The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 30, 1899, Image 4

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glic Star.
SnfMcriptuii prr vir, tl.VO if
jutil nh irllji in ii(n!tirc.
. A. rnciMIKNWON, Kdllt.r mill 1'nb.
W K 1 ) NKNO A Y . A t '( ! I ! ST :I0. 1NIH.
Anlntti'pi'nili'iit luenl puper. mlllli rl xvcry
Wtnlni"tiliiv Ml lieVlliiltltvlHe, .lilT-fiM 1'ti.
I'n., ili'nili'd id the liilirt'lof Iti'Viinltlivlllii
sntl .Irlft'rMt.iiroiiiily. Niili-uilll Inil, will ttt'llt,
till with fiilrnt'tn, mifl will hi't'ttperlHlly friend
ly towni'il the liiltiirliitf rim.
Hiilnerlplluii M-lrtl iK)M'i-yiMir,ln nilviini'P.
(Iiiinniiinlriitloiin lutt'mli'if tor iiiilillrntlnil
mint In neeointmiili'il 1i v 1 1m writer' iiiihip.
not for iMihllriuli.ii, lull's n annirniK tif
KihmI fiiltli. Ihtrri'Mlltiff new lli'inoll'll'il.
Ailvprl Mir little tumle liiiimiion iipnllrll
tlim nt tin nm.'i- In I rix-lillili -1 1 i-ni v lllm-k.
LiMU'lily rmiuiiiinlriitloti nnil rlititutt' tif
nriverilm'titi'iilN mIioiiIiI rt'tirh Hi In olllm liy
Monthly noon.
A (Mid iillroinniiiiili'iilhiim tot). A.Hti'pti
non, Ki'vniil'lvtlli. I'u.
Kntornl nt th iumtnfllrp Mt Hrjrniililsvlllti,
P., 114 hi'oihI I'ltin ttuill ttinttiT.
Polish tin h man's manners nml on
his boot fount, for n great deal In thin
WOt 111, bill, 111! llMOS I'UHtO Will-It till) Hll-
Nli 1m on IiIh emit.
Koytiolilivlllo bus n few troubles of
her own trying In raise thi sidewalk on
tin' went t'liln of Miiln street between
lloti'l Mo '(Mini'll iiiul tlii!lli'lnnilloiiBO.
l-'nlls Creek .Viiii. tt will lio settled
hy nml by.
TIlO llll'1-l'H! ill tOHtllllll!l IVI'l'IptS will
thin year lie wntHHtiomilly lurgn, ueeord
inn to tho present, estimates of tho De
partment In. Washington. In sumo
bi'iuiitli-'Hof I hi' wrvlee receipts are !2.1 per
cont. greater thtin thi'y were r year ago.
In tho lnt llftoen yours thn MstifhVo
business of tin' nil in try bus doubled In
volume. This Indicates not onp direct
growth In ioiiilnlion but thn InereOHO
In tho niinibcp nml nine of onp newipn
pop nml other publications, an well tin a
great growth In tho linblt of lot lop
Tho Plato convention of tho P. (). H.
of A. was lit Id at Wilkcshnrro lust
week, nml tho following report from tho
secretary for tho Inst your, shows tho
prosperous oiiiiilition of tho order: Nimi
bop of propositions, 8,1311; ntutihor of
elections, 7,1172; rejections during thu
year, 212; number of monitors Docom
bop III, 1M97, f)4,"itm; Initiated during
tho year, 7,024: ml ml t tod by card, 14M;
reinitiated, i2(l; total, ti2,:i7.l. Dropped
from roll, 7,121; transferred, 201); re
signed, 70; expelled, 211; deceased !I42.
Total receipts during thoyoap, I4:i:i,8."i0.
Ill; total expenditures, l(Hl,2S7.4il; ben
efit paid, l.'!I.N2.V.r. Total valno of
subordinate oomps December 31, 1WH,
Statistics show that pomoiiH with red
hair aro far less likely to become bald
t hun thom wliu have hair of any other
color. Thu averugn iniiiitier of red huii s
on tho human ukull in 2!,200. llalr of a
diirk color Ih p-nernlly mneh liner than
red hull', and thi'ei! durk hairs cover ax
much ;u'0 un u hIiihIo red hair. Ah a
rule a dark-haired poiiinn hax alMiut
li)5,000 hairs on tho Hcalp. Fair-haired
jietnoiiH, on tho other hnnd men an
well aH women bavo fram 140,000 to
lHO.OOO. The ilroti(;ot hairs, however,
aro those of a rod color, and honco they
end u ro tho longest. It may lie added
that rod-halpod pooplo aro generally of
a sympathetic and passionate nature,
and, as a rule, fur more apt to be opti
mists than pessimists. Pittsburg Jhiily
In almost every direction tho volume
of business Is Increasing, and to all ap
pearance even mope than present pro
duction, deliveries or payments. Rare
ly If ever hag bo much of tho new bus
iness done been for delivery all tho way
from three to nlno months ahead, and
In fact some considerable contracts aro
already made covering requirements of
the wholo your 1001. In numerous
branches an appreciable part of the
production of l'.MH) has boon sold. Tho
abandonment of tho strike by Colorado
smelters, tho ending of several others
In mining and manufacturing, and tho
general failure of strikes connected
with transporting lines, have Increased
the number of men at work, und In
many quarters tho great difficulty Is now
to obtain as many hands as aro wanted.
n(tt ' tr!iin.
'One of tho mistakes of women," said
a woman lecturer the other day, "is in
loving too much; they can never make
a mistake in loving, but they ought to
be cureful In picking out the man; they
are apt to do it on the grab-bug prin
ciple. Another of the mistakes of
women Is not knowing how to rest, and
still another is not knowing how to eat.
Wtat women don't kuow about this has
built ten thousand hospitals. Consider
the ways of man and be wise. Women
worry too much, they are misers to
jollity and they nearly always die IcaV'
lng a large account In the Bank of Mer
riment. Women not only cross bridge
before they come to them, but are gift
ed bridge builders. Mcji can stop In
the midst of perplexities and have
'guffaw.' It is this faculty that keepi
them young. Women cannot, and that'
why they fade earlier. Worry not only
wrinkles the face, but It wrinkle and
withers the mind a well. Some women
make the mistake of thinking that they
are jealous of their husbands, when, as
matter of fact, they are simply selfish.
Tbey seem to think that If a poor man's
eye or feet stray his heart has gone. A
women arrogates a good deal to herself
when she think she Is going to be the
whole world to man twenty-four hours
a day, year in and out. If instead, wives
would keep their eye and heart alert
to see that love did not get away, there
would bo less domestic friction."
rtting Words.
7b 7iVi'. Alfml E. iVtxr, (hit llcfarnt
In view of recent events, culminating
In tho tender and nooeptiinoo of your
resignation, wo, your brethren In thn
tho tiord, havii thought it our glad
privilege, as well as our undoubted duly
to convey to you the love and oslooin
that wo fool toward you. In thn polity
of tho lluptlst church Individual opin
ion and lndoiendont judgment empha
sized and oni'ournged, this, thoreforo,
double oredltabln If a pastor of tho body
secures by his chiiniotop and works tho
unanimous ontocm of his Hock. This
you have dune. VV'bllo wo have, as a
church, nlmiwt inmiilmoiiHly believed
that a severance of the connection lm
tween pastor and 'oplo would Im to
the glory nf (lie Mutter and tho good
of Uith church biiiI loader, wo have
w lib oiin iiilml nml heart regarded you
a a faithful and zealous servant of (iod.
Wo grieve that wo have not more open
ly nml mini- often otpressed to you this
feeling in words mid deeds of kindness
and Invo. May your forgiveness ho mm
for whatever may bavo scorned cither
colli, carelesH or unloving In our behav
ior. May tho richest of heaven's bless
iii(!H cheer and briubten tho future of
Isith you ami yours, ami may the pence
of (iod, which passeth umlorst muling,
keep your heart ami mlml through
Christ Jesus.
TllF. ItKVN. IlAITIHT CoNllll'N.
Mrs. D. T. Hastings Dead.
Mrs. Mary A. Hastings, wife of Bar
ton T. Hastings, died at her homo In
I'.nst lliookvillo Tuesday morning of
this week, Aug. 22nd, 1KIM1, aged 71
years. J ho exact cause of tier death
is not, known. Pop several years she
bus been subject to very severe attacks
of illness, tho real cause for which tho
physician could not account. Hcccnlly
she was III a great deal, these attacks
being frequent, but a day or two Is foro
her death sho seemed better. Her
tnaidon nnmu was McCrca; she was a
sister to Mrs. W. W. Corlsit, of Mi-ook-
vlllo, and to T. P. McCrea and C. K.
McCrca, of llraddock, Pa., and was
married to Mr. Hastings in 1H44, at
To them wore born ton children, six
sons and four daughters. Tho children
aro all living, as follows: John at
Clearfield, Tom at Churlorol, Charles
nt Hrookvillo, Harry and Hurt In Al
legheny, and Kd. at, Voronn. Tho
daughters are Mrs. S. T. Dougherty
mid Mrs. W.C. Klliott.atltoyiiohlsvillo,
Mrs. T. I). Khities of Hrookvillo, and
Klizahcth, still at homo.
Mrs. Hastings was an excellent
woman, faithful and exemplary In all
tho relations of life, nml hold In high
esteem by all who know hur. Her fun
eral was at " o'chs'k on Thursday after
noon, Interment being in tho Hrook
villo cemetery. Hrookvillo Ikmncrnt.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
You cant keep n good thing down.
News of it travels fust. When things
nro "tho Imst" they Ix'conio "tho best
selling." Abraham Hiiro, a loading
druggist of Hollovlllo, ()., writes:
"Klectrio Hitters aro tho best soiling
bitters I bavo ever handled in my 20
years cxpeiioneo." You know why?
Most diseases begin in disorders of the
stomach, livor, kidneys, bowels, blood
and nerves. Electric Hitters tones up
the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys
and bowels, purifies tho blood, strength
ens the nerves, honco euros multitudes
of maladies. It builds tip tho entire
system. Put now lifo and vigor Into
any weak, sickly, run-down man or
woman. Only lit) cents. Sold by II. A.
Stoke, druggist, guaranteed.
Special Excursion to Punxiutawney.
On account of the fair at Punxsutaw
ncy August 21th, 30th, and 31st and
Sept. 1st, tho Bnffulo, Rochester and
Pittsbupg Ry. will run a special train
each day and make low excursion rate
from points named below as per follow
ing schedule: Reynoldsvllle, 8.10 a. in.,
fl.OO; DuDols, 8.4,". a. ui,, .no; Falls
Creek, 8.3,") a. m., .75; Stanley, 0.00 a.
m., .1)0; Sykes, 11.04 a. m., .45; Big Run,
0.10 a. m., .25. Arrive at Punxsutaw-
ney at 0.35 a. m.; returning leave Punx
sutawney at 6.30 p. m.
Ask to sco the Dutchess trousers,
every pair warranted by L. P. Soeloy.
Always new and up-to-date shoos
Call and examine our line of new
buggies. Lowest price. Guaranteed
work. L. M. Snyder, Jackson street.
Go to Sblck & Wagner' fop youp silk
waist pattern.
Try a pair of our Trl-on-fa shoe for
ladle. Welsh & Co.
Wllber double wear collar two for
25 cent at Seeley'.
If you want a good, substantial and
pretty buggy at an extremely low price,
you can get It at the Ruynoldsville
Hardware Co. store. The buggio are
being sold at a big reduction. See them
before buying elsewbore.
The Cutter shoe is sold only by J. K.
Johnston in this place.
You will not be disappointed if you
drink black raspberry, with or without
loe cream, 5u. Reynolds Drug Store.
Have you seen those Shaw knit I hose
at Seoley'.
The latest things In footwear at
WoWta & Co.'.
Peopl Who Pay th Punter.
Thn following iiersons likvii mild their
tulMcrlptlons or added their name to
nup list since Inst week:
Jitlin lliimli, Ki'yniililnvllli', Ini'Wl August
tl, lll.
W..I. I'rnnlt. IMltslnirit, July 14, I IHO.
J. Vim Ki-i'il, Itt'yiiiilit'tvllli', tiff. I, l'..
Wllllnm Dtiintlierty, Keyniililsrllli', Atixtl't
2ft, mm.
Unvtil l.niw, HeyniiliNvllli'. HeiiiiMnlior I,
I Kim.
nmi'4 K. Mllelit'll. Iti'tiitililsvllli!. Inewl
Annus! 211. tHim.
T. I. IIihiii, Keynotilovllle, Nuveiiilier l.tWO.
(I. YV. lli'iiiMi'y. Iiii'i'tnlier II, r.otj.
Austin llhiki'slt'K, I'nnl llleu, Mny II, H).
.Ittlltl llllfkley, IteyiHilllHvMln.Ocltiliffl, lutin.
Jiilin TiiiiIki'Ii, Iteynttlilsvllli., Pt.pii'tiilit'r II,
Wiley k Hwi llrri. llrynoltM III,., Mny 10,
Ilels'ii lltiiii', Jr., HultMer tii' l Aiitfiist 3.
Wllllnm II, Hire, Hulillri , ni.w A intuit 2s,
I). II. Ilriintllii'iiil, lli'viiiililsvllli', Mny II,
I'niMI, Y. I.i'iiki'ril, lti .vmililsvllli.,,liini HI
I'. It. Perry, Wnsliltiirimi, II. ivtiitmr II,
Christinn Rnd:.ivor Convention.
The ninth annual convention of tho
Jefferson County Christian Cndeavor
Pntim was held In Hie Cuiiihoilmid
Presbyterian church tt I 1'unxsutiiwuey
on Tuesday anil Wiilm silay of Inst
week. It was tluj innj't enthusiast lu
convention ever held by the Union.
The church was lieaiililiilly decorated
with hunting, banners nml llowcrs, mid
everything pttssililo was dune to muku
It pleasant, and coiufoi Inhln for the del
egates. Thu following ufllcers wore
elected for tho ensiiiuu year: President,
Rev. Harry fi. Teiigurdoii, Olivchorg;
vice-president, Krv. R. M. Coulter, Do.
laneey; recording secretary, Miss Sndio
Swift, Hldgway: correspoiiiling secre
tary, Miss Hello Arnold. Key mililsville;
treasurer, Miss Kiln Hanoi, Johnson
burg: junior siip 'rinti'iiileut, Miss May
Hli'd, Penllolil, The place for holding
thn tenth annual eon vent ion in llNiO has
not been decided upon Ji t, but it will
either bo Johnsonbiirg or Corsica.
A Common Danger.
If you bavo ever hail a cold which you
(HMtnitted to "wear away" it, may In
torest you to know that it was a danger
nus proceeding. Kvery cold mid cough
which Is neglected paves tho way for
consumption, bronchitis, nsthtna or
catarrh. Otto's Cure, tho fatuous
Gorman throat ami lung remedy, will
cure any cough or cold anil save you
from consumption. Call on II. Alex.
Stoke und get a sample bottle free,
Iargo sl0 25c. anil 5s'.
Election Notice.
There will ho a meeting of tho stiKik
holders of the Reynoldsvillo Water
Company at the ullleo nf M. M. Davis,
Secretary, on Monthly, the 25th day of
Soptomlicr next, at 2 o'clock p. m. for
thn purpose of electing ollicers, hearing
reports and other necessary business to
bo done at a stockholders' mooting.
M. M. DAVIH, Secretary.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best sulvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor
sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posl
tlvoly cures piles, op no pay required,
It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by II. Alox
We soil the Crown drill, which sows
all kinds of grain and grass seed, plants
corn, beans and peas, distributes fortil
izor and never chokes Wo sell tho
Kills thresher, which we have tested
and sell backed by our and thu coinpa
ny's guurantee Special to farmers,
wheat phosphate $22 Kir ton We sell
harrows, plows, hay, grain, struw, flour,
feed, horses, buggies, wagons, harness,
groceries, hardware, dry goods, drugs
We have told a few things we do sell,
you tell us something we don't sull and
wo'l) get it Coino und see us.
J. C. King & Co,
A full new lino of Walk Over shoe
for men just rocolyed at Robinson'.
Men's sweaters, all colors, 75c, $1.00,
$1.50 and $2.00, at Seeley's.
Try an orange and celery phosphate;
gcod drink when you are tired. Scents.
Reynolds Drug Store.
Mother, are you going to send the
boys to sohool? If you are, call and see
Mllllren suits and hats.
A strictly high grade wheel the
Rambler with G. & J. tires, lamp, boll,
coasters and pant guards, $38.00 at
The only bicycle shop in town equip
ped for doing all kinds of work I at C.
F. Hoffman'.
Juvenile suit from 3 to 8, with silk
vests, at Seeley'.
You can't break your bike so bad
Hoffman can't repair it.
I am located at the New Store, ready
to do all kind of ladle' tailoring.
J. E. Mitchell.
A new line of children' clothes just
reoelved at Seoley'.
Pen tablet with each pair of shoes at
Try a cherry phosphate, 60. Good
thirst quencher. Reynolds Drug Store,
Good all-wool school suits at Mllllren
from $1.50 to $5.00.
Buying to Best!
Ui (
Should bo mailo important Kjf
by every one It Is your duly
to Insist upon every price, sty l
1 midiiitalllv feature It should
r.o .
v tin your wish to otitain 1110
fullest values The fact, that
lf slightest margins rule the sell-
IV lng hero that every purchase
"J Is tniiilo upon this basis, rend-
0 cm certain the lowest possible
prices It Is to your llnanoinl
W Interest to eoini; hero always
RitiP- Rr fn. tt
Rspecially adapted to Au
gust requirements Is'iiring
prices that swing right nt
their worth Hint makes them
liveliest values Wo feel as
sured of your Interest in these
offerings Items that but
provn an Index to tho tunny
good things we've matin ready
for the August buyers
To have yonr pouket-book
ewell out with chhIi naved,
buy your groceries and Hour
at llobiiiHoii & Mundord'B.
Pricea alwayH a little lower
than elnewhere at HobiiiHon
tfe Mundorfl's. JJuy and Bell
for cash is the secret.
In cheese we stand right
up at head of class in quality.
One pound more sugar for
the dollar than others give.
What's in a name? It's a
biscuit all the same. 5c. a
Put the testing screws to
our 25c. coffee. You will
find it is the ' 'stuff" you want.
Our coffee 2 lbs. for 25c. is
a winner. 15c. to 18c. elsewhere.
Grape nuts, the great
-I-Tiih 1km3H Complohxl.
After five months of negotiations the big
undertaking has been finished. The capital
iJitlon of Iho concern will bo 40,(K)0,000.
I!. 1 1 u Mil im 1 Titrl H3r I'ricen
next yenr. If you lire delaying buying n
wheel until next year, belter buy it now and
make money on your investment. Hy a for
tutmle deal I can now offer you a magnificent
wheel at
A wheel Hint Ih up-to-date in every wny.
Large tubing, Hush JointH, detachable sprock
ets, self-oiling chain, adjuslabo handle bar,
and tires Hint are guaranteed as highly as
any tiro made.
If you want a wheel for pleasure or busi
ness, 1 can supply at a most reasonable price.
2. TT r?llntle.
O I VIX Lj,Hri.lst.
1 N. HfNfU
H Great Bargains in Summer
B Goods.
tr Dimity, sold for .10, now .()('
Sr " .15 .08 to. 10
Orgnndy, sold for .15 to .18 now .10
t J Jest Percale, .10
(Jood Percale, ,0J and .08
5 Ladies Shirt Waist, .39
S 3 L Ribbed Vest, for .10
S Summer Silk, 1.00 to .75
C " " .75 to. 55
C " " .50 to. 25
You will find (ireat Hargains in Clothing. I
hnve a few summer suits left. Suits I have sold
t for 8 and 10, now 5.50 and (5.50. Child's
E suit .75. Don't miss this. Come quick. These
goods wont last long.
B 1ST. 1rrA.ISrA.U.
Shick & Wagner
Last Spring we wero a llttlo lato In getting our stock of
goods, hut it was on account of tho firm changing bands As
everything Is settled we wish to cull our friends' and custo
mers' attention to thu fact that wo will have goods on time
this Full, and also have tho finest and best Una of goods ever
brought to this town We already have a very flno line of
Anything yon may nslc for you will find In our line. It Is
true that goods have advanced all over the country, but you
will not find it so here, as wo have bought all of our goods
In very lurgo quantities and we will sell you goods as cheap
as you ever bought them and In many instances cheaper.
Wo got chances to save on a great many articles by buying
largo quantities and wo aro going to give it to you. Call and
seo If this Is not correct. You will find things as repre
sented at
shick & Wagner's.
I Stop a Minute !
S When looking for furniture all want the -S
S best and want to go where they can buy the S
S cheapest. 3
Parlor Suits,
Bed-Room Suits,
Dining Tables,
Kitchen Furniture.
Please you for the least money. Call and
examine our gooda and get prices before you
purchase elsewhere.
3 f