge, and the Superior court has Just
usDendcd .his sentence Indefinitely.
Too Small.
Uncle 'Zck'ol Watson was accustomed
to seeing good-sized squares ot cup
cake, 'election cake or gingerbread on
the super table, and when be had his
flint plate ot Ice cream In city. res
taurant he lookod with some disfavor
upon the macaroons and small sponge
drops which accompanied it. '.'How do
you like it?" asked his niece, who was
doing the honors of tho city for her
uncle. "The Ice cream Is first rate,"
aid Uncle 'Zok'el. "I call it extry
good; but when you come to these
things," he added, lifting one of the
sponge "lady fingers" and surveying It
doubtfully. "I presume to say they're
all right enough, what there Is of 'em,
but there Isn't enough of 'em Just
nothing but gans and swallow!"
'lam so grateful to you for what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound lias done for me that I foci as
though I must
tell about it. A
year afro I was
taken very sick.
Dootorscould do
me no pood only
to deaden the
pain which I
hud almost con
stantly. I got
somf of your
Compound and
took one bottle
Would Sure
ly Try Mrs
Medicine if
They Only
Knew, Says
Mrs. King
and received benefit from it at once.
I have taken it ever since and now
have no backache, no pain in Iny
side and my stomaoh and bowels are
perfectly well. 1 can honestly say that
there is nothing like it. If I could only
tell every womun how much good your
medioino has done me, they would
surely try it." MabtuaM.Kimo.Noiith
TTLBBono, Mass.
The way women trifle with health
shows a degree of indifference that is
pastundorstandlnff. Huppiuess and use
fulness depend on physical health so
doss a good disposition. Disease makes
women nervous, Irritable and snap
pish. Tha very effort of ailing women
to lis good-natured makes tliora ner
vous. Write to Mrs. Pinkham, she will
fcelp you to health and happiness.
J tcosU nothing to (ret Mr. Pinkham'l
r " ' Kir address is Lynn, Mas.
Cows For All Purposes.
A cow that is good alike for milk, for
making butter and for beef is probably
not good for much in cither of (bese
directions. She is like some men who
are Jack at nil trades and good at none.
Each of the dairy breeds has had its
own special excellency for some pur
pose developed by breeding and care.
It can easily bent in its own depart
ment any cow that has been carelessly
bred. The herd of pure breds is
especially vnluablo to any farmer who
wishes to improve his stock. Its pre
potency will stamp its own excellences
on the progeny soenred by breeding
cows to males of the breed that is
known to possess them.
Carrying r.ff Hardy.
When a bnnket of eggs is to bo car
ried over a rough road, either tho
horse must be made to walk all the
way, or broken eggs be carried back.
Haw off the bottom of an empty grocery
box and mount it above its cover by
four small springs from the upholster
er's, or from a worn-out chair or couoh.
Set the basket of eggs in this, and it
will ride safely over rough roads with
the horse at a trot.
Hlieep Shelter.
One of the advantages in keeping
sheep is that they do not need an ex
pensive building as a shelter. A shed
open on one side snits them as well as
a tight bnru, and even better, as they
require considerable ventilation. But
it should be so arranged that both ram
and snow can be kept ont of it, for the
sheep should not get their fleece wet
in cold weather. It takes too long to
get it dry again, and the whole body
gets chilled, reducing vitality, even if
they do not take colds to set them
coughing and running at the nose.
Nor sbonld water be allowed to ruu
into the shed from 'outside. A sheep
will not lie down in the mud or on wet
straw. Keep the inside of the shed
dry aud well litterod with clean strnw
and the sheep will be healthy and
thrive woll, even on moderate, feed.
Ilea In Willi a Small Plnok.
It requires a year's experience to
know where the mistakes are made,
aud it one can learu how to avoid them,
one-half of the difficulty will have been
overcome. The greatest mistake is in
! undertaking the business with too
' many hens. The proper mode is to
commence with a small flock, breed
for the kinds preferred and gradually
increase until the desired number has
been secured. A breeder who had
but little experience when he began
procured several hundred hens with
which to commence, but nearly two
thirds ot them died with disease. He
regards the disease as the most for
tunate thing that happened, as he
fonnd out how to avoid mistakes that
he had made, and the result is that he
has since made his flocks pay him
well. Drawbacks are discouraging,
but they are sometimes blessings in
disguise. Poultry Keeper.
Keep the nkltnmllk on the Farm.
We do not believe in the policy of
keeping large herds of hogs at the
oreamery or near it to nse up the
skimmilk and buttermilk. The
oreamery help should have enough to
do without looking after another
separate business. Few men can take
proper care of as large a lot of hogs as
wonld be necessary to use so muoh
milk in an economical manner, for
nogs need grain along with the milk
to give best results in fattening, and
to keep so many hogs in one placu is
to invite disease among them, or to
provide facilities for a wholesale loss
if it once gets there. Few men would
keep the piggery and yards so clean
that they wonld not taint the air for a
mile away at some seasons of the year,
and when the wiud blew from the pig
gery toward the oreamery the flavor of
the butter would not be improved by
Bat thore are other reasons. The
farmer needs the skimmilk upon his
farm. When he sells only the butter
fat be is not robbing the farm of its
fertility as he would be in selling the
whole milk. He can raise calves to
replenish or increase his dairy with
the progeny of his best cows. He can
iatten his own pork. He can, if he
wishes, return the skimmilk back to
the oo ws to inorease their production.
Either the farmer should have a
separator and take out his skimmilk,
to be left at home and used while
sweet, lightening the load he has to
carry over the road, or the creamery
should be prepared to separate each
lot as quiokly as received, and return
the skimmilk to him while it is yet
We believe the small hand sepa
rators oan be profitably nsed where
there are a half dozen good cows, and
if all who have even a dozen would do
their separating at home, the factory
would have little difficulty in handling
the rest, and separating "while you
wait." Let them make a prioe on
cream whioh will induoe the farmers
to do their own skimming or separat
ing, and muoh of the trouble with foul
cans giving unpleasant odors and
flavors to the cream would be avoided.
Farm, Field and Fireside.
Keep Away Snow and Bain.
To protect shingles from the weather
Nebrasksn has patented a metallic
ooveriug of proper snap to fit under
the lower edge of the shingle and ex
tend upward nnder th next course,
tuns preventing snow and water from
coming ia ooutaot with the wood.
LookatyourtonRue! Hlt'scoated.
your stomach Is hud, your liver out of
order. Aycr's Pills wil' clear! your
tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make
your liver right. Easy to take, easy
to opcrstc. 25c. All druggists.
Wmit ytnr ittuiM;i-he or bemil a baaultlu!
trnwn or rlrh htnrk T Then line
Member or the Family.
Omaha World-Herald: Papa Gruff
"That young Softlelgh asked me for
your hand today." Ethyl Gruff "And
what did you say to him, pnpa, dear?"
Papa Gruff "I told him your mother
needed 'em both in the dishwater, but
compromised by giving him my foot."
Dare the ftickelea
Fiom saving, comes having. Ask yonr
grocer how you enn save 15o by Investing
So, He can tell yon just how you can get
one large 10a package ot "Hod Cross"
starch, one large 10s parksga ot "Hubln
ger's Best" starch, with ths premiums, two
beautiful Bhnkrspenre panels, printed In
twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth
Century Olrl Calendar, all for Be. Ask your
grower for this stnroh and obtain the
beautiful Christmas prents fie.
rrnsheit Him.
Indianapolis Journal: The Shoe
Clerk Beg your pardon, madam, but
it Is a number five shoe you want, In
stead of a number three. She Num
ber five.! You muBt be thinking of the
size of your hut,
Itnln has never been known to fnll
In that pnrt of Kpypt between the two
lower falls of the Nile.
flow Are Tear Kidneys t
Tr TTnMifl-Spirnpiin PIINenreaM Itlrtney Ills.
pie free. Add. eterUnu luDieiiyCo..cuitajfovrK. V.
According to a Oermnn Jnurnnl, more,
than X per cent, of all seafaring men
arc ainii ted with rheumatism.
An enertretlc temperament ac
tive habits cenduce to longevity.
To) Cnr Constipation forever.
Take Ciscnrets Cnnilv t'nthartlo. too or tie.
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druiiKiau refund money.
The controversy about dressing for
dinner at hotels appears to hnve spread
to Hwltxerlnnd, but those who favor It
ore not In the leant likely to entry the
day. Whatever Kn?!lnh pe-pie mny
do, Oermnn travelers, who regunl
their I o'clock meal at dinner and
everything else ns a secondary matter,
neither wear dress clothes nor carry
them about.
The rinltlmoro & Ohio lines west of
the Ohio Kiver present a very bUHy
nppenrance these ilnys. as there Is
si'Hrcely a ten-mile stretih without a
bridge or a mnntructlon gang at work.
There are still a few of tho fi.1 hrldgon
purchnHod last January to be erected,
nnd Hlmoxt nil of tho L'O.Ooo tons of
85 pound vails have been lnld.
At several points between Hollnlre
and Newark, o., sidings of wo car
capacity nre being constructed, nnd
between Newark and Chicago Junc
tion thousands of men nre working on
extensive grade reductions, some of tho
cuts and tills being two miles In Icngili.
Hot ween Chicago Junction nnd Chi
cago nearly a score of passing sidings
are being constructed and work on
these Is being pushed with unusual
haste, In order to complete them for the
heavy winter tralllc. The sidings are
being built with a view of a double
track some time In the future. They
are to be long enough In most cases
to hold three t0 car trains. Tho new
east bound yard at Garrett. Ind., is
ready for the rails, and will be com
pleted by the middle of November.
In one corner of the melting rooms
at the New Orleans mint U a large Iron
tank in which the newly-cast silver
burs are dropped, hissing, to cool on'.
At the end of a hard day's work the
BUt-fnce of the water shows a fnlnt
ralnbow-hued scum, like the metallic
luster of stagnant pools, seen near a
dye house. It comes in part from mi
croscopic flnltos of silver that have
scaled off In cooling;.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
aEAN5ES the System
Buy THe ttKvipit - MAH'r o by
fzass ",..2
IBS SMI Y tt Wr saw Hi SHB.
Train, Floor and Fr1.
WRFAT No. 9 rod, 2i
WHKAT No. 1 new 68 4
COJlN No 1 yellow, ear. 40 41
No. 8 yellow, sbelleo '
Mlse.1 ear 7 HI
OA'18 No. 3 white 21 HO
No. 8 white 29 80
FLOUR Winter patent 8 85 8 W
I'nnoy straight winter 8 4) 8 fto
Itye-No. 2 4 l
HAY No. 1 timothy IS 75 14 00
Clover, No. 1 U 50 J3 00
FKKI)-No. 1 white mid., ton. . 1M 00 10 00
Ilrown middlings Ifl CO l'l M
llrnn. bulk 15 10 IS 20
BT It AW- Wheat. 10 0 M
Ont 6 10 6 60
BK1.DH Fancy niuo Urn.... 1 25 1 0
Timothy, prime 1 20 43
Hairy I rod net.
nriTF.n Elgin creamery.....! 2"i i
unio creamery
Fanev conntrv roll 17 8
CHF.F.HK Ohio, new 12 1
New York ' ,w IS 1
l'onltr, Kto.
HF.NR per pair 6" rj)
tllKKKNH dressed 12 IS
1 1 llKEY -dreiwd 13 14
F.UtiU l a. and Ohio, freh .... 2) 21
I-1 tilts and Vegetable.
rKANS-nrnen V ba . . .. 1 "J 2 00
I'OTA I (IKS Hnney Wbltor uu 45 80
CAWIAGE Per barrel 121 15)
ONIONS per bu 81 S3
I l-Orn 8 01H 3 85
WHKAT No. Ind 'J 70
OATH 31 82
EOOH 22 21
UUTTClt Ohio creamery 20 2?
FLOCR t 8 5.V 3 70
Will' AT K'a 4 wmil fill ?ll
C'OltN No. 2 mixed 88
UAin hai wane oi n
1)1 TTEB Creamery, extra.... 20
EUUH Pennsylvania firsts.... 31 23
FLOCR ratents S 45? 3 s
U HF.AT No. 2 red 78
(JOHN No. 2 40
OATH Whit Western 2
ni'TT'EK Creamery. M. 21 W
FUGS mate and l'enn 14 20
t entral Stork Vanla, East Libert?, P a,
rrlme. 1300 to 1400 rh 5 51 9 73
Good, 1200 to 13(H) ttis B 15 5 4J
Tidy, 1000 to 1160 Ihs 4 85 0 10
Fair light steer. OOO to 1000 lbs 4 00 4 75
Common, 700 to 900 lbs 8 00 3 73
Medium i. 4 40
Heavy 4 30 4 84
ltougbaaud stags 8 60 8 7J
rrlme, 05 to 105 rhs 4 25 4 85
Oood, e5lo90 It... 4 10 4 2o
Fair, 70 to bo lbs 3 25 8 7rt
1'nmmon 8 Oil 4 0)
Veal Calve 0 00 7 21
Bp'toper, extra 4 OJi 6 01
hprtnger, good to choice 4 85 4 05
Common to fair 4 ft') 4 8
l xtra yearlings, light 4 25 4 4)
Oood to choice yearling. 4 00 4 2)
Medium " 4 00
Common 8 00 3 75
Iron Mills Ca ching Up with Orders and There
is a Slight Reduction in Prices.
11. O, Dun & Co.' weekly review of
trade reports as follows for Inst ween:
The sluns of sbrlnkaee In the new
demand for Iron and steel products
Kecnme more clear, nnil while prices
of pig are maintained without change,
anil billets nre aunted lower, only be
cause premiums for earlier deliveries
nre no longer pnlrt, plate nre quoteii
lower nt the Kust. with some small
mills selling at 2.5 cents at l'lttshurg.
and sheets are sold by some works
there at S3 to $4 less than the regular
price. The strength of bars nt the
West Is largely due to the great de
mand for cars, of which It Is said that
1.000 per day are ordered, but ot the
ICnst prices are n shade lower. A new
demand does not make up for the
rapid completion of old order In some
lines, so that competition of works
wennens price.
In minor metals the collanse of Lon
don speculation depressed tin to 26
cents on Wednesday, but subsequently
an advance of 4 per ton In the for
eign market brought the New York
I rice up to 28 cents. A sale of copper
ty the Calumet ft Ilecla, salu to ue
20,000.000 pounds, lowered the price to
17 cents. Spelter l weak at 4.65 cents,
with lend and tin plates unchanged.
Shipments of boots und shoes fall
orr, and yet are larger than In any
previous year, for the first two weeks
of November 183,;:il cases, against
163,7i In 1897. and 146.972 In 18U4. and
less In all other years. Advnnce
nsked especially since the recent rlso
In leather, have prevented much buy
ing, though many work still have
business ahead for some time.
Textile manufacturers are doing
well, though In woolens the specula'
Hon In material threatens to cause
some embarrassment. Sales of wool
were again heavy, 21,642,311 pounds nt
the three chief markets, making In
two week 41,823,811 pounds, against
17.437,100 pounds last year, when tho
mills were well employed. Clearly a
large share of Un transactions has
been for speculation, but the mill
have been buying also, especially those
recently started after long Idleness.
Price are also a shade stronger for
tine washed eastern tleece, and for line
and medium delulne, so that the en
tire list average about an eighth of a
cent higher. Worsted goods are In
good demand and have been advanced
in price with some flannels. Carpet
also have been active, with prices ad
vanced 6 per cent for the season. Cot
ton goods continue to advance, with a
strong demand, nnd with belief In a
short crop, so that some have been for
the time entirely withdrawn 'from the
market by the mill, while bleached
were advanced to the highest quota
tion for four years.
Wheat declined a fraction, but fully
recovered, although Atlantic exports
were only 2,76.DM bushels, flour In
eluded, against 3.0CS.7GS bushels for
the same week last year, and Pncltlo
exports 720,793 bushels, against 1.H88.0U3
bushel last year. The course of the
market 1 the more noteworthy be
cause western receipts are much re
duced, being only R,87.S67 bushels,
against 10,337,311 bushels last year.
Corn declined a fraction, with heavier
exports than last year and smaller le
culpts. ' Failures for the week !19 In tho
United States, against 223 last year,
and 20 In Canada, against 26 last year.
Placed Dynamite Under the House.
Fred O'Brien, of Janesvllle, Wis., n
few days ago placed a ten-pound slick
of dynamite beneath hut wife' bed
room. A terrlllo explosion followed,
partly wrecking the house, which 1 a
one-story fram building. In th two
mall bedrooms wer 14r nd Mr.
Frank O'Brien and two small children
end Mrs. Fred O'Brien and child.
O'Brleu'a act Is attributed to bis wife's
refusal to Uvs with him.
M I MM l'l 111
One of the trials of those interested in the culture of
flowers is the presence of destructive insects. Persons
who have been discouraged by the trouble and often
lack of success attending the use of insecticides will find
the following simple and easily prepared wash entirely
effective. It is the recipe of Mr. Eben E. Rexford, an
authority of national reputation.
Shave a quarter of a pound of Ivory Soap In water sufficient to cover It
and dissolve upon the stove, then add five gallons of warm water. Spray this
solution upon the plants with n florist's svringe, or If they are small dip them
bodily Into t. In either case, be sure to reach every part. Let them stand half
an hour and then rinse with clear water.
censisHT im r tmi ssocna a outsit co. ciscisimti
According to Dr. Pchjernlng, there
Were only 050 case of tuberculosis Inst
year In a force of K14.830 men. The
number of deaths from this dlseose In
the army has been gradually decreas
ing from .42 per thousand In 1892 to .24
per thousand In 1M)7.
Deaaty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
puritic from the body. Uegin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackhead,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cscrcts, beauty for ten cent. All drug
gist, satisfaction guaranteed, 100,250,600.
Contagious diseases kill 240,000 peo
ple In Frnnce yearly.
Edaent Tear Bowel Wltn Caacarats.
Candy Cattmrtle, cure constipation toretter.
lOo, 26o. It C. O. C. fall. druHsUU refund money.
Kept Her Treaenc of Allnd When At
tacked by an Alligator.
Some days ago a little girt, a daugh
ter ot Mrs. Fields, living on Lake Gib
son, near Lakeland, Fla., Jumped oH
the wharf on the Lake to take a swim.
She Is an expert swimmer, but had
hardly touched the water before she
was seized by the leg, between the
knee and ankle, by an alligator. She
was pulled under the water by the sau
rian, but managed to break away and
started hastily toward tho shore, only
a few yards distant. Tho 'gator again
came to the attack, this time seizing
her In tho fleshy part of the side, be
tween the ribs and hip. Ths little one
was plucky, however, and managed to
again break away from the cruel jaws,
this time reaching the shore, the 'ga
tor following until she was on dry
land; then he disappeared from view.
The girl never lost her presence of
mind, which probably was the reason
ot nor escaping alive. She gives a very
graphlo description ot the dangerous
encounter, and has two very ugly
wounds to vouch for her story. She
says she could not see the entire length
of the beast, but from what she could
see would Judge It to have been only
about Ave feet long a Btnall 'gator to
attack a person. The girl Is 14 years
of age. Baltimore Sun.
Mot Kiaotly m aailnr.
Mrs. Gotham So your marriage was
a failure? Mrs. Lakeside Yes, but I'm
the preferred creditor. All my hus
band's property Is In my name. Town
MM .w,S!ni IM IcV : I 'J
Curea n Coujrh or Cold t once. yJ
anntiirsi lit-nun VavlttiAUt fall. I I
In ilia bc.t for Jiroiiclinir. Grippe,
HoarnerieHii, Vh(rtpinf.'mitrii. ami
tor ine cure 01 voniumpuun,
Wfj Mother pra.Hoit. IrctorHpreicribeiL
btunil uoftea, qmcit. urc rtrauua.
pare sucocsMfully for a
Portions pay to
n a year. e pre-
mr tniffttMrullv for all examinations.
HntpM low. Send for full particulars to
lias a good denp color and doe
not strain the eyes.
J 1 I v9 1 fluiak rU.f and oure wt.rrt Bo. of t.itimonlaU anil 10lv' fciMtni.ut
Vrea. Br. B. I. ossu ' suss, . s. atUata, Sa.
J lr ' V7
'llie.llrst five uoracio proourlng th
ifeW sSSHsr.. !ltMl.Ln.ssaassjtn irn .SiariHkr i,r,
(trocar will eaob obtain one lariie ion paekaRe of llod Crou" Ntarrh. on largo
lOo pnnkase or "llublntfor's llval" NinrrJi, two Hliaktspeare panel, printed la
twelve Ueautllul oolors, a natural a life, or one Twentieth Century Olrl Culemlar, to
finest of It kind aver printed, all absolutely froe. All other procuring the Endl)
Clinln siorch lloek, will obtain fronr their Rrooer the above goo'ls for 60. "Hi
CroM" l.auudrr Rturch I somothln entirely new, and I without doubt th great
est Invention of the Twentieth Century. It ba no equal, aud surpasses all other. U
bas won for Itself praise from all part ot the Uulted States. It baa superseded vorr
thing heretofore used or known toioleno la tha laundry sit. It I made from wlieat,
rlo sad oorn, and obamloally prepared upon elantlfln prlnolple by J. t;, Hualnfasv
Kaoknks Iswt, an zpert to the laundry profusion, who hn hadjwtuty-flv yart
practical aspeiiaoo Id fasay Uuaderln;, and who was ths Bret successful and original
lavwtor ol all flat aradu of tsroh la ths United State. AiKyour groom lot tsjf
Hawk sad eMate tb btautttul Obrlstma prsseoU b, ;
One of the Kngllph onrrespondTts In
Frunce has heard It snld that WWii of
the best families In Fiance nre d v:dedl
over the Dreyfus affair n bitterly anil
completely as only a legacy of no mat
ter how few potinl. or a religious dis
pute can divide blood relations
Bant Tolijrre Spit tad Rstolu Tear l ift iniy.
To quit tobacco easily and forerer, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve nnd vlcor, take No-T
Baa, the wondVr-worker, that makes weak mea
strong. All druitnlsts, COcortl. Cure t'luaa
teed. Booklet and simple free. Andreas
Bterllng Itemedy Co., Chicago or New Yorkv
The proportion of paupers to tha
population ot England is lower now,
than It hn been for 45 years.
r i
$3 8c 3.50 SHOES ""r?"
Worth $4 to $6 compared
wun oiner maxes.
Ijic.rfl hr r.r
1,000,000 nearer.
Thm atnutn hive W. T.
Douglat' nam aiiii pritr
it am ped on bottom. lakH
no substitute claimed to be
jrood. Your dealer
thou Id keen them i'
not, we w ill fiend a pair
nn receint of mice. Stale
kind ol eaiher, fiie. and width, plaii a
rap toe. latjlufftie C free.
W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mist.
Lazy UvGr
'I have been troubled a great deal
with a torpltt hvi'r. wlit-h produi-e constipa
tion. 1 found CAHCAKKTS to be all you claim
for thm. unit secured sticlt relief the first trial,
that I purchased another nupply and waa com
pletely cured. I sliull only be loo iilad to rec
ommend Cascareta whenever the opportunity
l presented." J. A. Smith.
m Susquehanna Ave., PbiUdelpliis, Fa '
Pleasant. Palatable, l'oun. Taste flood, fit
Oood, Itovor sicken, Weakun. or Grlte. loo, SOe. Uai
... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... .Mr l-isspM,, !.,, .w Iwt, W
Ufl-Tfl RAf IPo'd and s-nnrnnfeefl ! all rtraa
UU I U'DAU , ,iata to t I'll l: Tobacco Habit.
It Injur nervnvm aptta'tri to do nn. BACO
CURO the only run thnt Hrwhy t.ure
nnil notillp ynu when to ntM. hold with t
amiruutt'p Hint th rot .miIch will ruronny c4ew
KAO -(TR0 s vt'k''t'.Mn nnd h'lrm.nHH. Ik
liAfti'itri'd tJionnnndfl, ft will cure
you. At nil di'tiiiriritt nr ly mail prepnld. $1
it box; 3 lmxt- Hnoklrt fnf. Writ
Kl'HKKA Ciikmical Co., La - f hso, Win.
I ('Mil 11 . iu till I fell Ah'l'lt II A tl:lo:
E doe thin. A trlil l a knue uiall- d Ire.
I Colli. Bhos. AIkmi-imc Co., St. Loitib, Ue.
adpjoi r J c
nrtmubu i'OUCHS
All Druusuta. 2SQ.
If sfflictcd with J Thnmnenn'c Cuo Wafor
sore eyes as I
t uuiiiiauii i 1.J0 iiaiBi
I'. H. U. 7 'UJ
i:uuts WMiiif in f i sc (ah I
I Bolt Cuuub rup. Tames Good. Use I
iniimRpnui pr iimcst.tii
.rv. ,r.'
iir.V a
rmllt'M Chain fltarch Booaf from tbetr
BSWlaf '
ffZfyyl CANDY