The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 18, 1899, Image 5

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    Sulnvriptinn Sl.fiO per year, or fl.OO if
paid dirirlly in miranrt.
V A. TKPHUNSOi, Killtor mill I'lib.
If jour children complain of headache,
suy thoy cun't stand lo study lit school
or tn the owning nt home, it Is h sure
symptom of defective vision iiml should
h) corrected at onco. Tako thi'in to
dr eyes examined. Examination frco.
lasses at reasonable prices.
C. F. HOFFMAN, the Optician.
Traveler' Guide.
Piimonirir trains arrive nnd leave Reyn-
oldsvllle a follows:
Allnjhrnt Valley Hailmiy.
Fiistwant. Wi'slwnrd.
Trnln No. It. . n. ni. Triiln No. , S.4H n. m.
Tniln Ni. 1. 1.01 p. ni. Train No. 3, I.:ik p. m.
Trnln No. S. .V p. ni. Tin In An. 10, N ivv p. in.
Truln No. 7, S.3S p. ni. Trnln No. s, 10.2.1 p.m.
Trnln No.4l, I.OOp. ni. Trnln No.44,!
Truln Nil. 4:1, H.7p.m. Trnln No. 4i.4.4iip. ni.
n. n. tt r. nj, (v. it- .v. ;)
Arrives Departs
Trnln Nod. I 30 p m Trnln No ", 7 no n 111
Trnln No 13, 4 p ni Trnln No 72. 4 40 p 111
fl Little ot Everything.
Williams for shoes.
Friday in Arbor Day.
Robinson's for footwear.
"Corner Grocery" Oct. 25th.
The sewerage will soon be finished.
New neckwear jiiBt arrived at Milll
rons. Good cow for sale. Inquire at THE
Star office.
The A. V. R'y pay car was over the
road Friday.
Local Institute at tho Bust school
house Friday.
Anything In the shoe line at Wil
liams' shoe store.
For Sale A good family horse. In
quire at this office.
The school suits at Millircns can't bo
equalled for the money.
The season for hunting squirrel and
pheasant opened Monday.
Will Robinson, of DuBols, is clerking
in the Reynolds drug store.
The "Pirate" foot ball team will like
ly be re-organized this week.
A house full of new goods awaiting
your approval at Ding & Co's.
Rooms to let in West Roynoldsvllle.
Inquire of Stoke, the druggist.
"Corner Grocery" at the opera house
Wednesday evening October 2.1th.
Warm shoes for any woman who is
troubled with cold feet. Robinson's.
Quite a number of people climbed the
hill Sunday to see the now rosorvolr.
House to let on Grant street. Inquire
at Miller & Reynolds' millinery store. -
Ladles, try our tri-on-fa, softest walk
ing shoe made. Williams' shoe store.
For sale Two cows, one calf. Inquire
of McKernan baggageman, A. V. R'y.
The genuine 5-a horse blankets for
ale at the Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
Re'v. Wilson, of Beaver Falls, preached
in the Baptist church at this place last
Alex Rlston and James Irving were
in Clearfield county this week hunting
squirrels and pheasants.
-The newest things In millinery, trim
rued and untrimmed, at Flo Best's Frl
day and Saturday of this week.
Jacob M. Chesnutt, of Drookvllle,
Republican candidate for sheriff of Jef
ferson county, was in town Monday.
New buggies for sale; 2 top buggies,
1 buckboard, 1 hack, 2 wagons, second
hand, in good order. L. M. Snyder.
Jacob and Henry Deible, of this place,
nd L. J. Delble, of Warren, are at
Medlx this week hunting small game.
On the Brat page of The Star this
werk will be found a new advertisement
for Soott McClelland' clothing store,
James C. Shaffer and Miss Myrtle E.
Weber, both of Sykesvllle, were mar'
rled at that place last Thursday by Rev
. W. Seloer.
Wallace Mitchell, youngest son ot
Lawyer C. Mitchell, fell off a wagon
Saturday and sprained bis right arm so
badly that be baa to carry It In sling.
Soott McClelland, proprietor of the
large clothing store Id the Bell block,
comes up from Brookvklle every week
and spend a couple if days in town
. looklug after bis bust
George Ilea, who wont to Diicknnll
University, Lowisburg, several weeks
ago, had to return home on account of
being sick.
Alfred A. Farlnnd, of Now York city,
the greatest banjo performer In tho
world, In the opera honso in the near
future. Watch for dato.
William Hollliorg, of llnthniel. and
Tilda Tnngron, of I'rescottvlllo, woro
married by 'Squire K. Neff, at his oflleo
In this place, Monday evening.
The program coimuittoof tho Clarion
District eonforonee of tho M. E. church,
to be held at Port Unmet next month,
met at Port Darnel yesterday and mndo
up tho prognm for conference.
Anna Kovleh, of DIr Soldlor. had An
drew Walla, of tho same place, arrested
for assault and battery. The onso was
settled Monday by Wulln paying tho
plaliitltT .VlMI and paying costs of prose
cution. Ten weeks yet remain of tho fall term
at the Clarion Stale Normal Hchool.
Most of tho farm work is finished
throughout the country and some of tho
young people are preparing to attend
tlio Nortmtl.
For Sale Ono of tho best fnrms of
HH) acres in MeCalniont township, with
fruit trees, nuvor failing springs of wu
ter, will lio sold for ono-half real value.
Inquire of Smith M. MeCrelght, Reyn
oldsvillo, Pa,
Owing to liberal patronage and re
quest from many people who havo not
had time to see her, Mrs. Smith, the
medium and fortune teller, will remain
at Mrs. Copplng's unll 0110 week from
Saturday, tho "Nth Inst.
Mrs. William Stewart died at her
homo at F.leanora Thursday lust. Hor
remains were shipped from this place
to Now Rethlehem Friday and burled
at that placo Saturday forenoon. Mrs.
Stewart was 27 yoars old.
James Dclaney and Jut-vis Williams
have moved their barbershop, or rather
havo openod a now barbershop in tho
basement of Hotel Imperial. Thoy sold
thoir old outfit and now havo, without
doubt, one of the finest shops to bo
found in Jefferson county.
Alvln D. Siple, who has had stomach
trouble several years and has consulted
twenty-soven doctors about his trouble,
went to Philadelphia Monday night to
be treated In tho Jofforson Medical Hos
pital. It is to be hoped that Alvln will
be greatly benefitted at the hospital.
Captain John M. Drinker and wlfo, of
Buffalo, N. Y., wero guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Goorgo Mclllngor a day last week.
Mr. Drinker, who was captain of the
Seventy-eighth Regiment, Pennsylva
nia Vol 11 n tee in, was at Punxsutawney
Thursday attending tho reunion of that
A pleasant little wedding party as
sembled In the parlor of Hotel Del
nap last Thursday oftornoon, October
12th. Tho contracting parties wore
Frank Yates, of Eleanora, and Ziss
Myrtle Yoho, of Paradise. Thoy wore
united in matrimony by Rev. A. E.
Hooper, of this place.
Mrs. Mary A. Gayhart, of Hot
Springs, South Dakota, who has been
visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Deer, in West Reynoldsville, since
the middle of Juno, started for hor
home tho first of this wcok. Miss Cor a
Boor, youngest sister of Mrs. Gayhart,
accompanied her to Dakota whore she
expects to remain a year.
Math Mohney, of Reynoldsville, Dem
ocratic nominee for sheriff, was In town
this week calling on friends and looking
after his political interests. Mr.
Mohney is a man of exceptional ability
and his qualification for filling the of
fice he seoks is highly commendable.
He is honest and upright, and if elected
will make a good sheriff. Drockway-
vllle Record.
At the reunion of the Seventy-olghth
regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers,
held at Punxsutawney lost Thursday,
the following officers were elected:
President, R. P. Scott, of Butler; vice-
presidents, Cuptaln John M. Drinker, of
Buffalo, N. Y., H. V. Ashburg, of
Loecbburg, Pa., and Captain C. B. Gil-
lesspie, of Freeport, Pa.; secretary,
Wllllom A. Lowery, of Butler. The
old veterans had a delightful day for
the reunion. The next reunion will be
held at KIttannlng.
Up at Kane the school board Is going
to take action in regard to so many
young boys of the town being on the
streets after nine o'clock at night. The
Republican says the school board will
ask the borough council to pass a cur
few ordlnanoe which will require all
person undor a certain age to be off
the (treet after nine o'clock. Lads are
conspicuous on the streets of Reyn
oldsville at night, but we have not
heard that any effort will be made to
have a ourfew law passed.
In every town there are plenty ot men
who have most, if not all, of their print
ing done outside ot town and yet when
they meet with any kind of a reverse,
such as losing the end of their toe, or
having their wife run away with a coon,
expect the local paper to shed crocodile
tear and slobber over them. Any man
who cannot be a friend to the home paper
in time of prosperity should not expect
nor ask the paper to befriend bim when
the band of fate bus turned against bim
Big Run Trihun.
Skull Fractured. -Grant
Sol Id 11, a lad about seven years
old, son of Giant Solida, sr., fell off a
horse ono day last week nnd fractured
his skull.
Baptist Services.
Rov. Whltmoro, of Hlehnrdsvllle,
will preach In tho Daptlst church at
this place to-morrow, Thursday, even
ing and next Sunday morning and
Mine Accident.
Martin Flnnnery had his right hand
badly Injured In Dig Soldier mine Sat
urday by having It caught between a
loaded car and roof of mine. Two
fingers were almost torn oil.
Will Enforce tho Law.
The Don rd of Health of this linrnugh
has served notice that after Novemher
l.'lth the law compelling school children
to he vaccinated, will lie enforced In all
eases where it is not complied with bo-
fore that date.
Water Will be Shut OIT.
All prisons using water from tho
Reynoldsvllli' Water Company lines,
uiv In i-oliy notified that the water will
be shut off ut I. HO p. 111. to-morrow,
Thursday. October IHth, nndwlll not bo
turned on again for several hours.
Kmhing for a Big Industry.
A meeting ot the board of trade was
leld tn Centennial hall Monday oven
mr to consider un Inmortant proposition
concerning the establishment of a largo
Industry at this place. Tho board took
id the proposition In 11 business like
manner and there Is good hopes of tho
Industry being located hero.
Co. L Reunion.
There will bo a reunion of Company
L, lttth Regiment Pa. Volunteers, and
all soldiers of tho lato Spanish-American
war at Sykesvllle to-morrow, Thurs
day, October lllth. A banquet and re
ception will bo given the young vetorans.
All soldiers are requested to wear thoir
uniforms. There will bo a dance In tho
hall In tho evening.
Charter to be Applied For.
Elsewhere In this issuo of The Star
will bo found a legal notice to tho offect
that on tho Kith day of next month an
application will be made to Gov. Stone
for a charter for tho Reynoldsville
Traction Company. Tho capitalists
who are backing up tho proposed trolley
line mean business and by this tlmo
next year thu line will bo in operation.
Twenty Sheep Dead.
A car of sheep, that was Bhippod from
Parker to oasturn markots, arrived at
this place Saturdny morning and there
woro twonty dead shoep In the car.
Wo understand tho shipper had put too
many sheep In the car. Tho car was
slopped here and the sheep woro un
loaded. Tho dead wero hauled away
and burled and tho others wore fed,
watered and then loaded Into cur again
and started tin tho journey east at noon.
A Pleasant Surprise.
A pleasant surpriso awaited Rov. and
Mrs. A. E. Hooper lost Friday evening
on returning homo from the recep
tion held In honor of tho now Methodist
minister. They found the pursonago
taken possession of by the near neigh
bors and friends who camo lndon with
gifts ot lovo and toil. To say that
every one hud a happy tlmo does not
express bait the truth. Each one
seemed eager of an opportunity to muko
others glad.
Rope Haulage at Sherwood.
Several years ago the Sherwood mine,
near Sandy Valloy,' which Is operated
by the Jefferson & Clearfield Coal &
Iron Compuny, was opened, but it has
not been operated very extensively,
only two mules being used to haul the
coal out of the mine. Tho company has
decided to get more coal out of the
Shorwood mine and a rope haulage and
air compressor is being put in that
mlno. The work was begun Monday.
Five company houses will be built near
the mine.
Not Preaching This Year.
Dr. F. II. Beck, of Randolph, N. Y.,
formerly presiding elder of the
Clarion district of the M. E. church,
on account of poor heultli, was
granted a year off by the recent annual
conference held at Jamestown, N. Y
Dr. Buck will reside at Randolph, but a
young unmarried minister will do the
work at that place until tho next an
nuul conference. It Is to bo hoped that
during the year Dr. Bock will regain
bis health and be uble to take up work
aguln at the noxt annual conference.
Dr. Buck is father of F. H. Bock of this
Objected to Contract.
We stated last week that at a citizens'
meeting In West Roynoldsvllle on the
Oth Instant the majority of those present
were not in favor of lighting that town
with electricity. We have since been
Informed that the statomont was not
exactly correct. The citizen did not
object to having the town lighted with
eleotrlclty, but that thoy did object to
signing the ten year contract that Mr.
Ferrlu bad drawn up for the borough to
sign. Since the meeting on the Oth
instant a petition has boon circulated In
West Reynoldsville and some of those
wbo were not in favor of tho light at
the meeting have signed the petition
Killed at DuBols Saturday.
William Stlner. brof hor-In-luw of
Irvln Kunos, of Reynoldsvillo, was
killed nt tho D R. & P. R'y car shops
In On Hols Saturday morning while heal
ing to unload a car of timbers. From
tho DuDols AVnmw wo learn tho follow
ing facts concerning tho accident:
Tho standards had been removed from
tho side of tho car and Mr. Stinor was
In a stooping posture fixing tho skids
for sliding tho timbers from tho car on
to a pllo of timbers when two pieces of
timber, released by removal of stan
dards, fell upon tiltn. Ono of thorn
struck him on thu side and knocked
him over towards tho pile of timbers
as thu other ono struck hint on tho
bend. Ills skull wus crushed between
thu two timbers and he lived less than
twenty minutes. His only exclamations
after tho accident were: "Oh My!"
and "Where Is poor mother?" Mr.
Stlner leaves 11 wlfo and two children.
Tho remains were taken to leech
Creek Saturday for burial.
Mr. Kunos went to DuDols on tho
noon train Saturday to bo with his sis
ter and assist In making urrungomonts
for the funeral.
Red Peppers Instead of Meat.
During tho past summer ut least 300
barrels of red peppers hnvo been shipped
nto Reynoldsvillo to sovernl ttnllnn
grocorymon. Fifty barrels wero shipped
in last week. When tho statomont is
mndo that the Italians fry and eat the
red peppers instead of meat, then tho
question might bo asked, "Are thoir
stomachs made ot cast iron?" M. J.
Fat roll, agent at A. V. R'y, made In
quiry ono day lust week when tho red
Hppers wero being hauled away, and
tho Italian informed him that when
fried In olive oil or Inrd tho red popers
were good. Mr. Furrell wus Induced to
taste one and was surprised to find that
It did not burn his mouth, as ho ex
pected, and that it had a good sweet
taste. Dy some process the "hotness"
Is removed from red peppers and the
Italians are very fond of thorn when
Death of Mrs. Kirkwood.
Mrs. Hannah J. Kirkwood died at
her homo at Sugar Hill Saturday after
noon, October 14. She was born at
Williamsburg, Centre county, Pa., In
132.1. Her maiden name was Hannah
J. Flick. Her husband, A. J. Kirk
wood, died about nino yoars ago. The
deceased Is survived by four sons and
one daughter, as follows: John Kirk
wood, of Now Castle, Flnctta, George,
Charles and Adam Kirkwood, of Sugar
Hill. Mrs. Kirkwood was a member of
tho Saints denomination. Funeral ser
vices wore hold In the little church at
Sugar Hill .Monday afternoon, conduct
ed by Rev. J. S. McCoy. Interment
was made in tho NorrlB cemetery.
Five Years in Penitentiary.
Fred Walker, of Drockwayvllle, who
was charged with thu murder of Ella
Haviland, which occurred at Brockport,
Elk county, Bovernl months ago, was
tried In the Elk county court last week
and was convicted ot manslaughter.
Walker testified on tho witness Btand
that he hud quarrelled with the woman,
that she hnd drawn a revolver for the
purpose of shooting him and in the
sen file with her the weapon was dis
charged, both shots taking effect upon
hor person. Friday Judgo Mayer sen
tenced Walkor to five years In tho
Western Penitentiary.
Republican Mas Meeting.
A Republican mass meeting was
hold In tho court house at Brookvillo
lust evening. The famous Keystone bund
and some leading Republicans of this
place went to Brookvillo on the 1.38 p.
m. train yesterday and a large number
went to tho county seat on the excur
slon train that left here about sevon
o'clock last evening. This train re'
turned as far as DuDols after the meet
ing. Among the prominent speakers at
this mass mooting wore Generals J. P,
S. Gobin and J. A. Wiley, Adjutant
General Tbomaa J. Stewart and Col
E. E. Bobbins.
Surprise Party.
Mrs. Kate Harris, of Presoottville,
was given a surprise party on the 10th
inst. A number of friends invaded her
home without a moment's notloe of
their intentions. It was a pleasant
occasion, not only to Mrs. Harris but
for all who were there. The presents
were of a substantial kind something
to keep bouI and body together such as
flour, potatoes, &o. One good neighbor
sent a load of coal, so that Mrs. Harris
coal house and larder wore well filled
when the party was ovor. Mrs. Harris
highly appreciated the kindness of the
surprise rs.
Schedule for Lecture Course.
Apollo Male Quartette,
Hon. Geo. R. Wendllng,
Slgnor Dosoo,
W. T. S. Culp,
Parker Concert Co.,
A. W. Hawks.
Season tlckots Si ,00, Roservod seat
10 cents per night. Road the circular
when they come around. Reserved
eat will be on sale at Stoke' drug
tore at 8 o'clock of eaoh Saturday pre'
ceding the looture or concert unless
otherwise announced. Subscribe your
ticket early..'
You can get just what you want in
schooi shoe at Robinson'.
Rev. P. A. Reno Preached His First Ser
mons Here Sunday to Large
Rev. P. A. Reno, now pastor of the
M. E. church, and family wlfo nnd one
daughter arrived In Reynoldsvillo
Thursday nfternoon. They woro given
a reception in tho lecture room of the
M. E. church Friday uvening, which
wus attended by a large number of mem
bers and friends of the church. S. 8.
Robinson delivered thu address of wel
come, which was responded to by Rev.
Reno. Rev. A. K. Hooper was then
;- '-;-''v.;.
,'1 yti,!fi-
called upon for a short address. After
tho speech-making cake, coffee and fruit
wero served. Tho Epworth League hud
chargo of tho reception. It was a pleas
ant occasion. Rev. Reno pronched two
excel lont sermons Sunday to largo con
gregations. From tho Dunkirk haily
llerttld wo clip tho following notice:
"Rev. Perry A. Reno and family left
for Reynoldsvillo, Jefferson county, Pa.,
this afternoon, where they will make
their future homo. For four years Rov.
Mr. Reno has officiated as pastor of the
First Methodist church in this city.
During his pastoruto he has mudo many
friends, not only in his denomination
but in the community. He Is an Idoal
minister, courteous, firm, faultless in
chaructor, kind in visiting the sick and
afflicted, and a pulpit orator of no mean
ability. His sermons show research
and thought, pleasing all who boar
them. Dunkirk people, regardless of
creed and belief, are sorry to loso Rev.
Reno and family and wish for them
bapplncBS in their new field of labor."
"Corner Grocery."
The famously funny "Corner Grocory"
with Dnlsy Chaplin as tho bad kid. It
Is a jolty harum-scarum, slap-dash farce
comedy which has its beneficial Influ
ences on harassed, overwrought human
ity. It is a laugh provoker of the first
water and the audience Is kept In one
continual roar of laughter from start to
finish. Miss Chaplin Is a clever little
artist and In tho part of Putsle, the
"bnd kid," shows sho Is an actress of no
mean order. Shu has an excellent sing'
ing volco and will render all the latest
up-to-date songs, assisted by tho whole
company. Tho plot of the play Is very
brief and unimportant, as the play wus
constructed for laughing purposes alone.
Tho supporting company Includes James
Nosbltt, Billy Bowers, Win. R. Healy,
Kate Medlngor, Grace Cahlll, and oth'
ors. Medleys, songs and dances will be
Introduced by Miss Chaplin, assisted by
the entire company. Special scenery
is carried for the production, which
ranks among the best on the road to
day. At the Reynolds opera house
Wednesday evening, Oct. 25th.
Must Put up a Sign.
A bit of Information which may save
some of the local business men trouble
is the following extract from a law
passed by the last legislature: "Each
dealer shall cause to be placed perma
nently at his or their place of business a
sign describing the business in which
the party la engaged, with his or thoir
name or names upon the same, such
sign, and a violation of the provisions
of this section shall be punishable with
a fine of ten dollars, said tine to be
collected a fines of like amount are now
by the law collected and to be paid Into
the county treasury." KIttannlng He
A Card of Thank.
During the Illness and deuth of our
beloved daughter, My rum, we, the par
ents and other members ot family, can
not find words fittingly or expressively
to convoy to the many kind friends who
rendered thoir assistance during our be
reavement and sorrow, and cordially
extond to all our heartfelt thank to the
loved ones for the care shown her dur
ing her briof illness, also the beautiful
floral wreaths prepared during hor do
mlse by loving friends. May she rest
in peace.
Mr. and Mrs. James McMillen.
Having just returned from New York,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg, I will have
a beautiful assortment of pattern hats
and bonnets to show Friday and Satur
day of this week, October 20 and 21.
Flo Dust,
Muln St., Roynoldsvllle, Pa.
Just received a full line of Peterson'
League loaded shells. Reynoldsville
Hardware Co.
Btng Si Co. are showing newest sug
gestlons in furs, ooata and oapea.
Prices In an economical way.
Good all-wool Bohool suits at Mllllren
from 11.50 to H5.00.
It your feet are in bad condition, try a
pair of Robinson' shoes.
Glimpses of the People who are Passing
To and Fro.
Miss Lnra Kline Is visiting In DuDols.
Miss Ella Seeley Is visiting In Pitts-
bu rg.
Mr. W. C. Enter Is visiting In Clear
Dr. J. D. Nealo was In Pittsburg last
Dr. S. Reynolds Is in Philadelphia
this week.
II. F. Crosley, of Coal Glon was in
town Saturday.
Hood Knox spent Sunday at t'ovode,
I ml I ana county.
Mrs. David Lane Is visiting a daugh
ter at Coal (ilon.
Mrs. John Peters, of East Drudy, Is
visiting in this place.
Miss Winnie and Ella Farroll sjiont
Sunday In Driftwood.
John IteddeelllT spent soveral dnys
nt Riniersburg tho past wcok.
,1. L. Ewing, of Apollo, Is visiting his
son, John F.wlug, In this place.
Dr. Held Wilson und wife, of Drook
vllle, spent Sunday in this placo.
Harold E. Arnold returned Saturday
evening from a trip to Pittsburg.
Albert Sutter, of Llndsey, spent Sun
day with his parents in this place.
Mrs. Charles Montgomery, of Sllgo,
visited In this placo tho past week.
John Carey and wife, of Rockwood,
Pa., visited In this placo lust week.
Will W. Wiley, one of tho proprie
tors of Hotel Imierlal, is in Butler this
F. M. Whltehlll and wife, of DuDols,
spent Sunday with relatives In this
Miss Hunnuh Knox, of Covodc, Is vis
iting hor brother, Hood Knox, on Grant
Dr. D. E. Hoover and family spent
Sunday at Winslow, Pa., with doctor's
Thomas Hileman and wifo, of KIt
tannlng, are visiting relatives at Rock
dale Mills.
Miss Magglo Hanley has gone to Ar
gentine, Butler county, to remain sev
eral months.
Mrs. Harry P.Thompson, of Portland
Mills, visited her parents in this place ,
the past week.
Joseph Hutchison, ot New Kensing
ton, formerly a citizen of this place, was
in town Saturday.
Mrs. P. H. Thompson, of Corsica, is
visiting her brother, Samuel T. Reyn
olds, In this place.
Miss Ida Reynolds left here yesterday
to visit her sister, Mrs. L. L. Seeley,
at Spivey, Kansas.
Miss Olive Reynolds returned Friday
evening from a month's visit in Clarion
and New Dnthlohom.
Col. John P. Wilson, buslnos man
ager of tho Punxsutawney Spirit, was
in Reynoldsville Friday.
B. R. Kline, Esq., of New Kensington,
spent several days with his parents near
this place the post week.
Mrs. P. J. Weber, of Owego, N. Y.,
Is visiting hor mother, Mrs. Harriet
Repsher, on Jackson street.
W. C. Eufer, propriotor of the Im
perial restaurant, returned yesterday
from a visit In Lock Haven.
Mrs. Jarvi Williams and Miss Ber
tha Copping spent Sunday with John
Lowthor's fumlly at Adrian.
A.M. Wadding, an erstwhile citizen
of this place, now a shoe merchant of
Brookvillo, was in town Friday.
T. H. Rumsey and wife, of Berlin,
Wis., are visiting the former' brother,
S. B. Rumsey, In West Roynoldsvllle.
Mrs. R. D. Beer was called to Chicago
Sunday to attend tho funeral of a grand
child, six-year-old son of Harry Beer.
Miss Anna Murray, ot Gadkill, and
Miss Nora Widdowson. of Mahaffey,
wore visitors at Dr. J. II. Murray' the
past week.
S. S. Robinson, the grocoryman, and
wife, left here yesterday on a three
weeks' trip to Hazelton, Kansas, their
former home.
Dr. R. C. Smith, of DuBols, presiding
elder of the Clarion District of the M.
E. church, was a pleasant caller at THE
STAR office yesterday.
Mrs. Peter Yenewlne was called to
Allegheny, Pa., Sunday on account of
serious illness of her daughter, Mr.
Thos. Rennle, ot that place.
Philip Koeblerand wife spent Sunday
with thoir daughter, Mrs. C. K. Haw
thorne, at Obi. Mr. Koehlor returned
Monday, but bis wife will spend a week
Alonzo Bryan, of Butler, is visiting
his brother, Harry Bryan, in this place.
Mr. Bryan lost both legs some time ago
by jumping off a passenger train before
it stopped. He now ha oork leg.
R. H. Furrell, son of M. J. Farrell of
this place, who ha been In the employ
of the West Virginia Central railroad
at Elklns, W. Va., several year, ha
boon promoted to assistant paymaster
and assistant cashier.
Mr. Ed. Bird, of Clearfield, who was
visiting her father, L. W. Scott, in this
place, returned home Saturday. Mr.
Bird, who had been in the DuBols hos
pital several week reoelvlng treatment
for kidney trouble, went home wltb hi
wife Saturday.