The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 20, 1899, Image 1

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8? t-ir
Notice In hoivhy irlvon tlint tlit'pHrt net-ship
aWJofor MilH-Utlnir hctwpen .1. K. Welh
and I In num. umnr ino firm imn.r w
J. K. VNh A Co., wna fHw-lvprt on the 14th
m . U.,l.,mK.. IMffll 111' tlllltlllll HIIKllft t
Alt nwiiin o unld nnrtniTHbtp lire
rvrelvnhle by nnld W. . w .HlHtitw, to
hnm ft I ho nil I'lHtrn Mid di'mnni. RirulnM
for nHvmp
1.... Itj t V U'tuii
nrjiniiint mr, n,
W. V. Wll.t.MMf".
Notify Im hereby given that the pari iierwhlli
heretofore subsisting between .1. ('. I'roclillrn
mid W. C. Henry, under tin- Hrm mime nf
Kroehllch Henry, ivasdlssolved on tin- 4ih
dav of September. Istlll, liy mill mil consent.
All debt owing lo said partnership urn re
ceivable by mid W. ('. henry, tn whom also
nil claims und fli'inHTHlH against the ss nip lire
to Im presented for pity men I.
Boynoldsvlllo. I'u., J. ('. I'lioKin irii,
Hept. 4, IMiM. W. C. IlKNHY.
HJOMPANY. In effect Sunday,
(U, 18!)1, Low Grade Division.
No. I.TNoAiNo. d.
A. M P. m.Ia. bv
(i 1 80
11 o; yn
ii i; 4 oi
11 4A 4 Iff
u k 4 87
11 IW 4 4:i
l! in to
i: at t in 10
t Ift
12 47 IV HI ttl 27
I 01 ft Ml It 4.1
tl on a so t M
I 1:1 11 111 7 mi
I :ir 11 20 7 10
1 47 IK T 23
1 A7 It 42 7 88
! 0? (I 47 7 8(1
2 11 ft7 7 VI
I 8ft 7 SI K 17
2 44 'r S 27
V 111 7 . 8 M
P. M. P. M A. M.
ay) leaves I1 itshui
7 4111
7 M
Fiiham .. ..
fnmervllle ...
4 4
II 02
Boynoldsvlllo ..
Falls Creek
Wlntorhiirn .. ..
V 2H
0 4d
P V.j
Ift p. m.,
Mod Dm nk 7.4,1 duo
nldsvllle H.87. Illillnls O.Vi D. m.
Train 41 iSundayi loaves I'litshurg K 00. m..
Hod Hunk 11.02 dm' lit Kmokvllh- 12.27, Hcyn
nlrisvllle I .on, tin Hols 1.20 p. m.
No. 21
No. Hi
Hpnnorotte. ..
.Wlntorbtirn .,
Boll :.
A. H.
A. M.
P. M.
11 r
n Mil
r mi
111 Ml
7 in
7 25
12 04
12 211
7 Nil
6 S7
7 O:
12 117
12 42
12 52
1 0'.
7 .Ml
H 14
H 2111
7 18
7 2
7 4.1
10 K
1 1.1J
H 84
H 41
fH Oi
I lK
1 AOj
2 10
2 li
1(1 2f
H 27i 10 41
n t.i
tH 811 !(! It
8 4K; 11 00
n m
n 8t
111 12
1(1 2.1
9 M
2 41
10 01
Now Bctblnlit'in
2 4U
10 in
10 :k
io ni
Bed Hunk....
FlttHburir. ...
H I'
8 2.1
IV 80
I 00
p. m.l
7 20
P. II. IP. H
Tiiiln 44 (Stiiidtiyl Irnvm DiiHiiI, A.40 n. tn.
duo lit Kuymildsvllln ., Brmikvlllu 7.29, Bod
Bunk R.MI. I'lttHburK II. Ill H. m.
Train 42 (HtinilHyi Iohvob IIiiRiiIh 4.20 p.m.
duo nt BoynoldHvll Io4.40, llrtKikvllle 6.11, Rod
Bunk (l.:LV I'IUhIiiii u n.i'i 1
CIIAS. II. ritlf'F., ArT'o. Ofk'i,. BrPT.
J AH. P. ANDEUHON UKN't. I'ahh. Aot.
Phlludolphia & Erlo Ruilroud Division.
In uffuct May 21, 181)11. Trains loavo
Driftwood as followB!
:0C n m Train K. weokduyit, for Huiibury,
WUkoHbnrre, HHzloton, I'oilHvlllo.riL'rHnloii,
IliirrlHburir Hud tbe IntorniodlHto h(h-
tlooH, iirrtvhiK bt PlillHdolphlM (1:28 p. ni,,
Now Yurk,tti80n. m.j fliilt Inioro. 11:0(1 p.m.;
WuMhliiKton, 7:1ft p. 111 l'lillinun I'Hrlor car
from WlllluniHport lo Plilliidolpblii and pan
nontfor ooiulioa from Kuuo to 1'lillHdclphla
and Wllliumsport to Baltimore and Wiwli
InKtou. 4:08 p. ni. Train II, wxnkdaya, for Har
: rlibut-R and Intermediate atntlonfl, ar
rlvliiK at Philadelphia 4:2ft A. M.i New York,
7.0Na. 111.', Ball Imore, 2.80 a. m.; WaHhliiirtoii
4.0ft A. H. Pullman HleopInK rara from
tlarrlabunt lo Philadelphia and New York.
Philadelphia piiHHoiiKem can remain In
(deeper undlHturbed until 7:80 A. M.
10:12 p.m. Train 4. dally tor Huiibury, Hiirrla
hurir and Intermediate Btatlona, arriving at
Philadelphia, :ft2 A. M.l Now York, tl:8H
A. M. on week daya and 10.8H a m. on Bun
day; Baltimore, 6:8ft A. M.i Washington, 7:4.1
A.M. Pulluinn slueiierB from Erie and Wll
llanmport to Philadelphia and WlUiamnport
to WanhlnKUin. Passenger In aleepiir
for Baltimore and Washington will he
transferred Into Washington Hleener at WIN
llamaport. Paaaenger coac.he from Erie to
Philadelphia and wllltamaport to Ualtl
4:88 a. m. Train (t, weekdaya, for Erie, Rldg
way, HuHiils. Clermont and principal Inter
mediate atatloim.
0:44 a. m. Train 8, dally for Erie and Inter
mediate point.
6:42 p. m. Train 1ft, weekday for Kane and
Intermediate station.
TRAIN V leave Now Vorkft:flft p. m.,PhUadul-
laHifiOp. m.l Washington 7:20p. m., Hal
nore K.40 n. tn.. arrtvlmr at Driftwood 4:;iH
m., weokdaya, with Pullinitu sloeiMir and
tuutitirftr .(iui.inu from PlilladeftililR til
1 trie and naslilugton aim iiaiiiiuore to
f Willlamsport.
TRAIN it leu vs New York at 7:ftft p. m.i Phllu
delphla, 11:20 p. m.l Waahington, 10.40 p.m.;
Baltimore, 11:M p. m. dally arriving at
Driftwood at 0:44 a. ni. Pullman aloeplng
car from t'lilla. to wiuiamsp 1, anu inroiigii
EhaHenger coaches from Philadelphia to
rle and Baltimore to WllllamsiMirt. On
Hunday only Pullman aleepor Plilladelphia
to Erie.
TRAIN 1A loaves Philadelphia 8:40 a. ni.!
Washington, 7A1 A. 11.; Baltimore, H:ftft A.M.;
Wllkebarre, 10:ftft A. M.i weekdays,
urrivlnir at Driftwood at ft:42 P. u. Willi
Pullman Parlor car from Plilladelphia to
WlluanisiMjn anu passunger i:m;n in ivunc.
CuuDtitititiUH via Jiitinaoiiburg' R. R. und
Ridgway & Cloarilold R. R.
n. n. whkkiiayh. p. m.
.... 104.1Ar ('lurmolit I.v . . . Hi .V,
.... 108H WiMMlvaln .... lllti
.... 108ft Qulnwood .... II im
... 1081 Smith' Run ... II UN
.... 102ft Instantor ... II 14
.... 11120 Htralght .... II III
.... Kill Glen llauil ... 1127
.... 100S lieudluii ... 1182
.... BOA Johnsiiiiinirg .... 1148
.... 0 40 Iitf Ulilgwuy Ar.... II JW
p. ni. a. m. u. tn. p. 111,
7 1ft 0;Ar Rldgway Lv7u() 12 20
7 0S" 0 2M Island Run 7i7 12 27
7 08 0 2:1 Clirniaii Transfer 7 12 12 82
ft. 14 Ulft Oriiyland 721 12 :i'.l
AM Oil Bhorts Mills 7 2.1 12 48
(147 1)117 Blue Rock 7 2s 12 4ii
H48 02 Carrier 7 id 12 Al
0 88 8 58 Brockwiivvllle 7 411 I Ml
tt2M 8 47 I, aims Mills 7 47 1 04
8 48 McMInn biiminlt 7AI
IU 8JII llarvoys Run "M 118
H1A 8 8.1LV Falls (Ireuk Ar 8 00 1 20
6 00 8 111 l,v DiiHols Ar 8 1014
'l ift 7 00 Ar Falls Oruuk Lv 8 8;i 1 2ii
C01 4ft Reynoldsvllle 8 48 1 411
ft 27 BIO lirookvllle Oil 2 18
4 40 New Bethlehem 10 10 8 Oil
4 00 Rod Bank -1104 II M
140 Lv Pittsburg Ar 100 ft AO
p. 111. a. m. p. 111. p. m,
Through Pullman Parlor Oar lo Pittsburg
1 mi tmlu leavlntf Fall Oreek at 8.88 a. 111.. ro-
1 turning on train leaving i-iivsiiiirg ai i.wp.m,
7 J. B.tliTtliklNfHJN. J. R. WOOD.
Meny Time at M. E. Parsonage Free
Lecture Death and Affliction.
On Thumday nlht of this week Rov.
A. O. Mill will jflve hi vory iiopulnr
lecture on the Spanish'-Amerlcar 'Vur
In thfl M. E. church. The Reverend
usually charges 25 cents nd mission fee
to these lectures and has largo crowds
hut ns this week closes up the conference
year ho desires to five the people a fare
well treat, this two will be free. Rev."
Mills has been on this charge, two years
and conference, could not give the
Ih iiple of this pitied, both In and out of
the church, a better treat than to an
nounce his return for another year.
Last Thursday wan n big day In Km-
erickville. In tho morning the young
Indlus from Ha.en who had been visiting
at the M. E. parsonage left on their
wheels for homo. Mr. Kirk, who gave
the entertainment, also left for New
Bethlehem. As they were leaving the
Mead Chapel pooplo, together with a
number of pcopli) of this place, took
possession of the parsonage filling It
with good things to eat, besides giving
the Reverend and wifo many valuable
A small child of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Averlll, of Camp Run, died Saturday
morning and was Interred In the M. E.
cemetrrv Sundav forenoon. This makes
three children that have been taken
out of their horn? In the post 14 months.
Mr. and Mrs. Averlll formerly lived
here and have the sympathy of all.
Henry Moivery, employed at the
Meredith brick works, had one of his
hands so badly smashed last Wednesday
that amputation wits nec.'ssnry to one
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ishman. of Fuller,
were the guests of tho former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ishman, Sunday.
Rmery Keys, hrakeman on the B. R.
&. P. R'y, of Dullois, spent part of lust
week with his mother In this place.
,Ta a6 Hon pt, formerly of this place.
now a resident 01 Marlenvillo, spent
Thursday ami Friday in town.
Ttios. White, foreman of tho Mere
dith brick works, spent Sunday In the
The ladles of the M. E. church will
glvo a social in tho church Saturday
Chas. Marts, of Brookvllln, is visiting
relatives and friends here this weok.
Jud. Cut hers, brakeman on the P. R.
R., 1b homo on a short vacation.
Loe Fiko, of New Kensington, was an
early caller Monday morning.
Miss F.dith Schugars was visiting Id
Reynoldsvllle part of Inst week.
National Export Exposition.
Tho National Export Exposition,
which opens at Philadelphia on Sept.
14 and continues until Nov. 30, will ho
tho most Interesting and Important
event occurring in Philadelphia since
the Centennial Exhibition of 187A. In
addition to Its vuluable commercial ex
hibits It will present many features of
popular Interest and amusement. The
United Statos Marine Band, Sousa's
Band, the Banda Rossa, Innos' Band,
Darurosch'a Orchestra, and other cele
brated banda will furnish music alter
nately, and a Midway Plaisance, equal
if not superior to tho famous World's
Fair Midway at Chicago, and compris
ing a Chinese Village, a Chinese Thea
ter, acrobats, and customs, an Oriental
Vlllago, London Ghost Show, Hagen
buck's Wild Animul Show, Blarnoy
Castle, and many other unique presen
tations, will furnish abundant and di
versified amusement. Arrangements
have also been made (or Mandolin,
Guitar and Itunjo Concerts, and for a
grand chorus from tbe Gorman Singing
For this occasion the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets from all points on Its line, to
Philadelphia and roturn, at rate of a
fare and a third for the round trip, plus
price of admlsslou. These tickets will
be sold during the continuance of the
Exposition und will bo good for roturn
pnssngo until November 30.
For "peoillc rutes and additional Infor
mation apply to nearest Ticket Agent.
Election Notice.
Thure will bo a meeting of the stock
holders of the Reynoldsvllle Water
Company at tho ollicu of M. M. Davis,
Sucretury, on Monday, the 25th day of
Soptumber next, at 2 o'clock p. m. for
tho purpose of electing officers, hout'Iug
reports und other necessary business to
be done ut u stockholders' meeting. .
M. M. DAVIS, Secretary.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The bent salve In the world for cuts,
bi'ulsos, sorus, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
Bores, tetter, ohuppod hands, oullblalus,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 26
cents per box. For sale by H. Alex
The Irene Taylor Company.
This popular organization held the
bourn's at the opera house Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week
and we feel safe In saying that never
were our thoatrc-golng people more
satisfied with the entertainment fur
nished. The company Is composed of
most excellent people and their con
duct both on and off the stage gained
for them a host of friends In Clearfield.
Miss Irene Taylor, tho leading lady. Is
an actress of rare ability, and her por
trtij'Ml of the different parts assigned
her was indeed vory line. She was
must ably assisted by Mr Drew, in fact
their work was above criticism. The
work of the other members of tho com
pany was thoroughly in keeping with
the high character of that of the stars,
and every part was ably taken care of,
the best features of the show win. the
specialty work of the two Decs. They
ure certainly artists in their line and
are a whole show In Ihemselvos. Mas
ter Wllllo Forman U also vory much
alright as an entertainer, and taken as
a whole the organization Is hard to
beat, and we feel no hesitancy in saying
that the universal opinion of our people
was that the Irene Taylor Co. was the
best popular priced show ever seen in
tho town. They will always bo sure of
a crowded house In Cleurfleld. Clear
Held Public Spirit of last week.
The Irene Taylor Company Is playing
every night this week in the Reynolds
opera house.
Improved Mail Service.
With the opening of the new Buffalo,
Rochester & Pittsburg branch from Al
legheny to Reynoldsvllle, a new field
opens for the railway mall service.
Tuesday this matter was being consid
ered by Superintendent McConnoll of
Pittsburg, of the railway mail service,
and he stated that he was preparing a
report on the matter to the Washing
ton officials.
From Butler to Reynoldsvllle the
new railroad passes through territory
that has heretofore never had any other
than tho star route service, where car
riers on horse back and the old stage
coach method were utilized. Tho post
offices reached were North Point, Day
ton. Echo, Mosgrove, Cowansvillc,
Craigsville and Fennellton, and they
recclvod their mall through tho Kittan
ning postofflce, where it was distributed.
Under the plan proposed by utilizing
tho now Buffalo, Rochester .V Pittsburg
line these postoftices will have direct
malt connection .by rail with Pittsburg
and undor time schedule that is well
adapted to the temporary needs of the
servioe. There is a train leaving Royn-
oldsvllle at 7.15 o'clock In the morning
and reaching Allegheny at 10.00 o'clock,
which will permit the delivery of mail
from tho points named by noon in Alle
gheny. A train out of Allegheny will
deliver mail on the new route in the
evening and will give business men
prompt servioe to the heretofore isola
ted but Important territory. Klttan
ning Republican.
Soft Coal Scarce.
There 1b a great scarcity of soft coal
in tho Buffalo market, says the Coal
Trade Journal, with the result that the
price are going up by leaps and bounds.
Most of the shippers fiod it difficult to
get a sufficient quantity of ooul to take
good care of their customers, with the
result that the market is very strong.
The prices for Pittsburg ooul went up
last week to $1.80 for lump. S1.70 for
lump and nut, 11.25 for slack. Reyn
oldsvllle and Deerfteld prices also took
an advance. There continues to be a
great scarcity of cars despite the efforts)
of the railroad companies to secure ad
ditions to their equipments.
Headache for Forty Years.
For forty years I suffered from sick
headache. About a year ago I began
using Celery King. The result was
gratifying and surprising, my headaches
leaving at once. Tbe headaches used
to return every seventh day, but thanks
to Celery King, I have had but one
headache in the last cloven months. I
know that what cured roe will help
others. Mrs. John D. VunKeuren,
Saugertlos, N. Y. Celery King for the
Nerves, Stomach, Liver and Kldnoys Is
Sold in 50o. and 25c. packages by H.
Alex. Stoke.
Excursions to Pittsburg.
Tbe Allegheny Valley R'y has an
nounoed its excursion rates from points
along the line, to Pittsburg on account
of the Exposition at the latter place.
They will be run on Wednesdays and
will include the following dates: Sept.
13, 20 and 27, Oct. 4, 11 and 18. Tick
ets will be good four days returning, in'
eluding date of issue, and include ad'
mission to tho Exposition. The rate
will be 14.00 from DuBols, Reynoldsvllle
and intermediate stations und $3.1)0 from
Ciiiiui nlna an m rm u n ..all atA
doors, nails and building paper, at Hall
Such are the Words Used by an Australian
Referring to the Commercial Museum.
Philadelphia, Kept. 18, 1 8911.
Mr. A. Blushki, a leading merchant
und importer of Sydney. Australia, was
recent caller at the Commercial
Museum (the Institution which origina
ted the National Export Exposition) 1
and was iWply Inlovstcd. Speaking
of his visit Mr. Blathkl said:
"I am simply Appalled by w hat I have
witnessed to-day. It was my good for
tune to meet the Exposition's agent,
Mr. Green, on board ship coming from
Australia. He spoke many times re
garding the Commercial Museum and
its great scope, but I assure you I ex
pected no such revelation ns I havo wit
nessed since my arrival hero. Such an
institution is Indeed marvelous. Ono
might classify the products, nianufac
tired and otherwise, of Australia, Great
Britain, or almost any other country,
hut when is found tinder ono roof a clas
sification elcbointo, completo, and with
minute detail of the trade of the entire
world, then I say It Is nothing less than
"From what I could learn in New
York und even in London, tho National
Export F.x posit ion and International
Commercial Congress will be successful
beyond measure. There Is great in
terest in England In both of those pro-
jeeta, and tho business Interests of the
Empire will bo largely represented by
the brainiest men."
Reynolds - Opera - House
Commencing Sept. 18
Special engagement of the
Society Actress,
Supported by
J.Newton Drew,
And a strong Metropolitan Company in
a beautiful repertoire of standard
plays, high class specialties and the
very latest illustrated songs.
Miss Taylor will wear 120.000.00 worth
of diamonds at each and every per
formance. This Company
Curries their own special scenery, drap
eries, carpets, rugs, Ac.
Reserve your seats in advance.
or THE
C7 Rjcae UOLBBV X I .t .g
at Reynoldsvllle, In the State of Pennsylva
nia, at the close of business ticptoniher 7, 1M00,
Irfians and discount f 108,130 2D
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 78 Oft
IT. H. Bonds u secure circulation.... 8.1, 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 8,:mo 00
HUH-ks, securities, etc 2l On
Kuriiituro and tl Mini's 2,002 AO
Duo from National Bank (not Re
serve AgcntsI 14,225 82
Due from approved reserve agents. H4.H1II .Vi
Chocks and other cash Items l.iVtf Oft
Notes of other National banks 410 00
r'rui'tlonal paper currency, nickels,
and cents 184 IS
Lawful money reserve lu bunk, vlr.:
HiKM-le II2.0SS 10
Icgiil-tondor notes lo.tvw 00 28,013 10
Redemption fund with U. r. (I'reas-
un r (ft per cent, of circulation).. 1,373 00
Total I27S.317 18
Capital stis'k paid In ."lO.miO on
Hurplusfuud 7,000 00
Undivided prollts, loss expense and
taxes paid M.H'CI 21
National flank miles outstanding... 81,000 (io
Dividends Unpaid 80(10
Individual deposits subject tochock 1.1(1,007 2ft
Demand certlilcales of deposit 120 00
Time cert iorates of deposit 24,i'7 III)
Cashier's checks outstanding 00 07
Total 127,1,817 18
IUU f FnBtyWult, OtHDty f Jferio, :
I, John 11. Kaucher, Cashier of the alxive
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of uiy
knowledge and belief.
John II. Kacohkh, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before tue this 18th
day of tk'ptumbei', lsuu.
Ai.utiiT Ukymolus, Notary Public.
OoaaaoT Attest:
O. Mitch Sf,i., )
U. W. Kiixkh, ) Director.
J. II. OoHum-r, t
I .
The New Shoes
. . for Fall . .
Have you peeked into our fhow windows yet?
They are there. Styles without end, for both sexes
and all ages. The WALK-OVER SHOES for 3.50
are equal to any $5.00 shoe made, and our $2. HO line
equalt any you can buy for $3.00 elsewhere. Remem
ber the place to get these shoes. x
Robinson's Shoe Store.
N. HfNflU
Great Bargains in Summer
Dimity, sold for. 10, now .0b'
" " " .15 " .08 to. 10
Orcrandy, sold for .15 to .18 now .10
Best Percale,
Good Percale,
Ladies Shirt Waist,
3 L Ribbed Vest, for
Summer Silk,
You will find Great Bargains in Clothing. I
have a few summer euits left. Suits I have Bold
for $8 and $10, now $5.50 and $0.50. Child's
suit .75. Don't miss this. Come quick. These
goods wont last long. '
Stop a Minute !
r When looking for furniture all want the ;
j best and want to go where they can buy the r
r cheapest. E
Parlor Suits,
Bed-Room Suits,
Dining Tables,
Kitchen Furniture.
- WE CAN "
: Please you for the least money. Call and
: examine our goods and get prices before you
: purchase elsewhere. 2
.0 4 and .08
$1.00 to .75
.75 to .55
.50 to .25
beo Lauager. Ouu. 1'um. Ag't.
is iiarton s. ,