The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 15, 1899, Image 8

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Three for West Rcynolda
vllle and one for Reyn
oldsville. (No. 17.)
BE IT ORDAINED Hint ciiBotcd It.v
thu town council of tin1 hut-miith of Wi'Kt
Roynoldsvlllc, Jnmnincll awmtoIiIitI, Mini
It l he-rely onlnlnml by iinlliorlty of tliu
Woctlon 1. Tlmt tbe rghl of way
I hitvhv in-anted to K. A. rVrrln.
hla hoi in' find bxhIkiih, to bo orKiinly.i d
under tho laws of IVniiHylvaiiln. to
conatrtict, miilniixln and npi-rato for a
term of fifty (fat) ynnra, a iukwukit
railway of ottlutr aln'ln ordoiililn track,
with the nwrnwary turnout and alillnjjA
by cahlo, eloutrlulty or herao power,
alonif tbe envois nnmod In m.wtloti two
(2) of this ordinance, and to conalrtiet,
enct. maintain, repair and iia-rntu
and tine alonu anld at twin, mich inotorn.
cables, oleotriu appliance and runven
lent upparatu a may b- pmvlded
for tbe supply and application of
tho motor power by cable, electricity
or hornc power. Said E. A. Kerrln,
hi heir or asHna, shall coininencn
to erect and coimtruct ald railway
within one year from thu dato of (hi
ordinandi and aftor eommonelnir tho
erection thereof, shall push It to com
pletion as rupldly as possible.
Section 2. Tho street over which
said rlifht of way Is granted are a fol
lows: l'lko street from tho cast linn of
the borouifh to tho right of way of
the A. V. R'v Co . and from the west, side
of ald right of way ti Broadway
street, thence on snid street on tho
western sido, to a point opposite the
Town Hall, thence on the center of
said street to the limits of the borough.
Section 3. Suit K A. rVrtin, his
heirs or assigns, In constructing aalil
railway, shall conform to the grade
of tho'stroot, as It, now Is or may bo
hereafter established and when laid,
the- tops of the rails shall bo
even with the surface of tho street
on tho proier grade, and no track
of less guage than four (4) feet, eight
and one-half (14) Inches shall b laid.
Such crossings a may be required or
directed by tho borough council at
street and alley crossing for a width
of twenty (20) feet shall foe built by
said E. A. Ferrln. his suooessoi or
assigns, that its posts, supporting It
trolly lines shall be located with due
regard to tho right of private owner
of abutting property ana attvh location
shall he Axed by the aid E. A. Kerrln,
hi successors or assigns, In accord
ance with tho regulation of the bor
ough council. The said E. A. Ferrln,
his successors or assigns, shall keep
the space of the street within the
rail of Its tracks of said road and for a
spnee of twelve (12) Inches on either
side thereof, In duo and proper repair
at all times, as may ho directed by the
town council from time to time.
Section 4. Said E. A. Ferrln. hi
successor or assigns, shall never charge
or tako more than five (ft) cents for
carrying each passenger at one time
from the beginning to the terminus of
It route. In the borough of Heynold
vllle or West Heynoldsvllle.
Section ft. Said E. A. F- ri ln. hi
successors or assigns, shall operate
said passenger railway with due re-
P:ard to tho street rights of the pub
ic on the stroet occupied by his
road, and shall equip, furnish and op
erate, hi road so that a passenger
service will bo maintained between
the hours of 6 o'clock a. m. and 10
o'clock p. m., except In case of tem
porary obstruction from unavoidable
accident, upon removal of whloh the
prescribed sorvlce shall bo rosumod a
herein beforo provided.
Section (I. This ordinance shall not
go into effect until the said E. A.
Ferrln, his successor or assigns, shall
file the stipulation accepting the same
with all Its urovisions. and agreeing
lo be bound thoreby. Said acceptance
to be filed within ten days or this or
dinance to be null and void.
Section 7. That any ordinance or
part of ordinance conflicting with this
ordinance is hereby repealed, so far
as the same effects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law this
!9tb day of September, A. D., 1899.
Samuel Sutter,
Attest: Pres. of Council.
W. B. Stauffkr, Clerk of Council,
Approved this 20th day of September,
A. D., 1899. J. C. McENTIRE,
Chief Burgess.
(No. 18.)
BE IT ORDAINED by the Town
Council of West Heynoldsvllle, In
Council assembled, and It Is hereby
ordained by authority of the same:
Section 1. That the right of way
is hereby granted to E. A. torrln,
his bolrs, successors or assigns to
enter upon the publle streets, lanes,
alleys and puDllo squares oi tne uor
ouffh of West Reynoldsvllle, to erect,
maintain and control poles and
wires for the purpose of carrying and
conducting electricity, for the period
of fifty years, throned said streets,
lane, allovs and nubile sauares of the
said borough of West Heynoldsvllle
as they now exist, or may be here-
after changed, extended or estab
lished for the purpose of supplying
electricity to the citizens and Inhabl
tanta of the Borough of West Reyn
oldsvllle, and for the lighting of
the stores, offices, dwelling houses,
street, lanes, alleys, publio squares
and other places where electric light
may bo needed and desired, and for
tbe supplying of electricity for motor
power, or for heat to such person or
persons as may desire the same.
Section 2. Said polos shall be erect
ed on the streets, lanes, alleys and
public squares at such places and on
such lines as the street committee of
the said Borough shall direct, and
the poles shall be straight and or sut
flctent strength to carry all wires
placed thereon, and shall not be less
than twenty-five feet in height above
tbe streets.
Section 3. The said E. A. Ferrln
his holrs, successors or assigns, shall
within ninety days after this ordinance
goes Into effect, commence to erect
such lines and prosecute said work
with reasonable dillgenoe until said
, plant Is completed.
' . Section 4. This ordinance shall not
go into effect until the said E
A. Forrin. bis successors or assigns,
shall Cle the stipulation accepting
the same with all Its provisions,
and agreeing to be bound thereby
Sulci accentance to be filed within teu
davs or this ordinance to be null and
' SocUuu 0. That any - crdittauce or
part of ordinance conflicting with this
iiidlnnnco I hereby repealed, so far as
tho snmo i ITecia this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law this
nth day of IH-tobcr, A. I). 1MM.
Attest: 1'res. of Council.
W. H. STAUFFKR, Clerk of Council.
Approved this ftth day of Oololier, A.
I). IhlM. J. C. McKNTIRK,
Chief Hurges.
(No. 10)
WIIKKKAH. tho borough of West
Heynoldsvlllo at n puhlln election held
n tint satd borough on tho ::Ntn nay l
November, I XIHI, submitted to the Voter
f the said borough the question of vol-
ng for publio laxc for the furnishing
water, and tor tho lighting hi the
streets, Imies and hIIovs of tho said bor
ough of West Iteynolilsvlllo. and for the
furnishing of water, etc., and whcrciis,
he said borough of West KeynolilHVIlio
has not yet entered Into any contract
ir the fiirnUhlng of electrlo light for
the lighting of the street, alleys unit
public sqimre of the said borough.
i ur.ur.i'imi'., no it onimnru ny me
town council of the borough of Wot
Heynoldsvlllo and It. Is hereby ordained
by authority of tho same:
Mectlon 1. 1 hut tho said borough
hire from E A. Ferrln. his heirs, sue-
'ssors or assigns, Arc Light lo
Im of not less thun 200(1 candle power, to
be located at such point or points a tho
light committee of tho town council
may direct, which said light during
the continuance of thl ordinance shall
be kept and maintained by tho said E.
Kerrln. his successor or assigns lor
tho period of ten (10) years from date at
hlch said light Is turned on. in con
sideration for which tho said borough
of West Rcvnoldsvlllo will pay to tin
said E. A. Ferrln, his holrs or assigns,
he sum of sixty O'lO) per annum for
each and every ate light so kept and
mnlntalned. Said sum to bo pitld quar-
orly on tho first davs of January. April.
July and Septomlicr of each and every
year during the iiforcsivld period of ten
year. Crofter deduction and allow
ance shall bo made by the said E. A.
Kerrln, his successor or assigns, for any
light or lights that do not burn tho re
quired length of mo. Said deduction
and allowance to b" determined for
ach qunrtor before tho light, hill is
paid. The said E. A. Forrin, his sue-
essors or assigns snail erect, nid ngnt
within six months from this date and
have tho current ready to turn on with
in six month from this date. The snld
Borough of West. Heynoldsvllle will
keep and maintain tho aforesaid num
ber of lights during the snld term of
ten years and for each additional light,
attached during said term, the said
borough of West Heynoldsvlllo shall
not pay more than tho sum herein stip
ulated to he paid for arc light during
the" continuance of this contract.
Section 2. Tho borough of West
Revnoldsvlllo will nnoallv hereafter
levy and collect from Its Inhabitants a
tax for tho purpose of paying for said
arc lights a now provided by law.
Hectlon 3. Should the said rc. A.
Ferrln, hi successors or assign fall to
accept thl ordinance and bo bound by
tho terms and condition thereof with
in sixty ((10) day from the dato hereof,
or fall to erect and operate said arc
lights within tho timo prescribed In
hi ordinanoe, then thl ordinance
shall become void, and tho borough of
West Heynoldsvllle shall be released
from all liability thereunder.
Section 4. That any ordinance or
part of ordinance conflicting with this
ordinance Is hereby repealed bo far as
the same effects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law this
5th day of October, A. D. 181)0.
HAMUKTj suttf.r,
Attest: Pres. of Council.
W. B. STAUFFER, Clerk "
Approved this ftth day of October,
A. D. 18U0. J. C. McEntire,
Chief Burgess.
(No. 64)
AN ORDINANCE regulating the uso
of publio and private sewers.
tS,.A 1 II I .,...1 t .....1 .,-,1 nnnl,l
by the burgess and town council of the
borough of Roynoldsvlllo, and it Is here
by ordained by authority of the same,
that there shall be annually chosen by
the council a reliable and competent
person to be known as Inspector of Sew
ers, whose duty it shall be to see that
the provisions oi all ordinances relating
to drains and sewers are complied with,
and in case the provisions or such oral'
nances are not rimy ana properly com'
plied with, to at once report the same
to the chief burgess. It shall be the
further duty of said Inspector to see
that the sewers are discharging freely
and that the flush tanks are operating
properly and that the main sewer at
Intersection of Grant with Fourth street
is flushed by a full opening of the gate
for at least one hour each and every
week, and that the small gate shall be
kept open at all times, neither tbe small
nor full gate shall be open, however.
when the water In Pitch Pine run is
high and charged with silt, gravel or
anything which will obstruct tbe sewer.
For such services he shall receive a
compensation to be fixed upon quarterly
by tne council, it snau also do tne
further duty of the Inspector of sewers
to decide upon matters of construction,
modification and repairs of sewers and
drains, as provided for in this and all
other ordinances relating thereto, and
to aot In conjunction with the Board of
Health a provided for In tbe following
sections of this ordinanoe.
Sec. 2. No person shall be permitted
to break into, modify, change or con
nect any pine or drain with the public
or private sewers now existing or that
may hereafter be constructed In this
borough without having first obtained
the approval of the Inspector of sewers
and tne board of health, and all such
changes, connections and modifications
shall be done only under the direct per
sonal superintendence and control of
the said inspector, and for such super
intendence there shall be paid to him
fifty cents by the party having the work
done as bis compensation tnereior.
Sec. 3. That the drainage of all
buildings, publio or private, within thU
borough shall be subject to tho approv
al of the Board of Health and shall be
In accordance with sections 8, 9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, 18 and 10 of ordl
nance No. 26. approved Oct. 2, 1803
entitled "an ordinanoe for the better
preservation of the publio health."
Sec. 4. In addition to the provisions
of ordinanoe No. 20, it is hereby further
ordained that the connections with -the
publio sowers pf this borough or any
private sewer connecting therewith
shall bo made and used for tho follow
tng purposes only, to-wlt: Discharge
from water motor, fountain, the over
flow of pure water from tunks, wash
basins, bath tub, water closets when
located In buildings, kitchen, store and
olllco Minks, laundry tubs, water from
roof, wilier from hydrant and clean
water from springs; and all wash bnalns,
hath tubs, kitchen, store amlnfflooslnk,
laundry tubs and connection with nsifs
and springs must he provided with
suitable strainer, which strainers must
bo approved by the Hoard of Health
and tho Inspector of sowurs. All such
Milliners must be securely fastened
In place and must not bo removed unless
to clean nut or repair. As the object,
and uso of said strainer I to prevent
tho admission to the sewers of any mat
ter which would stop or clog the fame,
any negli ct or device which will tend
to hrlnir about such Rtoniiiiiro or cloir-
ging is hereby declared unlawful anil
the parly so offending shall upon con
viction before the chief hurgess or a
Justice of tho 'Bce pay a fine of not less
him Ten Dollar, to bo collected as
other fines and penalties are collected
by law.
Hoc. ft. It I declared unlawful for
any person to deposit sticks, cloth,
leather, vegetable or any other
mibstnnce which would be llnhlu to
clog or obstruct tho pipes. Into any
water closet connected with tho sowers
of this borough, or to use said water
closet, and connection for any other
purpose than what said climnt was In
tended for, and the person ao offending
shall upon conviction before the chief
burgess or a justice or the peace pay a
fine of not lena than Ten Dollars, to be
collected as other fines and penalties
are collected by law.
Seen. It any person owning or oc
cupying any building In tho borough
which has a connection with any publio
sewer or has a connection with n pri
vate sewer that connect with and dis
charges Into a public sower, and such
connection and arrangement shall not
he In accordance with this and every
ther ordinance relating to sewers and
sanitary mat tors and such owner or oc
cupants shall receive not lee from the
Hoard of Health or Inspector oi sewer
to change, repair or roi-otist root In a
proHr manner said connection and
fixtures, and shall fall to do so for
i period of twenty-four hour after
ecolvlng said notice, said owner or
occupants shall upon conviction beforo
the chler burgess or a justice or tho
peace, pay In add I Hon to the penalty
irovlded tor violating or section four or
till ordinance, a fine of Five Dollar
for each and every day thereafter until
tho changes and modi ileal Ions shall hi;
made and completed In accordance with
tho provision of tho various ordinance
relating thereto; provided, however,
that in caso tho- change and modi
fications shall bo of Much character as
to require more than twenty-four hours
to complete the Slime, the Inspector of
Rowers or Hoard of Health shall havo
power to urant Much further period for
completion as may bo necessary and
roason.iblo; also tho Inspector of sower
shull have full Miwer and authority to
sever any connection on failure to com
ply with this ordinance after dun notlco
as aforesaid.
Sec. 7. No connection with a public
sower or with a private sewor that con
nects or discharges into a public sewer
shall be made whereby any silt, sand.
gravel, earth, ashes or any matter
which will not bo readily and freely
carried away by tho ordinary flow of
water In said sewor, nor shall the drain
age from any tablo or pigpen bo allow
ed to enter said publio sewer whether
the same shall come from any private
sewer or otherwise, nor shall any poi
sonous substances bo placed or dis
charged Into said sewers except upon
order of tho Board of Health.
Sec. 8. No connection of any pipe
conveying any foul or noxious matter
of any kind shall bo made with tho
drain pipe laid nearly underneath tho
the sower pipe lor the purpose ol drain
ing the cellars along Gordon and Wil
low alleys. Which drain plo must in
no way have any connection with any
closet, sink, receptacle or pipe of any
kind that would carry into It any dele
terious, foul or unhealthy matter and
any person violating this section of this
ordinance shall, upon conviction before
tho Chler 1J urges or a Justice or tho
Peace pay a fine of not less than ten
dollars, to be collected according to law.
See 9. Haln water from roofs may
be oonduoted into house drains that
empty Into the sewers, but the pipe or
conductor discharging sucn rain water
Into the sowers must be provided with
a trap located below frost, the seal of
which shall not be less than five Inches,
said trap shall have a band bole for
convenience in cleaning, and to have a
suitable cover and protection, rain con
ductors shall not be connected outside
of the main trap, nor used as soil, waste
or vent pipe, nor shall any soli, waste,
or air pipe be used a a rain conductor.
and If placed within a building shall be
of cast Iron pipe with leaded joints.
Sec. 10. No discharges or exhaust
from any gas, traitor or steam engine or
steam heating apparatus Is permitted or
allowed into any publio sewer or into
any private sewer wnicn connects with
a publio sewer.
Sec. 11. The overflow from tanks
must first discharge Into an open fixture
properly trapped before such discharge
can be admitted to any pipe or drain
leading to the sewor, and no waste pipe
from a refrigerator or recoptaole In
whlcn provisions are stored snau be con
nected with any drain soil, or waste
pipe connecting with tbe sewer.
Sec 12. All house drains shall be
provided with a horizontal trap placed
Immediately outside the cellar wall or
at the curb. Tbe trap shall have
hand bole for convenience in cleaning,
the covor of which shall be properly
Sec. 13. There shall be an Inlet for
fresh air entering the house drain just
Inside the water seal of the trap named
in Sec. 12, and also an Inlet for fresh
air at the rear of the system when the
vertical line of the pipe is located in
tbe central part or the building and the
main (resti air inlet is deemed insur
ficlent, said Inlet shall be at least three
Inches in diameter, loading through
the outer wall and opening at a conven
lent place with an accessible clean out,
No drainage work shall be covered or
oonoealed In any way until after It has
been examined and approved hv the In
spector of sewers and the Board of
Health, and notice must be given to
the Board of Health in writing when
tho work U suhioiontl'y advanced for
such lnspeotlon.
Sec 14. All traps and fixtures shall
be orotooted from svptionage. ah ami
syphon pipes shall be carried up and
through tne roof or connected with the
main toll pipe above the highest fixture.
Hoc. in. Tho tinaltv for the viola
tion of any and all the provisions of thl
irdiniinco. except fur a violation of
those section where a itrniittv I aim-
cillcally mimed, ahull bo a fine of five
dollars for each and every offenso, after
conviction beforo the Chief Hurgess or
a JtistluH of the Pence, to bo collected
as fine and Mmltes are collected by
Sec. 10. That any oidlnauce or part
of ordinance conflicting with tho pro
visions or this nrntnam1" 1 hereby re
pealed so far as the same effects this
Orduln. d ami eiriri. ( lulu a law In
council this 1 -tt day of Noveinlsir, A.
I). 1800. S It EM.toTT.
Attests Pres. of Council.
L. .1. McKmtihr. Clerk of Council.
Approved this .'lid day of Novemlier.
A. D. 18tit. II. ai.kx. Stoke,
Chief Hurgess.
Beautiful Complexions
CnmA frrnn nnm. tinfntnttvl titnrwt Vn nm.
tlnxlon cftn im muddy, mo tiled or mIUm if
bo blood in purr bovorapluxlonrnn Uiel'Mir
of blomlAhcA If tho Mood In not ftun. Mmo
than thlfti dllniue ran tint xnt In n IumIv mum.
rilled with pure Mood. ThU In th rV-:rc-t nf
he iuooum of Olerjr King. It tuukt uiu
CHery Kin nnrm Cmtntlnntlon, nnd Nerve,
fltomech. Liver oud Kidney dutcuac.. a
In thf Court of Common IMnm nf .IrfTiTHtm
County, No. , Nnvi'in'wr Tnrm, Hli,
iNoiiri i iH'M'ny Rivt'ttimtinn iipnriaminn
will Im miulc lo 0m ho lit court on Tnpsflttv,
NovmiHr i. tH. nl 2 loV!oi'lf p. ni., under
In Act or AmmmuMV or 1IH' ('inninonweiiiui or
VntiHvh nnln. cfild It'd "Ait net hi iimvitln
for Itifoi pot-ittloti H nd IN'ini tut Inn nf Cor
tHtn Corpot itt loim." npprovi-d April lit. 1H74,
and tin- Hiipplcmi'itlM thft-f lo, for (In rhtu ter
f mi Inu'iMM-n t'oi Hrnl Inn lo Im riillcr! .Imii
l'tihd F-vnnicl1cnl Clmi-rli of KtilU Croik,
lftitiylvHtitti, llio rhurioMi'r tittd oliJiM-t
Alii'iiMif Ih for I lit ointHiH: of tilt' pulillp wor-
dilp of (Jod Hi't-mdlnif lo Mm fiil'h of (lit
1'iiIumI Kviitiiti'llf'iil rliitii'h. the promotion of
thi lolornstM of rHIulim, timl thi prind of
CIm Ihi'm kingdom llirouulioiit tli vol hi. lo
oiitii'ci Ion iiii'l iiHNiM'Int ion w II h I he miiIi)
I'nltt'd Kviinirt'llciil Chun-h, timl for Ihr-i
purpoMt'M to tut v4. poHwm'MM, iiimI enjoy fill Hip
i-luhtN, Ih'IM'MIh iiimI prl vtli-Ki'st of thu wild
Act of AMHi-mlily timl IIn HiipplcnirntM.
The ptopoMcd rhiirtor Ih now on Mln In tho
I'mt honol Hty'n olllrt.
i tii.pi a ftimiiK, roiiciior.
SonintliiKS a Ir-hii,
munti.'jr rvi!uit:.i: m.-jxiu.
Lix. H VL'3
Art pr- iiii.t. if Ann1 cfrl.iin '
For mile by II. Alex. Htnkn,
Don't fail to
read thin for it
means money
saved for you in Men'n and
Boys Suits and Overcoats.
Uetter values were never here
tofore given. Here are some
of my prices:
MEN'S SUITS Reduced from
nVFRrOATC H2.00 to 0.25
OYtRCOnTS from 8.50 to
6.98, from 5.00 to 3.98, from
to 8.25, from 7.50 to
BOYS' SUITS Reduced from
nd nr in a nn
OVERCOATS from oo to
5.50, from 8.00 to 5.98, from
The PonM ruction of tho F.I.K l o ar
rnnicinl hh tOKlvenrrfi'i'lcornliUHlloli.lhllM
ovurcumliiK one of tho Krnutimt nlijM'tlons
- In the uho of nntural glut. If thu F.I.k Ih
coiiiiiicIchI with lluii hh wu Hiiiriti'xt una
recommend, there never will he the iillKht
et f uuie of burnt Kan.
By a retention and concentration of tlio huat hy meuns of pro
lections on the fire front, the cold nlr which Is drawn from th floor as
It passes through a chamlx;r directly in tho n'ar of the firo front, is
beated and pasdoa out at tho top, thus creatinjf a current. This re
sults In an even teniporaturo, and tho entirii apurtrm-nl Is warmed
Instead of It being estruiuuly hot dlrcotly In front of tho heater and
cold elsowhoro In tho room, us Is thocaso In tho use of most gas heaters.
One of the strong points In favor of the ELK heater Is in the
economy of (fas consumption by Its use. One No. 3 will comfortably
heat a doublo parlor connected with folding doors, with less than half
the consumption of giw of two old-style hoators, giving boat by direct
radiation with Imperfect combustion.
AUTION notice.
All tictmjim in limcliy warnsd not to trust
or hiirlxir .Isnit K. (limes, hi mjf rxieiiv, ss
kIih on Del i; imki 1,-ri im linl iinil hnniil nml
I will mil I n lielil Mixmilhlo fur niiy hills
(ml i ik-ti- I hy lici. ,, U. (liiiivr.,
Nut. . IMW. Siimly Valley, ('.
or in: i snuhsrru.ic.
('. l ID hell, rrrslilenti
fti'iill .14 h Ihin.t, Vie Prrs.l
Jo I. ii II. Kmih lier. I'sshlrr.
t. Mitchell, semi Aiecielliitiil, 3. ('. King,
John II. Ciii Ihoi, li. V.. Ilruwti,
U. W. fuller, . II. Kntii-lier.
los s veneriil Imiiktnir tiHlneuiitnfl solicits
tin HiM'oiiitlh tnerrliiiolN. ,mff ....Ions! tnin.
rtirmcrM, nice liiinlra, ntlnsm, lotniHTifien arid
ollii'P,, liriiMilolmi ihr tniMt rnraful atlsnllon
to t he bUHlnih of nil iHimoMK.
fhife iiMmlt Itoxe for rent.
first National Hank hiillilln, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
Prnrtiwl lorpe-iShoer
and (iemtrnl HlackmnUii.
llornt! Hhoclutf donp in thi nrntft mnnrnr
nml hy tin- ltit't Itnpi-ovfd nifthndH. Itp.
piilrltm of itll kind ctin-fully himI promptly
(lime. ATI: rA riiN (IPAItANTKKP.
lluvi'JiMt m" I'lvi-d ii -oiti 1 ti wt of ma
rhino Inn mi- cl'iipm if ln'tt iylr 'W puttorn
ii nd :t in prt;iimti n t'o I'Mpplnir hi i fitt btnt
iMiHftthlr tiiniiiior lit it ti-ormhlr riil-i.
Jii4!kr4oit hi, iifMi I'lf li, llfytioldrtvllle, fa.
'"iggy'ST: rhef hare
Wm ltoottn!t;Motyeiri,
nd hive curat! thouiands ol
Cmwt of Nervout iJitfta., itieh
lbditf .iHftlncif, Slcfplett
Bent and Varicocele Atrophy, &o
Ihtf clear the brain, atrngtha
tn circulation, make digetuoa
r pcncci ana imparl u nrmry
tj) vigor totha whole being. All
drntnt ard lofrf are cherhed
trnnir Amln Pmunntlr. Unleu paiicnta
Oil Ullg Agdin. Vrt prorrly ciircrl, theft- coaHU
tlon effn wnrriM thi-m Intolnaanity Contump
tiop or Death. Maild fealsd. Price $i per boa
6 hnxe, with lronclad legal narantea to cura Off
refund the money, f j oo- Bend fnr free book.
Fur anti hy II. Alox B'.oko
5.00 to 3.75.
If you are needing a suit
or overcoat it will pay you
to see my line and get my
For past patron
age, and earn
estly soliciting
a continuance, I am respect
fully, the Leading Clothier,
Hatter and Gents' Furnisher.
f ) 1
-h: nax
Rey noldssvlllt
Philadelphia k Erie Unllroad Division.
In effect Msy 21, 18HH. Trains leave
UrlltwiKid as follows:
itci s m-Trln s, wi-i-kdnv. for Piniluirr.
) llkimlmrre, llnrliiton, I'liMnvllln.SvranUin,
I iirrlNliui'K hikI Dm Intermnulnto . "in
Mmm, hitMiik Kt 1'hllniliiliihlH t. m
New York, M:;S)n. m. tliiltlninre,A:(in b.fn.j
Jv"li iiRtoii, 7:1s p. m I'lillmnn Parlor raf
from HllllmiiHiHii t lo riilliilnlihla ami im-""frrriiiu-liM
from Kane lo rhllnilelphla
ami V lllliimiiiort to Ilultlmore and IVuli-
:W p. m. Train 6, wr-eVdava. for Mar-
rl-tmra; ami liilr-rmeillHte l Minim, ar
rivins at riiiinni'iiiiiiii 4:2!) A. M.s New York
1(1:12 n.ln. 'I'ihIii 4.flllv f,,i. Huol
imiik i.iiii 1,,,1'rniriiiiiio Hilllioim, lll-rivinil at
I'hlliiil.'lpliln, :M a. M.I Nr-W York, V.m
A. M. on wurk itnya ami 10 8 A M. nn Kim
ilnyi lliilllmoiH, ll:;ir, a.m.i WiihIiIiikIoii, j .A
A.M. riillman alfi'iH'm from Kill- nml It'll.
IIuiiimii l io IMillaifi liihlii and WllllamiiHirt
t4i UHxhliiKton. I'linM-iiaxra In nlwMT
for liHlilmiirr anil wahliiKtm will ha
tranifi-rifil Into WnililiiKton nli'i-inr at WU
lliiniaiHirt. I'niiwnKfi i-oiii Iim from Krle to
Philadelphia ami WllllaniHport to Balti
more, WF.HTWAktl
4: a. m.-Train Ii. wiM'kdava. for Erie. Bids-
wa, Ihillola, Clrrimuil and principal inter
mediate Nlaitona.
:44 a. m.--': -alii , dnllr for Erie and Inter-
mpilliite polntN.
:tt p. in. Train IS, weekdays for Kane and
Intermediate mi allium.
TRAINS learea New York :M p. m.,l'hllade.
iinaa:w u. m. Waaliliiilon 7:W p. ni., Hal
tlmore M p. in., arrlvlna at lirlf i wood
a. in., weekdnya. wllh Pullman aleeiieni and r
paHi-nr roachea fmm Phllailelihla to
Erie ami WanhliiKton anil llalllniore lo
TUAI.N u IpvreaNewYork at T:M p. ni.l l'hlla-i
n i iiiiniMtMirL.
u,-,,,,nt n:si p. m. aarnnRion. 111.40 p.m.
Ilnltlmore, ll rvt p. m. daily arriving af
iM-niwiMHi m a. m. i'lillmnn aniepin
i-nm ir,,,,, iiiun. 111 it iinnmnii i, a no i iiroitfr
tiaaaenicnr roachea rrnm riillailelphla
'.rlii and llnlllmore to WIlllHtiiaiH.rl.
Hiindiiyaonly Piillmun sleeper Phlladelpl)
TKAIN Ift learea Phlliideliihla -4n 1.
naniiiimion, 7At a.m.) Haltlmore, S:UA. a.t
n iiKemiarre, nitiw a. M.I weekday
arriving at DrlftwiMHl at ft:42 r. m. with
Pullman Parlor car from Philadelphia lo
Wllllanmport. and piwuteiiKer coach Ui Kane.
ThroiiKh Pullman Parlor Car to IMIUhnra
on naln learlna Kiilln I'ri-ek at SiCIa, in., re-
tiirnlnii on triilu li-avliin piltNhura at I HO D m
4. n. 11 ij 1 1 .ii 1 ptmifi, rt. i
Oen Manager.
Paaa. A n't.
COMPANY, in effect Sundav.
July 24, IHIltl. yiw Orado DIvIhIoh.
No. I.INo.S.
A. M.
M.'P. M.
Ued Hank
P. M.
I II Ml; I I )
1 1:
7 M
4 (II
New llclhlehetn
II 1
II fw
4 m
4 4:1
It on
3 in
(Ink Ithliie
Mavav He
Summervllle . ..
1J 1.1
12 III
I 10
t6 87
Vi 47
5 ir
KevmilMHVlIln .
1 01
fl Ml
tl hill
7 00
7 10
7 2:t
7 8B
rails Creek
I l .-i
9 40
1 M
I 4A
I 47
I A7
S Itt
s :r
(I f!
Wluterhurn ....
1 m
7 21
S 17
a 27!
i 44
7 :l
If 10
I 7 V.. Ml
Train 41 iSiimlnvi leavea PittHhurir B.OOa. m..
Ited Hunk I Mr; .Im-hi llrookvllle 12.27. Kevn
olilHvllle I On, IiiiIIiiIm I. -Hp m.
Train 4:i(Hiinilnyi IcaveH PltlahurK n.ln p.m..
Ited Hunk 7.4.1 due at lliookvllle B.0B. Uevn-
olilHVllleB.iff, IiuHiiIhU V, p. m.
WKHTWAHD. a. in. i iiniiimore, l..ri a. tn.t whlnloii I I
4.l A. M. I'ollmiin HIiM-plna cars from L'
lliirrlnliiirn to I'hlhicli-lplila and New York. L
riilhiili'lphlH paawnai-ra ran remala In Jr
Ii'oiht unillntMrlH'rl until T m i. . r I
No. 2 No.S No.10 No ".
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M,
til Wl I (l Ml I M)
12 01 7 2.1 6 2
12 2d 7 fill 6 67
13 37 7 .10 7 OT
12 42 01 7 I I
12 K S 14 7 21
I or, a 2n 7 41 110 01
1 1.1 H XI 7 Ml 10 12
IS tS 01 T10 l
1 UK a 4h s 10 10
I Ml t (M IS 27! lb 41
m 11 nn io Kt
aim h 2i a 4 in 00
1 in f .im
its II 1'. IB 2.1
2 41 I0 oi b at
t 4 I0 IO HH
t M 10 81 10 12
II 21 10 Ml (10 2ft
1 1 m I I (M, 7 20
p. m. P. m.l p. n. p. M.
drift wood ...
I'i-iiii field
Wluterhurn .
Falls ( 'reek ..
PancoiiML. . . .
New Itethlehern
Ked Hank
Pltwiiura. ...
Train 44 (Sunday! leaves DuRola, S.40 a. m.
nue ai ncynuiiiHviiie n.,-w., unaiavilie J.J, neta -Hank
.M). Plttfthurg II. Ift a. m.
Train 42lHundayi leavea DuBola 4 20 p. m.
due at Heynoldsvllle 4.40. Brook villa 6.11, Ked
Hunk .., I'lltHlinrg D.Z5 p. ni.
Trains marked run daily; dally, except ,
Pullman parlor hulfet car nn trains Sand 4
between Plttshurn and Iirlft wood. Parlor car
chair rate PlttHtiurg to Heynoldsvllle Mlcenta,
Oen'l Hupt. Oen'l Paaa'r ARC
On and after Octolier t, I SOB, pseaen
fer trains will arrive and depart from Keyn
oldsvllle station, dally, except Sunday, as
7:00a.m. Fnr Falls Creek, PuBots. Bl Run.
Punxsutawney, Butler, and Pittsburg, (kin
necta at DuBola for (,'urwcnavllle ana (!lear
neld and all points In ( learfleld division!
aliwi with main line train for Brockway vllle,
Rldicway, Johnaonburf and Bradford.
PlttaburK flyer leavea DuBola at 12.60 p. Bl.
fur Bradford, Buffalo and Hoc heater.
4:40 1
D D. m.
For Falla Creek, DuBola, Carwena-
ills and Clearfield and all Dolnta on the O.
h M. IMvlalon.
1:20 a. m. tM p. m.
Thousand mile tlcketa frond for panaaire
over any portion of the B., B. P. ana Beech
Creek rallroada are on aale at two (2) centa
per mile.
For tlcketa, time tables and full Informa
tion apply to
K. O. l'Avia. Aient, Reynoldavllle. Pa.
E. Ci. Lafit, Oeo. Paa. Agent,
Rocbealer N. T.
Will keep in stock a
fall line of rough
and dressed ....
Lumber, Sash and Doors.
Mouldings. Casinos,
Porch Material ot all kinds.
Shingles, Lath, Plaster, Lime,
Cement and Sewer Pipe.
Material delivered to
all parts of town. .
J a V. Young. .
bacrtbe for
he -X- Star
If you want the News.