INTERESTING EXPERIMENT. Find Ont Which On of Your Feet Wnllta I ho I'astrr. Vou may think thin Ih a vorv w'll.v question to nk, lint In It? TIicm- In no catch about It. It I a simple, de monstrable fnct which you enn prove to yotir own sntlsfttctloti In a very few minute. If you will tnke nny pavement Hint la clcnr or other pedestrians, no that tin-re slmll lie no iiilciTi-i-ciice, mill walk briskly lu the center, you will And that before you have gone HM yards you will Imvo veered very nmeli to one aide. You mnit not mnko any rnnsclotis effort, of course, to keep In the center, or yon may do It. but If you will think of Kometliliift and rti deavor to walk nnturnlly It la 100 to 1 you cannot keep n direct line. The explanation of tills Ilea In the peculiarity of one foot to walk ranter than the other. Or. to be more cor rect, perhnpi It ahotild be wild tlint one leg take a longer atrlde than the other, and this, combined with the quicker movement, onuses one to walk more to one aide than the other. It la well known, for Instance, that If one be loat In the wooda the tend ency la to walk In a circle and even tually to return about to the starting point. Thla demonstrate the fact also that one foot wnlka faater than the other. You can try on Interesting experi ment In this way If you will place two stakes In the lawn about eight feet npart and then stand off about 00 feet from them, allow yourself to lie blindfolded and endeavor to walk between them. You will And It an al most Impossible tusk, because one foot will go a bit faster than the other, either to the right or left. Now, which one of your feet walks faster than the other? Kansna City Times. AN OLD GORMANDIZER. Dae Maa Who Lived That He !HIh aintplr Bat and Drink. In a little yellowed Kngllsh maga cine, dated April, 1N04, I came across the following amusing scrap: If the Duke of Q does not ex tend his life to a still longer period. It will not be for want of culinary com forts nnd those other succulent arts by which longevity la best promoted. Ills grace's sustenance Is thus da!!' administered: "At 7 In the morning he regales In a warm milk bath, perfumed with al mond powder, where he takes Ills coffee and a buttered muffin, and aft erward retires to bed. He rises about 0 and breakfast on cafo nil with new laid eggs Just parboiled; at 11 he la presented with two warm Jellies and rusquea; at 1 he takes a veal cut let a la Malntenon: at 3 Jellies and eggs repeat: at 5 a cup of chocolate and rusques; at 7:30 he takes a hearty dinner from high seasoned dishes, and makes suitable libations of clnret and madeira; at 10, ten. coffee atid muf fins; at 12 sups off a roast poulet, with a plentiful solution of lime punch; at 1 In the morning lie retires to bed In high spirits and sleeps till 3, when his man cook, to the moment, waits upon him In person with a hot and savory veal cutlet, which, with a potation of wine and water, prepares him for further repose, that continues gener ally uninterrupted till the morning summons to his lacteal bath. "In this routine of living comforts are the four and 20 hours Invariably divided; so that If his grace doea not know, with Sir Toby Belch, 'that our life Is composed of four elements,' be knows at least, with Sir Ague Cheek, 'that It consist! In eating and drink-In.-.' ' laaerttaae of Health. There Is, It Is true, as great an In equality In the Inheritance of health as In the heirship of wealth or brains. Some are born with a fortune of vigor and. sounducss so large that not a life time of eager squandering will leave them poor, and others enter the world paupers of need so dire that no charity from medicine can ever raise them to comfort, but most of us have Just that mediocre legacy of vitality which ren ders us undUtlngulshable units In the mass. . It lies In the hands of each to Improve or waste that property, as h chooses, for there are self made men physically as well as financially; those who, because of ancestral wasteful ness, have only sixpence of health and turn It Into a fortune, and there are spendthrifts of health who come to aa sorrowful case as spendthrifts of gold. The body is the realm where a wise and frugal ruler brings happi ness as surely as a foolish one Insures distress, and wisdom ' here, as else where, lies In learning and obeying natural laws. North American Re view. , Beaatr la Weasaa. I once know a man who was con sidered a great connoisseur In femi nine good looks, and be annoyed me by refusing to see any beauty in one or two girls I considered very pretty. At last, in mild exasperation, I turned to htm and asked him what he thought constituted beauty In a wo man. He answered, "A pretty band, a sweet voice and spirit In the eye." Philadelphia Inquirer. Wealth begins In a tight roof that keeps the rain and wind out; In a good pump that yields you plenty of sweet water; in two suits of clothes, ao as to change your dress when you are out; In dry sticks to burn; In a good double wick lamp and in three meals. Emerson. In India clephanta over 12 and up to 45 years of age are deemed the best i to purchase and will generally work ' well until they are 80 years old. Australia, It Is estimated, la capable of supporting at least 100,000,000 inhabitants. FREE - SCHOLARSHIP To be Given by THE STAR, E-eynoldsville, Pa. TWO PHIZES. First Prize: One Full Year at Clarion State Normal, Including Tuition, Hoarding, &c. Second Prize: Free Trip to Niagara Falls over H, H. & P. lty. Those thinking of entering THE STAR'S Kiwi Scholar chip Contest should make up their minds at once and Join us as early as possible. The Star will pay expenses tuition, light, heat, furnished room and bonrd fur one Ft'M, YEAR at the Clarion Stato Normal School, Clarion, I'a., for somo young lady or gentleman who receives the highest voto. This will entitle the re cipient to all the privileges of that splendid Institution. The Scholarship offered by The Star will be furnished free of cost to the successful contestant and the readers and patrons of the paper will be asked to award the prize by a popular voto. To the Second highest contestant TllK STAR will give a Froe Trip to Niagara Falls over tho Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburg Railway. Cot'TONS will be printed In each Issue, and when cut out and properly addressed, will bo used. They can be mailed or sent to Smith M. MeCrelght, Esq., Secretary, who will plnco them In a sealed box until counted by the Judges each week. Premium Coupons Persons paying their buck subscrip tions, or In advance one year or more, can secure a Pre mium Coupon, at this office, which will entitle them to M votes or three votes for each month so paid. Any one sending or bringing In a new yearly cash subscriber will lie entitled to a Premium CouMn, equal to III) votes. Persons desiring to enter the contest should begin as early as possible. As soon as tho names are sent or hand ed In to The STAR oftloe they will be published, but tho number of votes accompanying same will not bo published until four weeks from this date (May 17th), when tho voto each contestant has at that time will be published oppo site tho name and then the voto will bo published as counted and returned by the Judges, from week to week. On Monday of each week the ballot box will be (iiencd and tho CoiiMins counted by the Judges, and the same published. Following Is tho Coupon. Cut It out of The Star and voto for some deserving person who would appreciate tho Scholarship. THE STAR. WEDNESDAY. JULY 20.181W. Scholarship Coupon. Name. Address. Write In the above lines the name and address of the ierson whom you wish to rccolvo the Scholarship In tho Clarion Stato Normal, Clarion, Pa. Not good after .10 days from date of Coupons. Forward same to secretary, Smith M. MeCrelght, Esq., where It will be counted. Contest closes at 12 M. August 2Sth, 18(19. All business communications and Inquiries should be mailed to The STARotlloe.' Receipts and Coupons promptly mailed to patrons. t.KNN A. Miij.irkn, 1 S. M. MtC'REKiHT, Dr. H. E. Hixiver, -Com. Secretary. Dr. 11. DkVere Kino, INamea of Contestanta. Miss Minnie tt. Whltmore Hoyno'.dsville 201 Miss Elsie May Itoss Koynoldsvlllu 44(12 MIsh Margaret W. Davis Iteynoldsvllle KIH0 Walter H. Reynolds Keynoldsvlllo 40 Ceorge Keaglo Hathmel 17WI E. H. Syphrit Hoynoldsvillo 21.HI CLARION TATE NORMAL Of Pennsylvania. TEACHERS' TRAINING DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT COLLEGE PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT MUSIC DEPARTMENT and all Equipments of a Thorough School. Fall Term Opens in September. Students may enter at Any Time. Students who take a Normal Course become better teachers, receive permanent certificates, secure better schools and better salaries. Fifty cents per week is given by the State to teachers taking the course, and fifty dollars additional at graduation. The Nor mal School is praised by Colleges and commended by Superintendents. There were over 400 students at the Spring Term. Fine Laundry, Electric Light, Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water. The Faculty is composed of the greatest Specialists in their different Departments. A Normal Course is a necessity to success in life. When thinking of the best school to attend, write for a catalogue to' A. J. DAVIS, Principal, Clarion, Pa. IB IGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, vp-iu-uaic, uincisc ana lemprcncnsivc Hand somely Printed and Beautifully illustrated. By JACOB BIOOLB No. 1 BIOOLB HORSB BOOK All About Honn Common-Striae Trr.tlsr. with over 74 illuatratioa ; a atandard work. Price, jo Cent. No. a BIOOLB BERRY BOOK All .bout irowlnjr Bm.ll Fruit. read and Irani hrm ; contain. 43 colored lire-like rrproductlonaot all kiilm varieties and too other illualraiiotu. Price, jo Ceuu. No. 3 BIOOLB POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry 1 the beat Poultry Book In exMrnre . tell, everything; ; withaj colored lire-like reproducing. or all the principal breed.; with 101 other Itliutrailona. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIOOLB COW BOOK All about Cow. and the Dairy Bualnea. 1 bavin a great aale; contain, (colored rnch breed, with 133 other illuatr.tiona. Price, su Ceuu No. 5 BIOOLB SWINE BOOK Juat out. All about Hog. Breeding, Feeillnir, Dutch, ery, Ukteaje., etc. Contain, over So txniitilul Half tone, and other engraving.. Price, 50 Ccuta. The niOdLB BOOKS are unique.oriirlnal.uacriil you never awanythin.; like them ao practical, 1 hry are having aa enormoua aale Knst.We.-t, Kuiili 1 ml South. Kvcry one who keep, a Horae, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grow. 8m.ll Frulta, ought to scud right away for the UICIOLB BOOKS. The ' FARM JOURNAL I. your paper, made for you and not a tnl.flt. It la year. 'Vi great boiled-down, bit-the-nail-on-llie hrnil,- qult-after-you-have-Mid-it, Farm and Hoitaehnld pnper in r " , i id ine uniiru runt or America baviug over a million and a -half regulur ruaUtr. Any ONE of the BIGGLB BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL fo TJtt TooCtSkViir1' ,9M ""l ' wm b" mM cample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLB BOOKS free r WILMS. ATKINSON. CHaa. r. jVMKiMa, Adores., FARM JOl'ltNAI 1'uh.auxu i;:a L. M. SNYDER, Practical Horse-Shoer and General Blacksmith. ' m ' " n,av;).;r Home-shoeing done in the neatest manner and by the latest Improved methods. Ke til! I r( II IT tt u 1 1 b 1 11 it K f 11 -lif 1 , 1 1 11 11 ., ll Mnmiitl. done. Batihv action Gcahamtkkd. HORSE CLIPPING Have Just received a complete set or ma chine horse clippers of lali-nt style 'IN pattern and am prepared to do clipping In the best possible manner at reasonable rates. Jackson St. near Fifth, Reynoldavllle, Pa. J, WHEN IN DOUBTjTRY w ili-toodthetcoivcri. and hiva cured thouiands of Catet of Ktrvoui Ducatca, mcK aaLiebtlity, Distlnai., blacpleas ftett and Varicocele, Atrophy,&o They dearth brain, uentnen me circulation, male digestion . perfect and impart a he .4th y 3 visor toih whola being. All . drama and loiei ara checked vtrAntT I (Tain prmmngntlf, Unlcii patienti 3UUI1& Agaill Drooerlv cured, their coadi- tion often worries them tntolasanity. Consump tion or Death. Mailed seated. Price per boat 6 boxen , with irotvclad legal guarantee to cur or refund the money, $soo. Scud for free book. Fur aalo by If. Alex 8toke i SSX PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe and certain In rerun. Thenmn (ne T)r. I'oal'aJ uevurdisapH4ut. fceut aojywWs, EVERY WOMAN Sometime, needs A rnliabte uouthly regulating inwlkilisa. DR. PEAL'S li.ou. r ' Jur druggist, Go to the Big Sale ! This is the time of year that every person wants to keep cool and you can do bo for very little money by buying your Ptimmer waipts and drespes at SHICK tfe WAGNERS. We have made a big cut in prices on tlieno goods ho that no one need go without new summer dresses. We Ftill have a few Lawns, Swisses, LRppetts, Organdies, 1'. K.s, &c. at prices that will surprise you when you see the qualities. A nice line of Oxford Shoes, were $1 and 1.25,. will go in this sale at 50c. Many other bargains in ladies,' children's and men's shoes. Come early. UNDKKWRAR. All 7c. Wash Goods, 5c " 10c. " it " " " 18c. " " 20-25 " " SUM MKR SILKS. 7c. 10c 121. 15c. All lltfht SuiiinuT Silk at a blf rcdiiotlori. Wash silks that were 30 and 3.1c. go at. 23c. We have the best Corset ever sold for 50c, white and drab. Try them. Shick & Wagner. IjkIIch' Vests from fie to "r0o Children's ' 4o to 2.1c Moil's Shirts mid Drawers from ta. to fsJc. in The Jefferson Supply Go. have their Spring Stocks now in, and very complete, too. Men's Suits of the latest styles and patterns that are sellers. In Men's Stmw and Crash Hats we have just the things to suit you. Our Ladies' and Chil dren's Sailors and Trimmed Hats are selling fast and we are receiving new stocks every day. If yon want a Bicycle we can fit you out in proper style. We sell the Detnorest Sewing Machine, none better, at $1J.5() to $25.00. Shoes we have a com plete line of, that are all right in every way. New Dress Goods in all the newest things. If you see them they will please you. A fine new lineof Children's 2-IMece Suits that can't be beat in quality and price. W.L. Douglas SHOES tUId For 1 5 years the leader in men's fine footwear at a pop ular price. W. L. Douglas shoes are Union made, by the best skilled workmen in this conn. ! try. Look for the stamp on the innerso! when buying. We are the exclusive agents WORKERS UNION Fr-. VWOM STAMP wyrto.45. 0 for RREYNOLDSVILLK, PA. ft ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Call and see us, and we will try to please you. The Jei,erson Supulu go. ft ( RKYNOLDSVILLE, OBIG STORES 1 RATHMEL, r-r-H BIG SOLDIER. GOOD AND BAD ritoves rosomhta r-aoh other very closely. It's when they are put in use that they tell their pedigree. . 1 A?CINDEKEbbA yXlSTOYES K RANGES. are made of the best materials, and rennwent (lulto a number of improvements In stove liinniiilt. j They meet every want of the housekeeper! in a shi iHtactory manner his miKiuratu cohv IIIHT, WOHK, WORKY, WAHTE, ALL LEFT OUT. flfSKt bakers perfect roHMtem. Mold with that understanding. Reunoldsvllle Hardware Goj Avalon Terrace Tom Reynolds' Addition to Reynoldsville, Pa. The best town plot now offered for sale, right in the town, and with every convenience. As a future home it is the best; as a growing invest ment, it is without an equal. LOTS HAVE BEEN SOLD AND ARE SELLING NOW. DON'T WAIT. GET THE BEST. I have for sale 100 lots, 50x150 ft., on Grant St. These lots will make beautiful building spots and sold on easy payments. Remember no taxes for 1899. Remember the Title to every lot guaranteed. Lota at 1150, sold $10 down and 50c. per week thereafter. Lots at 175, sold 15 down and $1.00 per week thereafter. Also for salo, Lota oo Pleasant Avenue and Worth Street, farm of 40 acres with house, barn and more kinds of d'uit trees than any farm In the country. Reynoldsville, with its Silk Mill, employing 300 hands, Coal Mines, employing about 1500 men; tho largest Woolen Mills in the State; Machine Shops; a Tannery, employing 130 men, and other Industries that will be here before the year closes, will make these lots an Investment that will more than double themselves before you get them paid for. , SMITH M. McCREIGHT, Agent 1