FOOLED THE CATAMOUNT. And ttit t'nlf RMiri I'lnlnlr htJ Thnt Ilia Frllta. Were llnrl. "lVopIo who IiiihkIiip that animal havr-n't got frollng ilun't know wlint they are talking nlioiit." snlil the V-l-lowatoni I'nrk guliti nn li ant clran Ing hi rifle. "I was ctittln n trail around oue of Hit nprotitlu springs one tiny, ami, gottlnji wnrtmtl tip, I thrw my roat ovit tin mil of a log. n.r nml liy I wont o(T tn hunt fur a drink of watir, Mini It wan pprlmp hnlf an hour tiefori 1 roturneil to my work. "Wlii'ii I mi tin up. It to o a wliii 1 1 n dig iniiiiiitnlii lion croopln along to spring on tho con I. It over tlio log In a way to nml;i It lok like a mini atnoplu down, and tlio lion wiim nicely doii-lvod. Hi skttlliril up to within IS foot of tho log, rioncliod lint for a mo inont nml laid lini'k IiIh onrn. and thon ho Hindi two Ji'inpn of It. tlronHod llglitnln wasn't In It with that critter. It wn like a big hnll of fur allot from rnii noli, nml its ho flew ho tittorod a orooi-li which brought my hnlr on ond. It thnt coat hnd liooit a mnn ho would uot have hnd time to any gum. The lion lit down on It with claws and tooth rondy for luialnoaa, nnd In Ave aeonnda the garment waa nit Into oarot raga. "Thon he reallrod the cheat, and yon never aaw a human belli look ao fool Intl. Ilia tall went down to the earth, the Are died out of his rjes and he'd have given $40 for aomo one to kick hi in up hill. Ilia I'hngrln waa ao plnln thnt I laughed right out, and that broke hln honrt. lie looked at me and wliliiipi d like a puppy, and when I asked ii mot her know he waa out he fetched a rt of aoh in bla throat and anenked off like a dog caught kill In sheep. If 1 lotild have run fast enough to hnvo rinight him by the tiill he would't hnve oven looked bnck. lie know he hnd mailt n fool of himself, nnd he wnutod to go off and hide and liave a long think." Chicago Inter Ocean. PIDGIN ENGLISH. The Qtseer Jarnon I'neil hy tb Dflit mm I'roiile of C'hlaa. The noudoitcrlpt totigun known aa "pidgin English" la almost the only medium of communication between forelguera nnd the Chinese, ami nlue tetitha of the enoruioiia tiiiRlnras done In China between the English and tl:u ClilncHe la dono through thin grotcHiiio glbborlRh. Mr. ClicHter Ilolcouibe, In hi "Ileal Chin ii in nil," given two minut ing anecdotes to ahow how absurd It la. A young foreigner who railed upon two young Indies, nlno foreigner!, waa Informed by their Chinese aorvant "thnt two plocoy glrlo no can nee. Number one pleeey top aide innkee wnshoe, wnRhee. Number two pleeey go outside, mnkoe wnlliee, wnlkoe." lie meant to Ray thnt the elder of tho two waa taking n bnth up m;ilrn, and the youngest hnd gone out. When King Knliiknun of the lia watlnn IrIuiuU vlHltod Shanghai, he occupied a suit of rooms up one flight of ntn Irs nt the Aator House. Two American gontlemeu called to pay their respects oue morning, and, meet ing the proprietor. Inquired If the king waa In. "I will ace," replied the land lord, and, shouting to a Chinese aerv ant, asked: "lloyl That pleeey king top side, hnd gotr "Hnb got," la conically answered the servant "Gen tlcmeu, bla majesty la in. Tray walk up," aald the landlord. Thm Tost of Oxford t?atTcraltr The atmosphere of culture which per vades every part of the university la the truest cause of Oxford's greatness. Dull Indeed must the atudent be who la not touched and deeply influenced by thla great force during his univers ity life. It atrikea the foreigner Imme diately. The first evidence of It comes perhaps In the course of the first con versation in a student's room, at which he happens to be present. He will not fall to notice the correctness of expres sion, and usually the vigor and fresh ness of thought, which are the salient characteristics of the conversation of the best Oxford men. Of course there are exceptions. There are frequent examples of the literary dude In Ox ford as well aa anywhere else of the man who sacrifices all pretense to sin cerity and soundness to a momentary and half cheap, epigrammatic bril liancy of expression. But thla la not true of the average Oxford man. Har vard Bulletin, Riunni. They had been married seven years. The doctor bad been called In and pro nounced bim a very sick man, Aa bla wife entered the room after the doc tor's last visit be called ber to bla bed aide, and In a tremulous voice be re marked: "Darling, I am going." Leaning over him, she stroked bla bead gently and reralniscently replied: "Cheer up, Clarence! That remark assures me that you will live. Don't you remember how often you said that during our courting days and how persistently you didn't go?" Boston Courier. Her Theory Mrs. Mild You seem to differ from the usual Idea about coddling a man to win bla consent According to your theory, scolding is the beat medium for winning satisfactory results. Mrs. Wild That, my dear, is In ac vd with one of the lawa of nature. ' D ry tli lug has got to be blown up before It will come down. Richmond Dispatch. From a Touch Bird. The pillows In this boarding bouse are the hardest-1 ever struck," com-' plained the new boarder at the break-' fait table. "I wonder what they are made of T" "Perhaps," said the star boarder, "of feathers from a tailor1! goose." Detroit Free Prat. A Thousand Tongues Could mil express the rapture of An nie K. Hprltiger, of II2K Howard street, l'lilliuhilphlu, IV, when shn round thai Dr. King's Now Dlmwivery for Consump tion had completely cured her of a hack ing inugh that hail for many years mado life a burden. All other remedies nnd doctors could give her no help, but she. snysof thla 1 loyal I'uro "It soon re moved tin pain In my client and I can now sleep soundly, something I ran scarcely renumilior doing before. I fool like sounding lis praises tlmiughout tho I'nlversi." So will every nun who trios Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of tlio Throat, Chest, or Lungs Price Mlo. mid 1.00. Trial IniUIcs froo at II. A. Htoke's Drug Htore; every bot tle gimriintccil. A Oreat Pne Offer. Wo have a great prize nlTer In miikn tho farmers of .feffeison ooiinly! Ilya special Hi'i'iingement with the publishers of tho fm in Jnurmil, a most excellent farm puper that costs r0 cents n year, wo are alilo to offer one year's subscrip tion to TllK Ktah and KIVK years' sub scription to the Farm Journal tho two worth .'l.f0 all for the small sum of I Of coiiino this only Hppllcs to advance paying subscribers. We can furnish a few papers at this rate, and if you want them on these terms, you liniHt act yl'K Kt.v! Sample copies of the Fa rm Journal will be sent froo on application. Address, C. A. STKI'IIKNBON, Ueynoldsvlllo, I'll. The Farm Jim nml Is clirap but not too cheap to be good; It Is full of ginger and gumption, and has as many other good things in it that you can use as any paper at any price. It will bo sent five years to siibscrlU'i's of TUB STAR who pay nrrcariiges and one year In ad vance and 25 cent extra, or 1.2ft for tho Fnrvt Journal for five years and Tim Stah for ono year yy II. STAMKY, ATTOHNRY-AT-LAW, (invent Hotel MeConnell, Keynolilsvlllo, I'n. I MITUIKLL, ATTOUN EY-AT-LAW. Oirtee on West. Main street, opposite the (''tiiitnotvlHl Hotel, Heynoldsvlllt, Pit. c. A. UOK0ON, ATTOUN KY-AT-LAW, HriHikvlllo, Jefferson Co. l'. Oflirn In room formerly occupied by Uonlon A Corbel t West Muln Htroet. q m. Mcdonald, , attoun ey-at-law, Notary Public, real estate silent, Patents seeiiretl, col lee! Ions imule promptly. Ottlce In Nolan tilis'k, UeyiioldNvllle, Pa. gMlTH M. McCItElGHT, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public and Heal Kstutn Auent. Col lections will receive prompt attention, (intee In Kris'lillrh & Henry IiIik'U, near posUifllre, Keyuoldnvtlle Pa. E NEKF. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Ileal Estate Agent, Heynoldiivllle, I'a. jyn. B. E. HOOVER, HEYNOLDSVILLE, pa. Resident dnntlat. In the Froehllrh ft llen- KbliH'k, near the potorhYe, Main atreet. mtleneaa In nperatlna- jyn. r. dkvere kino, DENTIST, Office ovor tleynoldsvllle Hardware Co. atom, Main street, Ueynuldsvllle, Pa, iR. L. L. MEANS, DENTIST. .,,. s ,, w, v n,. urm iiuiiu Hi Mr corner ot Main and fifth streets. - tm.m i f r ii , .. u i JJOTEL McCONNELL, REYNOLDS VILLE, PA. FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor. The leading hotel of the town, Hnndquar tnra for commercial men. Hteam beat, free bus, bath rooms and cioseta on every floor, ample roonia, billiard room, telephuue con nectlonR fte JJOTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FRANK DIETZ, Proprietor. First class In every particular. Located Id the very centre nt tlie business part of town. Free 'bua to and from trains anti commodious ample rooms for commercial travelera. J H.HUGHES, UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING. A full line of supplies constantly on hand. Office and waruroom near M. E, church, Fifth street. fubacrlb for The -X- Star If you want the New. EVERY WOMAN sometimes needs i moutuly regulating reliable DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, irompttafo andosrUlnla rssult, Thaam Jr. Fal'i aavardlaappntut. KeLtaiiwWa, For sale by your druggist. A Rare Opportuni On account of tin? inirchnno of Mr. KrochlicliV Intcrcpt in th firm of Kroclilich it Henry it is nnnolutely luMiCKHHry for inn to raino OhhIi nml rtv liic? tny KnormouH Stock of CLOTHING, Men's Furnishings and Hats. Thin in mi opportunity Hint locn not come to you, MH. KKAOKIt, every riny, but nn opportunity fonnvl ly circuiiiHtaiiccH which will pay you to come MILKS to take advantage of. Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits nt Iphh tlian the cont of material alone. The $5.00, $('.()() and $7.00 kind at 3.fi0 and $4.50. Childrcn'p Suits, the $1.50 nnd $2.00 kind at 5Sc. ami $1.48. Ail other goods in same proportion. These prices for September Only. All Coupons issued by Kroehlich tfc Henry will be redeemed by me if returned before October 1st, 1KU0. Walter 0, Henry, Successor to Kroehlich fc Henry. B UFFAIX), ROCHESTER A PITTS- HUUUH RAILWAY. TIMK TAHI.K. On nnd afnr H'ptimlir 4, Istw, passrn KHr trains will arrive atid depart from Iteyu oMsvMlu station, dally, ext'opt Monday, aa follows: IIKPAIIT. 7:1.11. ni. For tiultois, I'liiixsulawney, llutler, I'lttslmrir himI lulrniedlle slat ham. 12: 4.1 p. in. For lliiltols, runxsulnwney and inleriMiMllate stations. Connect Inir at Falls Creek for Ciirweusvllle, Clenrfleld and all iMilntsou the CAM. IMvIkIoii, al so with main line train for Hrorkway vllle, Hldxway, JotiiiHfinhurtf, Itradford, lluffalo and Intermediate stations. 4:43 p. ni. For lluHols, Ciirwensvllln and I Ion r Held and all isilntsou the ('. A M. I II vision. AII1IIVS. 10:117 a. ni. 4:H p. m. ten n. m. I'assenKers are reqiiested to pureliase tick et tiefore enterlna thn ears. An excess chnriie of Ten Cents will he col Inc ted by con ductors when fares are paid on trains, from all stations where a ticket office Is maint ained. Thousand mile tickets Kcsid for passage over any portion of tho It.. H. tc I, and ileech Creek railroads are on sale at two (21 cents per mile. For tickets, time, tallies and full Informa tion apply to K, V, IlAVis, Aleut, KeynnldHVllln, I'n. E. U. Lapsy, Uon. Fas. Auent, Rochester N.Y. OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital, ' $50,000. Surplus, - - $7,000. C. Mitchell, President Hcoll KlcClelland, Vlre Pr. John II. Kaurher. Cashier. Director! 0. Mitchell, Scott McClelland, J. O. King, John II. Corliett, O. E. Hrown, U. W. Fuller, J. II. Kauchor. Does a ffeneralbanklnir business and solicits the accounts of mnrchanls, professional men, farmers, mechanics, miners, lumbermen nnd otliera. promlslna the most careful attention to the business of all persona. Bate DupoBlt Iloxua tor rent. First National Hank building, Nolan block Fire Rroof Vault. L. M. SNYDER, Practical Horse-Shoer and General Blacksmith. m tvsfft. ..vr.i itorao-ehooing dono in the neatest mannor and by the latest improved methods, ite palrlng of all kinds carefully and promptly done. BATiarAOTioa Ouahamtkko. HORSE CLIPPING Have Just received a rompleta set of ma chine nurse clippers of latest style 'US outturn and am prepared to do clipping: In the beat possible uianuer at reasonable rates. Jackson Bt. near Fifth, BeynoldavlUe, Pa. First Nat Bank Keynoldsvillel'a. Nobby Suits To Order ! JOHNS & THOMPSON. (Successors to Hamblot & Swart!1,) Merchant Tailors, Keel confident that we -can give satisfaction in -both cut and make up. W. A. Thompson, a cut--ter with Forty Years' Experience, will do the cutting. We respectfully ask the people of Keynoldsville to give' us a call before ordering elsewhere. Johns & Thompson. NEW PLANING MILL Will keep in stock a full line of rough and dressed .... Lumber, Sash and Doors, Mouldlnos, Casinos, Brackets, Porch Material ot all kinds, Shingles, Lath, Plaster, Lime, Cement and Sewer Pipe. Material delivered to all parts of town. . J.V.Young. wkeh in ccu:;t.ty and liavi cured tnouu:ut? of eafies ofNeruin lJii:arii, mrh s LiebtlilC', IuzinB. hlrtr-ilri-Ti Mi ftrid Varicocele, Atrophy, io Thoy dearths brain, trriigtlia-4 tha circulation, maka ditcrrtmn perfects 'd impart ft hoaUthy vtffor loth ttliola being. All V drain and loiet r checked rnnrr AfMln trmnMtlyt Unless patientt OUOng Again re properly cured, their coodi tloti often worrki thera into liuantty. Centunp ttov or Death. Mailed sealed. Price i per boaj 6 bovei, with lronclad legal guarantee to curt) or refund the money. yoo. Bend Uv free book. For dale by U. Alex Btoko kv. T W)K HERB! fv' IK) YOU WANT TO IliJV W A fifMMl piii'l of nil wtMil (;arMit? A (iOt)l) C'luittilMir Suit? A (iMJI) I'Bi lnr Hulty A M)I) (li-st-dHHs CoiirhV A (i()f)l) KxtKiiHlnn ThIiIoI' A (!()()!) filing Hlilnbtiiird? A (lOOl) MMttivssiir Sprlnir? A (i(K)l) wi of Chillis or Itotiki!? A(iO)l)fli'Ht-i!lHisSiwliil;Mni!liliii-' A (il)OI) VVhkIiiiIm! or lliHik!RM;V A (i( )()!) Mtovf Htiil ciMikliiK titftinlln? If Yiiu Do it Wim. Pay Voir to Call and Hkk nHUMnAir;ii a iiii-lis, Opposltn I. f ). The Jefferson Supply Go. have their Spring Stocks now in, and very complete, too. Men' Snitf of tlie latent ntyl'fl and patteriiH that are pellern. In Men'uStniw and Crash Hats we have just the tliingH to nnit you. Our Lndit'r' and Chil dren'n Sailorn and Trimmed Ilatn are pel ling fast and we are receiving new stocks every day. If you want a Hicycle we can fit you out in proper style. We sell the Deinorest Sewing Machine, none better, at V.U() to $2.r.00. ShoeH we have a com plete line of, that are all right in every way. New Dress (toods in all the newest things. If you see them they will please you. Call and see us, and we will try to please you. The Jefferson sudpIij go. 3 i REYNOLDS VILLK, BIG STORES- RATI I MEL, ( I$IO SOLDIER. Avalon Terrace Tom Reynolds' Addition to Reynoldsville, Pa. The best town plot now offered for sale, right in the town, and with every convenience. Ab a future home it is the best; as a growing invest ment, it is without an equal. LOTS HAVE BEEN SOLD AND ARE SELLING NOW. DON'T WAIT. GET THE BEST. I have for sale 100 lots, 50x150 ft., on Grant St. These lots will make beautiful building spots and sold on easy payments. Remember no taxes for 1890. Remember the Title to every lot guaranteed. Lota at $150, sold $10 down and 50c. per week thereafter. Lots at $175, sold $15 down and $1.00 per week thereafter. Also for sale, Lots on Pleasant Avenue and Worth Streot, furm of 40 acres with house, barn and more kinds of fruit trees than any farm in the country. Reynoldsville, with Its Silk Mill, employing 300 hands, Coal Mines, v employing1 about 100 men; the largest Woolen Mills In the State; Machine Shops; a Tannery, employing 150 men, and other industries that will be here before the year closes, will muke these lota as investment that will more than double themselves before you get them paid for. SMITH M. McCREIGHT, Agent Are You Satisfied With tlin sIiim-s ymi hnve heoo wiMiritijr!' Wnre thiy jimt what ynu wnntitdy PiM linps tlicjr wure, but It Is ihkihIIiIu tlmy wra not. An Hl-flltlng shin Is tho most tin ooinforluhlii part of your wom-lntf nppnrol. Wo hntidln tho most ponifortiililo shoi's matin. Wo IlltVI Shoes in all Colors, Sizes and Shapes. Kvt-ry pair iiiiihI anil tlof (rive SATIHKAtTION. Our Dili! of shw is lip-t(-(lHt!. J. K. JOHNSTON. A fine new lineof Children's 2-Piece Suits that can't be beat in quality and price. W.L. DOUGLAS SHOES A For 1 5 years the leader in men's fine footwear at a pop tilar price. W. L. Douglas shoes are Union made, by the best skilled workmen in this conn. I try. Look for the stamp on the inncrsole Fr- UNIONS STAMP racEryrW.45. NOTHING But the best materials and work' manship enter Into the constnic-4 tlon of the ariavfc:rkc;v.v. A. ( ?', STOVFS fl u&NGFs a.! Made with a view of suiting' the exact wants of the hoii8e-kocpors at' a moderate cost. Good Bakers Pkkfect Koaster8. Sold with That Understanding. J Reunoldsvllle Hardware Go: 8 g when buying. 15 We are the jjj exclusive agents J