The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 25, 1899, Image 7

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"It is an III Wind
That Blows Nobody Good. "
WiaI small ache or pain or wtkness is
the "SI wind" that directs your attention
to the necessity of purifying your blood by
taking Hood" s Sarsaparilla. Then your
whole body receives good, for the purified
blood goes tingling to every organ. It is
the remedy for all toes and both sexes.
No; That lie Could fteo.
Magistrate "You are charged with
running over an old ladv whllo scoroh
Ing. What have you to gay In rpjrarri
to this awful accident?" Defendant
"Awful accident? Why, a little thing
Ilka that doesn't hurt a good bicycle
Ilka mine Is!" Stray Stories.
Nnvc the fttrkrls.
From saving, comes having. Ask
yonr grocer how yon can save 13c
by investing Co. Ha can tell yon
jnst .how yon oan get ono Inrge lOo
package of "Bed Cross" starch, one
large' 10c package of "Hnbinger'a
Best" starch, with the premiums, two
beautiful Shakespeare panels, printed
in twelve beautiful colors, or one
Twentieth Century Girl Calendar, all
or 5o. Ask your grocer fortius starch
d obtain these beautiful Christmas
resents free.
Vilve Valuable Information as to In
y Orsao Current.
S" W,1 Vl I T1 frfnr, Qnut DalHrnrtfA C n n
Some valuablo information respecting
ocean currents has been obtained by
the Naval Hydrographies office through
floating bottles thrown overboard by
steamers and recovered by passing
ships, which report the exact points at
which they were found. Frequently
the bottles are picked up and again
' tossed overboard after tho latitude and
longitude and the number of the bottle
have been noted, so that the office In
Washington may know the direction
. taken by the bottle since put Into the
. sea or last sighted by some vessel. In
this way the direction It has drafted
and the strength of the current can be
accurately estimated. There are some
recent returns which show that bottles
have floated thousands of miles, and
one has a record of covering 2,400 miles
" la 92 days. This bottlo was tossed
overboard from the steamship Furst
Bismarck on May 1, 189S, about 350
miles southeast of Cape Race, and re
covered on Auzust 1 In the vicinity
of Gluck stadt. on the Elbe. The dis
tance between tho two points, follow
ing the route through the English
Channel, Is about 2.400 miles, giving
26 miles as the lowest posntble estimate
of the dally average velocity with
which the bottle traveled eastward.
The longest distance made by any bot
tle was one thrown from the steam
ship Electrician, which covered 6.300
miles In a little over three years, or an
average of nearly six mllei a day. An
other bottle traveled 6,00 miles in 971
t days, or an average of eight knots,
while another made B.000 miles In 327
days, or an average of 15.3 knots a day.
Another good record for a bottle Is 300
miles In 16 days, or an average of 18. 8
knots a day. In conducting Its experi
ments tho navy department has had
the co-operation of the Russian gov
ernment, which on the cruises of two
of Its vessels had thrown In the sea
703 bottles, of which 20 have been re
covered and reported. Taken collcj-
V lively, the paths followed by these
floating bottles give a good idea of the
drift currents of the North Atlantic.
The motion of tho waters seems to bo
westerly, as Is evident by the destina
tion of the numerous bottles cast adrtft
between Madeira and Cape San Roque.
all of which ultimately found their
way to the Windward Islands, the Ha
hamas or to the western shores of the
Qulf of Mexico.
MRS. PINKHAM says that Irritability indicates disease.
Women who are nervous and snappish are to be
pitied. Their homes are uncomfortable; their dis
positions grow constantly worse. Such women need the coun
sel and treatment of a woman who understands the peculiar
your Vegetable Compound has done for mo. It has helped m
more than anything else. I suffered for a long time with ner
vousness, pains in back and limbs and falling of the womb ;
also had neuralgia in my head and could not sleep. I told
my husband that some
thing must be done, for
I was nearly frantic with
pain. Having read of
the wonderful cures
Lydia E. Pinkham ' Veg
etable Compound had
performed, I determined
to try it. I have taken
it and am happy to say I
am cured. I recommend it
to all my friends and never
tiro of telling the benefit I
have derived from its use. ' I
have you alone to thank for
my recovery."
,) Mrs. Ellen Flana-
; can, 1 8 io Mountain St.,
i Philadelphia, Pa., writes:
n "Deae Mrs. Pinkham
J Three years ago I was
f sufferer from chronic
I dyspepsia, was irritable
) And cross, and can say j
J that after taking seven
bottles of Lydia E. Pink-
A barn's Vegetable Compound was entirely cured. I take great
pleasure in writing this to you and would be pleased to bo
) Interviewed by any one who is afflicted with that distressing
complaint I am very grateful to you."
Don't Wd Another,
Lady Traveler Allow me to detain
you one moment, sir. 1 have her a
neat and pretty little letter-opener
very handy. Gent (Interrupting) So
have I at home. I'm a married man,
you seel
I.Ik a rinding Hlonrf.
The use of tho Endloss Chain Rtarch
llooa In the purchase of "Red Cross"
and "Hubingor's Rest" starch, makes
it just like finding money. Why, for
only 5o you are enabled to get ono
large lOo package of "Red Cross"
starch, one large lOo package of
"Hubinger's Best" starch, -with the
premiums, two Bhakospeare panels,
i printed in twelve beautiful colors, or
one Twentieth Century (till Calendar,
embossed in gold. Ask your grocer
for this starch and obtain the beauti
ful Christmas presents free.
Kats f'ndrrnitnod It.
An extraordinary occurrence happen
ed the other day In Brussels. A milk
woman with her cart, drawn by two
dogs, was passing through a street In
the center of tho city, when of a sud
den the roadway opened and the cart
and dogs disappeared. Investigation
showed that the roadway had been un
dermined by rats, which swarm In the
Ta Car Constipation Forever.
Tyke Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOo ortfiu.
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.
After tho recent thunderstorm In
Knglauil thousands of dnl pi-Is were
found nrnr Sandwich, floating In the
l-elf river.
Dost Toturco Spit nf Knots Tor Lift In-,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac
netle, full of lite, nerve and vigor, take NoTo
Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cureiruaran
teod. Booklet and sample free. Address
Burling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York.
Cheap Water In Olangow.
In Glasgow a $75 householder ob
tains for $1.42 per annum a continuous,
never failing, unrestricted stream of
the purest water In the world delivered
right Into his kitchen, wash-house and
bath-room. It Is calculated that 380
gallons of pure water are delivered to
the citizens of Glasgow for every
penny paid. And It Is water of such
peculiar softness that tho householders
of Glasgow can pay their water rate
out of what they save on soap. Loch
Katrine water Is not only soft It Is
remarkably bright, clear and free frcm
vegetable matter because of the bare
and precipitous character of (he hills
which drain Into the loch. It Is uni
form In color, temperature and qual
ity, Is absolutely free from pollution,
and must remain so because the corpo
ration have now bought up the build
ing rights of the whole drainage area;
It needs no filtration and Is practically
unaffected by the change of seasons.
Engineer Magazine.
A Prlnee's Dilemma.
The German emperor likes to study
the characters of his group of small
sons, and to that end has given them
a room next to the one used for busi
ness purposes for himself. A certain
great scientific man, having on one
occasion an Interview with the em
peror, left his hat In the adjoining
vestibule. There the little brothers
discovered It; and the crown prince,
explaining to the younger ones that
"papa" sometimes sat on his opera hat
and it came all right again, proceded
to give a practical Illustration of this
statement, to the ruin of the beaver.
The emperor's door suddenly opened
and "papa" and the professor appeared.
Like a manly little fellow the crown
prince owned up, apologized to the
laughing professor and went off to buy
for the old gentleman a new hat with
his small pocket change.
A Terrtblo KcTtnit.
. Tom "So that rich heiress refused
you?" Jack "Yes, but I got even. I
married ' t-er wotjer." New York
troubles of her sex.
Mrs. Anna E. Hall, of Mill
dale, Conn., was all run down in
health and had completely lost
control of her nerves. She wrote
to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. Now she writes ;
" I wish to thank you for what
F .Lit
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
overcomes 1 .rf:.
1 ernii Akirunv
BUT TMg GeNVINt - mht o ey
rot u si su omiaecTi mi n Mint
Sour Stomach
"After I wh Induced to try CAflCA
RF.TI, I will never te without them In the houtm.
My ll tit whs tn a very bad shape, and my bead
ached and I had stomach trouble. Now. tlnce ink-
inn Canonret. 1 feel tine. My wife tin tin I to a sod
bvm with hnnetlclal result fur tour itomncb."
JUS- KiiEHLlNU. net L'ungreu St.. St. Louie, Ma
Pleasant. Palatable. I'otent. Tnite flood. Io
9'jod, Never Hlckyn, Weaken, or Giij. 10c, 'iic. fiUc
rtiritni Hmnlj Company, 1'fcletff. VoHk. IIS
M.TO flflf Sold and guaranteed by oil drug-
I U"UUll guts lo CV Bl: Tubacco Habit-
$3 & $3.50 SHOES ""V?"
Worth $4 to $B compared with
oiner manes.
Intlorard Ity nvw
l.OOO.tMiO uruti rn,
111 It W. L. lion!.1
aad erlr st.nprd en twtlesm.
Tuke no mibstltiitn claimed
toheaHpootj. I.urut'Ht multem
of t:l and ri.fWi hn' In the
wrid. i "ir uenlerfhniiM keep
them If not, we will winly-m
a mtlrnn rtci'int nf nrlre. htnte
aiua ui loauicr. fio niui wmin, vium ur cap lue
. ainifiiriia v r rc
W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mast.
No hMiiphnli rnn nffnrtl t: bt
wlihitut It-hvery houuhom
chii nlTnnl tci hftv It.
J 1 I KJt I qmrk rM.( iinil onnx ..nt
cwh. BKk of teRtunonlnL ami lOtlny.' SiA1tnui
irna. Or. H. H. OtlU I SOUS. Sol 1. AtUnt.. a.
CutHrrh Cnnnot lis Curril
With local npitllrntinn.niitliy rnnnnt rnrh
tbe went nf tht (lineaHe. 1'ntHrrh In n hlnud or
roiiHtltnttoiutl lirtie, nnl In nitlur tn mint H
roil nnit take Internal rMinpillL'. Ilfill'sCa
larrh Cure In taken Internally, anil ai-tfll-rrtly
on the IiIoihI and initoouamir fare. Hall's
CHtai rhCnro is not a onai k int'illi'lne. It was
iireM'rllHMl liy one nf the hest phyilclana In
Ihlaiiinntry for years, and la a n vnlar pre.
peripttnn. It Is eomiMwed of tho hest Oillirs
known, comhineil with the best blood jiurl
t!t'm.artlna: dlreotlyon the nmrous surfiirei.
The wrfiMtt eoinbliiatlon of the two Inuredl
entais what prodnres smdi wonderful revolts
In uuiiiiK Catarrh. Send for testiinntitiiln. free
K. J. I'HEKRV Uo., I'mps., Toltdu, Oi
8old hy Dnwiti, prln o, 5o.
Hall's Vamlly P Ills are the best.
The constantly Increasing business of
the llHltlmoro and Ohio Itnilrnml hns
nocPBHltuted very material additions
to the telegraph service. DuiitiK the
past year nearly z.uiiu miles of copper
wire, 160 pounds to the mllo, have been
Htrunir. ' New lines have been placed In
service between Baltimore and rlttn
bur&, llaltlmore and I'nrkci'sliui .
Newark, O., to ChlcnRo, Philadelphia
to Newark, Phrndclphta to Cumberlanil
and Cumberlnd to (irnfton. DiuIiik the
summer Beveral of thi se wires were
quadruplexed between llaltlmore nnu
Ciimberlnnd and duplexed west.
IJko all new llaltlmore and Ohio
work, the lines are constructed In the
best pogHlble manner.
In Great Britain there are 7.340.096
houses of all kinds. As the pnpuultlon
Is about 40.000,000, this gives five per
sona ana, say, a uaby to each house.
Beaut? I. Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets. Landv Lntlmr
tie clean your blood and keep it clean, by
tirrinir un the lazv liver and ilrivini all im
purities from the body. Ileum to-day to
oanisn pinipics, pons, blotches, blackheads,
nd that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug-
guu, saiuiacuon guaranteed, luc, Xjc.OUo.
Thero are two hospitals for lepers In
this coutry, one In New Orleans and one
in San Francisco. Bdth contains about
35 patients. (
low Art Tssr Kldncrs t
T)r. Hnhhs' Simrtipua PllUiirn nil klriiiMw ill ct.
plefruo. Aild. Storlliitf tiuaiuOyCu-.culvuifoorM. V.
As early as Beptember orders were
placed In Wisconsin for 60,000 Christ
mas trees, to De shipped East.
Fits nermsnently aured. Nnflf nv nrpAn,.
Ocas after flrxt day's use of Dr. Kline's Q rant
Nsrve Hestorer. 3 trial bottle and treatiss
free. Dr.U.U.KLlNE, Aroh tU'ulla.l'a.
H.H. Gresm's Hons, nf Atlnuta. On., are
flie only sueiinHrii Drop-v biieiilalists in the
world. Res their liberal offer In advertl.eluout
In another column of this papar.
I eonld not set lon without PIfo's Pnrs
for Oousumptlon. It always cores.- Mrs. K. (J,
Koulcom, Vsolbsm, Mau OvtoUr M, UUi,
TftADI UAMN RfOhmffID -gj
Pitts n tina
rraln, Float and Feed.
WHEAT No. Hred
WHEAT No. 1 new
COHN-No 1 yellow, ear.
4 09
8 50
12 50
11 60
13 00
HI 00
15 M
6 25
e 00
1 DO
1 43
no. 2 yoi.ow, snsiiea
Mixed esr
OAI8-N0. 2 white
No. S white
FLOL'Il Winter (intents 8
rancy strnigui winter 0
Itye No. 1 .
lAV-No. 1 timothy..
Clnver. No. I
FKD No. 1 white mid., ton
Jlrnwn mldillluRS
Ilran. bulk. . : ,
BTltAW Wheat.
BEKUH Fanev Dluo Grass.... 1
'iimotoy, prlino 1
Dairy Products,
t'TTErt F.lftln creamery.....!
Ohio creamery
Fanry country roll
CHEKHE Ohio, new
New Vork. new
Fruits and Vegetables,
PEANS Oreen V bn 3 7V 8 00
I'OTATOI-.S'-r-'aney Whltei bu S 49
CAHHAGE I'or barrel 100 128
ONIONS por bu 85 4J
I'oultr. Ete.
IIFN8 rnr imlr 55 (1$
t llU KV.NS dressed 12 13
Tl'llKEVH dres-ed 14 15
KUUH l'a, nud Ohio, frnih.... 17 13
FLOl'Tf 8 75 4 00
WHEAT No. 2 red 71 72
COHN Mixed 83 89
OATS 83 81
liUTXEH Ohio creamery.. ... 31 25
miLADKLPHIA 9 8 65 8 75
WHEAT No. Bred 71 72
t'tlltN No. 2 mixed.... 88 89
OATS Ha 2 white 81 12
fcl'TTEH Creamery, extra.... 23 24
tUOB rennsylTiitila lints.... 19 20
Fl.orii-rntents 9 8 05J 4 25
MU:A1 No. 2 red 70
COHN No. 2 40
OATH White Western 80
IIUTTEH-Creamery. . 17 24
LOUS Btato of l'en'n 2(1 21
Central Stork Vards, Kast l.lbsrty, P
frlmo, 1300 to 1400 lbs t 5 51 'S
Good, 1200 to 18(H) Itis 5 15
Tidy, 1000 to 1160 Ihs. 4 H5
Fair IlKht steers. 900 to 1000 lb) 4 10
Common, 700 to 800 Ihs 8 00
Medium 4 61
Heayy 4 00
llounhs and stags 4 0)
Trlme, 5to 105 Ihs. IH
Good, 5to00 His 4 01)
Fair, 70 to bO lbs 8 25
Common 8 01
Veal Calves 0 00
Rrlneer, extra 8 00$
hrtni;cr, good to choice 4 V)
Common to fair 4 00
Extra yearling. IlKht 4 33
Good lo choice yeurliogs. 4 0)
Medium 8
Common. 8 UJ
5 70
6 49
6 10
4 HJ
8 75
4 95
4 75
4 20
4 8J
4 20
8 74
4 2.1
7 0a
5 25
6 00
I U0
4 6)
4 21
4 D
3 75
Prices Are Still Advancing and II Is Difficult lo
Cb ain Compatcnl Hands at Many
ot the Works.
It. Q. Dun & Co'.s weekly review of
trade reports as follows for last week:
In mi)t lines business continues to
expand, thminh In some there are
sIhms that t hi 1 11 tr hits been checked,
either becnuse prices have outrun the
views of buyers, or because recent pur
chases have been so heavy that nobody
Is left In need. Trices are still advanc
ing, in almost every line supported by
rising prices of materials, and works
everywhere are still crowded to their
utmost capucily, while at many points
It Is found hard to get through com
petent hands. Hut the volume of
business expressed In values rises
much more thnn prices, showing a re
markable Increase in qualities of goods
The outbreak of war In South Africa
has brought no such changes as many
feared. In England the markets have
treated It as an event already over
discounted, and relations with this
country were not appreciably affected.
The outgo of cotton Is Just nuw
checked, but of other great staples and
manufactured products the foreign de
mand Is surprisingly sustained.
Wheat has declined cents In price
In spite of unfavorable crop reports,
and western receipts do not keep up
with the unprecedented movement of
last yenr. having been but 2.1,454,400
bushels, agalhst 30,6H2.4!4 bushels dur
ing three weeks of October last year.
Hut Atlantic exports, Hour Included,
have been In three weeks of October
10,679,218 . bushels, against 9,6S6,21!3
bushels last year, and Pacified exports
1.MH.1KH bushels, against 2.29K.312 bush
els lust year. beyond doubt prices
would rise far and fast with such a
foreign demand If olllclnl and other
current reports of yield were fully
credited. Corn exports add testimony
as to foreign needs, having been In
three weekH 10,924,4uO bushels, against
7,002,039 bushels lut year. -
The upward movement of cotton, 3-16
cent for tho week, has now confe to de
pend Inrgely upon a great speculation,
for farmers by the thousand are now
holding back cotton to some extent,
while Important banking and trading
interests are enlisted.
Wool has also enlisted a powerful
speculative Interest and sales nf 11.
2H3.000 pounds for the week at tho
three chief markets represented about
twice tho consumption. Ilut It Is
stuted that manufacturers, exclusive
of the American Woolen Company,
have been buying quite freely und
while goods for men's wear outside of
worsteds were not particularly active,
there has been excellent business In
dress goods.
Sales of 50.000 tons bessemer pig and
a reported demand for 100.000 tons bil
lets In a bare market at Pittsburg
have made quotations less intelligent
than usual, llesscmer sales at t-Z tor
next year and $4 50 for this year, at
Pittsburg, are reported, with billot
sales of sheet bars at $36 per ton. The
western market 1b strong and the
eastern not changed. While large or
ders for bars are refused at Pittsburg
by the works, which are full for many
months ahead, others Just starting
are seeking such orders at 2.1 cents,
and the Chicago and Pittsburg mar
kets are still full of orders for plates,
although the works at Pittsburg have
nearly caught up, and some ot them
are now taking only 2.75 cents against
2.90 cents last week. Borne works are
also taking orders for sheets at 3.10
cents, and in other directions there are
signs that theenormous prlduction be
gins to be felt.
Thera la a possibility of check owing
to shortage of cars at Connellsvllle.
which restricts dallv.ry of coke.
lli ? ? r e L2N
With their pip?, and with a pan
Fi!!:J w ith so!ip-suJs pure and stru::;
Little maid and little man
Play with bubbles'all day long.
No chapped hands will worry mother
No stained clothes; they play secure;
Ivory Soap, unlike all other,
Cannot hurt, because 'tis pure.
Busslaa Hamlet on Taost Rlyer fields
That Distinction.
From tho Philadelphia Press: Ver
choiausk Is considered to be the cold
est place la the world. It Is a small
collection ot native log houses, plant
ed near to, but not on, the Yana river.
The street, it bo it may be called, ex
tends on either Bltlo of a narrow sheet
ot water, a kind of creek formed by tha
autumn overflow of the Yana, and
which In winter forms a frozen prom
enade or driving place for sleds. It Is
a dreary place enough. The summer
lasts only four months, and during tho
other eight ot the year it Is bitterly
cold, the thermometer sometimes Indi
cating 86 degrees below zero, and It sel
dom goes above 60 degrees until April
30. Corn will nut grow in this desolate
region. Barley and oats have been
sown, but have 'always succumbed to
the early frosts. Of yegetables, there
are only the radish and the turnip,
with, perhaps an occasional and very
precarious crop of potatoes. Cabbagea
all run to leaf. The ground rarely
thaws, even during tha hot season, be
yond twelve or eighteen Inches deep,
and in places much exposed to the heat
never beyond a yard. Most of the
dwellings are Hakut huts, built ot ilr
trees against a square framework and
covered thickly with mud to keep out
the cold.
Marglierlta's Fondness for tVhlte.
Queen Margherlta Is passionately
fond of white, and wears It more than
anything else. One day she asked the
king if bo thought she was growing
too old to wear white dresses, The
king replied that he would like to
think the matter over. In the course
of a week the queen received a note
from her royal husband, saying that
his answer would be found in the ac
companying box. The box contained
three beautiful white dresses.
Hat Worth Harms.
Sir Jung Ilahadur, the prlmo minis
ter to the king ot Kepaul, has a hat
made of diamonds worth over (2,500,
000, and perched on top Is a single
ruby ot Incalculable value.
Dizzy? Then your liver Isn't
acting well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act
directly on the liver. For 60 years
the Standard Family Pill. Small
doses cure. 25c. All druggists.
Yuiil your iiiounuIoi or bunnl a bsauulul
ii-iwm ,r run mam 7 I Ilea Ime
iissS - P-"'"V'T' P Hill A Co. N.H-n, N. M
111 "Xi 9
fw""i.!LHTliaL'ir. "?".!,,J';.W ii"1"." si'siasiiiia isia jiijisiiiiwwipiiisi,yisi.
The first Uve pnrsous procnriii tho Knillf si ( Iiaiu Murrll Hook from their
grooer, will each obtain onelnrgb lUo. package of "lied C'n-is" Starch, one
large lOo. packna of "lluhliuer's Itest" March, two Shakespeare pauels,
priuterl in twelve bnnutif ill colors, as nutural us life, or one Twentieth Century
Girl Calendar, the finest of its kind ever printed, all absolutely free. All
others proouring the t'litlless Cham Starch nook, will obtain from their grocer
the above goods for Bo. "UeU Cross" Laundry Starch is something entirely
new, and is without doubt the greatest invention of the Twentieth Century.
It has no equal, and surpasses all others. It has won for itself praise front
all parts of the United HtoUs. II bas superceded everything heretofore used
or known to soieuoe in the lanndry art. It is made from wheat, rice and core,
and chemically prepared upon scientific principles by J. G. Hnhlojjer, Keokuk,
Iowa, an expert in the lanndry profession, who has had twenty-Are years'
praotioal experience infanoy launderiaj, i-d who was the first successful and
original inventor of all fine grades of starch in the United States. Ask you
tfers fot Jhli .SUrc and obtain those baautfu) Christmas presents free.
In ths housework, os In play,
Tenderest skin or frailest bice
Washed with Ivory day by day
Is not harmed the slightest trace.
Half the housewife's csre and troubles
In the cleaning work befall;-
Common soap the mischief uoubles
Ivory Soap prevents It all
I Merchandise Imports Into France dur
ing July decreased l'j.'.oon.isio rrancs
from l-'JS, or S.'Unn.ono. Fxports In
creased bS.Too.OOO francs, or $l7.;io,00O.
EdnentsToar Bowels tTltti Cascarets.
Candy Cnttiartlr, cure constlpntlon forever.
Mo, SSa. II a C. C. fslli druKsists refund money.
Fitfnolt Studying Uorman. V
It Is said that the study of German
Is increasing In France, whllo the study
of English Id ov the decline. In the
Ecole des Sciences Polltlqucs, In Paris,
where diplomats) are trained, many
more study - OA man than English.
Many young Fretrthmen are now being
sent to German? and Austria Instead
I of England to get acquainted with the
language of the victors of 1870. In
Paris lyceo 143 students study German
to 34 English. In another school the
proportion of German to English to
j BOO to 18S. In the Marseilles gymna-
slum two-thirds study German, one
1 third English. It Is believed that this
! French Interest In German will have a
powerful Influence la the commerce
and politics of the world in the next
Cttrf Couch or CoM rt ence.
Conauert croup iipouk ibh
T the hf-Hfc for Hrniirlntiv Grippe,
Hoarsens, Whooniiip-Coiiph. nad
fur the cure of CoiMumptlon.
Mother prflie it. Doctors prrcriteiL
Wellington $(( VisiMe
Typewriter Writing.
No. 3- Kqiial to any machine. Superior to all
In Important features. GUARANTfEO.
Made by William Mfu. To.. .Montreal, P. y.,
t'lin. Seeond-hand tyiiewri'ers and type
wr t ir Mipplies. Send for catalogue. b A.
htiil:, a. 1 7 Fourth Ave, I'lltsl-arii. P.
Prevents HOLDS
All UruKuista, 2Uc.
"WANTED Encrttctlc mnn as C ounty Sn.
V pertntendent In inanaiie our biiMuesS
In your own and ad lotnintf eiuinties; no 64n
vhimIiik; straixhl salary, $Ki) per week and
rxneiiM'. Yearly contract, rapid promotlou.
KKi eptiomil ij'irl iinlT -. Address .Manutx
turers, 1. O. Hon I'luUdL-li.iiUi, I'ouu.
dM th U. A irlitl i Kan ajiil d fr'.
Cullin Bros. Mfj-k ink Co., St. Louii, Wo.
Or. Rlcord's Essence of Ufa S3.K!
sril, nsver-fsllinit remsdy for sll rise of norvotis,
mental, ) debility, Ins. vit.dlty and rs
liistnru nei-av 111 loth neiei positive, I'eriuanent
rare: full treatment or l s lottli stamp lor
circular, t. JAcytta. Agent, i:e liroadway, M. Y.
II 111 Sm to fHW earned
III AIL, inafesr. We pre.
----- pure siiccex-iiiujr
for Hallway Mall. Piwt-il, CiiKt im Hons.
k.- 1 ... ru-.tlLKlaP.
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"."ro1; h i Thompson's Eye Vater
' Ai.ffi mniii Itxu
O'll trfAtniMiit. D(tti)li1, IO ce?iti.
Af.rx.Hnrn nKMKiYC't.,34(OrenwU h Hr., N. V.
-N. U. -13 'W
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Cuuirh byrup, Ttotua Uootl. Use
Li Best Luuvh
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